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Show FOR WET FEET. 3! Putting One Past the Post By JOHN IRVING DAY Garnering the Gold by a Special Process Originated Within the Confines of the High Rollers Club iil'ri JL'jYD, Jack Cleluud and ful. Iowley of the llig.i Uniters' club set out What's tin? iii.it r ? The Duckling You'll cry, ton, it your urn lnuile you wear overabuee Tim Chirk ent lien you v BABY HORRIBLY Iron. Heuu, Ncv., fur Kuu Fraii' isco. Tin y became ac, quainted with a George In Kaw Hid" mining Hop-.'.-in- Mainlining. prnpt-rlii-ii- . BURNED. las- Floyd sat In the marble finished rotunda of Sail Francisco's best hotel tho morning after his urrivul. Ho hud tinislijj with Ids iiewspajs-- r and was gu.my out. iiimui the little park jeruhs ths si reel tilled with palms and lie. lx of bright lined flowers. Neither - By Bolling Grease Skin All Came Off One Side of Face and Head-Tho- ught Her Disfigured for Life. Uied Cuticura: No 8car Left. "My baby was hitting beside fender ami wi were preparing the ('ol I'uwlej nor the lireakfahl alien the frying pun full of boiling grease wan upxnl and It went all over one hide of her fare and head. l Borne one wiped the with a towel, pulling the entire skin off. We took her to a doctor, lie tended her a woek mid gave me Home alutT to put on. Hut It all festered and I thought tho baby wna dltfllgun'd for life. I until about three Uoxch of Cutleura Ointment unil It waH wonderful how It healed. In about five week It was bettor and tliern wasn't a mark to tell where Hie rraltl had boen. Her akin 1h Just like velvet. Mrs. Hare, 1, Henry Bt., South Shlelda, Durham, England, March 23, 1908." Potter Unis a Clwtu. Curp., Hula fnipt, BuWaa. Jui-- flelaiid had rather glad when mid lie was Hie young mining man he had met on I ite train came n jxm him, and he was roused limn his by a i beery greeting. Jasiklng up, hu saw that. )iiuiik Hopkins no longer wore iiiriiiiroys mid heavy hunting boots. Inn was lilii?? serged, green hutted und piiteni ieaiheied, mill altogether ssjrty hulking enough to belong to his own set. "All alone, I see, remarked llopklus as he toiiclied Floyd upun the shoulder. It you've not lui-ito breakfast, I'd like to have you join me." I'd he pleased to," assented Floyd, who lisd grown hungry walling for Ills friends. "Those fellows who cams with me must lie taking hu extra portion of sleep this illuming. I'll not When tha Umbrella Took Fire. wait any longer Tor tliein.u TIkuiiiis SliiipMon, tin? Detroit malle-abl- e Down In the grillroom a breakfast iron mini, ia a grave and dignified was served, the equal of whleh la not pemun, loil once lie made u Joke. to la1 hud In any other city In the lie wiih Hitting with a parly of lulled States, excepting, perliupa, friends, one of whom wan smoking an New Orleans. Ky Hie in. . ...ul ennriuoiiH cigar. The friend had diffHopkins ha?l lit their cigarettes they iculty In knqiing the cigar going, and were eouversing us old friends. by ills repented lightings Imd frazzled "Oh, look who's arrived! hurst out the end of It until It was shout twice Tony the Tout, upon sight of Its original size. Hut he kept bravely und Ills purly. "If It isn't the Floyd at It. Kin Doctor, and I haven't seen him Kuddenly Simpson began to laugh. since Hamburg was a "WIihI Hre you laughing at, Tom?" "And suy," whispered Tony, In asked another member of the parly. what tones, "find out "I was wondering what Jim would hiisiness that man who was young do when tlint iiinhrrlln he Is smoking with you tills afternoon has with old begins to blaze," he said Saturday Tom Camp. They were off In a corEvening INist. ner for a long lime ami If your friend ain't some wise flsli he'a apt to be hit." Cars In Preparing Food. That night nfter dinner Floyd, in with young Hopkins, cauconversation In recent yeara aclentlsla have proved that the value of food Is ineas tiously led the talk up to Tom Camp, question ured largely by Its purity; the re- and then asked the to whether Hopkins had entered or sult Is the moat stringent pure food was about to enter Into any deal. laws that have ever been known. Well, I'm rather ashamed of It, beOne food that haa stood out promt It docs look like a crooked deal," en use nently ns a perfectly clean