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Show BELIEFS ARE QUEER FOREIGN La i Julia Gets Into Bad! Graces of Mothrr by Giving Tramp Spanish Wedding la Ruined if One Person Appears Entirely in Black Some Other Signs a In Spain i tin wedding lii spoiled tf one of tin gucMi appraiH entirely In Mark, or ir ili liiiile look Into a WENT PREPARED. mirror after mange Mosmiiiis uml veil are fast In her liraddri-SK- . "Why in Mrs. itoiitiin angry ai yon W'lien a (htmiii'k liiiii . it's I liavt-n'- i the slightest Idea. I aio liiki-a fur sign by tlie Mii'i;itiims '' 'la ,l rrasoti to be tliat rhe la eillier a witch or has lieen IVrlaps you have done noun thing bew lu licil. A 4 blond hair splits more to offend her? naiiliy than dark hair, all witches, "Not u thing in the world. 1 attn.d-- i have blond or spirit.1 ami sorccrt-sscrred li.ilr, according to impnlar belief, f'd a little gathering at Iter house the since that site hasn't l.ihrw isr. nreordllig to llle standard of 'other ulglit and to me " spoken ait. "Thai's strange!" On the marriage eve llnTe is often Yes. The iiivl'ation rt ad '('cue between liinrli tiialry pr 111 pared to i at wall rti.eieti. Slav the the g'uiiiti and the bride "And didn't jnu'.'" coiml tics as to who shall blow out "tii course I did 1 wore my bathhu does tlie .aii. lie, for the ni son , suit " ng will be "lirsf to die" li is impossible I he of this trace superstition, (o origin The Unit Rule. jret it prevails in aristocratic society Mr?. Ilir.yirk What is 'lie null us well as in the peasant's hill, even rule tin y talk so m ielt about in tlo- I 1 lie life insure us like this, hat "to 1. ram?' eonii-iitii'isand heiilih of the children" Die wom- political it's win re llcitp.-cWhy, ti'.y an must occupy the right side ut the vote one from tugelli- slate delegates bed. In addition, she must not smoke I c.ii a unit, you k,.ov etui illus- v ticiore her forty fifth year. Id l;k to go tie it by a ri ipn-- t There is a superstition in this conn It; if you vole with lii.iiing leiuormv. try and many others against hunting mon the a broom. The bud of birch broom Is Mrs. Hettpi-cklint go you used in Siniiliern Ccrmany as a preThese fishing liijatu! Judge. ventive against erysipelas. buds, a piece of yellow wax ami some Still Pepping. other articles are enclosed in a pink They 1I1 a story about a natal lieu Bilk bag, scoured with red silk and hi- - old school who. after a brtl on ilio hack of llm neck The tenant, ol l wet evening an evi ning noisy Prson iiiiisi dial its Ids shirt every very with the popping of champagne corks Friday. awoke tin- - next morning in the mills! of a liaitle. HOW IT SEEMED TO HIM. lie list) in'll, smiling, lo tin- bang h.u-of the guns, then sliur.'.ril: "Hi, ai e ward, bring me lloa-- e or befiii e those pigs linlsll four lio'.tb-:lu ill ail up!" "He The Recall. I Hanging around in tlie western city the tourist discuvt red a foriiti r mayot i uanettig a jig Von sei lit in fine spirits.' l.e suggested "I am." answet'id the other. "I have just been n railed " "I ilott'i see anvliiini; comdinien-l- a rv af.iiio that " sutd tin. toitnsl "Oil yes there Is" the f ills-d recall." 