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Show FRIDAY. - - : - JULY 18 Send your Orders to TIIR LTTi: ly Telephone 1S90 l. No. 89. Fulscrl)e for the Tri Weeklr Gazette now gd tlie flrnt ctiiy liwued John I). .Stark continues t do h pood business in lay son. Head the new add' Uiis issue. Illnnk Itocili and Mortgages at The Gaanil office. Excavation for II. W. Davis, two story brick building is now going on. The U. I1, are having some missfor-tune- s or soinetldng like that. Trains have been very irregular tlie hist week again. Prof. Tappan A'iil give regular dancing lessons every Monday night, commencing Monday next, over Ilowe & Tafts store on main street. The car purchased by tlie lrovo City It. It. Co. arrived on tlie D. &R.G. last Saturday, and on Sunday it was run to tlie lake crowded to excess botli ways. Oliver Goodman was presented with a tine pair of twin girls last Thursday. Oliver feels quite over joyed ot tills arrival. Mother and child are doirg well. Mr. lirereton & Son beg to thank the public and the Ore company for tlie valuable service rendered them. Also to S. S. Jones, Jus. E. Daniels, Mr. Duke, W. Glazier, Geo. Richards and others, who, at the commencement of tt'e lire did energetic work to save the live stock. R. lliiEUKTON. July 15, ISM. Provo City it. R. Co., will have their track to tlie Lake by Friday night sure. Tlie track would hare beeu there long ago bad it not been for tlie Mr. l'robert makes delay of Tails. tliis statement and it can be depended upon. Tii is company has also purchased two small cars from Ogden to try to accomodate tlie amount of traffic to tiie Luke. Gazette Sulwcrlln; for The , com-misioii- er C. KS3CKEL, Prove City, TTta.li. ZMIoroiian-c- Clothing & i3 FUrgishigg Goods. aFro-v- Qlty7t GEO. W. WILLIAMS, 9,-18- The Payson Harness Maker Still; Lea with the largest trade . 1 15 a r Wff -- . . , , CEO. WILLIAMS, . JUST The Druggists Kio-Graii- -- DRY GOODS de CLOTHING FURNISHING GOOD pro-ide- . Ex-May- or - . r to tui with a to John D. Stark for bargains cheap cash business and a rushing Go James Thomson, St Hoods Sarsaparilla Palace Drug store! . trade. Charles Iloyer, and John McDonald tlie two theivea who atteniped to rob last Thursday morning tlie East were given a preliminary examination before Justice Brown lust Monday morning. 1). I. Iloutz prosecuted and Mr. Myton appeard for tlie defence. The defendants mere identified by David John Jr. and the lledquist boys. Justice Brown considered the evidence sufficient and bound them over in the sum of fiftee hundred dollars to await the action of tlie Grand Co-o- p Six-roo- m Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, ' ' Jewelry,- Silver and Platedware a Specialty. . . - ; app-licat- on In the Rear is the Palace Saloon, . . The Gazette office is now prepared to turn out all dimi of the fluent printing on short notice and at the lowest possililo prices. A skillful pressman from Chicago first duns printers from Kansas tnrn out the finest work ever seen In these parts. An additional new Job press and St Fonts of new type have been ordered to meet the demand has been Steam jiowcr ef customers. d not generally knows that Pneumonia and Bronchitis carry off m third of tho human race, but such an the facts, and what is man surprising, both ofthoabovo diseases mult from neglecting a common ordinary Cold. A Cough should never be neglected. If it is, every time yon catch cold you cough d harder, and it sticks by yoa longer. Ballards for world the in best the is remedy Syrup Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Throat and Long troubles. If you hare any Throat trouble, call for Ballards Horchound Syrup and taka no other Smoot Drug Co.. Agents. ia Koro-houn- Ballards Horchound Syrup for . 25 cents per Pair! Whooping Cough. Family Trade a Specialty. i , - ! CIONISlUiMjESHIlO a, . tx-ln-g , S PETERSON, . , . dee-tro- y s ns Tailor. STRAW! STRAW! STRAW HATS! '' ;,!:. . y, Cigars . - no remedy in the world which will give ich prompt relief in Whooping Cough ms BmlUrft 'trtktund Syrup. 