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Show EAST SAl.T LAKE TIMES. A GIGANTIC INDUSTRY most effective, interesting nni v. ...... jvertising campaigns which it has U,.n , Une isthat which has been carried during u , k;" T . This m,nization is composed of eighty-fiv- e iiiiiepciident ur.d highly material. nrtiMVd companies manufacturing aiul ihu. .u.', ,1- ,.ellintr cement and its purpose is an rei.:in..-ilchair. f j rtteiid the of uses and improve nuniic f..w:h and developm.-."V t enielit iii.r L,,j ordinary individual compre-,l- e ssjciiiti-ii- . ;ri r.u.iy. .... l u . .! - u mi ni.i.,. !'u- go.: g of the (iccii tx.i'i, i v .(,. I l ux i ,a ... y oho n'..w :i M,.. j yt-a- r concerning many of industries today, with their many iterf-iB there "w and ramifications, but if the 23dS broader feeling true. If other leading or- -' niaitions in basic industries would ;..n Jf?Urw. and i!4 " 111 "e K ,., :. Happy Enjirvf - for Jwo L- i'r.d.iv.i1 Stiru." ,,!i VVKatH. Asked '!). , . ana rier Answer tin Iri- - Ou Should Be an R house. In th 'P.rixal be- twei'B two string lings ohserxed to lvst (ie eiv that tt w as idea to tiuxe friends at be I i'l:ill f7.iu Mi- -. r rxeinuti F tasy ouess this ei. sun. Noons ga'.cvr a a; li.i- iinii;,. K b,.,.. sou lo Ti',a' k,- - : g ;n:d paTiohc b t'.'asl tt. Of the sex t li places ut (lie 'of iii- cou.i ,; ngr o! i.v'c, a::.i i table one was vacant, that belonging hor;,.r Mis. r ivrm:.n, w b:t r her 10 Vesta Itlalne. homi Snowt'.ake, Ar on Pec. !. ldaliie, eont'.nited Miss Ulid t little wistfully, 'always hue time at holiday a. She l,7oo,0i hi linear f'ert ilf Nov. L.;rd. Thev Uw,k le00,O0U firebrick fur re I in mg n,!'ny pleaaant acquaintances. m ;w .hey did kdns. ot , ive .. ,u c.,1, Ad of eoiirse" she hesitated to give 1,000,(10(1 pound of emphiisls to whs was Cuming, "alie Is paper for bags turkey lOll.li.iu ton of gy psu:n. gelling a rihhI deal of attention from So Portland cement is not that young nnm." merely No one had any comments to make. oui of the earth in:-For Value Received. ucks as sand might be. but is a man at the other A ltet.in xx., in m Hut a serious-facepiudoet that durreiutet inamifacluu-by many highly vjie-- 1 ing tier !i!i In end of the table seemed to be very siic visited a l.nglaud naiizcd and complicated pioc-s.-eand certain plaei' unq he bent s caicentrated euqiluye.l a julde grave Indeed; ulilainalile at convenient points all lo slow her m. naid his plme. ns though the upon regard After lie bad oxer the Lniicl States. The Portland lenient Association, with headquar- explained the principal s'lractii.ns of contents might yield some secret whieh ters in I hicagu, carries on eduealinnul the neigliliurlnsid she remarked as site he hunted. A real Christmas Evei" chmitid banded him Ids fee: "I trn-- t that wliut and supplies information uf all kind to cement and othyou luixe t .J me Is iiltsulule'.y true. Vests Itlalne. Her eyes were like stars ; ers who inav be itilert-te.1 in Chinexer feel I should pay fur un- her cheeks bright with color; she cago an 1 sot chilly equipped iuhuraiury looked like a flower net down In a vegtruths is maiiitained lur the ,.n;, uf testThe other boarders Well, ina'aiu." the old etable garden. ing re.m nl in ail stages an I under all were a bit older, a bit more tired, a lilt feMoxv, set, tilling the coin, iruth or and of conditions, bru:'dc:iiing this disillusioned; they drank their sunfur Ihe leie..fit iif I'.'nieiit lirdritlit, ye'xe liad a guud shllllu's shine exuberant girl, and wonthe from w..rlh. usiqs. Ming than 24U.OUU experiments dered how she enuld rome home at hue been carried un and liic rosuili night still bubbling with high spirits ciiietu'iiy and scie'itili.ally Better Animals in Canada. and fun. and analyzed. There have been large increases In continued Vesta, It's snowing! etiviiv rendered i,v hr.