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Show EAST SALT LAKE TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1923 STORIES MOTHER! GIVE SICK CHILD -- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP, Laxative fop a Billoua, Harmless Constipated Baby or Child. CNmsiipided, LEGION Fig idnt KupplUd bf (Copy fur 'iius uuws' A mart eta Laeffiota Nbwi itenrlc) Syrup.1 No oilier laxative regulates tender little to-th- mat-han- the liver and bowels amnp without griping. Con ..Ins no nnrcotlcs or to soothing drug. Say California" a counterfeit avoid and druggist your Insist upon genuine "California Fig which contaiua directions. Syrup Advertisement. darts 0 1 On the Wedding Trip. Unit long "Now were approm-lilntunnel, you're not ufrulil, my hoe? "Not ut all, If you'll only Hike the cigar out of your mouth, dear. GIRLS! 35 year of less, Neglected &AHlSO Life- jpOWDEI Hair. Retain!; of neglected aralpa with de"Dan pendable Pu && i&'U derlne. Falling hair, itching aralp and the dandruff ll corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wlapy or fading hair la quickly Invigorated, taking on new atrength, color and Danderlne" la deyouthful beauty. lightful on the hair; a refreahlng, stimulating tonic not atlrky or great I Any drug store. Advertisement. GARY, a The Cutloura Toilet Trio. ITaving cleared your akin keep It clear hy making Cutlcura your everyday toilet preparation. The Soap to clennae and purity, the Ointment to aoothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and No toilet table la complete without them. Advertisement. BESTJDYiXESTTl iier-fum- Proof of Right The proof of a thing's being right la that It hits power over the heart ; that It excites us, wlna us, or helps ua. Rut-ki- Proof Enough. "Mary, are you a good conkT "Yea, ma'am. I go to church every Sunday. Hall's Catarrh Medicine FOR LIVER A BOX AND BOWELS-I- Oc Treatment, bod) local and internal, and ha been ucce ful In die treatment of Catarrh for ova forty yean. Sold by all druggiits. Sick F. Ileadachejudlgeatlon. Drugstores. Adv, Cures Biliousness, Constipation, J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio amUJTDDMtDONTDEUY When an heiress murrlea a title ahe Iirulwhly thinks ahe may be able to live happily ever after she la divorced. BUTTER COLOR Lameness Stops from Bom Spa via. Blag Ctrl, Side Bsm, or amiUr troubles and Nothing Better for Constipation than one or two Itrandreth Fills at bed time. They clennae the system, purler the blood and keep you well. Adv. Bou, Splint, gets bora going sound, acta mildly but quickly and good reaulta 17 In Pamphlet with Pai wl bottle Ulli aJS n hot Hi dim-ove- philosophy la W inInllAU daUmcd. V. F. TOON, hr. Ill lima Su SyWMi Im. INFLAMED EYES liniln, Buret Toirinujilitiar Dm IV. ThnapniaV 1U1 r. are lasting. Dot a Mlitor or rcamro the hair and barm can be wkM When a man wants to lairmw money r lie that hi distant relations don't live fnrthcKt away. on the bright g NEW Ton run no longer put a man In Jail Itecautie he owes money. The Inw fixing that waa the find blue aky law. aide of the flume. The moth always look niW.TluT.llTT Ihwktok W. N. U., Salt Laka City, No. 50-19-23. Man should he and not him nit diHihts us to the proper method of living well or ill. USfllQAlcl r; WORK IS 0. K.D Projects. when you Toothache Neuritis 1 IlAtPS'-E- which wb' M Dili mut l Bam l buy-TUd- m ' ; gen-rmll- Rheumatism "The that It racfcaEe iniiLEL contains proven directions. Handy "Tlayrr" boxes of 12 tablets Alsu Dottti'i uf 24 ibJ 10D Dnxiiita, lUftnCictwa American Legion posts are urged to give nil possible assistance in promoting community projects hy Bert I. Halllgan, commander of Argonne post, American Legion. Department of Iowa, American posts mist glvt nil possible service to their respective communities," he declared. "It op-- , portunltlea are greater than that of any other organization hern use Its niomhenihlp comes from all walks of life, but It cannot function ns It should without the of nil other civic hodles and of the cltlxcns j Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Faia As Gmstmas Gifts German Roller Strain Good Singers Special $50 ; Guaranteed Singers , 2178 So. 8th East St. j I Ikea-to-Guwater route. Here Is the Dunes State pork, Just established by Indiana. Flung through the marshes and send bills of the Indiana dunes the road conatltutea an engineering achievement of the first rank. From Balleytown to Michigan City the highway followed old trails, but from Gary to Balleytown the concrete waa pushed forward laboriously through a virgin waste of swamp and dune land. Overgrade would night the slowly built-u- p be found to have settled Into the apparently bottomless swamp. And once g had to atop for the contractors to rescue the advance guard of their progress, a huge steam shovel that made Its own road as It went along, but slipped from Its moorluga and settled deep Into the swamp. Many relics of the frontier days when Bailey's trading post, for which Balleytown was named, and which was the only