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Show - -- . it Remember ihr.t vo w ifiie moic h F?i I - :,- ' Hi-'.- - f! - iJUVC w, the famous v m2 s) - ..-- Boyal Nut Bread I k (v; v.) '! , Utah . it.; x-?- . i j. 4iw . iJ i. A. t J. Every loaf has the crown label. 1 headquarters in Southern Utah for ail kinds of is 1 . I 1 ! ibaii any oilier firm -- t. t t- in Southern i Dont forget we sell vs Fresh Frcilas'J Veyelsfete M j a. vt.i jV. - -- , SSUv .) jtiiA BwP u r . A!r O. r; tti Si U (f JfSL all kinds of FRESH, SALT and SMOKED MEATS, Fresh and Salt Fish, Chickens cic. 3 Fresh Fruits arid Vegetables in their Season :... Strawberries, Also Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, China and Glassware the leaders in general merchandise . in Southern Utah. rr&irre.n Start a nice lawn at your home this spring. We have We are agents for a Los Anrreles firm for FRESH CUT FLOWERS. Roses and Carnaiions a specially. that will grow and beautify your yard. No. 20 7 clef) hone M.i.: SScaver Countv TRcws f.i ' ii tb.-.y- . i i I ,:i : ov!' .f v: i' in i.o j ira; (V:ni:-:In tin1 rii lu-- ' t m wraith of I'lali mill iH llio iiii't'fi i i if ; 1:1 r ; Vi ah. Sli i .:! i hy valuahlu fart1 1 laiiilii an.l ia :.il:ip'.-;- l im. v : iai oik;, tniil y.i on Milfurt) ii the j.;ali'i'Hy to tin1 j.riVit I'lxii li'.iii ill. I! li t ;i!;d tin' I.. on Virgin oil i i'l-i- t.- .! ! . - . - Six Mouths 1 i . .iivi rtism:; raloH iiiii..i' , iii.Mi i h- - i. i " il a f ' Mi'i. jiii'-- i a'ilii fin oil i ty : : hv.iii-i- s V-.y.-- , j .1 rro! f'-- . i i : implements to care for your garden 5 iS jr.ijv.', i al' Siy - . i aV I ,l.: . - iiiii',u.; liHti'.ct in t'a" rti l ii.) la d ,, i. I. - , ..mi.iinr ;!. : . seed. o . i o .v1'' jii .i i , 'i'iia I- - 9 Muarai i , ; Carry a complete line of the il) fa ; i o::s flan ilton fJ3roiun erican Sjentleman and ; id i tr ae i ii;.i.ju j d i ..l.i i, ja . ' j !, r- j j.. vl'.i ::i"-- ' ,,i:r. o i jolc.;; j . tt ii, !r l.i.'-- i ;('! " tiu1 day hear cf t : ' I'.l :l hi il ' j ,t t - r i or.r: 1 a,d an .h l gin. jV i lI'i i li i .iit'.niri a,-i s 1 . . to i.u-u- u I., r ,..m- - it at ' will American I2adtj m 1 t' c 1 l! h rn'::n j and , of of UMi'thi': l.tii-l- , and v i;l 5ij; j ; .i.itni aiid MaiM-.iiii 1i:iii!"iIi of r.lii. !i v."T ! i.ti :vuU ini i s:i:d , if ,nT.i . I.j-- i il i i;h a '.I llio.i gmiil ihiii! in Hijlil tiii-ino di.uhi lust ih: t Mi frd will limn' than in y.ipal ri in dnri ig; tin n.xf . Ki t tho ; r ;.!! . ill.; dltf) fir in Miifiml on tli la t an.l a I ll.o limo. .aim Ldj r.iirn-- and li t 1 , ii Bros... 0 0 i:ni,,.V.. u- I ii M - i' 1 ; i ' - f.i T.iii . 71 Mii- -i.i a v, JJ :j 10 t'.i i.Jdo r.f i j t pvTa'i, n :. ! iv J - - ac-r.- V V ! !;, .it-i- i.i , ' .:r also full line of garden' 11 "ya- in the !. a:! !. 1 ic i;'.:-!- ! : :I i.; ti ia ih'i 1 no . 'l ,1 . T.t i .L.i'o.tl. ! i i. - in;1 !! is vil.i'ii- I flial'. invi't." lo'ii H V.li.ulsir : i i':i'-- i a i v ry day. Jhi.iaii mo.:.,. .... u rjlu t- - ; f .. - i1 r of ;! .i.ahi- - m 'y. I k to;- a Tart .Inn d Mi v 1 1 ; .0:1 .1 ' o L: tlio Lvir: t'i ovrry y '. j y ii'.uto ; .el- ji! In l that, iVn ? . :i r towu, in j;i i''.'ii!pii"'..:y iiK.a-m- atii'i:. : :i I:'. ..,.' j ti fio.-.- ' i.i 1 ! . ill - 1 o . RATES: I.,'-,- 1 I ': ' M, ps. inii'li" U on . ' . SUBSCRIPTION OnoYcar 1. - v.:;t . him vi hi luf t i'd r tM t I Liberty for tin' y. and ecu i ' : sen u,.;: tally uml i' t :i-i- i f 1 -- U Lawn hose; Milford, Utah !. r t, THE PEOPLES PAPER Milford in You need garden Hoes Rakes and Shovels Lawn Seed TIfoc THE LEADER '"il ..i We are 1 1 tin-1)1.- Youll ho lonomino if i.u dnii't i i Thoroll ho Muuoihitig; lining sill day. u-- . lioinondH'r tho Kolnml oiootinii in i:;tli. If you don't voto, dont kick. I f. i T. ho Milford di.'