-ithe l 'i Tj,.1 flip manlier of pure nuiti'als In h smile at Ihe x.4,er man, who includes jcb iiiipoilant mat('unudu during Ihe do, aide he! ween the Inning ters as il,e proper niumier in which last ixvo apparently, was not aware of Ills good eenues. The Increase la fortune, water shoul.l he apul.ed to the for lie never looked up. That mixture: the best way of mix- ihe nun, her of pure lirrd horses be- soft sift of feathers that cornea down aiuahlc suggeslions are tween ll'Il and r.i'JI was 44 per eenf : ing, etc. j like" she hunted for an htie obtainable as to the best way of of laittle, lit!) per cenl of slns'p. f HrttiiUiite alinlle "like prayers of the parking roads and streets xxilh trees per eetit, and of swine nearly 41 per angels! (inly prayer are auppi-M-to r.n.1 cither shrubbery to lend the most rent. I .,e number of pure lired liorses p, 8r(.n't they!" a! e laughed at siirniunmiig countiy and In the 1. tniitioii in linn was I'.TH'd; her own conivlt. The trees ure like , 1,0 ti piox.irc . siiiery on curves, vross-Vhi- .j rattle, L!s,.l.'si ; sheep, ICI.i'ilil, and of dreams behind while veils, ami the u'; l o!' xampio, experiment swini, M.l lit. street lamps are orange moons! I levs peeved tnat when paved road is left It. Io pass me the butter, soundiody. y r,,' tr,,i wi!h waier fur a Growth of Bank Deposits. 1('d utcr u irul been laid that u per I'm hungry enough to eat shredded A single New York city bank of toc.-i' aldt.l 10 it' co npresaive hairpins !" strength and that its cesi tinncp to day carries deposits equaling more Everybody did their heat to make xvi n: is also increased i'1", per cent. limn 21 limes the total deposits In Vests emufortahle, even the scrap of a rever iv..ciee may U1, or is all the city's hanks In 1S47. The de- maid who waited on the table. Miss comm- n!y ustd, the Association Inis In New York banks Ip the year itlnine offered her pepper and salt it and has free it. formation for posits 1X47 nl tiled ?28,(kSl,tK). These banks twice, and tlie landlady asked If she distribution. This organization may lie pointed out as an example of ail curried $11,ikMi.tks) of specie and hud preferred her must beef well or mea circulation of about $7,noo,lKkl. dium done. In qitutiun of ser. i e. both to the pro"Im going to a party t, might !" anducer i and distributois of cement us bevrs. There never can lie too many good nounced Vesta after a few mouthfuls ; retailers; unfortunately there are a to fortify her wants, (he very best Patronize limes , Advertisers. number of punr ones. party ever perpetrated." Miss Hillings arnlled her Intercut and asked when. (ill, not very far from here; and" she paused, looking amund the table 1 XlZ , called to the through the the Portland "" I . j Portland"? ' first made in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin, who d an Englishman, fe burning certain finely ground clay nd limestone together at a high heat ud grinding the resultant clinker into s fine powder, produced the dull gray In jubitince so well known today. simhue this new product was very ilar to the building stone quarried on the ide uf Portland off the const of Engsnil. hence Portland Cement. liity ysrs ago this pioduct made its savint into the United States, fur - n un annual priHluction come t.me of 3(5, 000 sacks. year sacks, the cnui,. y used 470,000,01)0 and th'Te were facilities for the i f Iiu0.000,000 sacks. While il cannot he produced cverv-whe'cehicrt is m.iiiufaciured in 27 te!c u: 130 plants at the preaeit'. s u.-e-c. . 