'This Is the I i ! ' 1 Will ill :: et TiKVIlt tOM'Ill no fsU I ;il.;i:i'i rt, A . J JV- if! i,- - .it h;il v. iim!," s.-i-1 r ii 1 AND Now I'.is fatuous ol.l (nliaci'O will In inure fsipular than ever for il is. imw a cf Myers leaJer, and Is cij'.ial in ipi.Dity I any r.'lllulatcl tolmei-you can Imy. If ; oil li.'iv eut f::ii!..- Duke's Mixture with Die s tuiu'i o:i tin Imj; try St now. You will lil.e it, fir tlieri: is r.u lietlcr value anywhere. II, i t.il I'.cek he. . is . ip the 11"::; r effi-etiv- ;i - i ml :i ecis toliaei u. gi I ( - i bat-M'- In Ilf :il li.il:ie W if ' No Chance. "Iki you think we are likely m have a revival of Shitkosjieaiv thin sea-- . son ?" "No. replied the tragedian. 'Tin afraid there's no rlutnce for It. The managers all stem to he i.ppnsed to introducing tlm bunny hug or ragtime in a Shakespearian production." i ' In-I- . I Ui Juat the Opposite. are going to have the and heroine of your story "live " Happily forever after?1 Just the opposite." "Just the opposite? How so?" "I m going to have them marry one daring I pretente FREE. Just send and address on a postal. from AJi'l Mix turf mxf he as vittel with tin tiom HORlE SHOE, J.T.. TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIiT. amfimt ttimhle Inm FOUR KOSES ( htr-tiemhan ). PICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT , CUX CIGARETTES, CIGAKETTES, and ether tatt or atapmt unud iy M. fngl Premium Dept. i (Si ' S. Louis, M. a p L. DOUGLAS SHOES 5.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 said 3.00 AND FOR MEN w can Mf. AND WOMEN L Douglas $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 School Choosx Dost In tho world Bays nil W.LDouglaamakei and tells more $3.00, $3.53 and $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world, because they look belter, fit better, and wear longer than any other make for the price. CAUTION. To protect you against inferior shoes, W. L. Douglas slam -- 1 his name on the bottom. Look for the stamp. Beware ef substitutes. W. I Dougias shoes are sold in 78 own stores and shoe dealers everywhere. Nc matter where you live, they ere within your rcech. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to fartory for catalog showing bow to order hy mnil. Shoes sent everywhere, delivery charges prepaid. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. hut Cuter I if .its. ff-'-- Wh"1 i. tl"1 d '!l a lieiliitil 111 girl Sil.U ifTret Coini'ihunI between UCH - r- 11 if.l V ' lllUtlMl? it up. One l:us ri cir.iuv io become a f;;ll bride ui.il the e.uir to become a bull tried. Second f'omeiii:ii!--Div- First I'omid'pn -- Obliging. Old Homan of lie- Vall Uneai'tbrd. DISCOVERY. A WONDERFUL ImIh rphcarchHivi apnnfni1 AllMtvtci liiiii oiii'p ru ha !. .11 J.j i iisgi,lititt!tr young mail wliu l,;iil rbi-i-I. cm!' r. Ii'is In'i I. ol SI I'.vil i Ktrldiv m.iii, iniiivh.is ir.'IciMj Kiel tlx il. If Ui1- lijr Ml I'l'Ii'llM. lit liefore was i u!li il li ! in Die court tii I'.I! i' ' i ed in evi I; :i i :n:i. ii Di" In tiHilicihf i:is iiiiMirt.tin (ikiu(rneii ns a witness in a n ri.tiu enxe. lie I, i ol li h L.iw I.iwfi ilsi'.l WllhjflHl Mill 4fllt It V r:i Iluw ni.d SI i Inn lei Hiid t kii r. ii' lt llHfii