-lri- t i in .Mm.ihiy, .luiy No Chance at Ail. Pig-.eit- , why the yon argue thing out with "l'id." said 'Oi" rcplieil ii'.v wife lias Whilo uil this Imilding is going on and why don't sumo very positive vlewg on that sulijivt. public spirited moil coiiHiilcr the proHsition of erecting a modern opora Tin moment 1 opened my month she house. Tho town noods one aiul it would Ih a p;n iug invest mint. would, put her foot down, and1 The idea. 1 should think you'd I , choke." to lx a county fair in Heaver county this year it is time f,r KteH to lie taken in that direction. Iteavcr has talked county fair for some Always Absent. time but as yet the good iHopic of that ienccfu! little city have failtsl to To whut religious Qulzzcm I stands In' of wake up sullioicntly to take any action. The rest county do you belong? ination ready to assist in a movement of this kind but we don't like to "butt in St ay a way 1iu a seventh-dauntil tiie tail starts rolling. Kansas City Times. is y denomt. trustees aphiinloil a committee to soouro suitable ground on which to civet a now jail. That committee failed to aecomplish tho object for which it was apioiuUd. Whether l lie ground could not lie secured, or the committee forgot its mission we are unable to state. At any rate the town needs that new jail and something should be done in this regard at once. Tho present jail is unsafe, unsanitary anil a disgrace to a progressive town. corre-v.if-?- " 53 window an I church liaa 13 ptlb-ii'B-. se.cn doors, representing the niumhii. weeks and days In tho week. l In the west porch, says the Church ? L Eclectic, are 21 steps (ascending to the library above), representing the hours ' of the day. Again, on each side of ihc choir are CO steps, leading to the roof, denoting on the one side the minutes ,p nnd on the other the tcconds of the hour. mi-lor- w-- l - Lin-M- vots-H- . e fa dies farnishinqs -- drugs , notions , etc . o. iV; State Ban of Beaver County MILFORD, UTAH New and Fresh Stock of Groceries EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK IS SALE DAY WITH US Get Our Prices before Buying CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 We Transact nf Liberty cni'leMt certainly went Hrum'.' Twenly-nlu- i The (; i fmusaml vm.n n- i iet- during iho c uitt ! , iinvt-- f tibirh were ea.-- t tin ia;: day and at the last minute. The winner. Mis Ktuddard. earriyd off the bonors with over (llteen tliouHand That tlie gi ddisn will be! nied with a gown that ia worthy of the occasion there is little doubt asj pro-.- ' tho coiiiinitU c in charge projumn to male the Miifi nl gi ddi-i- nei nd ti j - IPhone lso s1len s and A . - fjcffcrunn of It seems an thouglw we never find time to think of tho need of a decern except when we a called upon t witness the lay ing away of some friend or ri la.ivv. It i a i'i. giacc to a town, which in all things else, is the dead as to have no lie- ii r progressive and and alive, m m far ilLre.-.pi'csand hill. Lots give seme thought to this for burial Ilian a i!cs.-.a:phn-i a. l iT lar.J f.r a cemetery as noil us i rga: subject and secure a -.e an a "i-i- . uion to caie fnraud hcuiitifv it. ci alt. la the tower of St. Ibitelidi's church, jj Poston. England, are Sfi; iitepa, r pending to the days in the year; the 'jj ) Sometime ago the hoard T An Almanac Church. don't your j If there and a choice tine of aliens Clothing at prices to suit f.-- Tourth. a General Banking . Bros. Business Start a saving. account' iii.w and have sninchii g away e pay interest on time deposit:'-- . Ihv.it take any chances on losing your money when you can deposit in a good, sound, conservative hank. fi-- oiil ago. vjVMirEBnfTTBBBBBEgEgaBEBUTOODB If You Like I i Tits News, Send iii Your $2 for Subscription. |