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Show SENTINEL, October 4, 193S SMITHFIELD DO WE JOB LOCALS iKJs re The Loser OF THE FOLLOWING WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING FEED VEEKt THIS FOR PRICES . RahI .. A0 BRAN, 80 pound bar $1.35 SHORTS, 100 pound bar $1.23 DAIRY FEED, 3 in 1, 100 pound bar IMO DAIRY HIGH PROTEIN, 100 pound bar S1A5 LAYING MASH, 100 pound bar $1.10 GROUND BARLEY, 100 pound bar ... 0 GROUND OATS, 100 pound bar -- I1.M GROUND WHEAT, 100 pound bar $1.4$ . WHEAT, 100 pound bar SEE US FOR YOUR BRAN AND MILL RUN BY THE ff Shilled N ui cor-tipat- ion, surplus-producin- $1-2- ii-- 1 1 TON. WE HAVE A SPECIAL PRICE. THE MARKET TO BUY ALL KINDS OF WE ABE AND OATS. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. BARLEY WHEAT, FREE DELIVERY ON AS.L FEEDS IN puna JZ e e Farmers Union Feed CONSULT U-- ON'T&E PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY i WaBBMU4IUUUMULgS I '' Thousands of RED fill 19".G rhli'd r.cres are The Smith spent th- week acreage inere. soil by 5,38 1,00!) Mrs. divided are is follows: means farmer that This hev with end in Malad visiting 4 ,31 2.000; 11,909,000; c.vn, eniiiraeled wheat, using their definitely acres to build up nil ferlil.iy ami cotton, 10, -'- .'1,(100; and 1' ibaccJ, ,u, Tail C. .id n.to prevent Mias Darothy Fulkerson was IIos-- J Mr. J. M. Uoylatn-Salt lake City. tees to the members cf her bridge spent Sunday in club Monday afternson at her home Miss Leona Berger of North LoLuncheon was served preceding the was the week end guest of Mr. You bridge r ames. A color scheme of( gan Mrs. Mutton Hill. and out blue and pink was carried inj HEN you allow Headache, orNeuralgia, table appointments end decorations. Periodic Lheumfiti c, Sciatic .. Hall of llfrum Mrs. Grant Muscular, Mr and Mrs. were The members present or work Mr?. from pleasure. -nJ Mr. to Pains cf licep you Jodie Smith, Mrs. Ferman Sorenson, were dinner guests You can't' go places aviil t'o tilings when you Mrs. Grant Webb. Mrs. Bert Reese W. R. Deppe Sr. on Sunday. urc sullefing mid the v.oi k or good times and Miss Amy Nelson, Miss Lena wont WliH for you. were ISea Kilson specSmith, and Phyllis lUjeg Friends. KeP011 Why allow Pain to ivu you cf Health, ial guests. Mrs. Webb received high Money? Neliim Miss Happiness. score honors and Amy I bare been AAA Acreage PILLS have been MILES ANTI-PAIthe all cut prize. using Dr. Miles DR. for (lie relief of p..ii. for more than forty Anti-Pa- in Pills act quickly, do not Miss Venna Tsrbet entertained her for thirty years. years. They taste pood, Th constructive use of land frun cause nor stomach, the on unde" upset irhat home No matter Thursday club at her basic crops sewing g feeling. no flull. leave depressed I kind o1 pain Guests were Lena Smith Alta Alsop adjustment cintracis is one of the them for twenty, tldrty, Lora'ne Snellgrove and Wilda Plow- -, most significant phases of the Ag.arc, they stop Thousands have find tluit nothing else i inand almost it forty years, man. ricultural Adjustment Administration and effectively. co Merer relieves promptly Wilpain stantly. according to Director program, Once you know them? without them and Mr and Mrs. Jcseph Peterson Why dont you liy liam Peterson of tlm Utah State how cjuickly house. the to take, are in how retur-serthey Smith I pleasant N. Pratt extension Mr. and Mrs, Agricultural college wont want von Airs. relieve, they and effectively ned from Salt Lake and Provo last vice, whs points out that a? plantRicdi-cin- cs. W. Web!), tlow ccling Chas. to hack disagrciulilu, to go who firmer near, draws time Tuesday. ing Indio, Calif. have signed adjustment contract are too may find quick rtf lief. Why wait forty minutes for You valuable Bessie at Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Wmn, thought to the in giving Pills will relieve you in ten ta when Dr. Miles Anti-Pai- n relief I Brough of Trenton and Mrs A. J. use of contracted or rented acres. 