1 1 will piitmly cure it. If yon ill try it. your children will not keep you awake all ght coughing. Ballard's Hor hound Syrup ia tho oat cooling and soothing remedy for Consumption, oughs. Colds. Bronchitis and Asthma, ia the erorld. It builds up new tissee, is free from opium. rongtheni the Lungs, and is an incomparable nm-lmade of the best and purest materials. If your ia your uigs are weak and you have a tickling hroat, you need it. Smoot Drug Co., Agents. Mens Socks, i Bronchitis carry ofi ystsmaais and of the Hamaa Race Than is ' j lqiportea . Introduced. : ? doi-TC- eral party met in pursuance to the call of the chairman. Judge Jones, for the purpose of making arrangement for the County Convention to be held on the 21st. After several enthusiastic speeches, it was resolved to have a good vigorous campaign, holding meeting in each precinct at which local and other speakers will take part. After transacting other minor business meeUngTTit:n adjourned until Monday 2 'L Under a head of tlie lliovu Pusiiek V eek before an Ogden paper says: last the editor of the Uudsx Dait.y Union fnjoyed the I'cn.i tuij of W. Probert, of Provo, from Ogden to Denver via, tlie Uitiou Pacific route. Mr Probert is t business man from Millard county, Utah, whose views are us broad as tlie wide 'Western plains and whose companionship is in every way desirable. Air. lrobert, lias returned from his trip east in behalf of Provo City Rail road Co. Mr. Prolicrt says tliat there never was such a demand f r railroad rolling stock as there is now in the eastern markets. lie also states that tlie Provo curs purchased by this Company are tine enes and he doubts whether they will arrive in time for the 21th or not while if they had had to have them made to order it would have been iiiijmssible to get them here liefore three or four mouths. One-Thir- is. prepares. to do any thing in the mill line at .Lowest rates, and on Si. lort notice. - i It Gr - - Tki-Wekk- i.t ' i irf THE LlrfE. ior throe times a week. It good largo will get tliur in goodahupe soon. Tlie Central Committee of the Lib- Jury. Tiie claim of Silas Allred, amounto. 111 Provo will celebrate the 24th of July U!HT TDTlionnett special po- him nnmerrtilAT ing to $10, for services as. in graud style. R.-liceman was laid on the table awaiting tracted the on was who F! of the city marshal. the House opened It Deal's Tiie Roberts presence at a,50- 9- The claim of the Omaha Rubber depot, and he ste; .nd uroeeeded to Lttimatrd fine mid elegant bar last Monday witn Damages 1m T eBded their keven An Inin leriMla in tlie Hose company was refereed to tlie secured a shot gun all new equipments. the place of the scene committee on lire department. ilamen. started, with work. He thei . uoint'Ot the bloody OF Ex Marshal lias READINGS RILLS. Dyer THIRD resigned About six oclock lust Friday evenat four the the 53 tramps upon as of receiver his position the ing an alarm of lire was raised In the Tlie resolution granting a franchise gun, towards the city hali anj who jjusb church funds. vicinity of the lint ward, and turned to the Union Telegraph company to his way was met by Deputy four to be on the premises of H. Brera-to- n place poles and wires on 1 and 7th joined in with Dave and . t.h. There will be a masked bull at tlie out & in jail, Mr. lirereton was in the streets was taken up and passed its tramps were safely lodged 'tbor-Whe- n lrovu Park Gardens resurt oil the house Son. ; , at time but was soon third reading. was asked for his an the the Dave dosing to aroused by the alarm and at once saw evening of July 22. referred resolube On motion of Mr. Dixon the ity by the tramps the danger, and made for the barn, tion was passed, all of tlie members lead inside of his gun, which thi. Howe, and Tuff oiiened up last Wed- untied his horses and turned them thought was sufficient. voting in favor of it. nesday morning with if new stock 'of loose; then tore down the correll fence presant A complaint whs sworn out by Mr. The title of the resolution was ap Green for assault with attempt to kill. green staple groceries; on 7th street. at tlie back of the barn to drive