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Show MA R K We are now occupying our new shop anJ cold storage, and with our ice plant, three refrigerator and rooms other modem facilities we are better prepared than ever before to furnish you with the Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Fish and Game Our facilities for keeping meats are unequaled in Southern Utah, arid our customers are always served with the Best Meats fresh from our cooling refrigerators. There is nothing we cannot furnish in the line of Choicest Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. the best and most complete in Milford and we always give our patrons prompt service and courteous treatment. If dissatisfied elsewhere, come to us and get the most of the best for the least. Our line of Groceries kv TEbe is would like to have wjth people he loves, end who love film, which he haa to leave alone bycause he misjudged hie opponent's draw. And there is another phase of it. While the young feljow does net drink, the other fellows who play teem unable to get through a session without liquor. They dont drink all the time. They have to look at their hands some, and once in a while they deal, if they dont forget it, and allow the careful man to work the careful man who always deals unless he ia challenged. And as the game progresses, and the beer bottles are emptied, and the bard liquor la visited more and more frequently, the language la vulgar and low. And the thoughts of the young man get into the rut of coarse speech and abased by drunken 'sentiment. Furthermore, a little poker brings out more of the bad qualities than anything else in the world. It ie said there are good poker players who are square and generous all the time; but they are out of town Just now. In nearly every game there ie at least ope sob, and ,4aavke- - two, Young Fellow in question play for the money. He hi the gamblers instincts ties. He plays for the fun the other men cash the in the weary morning, w ia left the majority bu ..f an exceptional ham enal play that has bee) the average losings. There are a good many things the world that have power to hnrt the young man. But probably the most dangerous and most effective of all for harm, ia the little game bf poker. And the young man who gets promoted leaves It alone. Ex. JSeaver Counts' Hews THE PEOPLES rAPER Published svery Friday afternoon by BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBUSHING COMPANY ' at Milford, Beaver County, Utah. Thia paper waa entered aa aecond olaaa office at Milford, Beaver County, Utah, uivlt matter June 1, 1908, at the jioet r the Act of March 3, 1879. dlatrict In the great CommonMilford la eituated in the rlcheat mi o metro la uthern Utah. She la aurrounded and the wealth of Utah poll la a took fruit growing, etc. landa and farm valuable k raiaing, adapted by Milford la the gateway to the great I ixie fruit dletrict and the famoua Virgin oil flelde. SUBSCRIPTION One Year..... Six Monthe... RATES: 60c (2.00 I Three Monthe 1.00 Sample Coplea aent free on request. Advertlaing ratea made known on application. Editor and W. L. ELS WICK, Bi an after nothing that aucceeda like would reverie, er wisdom deplore. aucceaa and anccraa apella continual George William Curtla paid him thh tribute: be aucceaa and Be Hampden waa the head, youll booatlng. Jeffereon waa the heart, John Jay a booster. way the conscience, but each of tnee There ia separated qualities may truthfully be said to have had even more algnal ex- mited wha they cnaracEeP of Washing "- -" ton. Our youth will do well to remember that his greatness was not made by writers and orators and elocutions, but by the weight of his moral manhood. There ia no greatness without virtue. There ia no eminence for immorality, no honors for licentiousness. True moral worth alone can abide time and build monunirnU. Goodness Id the life, ia the gold that shines in the name and brightens with the years. This is their inheritance and legacy. Ex. a few days ago that aince the tariff question had in copgre.., MramaftRd gone democratic; It T was remarked How aad. Nothing will help to build up a town or community like persistent boosting by the citisena. Then let ua of Milford get 'in the collar and boost to make a with a determination Greater Milford. If the tariff tinkerera at Washington would Jar loose for ewhile the mining industry of Utah might imA majority of prove considerable. the mining pn positions of the state are now at a standstill awaiting the anion of congress. -- N rl Vlon That God would save their delicate bbe their tender love and care. Dont let them feel that you've no To more need their love aqd council wise; For the heart grows strangely sensiOf U C HUNTER, We have added to our large Merchandise ' .. .. Stock a complete line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware and can furnish you with infilling From a Stove MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS No order too small nor none too large for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices HICKMAN & SONS T A Rendezvous for . PHYSICIAD AID SURGEON men Stylisl W'e3re offering a vat wealth of coloring, suggestive of spring HARRY FENNEMORE Attorn G0-- a the slat' -- for FINE, MILLINERY We invite you to call and see our charmingly - de- signed spring and summer hats; Remember we have trimmer in our millinery department a Bee our splendid line of ginghams, n Is fl MlC calicoes, dress patterns, trimmings, . All II. rlMy (R I III III notions, ladies and childrens shoes Ulglu Beaver, Utah first-cla- ss iM GREENWOOD LAW ATTORN EY-A-T and summer, in all the popular shapes and at prices that cannot be beat t4 : ey-at-L- Will practice in all courts of . designs, Licensed Abstracter,.,--anNotary Public , ' . i Investments Law ' Real Eeatate Firt Insurance AHHTRACT8 OK T1TI.R Qualified under rules of land departHE PLAYED A They were talking abonl ment to certify abstracts in patent LITTLE POKED very attractive Young proceedings. Riaiabir Thin. Fellow who had missed promotion j Bank Building, Milford, Utah ' A yet there has been no preparaThere are