stopping place on the Detroit-Chlcag- o trail between Chicago and White Pigeon, Mich., were found by the contractors as they pushed their grade forward through the swamps. More than $1,000,000 will have been spent on the Dunes highway before It la completed. A bridge still Is to be built west of Balleytown to carry traffic over the New York Central railroad tracks. lf road-buildin- ties Interlaced their culture with that of practically every civilised or aemL civilized nation, and this vast encyclopedia of their writings over ten centuries and In every part of the world forma a magnificent treasury of historical source. Before the Adler library waa purchased the Hebrew library of the Jewish Theological seminary was surpassed by that of tha British museum and that of Oxford. Both of these libraries wished to acquire the Adler collection, but they have both been practically penniless since the war. Mr. Adler, who waa an International lawyer of London, wae willing that the C9ll?tion should go to any of tha two 6r thrfcd gteat Jewish cultural centers, and he accepted an offer of $125,000; a nominal pries, from tha Jewish Theological seminary. Mortimer L. RchllT took the lead In raising tha Save a life for Christmas you are giving, give There are thousands of sufferers from tuberculosis, forgotten by all the world except the Tuberculosis Association. It needs your supwork. port to carry on its You help when you buy Christmas Seals the Liberty Bonds in the war WHILE life-savi- ng upon consumption. Buy Christmas Seals ! Buy as many as you can. The Great White Plague can be stamped out entirely. Christmas Seals are saving many, lives. Buy Christmas Seals, and save a life for Christmas. Stamp oaf Tuber calculi with Christmas Seals DOLLS! TOYS! Waterman's Fountain Pens money. With the acquisition of the Adler collection the Jewish Theological seminary will have a total of about 80,000 Hebrew hooka and about 6,000 manuscripts and over 100 Incunabula. This vast library has been put together almost wholly In the last 20 years. Womans Life Saved by Faithful Dogs Iowa Ltgion Commander Urges Posts to Givs Aid In Promoting BAYER year-aroun- Baby's Diet. Baby conferences throughout country uniformly disclose the that malnutrition la the most common ailment among the small children. This condition results not o much of diet, poverty as from a bad choice Canaries Eversharp Pencils Ivory Toiletware l COMMUNITY SAY which Greatest Hebrew Library in the World A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 60 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion for 85 cents. Adv. Others Find Relief in Allcock'a riastera from local ache and pain. So can you. One trial will convince you of their merit!. Adv. b One waa the Illinois Central, had Its western terminus at Earlvllle. Every Saturday night tha railroad shunted a passenger coach onto the side track at Earlvllle; and oo Sunday, Mr. Miller, arriving on horseback from one of hla other charges, held sevlcea In the car, with no pulpit but the crude back of a car seat and no organ to guide the rough voices of the pioneers through the hymns they sang from memory. The young minister had other difficulties. He had to preach at all four towns every 8unday, and hla schedule waa rigorous. He preached a sermon early Sunday morning at whichever of the four towns he chose as hla starting point. Then he mounted hie sad-- , die horse and rode five or six miles to the next settlement, preached hla third sermon sometimes, he admits, the same sermon for the third time at the next crossroads In the afternoon, and In the evening he was due at the last of the four towns. During tha week he held religious services In the four communities aa often aa ha could reach them. d For this ministry, through thunderstorm hod blizzard, Mr. Miller got 3100 a year from tho central organization of the Methodist church. The rest of hla subsistence came from the people he served In the form of "board and keep." I then. We know how much pleasure Christmas trees bring, not only to the little folks but to hteir elders as welL The Christmas tree custom is a very old one that has come down to us over hundreds of years from Europe. We all know the feeling of warmth that creeps into our hearts when we hear a group of young folks singing Christmas carols and this is another ancient custom coming down from the mythical past But none of these is more beautiful, nor does any of them carry any more tender meaning than that old legend that tells of the Christ Child coming down to earth on Christmas eve and wandering up and down the highway, out in the dark and cold, who would have had no light to guide his footsteps where it not for the Yuletide candles burning in the windows of even the most humble homes Aside from these old but beautiful customs it cannot be denied even by the modern man that it sends a pleasurable thrill through hia being if Anything takes him out on the road or street on Christmas eve and he passes a house with a candle burning in the window It seems