out proved. the sheep. By this time liis wife with MIStELANEOUS. other lady assistance had Leroy Alexander was before out a Ilesult ofIollfor Nrhaol Hills last Thursday charged wagon and buggy into the pulled street. Mr. Maiben moved ttat Graves and W- Trustees. iVop, a Mr. Ferre who runs the street sprink- Sutton be allowed to carry on the horse and was bound witli stealing over to await the action of tiie Jury. ler saw the smoke from the tank at business of their resort of the season The following is the result of the the Court House and at once proceed- from May 1st to November 1st for the polls of last Monday's election for J. II. McEwan was overjoyed at the ed to hitch on to the engine and was sum of $o0. school trustees. arrival of a bouncing girl last Friday on the spot of the lire before 20 pounds Mr. Dunn moved to amend by makFIRST WARD. steam could be got up. Tlie hose the license $50 per annum. Mother and child are progressing of 63 C. D. Glazier, People's Ticket cart was run out uy the boys. The ing The amendment was lost. 24 Thos. Liberal favorably. Reesley, of was bell the caused delay ringing Tlie original motion was put and WARD. endoor SECOND being locked and tlie carried. The school election for trustees last by the 41 gine anti liose were there before the Council adjourned until July 14, 8. I. Eggertson, People's off there very quietly bell could be rang anti that is the reu-- s 18(50. Monday passed 14 Geo. Sutherland,. Liberal on all of the bojs were noton time. hardly being any political discussion WARD. TIIIRD The timber and every thing around heard upon the streets. 62 Jas. Hardy, People's Gren-OiToi- l the lire being as dry as a chip it did L lrobate Court. 7 R. A. Hills, Liberal The Moustache Club bail and supper nqt take long before it was one conD. Jones, J. presiding. Judge VOURTn WARD. at the park gardens last Friday, was a tinual blaze. Tlie engine had a good 39 supply of water from the ditch east of A. Bean, People's Jas. of Ilateman Jos. Estate deceased; most pleasant affair. A good supper the block. There was u small amount will admitted to Probate and letters A. A. Noon, Liberal 18 was laid on the table. excitement going on while the hose testamentary ordered to be Issued to WARD. FIFTH was being laid as orders weie coming Mary E. A. Ilateman. Farrer Pros. Jt Co. on J corner of 4th from 83 V. J. Ilalliday, People's others than the foreman and this 10 Estate and guardianship of Jane. A. Saxey, street are doing a rushing business. caused great delay as the hose had to Liberal D. Warren and order Royack, minors, laid be a three different times. They carry full and complete line of lollce Coart Tlie fire looked at first as if it must of sale of real estate made dry goods and groceries. The cheaiiest burn of Ed Stagg deceased; Freene Estate whole block, but within LEADING HOUSE IN DRESS GOODS.; the Justsce A. A. Noon. Before house in town; call and see them. Jensen administratrix minutes fromthe tlie time upon appointed thirty engine to play upon the fire it filing bonds in the sum of $2500. J. Perkin was charged with peddling The burnt ruins of the recent fire of commenced was under their control. Two jets Estate and guardianship of Lilly without a license. Found guilty fined H. Hrereton and son is rapidly being hauled away. Mr. lirereton and son were kept constantly going for about Harrison, minor, order oi sale of real twenty two dollars which he failed to The fire brigade was estate made. when the ground is cleared will erect a three hours. able to leave at .9:15 with watchmen brick barn 20x40. Estate of John AHeman, deceased, produce aud he lingers to await a more who inform us that several blazes order serious charge when his time exposes. of sale of real estate made. Joe Nance the West End bar tender occured during tlie night but were o Iladquist Estate of Robert Ilyrum Harrison, Albert deceased; on tlie charge of met with an accident last Saturday. soon Isextinguished. Tlie cause of the order of sale of real Royack, Harrison Ilelier appear made. estate tire unknown but is supposed to firearms. As lie