u t worthy vav MIIIII'W lint llus'ereij over DC ill iillev ill l.ei.iii.!i r II l f llr'ffi knllif. Iiintti1ir. IHrrOr Tlii- "id1, vlii'-lit u.t trk skin 4,nii.Hh rhrcjM' n lei.tiou that was being puid liim. ami : nt f leo, Ac .ilii'ii1 ik iiaMloiilii. In r. id i!i ll'i ul li'!.:' f ' tii iin ?i,f Lt ir .Hi'Ulistti iitMi Miiiiubb'd liis words so ti.it iln- loiiug trnti HiitKiiwi i i d imi i Is 4lsl IMI i. :i ,u tu r;iN$ tnlonbllvhin Mil mid nd.ld'-il,c 1MLKAPION in. woman stenograplier ool hear l w iik in iii. irrn fnrmr.y 4m i i 'i i ii siii- nmi di i!i Ii I. iT uf Iimp ik Diem distinctly, lie was tubl to speak n v nt In ii il lifee tn 1ll in if ifin Ii ill il 'I. lit II bull till s'tiiik Mils shrl jri in hii wlin ikoulfl Ilk U In III ? plainly and to imu lownid 'be M' iog $' t ; iimi!v Ihut h;it k!'"4 it: f1 ii .1 . :i i i nil u.'u h iimsi Atv, min Minim puih iik.'H iibii'Y w rajiher. I "Ii' n .n. t I'Mtl ir! irvssiti mvcM'iic tMHk u KKKK :.l , i I'U'b lu,.l"l fr ' RoNil.Hdiitiihli'aA. Mil i o., I. l.H "Speak to tie- stenographi r." aid t ' iu i iu!. l.'iH'Init. ,;l .i'i.ii 1 9ilMiirrUi4 !iirii,4,il friiiaiiisi?iik b rt'i.i--hg A the prosecutor. .w R Ml l.N THC ly PION" ' I i. I III or Nn lull II Mini Is i I .it i r'iMif miiI hfirehrn i?kltip -' Dial At tile vuuc!'. imu aie1h nil In ill baaiiS hiitTiTlriK. misiT?. I l!lt.l II I I , III t 'giltl-i-llllle Ml!,!' Mini i.iihii)i tnM ,hr.ifi,nn s Ln'il l?dnr?ifiiiit I oil v it said. n)i h rleeli iio.i- to tloi i . M iici'kuiun KU, - in : lii Iu,-w Ui.t t l w " hn;pr$ ('in. Ilow do yon do" -- Satire. i lilil" t pit's u! I,l)!.'ii,ll I1T1" ill 1: .N - Ini' c Ini ii 1:1 ; ti il to Methcrt Importrint tn 'i'l'i hr ulic iillllDii-r;cil Imt of Examine c. m-t- ill. iv-imm: viock and i l ' iu IiM i " !cf:iicil pMt liid be CASTOIHA. ii e..re iim! gni" n nu ilv In: MI.SCKILANLOLS '"ii-lw H i o! ): i Die om c ii ii ri rue iiixl riti'J pri'i' ii.fjiitg ihildriii, COMPOSER. you special offer name j DIF A QUITE a As .... - i I September and October only, wo trill rend you our now Uluttrated catalogue of tlons of the skin Ciitieura Snap and (liniment sold thrmuriioiit flic world Siimi'lo of each free, willi "2 p. Skill lluuk. Add. postcard "C'llieuin, Dept. I.. Huston. Adv. i A Bad Finish. "Did thai magician have n success fnl eiigiigenu nl in Crimson t ; iili-l- i ' "Well." tii.Mierid llule li te. "ih'1 show was well paironied. I n r aTier doin a lot of tricks with curds lie made tin luinl blunder of Irvin' io sit iriio a poker game." ln-- Now About tbe Free Presents - bolt-son,.- "I am." replied Dustin Slax "My higli inura ibaiv.eler and disinterest ed molivi-- liave reeiived nu indorse menf for wbieli I siareel. dared iu me hope. A eamlidalo has io com i liiiii e io ins campaign fund." - gmindsteil sin k you . Not ac It Used to Be. "You seem ratlier Atlf oiuiees of by a:.y in uinlity, anil wilh 'f eigao llo pipiV', ITi.-.H- The eoiipni.a limv pii keil Willi 1 ilyeit dV My,-- r llnkra Mivturi lire g x sl fur all s.-!- s ef vulu dilo jin'sculs. 