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Show mines tug the dignity of The year Just passed haa been one development in that portion Recipe la Easily Prepared at Small of the country, and the year which Is Coat, and Many Swear By It. to open will doubtless see even j soon Mix the following by shaking well greater activity than that which has in a bottle, and take in teaapoonful. goue. To sum up: There is nothing fore- doses after meals and at bedtime: In the Immediate Huld Extract Dandelion, one-hal- l future In ounce; Compound Kargoo. one ounce;: Smckton and lta environments which Write-up- s Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, thro' ran have a tendency to lessen the ounces. A local druggist 1 the of anyone in the ultimate of its mining enterprises. that these simple, harmless In-- ' Ingredients can be obtained at nominal! common with the rest of the mining ....-i- .i cost from our home druggists. is to mixture said The cleanse and been ing company, which has recently 'iierfod lu'o the New Stocnton Min strengthen the clogged and Inactive Mr. Trenam gained Kidneys, overcoming Backache, BladiiiK company. The Old and The New control of the; Ben Ilarrl-o- n group of der weakness and Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before the stage oi .TaTiiik and with thin an a foundation and The To Be. Briehts disease. haa uddrd territory and prosecuted Those who have tried thie say It bus work until he development overcomes pain In the back, positively (Continued Fium Lam Week) In evolved one of the greatest mines A Camp a Good clears tbe urine of sediment and reguSentinel. the mate of Utah, If not in the west. lates urination, especially at night, Past and Good Future It wa about thia time that another liy the running of the Honoririe curing even the worst forma of bladfactor came to Htockton, in the per tunnel, under the direction of K. J der weakness. son nt Mr. J. J. Trenam, the rounder Itadilltz, whose name la unalterably Every man or woman here who Marysville Courant of the Stockton Gold Mining Mill fixed In the history of the camp, a fecla that the kidneys are not atrong The mining camps of Marysvale ana or acting in a healthy manner should Kimberly, have become known whermix this prescription at home and give ever the mining Industry la recog-nlge- d throughout the country. At the It a trial, a It Is said to do wonder same time there are no mining camps fur many The Scranton (Pa.) Times was first In the state of Utah which haa exto print this remarkable prescription, perienced the vlaaltudea that these Though In tir October of 1906, since when all the camps have experienced. the amount of clear sof New York, the aggregate haa leading newspapers been taken out of Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and money which other cities have made many an- the mines has been equaled by few of (he mining districts of the west, there nouncements of It to their readers. have been seasons and times when the have been in a measure negnw lease of life was given to Stock-ton- . mines lected. For the great showing the Old time properties, which had mini s have made, and the wonderful remained Idle for long years, were surface indications of rock which opened up nnew, and new ground was can he found all over pay two the camps, and taken up developed, until there are a score of properties which are theie has been the smallest amount of development work actually accomknown far and wide among mining of any section of the country. cl idea. Among these may be men- plished Itemarkable values have been distioned the illack Dlainoud, the South closed all over territory around the Point, the Honoring Extension, the little town of Years ago Marysvale. . ; Galena King, sr no. when the Dalton mine waa first disThe Black Diamond, under the covered, many were made management of Manager Alexander, of ores which shipments gave the remarkable rewas quickly developed Into a mine, 0H0 to the ton. Enorand the same management haa taken turns of 30, mously rich rock has likewise been up the development of the South taken out of the Wedge and kindred Point, which bids fair to become one or the greatest producers In the dis- properties. For long years the Annie Laurie was ene of the show mines trict. & The Honnrine Extension, which Is of the state, and great dividends were the property which haa been evolved as regular as the months came around. Other mines, notably the Sevier, were by Mr. Schue, la also fast becoming great producing properties, and many a mine of no mean dimensions. Innumerable prospects hare also been prospects likewise have for a time env tered the shipping column. Thus It No 85, SALT LAKE CITY. worked since the great revival. The year 1907 haa witnessed no was that periods of great activity have been followed by aeaaona of unagreat boom In the district. Owing to ccounted-for quiet. various causes tho Honorine has not Nothing, however, can atop for any been worked to any great extent A of time the ultimate success of number of leasers, however, have length been at work in the old producer, the mines