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Show merchant tailors. . THE UTAH VALLEY c. AJUBHOSOX. GAZETTE TAILOR, Cleanin and Repairing a Specialty. . J. St. ,Two Doors North Bank FRIDAY. - - JANUARY 2, 1891. forhVr. Provo, Utah. AC II ANT J BILLIARDS A SALOONS. 'll SB, PRE COUNCIL. BENNETT, Proprietors. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Drinks a Specialty. & jw. nuraon cill. Business olios. No. LIQUORS FOR TUX WINES AND Fauily. ' SO. No. 24 Seventh St., Provo, Utah, EnLertd at the Postqffiee at Provo (Xty Utah, os second date mail matter. BANKS AND FINANCIAL. NEW YEARS 1891. 1 nn UA.NK OP COUUBRCA J Street North - of -Poetoffloe, Utah. Provo. ALL KINDS OP BANKING BUS- INESS TRANSACTED. A. DEV ALLEY, President. J. C. S. THOMPSON, Cashier. LIVERYS. nousE Stable. livery. Roberts Sale Scott. Pro., just west of Hotel Roberts. Provo, Utah. Some choice stallions for sale. Office and Stables HARRISON HOUSE! UNCLE SAM'S RESTAURANT. . One and a half Provo. If at Jsinls (rant It to t. 170 8.J ST. blocks from Depot. Meals 25 cts. ENGLISH KITCHEN! No table to equal It In Jtrioo. lrovo for ALL ARE WELCOMED. Saml Thurgood, Prop. FRO .'I OXFORD, ENGLAND. 1 IS per Week per Day, Breakfast at 6 a. m.. Dinner 12 to 2 m., sharp supper at 6 p. m. ; TXT. PAYSON EXCHANGE SAVINGS BANK -- DIRSCT0RB-f. inner. President, f J. Page, Vice President, J- - S. Good. Cashier. - O. Simmons, J. S. Tanner, J. T. Scrivner, Wm. A. Miles. Eli Recoiyes deposits payable on demand. per cent paid on time deposits THANMACTN A GENERAL BANKING Ul'BINESS. at hsohmt Finnoir Yam Birflar Root niO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY. 0F THE WORLD! LINE SCENIC STANDARD GAUGE CURRENT TIME Ii Elect Jauarj 1. WEST-BOUN- D 1:30 a.m. 0:40 a.m. t:60 a.m. ll:S0n.m. a.m. 5:30 p.m. 11:40 5:60 p.m. 0:30 p.m. 1:00 p. dl 4:36pVm. D new year, it is our pleasure to greet our readers with the good wishes and congratulations of the season. The old year departed tearfully, giving us a good supply of moisture in the vallies and on the mountains. The new year comes in rejoicing in the vigor of its youth, bright and full of hope and promise. With the new year let all rejoice, let all be happy and prosperous; let the reign of peace and universal fraternity among men begin; let sorrow cease and sinners repent and sin no more. In this blessed year of 1891 may the better feelings of mans nature triumph and bitterness among neighbors, treachery between friends and all manner of envey, jealousy and deviltry perish. The world is in need of better things, and may we hope they will be realized during the new year? Hope! Hope!! without hope what a dreary wilderness the best of human life would bel And how hope, however vain and unreasoning softens the cares and renders possible of support, the burdens which human flesh needs must bear. Let the new year but be a period of brighter hopes for nobler attainments on the part of all and its beneficence will live forever. To the Liberals ot Provo, who are acquainted with the National banking law the statement of the First National Bank of Provo published in Wednesday Enquirer will furnish interesting reading an pome material for study On the evening oJf that day they lackec fourteen thousand four hundred an seventy eight dollars and sixty-fiv- e cents of having enough money to pay what was due to other Nations and State banks and bankers, not mentioning depositors. They have loaned down to nearly seven per cent of the amount deposited. While the banking law specifies that not more than eighty five percent of the deposits shall be loaned at any time. Truly these are panicky times and such a report furnishes food for earnest ' thought to the well wishers o Provo. AN ANNUAL RECORD. 1191. No.) Lv. Ogden Ar. Balt Lake Lf. Ar. Provo. ! Ar. Green River... Lf Grand Junction Ar. Pueblo, 4r. Denver Ar. Ar. Colo. Horn. Ar. Denver Again upon the threshold of a TABLE. THAIKS. No. 4. Atlantic lfall Atlantic Express BAST-BOUN- ' arasojupnoN xaibs. Morning om N 00 1 B0 Six months Four months.... 