and pure fotsl and whleh was as pure before returned Hopkins; "hut I'm a lot loser the enactment of these laws aa It on tin? game, first and last, and It looka could possibly bn Is Quaker Outs; like a chance to get even, so I was goroneeded by the experts to be the Ideal ing to take II. If you know anything food for making strength of iniisele uhout ('amp, you know lie haa some of and hrsin. The best and cheapest ol Hie best horses on the track. He Bays all finals. The Quaker Oats Company lie's lieeii In hard luck this winter and Is the only innnufiieturer of oatmeal lost several thousand dollars bucking that hus satisfactorily solved the proli the tarn hank. Ills proismllion Is fur bun or removing the husks and black me tu put in (r.,l)00 to help hnck a aperka which are so annoying when book. He will pul lu $."i,U00 of his own other brands are cuten. If you are uioiii'y, making a good strong bank convenient to the store buy the roll. The iHHiks are ull making money size packages; if not near the now, and besides the even break we store, buy the large size family pack would get in mi the regular play; i ages. Damp says lie can lix u rare or two so we can win some sure money. He is And All with Company There. "Now, rhlhlrcn." said the mother, certain that we can pull out $"..000 ae a whole roomful of company had each In a week." That all listens well, come in, suppose you mu olT and play broke In Floyd. by yourselves." "Whul's the mailer with It?" "All right, mother," replied Kdilli. fan we go up und play Hamlet and Hopkins. "I don't know why I'm telling oil all this, unyway. You Ophelia? "fcrtulnly," smiled the mother, might queer iny game for all 1 know." No, I'll do nothing of the kind," while her guests looked on at the tuhleuu. Floyd. "I til! I'll lid you live tliKsly!" replied Killth; then, turn- hundred now that If I don't save you. Now, Camp will trim you for whatever you ing to her sister, she said: Maude, you run up to mnmma's room put in. If its such u sure thing, what and get all her false hair that you cuu docs he want with n partner to share llie profits? Any time a man offers find." Judge. you someihlng for nothing, lock up your bank roll unil keep jour hand on Sage Advice for Husbands. Itcv. Father llermird Vaughan. S. J , your Jewelry. Do ou Inflow me?" "Yes, it docs look that way," asthus advises liusliniids about their wives; "Never attempt to check tin sented Hopkins; "tint you see he neeils flowing tide of her talk. Let her talk (Ifl.OM to make the hook safe, and he on while you possess your soul In only has ahout (."i.imio In ready money Kemeinher that ii woman needs tliut In? ran lav tils hands on. That's many more surety valves und outlets why he wants some one to cimie in lie patient with the other (."i.ntht." for her temperament, .That's just what they all say, nnd with her." now I'm I'nnviiiii'd that you Hre sehcil Too Conscientious to Rest. nlcd to he the goat," announced Floyd. Dili he explain to nu just how hi' "And where do you go for your was going to pull off one of those aleiiiuiiicr vacation?" To the assembly grounds." leged 'sun things?'" 1 n race on the card toYes. "Wlmt a delightful period of rest and relaxation you must anticipate." morrow In which he has a horse en"t)h, not t all. We ulways make tered that enu win. He also controls It a point to attend every lecture." the only other coni ruder In the race. He run throw the rare to whichever Cleveland IMain Dealer. horse he wants to. You know that's Naturally. liossllde, don't you?" I under Magistrate (to wllnesst "Yes, I've seen such things done, anil stand that you overheard the quarrel then again I've seen them fall most brtwcMi the defendum and his wife? awfully hard. 1 ran see now how Witness Yes, sir. usy it will lie for him to break the Tell the court. If yon honk and .Magistral? get your f.'i.Piin on one raee. ran. wlmt he seemed to he doing. Come on up to my rooms and I'll inWitness lie seemed to lie doin' t':c itiate you into the art of healing the llster.lii'. lYarson's Weekly. double cross, If ilicrr's any chance to do It: and If there Isn't then you'll betImportant to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle Of ter keep your f.'i.OOO 111 the hank, or CASTOUIA a safe and sure remedy