1 retwenty minutes? , Dt Hill were guests of Mrs. Ray Seam-Ion- s The adjustment wlministr-tiu- n I lieve never found more household remedy cnythjnC A a this . year, at Logan cn Tuesd:y . P.nfieU. Mrs. Sib cently reported that, Miles Anti Pain PULi. 1 Mih Ant cs Dr than 27,500,000 acres, or to v("P Fin I nevo (cund anything that wasm Mr. and Mrs. James Hind visited out of every 12 w,n Lkcn cut of have toU Pam Pdls. I Fri. r on Dirccti Lake Salt Ucy ttllenrt. Iowa thier son ITatt in surplus crop production. Anti-Pai- n Pills for year. I keep them on these of use the 1 have been usine Dr Mile that says Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Onley have ranted or contracted acres ha br"?. returned from a trip to California. the most important factor in bringI have used Fills have been a wonderful help to me. Your annual increase on them the about largest ami keep always tor ing inn years them Mr. end Mrs. Lowell Plowman of Mrs. E. I'icrte. Lapwai, Idaho legume, rrd soil hand. Mrs. and Mr. crops, cf were dinner guests 1 have wed quite a lot cf Dr. Miles conserving hay and forage Pills. They arc line piil to .stop pain. a. ever reported in the United States. Wayne Rich on Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Kester, Shickshinny. that shows The last crop reprt t V waftJUiaiX-TBmimmi for 1,750,Now is the time to prepare ( acreage of alfalfa in 1935 is winter by buying your friut, sugar, 000 larger th:n last year, an invegetables and other canning need? crease from 11,482,000 to 13,198,000 1st the AMERICAN FOOD STORE, or 14 per cent, said the director. Phone 42j watch for our hnd-- I Soybean acreage increased 1,200,-00- 0 Aiv. MBs. ceres, or 29 per cent, and hay a.'-re- PRIHTiHG & WHITE Stores Create 1 Ar.ti-Pai- n f soil-buildi- ng Aiiii-Pai- BUYING V POWER '-a"T RENT THINGS Typewriters, adding machines, dishes, knives and forks, ksl somne brushes, tents, guns furniture ete. QUALITY GROCERY & MARKET PHONE WE DELIVER & Everton --AND- Sons Co. Logan UNION MERCANTILE CO.1 Jt spra - 25c 's V ve all Coffee 1 Lb. Can Red and White, Vacuum Pack 1 Cana Ovalfine 39C Coffee 18c .Shaker Style 1 No. 2 Can Golden Sweet, Fancy Pack Olives 1 Everton 1 Jes PL Can BAW Fancy Pack ..... No, 2V4 Cans, HAW Fancy Grade ' Olives Specially Priced & Sons Co. ' Beiinish Flocis 1 Aj Our high power sender Jmk old floors new. Rn lf pQi Everton & Sons Co Logan 4 Ox. Can, Med-- Ripe Facto'? fjIMM Tuna Fish 1 Co Canned Gem 5c Jar, fo fur Our new machinery makes thel best window shade. Aew Cloth on old roller. 4Q. Wl No. 2Vk Oms, Fancy Whole, RAW Prepared Mustard 1 sell New Shade 4Qr Gamed Beans 1 rl lb. Pkgi Star Cellophane Wrapped -- 5 Os. OQt No. 2 Cans, RAW Fancy Pack ) .r.w NEW PARTS makes of stoves and Canned Peas Me size Jar Spectolly Priced I V' v. Sons Everts,'Logan Spinach No. 2tt 28c 2 RAW, Fancy v STOVES REPAIRED JAR SUN SPUN BRAND 32 OZ. j SUN 07-JA- SALAD DRESSING, 1 . VW.-- ' 1a WW Laundty Soap 25c SCHENLEYS Brand AldQuaker WHISKEY Toilet Soap STRAIGHT 19c to your taste, to throat, to your purse. be neb You don't have to wA whiskey, sa.ua to enjoy SFrieudly --our Haallh Saap 19c AFTERWARD Cfacken 27c 2 Lb. Gem Graham S Lb.. Gem Soda Crax. The significance of fin furenol direction Is sell the dom oppraelated time of need It the need has TWed, and memories of hvd one 37 c Canaed Simian Lb. Knk IT1 uyon Lb. Tall Can Faixy .UW C.1Mnn W Lb 25C iVg. Light Meats 46c 6- - 25 C Flavor Pineapple No, 2., Lh. Cen Alatchcd Slice SUGAR 2-- 1 Peanut Balter , J Jq IKCS- - try TVVVVTWW. - IG O. Jar Fancy or KR'WN fceeotne Sons Mortuary services Inves-tigatifully appreciated. will disclose that the beauty and dignity of this service Is within tho reach of any family. on Tomato Juice 16 Oa. Cans R&W Fan? . Jell 11 that perfecthe that remains and f Lindquist tion in have 1 ' 23c. 1 7 C" wwmy VWVY m G, W. Lindquist and Sens CreaSU -U double rich". sa.ENLEVs Bed Utah US!? for better taste. UM-White- L.be! Ill, ENDED WHISKEY MORTICI NS Logan, - SCHENLEYS Here the af its smooth ou escu orauwrra . si |