0 T6 Cssh In advance foreign postage added. Reratttenaes are at the risk of the subscriber, end should be made by express money order. Fast Offloe money order, check or postal note to the order of the Dixon Publishing Company, or TUB OAZKTTk Provo City, Utah. Address ell bnslneea communion tlons as above, Tri-Wee- ERS & STUBBS, Proprietors, oice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner of 6th and J streets, Provo, Utah. RILEY CHAS. W. liEMENWAY Editor. AND BAR lTBKOBERTa, BI.LIAKOS. : 10:06 p.m, 11:S0 p.m. 11:35 p.m. 6:30a.m. 5:85 a.m. a. m. S:8S :JJ P- 4:36 p.m. 0:50 a. at. a.m. :46 a.m. TRAINS. No. I. No. 1. PaoifloMall. FaolfleKxp 5:06 P. . a.m. 0:30 Colo. Mid. look). Spire. Colo. Uid. 13:30 p.m. 11:10 p.m. Denver. D. A U G. 8:00 a. m ,T :00p.m. 1:35 p.m. Pueblo ll:Up- - ne4:40a.m. S:10p.m. tt rand Junction S :30 p.m. Breed Junctioa 4:40 a.m. 5:30a.m. 6:50p.m. Green River... ... 1:50a.m. 0:44p.m. S :60 p.m. 1J:3 a.m. Provo 13:85 a.m. 5.10 p. n. 1:50 a.m 4:30p.m. 3:00 a.m. 4:46 p.m. SUM 3:46 a.m. m. p. Ar.Orden ... Local Sarvlca between OgLake. Provo, den, Salt Mt. Pleasant Thistle, and Mantl. No. (K1L) m. Lv. Ogden 3.30 p. to- - Ar. Salt Lake 4.45p Lv. Salt Lake 4J6 pm. Lv. m.Bingham Juo-Uo-o Lv. American 5.35 p m. Lv. Letil A00 p Lv. Fork Ale p m. Lv. Provo A45 p ra. L40 p m. Thistle T.I0 m. Ar. p Springvllle lv. Thletle L50 p m. Lv. Frvlew8A0 p m. Lv. Mt. Pleasant 0.38 pm. Lv. Ephraim 10.15 p m. Ar. Mantl 10.36 p. m. No. S (Ell.) Lv. Mantl L30 a. m. Lv. Ephraim A49 a.m Lv. Mt.- - Pleaeant 6JM a m. Lv. FelrvleW 4.47 a m. Lv. ThtatleaJO am. Ar. Thistle 8J60AM a m. Lv. Provo AW a m. Lv. Sprinirvllie Lv. Lehl Korkt.4Sam. am. Lv. American .67 a m. Lv. IMairham Junctioa 10JB a m. Lake 1U5 a Salt Lv. Ar. Salt Lake m. Ar. Ogdcn.lSJU p. m. Some two years ago the Provo Chamber of Commerce issued a most elegant little pamphlet illuS' trating the Provo of that time and giving a very interesting account of the attractions of the Garden City of Utah. That little volum had its time. It was a most profitable investment not only for the Chamber of Commerce but for all the people of Provo. However since its issue this city has made grand strides forward and the pam phlet issued two years ago is no longer applicable to the Provo of today. Therefore at the request of many citizens The Gazette Com pany propose to issue early in the New Year another illustrated pamphlet containing the latest data of Provo's progress and embracing a kind of brief history of the devolope-ment- u of enterprise, business and manufacturing, during the last year especially, not only in Provo but throughout Utah Valley. An edition of 5000 copies will be issued and neatly bound. As a medium of advertisement it will be unrivalled. SHE WAS SENSIBLE. The colored woman in Grande Rapids who refused, at the last moto marry a well to do white 10 JO a. ment, Ar. Bingham r. Salt LakeSJS am. Lv. Bingham A5U p m. Ar. Salt Lake man, and chose in perferance a P black suitor for a husband, showed ullman Palace and Buffet Sleep-- ; an amount of sense that deserves Cars on all Through Trains. credit. The laws in the Northern J. II. BENNETT, States no longer prohibit such un C. DODGE, Oeo. lYLATw. Aft jl Ran are Locals Trans to Bingham. ' Sick Head A HATTLjPAUGHT ! he May be ttnaed by atomach trcnblA MErslgia er atnronsness, but It Ii a rare ledlcatlcn thai there la eomethlng wreag wantan. Aad whatever the cans. Hood's Sareeparilla Is a reliable remedy for headaeha, and for all tree. Mea which teem to require a eerrective aad regulator. It euiea dyspepsia. btUeuineee, malaria, tones the atomach, createa as apfO-)R-0 aad give atresgth tothe i marriages cannot effaoe the fact that Ibev must, as a rule, be attended y much unhappiness. The civil rights of the colored man ognized, and should be secredly maintained: but there is probably ess inter mixture of these two racce y then ever before. to-da- Wit the Redeklme Aid Bleed Slews SVrely i Special to 3Vi6une Particulars of a battle with Indians on Porcupine creek have just been recieved. Big Foots band, under a military guard, was within eighteen miles of the agency when orders ware received from General Brooks to disarm them and sen d them at once to Fort Omaha. When the demand for the surrender of arms was made the Indians replied by opening fire. The soldiers replied and a terrible slaughter took place. The entire band of Indians, consisting of 120 braves and over a hundred and fifty squaws and papooses were killed. The loss of soldiers is comparatiuely small, but several were killed, including Captain Wallace, of the Sevent h Cavalry. A large number were more or less seriously wounded. Fine Ridge, Dec. EXCITEMENT AT THE AGENCY. When the news of the fight reached the agency it