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Show I - THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS W. U Klswtck, Editor From Daily Wretcheoneaa and Pam to Normal Health. .Manager. ; MILFORD Coal In til the climate Alas-k- There Ik too much "Mack hand" In Ilia country of soup nml water. One Karim- rs lino - Ch)ra;:o layer's home I1LI1 are pi nimbly (feW contrasts to bn found In any city treater than eilat In HERE idiiiiialdy. ilcnniai sm-li-t- : .hut hiiryfi jrh-e- iiu-u- - to Increased of London. So "trilling are they that It ta difficult tu believe I tlii same city, the sunn nation, Hi same govern-Hast word the caii hold both. To umi-t l.omloii aiii-aronly as a vast trai-- of crime and " we aee the much uiisiey ami is looked usn words marked on I he map. "Sahara deaert, an unknown wilderness which comfortable being, who give tlicn.M-- its to the practical work of to daily lib-- , are not expected to traverse. Lintwiua who know Eai--t London It la mi longer a lderness of woe, but a place which I" crossed by Iho lights ami shadows, by the sailm sa and Joy that go to make up ilie sum of every existence, the plure where, side by glld a!,,,,. all, side witli depths of human degradation and misery, can lie found an Inspired unselfishness and a strength of rectitude which make us reulize how the best ill Immunity Nevercan dominate circumstance. theless, it would he useless to deny that the shadows predominate and it were well that all who are called tu rule this nation should elect tu walk the dark and untrodden ways of those streets of misery, as well as the stately ways of Westminster, In onler to realize that the same city ought not to hold such terrible iii.-ii- t Is niitlilii- has t In . i i Not ttlllnt'amliiiR lIVlllR. t till IS t tin- cost nf to ho doing lii!;h - (if IIS . vi-r- What tluill we eat? has now become piiriiinniint Issue In the rolled Stales of America. I Meat or no meat, whats the differ-nee- , so long as we have terrapin, ;anvasback and oysters? Still, the f Id Is free and any one who cure to do so may take a day off and Invent a new language Surgery Is to he used for badness New York children, but will stop sell this side of decapitation. i j dancer Each of the rlalms all the others are merely Iml Utlng her. Sort of a take-of- f self-mad- and drunkand drunken yells and ribald songs the street, troubles en shouts and the shuffling feet of squalid, miserable women disturb the peace of the still night air. Another law has also been enacted by the legislature during the past year and that Is that a list shall ha furnished to all the saloon keepers, with pur i rails of n WHERE i limn. Moving pictures will reproduce for the thrills of the Paris flood with out the Inconvenience of wet feet. us Scientists report that the tall of Halley's rnmet Is composed of gas. Don't worry. It Isn't pus-di- i through a meter. habitual HAD HEARD IT The late Itislmp GaPi-- r was o'u-asked to baptize a negro baby hoy. Name this child," he said, addressing Mrs. Jackson, ibe mother of the black mite. llallud." " "That's a strange name. Mrs. remarked the bishop, liesi Jack-son,- tatingly. the. rejoined Scripture name,'' happy milt her, with a confident grin. I never saw It in the Tiilile.'' "Why. bishop, how kin yufa stan' up dar klddin' a ole ignorant, niggah lalk I Is? Yah says dat name whenevah yuli says de laiwd's prayer llallud be thy nume!' Success Magazine. 12 Optimism. Kicker. Izaik how easy it is for flies to get in through these screens! Landlord. Yes, but look how easy It Is for them to get out again! . licit, VYrnk, Weary, Watery Relieved ICy Aliirine Eye Try Vnu Will Your Eye Troubles. Mini inat Your Like .Minim-- . Jl Hi ml tii'ii. I Write Fur Hyp Murillo Eye Co., l'j-cn- Its (lillicult to convince a woman that other women are as good as they to think they ar'. want If tlila thing km-on. soon It will require a person who can count mure thnn four tn tell how many comet there are. lu-- r Take The expert who blames the litiili priro of living on the extravagance of woman has a good deal of the old Adam In liiin. SHE Mra. Jackson Quite Confident She Had Picked Out a Biblical Name for Her Boy. o'clock at night house, situated at the extreme east of the jong thoroughfare, which Is the ar- tcry of the east end. The wind sweeps across the broad road ami whistles wildly by, driving the dust toward the marsh land that lies beyond. The streets in East laindnn are never still; the tramp of the multitude goes on In unbroken rhythm when the stars uro over- It is nearly h U- sunn and the iP. 11 backache vanished. The kidneys i.'j act normally ami 1 cive Doan's ivioi.cy l Pilla credit for this wonderful ch.it.ge.'