'lln-xpres- m-- t Tho le.t only cnuikers art idea but far many tlosinblepri-iieii- t wiiiticn and children fliw f.iunt:iln pens, umbrellas, caiiieris, toilet articles, tenuis racquets, cateliera gloves and uuuka, etc. Iii-- It iif r irJc yelli get mm i.iiMirp-- 'k , 'villi ut ,i'-r-ml of il:-rut ul. i. a (it.ger, lilit b oif ti e t'm'ciira do lint pil' ',! Oil. i livi l.i.ni.ii s web C'lti-;i 'li iujl wall r III d !' lil cilia .: mui. - miuuies ini-nm mi risir.g . till ri i ii ies,-:tiu.i.--At idbi.-iiM tuili-M.e bat It, io asaed fur freely sist In I'l'ov nl !"g iu'laiMii'alii'l!. tati'ui and eleagii.g uf t !. pores the romniMi i aii.--- e of piinpiis. blai kin-filredness Hli.i nuiglitiesH, vellu'.v. inly. , rondimiiil.y and ii'ler unw g I" "r 1 lietit'y stueur ibo . 1 Ulfit 1 j piw t V A 'n-r- i v. - ii : I d .n.'-si- ii-- II i v ". I I : 11 i K1 9k i.- I '111 11 - - mother." m-- i i fiii-i- r p I . ih-- i di-.- . ( -- li.ivi-DtM- 1: h.-l- i 11 I . . I , 1 M . - Three yean Sandusky, Ohia ago was married and went to house- -' keeping. I was not Consequently. Little Practicing, always practice,! wl'iit feeling well and 'Mv could hardly drag tip slip said with a weary myself along. 1 had sigh such tired feelings, "You dont seem n be verv liappv my back ached, my 5vr t." her friend replied. ides ached, I had ITe dues very li'De No, I'm not. bladder trouble aw-- ' pria. iiing " Tii" ViIIubci Wi.-my fml.i : l.r- - t fully bad, and 1 could set D'll I'.i'ie I." ii'uii Imve b 'Cili' noteat or sleep, lhad low II I'll' i; lli'-rllg headaches, too, snd The Vi- - ii"'1 VVI.v '! ii; ii IIIbecame almost a nerTin- - Yi...igii i, n-i.,ni nny vous wreck. My doc! ii iftsf tor told me to go to hospital. I did not like that Idea very well, ao, when I Second Offense. and wav aw yonr advertisement in a paper, I porc-iA tier. .i"-i.. wrote to you for advice, and have done as "I t In His Time Limited. you told ma I have taken Lydia E. " it' il,. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and kcl Di "Your bi nii." r. ' Liver rills, and now I have my health. imiilll'-- r gill, "limin'! f'C"! " H s Value. If sick and tiling women would only spoon in sccluii' ! li''ki i d he see-- ' i! i':ii'!i- r know enough to take your medicine, they Dim '.voi.'ii i pi; ul.ir M fim,would get relief. airs. Bknj.J I. Stans- lPr inn I fm mu' poor g'nk m.ly ixircin. n uf BERT, Itoute i Box 18, Upper Sandusky, n which to 'i.n liiL.ii a:u iiTiii'l in.-- I'licch Ohio. i : :iii,ii, ii. ii cuul'l gci ary If you have mysterious pains, irregu. to Accommodate. f"l til Willing M'llg larity, backache, extreme nervousness. Mis' n ss: - I wiiTi1 yon n nii'!crs':iiid Inflammation, ulceration or displace- Anna. Dim I wili not have Mini Hie Their Grip. ment. don't wait too long, but try Lydia In my ki'.ihcn! :n thing CliI.eirllTlI atjeut '! !l' "l II now. Compound E. rinkhnma Vegetable Anna- - AM iii.li', nui'sin' in a in- ' rlilic'l.i: iljb'i tb" For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkhams smaller one .ludjc w.i-Vegetable Compound, made from roots VI at in il "' ' snd herbs, has been the standard remedy The Su'er Way. They lim.g on for female ills, and such unquestionable do you let ihut poiiri-uingui. "Why testimony as the above proves the value ble your peanuts?" Logical. of this famous remedy and should give Have I don't wniit to In murdered '' nil Ii'i"d tile vnciium every one confidence. swered th New York vender, with a "Yea nntliiriK In It" grin W. N. U.. Salt Lake City. No. I i Hi-nr- a of I'm For (in r 30 i:ir:v. Lliilil rt-- I'rv for I ii . fa-- ln-r- 'Till ! Serving Humanity. Few ii ling : id tliiiii liiiii of I r Klle-- i i Kiiii-- of it.'ilpii in tl.