was getting out of bed his pistol have originated discharging Estate of Rreed Searle. deceased; unlawfully from a boy smoking were taxed a V each. They disfloor fell of for tlie minadministrator was and seen order who a few opon the in application accidently barn, Joe. Nance, liad taken an oyer dose utes previous to the alarm, rhe blaze of sale of real estate; set for iiearing charged, the ball entering his heel. and gut drunk. lie plead guilty and commenced in tlie north east corner Aug, A meeting was held in the Third of tlie barn (inside.) On the outside Estate of John Leetham, deceased; was lined $5. ward last Saturday for the purpose of was a load of taine liay which packed decree made showing due and legal the Haines to the roof with great ra- notice had been made. nominating a candidate for school pidity. Obitunry. s Estate of Louisa Kaufold, deceased; trustee in the place of S. Liddiardwho Four sheep, two pigs and a calf decree tr was Our settlement little made due and showing legal declined to accept tlie positisn. Jas. were the only animals that perished notice to creditors had been made. into great grief over the death in the Haines, belonging to U. lirereton Hone. Jr., who passed from this vid Hardy was elected in liis place. Estate of Tlios. Ovard, deceased: and Son and they think that about two June 29, 1890, being 26 years and life, decree made due and The Loud Lane or Pine Meadow showing legal thousand dollars will cover all their notice had been made. 8 months old. will be produced in tlie Provo Opera losses. He died from pulmonary Consump(5) 0) (0 X Estate of Minerva Fuller, deceased; tion. There were about thirty tons of hay, he suffered a great Pouse on Saturday. The company eleven o Although 0 decree due some P that and forks, showing ..harnesses, legal deal, and his many friuds and sympau $ 3 was engaged to give a performance bodding.hay oU) pork, grain, three forty gal- notice liad been made. thizers expected him to pass away, yet 3 Q here a week or so back but was de- lon barrels of vinegar,two 'bins and Estate of Ed Hall, deceased: decree it caused great gloom over all, to a another shanty used for storage with showing t hat due and legal notice know U) oq one so young and in prime of layed by the train. one wegon anil delivery buggy belong- had been made. u zr c the be taken should away by life, Robert. Brooks. Iady McGinnis. Jas ing to Howe aud Taft consumed In was .3. He c Death. of very 3) cruel hand O of Isaac Estate deceased; Cooper, tJ Rennett, Frank Miller and Mickell the fire. O P tliat due aud legal no- energetic and faithful, and when he There were also a number of men tice hadshowing p Marlin, tlie five tramps who asualted was he perfectly reached P been made. Deaths door, a the D.Jt U. G.brakeman all but Mar- ami boys engaged in a bucket brigade bid family a Estate of Simeon Blanchard, deceased resigned to liis fate; j w.?o?!a ;o tin, were bound over by Commissioner packing water in order to save adjoinO quietly passed touching goodby, and sorrowful Hills to await tlie action of the Grand ing property. Before aud after the petition for approval and for decree of away. wife p. David leaves a X set for CL 9, distribution; was at not hearing had been this Aug, work, Jury. engine and child to mourn his loss. o the losses won hi have no doubt 1890, i ; services were held at ? P D1 p Tlie Provo City Railroad Co. held a done, u ZT Estate of John Xeff deceased; order theTlie funeralhouse, doubled. to filled 5 o it being 3 meeting stockholders meeting last Friday at Great credit is due to our Fire En- appointing appraisers of estate. side. W U. fu many remained out were overllowing, i the Court House and elected a board gine Coinyauy Xo. 1 for the part they Estate and gu ard an ship of Mary E. Many appropriate remarks Tli6se desiring any thing in the Harness and Sad lory re W. took in extinguishing the Haines as it Harrison, minor, order of sale of real made of directors which is as follows: by the speakers, A. II. Warner, would to been save have and impossible made. estate Hickman E. ;i Lorenzo