-Hemeinthe name Do.iu'k. I)f aale hv all dealers, 50 rents a box. Posier-MilburCo., lluffalo, X. Y. senet! when we leave the settlement j how of becoming a Rheumatic racked my pains lower limbs, day and night. The action of the nidi.oys was annoyii giy irregular. When I started using Down's Kidney Pills, tlu-s.- ; cSain&TUicV contrasts. hare-limbe- That Washington hoy liaby doomed io Inherit f inij.imo.fioi) stands a poor weak. the east and the west n tn r;:1: i r ami Rot away with It. tin-r- K. frouse, MaiuhoMi-r- , la., For two years my hack, was airs. as: A VIVID ; PEN PICTURE orueE: IN THE CAST-- END s However, CHANGE. A. WONDERFUL Tjir-- v TO (THE A KIM) IN (INK OAT Tab'.rt HltuXiO Uiiiim-! cure. k.W n.in'7 If it faun ki. Uox. l.A.VAI'VK pniurlsJ-tvnni- tl fcUuVJo ftijiuwiuri! ifcuo tttib There's a lot of hot air used in balloons ai d soaring eloquence. j toy ATRlKl.lMv COCCI! will hmimflft permanentonpmiiM'4ini'H,l. .iifrif' sun?; little tit will mmbokt ly nIoii it. atalJ druKtfiitt't.SM',?..' atul fiAu mnili. Then there Is another useful and thoroughly trustworthy vcgetuhle, the you artichoke, whose acquaintance ought to make. How men would kick if their wives struck for nn eight hour day. I'lKiwtn PelW-- nviilata nrl Invlff- f)r. moiiimiIi. and Inhuu'K Hrnoru corn la nearly exhausted and brooms threaten tn go tn ft each. Here Is where the vacuum cleaners wear placid smiles. t eralt Uay franuluk. Imr HugLMmulod, Kay WLaJMaa candy . Ever notice how easy it is not to save money? Halley's comet has slowed down and la going a million miles an hour. Some of our nerophmlsls may be able to hitch on within a few weeks. Nevertheless It will probably need all those different Investigations and then some to get tit the truth about the advance In the cost of living. nf preventable deaths lie no donlit Hint the present cost of living will greatly reduce the Speaking there ran ratio of deaths from nver-i-atin- West Point young men are to he permitted to base within reason. Now we shall see whether they know- where reason ends and foolishness begins. - Tn thp past ten years l.Onn.OOO new farms have been developed In the Thick to tho farin' United States. Isn't such an (die cry by Hits showing Inventor Edisons storage battery, with which he rxpects to revolutionize the transportation systems of the country. Is doing a little more rcvolv Ing. CometA lflio has a tall fin.onn.nnfl miles long, but hnvltig nil the solnr system to traipse R round In It has not yet trlpfied up on Its far-flun- The price of shoes Is also going up. but la Isn't likely the shoe manufacturers will have the nerve to tell us that the cheaper, squeaky ones are Just as good. After you have tried all the preon the eggs, you usually fall back on the familiar one that never has been known to fail In the case of the pudding. scribed test When I head almost as unceasingly as when the sun shine or the fog wraps us round. Men and women wearily walking, sometimes because they have now Imre to go, sometimes because their work keeps them lulu nt night nml semis them forth early In (lie morning, sometimes heeaii-they nre returning from that long quest In search of labor, the story nf which is written In their dejected ciumtetinneps nml their despondent, bent shoulders; but the stream drives on uml the trams roll by till one o'clock in the morning, nml while some in East Iziiiduii sleep, as many wake lint we are bound fur some of the bilging houses In one of Hie very worst streets In Hint densely populated quarter; streets that have the unsavory reputation of being the seene nf some of Jack the iltppcr'a murders; streets that have been the plngue spot of the pnliee, the puzzle of philanthropists, the death of the city missionaries. We turn away from Hie main thoroughfare, down some of the dark stile alleys, nml then by the open doors and