produced intense excitement there, and a large number of Indians left the agency. Others, under Red Clond, determined to stay with General Brooks, and are now helping to repel an attack of renegade Indians, who are attempting to capture and destroy the agency. A camp of friend lies within sight of the agency, was burned just before sundown this evening, and it is supposed the inhabitants massacred by hostiles. Following is a list of the soldiers killed and wonnded, so far as ob- It unlocks the secret to who are the popular dealers in DrGoods, Notions, Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots & Shoes. Who shows the largest stock of Med ill ip aqd Io JjFii)e, i0 )IDS & l?RIGESCD commander of the troop. Private Crook, troop B. WOUNDED. Father Crafts, a Catholic priest, will probably die; Private Frank Lewis, Troop B.; Privates Sullivan, Stone and Smith, Troop K.; Corporal Clifton, Troop K.; Privates Ilazlewood, Toohey and Davis, .Sergeant Lloyd, Lieutenant Darlington. P. F Wells, Interpreter, Lieutenant Kinzie, Trum peter Chollenson (will die), Sergeant Campbell and Private Setter, Troop A.; Sergeants Dyer and Duncan, Private Elliott, Troop K.; Sergeant Ward, Troop B.; Private Adams and Sergeant Hotchkiss (the latter mortally wounded). Troop K.; Private Cook, Troop I.; Corporal Newell, Treop B. Omaha, Dec. 80. A dispatch to the Bee from Its special correspondent regarding yesterdays battle says the Indians waited until the dismounted men were gathered in a group about the tepees searching for arms, and then suddenly, without warning, threw down their blankets and poured in volleys from their rifles. Thy fact that the soldiers were grouped in a compact body Is explainable of the great execution done by the Indians bullets. It did not take the troops but a moment, however, to recover from their surprise. Maddened by the sight of their comrades lying dead and dying on the ground, the soldiers poured in a fire with frightful effect. Through the cloud ef smoke a buck could be seen here and there running, but there were not many of them. They were pursued and most of them soon brought to a stop with bullets. The wounded Indians lying on the battle field fought like fiends. They continued shooting until killed or their ammunition was exhausted, There were many ferocious combats between the wound ed soldiers and the Indians. After the first few minutes, when the Gatling and Hotchkiss guns could be used, they were turned loose on such fugitives as were flying down the ravines. It was a war of extermination now with the troopers. It was difficult to restrain them and tactics were almost abaLdoned. About the only tactic was to kill while it could be done. Wherever an Indian oould be seen the firing was directed, and eo it went on nntil not a live buck was in sight. Fur-dmis- ki d EV ERM B 0) IJ$ff k pection is requested by IRVINE & BARNEY, 32 Center St. Provo, Utah. SUMMONS 4486, Treasury Department. 3STO. tained: KILLED. er of tlie application of Isaac Kordonski, fur a change of name ef His adopted daughter. Li dia KOrdimskl. to Mary J. ordonski. To the Court: or Iseae Fonlonski. of Spring-rlllThe in tltl-I tab County and Territory, respectfully shown ! 1. That In the Probate Court of Utah County and Territory of Utah, on tlie ath day of A. 1. 1W6, Lydia Pierre, at that time two May. yeaise, ultMTO. the daughter of Lloyd Plena, of Sprlng-lllliah. was duly adopted by Isaau anil Msry Pordonskl. his wife, and made their heir al j. law, the same aa children Uim in lawrul wedkN-k- , and that her name was then rluuigtal from Lydia Pierce to Lydia Per donskt- Z. 'That the mid Fordonskl was bom at fipringville, Utah,Lydia on the 80 day of June, ISKi. 8. That since the adoption if the mid Lydia Fonlnnskt, Mary J. Kordonski, the wile of your pel Itkmer has died. 4. That the mill Lydia Purdonskl desires to take the name of Mary Jane Kordonski instead of Lydia Kordonnki. desiring to have the name of her late adopted mother, anil fur this reason your petitioner prays that her name may bo from changed Lydia, to Mary Jane Kordonski. Wherefore your petitioner prays: 1. That an order may issue from this (burl tothe effect that a copy of this petition be published In The Utah Valley Gakettk. a newsiwiier published in Provo City. Utah tkiunty, I tah Territory, fur at least four suo. cesrive weeks, and that a time may la set by the Court, at which time the Court will hear the proofs to be odura-- in support of the tacts set forth in thia petltkui. Isaac Kuriiommki. Petitioner. Knikhiseii: Title of Court and cause. Piled December 3, 1SU0. U. H. MtC'iuro, Clerk; By B. Bachman. Jr., Dep. Clerk. 