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Show Mr. Clyn Seamans has lK'en emplo- naliuiial li i;:iwn IVltu debate creased use of electricity and yed by the General Electric Company "Resolved, That Coginnss coveries making possible its more cr in Salt Lake, he is a recent graduate should tie allowed by a ficient generation, transmission and of Henegers Burinesi College. majouiy vote, over-rul- e the 6 to 4, application automatically lower rate didi-iKiiof the Supreme Court." An levels. Mrs. A. J. Hill luiumcd Inst hny ;,ni! pw w. us Fridiy from Bountiful where eln- - viCOmplee tlie electric Ular. i. sited with her sun Kyy fur a week. 1 ,eScomfortable living, , Sr M in the elimination of druJpxny, P ,,actlUi Hew ly ,lJ da,!M W more. It the Tribune-Telegram excellent idea if bays whooping it up rLit the By U. P. rS da f - costof power, turned thr-i-r talent ti locals , ! two-thir- j I I lPond d P vt MII 5.1 j pS f L y, Stoddard and Mrs. II. Richmond, Mkm Presidency and Stake Chorister were ft Mile evening: Tuesday ward rnutal meeting. at the and son, Ronald visited with her parent, Hyrum last and M. Jo8eph Forre,tor 3 rooms. See FOB BEN- TPitcher. ijsiaes I generous wardA.be the girls if moi for had dresses are made at horn. nde. material of better Quality for two dresses n be purchased ready-mad- e gar-jnn- t. one of cost ?for the L l-- Passesger Fates Tj0yd AUen irfet niore iiir Ji fob BETTER PBICES ON DRY rnODS AND GROCERIES SHOP ST THE NORTH CACHE MERC GET READY FOR DURING OCR Adv. WINTER EVENT." WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OP LUNCH MEATS AND SANDFRUITS AND NEEDS, WICH VEGETABLES WATCH FOR OUR POOD HANDBILLS . AMERICAN ADV. STORE. ALS Annual Big BUCK Contest LlUsLAH HOST aMMinUTIOM WOO HAVE jscL SHELLS YOUR TODAY. $100.00 FREE College I Wim V particularly Lc3gUe I.vwe, Farms Using ElsciricHy BETTER PRICES OX DRY AND GROCERIES SHOP AT THE NORTH CACHE MEHC. Progressives of Utah's "GET READY FOR tural population was ivdccteJ in MINI Ell EVENT." Adv the announcement Sunday by the 'Edison Electric institute that the state had climbed from sixth to second in the percenatgo if farms electrified. In a recent radio address, United The institutes ropoil fur the yt;ar ?amUel. ,? d:n8 June --v, 1935, icrc-i- a Utah Petungill of Indiana, dramatically only surpassed by New Hampshire, demonstrated the absurdity of the i 1934 the state was toped by that cheaper electricity fornti Conneticut, Rhode Island, a vital need ..of the American New Hampshire and New Jersey, He said: The cold petple. fact is The report shows 27,159 farms in! that the increase in the cost of the state, 16,435 or 60.5 per cent, food atone not the cost but the of which are served with electricity.! increase in the cost in the past On December 31, 1923, ynly 33301 two years has been five times the farms pr 12.9 per cent of the tiU total cost .f light aqd power in werp electrified. The tot.il number the American home. That would served in 1934 was 16,130; in 1933 bring the power cost down near 15,845, and in 1922, 15,369. the cost cf c okics In the average "The steady advancement cf the' family grocery bill. farm electrification reflects the piv . , in..' i a bomlfhe11 gressiveness of the Utah P e;,mp of. 3L Gadsby, president of the tiefuna. I ower is usually the small- - George Utah Power and Light company, est item in the average budget aid in emnmenting on the report. and it is an item which is constantly ilwliul'ng in size, as in- GOODS agrL-ul-OU- -- clothes FALL AND W1NTER CLEANED AND PRESSED C&Hsee Slud&nls-vor- Muica HAVE Y0UR WINTER COATS AND JFURS CLEAN ED BY OUR NEW PROCESS. . , . B . YOUR TOPCOATS AND AND PRESSED. WINTER SUITS SPONGED Coats- - FOR COLD WEATHER Logan Laundry AND DRY CLEANERS far-nor,- '' ' Now Is The Time To Have: Childrens School - hr W gsraMi'Bi Man. nt tae !!, , in the direction of the outrageous nd unnecessary cost of government Mr?. M. T. Van Urdcn, Miss Gem R ind local. nitionU) Van Ordcn, Orion Van Orden and 000Albert McCann visited in Franklin un Sunday wi:h Sir. and Mrs. J. II. Utah Shows Gain In roil electrif cation. The report shows Arkansas with only 1.4 per cent of its 242,834 farms served, to be the lowest state in farm electrification. The seven leading states follow: New Hampshire, 66.6 per cent; Utah, 60.5 per cent; Conneticut, 60.8 per cent; California, 59.9 per cent; Rhode 59.8 per cent; New Jersey, 58.9 per cent, and