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Show J . a RHUMB A 4, 3 . ook in M may be the last if was in Ogden Thursday.Wednesday all district court jurors were excused until Monday, Seplem-Iw- r - I 2.1. you want you Hermann Knuuss is lio.nc from Butte fur a visit with relatives ami needntkeep WARS your gray hair a week longer than you wish. There s no tuesswork about this ; its sure every time. To color to gray hair use After it using for two mm mntr wD2r d. bottle. All druggists. was coming1 out badly, hair My but Ayer's Hair Vigor stuiiied the falling and has made my hair very thick and much darker tlian before. I think there Is nothing like It for Coma M. I.ka, the hair. Y arrow, I. T. April 19, 1890. $1.00 in chul hes and other places assemr, y. The Schools Honored the Memory of the . Cou y Superintendent . Wilson Ueeil President. sued .ji circular letter to teachers-tbrouiout the county,, advising the Thursday was generally and .fittingly observed In Ogden . by uerrices in closing of schools on Thursday and the , memory of President McKinley. The r rendition of the following programme education arranged for Che on Friday: of the day by the schools. j oliservauce Sinking Nearer, My God, to Thee. Invocation. In view of the fact that tne governor's pi'oclumation made the day a legal Singng. Biographical sketch of President Mcholiday, it was decided not to hold the teachers on duty, but to have brief Kinley. Res Jut ions of condolence (committee services in each school building during he last hour of Weduesduy. For the of pujjils). rest tiie board advised teachers and Singing. Danger of Anarchism (essav). pupils to attend the various memorial services to be held throughout the city Oration, Our Murdered President. Our New President. s ' Singing. Benediction. He : also suggested that the last words of President McKinley be written upon the blackboards as a motto. His last words were: Good-by- e all, good-byIt Is Gods way. Ilis will be done. The banks, postofiice and business places generally were closed the same Sunday, and the railroads did not of Cod Liver Oil is the means us receive freight or deliver it on that IN MEMOHUH. I- - I on . e. day-thousand- s: Kxpert Knglueer In I'tsli. fix - MfMrs thm Dmaimr. from the of the Vigor, you writs the dnetor about it. Ai'dreae, Lowell, Maas. Come fn and See Us. ,J Nobility Recommends Nervine. v treatment, GOOD GOODS. 2 Satisfaction Guaranteed. (i G00D JJJ The above portrait is that of Countess Mogelstud, of Chicago, 111., whose gratitude for the benefit received from the use of Dr. Miles Nervine prompted her to make this statement: It affords me great pleasure to add J Clemens Ilerschell, the famous civil engineer of New York, is expected to reach Utah today. lie comes on the my testimony to the very excellent invitation of the directors of the Utah PEERY BROTHERS MILLING CO. of Dr. Miles Nervine. Although merits & Power company to invtstigate Light 1 am post 8o years of age 1 find it the site of the proposed dam in Ogden soothes the tired brain, quitU the irriTwo Blocks West Z. C. M. I. tated nerves and insures restful sleep. canyon, and will puss judgment on the I never feel contented without a Lottie plans and work on the local engineers. of it in the house. Grate fully yours, HOOD OLD AND NEW WHEAT WANTED. After a thorough investigation of the CiiarsTiAi'A Maria. Mr. Herschell will a -submit situation, Countess Mogelstud. report to the joint committee, ZZzSLz of directors of the Utah Light & .T ' Vi T. V, V V ; Power company aud representatives of Maes' various water companies of Weber the is a nerve tonic and strength- county interested in the enterprise. builder that starts right in Thursday Weber lodge, A. F. and A. health immediately'. ' M., held memorial service at the MaSold by all Drucslats. sonic hall in memory of the late PresiDr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Notices sent out to dent' McKinley. the brothers Imre lhe inscription, In UNIVERSITY OL UTAH. The Problem Of Life memory of our martyred brother. He . OlMervfMl am Memorial Day. v fell by the hand of a