the liRhts we ran see that we have come tn the laud of the ilnss houses, ns they are called, where a cheap bed can be hud fur a few pence. Night seems hardly to have though it U late The downstair rooms are still full of men and women whose occupation seems to he one constant passing In and out of the dirty kitchen to shuffle across ihe street through the open doors of the saloon, and here you (1ml the secret of degradation. There are among that wretched crowd, herded In these lodging houses, men and women who have known days far different from their present surroundings Some of these men have been In the army, some even have been ministers of religion. Some of these women have known good homes and refined surroundings, but the gaping doors nf the drink shop could tell the story of their ruin. Ami as you breathe the loaded atmosphere of these horrible dens you ask yourself why It is impossible to rouse these people to n sense of their wretched environment, why cannot they he up- eggs Is eggs' prize hens naturally are at a premium. So the theft of an egg laid by a hen n Wllkesbarre, Pa., which hns won nt poultry $12,000 In competition shows conies pretty close to as crime. At least the owner of the hen has offered a ldg re 71"- Iln ward for the rapture of the (hi. f nml the the indifference, stupor, Is your answer fares, the return of the egg in undamaged narcotized by drink. It is that sih-I- i n condition. And the valuable biddy" our more rebe should of city infinitely quarter Hie cackles appreciation of I'btnese street, where, pulsive than the it is true, yon see men smoking opium, pale, emahut that vice cvira as nothing In the ciated; Dr. Anschutz Kemp, a prominent thom.'.h hare s'lrrouuilli'gs of the oriental scientist of Ticrlln, Cermany. I said clean i with the horrible squalor of the to have invented a submarine hunt for jin house. doss English Arctic exploration beneath the Ire that Ye stand for a moment nt the corner of Hie Is rnpable of remaining pmh r water nt R great depth for a long period, street. The clock Is striking half-pas- t twelve, floats were able to do this front tlm sud we watch the closing hour of the saloon. A beginning and effort has always been law has been enurted In England which nmkes made to build craft that will stay right side up and on the surface for a long drunkenness now a crime and men and women can be arrested for this without Its being necestime. sary, as furmcrly, that they should be disorderly It Is one thing to adopt a baby, but as well; but when the customers of the drink It is another thing to get the baby to shops are turned upon the atreeta at closing 'line it dees not. seem ns though the arm of the adopt you. aw had reached the offenders, for girls and i.t i. youi-- and old men, dagger blindly out Into gilt-edg- e - str.-ine.- coini-ari'i'i- I a. 0 drunkards, to whom drink is no longer to be served. 1 know no mure ghastly album. It would he possible to write a volume on the faces thus portrayed. Young girls, some not more than five or six and twenty, with still the Indelible traces of youth and benuty upon their faces, but with the hall mark of crime and degradation; old Need Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Two years apo I Brookfield, Mo. was unable to do any kind of work and trouble to tll3 women n.::y expect nature-1- them bring on of Life. the Change I got a bottle of T women, who have dragged out weary lives, passing from the swinging door of one driuk shop to another, till all that la left upon the face is n besotted leer, and it sterna as though the spark of dtvinity which la In every one had surely been extinguished; men of the worst criminal type, low. brutalized, trrrible And we say to ourselves, as we turn these pages. When shall we realize that to deal scientifically with such abject misery as this we must not alone deny to (bene the freedom of the drink shop, but we should, for the good of humanity, as Irresponsible lunatics and keep count Hu-them safely segregated for the rest of their lives. Hut there is another side of East lamdon even more heartrending, for as we walk those bleak streets In the cold March wind we meet again nnd again the honest man seeking work and finds labor shorter Never, probably, ing none. are on the