8axey It White-outtu- n, Atty s for Petitioner. It is liorelay ordered that the almve pidltlon be published for at hast fouraucuesslve week in the Utah Vallet Gaxette, a newspaper, printed and published In Provo Cub Countv, and Territory, and that the City, lath of Feb levi. la at t aa tlie time when proofsdaywill be heard in the above entitled matter. Nor.. 34th, 1801). e. 29, Captain Wallace, fElf-UXOTlC- TN THE DISTRICT COURT FIRST A Ju ielal District of Utah. OFInTHE the matter WEEKLY EDITION. Office of Comptroller of trie Currency, Washington , December IS, 1890. Whereas , by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that The National Bank of Commerce of Provo City , in the city of Provo City, in theCounty of Utah , and Territory of Utah, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States required to be complied with before an association shallbe authorized to com mencclhe business of Banking: Now therefore I, Edward S. Lacey, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the National Bank of Commerce of Provo City in the city of Provo City, in th&Gounlff of Utah, and Territory of Utah, is authorized to commence the business of Banking asjiro-vide- d in Section Fifty one hundred and Sixty Nine Revised Statutes of the United States. the of In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this 18th day of December. 1890. Tux Justices Count or Pnovo Citt. INUtah County Territory nf Utah, K. T. Davis anil A. O. Johnson Nirtners plaintiffs VS George ltolilnson Defendant. 5'ou are hereby summoned to tic and appear lieforc me, the undersigned, at my office in Provo .City, Utah Utah Territory, to filed ugalnnt you herein by ansa er a complaintCounty, said plaintiff within live days (exclusive of the if this summons la served tin day of service) said you outside of city or precinct, within the of Utah, and within days if county served elsewhere. Said actiontwenty Is to recover from you the sum of 135,brought due and owing to plaintiffs, by you, for the keeping, feeding and providing fur a certain horse by the said plaintiffs, for you and atyourinatatbe and request for a jieriod from the 15th day of August, 1HMI, to theShiddayof October. IKK), ami for buggies and carriagea of plaintiffs' used and hired by you during the time afero-saiand formats nf this action. And you are hereby notified that if you fall and answer aa alsive required, tosoapiiror will the plaintiff e take Judgment against you dollars and mats of suit. for said thirty-livTo T.ie SitEKirr oh ant Cokxtam.b or Said Ghektino: Countt. Make legal service and due return hereon. Given under my hand, thia 2md day of October, A. D. 1HHU. A. .A Noon. Justice of the Peace. Provo citv, Utah. to-wl- t: d, IMIOHATK 3UTIGK. IN AND FOR 1 Utah Territory of Utah. In the the estate of Charles H. Hales, matter ofCounty, TN TDK PKOIiATK COURT, John w. Blackburn, Judge. or Utah, I Territory f County or Utah. I. C. H. McClure. Clerk of the District Court for the First Judicial District of the Territory of Cub, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a full, true and correct oopy ot the original petition for change of name of Lydia Fordonskl to Mary J. Kordonski. now on file in my office at Provo Cby, Utah. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court , SEALl this 3rd day of Derotnlar. A. D. 1HHU. C. H. McCLUHE. Clerk. ByB. Bach han, Jr., Clerk. Deputy No. 712. JJOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, LAND OF Nov- - IW h. lew) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intentlor to make flnal proof in support if his claim, anc that said proof will he made before the Prolan Judge or In hla a (ounce the Clerk of Utal on January Kith P"v. C.L'tah, ISMvix: Thomas Holm. H. E. No 7106, foi lh He names tlie witnesses to following provi iris continuous residence upon and o ill Li valiol of, said land, viz., Andrew 8. Helm, of Lake Bkore, Utah. Peter Madsen, Bpanish Fork. Christian P. lloel, H. C- - Kamli ws, FRANK D, IIOBBS, Register .... HIHMIIN8. I NTHE JUSTICE COURT MOAB PKEUINC Territ4iry of Utah County of Grand Nov Is L, Crapo J. p. Nells Oao PlainI'ff, vs. Krastus Christiansen, Dereialum