1. inan-ufaciu- e, (us V hr, '1 mil;! Ii ;! iii Ii.pi: materials of whieh port-lan- d cement is made come out of the gmuud, csually a ssolid rock. They arefi's; crushed, ground and regrouml until a: bust 85 per cent of the re- fuitii.g powder will .shake through a cii.e ire-- than the finest silk faoric. mvw bus 200 bronze wires to the Their By BUCK CAMPBELL The n ti e status of1 iMiilia-- i hep. .M.i'i.'ia 11,1111 ami lt el xx miii'ii ,11 ln.i..x prnper grew Pm nirtciliiiis Mil1 Mcuil.l). la I'm U:mi amcn ili'upiieur romiilmg nunc ami lumc almo'l rlailx. hour1 ycui' i.'u .in- - linkKIi woman r shopxeil throw lu-per :u IT ru it'C.i buck while in il.c lTir.ipcnu qiiancr, Iml woiihl ilinw 011-her face liiimc-l::itc' nil n."iiia (he bridge to Stunt- lolil. Tndux the luiioiiiii ilf the upper; chi" hiird'x xx i'ii ihe oil 111 all. It' id- - of I lie cluir-- . hihung .i.mn shat in u k11.11. and figures merely uu ail iinuiiuciii. A 1' r of i V.ii'leiu girl of the furk i'li ;i h.ne l.ivnme nqil' of Uolicrl coIIm.'c. ihe Aliierlciili Ndinol siimnc.l on the bills of pic!iiri.'qi;cl ltchck, by the r.n'inriiN. The mini-her of Turkisi woincii uctlxe 111 Inis givuily lncrcii',d. lmr lug my rcri'iit it'll in t otisi unt iimple I found Hint n young Indy whom I bud lirs mot iv xenrs bud but two Icitiih left In iitium tlie degree of doctor of pbllosoilir, wlib the ulttiniile Him of entering giixcrmin-ii- l sen ice. Tlie rare hldlillc' of I Isillili Edib iinum. the well known Turkish woiimn uiiihor. luixe liis'ii ri'wiirded by her. iiixiidimtion us miiiistor of pulille lit-- ! si met mu in the Turkish eubittel at Angora. The lust reinmiul of polygamy vlr-- ' tuully di'iiiicurcd wltli the iiscenl to the i,aliilui!e of Ida mujcsly Alulul Mcdjiil. lie ix the llisl ruler of the; ttsiimil dynasty who mlhercs to the western form of i.iiitrinmny.--EdwarJ. King, in t'uiTim I list or.v Mugil.ilie. V. Men iii r 11 e It is lots eiiKler to dlHgmme the ruse than tl la to prescribe the proper remedy. l No one bua a poisoned tongue iiiilesa bia heart Is affected with the Millie illseaxi1. When 1 see a woman out with tier husband and a poodle dog 1 feel very sorry for the dog. 11 11 .1 he la Ttia man who know the wrong generally make liiiidesl noise trying tu make olbera believe lie la right. 4 The fellow who can make play out of Ida work never get a tired or discouraged. He la going lo niiike 11 success of life. 1 j . Vvdfyiy . Sil.'llUki CHIIiDBEN'S FATAL DISEASES and panuulea in tlie intcutim- Worm 'ri-u- j Lloyd's Pharmacy 11th East. Ad v. 1702 So. i .... k material is then sub- t'i the in tens? heaL of huge ro- tsry kilns, and after melting, hardens 'iiie a, 'siar.iuiii a,.u.M'r'Mi,.ii:u'ilr::i .unwiiseiiiieiui , ten-ila- into an exceedingly known a.i clinker. - j per-ji-vt- V-- - le.-.te- I i'ur-kcaclr- 1 L ox'i-i- l i - In thit department there will be pretented from time to time plane of attractive, economical hornet for persons of limited means. If one plan does not appeal to you, watch for otherel They have au been prepared by architect! who know home building and homo planning. All of the prominent plane of construction have been considered frame, stucco, brick, hollow tile, and concrete, each in its carious forme of uso and in sue h combination at good fasts appro vet. PLANS FOR THE HOME BUILDER Vesta Blaine Want to the Front Door, Opened It I'AINT and charming, this Dutch Colonial style of arrhilccturr is eqx'iially adaptable to the requirements of the modem home. Thr efraves give a low fort, while the graceful gambrel roof makes attnrtive second story rooms possible. Tlie plan combines many suilar features. The living room octuple one end of the house and llirnugh the many windows obtains k'Hid