Washington, $8.1 per 211 NORTH MAIN LOGAN asaamsuraiiMaieiBswm TW Debate Heel Assented Salt Lake City Represcntativer of 12 intermountain colleges will convene October 24, 25, and 26 at the University of Utah to participate in the Rocky Mountain conference Forensic League tournament, acocrding to Laverene Bane, president of the league and debate coach at the University of Utah. The schools, participating will in elude, University of Utah, defending champions, Brigham Young University, Utah State Agriculture College, Colorado State Teachers College, Colorado State School of Education, Denver University, CuWadi. University, Montana State College Col-r- a dc University, Wyoming School of Mines, Western State Col lege, and Colorado College. These Colleges will he represented by a men's debate squad, whihe will debate on the question of "Resolved That the United States should owr and operate oil of the mews o products n. A women's debate squad will debate on the same question A new inovation being introduced for the first time will consist of an open forum discussion on thr REGISTERED? GET The lowest basis f.r winter round-tri- p fares tp and from the Pacific coast ever inaugurated by the Union Pacific are to go into effect next month on the new transcontinental "Challenger" and on coaches and tourist sleeping cars ui all other Union Pacific trains, accord-Sn- g to announcement today by W. R. Napper, agent 0. S. L. P. It. "This will be the first time, said Mr Napper, "that the Union Pacific has had roundtrip rates in the winter months comparable to those of the summer tourist feeason,, excepting occasional special excursions. Effective November 11 the Un ion Pacific will authorize roundtrip fares to and from Pacific coast territory at a rate, fbr coach tickets on The Challenger" and for coaches on all other Union Pacific trains, of approximately one and a third cents per mile in each direction. These tickets will be on sale duly, will have a return limit of six months, will provide full stopover privileges at any point, and be optimal for return by different routes. Tickets for tourist sleeping ears on "The Challenger" and on all other Unicn Pacific trains will be on a basis of 1.8 cents per mile. "Additionally, there will be reduced roundtrip winter rates on the Union Pacific from all points in the west to the Pacific coast, good on all standard Pullman equipment. ooo avxt,,Tr'5 irVt SKf Inaugurated HT CWHiUKI YOU ,1,T Hi averted tlie rapid extension of electric service to the farms in I tali has ln'cii accelerated by the cooperative effort of farmers and power eompanies s nd the steady decline in iates for the past 20 years. W.th the company's new low plan and the cooperation of bunks and fedOal agencies in flnancinng appliances, he said, Utah has a fine opprrtunity of becoming, in 1932, the fire: state in the nation in farm RENT THINGS Typewriters, adding machines, dishes, knives and forks, kal tent-j- , som'ni bruslus, guns, furniture etc. Everlon Sons Go. & Logan STOVES REPAIRED We SELL NEW PARTS fo: all makes of stoves and fur naces. EveHon Sens & Go. Logan Ksh Shade Faclory Oar new machinery makes the! beat window shad.s. New Cloth on old rollers. Everton Sons Co. & Logan IH PRIZES FOR RADIO SERVICE SEE LLOYDS ALS Bike and Sporting Goods Radis Service Co. Co. PHONE 317 East of Post Office LOGAN LOGAN, UTAH Rsfinlsh Floors Our high power sander mak old floors new. Rent It. Everton & Sons Go. Logan vrnMissmimfMm AFTERWAR- Dof fine furcual direction is at the appreciated t'me of need It is after the need has passed, and memories of loved ones have become a 1 1 that remains that the perfection of Lindquist and Sons Mortuary services is Invesfully appreciated. tigation will disclose that the beauty end dignity of llii.i si'rvire is within the rciieh of pny family. Tlie signifirance si'l-do- Hefflaaaaaai 6 per cent MONEY MODERN TO LOAN ON IN HOMES .SMITH-FIELD- ., TEN YEARS TO REPAY IN MONTHIA INSTALLMENTS. UP TO 50 PER CENT OK I'RO-PERT- Y LOANED. - ON FULL PARTICULARS RUSSELL S. - RKQI KKT HAHS0H LOGAN, PHONE 378J REPRESENTING ' Buy with confident . then you'll drink with contentment SCHENLEY-- G, W. Lindquist UTAH THE Beneficial Life Insurance Company Old Quaker Brand and Stas MORTICIANS Lagan, Utah S i I STRAIGHT WH1SK1Y fa's now ou Me 111 ag every other straight whiskey row dont hart to hi tbs U. &. A. Proving-d- ue ho rkb to enjoy rich whiskey. TtoOMQssk(Cnl |