Huish, J. Probert, S. It. Thurman, R. H. Dood, that blook had there been noengine. will find it to their advantage to call or write to me. Estate and guardianship of Jas. II. Eli R. Hawkins. S. S. Jones. J. F. Gates, L. Holbrook Our citizens can now see wbat value IlarriHon, serVJt.es. a great funeral the After of sale minor, application an engine is to our beautiful city; if of real estate den iea. and Peter Stubbs. mile cortege more than a quartertoofItsa final firs itself cant be put out it will the the remains The Rail and supper given at Tan- save adjoining property. We are able Estate of Christian W. Xielson, long, followed We - - - - - T7TAXr. with CtCTT, deeply condole man J. E, Booth, appeared and ob- resting place. ners Park last Tuesday evening was a to say that lrovo Xo.l paid .for itself deceased or tlie young jected to the granting of tbe applicpleasant affair; everybody present had a twice over at the first fire. Resp. good time. Tlie floor had been slicked 'John Strong was also damaged to the ation of Mr. Omanson for a decree E. II. up aiul the Oitera House Orchestra of sum of three hundred dollars. Ills authorizing' gpicific conveyance of four pieces furnished some good music. newly erected cow correll and buggy real to estate, Sir. Omanson A fine was spread for the guests shed was completely destroyed, with Eleanor Xiclssn, sworn Mr. Jacobat 11.40supiier which was neiirtly partaken of two pigs and three niarino sheen. His son sworn and disputed case continwith a large and well selected Stock Tlie Gazzjsttk was there. barn also would hare been burned ued until July 19 1890 Estate Eliza A. In sdl In tliat Masa., agrse thay Lowsll, sajlnf had it not been for the bucket volun- Terrill, deceased order of date of real more of Hoods Sarsaparilla than of all other J. C. Moses Esq. for some time past teers constantly throwing water upon estate made. blood partners. For instance: agent in charge of the hay and barn. Estate of Mary Saunders, deceased; F. C. Goodals: X sell more of Hood's SarsapaWestern Depot at tiiis point lias re? theWilliam -- ANDlalso bail ia bard letter of adminsteration Glazier of said estate rilla than all other blood psriflets. Mr. Mosct lias been very time to keep liis place from burning, isned to signed. A. w. Dows & Co.: Hoods tales the lead of all Joseph Rate upon taking the popular among the business men of on fire in four different places. and filling bond in the sutn of other sarsaparilla the city and worked hard and skillfully catching This is the first that onr Engine and oath 1 ei.ooo. C. F. Blanckaod: We sell mors ef Hoods Sarin tlie intrest of his road, lie was Ilose Company Xo. 1 lias attended to of similar. than AND AND of Samuel Estate LADIES Jolin sen any GENTS and considerate saparilla ami deceased, accommodating and the worked hard, and everyA Shaw: With ns the sale ef Hoods made hosts of friends who regret his body wasboys well pleased with the way iv order of the court letters of admin- Is Mabstoii 9 to 1 of any other kind. were istration isued is to Hilda M. understood that they executed their duty. It retirement. F. A E. Bailht A Co.: Hood's Sarsaparilla fa Jolmsen upon taking the oath his nuccesor Mr. Hurt is a thorough d one of tho best mediolnes. and by law, railway man Imt will inaugurate fully appeared ; : lenity's 'Four of tlie World. bonds in the sum of $1.2(50. A FEW SPECTALTIS: Caoltoh A Hotzt: Hood's Sarsaparilla is no a more radical policy. wo Daniel F. Beatty,- of of Increases best medicines sale hava. the Its of Estate Moroni Moore, deceased; About 12 o'clock last Tuesday night Heattys Celebrated Organs and 1ianos, return of sale of real estate of the ex- every year. MENS STRAW HATS from 10 cents up. sen Wo as lias F. Xew of P. twice Hoods returned mach Moody: some noise was heard in Taylor llros. Washington.' Jersey, Tbe largest stock of buttons in tho wc3t. ecutor and petition for confirmation Sarsaparilla as of anything similar. & Co's furniture store, but no trace home from an extended tour of the may bv order of the court set for hearThe latest fashion f Parasols, just