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Show Have your kodak pictures finished PREPARE NOW FOR RAINY A on post cards by Klswick. DAY In her complaint for a divorce Mrs. Smithson makes some W. F. Knox is over from tional charges against her husband. Beaver today on legal business. jThe complaint was filed in the courts Uke Tuesday and as to the Pay your subscription to tho NewaJ now and get a set of those knives, - truth of the charges the evidence in The complain- the case will Sheriff Robinson came over from ant asks for adecide, division of the property Beaver yesterday on legal business. of the defendant as a permanent! See our calendar samples and make alimony. your selection. We have the finest The water in the Beaver River has line ever shown in Milford. risen higher this spring than the old Mra. Anna Glenn went ont to the timers can recall for the past several Old Hickory mine yesterday to spend jyean(. The flat east of town is now the day with Mr. and Mra. James jgxider water. This is an indication 'enn that a greater enow fall was had in the mountains last winter than is made to summer and suits Spring d will no doubt be the means order. A large line of the latest patr terns to select from. See Chris. of supplying a great deal more moisJenson .the tailor, Woodbury residence ture this year than we have had in the past. ManZan Pile Remedy is put up in a tube with nozzle attached. May be Miaa Mell Corlett has resigned her applied directly to the affected parts. position at the telephone exchange Guaranteed. Price 63 cents. Sold by to accept one in the post office. Miss Milford Pharmacy. Corlett ia qualified to be assistant because of her experiFred Jefferson came over from postmistress ence in the office at Milford where Beaver the first of the week and is she waa employed for nearly two again tying up goods in the store. She takea the place of Kate years. Fred has been working for the Beaver Palmer who ia quitting preparatory River Power Co. for the past several to taking a trip through Yellowstone months. Park in June. Cedar City Record. For all kinds of cleaning, pressing and repairing of ladies and mens clothing see Chris. Jensen, the tailor. First-clas-s work at reasonable prices. One and blocks west Of Forgie hotel. (.'has. senua-Attom- L GRIFFITHS . ey Carries the best and most complete stock of everything in j If you want to keep your money in a safe place and at . the same time have it earn yo more, start a savings account with the f State Bank Beaver County MILFORD. UTAH Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum is paid on savings accounts. ' CAPITAL S, 000.00 SURPLUS AND STOCK Wt Traisact a General ' Baskins Business HOTEL BAR Wm. Emerson, Proprietor The right place to get the best of everything in liquid refreshments ...Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars... try to please our patrons by giving courteouN treatment. Main Street Frinoo, Utah We KOCHS one-ha- lf Jamea M. Smith Frank SMITH I. Hand j HAND & i CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Cabinet Work, Screen Doors to order. Furniture Repaired. AU work promptly attended to. Estimates furnished. ; Milford, Utah Telephone No. 48 SIEWERT R. G. House, Carriage i Sip Painting A surprise party waa given last evening at the Schow home in honor of Marie Schow. Quite a number of the young ladies little friends were present and a most enjoyable time was had by all. Sunday services at First Church of Christ Scientist of Milford are held as follows: Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. morning service at 11 oclock, even- ing services at 8 oclock. Wednesday evening experience meeting at 8 Groceries, Dry Goods, Miners ' Supplies . If there is anything you want, we have it, and can supply you at right prices. you want the Best Rooms, Best Meals and Beit Service when in Frisco, stop at the JAMES HOUSE D. W. JAMES, Proprietor We are prepared to give the public the best accommodations at reasonable rates FEED STABLE I ROOMS U Utah ' Choicest of Wines and Liquors. bar room is fitted up with good pool and billiard tsbles and also have in connection Our TA H BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOM. BOARDING UMlforft MEALS AT ALL HOURS oclock. Pineulea are for Backache, and bring quick relief to lumbago, rheumatism, fatigue and all other symptoms of . Kidney disease. They are a tonic to the entire ' system and build up strength and health. Price 65c and (1.00. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. The Buchanan building is being remodeled and will be fitted up with Milford Utah ' an Chaa. C. pool room. Kizer has purchased pool and billiard The Cough Syrup that tables and a stock of tobacco and rids the system of a cold cigars and expects to open the busl-nein this building in a few days. by acting ae a cathartic on the Are you interested in California, bowels Is Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it would be wise to write for full information about the shortest line and the best service from yonr point to those sections via the SALT LAKE ROUTE, Utah's moat popular road. Our complete line of 1910 c alendar samples has arrived and we now invite tho public to call and inspect them. We now have one of finest lines of calendars ever shown in Milford and are prepared to furnish same at the lowest prices consistent Bees it the original laxative cough syrup, with the best goods. contains no opiates, gently moves the C. Frisco, Pproprietor Exclusive Agents for HUMBOLT EL PAYO Cigars, and we also handle the Satisfaction Guaranteed i CONNECTION G. D. H. KOCH, Prop. SCO , IN BAR COSMOPOLITAN Reynolds, , . F R FRISCO, UTAH If REST AU BANT J. and All Kinds oj FRESH and CURED MEATS Mclntire Contractor g)ra 3Line AM Prepared to do all kinds of Light and Heavy Hauling reasonable and at prices. There is nothing too Promptly for deliver. Orders left at my residence, to me too nor light heavy in will be promptly attended to. either by phone or person I AUGUST THIESSEN, Milford. Utah np-to-d- PAPER HANGING, GALCIMININ6 AND GRAININ6 ss Estimates on FIRST CLASS -- Work Cheerfully Given a CALL OR WRITE Jill th j MILFORD, UTAH of StDomeat and imported TVIXKS, ILIQUORS an.. CIGARS SBest SBmtada are handled by us and we will treat yon right If you call at ....CIdc JBtich Saloon.... Sackett & Kelly, Proprietors Give us a Call when you are in Frisco ' ; LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Pinesalve Carbolized 4CT imtrouinci rwuYoir il (iiuu bowels, carrying tho cold off through the Guaranteed to give natural channel. etikfaction or money refunded. Milford rharmacy, Milford, Ufah. For a sociable game of pool or billiards drop in at THE OXFORD Large and commodious accommodations for the convenience of tourists and traveling men. All the latest magazines and papers are in our reading room. |