for have a trustee appointed to look after Infants and children, mid see that It it for you. You tuny ho all right on a mining proposition, hut there are a lot Hears the of other things you've got to learn." of Signature Within F minutes Floyd, with the In Fee For Over HO Yeara. aid of the telephone, hail loraicd Tony The Kind You Have Alwaya HoughL Hie Tout, und In another half hour that wise hug of the turf had arrived Ths Reason Why. "I wonder why urnti don't take more at Floyd's rooms, wondering for what he was wanted, nnd pleased all over to Interest In the primary!" summoned into the presence of so It a is "Feasibly, because secondary be ignst a personage. consideration." To Tony Floyd luld the proposition of Camp as Hopkins had told It to bfiu, anil upon hearing the proposition out a long laugh. Tony Why, It's just a plain game of double cross." asserted Tony, "lie'll break the hook and get your (5,000 lu one race and then tell you It was all a mistake und make you believe it, und tlieii he'll ask you to dig up another to get even with. Why, my kid brother wouldn't bite on that old book." "Yes, do you suppose 1 didnt know all thut?" broke in Floyd with a motion for ihe talkative Tony to ahut up. What I want you for Is to see if we can turn the tables and get Camp's end of the bank roll." "I'm afraid not," answered Tony, "lie's worked that game four or five times this season and always gets away with It. He'a got a regular crew to go on and make the book and they j Luting .1, .e, urieed lu lufcti m a tei iuded spot ou Uiu gi uuiids just heiore the race In i Mrli Camp hd iiiuiuiinced lhat a trick w.'.s io he turned. "Are you sure of that lout?" was the anxious liupi.ry of Hopkins when be und Floyd finally met in consultation. "Yi s, he'd lose both legs sooner than throw me duw'n," wus the reply. "Now, what does I' .nop say? "He says he has instructed the book to take In all tin- - tit-i-s they can get on Applejack. He has arranged with the owner of that one tu lost and he will win with his own horse. Lemon Squeezer. He explains that It might he suspicious to the judges if he didnt win this race. That means, explained Floyd, "that he inienils that Applejack Is lu win and his horse will be beaten out. How much money have you got In your porkel? Oh, uhout (5U0. "Well, go In the ring and make five (100 bets on Lemon Squeezer, bin dont bet it In our book. Camp has given Instructions to his bookmakers to give a shade the best price on the other fellow's horse. He will have commissioners there to get his own money down quick and bet enough to win out the bank roll on that one race. That's the way he's got it fixed to win our 5,0U0." The two separated and entered the betting ring from different ends of that inrlosure. Floyd noticed that, true to , Ci.u Uui i.i 4 i wl.-i- : in bJiL .' ,J",z-r- . behind came ine ikinre horses running casi.y. ba'l gone a quart ul' of the diSialiCJ L becould bo seen that tin: rain ws tho and tween ihe first two horses, others were strung oui lu slnglo file. came Applejack, runIn tlir- - biri-ii-without' effort, with Lemuu ning Squeezer within safe call. A smile rested upon the lace cniiicuHiii-nof the Tom (.'amp, down at the cuimieu-iiiiigrandstand, while Floyda wore a worried look and young Hopkins was shivering in the excitement of lost hop?.. "There, and I lUtem-- to you and saw your tout, lie said lu Floyd as be Applejack winning easily. "Why, Its nothing more than a pro-1 cession," muttered Floyd. "And would have slaked my right rye on Tony. Why, that boy ou Applejack Is racing him to death to win and the other fellow dont seem to be trying." the wins!" shouted Applejack crowd as the blue and white stripes passed under the wire a good length in front of Lemon Squeezer. "That's one time lhat Fin the goat," muttered Doc Floyd to Hopkins. "Fm sorry 1 steered you wrong, and will get you even. Although I guess Fm In a few thousand deeper than you are, I know I gave you the wrong steer and am sorrier for that than losing my own money. We are whlpaawed for fair. Camp wins out the bank roll In the book and we lose our outside beta. Iron I, i.-.v- c.