The people of the Territory send greeting t EragUis C'hrlstlnsen Defendant. You are hereby summoned to be and uiipeai before me tbo undersigned, at my cilice Muali precinct. Grand tkiuuty, Utah Territori to answer a filed you b salu plaintiff, complaint within one mouthagainst from the da if the date of tlie first publication hereof ii judgment by default will lie taken against you aooording to the prayer of said complaint. raid action is to recover from trot the sum ot two brouglil hundred and eighty-sevedo! lars now due and unpaid to the wild piainlifl under and by virtue of a certain promisar, note and hook aocour t lieing an express eon tractor agreement made and entered into b and between you and said plaintiff. For ful deceased. Order appointing tlme and place for settlement of final aooount and to hear petition J or distribution. tin reading and filing the petition of Julia A. Hales Executrix of the route of Charles H Hales, deceased, setting forth that site hHS filed her final account nf her adniini tratlon uHin said rotate In this Court that all the debts and taxes of salt have estate leen and paid. fully that a portion of said rotate remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased, and E. S. Lacby, among other things for an orders! praying mid final account and of distribution lowing of the Comptroller Currency. of tlie residue of mid estate among the persons entitled. It is ordered that all persona interested in tlie rotate of the mid Chatier H. Hales, deceased. lie und apiM-a- r before the Prolate Court IKMIATK KOTiric. nf the County nr Chill, at the coiirt.jooin of alii Usiruiv IkaAhVUlj 10!UiuitMhin-tkih day of Jan., Inlil. at o'clock a-- in., then t jm OP TKHHITORY UTAH.UTAH nnrNTY, und there to show cause why un order allowini 1 costs of tourt. 8S. In PmlMle Court in anil for Itiih safil final account and of nislriliiition shouh and Given under my hand this first day of No 1 the in of of matter the John not mmii made of the residue of mid estate enilN-r- , A. ll. 1NM). fVMinty. lAonidas L. Whittaker, deeetwed. Order to oliow mun wliy among the heirs und devisees of the said CharJustice of theCrapo, Peace, order of wile of real eatate idiuu Id not lie made. les 11. Hales, deceased, according to law. Miab. Utah. Jainea A. Bullock the adinlnstrator of the is further ordered that the Clerk cause It John Whittaker doceaned, havlnir flit ,1 notice to la posted In three public places in NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL E8TATB Al Ida petition herein pruylnK for an order of Ka:o Utah a oopy of tills County and PRIVATE BALK. kaiil of duecrieiit order to rotate of real la published in 311 e Utah for tlie puriioeea therein et fourth: it la there- Vai.i.ey Gazette, a newspaper printed and ib That to mtr U. Jmiro l'rolia'.e circulated In Utah County, four weeks hereby fore ordered, by Joaeph Notice of an the Prolate Court order ofgiven. Judire of Mtid court tluit all pcrwuia lutorrotod to mid 17th day of January of Utah County. prior Utah un the ramie Territory, in the rotate of wild deomaeil, npiiear lu'finr Ifttl. nth., day of Hcptemlar A. D. IkOu. in the inatiei D. Jokes, the raid prolate eourt on Kutunluj the 17 duy Joseph tlie of Estate of Thomas Keim. doceaaaii, tin of January 1W1 at lOooloek In the forenoon of Probate Judge. iindersigned tlie Administratrix of the aaM Mid day. at the court room of Mild proliate Dated December 13, 1M0. will sell at private role, to the highest Iioiihc in i Provo court the at ,K"tt. or eourt, city. County Tkiiiiitokyor Utah, f bidder for cosh. Gold Coin of the United Slates, of Utah: to show enuae why an order ahould Utah. County and subject to cnnttnuatkin by said Court, on not be nr run toil to the Mid auinlniatnitor to wll I. V. Ij. liulllduy. Clerk of the Prolate Court " the noth day of December, a. IX IMS I, at I so much of real rotate of the laid ileccanod in und for Utah County. Territory of Uti M at tlie offioe of oclock King 4t Houta John Wlilttuker aa rhtmld lie nooroaary; the foregoing Is a full, true Rooms 67P ltnnk that hereby certify Building, in tho City of Provo, And that a copy of tliU order lie piililhdifd and eorreeteopy of the original order sitof all the Utah, County right, title, Interrol at leant once a week for four Huccroalve wceka ting time ami place hearing final account and and of the said Thomas Kenn at thi in TiixUtah Vai.i.bt Uaxicttk a news papor petition for dial rlbutton, of the estate of Char- time batata liis death, anil all the right, UUu, am! of Mild lu Utah les on file now II. and and of Counly hales, deceased, Iirintedaud pulilinlied interest that the said Estate has, by operation record in my office. of law or otherwise, acquired other than, or tu Witness my bund and the seal of mid Court addition Joaepli 1). Jntiea thut of the said Thomas Kenn at Prolate Judge. at my office in Provo City, this 14th the time to hla of in all and to that doath, certain L8EA1.1 13th, day of Deoeinlier, A D-- . 