to breathe a good wish of the inmates of that house for the wayfarer who may be abroad that night and it also reflects an added jov in the hearts of those who place the candle there. Indiana Dunes Highway Is Now Open sne Did. Hewitt That old tnald landed a hushund at lust; elie married an aviator. Jewett She found, like others, that there la room at the toil. Contemplative much of a IA. A circuit rider district" of MARION, Delaware there were fewer Review of Activities of Past Yaar people In the state than Show Legion Aim to B of there are now In the city of Dee General Service. Moines, and when Delaware couuty, for which hie circuit waa named, had A convincing refutation of occabut one church, a little frame shack at sional alura at the American Legion on "Yankee Settlement," Rev. f. X. Miller the grounda that the organlxatlon does of Cedar Falla, Methodist minister In not represent the war veterans and Iowa since 1856, claims to have served promotes only Its own selfish Interests more years In the ministry In this la contained In a review of the work state than any other clergyman. Rev. of Arkansas Legion posts in the last Mr. Miller, at the age of eighty-seveof year. In that time; the department consecuattended his Arkunaas, under the leadership of O tive seasloo of the upper Iowa conferL. Itodcnliainer, then department comence of the Methodist Episcopal mander, pushed forward rapidly la church recently In session here, and both meinberahlp and activities and the conference la this year In Its aixty-dght- h now stands ai a recognised force la session. the national organisation. The npper Iowa conference was orIlow the community la being helped ganised In 1856 and held Its first anby the legion la demonstrated by the nual session in that year. In 1855 Mr. record of many Arkansas post. Mem- Miller had come IVest as a boy of ber of the lake Village and Eudora nineteen, fresh from a seminary at posts, during recent high water, pa- Newcastle, Pa., to "read medicine trolled the levee night and day, saving with his uncle at West Union, la. considerable property from damage. But he decided to enter the ministry The Stuttgart post la now planning a Instead and In 1856 ha obtained a linew home, which, when completed, will cense to preach for the Methodist house the town library. Warren post Episcopal church. He waa assigned has one of the foremost buildings In to a circuit, which included four town the community as Its home, and la of Delaware county Manchester, becoming an Influential factor In civic Greeley, Earlvllle and Yankee Settlebetterment. Texarkana post baa added ment the latter since renamed Edge-woomuch to community spirit by Its successful conduct of the town baseball There were two railroads In Iowa park during the last season, and the Fort 8mlth post le active In educational and welfare work. Several of the posts have been IND. Completion of one In obtaining suitable war the most difficult memorials. A Legion cemetery la beprojects ever undering maintained by the Jonesboro post taken In the Middle West was raragould post la erecting a monument for the Greene county veterans. celebrated when the million-dolla- r Dunes highway was thrown open to and Marianna posts startBlythe-Villed the movement to honor the mem- traffic from Gary to Michigan City, ory of Herman Davis. Americas great- connecting tha west Michigan pike est war hero, with appropriate mon- with Chicago uments as well aa scholarships at the Opening of the new route comes Just 100 of years after the establishment of Arkansas. University Hot Spring post has handled tbs the first through trail to Chicago from eases of a large number of veterans the northeast. The new highway, from waBalleytown east to Mlcldgan City, folwho, hearing of the health-givinters, went to the apringa without suffi- lows the exact route of the eld cient fund. At Russellville, the Letrail, laid out In 1823 of President under the administration In Is classes gion parliamentplanning ary law, Americanism, military fu- James Monro, when Chicago was only nerals, etc- - for the benefit of vet- a trading post The new road Is rich in historical erans. All of the poets are doing simassociation. It passes through the ilar work for men, regard"Calumet Fortage," which wns used less of their affiliation. quite as much lu the days of MarPLAN TO CHECK IMMIGRATION quette and La Salle as the "Chicago Portage. Both of these famous exConference at San Francisco, Under plorers used It. Here was fought one of the battles of the Revolution. Auspices of American Legion, Present and future are equally InterAppoale to Congress. esting. Here Is Gary, one of the of the world. Here will be That the remedy of greatest Immediate value for the problem ot ori- In the future Ford City ; Chicago's mn- ental Immigration la In tha adoption nlclpal harbor. In Lake Calumet ; the of a law excluding from the country Lake Michigan harbor to be Jointly all Ineligible aliens was the consen- constructed by Illinois and Indiana on sus of opinion expressed at a