light and excellent outlook on Q g one-sto- Hirer side. Tlie cheerful firrplacr, iih the adjacent, built-i- n book cases, will jirconie the center of I hr home mi winter evenings. Thr (lining room oiens from Ihr and nmnrcts directly wilh thr kitchen through a small serving pan-lr.unique feature of thr kitihrn equipment is tlie added storage Snrr in llir cold room. The kitrlirn Is well ai ranged and supplied wilh aniplr it from tlie Tlie rrfrig-riaistorage nnd shelf sxire. ing plant, (hie may enter in Ihe outside by way of tlie bark porih. is local rd makes tlie rntry way brlwrrn the kitihrn and The outside connection (hr liasrmrnt stair and i M arranged wtor from fire than if it were ilikikp H'-and il ran lie filled with ire from Ihr loniuH'ttil dimlly to t!if house from nil side. makes certain thr odors and gases The usual excluded. Thr second flour has two good therar will be built-in garage as.conrac(j iKTUxying an end of the objection to tlie menace to tlw house nmi.w wilh thr bathroom placed stituting a fire firesafe tlirm. A slrrping porch at one is not valid in this case. The cud is an added feature. Besidr the imtslruction which has been would Hdrimin rlnsets, which are large and assures that fire in the parage hehled front outside windows there is 1 confined there liy (he concrete linen closet in the hallway. Tlie which are built of fare or a concrete fournktluin. liou.w i built founda-ln,,- i, on set brirk concrete a upon material which insures a clean, rat proof, The exterior finish of this costs 'by basement containing the healing assures an absence of painting are ls'.ng plant ami the laundry, an incinrrator, and some delightful cffecls a tlie use of an exrcllcnt bruk vegetable room and ample storage Concrete which b offered .n wjde "ixu r. and The garage is built as a part of the variety of surfare finishes which specification excellent ixiusc and is heated further by tlie main heat A . is the has been shot n in this hou-- e usr of metal lath where plaster is piareil over wood jartitions, whieh adds lo the fire safely and eliminates tlie possibilities of cracking. The use of indest nubble steel windows in ihe basement is also recommended. These desirable features of artistic, conilnirtion are firesafe economical those whieh thr man who is building inve-tmeis dea home for a good manding tndav. Home owners have found that flimv and construction i (lie most the most annoying. expenstx-- pur rr.i.lf't vh,i err and ietrr-ritr- d of in Iteming schrrr and ki'W pi, ms this ellrarUvr nniv hr phhiinrd jpr rtudrnrr ran addtm our 11 imr Burn-all wkith will give ing Urpertrurnt, sutk requests prpmpt a ttrntion. fl:,nr youYe all Inwith a curious glnnre vited ! Tbnt'i w liy It's the best party beeause It's got the nlceat folks coming lo It !" What a hubbub there waa then! Everybody asked Are questions at once and none found out tlie answer. Mlse Killings quivered with excitement. Mr. (Tint tilings waved the carving knife and nearly took off e slice from (he solier man's nose. Finally, Vesta stood up, commanded silence, tapped Importantly on the table with a silver spoon, and began: Ladles and gentlemen, yon are earnestly requested, cordially Invited and definitely ordered to clothe yourself In radiant raiment after dinner, and then wait for me In the hall. No one shall be allowed to say 'no.' Penalty for disobedience Is so horrible I can't even mention It!" And ready they were as soon a they could Jump Into their best end assemble In the lialL Tlie sober man wrs the Inst to appear. lie looked as though he did not dare stay away. That's the best that could be said at, cut hint. Hut the rest were laughing and tnlklne In happy exportation. Vesta lllulne