181)0. Dated Deoomtier 13 IAKIl idero or parcel of land, situate, lying and beaut HONEST VOMK XT JUST PRICES. V. L. HALLIDAV, In the said Citv of Provo. County of Utah, mid Territory of Utah, i 5,3 v. Clerk x. of Court Utah the Probate rm of County of Utah, j and bounded and descrfiied Territory single-hande- d, as follows to Utah, wit: Commencing at the Nortt H. A. I. V. L. Halllday, Clerk of the Prrl- in Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 5i Block (16) Plat A" Corner West Lot of of T. Utah, Utah, Ominly fr that the forevoing la a full truehereby and ooi Survey or Building Lota. Utah of TN THE PROBATE COURT TN AND FOR Provo City ipy Utah and running thence the original order to aluiw eauae wm ordnr 1 Utah County, Territory of Utah. In tlie County, East ID) Rods Territory, thence South (Si of Bale of real rotate should not be maiuV in matter Hods, tbeno tha estate of Joseph ihaw, de- West (Hi Rods, tiience North (8) Rods, to the the rotate of John Whittaker, droroactl, and ceased. ofNotice is herby given by the undernow on file and of record in my ollloe. Terms and ol mnidftkms plaoeef beginning. administrator of the rotate nf Joseph sale: Cush. Gold Coin of the United States, la Witness my hand, and the ucal of said Court signed deceased, to the creditors of, and all per cent, of the purchase money to la to at my office In Provo City this 13th duy Miaw, paid farsons having claims against the mid de- the Administratrix on the day of Bale, lalanoc IbiaXi of December A. D..1WC. ceased, to exhibit them with tho necessary i tke confirmation of the Bale by said Pro V. L. HALLIDAV, vouchers within four months after tlie first bate D. L. Court. Deed at the expense of thi Clerk of the Prolate Court Utah County. U.T. publication of this notice to tho mid adminis- Administratrix. All Bids must la in writini trator. and sealed. Isaac Chilton, administrator of tho estate NOTICE TO CKKOITOKS. Martha Fbnn. of Joseph Khaw, deceased. Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas Venn Lebl, Utah County, Duo 23nd, 1500. THE PRODATR COURT, OF UTAH Deceased. IN County, Territory of 1'tah. n the mat Dated this 0th day of Dooember A. D. ISHO. ter nf the estate of Win. I). Huntington dePROBATE NOTICK. under-slgnod ceased. Notice is hereby given by the NOTICK TO CKED1TOK0, adminlatratrlx of tlie rotate of Wm. D. TX THE PItOBATR OOUHT IN AND FOR Utah County, Territory of Utah. In the Huntington deueaaed, to the creditors of. and N PHOBATh court in and fob all ptraona having claims against the said matter of the rotate of Samuel Julian, deUtah- County, Territory of Utah In th exhibit them with tha necessary ceased. Order appointing time and place for deceased, to ttei- of the estate of Jens Kundsea, deceaswithin-tevouchers months after the first settlement of final account and to hear peti- ed. Notice Is hereby given by the undersirned: fur distribution. publication of this notice to the said adminis-ratri- x. tion of theeatate if Jena Knudsen. Un reading and filing the petition nf .Caroline administrator to the creditors of and all persona Harriet Huntington administratrix of the Julian administratrix of the rotate of Maiauel deceased, claims the said deceased to exhovlng Over Pyne & Maibeo's Drug Store. J ulinn deceased, setting forth that she has filed hibit thorn withagainst rotate of Win. 1). Huntinvto deceased , the necessary vouchers within Delegate Calae Will Net her final account of his administration upon four months after Springvillo, Utah, Dec. JH 15M. the first publication of thia midrotaio in this Court: that all the debts notice to the said administrator. Ufow of said taxes rotate and have Julius administrator ef the estate Hannlarg been paid, and that a portion of mid of Jena Knudsen deceased. estatefully remains to la divided among the heirs Provo Citv. Nor. gird 1800. of said deceased, and praying among other land an for order final account said Notice Salt lakepublication. things Washington, Deo. SO. Delegate allowing City, Utah, Deeemher 31, and of distribution of the rroldueof mid rotate NOTICK. 