-u-n' It.te kapkof Ix-mo- St Hallows College All SALT LAKE CITY BOARDIKG AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS Clui Wgias Wedactday, Siftisbe 8. SdcNtific aad Ceawcrcial Clinical, count. hay i, teacher. Special departawat far bttla tha cars ef a traiaed Cyaeiiaw ud Military Drill ader Very Rev. J. J. Guinan, S. M., President Adrice ae to ability sad Piecedais FREE apaa reqaeeL Scad dutch ud deecripliaa ef year bvaatiaa. Harry J. Rahiaeea, Atteney at Law ud Selidter af Pateate, 3M-- S Jadge Baildiag, Salt Lake City Sentence Sermons. better to be regarded as a prude than to rot as a mental garbage It ia can. Where a man's life does not preach hl8 preaching cannot live. People who think they were born to regulate the world are always afraid they will die from being - over-righteoti- s. Cynicism Is a pain due to attempt Ing to eat all lire's fruits too early in the season. Half of the business of lifting people up Is a matter of cheering them up. The prayer that rises In the heart always works a way out to the feet ... and the Hegevs. The empty' head Is easily wrinkled Into furrows that look like deep thought. He who misses the spirit of the law always makes most of the letter. It's an awful thing to be green, but it'a a good deal worse to be born dried up. Why One Drunken Man Died. Head Keeper Snyder, of the Central park zoo, was smiling over a newspaper account of a monkey that had died of love. It's a good story, said the head This reporter haa an original keeper. turn of mind. He'a like the western jury. A westerner, you know, ones hanged himself to the bedpost by his suspenders, and the verdict of the cor oner's Jury ran: Deceased came to his death by coming home full and mistaking himNew York Times. self tor his pants. reg-ulu- . ISO AIN salt laki cjtx uta aider the directieaef pedal iaitracton. Far terse aid kferaaliea, apply to I tlii-ie'- s guarantee The manufacture of fins jewelry has been one cf our principal specialties for more than forty years. We have always stood at the head in this line and today uao more men, more machinery and more material than any 'milar plant within some hundreds miles. Take the time and visit our shop. We will ahow you how wo mako good jewelry. i qticx-tloin- t'klifr-- A The teacher was describing the dolphin and Its habits. she said lmpres-ivelAnd, children, a single dolphin will have two thousand offspring. "Goodness!" gasped a little girl In the hack row. And how about mar rled ones? Everybodys Magazine. il y, "AINT stand lu with the play. I suppose lie's told Mr. Hopkins that he can put a man in the box to look out for hla nil Interests?" "Yee. he sahl I could do that," as- sented the young milling man. , look nrer that race he said he could fix r?ir to morrow," w:, the sud"l-ct- 'a den siiKgemiim of Tony ns he produced n paper In which wus a list of the entries for the next day's races. "Oh, I've gut the old badger!" was the sudden. gleeful out hurst, He was right about there being just two horses in the raee with a chance to win. Go dn and put In the (it.OOrt with him and Ill attend to the rest when I see you at the track Just put a wise one in the box to see that no one runs away with the bank roll, and lifter that race we'll have old Tamp ready to take the high dive from the top of the ferry boat." What Is it you're going to do?" was the suspicious inquiry of Hopkins. "Never lulml what I'm going to do; the liig I Vi-- ! or will stand for what 1 say, won't you. Doe?" "Yes. 1 don't know what it Is, but If you are sure you can put it through I'll take all. or half, of Hopkfns' end I ll give of the Hopkins (2J.0 lu the morning for a half of his Interest and !: needn't let Camp kno'.v there lx any one else lu ou the deal, .lack (iiiaiid can be the .man in the lux as lookout." When Floyd arrived at th? race trnck on the day following his talk with Hopkins nnd Tony he saw a new bookmaker's stand In the lino under the shed of the betting ring. In this stand was seated .lack ITi'hind, who was supposed to he there as an assistant to the cashier, but no glance of recognition passed between the twu. Floyd aud llopkins also kept YOU WISE TO WHATS HAPPENED? his prediction, the new partnership book had put up 2 to 1 on Applejack while the other books were laying a shade less than that price, A moment afterwards he noticed that the partrubbed out the nership bookmaker