murderous ruffian. Lakk was Halt. observed a Cnv. Memorial Thursday On the back of the notice was a copy of The Ui.iversity of Utah cim-priseJames T. Goodwin's iiuein, It is God's day, and busin gs hous.is of all kinds with many people is lo so were Kvou thj railrnids susWay His Will be iJone. live step by step as to liiorough .colJtgiale ctiiirss pended business to an extent unitsmi a sure hereafter. hail lo min tlegreen even on holidays. Memorial services genera) A Shacking Calanity. in the tabernacle at II science, 1 literal arts, hikI mining were held :trp people who live Thpe not fur the moment, hnl Lately ' befell a railroad lalmrer, oclock. These oxereiscs were not con- a ini electrical eugineet ing ; besides of the which Hie .Slate Normal School ami writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford. fined 8tvicty to the who are wise nnd farMormon othbut from church, speakers Ark. foot was badly crushed, er denominations also took Ilis a K'hooi are conducted sighted; they look alo ud. part, l he urnprcparalory but Iluckletts Arnica Salve quick- G. A. R. veterans and the survivors o.' the direction of the Universiof ly curd ltitn. Its simply wonder- the Spanish-- merieun arid I nilippitic ty b c .ltT, Another Problem ful (or Burns, Bails, Piles mid nil wars had their memorial services in I unitiesExcellent nro opyor lifsler Tie Catholic oilcit-- tii pavilion. skin eruptions. Its the worlds church park wlio ilesiro- - to had special exercises at Mich jMNiple never or r ft healer. Cure guaran- o'clock in t lie morning. No services put.-uelectric il and mining champion look is to protect llu-iteed. 2oc. Sold by Jesse J. were held in tin Episcopal church, as e mrses, and also courses ' earlhiy tossessions from they were held then Wednesday. The in art ami general science. Driver. , the o. etc. less lire des Masonic Inigo hoi. a special convoca'1 h la iiiir.ttories are thoroughly in tion honor of the Thursday evening Ima of troyer. the Monday night lodge of the dead president! equipped for work in chemistry, Ho hey are never left homeproved Order of Redineu was organ- memory ized in the A. O. U. W. hall by Deputy uroaving, measurnnerits, less end penniless Jm Great Incohonee Burke and Grand Orgeneral phxsies, mineralogy, and protect themsolveB by ganizers Uoffmau and Hrinton. The bttilogy. in some gool comlodge is known as Hiawatha lodge No. . are fur work in Sltoj'.s provided .1 It starts with thirty-seve- n memliers. pany. wood and The officers are: W. B. Blosser.saidiem; W. (. Kind, senior sagamore: K. R. The Normal School nire.--s a four Geiger, junior sagamore: T. C. Morris, years course lending to a certificate No One Is Safe prophet; A. A. Green, keeper of recof graduation; and advanced ords; C. N. Custead, keeper of wamfrom fire; il may at anv courses to a degree at'tl a pum. Dont tie the top of year normal leading moment pick you out n Jelly and preserve Jars In diploma. The certificate There were two burglaries in Ogden thcold fashioned way. Heal entitles the holder (o teach in any its victim, und then il last Saturday night. The house of them liy the now, quirk, of the cointn ui schools of the slate WilBim Jones at 2 8Si5 Park avenue was absolutely sure way by your houses and goods ;m c a thin coatlnt; of Tun? entered and a gsYKxcr. WllliOUt exiintnalioil. Uclluod Turuiline. Has yenrs covered by a jwdicy in a ru Y w ulfV IliiitwlhiiiViBni shut n A 18 M1' valent attejjnjitjvas alsn - c1. " reliable company, in v?J?an3r 1 Peery lay in state at tne resideiiiw5EJUl5" TrtgAtWfl'Tti?Tn' Octal In ad'.zcu other JryTfTt form Offljs Persia. One little tablet saves im ered the title " t- -' were viewed by a large uumberof peo- mediate VchooVVnd The kindertraining you rays alxmt tlio lioiiRa. away before they secured any plunder. reilef. .'5 ets. and AU eta. Kur sale I directions with Full ple Thursday und Friday. Funeral ser- Wallace Uni Co. and B. U. '.iitflb, InuKsista. by tait.cn connected Normnl with the made euc-cako. ujyVnr mind lo invices were held yesterday at 2 p. m., in Bold School are Made in when). sccordauce every Tills I Tour