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Show CITY COUNCIL- LOCAL ITEMS. AMERICAN FORK ITEM : Dr. Ifernliew, dcutist, Bad Death of Miss McFarland. Miss Mabel McFarland, a young Ammunition at Steele's. 22 of Salt years, Location notices at this Inly half-sist- Lake, uged to Mrs. James H. and a Legal Blanks of nil'.:;::!. Gibson recently of this city, but office. now of Salt Lake, died suddenly Wheat taken on Tuesday at the capital from kidney . sue-vr."- Budnesn Transact vrferftb: !. of the city session iv-iih- ir lu- -t held h.'iturilay coJm.il cliitm !i- -r tin ::i 1,i'iiinpoii in the chair we. 'i ; Spring has come, and with it has come our Spring stock of Millinery, which is pronounced to be the finest line that lias ever been received m American Fork. Ladies are requested to call ut our store before buying. A Nunih'f of Kills Pai.f. id er AT LAST - ini vi ! vve can Ladies, j Mliiell pi MMlt. . r by t'oiiin;il.r CliuJuf t he pJVl ioil ,1 ill please you. troubles. It seems the young lady this office. -' was to have been married that Mr. and Mr. Wel-l- i of i: i CBIPMAN . afternoon to Mr. Fred A. llolbet, left last Weeit for Mimi'-'-i:!il and i'. a young mail ol that city, but visit to relative-- . i u tr',t l urlli'-- iv- -. Next to Post Office American Fork. before the time arrived for the 1. KelU ftil' a fine divss For ceremony she was a corpse. m s! ,il I per rod Dunklev.s. she left the afternoon Monday .lames Cliipiiiuu i bouse to go uptown and did not oiuiU.'e retun, until $ o'clock in tho ev- - mow his fuiuil v to S,:li In V)ii!tvi Mrs. Gibson She tliat told ning. resideiue. T u order to enahh; the population of Ameriri.n Fork and neighbor-Ii.n.- i. A. L. Bogi-r-- : !: ; v. is her affianced husband had accoui us "Itlial I mod to itv will again today. get good reliable Clothing. made from our renowned Provo punied her home, although nobody I'ro.u James Shelly. Woolen Mills Goods, we have rsluhlisin n I,... ut the house saw him. She said James Newton .: it v n f this visitor week. they were to bo married Tuesday bought we. boring ut 2 o'clock in the joint building. Jim Bush of Miimio-iii- i v. as froiii l. hi. Also re-- 1 At 10 o'clock Miss McFarland ' l :. Sou Would I. ... .. .... ... ('loft nniongtlu' leys till-- , v.i We retired, complaining of a headache is t.lie sanm ohl Jm b. frmi, of city 1" iw:; H OltlvMANMIll ll . HI and dizziness. Half an hour later his uume is Joe. l(,01 two liny, )alrming u, von keep home. nt she called Mr. and Mrs. Gibson to money , your the committee i.ir workim-nThe proprietor ofTiF. hi V We also carry u full line of the highest priced and l.ilest her room, and they found her in for styles of ' from Mereur over for a lev. i'i' Eastern Goods, for tine Dress Sails. convulsions She continued to ufter the in'.eivsis grow worse, and at live minutes looking of US.. reported on the t ieo. Cimiiigliani, ( who was past 1 o'clock Tuesday morning she paper. breathed her last. A fresh 1 lie of garden seed. f ail last week ) that all was & It was thought at first she had varieties, just received at luiiktto law. A motion aeeording . taken poison, but Dr. Ewing proJob work, neat and artiste-.! o r. i.ii: s:,.(K) of the tine was lost, JACKSON BUILDING. AMERICAN FORK, UTAH nounced that death was caused by this office. i liti'i.i from, John R. Hind ley uroenic poisoning due to kidney insured wus Garden kchhI at Dnnkley'fl. Fresh bread at Dmikleys. Commencing Saturday, April. disease. the kiid table, oil Pacific will "'.'d Union the 4tli run r jte Iti:m, i .23 prr your. making of a new ditch each way every dav bet w ecu Frm I'IIIm. trains The rapidity with which croup Salt Lake and mMn-gIn 11. K. Iluikli-- & Bill u'1"1'1 H. Bolevs corner to Send mile heads, blank Neplii. (mu treatCo., calls for instant Chii'Hjrn, irw develops Ibi' flour mill on county hooks, curds, envelopes, Dr. Kind's New l.ifu Pills. A trial Vvill Cousins, Jr., who has been ment; and yet few households are referred to Irrigu-lai- d of daiu-piue. wedding curds, will cooviuce tlieii of programs, you i! up for some tmi. wi,:. til), prepared for its visits. An adand in fai l everything in the printare eav in action ami ura mirable remedy for this disease is rheumatism, is stil. quite ill. , .,rt from Justice of the Peace etrectivo in tin curH i.f rnii-puti- . ing line, executed in line style by not docs to imu-ii- . seem h.ia ... .. , Pectoral It improve fees allowed. Kur Mninmii