went to the front door, opened it, made strange sign with her hands, und In there trumped a Mg. blustering giant of a fellow dressed like Santa (Tan. He had a nobby pack on his Imek, snd appeared to have every intention of unloading It it Mrs. fTimmlngs' hoarding house. This way, said Vesta and led him Into the parlor. The rest followed. For mercy's sakes exclaimed Miss BiMlitga From our present Jimple cVioos-in- jr display of I ramps, one or more suited for (lift is a real pleasure. Tlie newest designs in liases and shades for floor or table use offer many sujrtrrstions for beautifying the home at little cost. Raneinff from $15.00 to $25.00. How Did Anyone Know I Wanted That Book I" were seated on tlie aofit togi'llier. They shook out tlielr Blockings Into a beup anil begun to untie Ilia airings anil rip off the seals. Took here." said the sober man sternly, "bow did anyone know I wauled that book?" nnd be held out a thin, leather-hounvolume toward Veal a. You tmlil you did, once lnat summer," answered Vesta a little shyly. Caesar's ghost I be wldalled, and you rememlx-rPdT- " Yes, nodded Vests. : This affirmation seemed to concern the sober man very much. WbyT he asked after a moment's consideration. Oh," replied the girl, I Just wanted you to have what . . . you wanted to have! ? This afforded the sober man more food for thought. I didn't even know you were aware of my existence. I used to bet with myself that If It came to a pinch and you had to Introduce me, you could not tell my name. You're so popular, and that sort of thing, that I thought" he was unable to flnlab. Vesta mode a gesture ns If she threw caution to the winds Listen to me," he suld. "You're the most Interesting person here; I hated not ever having a word with you about books That's one reason I had this party. I hoped you'd talk to me a little. You always looked ao bored when I came In, and I waa sorry. Im not ao frlvoloua as I seem. My father the man playing Rants Claus Il owner of the London Book Shop here; I'm working there Juat to learn something of the business. It's Dad who's really back of the party. I Juat did the suggesting. He's a perfect old dear. I wanted to try being a regular shop girl, so I came here to board, and It's been the greatest fun. I did not mean to deceive people too much, but really" here ehe permitted herself a tiny gurgle of mirth MIm Billings got so frightfully Interested In a man who was paying me such attention, and of course It was no one but Dad, who came now and then to give me come pleasure at the theater or a concert . . ." She stopped from lark of breath. The sober man beamed. You would never believe that an expression could change the way hla did. It was like a dawning, a new light spread upon hla fare. What happened after thla is almost too confusing for description. Santa unmasked nnd was Introduced to everybody. Such a thanking and explaining I Such a happy, laughing group! lllss Billings discovered she could play the piano and Mr. Blaine swung out first with Mrs. (hirnnilngs, who fluttered like a girl at her first party. The rest whirled in with great lull-tu- d fervor. If anyone had been looking sharply for the happiest couple, I think Vesta snd the sober man would lisve been selected. What he said to her Is nobody's business, nor what she answered and yet they seemed to have settled something very happily. Ig, lilt. Wsotara Mewapee IWn.) Wc arc closing out our line of heaters $5.00 to $15.00 at a saving of MICHIGAN NO, 2 Ily. 1731 Sugar House M. D. Settle, Mgr. Make Early Selection of Electrical Gifts There are electrical gifts that will rouse Disappreciation of everyone father, mother, sweethart, son, brother, daughter, sister