grouped around Gold Mounand tne returns from these have been tain and Its neighbor, ML Baldy. Tbe very satisfactory, though not so many golden veins which past through Why other Jeweler dont sell Watches as CHEAP as great aa If a full force of men had these two mountains must in the near been constantly at work in the mine. future be explored, and. when this la The Honorine Extension has also accomplished, there can be no question the district will take been active during the year. At Its but that I aee In their window a place aa second to none of the this no property, though has shipping 17 Jewel Hampden Watch been done to speak of, there has bees mining district! of the west t14.75 18 Hampdea Watoh a great deal of ore blocked out, and The truth Is that while the district, 12.7b Thin model and If the metal market should be favor aa a mining proposition, is far from guarantee case. This looks good to me. I'm going to buy one right away. being what la known as a poor man's able within the next twelvemonth camp, that the majority of the holdshipper may be expected, Work has also been prosecuvd ings are In the handa of poor men. At the year at the property the earns time It le true of work acthroughout LAKfc SALT e.ee or the South Point Here, too, the complished, that there can be found no most flattering results have been the district In the west which haa shown rule. Those acquainted with the line more returns and greater development are not slow In predicting for 2 a for the money expended than haa been shown In the district around brilliant career within the next The greatest amount of work, jer.r, Marysvale. The past year haa been one of great has been accomplished at the New Stockton, New mining mathln-er- y vlclasitudra In the district, and though haa been installed at the ulna, discouraging at times, there haa been consisting of a new hoist and sew (Continued in our next) motive power. The old mill has keen enlarged to one of 200 tons capielty, OF ALL KINDS. and the mine placed In a posltloa to be made one of the greatest shippers in the state. In thia great mins the of Nephl greatest difficulty in the succcHful Will be Pleased to Have Her Friends operation of the property Abeolutely aafe and reliable, was the power, Me per hour. Call nt the lack of water. Full line of Mantels, Globes, etc. Correspondence solicited. The workings ire now below the water level and s sufSend ua diagram of your building and we will submit estimate. Co-o- p. ficient flow has bcKcn obtained to ran SUNBEAM LIGHT COMPANY, 107 EL Second South Street, the mill to Its fullest capacity. The Full and Complete Line of SALT LAKE CITY. low price of lead, however, may ksd to a let-u- p at the mine until the condition of the metal market Improves, m which cannot be a great while la the nt Reasonable Prices future. 29 It First South Street Salt TjV. The activity of 8tockton camp, like 1006 MODELS. City. all other silver-leacamps, must deGrand Prise, Paris, 1000; Double pend upon the state of the metal sup. ket of the near future. Mine owners Grand, BL Louie, 1904. Bead coupon below, filled out, tc are slack in operating their propeeur nearest dealer or to us and get rties and depleting their stores when our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of- there is a good chance of higher fer to responsible parties anywhere prices In the near future. The ore The Best Place to Get a Good Hand-SeweIn the United States. Don't delay bodies, however, are there, and alThis Is your opportunity to secure mb though the production of ore may not solutely the best Talking Machine be great in the next year, a great made, on payments that win not bi amount of quiet development work One That Will Last for TWENTY felt We accept old machines In pari, will be aceompllahcd, so that when YEAR Is at payment A written guarantee from better conditions do obtain, the old the oldest, largest and moat aucoeaa camp, will assume Its place among ful manufacturers of Talking Ma- the big producers of this portion of chines In tbs entlrs world. the state. Columbia Phonograph Co Gonl. Over In Dry canyon the past year has been very quiet. Some H I Columbia Phonograph Com-Pof the a. Main ML, Balt mines, however, have been worked to Lake City, Utah. 139 W. First South Street, Salt some extent, and those who hold PImii Hud mt jtouf Fpn Trill ml IStrttt Ml Na MiMiiMesMMMMiMt claims In that I City district see Offer with Ulu.trat.d litBa.y Payment nothing make them despair. rur- Icity State The building of the West, rn has centered a considerable of Interest In the Deep (reek Blankets. & Gloves, always which has been so long onecountry of the' Stock. tributaries or Stockton. A gr,nt miUr properties In that district are awim- PRINTED BY REQUEST. full-fledge- d KNAPT0N, - - Bbout rtMncs, ODtnfng, nub flIMning flDcn. CURTIS HANGER CO. . Wall-Pap- n of a few of Utahs Great Camps an-fait- from the Local Papers. er, Paints, Etc. auc-thorlt-y Fainting, Graining, Calclmlnlng, Tinting. Sign Painting. Orders by mall receive prompt at-Paper-Hanging- ,. tendon. STOCKTON, 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. MARYSVALE. with fitiM-ktu- K WHEN YOU GO EAST -- I want to go as far as poeelblo via tho excusion! E1K CALIFORNIA S February 8, ft VIA 1908. Join the Good Fellows and spend a few weeks in the land of sunshine. Now is the Time to Go, 5 g Fr further information g birth reservations, write to The argument Is this: A SHORT ROVTEi GOOD ROAD BEDi EXCELLENT SERVICE: COVRTEOVS TREATMENT. That is iirjlkial in traveling. 