very few poems written tpffleea Tolton Block, Beaver, Utah to the surprise of everyone who krew which we admire more than thia one.j tions made for any kind of a celeso excellent a felseemed He him. Would that its sentiment waa stamped bration in Milford tomorrow, Pioneer REGIN AVD S. BRAIN, low. He was so loveable. He dresson every heart and Its teachings a pay. Whether this la due to lack of PIANO: HARMONY ed so well, and gave such delightful part of every life, says the Bslimti patriotism for the sturdy pioneers or to women nut the young Tanner Horae, BIilford . Call. Parental love Is worth more not we ere unable to say. However, attention to women end but the mothers, only, indicat lone are at the present time than all the dead languages that can Of the N. E. Conservatory of Music, He women. the older Boston, Mass. didnt very be learned in a life time. We need that Pioneer Day in Milford wJ4 go drink drop, even at banquets. less latin and more love for our umecognlced this year. aged While he waa by no means a sissy, parents. There la more genuine re. he pimply didnt like the taste of ligion in the good kind letter to aged There ia yet lenty of room for good than in half He sermons. so the alone. and s ' left it They parente liquor, who lacks parental love Is in a poor boosters in Milford, as well as room all liked him very much. condition to love his Heavenly Father. for hundreds of goed, live, progresIn talking of the matter a man His prayers may ring loud on earth, sive citizens. The golden opportuni- rather close to did the but they will die before that thf power they retch, ties are also here for those who aie the the throne of God. 'Parental love idnt promoting-Hupromote Milford Utah reedy and willing to dig in and Young Fellow' Inspiration said: IIe needs to be cherished, cultivated and. Those the to country. develop help fostered, and when children are sep- plays a little pokr.. And the wire rated far from parents they should' who are looking for en ideal location old men in the company understood. a rule, with no exception, toj make it metroshould come to Milford, the There ia something about playing a 'write once a week at least to those polis of Southern Utah. little poker that aoea more to help a who first loved them apd whose love young man away from advancement never dies. Don't be satisfied with' once this poeiq. Cut it out C03DIEH Washingtons goodness has than anything clay In the world. A and reading ; y in it yonr scrap book. paste sometimes seemed to ob-- man may have no bad habits, and lots li Dont go to theater, lecture or ball, 1 scurt hjsgrratneas. Amer- of good ones, but if lie plays a little But stay In your (HEATIESS roopi tonight; !cCALL rATTEBNS icana have beyn accused of Jduletry, poker, It comes t lie recognized that Deny yourself to the ilv and IVKhrdtftl for btyle, prrfrct fit; frjends that call, Sold in ml fcliabtkly (early M .. in own I tl Imiitl Mt (great has been the hanona bestow-- e there ia a worm ig the bud which will And a good, long letter write every cilyuud i au ianuda, or by mail rinti. Unit pnd iKn blown-rosI of his Write to the sad old folks at home, oilier for Send lire Upon him, Imt a century of critical destroy the full nuke. my calikigt Who sit, when the day is done. MCCALL'S MAGAZINE schi.larohlp and anal) sis of his teacli-- . opportunity. tliua other JMuic fahum (iibHiibm With folded hauds and do n cast eyes. any a month. InwiUMlili . t inftsr spirit and character, has cn y The boy that plays a little poker And think of the absynt one. milliit rr, tiyira, piltrrn, rtiYksinakine, lustc-Ilia bis ewinp, Ijiwy than he thinks. plaid emphasized greatness. really plays morp fill ccnu a Don't selfishly scribble; Excuse my ctiqurttr, fomi atnrivs etc On.y (north double), incfndiny a tire uiiem. loses much money ia like that of a star that becomes the And whle he yrar nevjr bubtetibe today, or vend tor vauiplc copy. haste; ( INDUCEMENTS vpurer as it relreata Into the blue of j he loses more ijtan he can afford. I've scarcely time to' write. wonderful caUIO-I il brln, n Avrnlt. their brondiug thoughts go wan- -, There is a many a bill that he ought ti ne. A Jilin irolTei. pn4 ut'vrJ'h TNI MfCIU CO.. M I Ml W. !7lh fc.. KtW T0EB No criticism haa revealed anv of to pay promptly that he leaves uu- dering bark To many a bygone night, his 'great acts which we would forget, j settled because lie really came out When they lost their needed sleep no word spoken, no line written, no j rather short from that last game, j and rest. Films developed and pictures print deed done by him, which justice And there are delightful times he And every breath w a prayer and finished at home by Lhuii-kd ,. . . - When you get through figuring with the other fellows go ,.! ,V Sec Ifoattbcvve and get the RIGHT PRICE on your building work. , n Mclntire If 0. u) a: w 1? J? to a Gasoline Engine and chicken wire, Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utensils, and everything in Contractor - Bolt We also have a large stock of wire fencing D I. HARDWARE . tive When age has dimmed the eyes. It might be well to let them believe You never forgot them quite That you deem it a pleasure when far away, Long letters home to write. Dont think that the young and giddy friends Who make your pastime gay. Have half the anxious thoughts for you That the old folks have today. The duty of writing do not put off, Let sleep or pleasure wait, Lest the letter for which they looked and longed Be a day or an hour late. For the sad old folks at home, With locka fast turning white, Are longing to bear of the abaent one Write them a letter tonight. C. ,r v. S z m June 24th to July I Oth, inc. , ' ' ...First Spring Excursion... . - For the Round Trip to Los Angeles good returning to October 31, 1909 ' to the Land . of Sunshine, boating, .deep ua bathing, fishing, motoring through the orange groves . e - pugacine-miliu- m l.jt-f- nrrdirwo-k,fiairdiemj'- r I l . For full particulars ask your neatest SALT LAKE ROUTE Agent or wiite to j Ir-- I KENNETH C. KERR ii st : . 109 So. Main St. Dist. Passenger Agent Salt Lake City, Utah 1 |