and the host of friends you regard with the tender sentiments of friendship and love. . . . Our Christmas gift suggestion list includes: Waffle Irons, Toasters, Curling Irons, Vacuum Cleaners, Ranges, Christmas Tree Lights, Table Lamps, Sewing Machines, Tea Samovers, Coffee Percolators, Table Stoves, Electric Irons, Toy Ranges that cook. Toy Trains, Koudoir Lamps, Heating Pads, Colored Lights for Decorations and many other items that will interest and delight. Come in note and make your selection ivhile our stock offers complete choice u - of cbihln-- n uiulermiiio lieullh ami at wixikcn tlioir vilalily that they are unable to nxsiat tlus (iiacaaca so fatal to child life. The safe eoitrae is to gfivo a few duties of Wliite'H ( Vermifuge. It ilcstroys and cvMls the worms without tlie slightest- injury to the luiiKb or activity of tlie child- - (rice 3.re. Slid by llliougn. It Imoji l.oxxer" headline. llicy drop any lower they'll lie bobbing up in t liimi. 'Mcrl.s iieceeil who do Tlie mun who sii.vs be owes every tiling to Ins wife nexer up. x 111 I'urvly liol Il'y. - rljrni h --v SMALL TOWN HUMOR AND PHILOSOPHY Fiecdom Are One Af:rr Another, Says x Writer. cl thr-- c , The Raw Material r Restriction their recent Ailing. Select your own stocking!" about ed Vesta Itlalne like a general ordering h!a troops Into battle, and open your presents!" It Juat happened by the merest chance that cat a and tlie sober man cnn-cre- solid substance Tiiis in turn is rrr;hcd and ground until it, too, will and is then poit-lrr-- J p s the .sieve test, rmicnt, after having passed more than 800 power and fuel eori.'Uinint; operations. A Industry the important, but oftiines (Ye uked cburarteristics of huge ha- -, ri:' iialgstvies such as cement manu- fa.iurlr.g, is its use of many other TURK WOMEN FORGING AHEAD Assi-.iatiu- The raw A breathed Mr. S.ie did ao( know her own parlor and no wonder. There waa a Mg Christ mas tree standing In (1 mldd'e. It rvaohed to the oel'i'.ng anj bla.'iM w!:!) Kiual! elevir.e bullis. More than that, t tier a were seven single Mooklr.g suspended In a row from (lie inuMtle. Everybody squealed when they discovered tlielr own. San:a hoaxed down his pack and out luiutdej a bushel of gifts, each wrapped up In paper uud marked with a name. Each person pick up seven parcels and put them In the snvklngs. You'll And the names to correspond !" called out X.stu lllulne. "No lugging! A flee for being the last one! That parlor full of boarders resembled small army of squirrels scrambling about In a heap of nuts Everybody got In exerybody's way; every body laughe- d- oxen the sober Ilian wux guilty of a happy look around Ids eyvn At lust the seven stockings were bulging xi 1th gifts; they swayed gently back und forth In all the energy of -c :! j.j y. Mrs lyrist-n.Kx e at buard-tii- jriai):. a:..i a Z st tilliC. l!V'' a ,l!,!v w:, mar .:u-c- . nre- - '' p' riVAS "M-.s- is our purpose to summarize here brief wav the points of special Why nr. ri : tia-l- "Grarfout me! tulnga. j aieiit. Cement was .vr. "i'!.i.n.i,(inii vx h,t..;:e DEC EM HER 7. 1M.1 -- under-Siwlin- which have been intention of the public advertising campaign of Cement Association. ivd lat ;,ule, uf an ' eduoation-Tnurpose- s, g perhaps greater would exist concerning these ,. industries upon which the pros-Srit- v of our countrv depends and records are accurate barom-Jfr- s of economic trend and develop- - It -. a,;il !l:j,li!a'',lld: ", semUMK re-"- re for f nail). .re. I- .- e Snbine and j.. A.viai :on. Mr- . THOMAS jHaJaVeiy I'l.nurx '! B. a Boarding rjeuse isJCKristmas Party -- - ! B; V1ARTRA .ia:.co. ; M.,. MR WKy fhe Sober Man Did Smile . . 1 ca powK&ifMOTir efficient "Public Service |