arrive::. sarsaworld. Read his advertisement in this C. A. Swam: Hoods istho most popular ing July the 28,1890. , could be made for a time. About lialf paper and send for a catalogue. Mens heavy shoes from 65 cents. of tho day. Estate of Hirman Winters, deceased; parilla TmaTY Oman drngglits speak similarly. an hour after this another noise was I also carry full and complete line of return of sale of real estate by tlie This popularity at homo, where Hood's SarsaCITY heard at tlie back as if some one had andconfirmation ways set for parilla and Its proprietors hero beeu known for Buggies, wagons, machinery and farming Impiimcn. dropped on tlie roof of the ice box at Council met on Thursday night Iiearing July the 2S189(). many years, could not oontlnao If tho medlelne City the back of tiie store. Walter Taylor pursuant to adjournment. Mayor Uooth Estate of Ibis well. C. Ferre deceased; did not possets merit And these facts should , who sleeps in the jewelev store ran in the chair. The only absentee was order of final discharge of adminis- certainly convince people In other (actions of trator made. tho country that Hoods Sarsspaxllla Is n good, out of the back and commenced to Councilor Thomas. W. Centre 132 IV. ; reliable medicine. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. throw lead at tlie would be robbers a on Xels asked X. Olsen that corrral i: isot:.'ii and thus scared them away. Third and G. streets be declared nuisGIJ.V NIHIT Bold by druggist fl;alx for ft Prepared only election is in both ance and lie removed. Referred to Tlie school by C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Yaa Xarsliai. the City BIimiIm of 1. II. Jlonnelt. Ogden and Salt Lake City last IOO Doses One' Dollar C Silva asked that the time In the in an Early ofVhisM. Monday lesulted franchise be extended Clias. E. Jones head brakeman of gas light . s'. .J Liberal Victory. In Ogden ouly one, thirty days. Granted. one of the D. & R. G. freight trains 6x12 houne lot and adobe was and Salt Lake only three Peoples nomhandled four F. II. Simmons complained that I. roughly by tramps inees were elected, out of ten in street, opposite his residence, was in a ast Wednesday in the west I). &R. G. rods, corner of Fourth anilM. Streets. and had .been so ..for field. Green, just before the train corners in each city. In every precinct of both bad condition out saw four tramps upon a box One of tlie best residence ; : He be asked Barne' the years.-pulled that', inside Jot Provo $2,5500. cities there were evident largo Liberal repaired. Splendid car. - . He ordered them to Referred off, which order the committee to or to next losses $1,650. and corner, Apply People's party they complied with, and after mov onkstreets and alleys. grains Edward Pike. Peters & Stubs asked for a license ing a few steps away returned to the addres although the vote was not nearly bo . , busa dealers elecretail last as at the conducting liquor municipal large -- - - Corner of Seventh and 1.3 iness Roberts. Hotel The at the J Streets, Provo City. Liberal majority In tion. Tlie necessary bond having been filled Salt Lake City was 1039 was granted. -Ilathenbruck & Co., offered to furMr. Stayner of Salt Lake City, the beet sugar man, was in Provo last nish . thirty liremans shirts at 92 50 With a Handsomely fitted up Bar, where the choicest week talking up the beet : sugar each-- Referred tatlie committee on fire We beleive the department. gentleproject. man realizes that Utah County is th e RETORTS OF CITY - OFFICERS. Wiiyes, Llqtaors aijd best part of the Territory in which to of J M. Jensen city reTlie report Can be obtained. . trial give sugar beet culture ato fair showing the sum of $19(54 had be : suc- corder, under conditions likely been collected for license during tbe cessful. Probably sugar beets could month of June,' was presented. Re' i of in be successfully grown any part port accepted. enon the Utah Valley put to carry R. S. HINES, Tlie report John A. Rrown city mar- LADIKS BATISTS reduced to lropr. 