1500. Notice is hereby given that tlie follow' and Mrs. Caine are reoeivlng the coned filed notice of bis inten among the persons entitled. has settler TN THE dolences of their friends both In and Disordered all that interested PROBATE OOUHT OF UTAH in persons final in tlon to make proof support of his the rotate of the mid Ramuul Julian, deCounty, Territory of Utah. Notice of that mid proof will be made Iwfore ceased, out of public life over the sad news rfca dyspeptic. Hie debilitated, whetM-- r claim, andand be and rotate before tlie I for appear Receiver U. S. land office at Register rrom exeeee or work ef mind In the matter Adoption. of the County of Utah, at the court Application of the Adoption of William J. which reached them this morning of Sait lake City, Utah, on February loth, 1)91, Court room of mid Court, in tlie County Court House, Craig, a minor. Pursuant to an order of said y, drink or expeanro In : vlx. on 10 17th 1HWJ, Court the at made and o'clock of entered on the 3Hth the death of their eon who has been of January day Elias Erlandson, II. R. No. 7190 for the N. a. m. then anti A. D. HWI. Notice is hereby day show cause why an orto there Novemlar, M-- . 2 . 8. R. given, W. L. Sec. 23. E 0, 8. Utah. Tp. ill at home ef typhoid fever. Mrs. Bain With !, final that mid distrider the account and of of December. 1800, allowing relay, names the following witnesses to prove bution And TktPe Pills tke most genial hisHecontinuous should not be made of the residue of at 1U o'clock a. m at theday Court House in Provo Caine is bearing up bravely under her Will residence upon and cultivation mid rotate Utah the heirs iterative ever oObred tlie enObrlng and of devisees has been among City. the County, said vis.: land, of, valid. the mid Samuel Julian, deceased, according time and Plata for hearing tlie appointed affliction, although the shock, while application of Herman Oberhausle, to law. Isaao Junes and Hannah Jones for the adopJacob Huber. not wholly ngegpectoflt fa YF7 great? It ia further ordered that the Clerk cause tion of said minor child, when and where any H. Crook. to la posted in three public plsoro tn person interoatad may appear and contest the W. Kecte, all of Payson, Utah Co.. Utah. Notices Mr. Caine will not he present at the A vlgoreqa body, pare blood, strong JohnBrigham Utah County and a oopy of thia order to be 'ime- FRANK I). HOBM8, interment. He feels that the short- nerves end elieerral mind will reenlt. Dated Provo City, Nor. 20, 1800. published In Thi Utah Valley Uaxstte, a Register. circulated V. L. HALLIDAY, anil in Utah newspaper printed SOLD EVERYWHERE. T. C. Barley, Attorney. ness of the session and the importance Proliate Clerk. Utah Co.. U. T. four weeks successively prior to said I5untr. 17 day of 1WI. January, of the interests he represents render Joseph D. Jones, Prolate Judge, Ban, rivnpt, Posttlvs it Imperative that be should not lose NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Curt fir Impotttet, lots Dated December 13, JMW. ten days of the time in going to and ttutfnmi N mankcnV, THE PRORATE COURT IN AND FOR tf Tkiiritort op Utah. ,1f CmlMlIwiM, Sptrmeiorrtta. Utah County, Territory or Utah In the County op Utah. returning from Sait Lake. For that Saif Dittraat, mat ter tho estate of George F.hlns. deceased Ptrttumtlt, I V. I,. Halllday, clerk of the Probate Court Notice of reason be will remain In Washington, Laa tf ttamorf, da. WIU Is licroliy given by the nikkasignea vllliravtlif 'TTl in and for Utah County, Territory ot Utah administrator m STROMS. Tloor-a- tt 78 characters, or tlie estaie ol Uaore Ekins. Mtht with tot S hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true docessed. to ihe ciadtiors leaving to the other members of the mtu. Rrtca St-0of. and sll correct the and and of for order ths SS ap00. copy oialniH Boxat. original Inst the suld decettso-l-,persons deto exhaving family the duty of providing the time and plaisMbi settlement or final hibit them withaim pointing ItMliiflMkMhM the vouchers within do warranted work to better mwrary aeon and t hear to iiu imtition for distribution ceased young men with