9 9 fir information and rates see any Oregon Short Lino Agent or addrcia 1 D. E. BVRLEY, G. P. A. Salt Lako City D. S. SPENCER. A. G. P. A. gGMWWwwwwmwiiwwwtitiiRmwrititnnitimxxumBRummunummiinn w RaybOUld, secretary, Invite The Carter Jewelry Co. 20-ye- Carter Jewelry Co K2rwv low-cw- Gasoline Hiss Mary Morgan, Special Lamps for the Home. 600-cand- Womans MILLINERY d HARNESS! d HARNESS, Fowler k Say to the Agent "l Smiths, "- 7- Pa-rif- California Winter Excnriion Ticket! now a sale. The Route of the Los Angeles Limited a Utahs Finest Train. New Short Line to Goldfield, Nevada, via Las Vegas Now Completed. Leaves Salt Lake City 7:15 p. m. today; Arrives Goldfield 7:05 p. m. tomorrow. gjg CANYON PANORAMA of the rLn the Great LarDO a We do a General Commission jnirokerage JDusiness In all UTAH and A Purely Vegetable Compound. Tested by Years of Experience. Positive Cure for Constipation, Kidney and Stomach Troubles. A Sure Relief for Rheumatism. Testimonials furnished on request Carbo Medical Company, 56 W. lit South StreeL Salt Lake City. AGENTS WANTED. NEVADA Dr. F r e a a aXisrey'a acTael.ta. AaTea.) With quaintance thee tablet will STOCKS. Orders Promptly Executed References, any Bank in I'uk. Co., 100 Atlas Black, Salt Lake City, Utah. Blood Nerve Tonic. result In a OF NATURAL WAGON BEAUTY ALL WHEEL GAP. GLENWOOD SPRINGS. THE WAY. CANYON Three Of GARDEN tho GUNNISON. OP THE G0D&, MANITOU THROUGH TRAINS. SPRINGS. THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. TO DENVER. ?eHiefro8AND Fbldere, Booklet Etc Addreu L A. BENTON, CL A. P. D iCH,CAG ft Salt Lake City. h THE DOCTORS WHO CURE CATARRH Drafn ca a, noaa and throat troubles, ear diseases, bronchial and lung troubles, asthma, stomach, liver and kidney diseases, bladder troubles, female complaints, chronic diseases of women and children, heart disease, nervous diseases, chorea (St. Vitus' dance), rickets, plnal trouble, akin diseases, sciatica and rheumatism, diseases of tho bowels, piles, fistula and rectal troubles, goitre (or big neck), blood diseases, tapeworm, hay fever, hysteria, epilepsy, Insomnia, etc., and all curable nervous, private and chronic DR. A. J. SHORES diseases. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Drs. 8horee A Shores will treat all Catarrhal Chronic Diseases of every name and nature for tho low fee of $3 a month- -, medicines free, to prove to tho afflicted that Drs. Shores' NEW treatment Is superior to all others, curing la the time required under the old one-four- th methods. MEN A Special Department for Drs. Shores have a Special Department exclusively for .... treatment and euro of all Private Disease of Men, whether eaueed by Ignorance, excesses or contagion. Young men who have been led astray by bad companions middle-age- d men who have gone to excesses old men who find their sexual vigor gone unfortunates who have contracted diseases - the victims of blood poison and all others who need the counsel and aid of experienced and kindly physicians are cordially Invited to consult thie department and be advised FREE OF CHARGE. So sura to tho cure under DRS. SHORES' MODERN METHODS In all private diseases that you may arrange to pay the fee for a cure In small weekly or monthly Installments, as the cure progresses, or you may PAY WHEN CURED. No matter what your trouble Is, or who has failed to cure you, consult these Master Specialist, free of charge, and learn how you can be cured. Drs. Shores1 low rates are not held out ae an INDUCEMENT to patronise them they simply make the low rate because It Is right and Just but solicit your patronage SOLELY ON THE GROUNDS OF PROVEN COMPETENCE. Home Treatment Cures. Write for Free Symptom List If you cannot call. OFFICE HOURS: I a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 12. Consultation free. Drs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists, MEN Ora Shores cure more men than all tne Fake Medical tea" n d quack companies In the city combined. No cheap, hired DR. O. W. SHORES, Bo. Main SL Balt Lake City. M Sounds Big, but it's True If you want to talk with every town in Utah, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL." Otherwise you CAN'T! pleas- ant surprise to warn an suffering Tile ladies' safe- ffnsrd. In painful or suppressed nmi'tui. Ion THEY aUCCEKU. Priced H per box. At all drug otoroe or ft by mall. aoouroly sealed. Do nil Drue Ce lit Main. Balt Lake City, Utah. I GRANDR EAGLE RIVER CANYON. in Child, Cole Ash tho Agent, or Address J. H. Burtner, District Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. A Full Line of CENIC LINE OP THE WORLD. Pure Gold Rings hn "18 k" INSIDE. "18 k" Telephone here this OUTSIDE. |