price against Applejack, announcing that he had all he wanted of it. Floyd knew liy this sign that Camp had bet enough of hla own money to win out the money that was in the book. Walking quietly through the ring, he stopiied long enough before a number of books to make several good-sizewagers on I .onion Squeezer. Ho already had given Tony (1,000 to wager on the same horse. Thr.mas Camp, besides getting all the money to be had In his own hook, also had wagered hundreds on Apple-jacin other books about the ring, and was surprised to note when he returned from the paddock, where he had Just saddled his horse and given final instructions to the jockey, that the price against Squeezer, his own horse, had not gone np in the belting. He was unaware that a large amount of money bet by Floyd had forced the price down. He had no time to investigate. however, as the horses already sere at the post, and he hurried to a point of vantage from which be cnuhl view the raee. Across the track In the infield Tony the Tout and Hank Harlin. owner of Applejack, stood talking together. Doc Floyd, watching the pair through his fleldglasscs from the grandstand, saw Tony pass a small package of bookd makers tickets to llarlin. "They're off!" came the buzzing cry of the frowd in chorus ns the barrier over at the pole whizzed up and a field of eight horses leaped forward. The blue and white striped jacket aud cap of Applejack showed in three-quarte- r Come on and lets get a bottlq of wlnev No use crying over split milk now. The two men, drinking large glasses of wine at the bar, paid slight atten tion to a sudden cheering and commotion on the outside. I guess we put over a good one that time, didn't we?" Floyd looked around upon the smiling face of Tony. "Why, you young hound, I ought to break your head with this bottle, he said in low but dangerously threaten Ing tones. What's the matter, pal? Ain't ou wise to what's happened?" No, what Is It?" broke In young Hopkins, anxiously. Why, Applejack was disqualified for not having up enough weight, Somehow or other Hank Harlin was careless in putting his lead pads to make the extra weight along with the saddle, and the jockey lost ten pounds of lead while he was at the post. Careless of Hank, wasn't It? He's been looking for a chance to double cross Camp and fell for my little scheme when I told him how much money we would bet for him on the other lmrse.' "And then we've won in the book be s'r.es the outside bets?" exclaimed young Hopkins, suddenly realizing that Tony the Tour had made good. "You should have told us how you were going to pull It off." drawled Floyd. "We nearly had heart failure and you can't blame us for doubting you. can you?" "Well, Ive showed you lhat I could put one over, anyway," returned Tony "And now, so far as Im concerned they can turn all the race tracks In the country into golf links. I'm goPtg into a docent respectable saloon business back home." tCupyrlglit, D03, by W. U. CL.ipiuau.l Coffee and Cigarettes Deadly. No modern tropical people perhaps, are outright except the Chilians, drunkards. People often talk of tho temperance of Mediterranean peoples. As a matter of fact, many men in Latin America die in middle life from heart and circulation diseases or a lype rarely seen here front excesslrs and continuous consumption of coffee und cigarettes. Practical Superstition. "Are you superstitious? "In a practical way." How ia that? I never walk under a ladder unless I feel sure it won't fall on me, and I always exjiect bad luck when pursued by a mad bull acrosi a lot In which there are just thirteen acres. The Honeymoon Special. Yes, .there were six bridal parties on our train. Old Chum Well! Well! And tell me about that long, narrow tunnel through the mountains. Did you get Bride through safely? Bride Oh. yes, we Just squeezed through. Chicago News. Tho Accommodating Dead One. You never do anything "Brute! like my first husband!" Oh, hang your first husband! What did he do that was so good, anyway? "Don't talk like that the poor dear died the first year we were married." London Opinion. Verb Sap. Gentleman And remember, young man, that if you wish to have enough to take it easy on In your old ige, you must work hard the whole of your life. Old ' |