a fitting four months after the first publication of thia mitt retch Box. Attraaa In the rotate nf Hamuel Julian, deceased, and notice to the said adinlulstrabir. now cm tile and of reooid In my office. liixi. SiavTlalnnt 6., than any machine made. sepulchre. II. K. Bill look, sdinlnh-tvaAiro- f the estate of It combines simplicity with durability, Witness my hand and the seal of said Probate George tsia Luoab -Avt.MO. Rkins, deeeuseil. Court office In Provo City, this CT. LOUIS, at my Provo liflO. lloo. Mud. City Utah, peed, ease or ope nation, wears longer with- Seal 13 day of December A D-- . IWO, Bewelullee V. L. HAI.LIDAY, NOTICK TO out cost of repairs than any other machine. CREDITORS. Clerk of the Probate Court. Utah Co., U. T. The Partnership heretofore existing Has no Ink ribbon to bother the operator. It I PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR 1EJ RICLH CQlSXn PrTHH County, or Utah In the between Dopeldson A Smith is this Is heat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect Territory with Mamkrao-a- a Ifnamwaonaiiknaia ha ktksn matter of the estate of Gustav Rilling, do-voaM iaa Sal Wbat nhydglaa llH tats and adapted to all kinds of type grl(iug. Like day by mutual copsent dissolved H. enasuil, Notice Is hereby given by the undar-igne-l land Notice at Haltpublication, administrator of the es'Kta or Guatar C. Smith pays all indebtedness of the Eiubtpit.aL Lake City, Utah. Novern- a printing pros a, It firoduoea sharp, clean, Billing, deceased, to tlie creditor of and all WP Sis 1WQ, Beldinsl ten or Arm, Two can lie Remedy legible manuscripts. Notiiw is hereby given, that the following-name- d persona having elalma againat tlie said copies to exhibit them with tho neceasarr has filed notice of his Intention la tha tiMlyfagnri. ! If. C, Smith I. a tiBtrtMB.tiM mi,,, puwJar.and NOW one writing. Any Intelligent person to makeael.tior made at within four months after the first i final proof In aupiart of hla claim, rouchers f rom ttmara It has asw faUad. Onlar druggist ytrar lloat uiti ion of this aotka to the said admlnis-rate- r. I Frias, M. A Mrapiapmnlsr by mm tor loo. T, C, Donaldson, ar tram am. IS. oan bocome a operator in two days. Ws offer and that- said proof will la msdo before tlie 60 PISPIIITAIT JAMAICA, 1.1 SEIJIS TK Register and Receiver at Balt lake Utah, F. W. Billing, admtnatrator, Provo Jan. 2nd 1891, of tho operator who can equal on January Ztt. IWI. vlx: WilliamCity, Davidson, estate QQQtusnf of Gustav Ttliilng. deceased. D. 8. No. WS. dated April 27, 1K. for W 8 the the work of the DOUBZjH OASXQ 1. N K I. 8 K , N Wli.NE Lx, 8 WR and N W .Salt Iikq City Utah, Dec. 33nd 181)0. dttirjr Hill kriiiRft luvt Iteft mA it R Hoc. til. Tp. IJ H R 7 Ik 8. L.M., Utah. !.H te i Asitiiif work for hi, hy Anna z A tr He names the lollnwlng witnesses to prove and Jim. Kuna, Toledo, Otiloe MithrH. trill, aivL wanted. his continuous H ?nlsnu;ii well. rroldenuc uiKin, and oultlvatlwi irtoc ml. LHhm nrrduiaff M hr Agents MBMr W Mkl a nark.lwl ml II 1 1 Im. eksNS iw nl wrtl. hMT team tnm M Miid Amu Mira viz.: i4 rMalafc!r land, of, ovf s la jo? Too mu ito lk svurk Hd Uvf Speciul liiduceim-iitifla a a Uaun,. to Dealers. jtoirtfe. Krmik Jones P. ofTneker Q.UUh lot .aa, hiMoo, Hhrvvir jra oro. Km bo am,a all atm. laml aa, part at I t liarles Pickering f C.. Uwh. For Pamphe( giving Indorsements, ho., n .7 i lum aio mllr nmliig hmk.,atr. (ka I mpItjiKMiji wMtk yms ms Kara tku anaaat. Charlea M. Widili, of American Fork. mIV a ill rw bmimv formMlM aiwmDil aa iWw. Raa41jraa4 ana dMr aaftaftlr svs-i AU k aaar. Uw IW karaad. I dUra fou aaa Maurice K. Parsons, nr Balt lake City, dress ftaa I watkan W. Mart ar all tho rtaM. Iilg m, D. wMh aZSUTkm FRANK a.i TV PK praaMai ODELL UUUIM, UK1TEKVO., anfcnowa ora. aaaMkhwr. eaiiLr. lka MIhih aaoi (ltjEX T. C. Bailey. NKVr aad woederftil. Iartlralara frn null. M Register rinicCUiit ss and ar 6th Are, A RUM Chicago, Attorney, lUflfdk Ca..BK repmiP iaiuT n a ly . ALSPACH. t- Over Bank of Commerco UTAH. PROVO, WALLICK.D, D.S, Gas administered for the extraction of painless teeth. the All work guaranteed IRoom. 13, lira TotfsPills No. 766. for ing-nam- i Malarial Regions, B Try Them Fairly, THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. ODBIjIj WRITER SIB ODSjUj, PH SINOLH OASB ef Parteenhlp, No. 727. T for GROIDE d. i. tae, M in. mamn -i ghdrorllaadpIlAlM , y . ill, |