Opportunity., by sure. rcpiipped the residence. STANDARD OIL CO. wit h t be mo4t iniKlern ideas. On receipt of ten cents, cask or stamp, . . to Insane Sent Asylum. ti M w The ease of Sherman vs. arti u, ieh a generous sample will lie mailed of llio and f IfRV training f) laboratory imf was a damage suit for $22T involving (IPIjV Wednesday a man claiming' to be moat popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure i n WUIUJ LrllJ ecienccs sre au alleged breach of contract under a Captaiu Cook of the United States practice !emeiilary Balm) sufficient to demon(Elys the JValurcs of the normal (raining lease, went, to lhe jury in the district, army was taken iii merits the of strate remedy. great the charge by court Tuesday and was decided in favor ELY FliOTIIERR, Comses. sheriffs office and committed to the of the plaintiff. 66 Warren bt., New York City. A small o u i :i registration fee after an examination Kmiliiti.ins. (II y It is a fact that no oilier article manu- asylum at Great of John Bev. Reid, no luitiou ii Mont., Falls, but Jr., factured in the United States gives such by Drs. Conroy and Ceulter. The man recommended Elys Cream Balm to me. I no busi- C.bfllrequired The city council transact . was thaL a had he to hallucination hunt as Magic UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION his statement, It is a posi- ness Monday night, hnl adjourned out can Iall t rm begins September 11 ill. Yeast. Other kinds of yeast may be down anarchists and was thoroughly tive emphasize if used as directed. catarrh cure for of of to the lresddcnt resect was He and but some crazy. but of ipemory the unkept ragged, time, Magic which gives full good Pastor Central Trea, claimed to live at Cnrbond&ie, Colo. Rev. Francis W. Toole, McKinley, after pissing a Yeast is good all of t lie time. Mont. cone--riliniiifurmniion Helena, Church, l ciilugi.;,i-jot Die best companies hi courses, i ),, li: an his death reHTnited tin He applied to States deploring There were no sessions trf the Second cruiting ,,5Cream Balm is the acknowledged character. 'Jlic tvsolu Jim d m. iin'i-in Ogden for enlistment, officer United Slates. E. II. leirce if Elys jibe district court Thursday or Friday. Ad- and wss turned over to the sheriff. He cure for catarrh nnd contains no mercury all furms of anarchy, and c.dir-- for IL Ai.J.kn, Si'cretary. I). , is Lake Salt general agent ami fiy the anK'inJiaent of the imiuigai iou laws nor any injurious drug. Trice. 60 cents. journment of court was takeu Wednes-of was takAi to the asylum Thursday. for Utah. memorial for the exercisps farso - as xssihhi to exclude anin adjuster day night A1I Drew Irleu. THE BAD IS ALL OUT. over Friday out of 'I'li from this archists Thursday, to extend If' Kinil Vcu tiavB Always Bought reJpeet for P. 11 . Perry, whose funeral fur au miiimi limuit. Brxru tku To he pure you cant take One of the smoothest schemes fer u t ion also culh-j4 'I occurred at 2 oclock p. m. hut day. it ut ion sins lo make :ui to the (.'oust K. A JolmM. KiiWinxp Biyii.itiiro had out ot everything. But getting l id of u lot of goods was that attempt oil the life of the In the federal court at Sait Lake M ourf und carried out liy a or KNOW & BOWMAN punishable as I reason. the Bear ran out of pome tilings at any inaugurated avenue tlay the litigation between 11. comTuesday. & jeweler Washington et Sugar River Laud, Orchard rate. Take cod liver oil for instance It was not a lottery, because every in- MOKI TEA POSITIVELY CURES SICK LAWYERS, Stood Death Off. pany, plaintiffs, and Bear River IrrigaHI. K. Wiilker Sail Lake Cltv. P. It'. tion & Ogden Waterworks company, de- wilii its disagreeable odor and vestor received something for his lirftilaclie, iiiili'i-stioi- i mill K. I Moinliy. a lawyer of Heni. a ilo fendants, was submitted on stipulations taste; iu Scolis Emulsion all the money. 1i fill liKhl nil herb Ink. Removes of Various articles of jewelry, Tex , once fi .oled a grave-dig- g ri' of facts aud documentary evidence. roinil.