confer- tha state lino tha terminus of the ence on oriental Immigration held at Sun Franrlaco under the auspices of the American The organizations represented at tha YORK. The library of meeting were the American Legion, by Jewish Theological Morgan Keaton, adjutant of the debecame the greatest Hepartment of California ; tha California brew library In the world State Federation of Labor, by Paul with the acquisition of the Elkan Nathe than Adler Scharrenbery, secretary-treasurecollection, which baa arState Grange, by C. A. Bodwell, Jr., rived from London In 66 cases and la personal representative of Georgs being unpacked and sorted out by Dr. Harrison, state master; the Native Alexander Mark and other scholars Sons of the Golden Weft, by William at tha seminary In New York. J. Hayes, grand president, and C. L. This collection comprises more than McEnernay, grand director. volumes and parts of 40,000 It was pointed out that the three volumesprinted and more than 4,000 manuorganisations first named In national scripts, and was tha greatest private convention and all four organisations Hebrew library known to exist It Inin state convention had unanimously clude several thousand unique volurged congress to enact immediate umes and manuscripts dating froip the legislation excluding hereafter aa Im- Mmh to the preggnt, and procentury migrants or permanent residents all duced (n every country of Europe and aliens ineligible to ritlsenshlp under Asia, and In many of those of Africa the laws of the United States. and the new world. Attention was called to the fact that The whole collection has scarcely the Legion, at Its last national con- been touched by scholars. The superfvention, made It tha duty of the naicial work which (as been dong on tional executives and each state de- the collection aa Adler put ft together partment to take steps to promote Im- shows, Doctor Marks said, that It will mediate legislation on this subject, throw on every phase of civilisathat the American Federation of Labor tion Inlight from the rise of Europe has adopted a similar policy and that and perhaps civilization, the state departments of the Ameriearlier, down almost to the present. can Legion In California, Oregon, The distribution of Jewish cominvxl- Washington and other western states In accordance with are ' the policy outlined. d. j DANDELION Work of Iowa Circuit Rider in 1856 slxty-seveut- thbjPMEt An abundance of luxuriant hair full of gloaa. gleams and life ahortly followa n genuine toning up CASCARETS t--- n, SSis MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR A GLEAMY "Danderina So Improves i . . ARKANSAS POSTS WERE BUSY tinwel ai nicely. It sweetens the ito Another Christmas is approaching and it is m.it all of us instinctively want to do whatever 'iatutaI add to the beautiful spirit which seems to be abroad at , irut of the year. that AMEBKM AMERIC bil-In- fc vlsh, or flck. rollc Bable Mid Children love To (like genuine fulifiinilii CHRISTMAS IkBUMsUeedOwter C mtittfuN I button not only show wearer served In the war. hut It shows that ha la serving In The hutton la a badge of pence. hi nor which every veteran should glad to wear." ORE. To the and faithfulness of shepherd dogs, "Jack" and Tup," Mrs. Ruby Pettis, a resident of the southern part of Wasco county, attributes the fact that she Is alive today. Mrs. Pettis Is In a local hospital. Buffering from bruises and shock, aa a result of an accident when a back In which ahe was returning to her ranch after visiting the home of a neighbor overturned, pinning her beneath It. For 15 hours Mrs. Pettis was held lieneath the overturned hack, during which time her two dogs prevented the team from moving, drove away a hnncl of hogs and, most remarknlile of all, dug a hole In (he roadbed, making It possible for the woman to shift from a position which waa slowly strangling her to an easier one. Finally her cries for help peached human ears nml a ranch hand, J. Barker, lifted the wagon from her prostrate form, hauled her on an Improvised sled to bar home and arranged to have her THE DALLES, brought to a hospital here where It was aald that she would recover within a few days. Mrs. Pettis told of the 15 hours of agony. At one time the pain became so Intense that ahe clucked to the horses to move, although realising that the wagon would probably crush her Ufa out, she said. The dogs, by circling In front of the horses heads, prevented them from 1,100-poun- Hundreds of Christmas Things Hundreds of Gifts For All The Family d moving. The weight upon the woman's body caused her to bleed at the nose and mouth. Beln; unable to move hands or feet, she waa In danger of suffocating from cwigulaled Idood, Imt here again the dogs came to her aid by licking the blood from her face, she said. The accident occurred in a Utile used road uear the Pettis ranch, on the Wasco county aide of the river near Kherar'i bridge. Tin hack overturned when the harness been ine unfuHtened while going duan f steep grade. SHOP EARL Y! THEIfmji SUBSlITUTPRS" |