-- lt li"Spi:il in - r- l ii.m II. io l .t. i li'jD'lv ! : i Di- Vi ,ild" M 'i.-- u i . ihiii-- i gi-- I; i.t wriV-'- iii-i- l.'.i i .'die- .1- " :i r i .1- - I in ce'i.iii l if In '.r.fiii'i:i i AlLny a inmi fools bimi-'l- r f Dim Ids wiMjniu ii- of the hue Mr. Suluuiur aki u chs to take rg. ijniiri' weary fnun pity lis. tis true.' tin ni'i day Mi'pi .mil v. ii. tis fifty ' hi-- oh-iti-i-- i u w . lirtv. 'tis . tic. Im iili : m Tofts Pills flrikt iine nftrn Mtonllie ttw InniiA. Kiting elKhilcltv of mind, bunvfiuy ofNrfy. Ihtf GOODDIOrSIlON, oTii-i.ii- i - i.i.d a ' "III i'i'I In r il.MC-tn- tu ef I" M ilriic'i pump-- ,11 I V. iy wu'ir ;i ui"e, which lit" dust is by til" i i ;um'"!! , I!, I i i ii III' Il' i I muliir hovidi and Richest FOR In mIIJ flenh. Prke, IB rtA Healing Qualities BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Io - m ti ii n il . Improved Vacuum Cleaner. i"!.;vtui to v;iriiu:i cli'iitn-rd liv wtiicr poncr in u or limli'uti consistM of two sue- k 11 tfiw! WIiih.iiw'n ivn.i 1wl Hf. MifUMIIl tfi $,' III. I'l'il M llotl thilH HA4M, rurwit l.tj II. Ad?. I Wr.YlFRN NFH.SrAPFR IMOX W Adam. St, Chii-aaftll-V- . . i lilt in- . stiid. In from ijiiiil iirDcle. Tis unci- I,- VYIiij'i IN GRKAT VARIETY ton - SALE lAI THB LOWEST PRICKS BY iiriiulw ril- (ini-ic- bf'y wo.' - ri - I - Cd. Sb.iki I laic mui III i:i-- : k iii-- i 1,1 I. mui Is limiting." id ilui ad- fin lev. t lii:. : and s Electrotypes mi a 1,11 isil pcoii litiliior- - il.-i- my Ii.i !.:i-ii- l: Kid Stuff. V c Nov c to ins i.'iflie: 1 in D.; ron Ii I V, ic 11T In ii.. L'niiidui-n-- - - ing i d 1:; T:.- i An-iic- Urn liru.i I -- id- Pen and Inn Shakespeare. A 111 j I on 1 ti-- n-i- . : i 1 ; m-i- . y ! bus-ban- , 1' ::!-i- . j I r I , -1 1 I 1 1 1 . spom-ibility.- rr-pn- eb ' pil-Cl- The Voice of Despondency. "Wbat miil-iiyou go sure that man will lie "He lias all Die iiiiulitienDons for greai n "Yes, bill tbfi: e t.l just Dm D'ineg that arc liable to make lum as mipop-Uppe- r uur as a baseball umpire." - ( ; newly-honore- Tells How Sick She Was And What Saved Her From An Operation. in ii! Cffl-ll'-- sei-'llg- . HOSPITAL iii i HOW TO TTiL'AT PIMPLES CLACKilEADS liiuii'i a! posiennls to our frieeilft tbai we litidn i time to do mm b sigi.l ( ; r. Milt low ii. g v addia English Honors Cost Money. The letter patent granted for the j 150, and for dignity or a baron cost that of a baronet 100, payable to tbe board of inland rerenue. Other exd penses to be incurred by the Include crests or new coats- while some wish to have their j genealogical trees" properly made out. ConiMHiiently The Heralds' col-lege is busy alter the issue of a list of honors, and the total expenses of 1 Kir, il Old fii'iiileiniMi suppose a baron are not far short of 400, ' drink downfall? was your 2u0. and those of a baronet exceed Ptggar