families On all hands tlmu nt present. verge of starvation and men driven to desperation. men who walk all day and return wearied and w.m with the same terrible sentence on their lips. "No Job for me; women crying for bread, not because they would not work or could not. but Just because the bread winner can find no employment. A".! yet there are gleams of brightness In tills life in Fast London which help us and cheer us and uaihe us realize that possibly by nnd by we shall solve the great problem of sorrow by l;ow it is the crucible of Und in which he can produce that which is likest to himself In souls. We walk onward through those dark nnd dirty streets and by atul by we come to a loilulnq house for women. Nn lower or more dcsriiled place can be found. Yet as we enter tin re is u woman sitting near the tire drinking a cup of tea. surrounded by a group whose history Is written only too plainly upon their faces, and rs we enter we nre recognized and they tell us this poor soul has been nigh to the verge of death. She la expecting to go down Into the great (icthscmane of suffering which aliall bring her perhaps another load of sorrow, which, were It not fur the clrrumstanres, ought to be a woman's greatest joy. They found her on the bridge, leaning over the parapet, putting out feeble hands to clasp the cold hand of death; uniier-stntulii'- i: to Cod, but that sometimes that divine charity lurks in hearts which have grown dim and dusty by a life of sin, but still can re fleet back the light that falls for an instant upon that facet which God himself has cut. LONDON WAITERS' HAT." Few- men who have come to New York from the other side to live and to make innney have conn: into their own In quite the same fashion as the niaftre d'hotel of one of the big uptown hotels. Four yrnr ago he was a waiter in t.he restaurant of a London hotel, earning at most $20 a week, tips Included. Now he is in charge of the vt'hole restaurant service at one of the busiest New York lioti-l,(tul his income this year, including gratuities. should lvc at least IIO.Ooo, and at that he has linen in New York only a few months. Thera Is nobody who is better qualified to make comparisons between restaurant conditions in Lon- nml Ilian this tnaitre d hotel and Hie wealthy but little traveled citizen of this country who does not know Europe may well be surprised to In told tint tho lavish tips In bestows upon his waiti-benin the expensive restaurant in efit that person little more than would a moderate gratuity. What Hie waiter gets in the average hig restaurant m London when lie is told to keep the eh an.ire doe not r- - into his own pocket. Instead ft flk put In the "hat." The reason for tho hat Is that it is believed tn Insure a uniMr-nitof good service. It is the rule of Hit hie London restniucnl that every tip in the at the end dhiing room shall go to the bnt of the week the roniuis are divided. "Waiters In London are paid In wueen only $1.2i a week." said the nmitre d'hotel. "When a man first enter the service of a restaurant he gets of one part of the drawings from the only one-hal- f hat. so that he will receive altogether during a After six busy season from til to $13 a week. months he will be entitled to a full part of a drawing and will get on the average shout $15 a week. Head waiters In London, which correspond to captains here, get $5 a week wages and about $1 a week cut of the hat. Here a captain will get from $75 to $100 a month in wages, while his tips will bring that amount up to $150 to $250." - E. Iinkliams ege table Com- pound and it made me feel much better,, und I have continued its use. I am very grateful to you for the good health am now enjoying." Mrs. Baiun LorsioxoNT, 414 S. Livingston Street, Brookfield, Mo. The Change of Life is the most crlti neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will no successfully carry women through this s lu-i- r Por SO years it has been enring women from the worst forms of female ills inflammation, ulceration, dis-placemcllt8i fibroid tumors, irregulari-do- n Jj, pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If yon would like special n (trice about your rase write a rtmilden-ti-al lrtcr to Mrs. Pinkliam. at Lynn. Mass Her advice is ircck and always hclpliu. |