-iuii- , nr tbs kIii n, jiriHluHng a fKif(-i-of considerable II. JON Ks value, bail r. including been lias He says: takeu and nut, My brother you were l. refunilcl, zr. ct. nul !M i ts. Knr The Congregational, Method 1st, Presplaced in separate pack iges and nioiiey low was Waltoire B. with ami malarial fever ft. DiukU"very byterian and Baptist churches held have just the oil without anything concealed from view. The purchaser AT LAW. I and j union memorial services at the First to Irai-ili- t ATTORNEY ii.1 2" cents and made of a persuaded him p is Cod package called It Mini hi 'on l ib am) Sijiii' Methodist church last Sunday evening, disagreeable. value of the articles Electric Billers, and In- was B. P- - 0. E. CARNIVAL a selection. The U . S I.kihI onii-cliy 1 out of respect to President McKinley. liver oil made eaay. cents to each. from $lo in Ollirc a Ml much heller, but Continued ranged pii'1r Itlof'k, ljr tlie llmik. All Lite seakers paid a high tribute Hundreds of pickuges were disused ilu-ibklUNAM, II I AH, bn was until un to the martyred president and deplored wholly of within a very brief time. Lake 13 WESTI'-.HPSalt th to NORTH TIIK VKA8T City, Sept. I nm sum lOlecltic Bitlersi cured. his untimely end us a national I'OMIANY of Ghicago, 11)., is again 21&t Inclusive. A bi !Ol.D DAY saved IV Tliis remedy ex(INK CI'UK iif. TO distributing free samples of Lheir I OSKTU H. PEF.UY, dipea-kills pels Harvey Murdock, a resident of Farr-Wes- t, famous Magic Yeast. There is hardly Tskr laxative r.romo Quinine Talileu. All Fare $1.50 ro ind mala'in, germs Tickets nn and aged lid years, apeured at a in the United States not itriiKKi'-- refninl llu money if It fll lo cure. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. and lhe blood; aids diges21-the clerk's office Tuesday with Mir. familiar with the good qualities of this R. V. (iiovc'n ulicialiiie on esrh txix. 2Tic. sep ,l pale September ISlh to 1 inclus tion, purities s and. t liver, Sl'.i-iaregulab kidneys Allen toll to 1'niliatiur Ktaa ive. All tickets good lo return unCatherine 'Van Ardcnne of Coll favorite bread raiser. You make no enns constipalion. dysHoxelder county, aged 53, and the mistake when you buy Magic. Yeast at 2.1 rd, Traios leave bnwt Is, S til I'tembcr man, wl o W. II. Turner, the two secured a license to wed. Mr. Mur- fin a package ami retime to lake imitaI 7:25 a. m , 2:15 p. m. aid pepsia. ncivt'iM lis:ies, kidner (MIIIIM l ,(l v, l ' id Ur dock has been a resident of Weber tions. was last week bound over ou a charge Ogilen trn.il.I-- s, f Tiiiu-iirivesi male lliiiiilniic. IIuum Cmir p.Miiplaiiits; 7:15 m. p. and is over for county thirty years, yit The steamship New England with of obtaining money under false properfect Only 50c. at ,' hale and strong. i verV several Mormon missionaries on board, teases, was arraigned in the district .1. D; drip' More. court Tuesday afternoon. His couiisi-1- , OSKI'JI IIAI.I,, Ub Kind You liavp Always Bsufilit Mrs. Nellie Deis ban brought suit ir. arrived at (JuccusLnn Wednesday morn Judge Bagley, asked for the statuory Bear tlw ) ing. Among the nmnlier was William the district court against, Ijcwis Deis A. wav which which lo Bigoatsn plead, JUKTin: OF THE lEACfc time in Shaw of Ogden. ZIONS SAVINGS BANK of asking for divorce on the t ground of granted. When the at court SU Logan ndjourmd asks also for he custody cruelty. NOTARY FUsI.IC. & TRUST CO., for tin- - day Wednesday evening, nine of their two children and a distribution of the defendants pmerty. A jurors hail hcn accepted out ITU talesNotices. Legal Any notice that' is re Ofilct, ItMeiniit f'rmrl nonxe Bnililliis. Cr' r 'straining order was issued to prevent men examined to try Abu Majors. to lie published in a newspaper Mos. 3 and 5 Main Street, nirel j I D.is from disiosing of it tending the S. K. .loin s of Salt Lake was in OgSalt Lake City, (sncli as probate, land ami other not ires) settlement of the suit. den Sunday visiting wilii h is father, and Children. Infants For C n be legally published ehi-in the D KNTISTUY. mm T. W. Jom s. . ji You Hate Always Bought Coiinly Times as v have a gnarant ei d u.i.umi.i.k si.m-. Wiii, (i Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Barton have The Kind Dll. D. N. SMITH UUHtS WHfcKTAU tlSE circulation i Wchcr I. r in TanUtUtiuiL from general returued to a ii:'inmiii,iii visit Lake. miv (kiugta Syrup. Silt Goiiuty. In Hold bv rinurfflufn. Bears the GKADUMK DENTIST. Bring your notices, or have your at torMrs. II. II. Sp.meei' is hack from a I.OHKN.i Snow, T5PTrem,,lA!.T7T of Signature lo l.he Times vacat ion at Spencer, Ida. neys do First. National B title. Ox len, IW Irli.illi.l M CANS'lN, Ollllll'l rti m -- & ; com-ixw- ed Neryine " ng s c.ln.