Yes. sir, it was. 1 took a drink of milk that laid microbes in ii. Explained, and il damaged my lealili so miiili "He knows all tip best people in '.bat 1 can't work. town. wifti "Why doesn't he associate Her Ultimatum. them. ihPii?" Hixnid In- Imi'il lier ;is of yore, ii'id riiiibe IIP lln'il j.:nlly kiss "They know him III, v'll Si llllpfil lllililll lllT li"g 'B" SAVED FROM f IT l: l'll V. Miss lll.we-- I I MlpCU-- e you Vi: iled wb:.e on the Oil. Is of wile nhrnt.d No; we were so Onsv Sl;r. Wi j ' I1..1 U il ! i Anil Li il :i ly K. is1--S- YOUNG WIFE j i? 111 " - :.i !: Ask Father. fie ' I saH-dai-th- - s pre-etii- ut; l.i :n VI- klsx .i out ln'l i it ; m I' r- j 1 s ll s ,i II- U ,n :ii I ii.-l-- Sbe S:iiii llii'il have li - i:i Amou r i!u ninny vala.'iMc ircM-niniw yivni away with :t 1 , I f '.' I bil.i-'- M ure t hereissoinet !iiio fii suit every laslc ami in tie, all-- ; Ihc like i!..- - (ili.iceu iisel!'. an- ex.i.-f.r allclnssea N if mi 11 l.ke the si irginia an.l Sort li Carolina brigbt leaf that you et in I kfj'l .1 Dukes Mixture Presents 'i Tb M.'Ml'l, Will. ' ;i ii1 li M I ill inlllhs. bout jx a week." replied tli- s .t .d. lilnkfll Ii. sirl!- t.e - bit politieiiin. . vm In ill, H. How could you ever save enough in tile nut of tlml to get a start Clever Host. world?" W had unite a "You asknl me what was the largI', ms as a guest ut our art est salary I ever earned." olio r evi lilitg. Asi-iiCi.eioils! Didn't ymi find WISE ONE. it ii.ml m ii.lerlain her? Wisi1 Oil. no! Hie amused liersolf for hours. Y- just liandeil lu-- a bunch of idiotoi-raplis- , iiiuui'g wlileli were several of lu-- own. Catholic Stand urd and Times. , w This is My Choice of $ thei.-lio- Lilli I: ut F,xi:,i LiuM I.. ii you A City Cousin The hotel you were topping Rt, was it on the American or European plan? Country Cousin Waal, I don't jest exactly know, but I think it must her bln on th' plan. xti.ict ;;s t'tld 'fx I', ji u : p.i rt ii nlar fli1 a ( the as.ki-- 1;.. I,. I) tile III. c III -- K -- huu.-- e 1:,- 1 I - ever earned?" ,u . a - j ulia .1 1n- ; I I Y& )t M&'-v- a ilf'f v III. ids4 : ! r y i .ilMlil U) Sil :t -l ;i yia'ln Ui .Itl.i snip: i and leealled rei'ali " wm. 1 l' Ulll.in TOO BUSY. - What He Earned. watt llie largest salary ; i1 I. ' 4111 SlMlllu 1.- - iijr i thin ili.u i li l h, ; : - 'v' bill I T . II. !'t I U ut li'l'l ' 0 n!i'!v I't't JIIIM I'.lt I ol till- - still : ci hlii t'M . til l U t fciUUilm ! i'.i't-- : Juli.i Mljhl' IttUI' HI foli-Coltf- a - - you see 111. I. . in-.- tli.lt" le'V II t'l) Lil'i el:U Kill: ll.lt 4' t'li to toUefvu! for m, teriained s Tile chupte! xm. I. : and it is I.tnni Mi-olu- l ' . Ha'l-Dollar- 1,01 straigeis. i guod-nuturr- TOO LITERALLY TAKEN i ll I.M-- . In r I'll - I . l.l idi il.1 t i.. till' moDu-- ll.l.l rut its I M I iciii- - yeTK3MPS0NS d ufiTC I t A !tlMN V JOIIS L 1 h v M'llii nAl'O.. fuNi. au ii Ih'i'klH ftM Irity, K. tfUTNAM FADELESS DYES Crk rrorprundfbrihti4randfustcrcflortlhan myoihrrdye. One IVoKkniEfi'iWj.illfshiTt, Tnfdrehirnlcf wafer hHIrrthan any ofhdve. Yoam iihkiui ripping apart, to Dyt. lleKh aiuf MaCuiura MOMIOt DRUG COM PAN Vv OxiACf dye .'.v y.nriHTit nia tot Irmt bnoklct-Jio- |