15c, per yard, terprise on a large scale plenty of shal showing thirty-fiv- e that arrests water must be ut command and that had been ' made and $394 in lines , are They Aud we elegant summer goods and a yard wid,V Lrovo has in abundance. during the month of June.' think that when they take all things collected ; XJXDERWEAR for Ladies and Gents; " into consideration they will determine Report accepted. A to locate near here. CLAIMS. from 10c. each up; all reduced from foraier prices.' 1 Cough Medicine. Recommended bv Physician... Tlio following claims were presented, Cues where all else fails. Pleasant and agrut-abi8100 Kfw ni-t- l 8100. to the allowed and amounts appropriated: TOWELS, 10c. a pair. Oniluren take it without objection. Jy flruiXjyiBls, VAM.nr of The Utah Gazette The readers G. O. road IlAws, $31.75; supervisor, ' will lie pleased to learu that there Isat least o e dreaded desease that seienue lias lieen a hie to Iyne & Maiben, medicine for prison-er- RADIES: and GENTS Shoes' in endless Variety and prices.' ia & and Hall's In tliat catarrh. re ail cu its statres, etc., $5.90; Knights Sutherland, ' i catarrh cure is the only positive cure now haultpg coal. etc-.- $l.no; Rio Grande LADIES. 1UJCBLESS: for Trimmings; " known to the inedieal fraternity, catarrh ' a constitutional diacaae, requires a constitu- Western Railway Co., freight on hose, 12 yards of Tarchan Lace for lOp. . tional treatment. Hail's catarrh cure is taken $16.50; James Hardy, census enumer-tor- , . J Internally, aetinir directly uhii the liluod and S. A. census enumer$5.40; lace, y mucous surfaces of the system, hereby Xielson,-censuenUNCLE SAMS iff liijf tlie foundation of tlio decease, anil (fly-i- ator, $7.50; Axel tho patient strength by huildinfr up the umerator; $4.80; John Foote, census FashiDnable in nature and Its assiatlnar constitution doing S. work. Tho proprietors nave so much faith In enumerator, $5.00; J. M. Abels, .census Mills, census ta curative powers, that they offer One Hun enumerator, $5.00; J. 170 8. J. bt. Puovo. On,, and a -half irwl Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure, enumerator, $8.10; Robert Skelton, Keeps da hand a fine stock blocks from Depot. dend for list of testimonials. census ! ; $8.50; Mineralized fi . s: j ..... Address, F. J. CHENEY Sc Co., Toledo, O. Rubber enumerator, Aolnta ... lot from IS to 2. Hoso Co., $5.40; A. 1.. Jlootli, OF IMPORTED & DOMESTIC Iff" Hold by Druggist. 73c. city surveyor, $33.82; John A.' Brown, LADIES', GENTS and CHILDRENS below cost; Meals 26 cts. ENGLISH KITCHEN!. police bill, $224; Alex Wilkins, board ADVICE TO MOTHERS and summer all in E. goods ex Rootli. proportion. presprisoners. $38.20; J. No table tit erjuul Mrs. Winslow's Rootiiixo Svrcp, has ticen ence on hose spaneres, etc., $1.80. Ju oV.SILK lined by mothers for children teething for over SHAWLS Ac.. MANUFACTURERS MITTS to reasSuits mode order and at & claim of The for Sturgcs Bryant the years with perfect success. It fifty ALL ARE WELCOMED. little sufferer at once, produces natural, quiet work done on water porks plans, $35: onable Prices from pain, anil the was refereed to the committee on sleep Itjr fretting the child Mail litthsehrrub awakes as bright as a tiottoni.' waterworks. Truii. It Is very pleasant to taste, soothes tlie child, All Work ard Fit Guaranteed. FHOM OX FOII II, KXUIAX Tlie claim of lrovo Foundry & Masoftons the rums, allays jiain, relieves wind, Union Block Provo. No., 14 is the best known chine Co., $19.45 for material for tire SJS ,cr Week. regulates the bowels, and Reom No. 15 upstairs. Rank Building. SI per HJ, from rcinudy for diarrhioa, whether arising was to refereed, tlie committee e Breakfast eugiue, 6 at a. vents causes. or Twenty-fivother m., Dinner 12 to 2 n tething on fire department:' its At Utah. Jrovo bottle. in., sharp supper at 0 m. . M-- Nova The Provo f'nramerclit I ond comKink will pojr 5 Per cent ln( vln(i pounded quarterly on zette rjTES-Ei-W or itruia THE UTAH YALLEY GAZETTE. . . L HARRISON HOUSE! RESTAURANT. : ) : . , orders promptly attended to at IIa th enbi' u clc & Co. r ? ' i I J : ' I r f : iOLOTEC Front for i'rieo.it Saml Thurgood, p. |