-te.l- . in-su- n do not obtain alt tlie benefits If yon use doelro Running,!(t) m 1 friends. Born In this city. September IS, to Israel C. Brown aud wife, a daughter. All well. John (J. Littlefield left Monday for Logan, where he enters the Agricul' tural college. , Tuesday Henry J. Toller and Lucy E. Malan, both of Ogden, received a license to wed. Owen Parsons and Miss Charlotte Rowse were married Saturday by Justice Joseph Hall. Ogden re ie of Ragles adopted resoof life, and enjoyment of life to lutions on Sunday deploring lhe of President McKinley. men women and The county commissioners adjourned children. Monday out of respect to the dead When appetite fails, it represident, without doing business. William Bin ford has been appointed stores it. When food is a by the Ttdlurids Power coni puny to burden, it lifts th$ burden. have charge of its work in this couuty. When you lose flcsh,it brings The home of F. II. Traoy was entered Wednesday night by burglars, the plumpness of health. who secured a childs bunk containing When work is hard and a few dollars. of duty is heavy, it makes life George W. Rmery, He is bright. Utah, was in Ogden Monday. now u resident of Boston and was in It is the- - thin edge of the Ogden on business. wedge; the thick end is food. M. D. Iessenger of the Rossi Consolidated Oil company went to Keuimerer Hut what is the use of food, Thursday to look after the drilling of when you hate it, and cant di-it- ? the company's well. The case of W. G. Wilson against the Scotts Kmulsion of Cod Utah Light & Power company has been dismissed by Judge Rolapp, it having Liver Oil is thefood that makes been settled out of court. stomach. forget your City Rditor Carroll of the Standard you if not have. It. send for tried you was culled to Puyson Tuursduy by the free sample. Its agreeable taste will secoud his death of his youngest son, you. surprise SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, child to die within one week. 40M Pearl Street. New York. ; all druggists. SOc. and $1.00 Miss Louise Peery arrived Thursday from the Rust. She was meL at Kvatis-sto111 1'ivren The Klerras. by her brother lion. l. if. Peery, who accompanied tier to Ogden. The survey for the change of the road The exercises attendant on the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of and tunnel through the mountains is the public library, set for last Sunday, going steadily ahead, says the True will take place tomorrow at 2 p. in. kea Republican. It is probable that Mary Elizabeth Mo.ell, wife of Frank it will run through the mountain ben Southern Pacific tween tunnels eleven and twelve and Mozeil, a machinist, died suddenly Sunday even- going nearly south eome out on the ing. Tim body was shipped to St. American river. It will go most of Lhe Paul, Minn. V. Rapp, a former attorney of Og- way through solid rock, which the engineers like better than ground, as it den, who during the past, ten years has saves timliering to a great extent. been teaching in Southern Utah, has rethis tunnel will be the largest turned here and opened an office and in While and height of any lung breadth will resume the practice of law. tunnel in the world, it 'will by no Next Monday has been set by Judge means tie the longest. Marshall for the hearing of i lie manIt will, when completed, be over 0 feet less than the Mt. St. Golhard damus proceedings brought by Weaver against the City of Ogden to compel the tunnel and more than 12,000 less than the Mount Uenis. It will, however, be payment of u judgment of $10,000. the longest in the United States. iswas license a Monday marriage It will be 5,580 feet longer than the sued to Benjamin Green and Helen which now holds the palm for Sutro, Bartlett, both aged 22 years; to Carol .. , M. Swenson, 22, of Salt Lake, and Miss length in the United Slates. P. Lake of 20, McDonald, .Margaret A KERS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS assab-sinati- or three weeks notice how much younger you appear, ten years younger at least. Ayers Hair Vigor also cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splendid hair dressing. It cannot help but do these things, for its a hair-fooWhen the hair is well fed, it cannot help but grow. It makes the scalp healthy and this cures the disease that causes dandruff. IB. J. C. AYKR, M . it so ; re-sto- re , Born To Max Davidson and wife, a daughter. Representative George Snihei laud. a last look at hair. t CITY & COUNTY rrwtt vf ttttvttviWttTVVtT your mirror today. Take your Itsure-lKray y , WEBEK! ooTEj.iisrir - ro s - . d 1 r well-know- Hoard of Kduallou. At their meeting on the 13th the board decided to employ another teacher for the High school and A. H. Rogers was named to instruct in tenopraphy anl typewriting at Lhe school. Two new buildings were rented to accommodate more pupils. One was the Third ward institute, to accommodate the overflow from the (.rant school, aud the other was the Woodmansee block, corner of Washington avenue and Thirty - second street, to accommodate the overflow from the Filigree and Washington . . Pols Lins FranrhlM. eh-r-triei- iu-Ruri- im-tal- . 21.-00- - . schools. Mrs. El. Denkers was made janitor of the Woodmansee building ana John respectable ilknieVtfiL3rk., T GustavnsATHorBf-w.tn- il tercatSoww teacher for the Ctiipp school and Miss Florence Miller of the Fingree. 1 1 1 - ! - E. C. Lachner, representing the luride Power company, was in Ogden Monday on business connected with the franchise for a pole 'line asked for by his company across Weber county. The board of commissioners did not pass the franchise, as adjournment was taken out of respect to President McTel- Kinley immediately after the call to order. However, it is generally understood that the franchise asked for will be agreed to, but the county attorney has yet to pass on some of the details of the ordinance submitted. The line, as planned by the company, enters Weber county near t lie uorth- east corner, comes down through Liberty und Ogden canyons, and across the foothills to Davis county by way of Uintah. mmmm: ; M.-inui- " -- : 1 1 1 Pi-ov- Co-im-i- l gi-d- Si-n- - CASTOHIA. r I The Weber & Davis Counties Canal company has contracted with the Utah Construction company for extensive improvements to the main canal through Weber county. Ail the old flumes are to be taken out and a ditch is to be constructed along the ho'cIi sv-o' the nvnn. the work to be about November 1. fin-ish- 11 el pri-sid-- vice-preside- nt -- ll-i- , l - tui-dire- - . a . -- Transfer r T Work. tn. t ins-to- e n, sad-iro- n We do all kinds. Our of fice is at 2350 Washington tele- Avenue; phone, 38c. Always on hand. Try ns. R. Ford, Manager. Gnaranteed Salary $900 yearly. Man and women of go 1 Mres to represent to travel appointing age nil, others ui, some for lo.--al work looking after our interest. 900 aalary guaranteed yearly; extra , OAI3TOXIIA. advancement, expend, rapid Grand chances old CktahlUbed bouse. earnest mail or womau to secure pleasant, permanent position, liberal lueoma aud future. New, brilliant lines. Write at once. SS mrroRD pkbss, Maw Heaven. Chrh It-- , fr Conn J CAST OR A iiiu-n-- t i hi-,.iii- - r, We can provide you the lest lhe market ufiurds at all times. To serve you Letter, to make the store u.ore helpful nnd mere welcome to you is our aim all the time. Contentment. will sit seienely on your countenance if you will do your trading here, as you will never be disappointed. . Clark and Sons Co, Quality tight. Prices right. 23G0 and 2362 Washington, rom-mlHio- and J-s- lu-alii- Treatment rifclil. New goods of all kinds have arrived. Ends all over Etore. Respectfully yours. Cleaning up all Odds aud OGDEN, UTAH. |