Tiik Item penple. Give us in hiiiI aic.k li(Nil.iciii. Ayers Cherry ;ul witne your saved hundreds of liyes and should tin Vi Ihi-i- i anl Liwr trouble t orders. Marshal Rowley ami lb put y tie- n..miiiit being . iuialiialile. Tlii-- are guariiuteeil ti' be in eycry house where there ar? Crookston gave five b'ecorder and tramps lu and fr-lie fi from every deleterious children. young this morning aiidlu h et m - nr r ai eiited. Ohl IVooIp. ami n In purely r.c- i.' ;; roiul leave to the of Old ilo supervisor, mt weaken by ilieir aetirnl. but ing community They people who require medicine allowed, ami bill of Dunkleys for Bargains. Howeyer, the whole gang by uivinj; tone In slmnacli amt lir.wcls to regulate the bowels and kidneys j! of v.uteruiastcr on weir all three invitations without c.ie-- 1 ievignruto tin; System, will find tho true remody iu Elecsee Sic ill s Sold box. i Co., tric l.y a of cpiivon accepted a.id monv. Bnrklens Arnica Salve. Bitters. This medicine does not Drug;'iita. stimulate and contains no whiskey The Best Salve in the world for nor other intoxicant, but acts R9 a Cuts Bruises, Sores, Uicers, Salt For Homeless Boys. Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped The Earnest Christian, weekly. tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding 1 inds, Chilblains, Corns, and all morning. The parents have the . 50 cents n year, Denver, Colorado, t recorder aa bain Eruptions, and positively cures ejmpatuy of tfc couDan.tr of strength and giving tone to the Io girt-- him deed foi is devoted to the is or no It thereby adding Nature in Piles, theirberearement. pay required. Brightside, a great industrial train- organs, same. the of tho functions. satisfacto performance give perfect guaranteed With but little care and no ing school for homeless and neg- Electric Bitters is an excellent KILLS ALLOWED. tion or money refunded, Price 2o trouble, the beard and mustache lected boys, .There are G0,000rboy A. Ben nett, hoiia, 84 30 nnd "aids digestion. Old cents per box. FOR SALE BY can be the United States" and uniform brown a or kept 3 00 tramps iu find Gia!i::u & Barnes, book, it just excactly what ,eoplti Steel & Cos., Drug Store. the only school offerblack color by using Backing-ham'- s Cii!1.. 3 0J Brighside is Price fifty cents per need. curfew, bey Logie them a home, education and Dye for tne wiskers. ing . 12 nltle. 40 Bates At all repairing, Drug Store's. manual training, Will you help? Conference Ratep. 1 90 it may save you time and money J. E. Jensen, lumber, etc. The Union Pacific will sell to be informed that, wheu you need Geo. Crookston, police 4 GO CRAVE CHARLEY BRIGGS. RESTORED TO A tickets April 3rd to Gth inclusive, a blood purifier, Ayer's Sarsapar33 40 Conferh Annual the illa is the kind most iu favor with ChipmajiMerc. Co., Sixty-sixtfor 58 10 LI on THE GREAT Bear and Cuptored UU ence of the Church of Jesus Christ the. medical brofession. It is the J. 15. Cooper, quarantine, 38 00 Killed the Saw Pal met in Remedy the Cub?. of Latter-da- y Saints, at Salt Lake, standard ad, as such, the only S. X. Roberts, oil, U00 The only true vigor of life. Send admitted at the a 23 & Co., medicino, April 4th, to Gth indvsive, at 31.33 blood-purifiTickets for the round trip. good Chicago World's Fair. Dick Mitchell and Charley $1 to the Security Chemical Co., 1 75 Wild ST Co.,' riI12th. return until Ap Special io 40 Briggs of this city, came down Redwood Falls, Minn., for sample The residence of Mrs. Hanii:i!i H. Si'vle"meAt-forick- , box of the wonderful discovery ior accommodate to will be run trains 5 00 from American Fork canyon WedA. horse hire, Lapish, during the lady's old age or permature old age. It passengers. 7 10 nesday and created quite an exin Salt Lase, was raided by theiws. Wm: Grant, lamp, etc. is the H. Fawar, Agt. only certain restorative. The watermartifrs time to rc- - citement from the fact that they yesterday, and valuables ex tract. Highest testimonials. Send Exfrom the chests and trunks iu re- port was extended until April 23th. had with them the hide of a large press or P. O. order only . .May or Robinson was appointed female bear, also two living cubs. house to the amount of to one of a committee to assist They killed the bear in a small ably $25.00. Thepelfering wn A and i!ii in between the hours of surveying of a reservoir site caye, riskedthe manner in which FOB their own safty in Flat. Lake Silver they 11p.m. Jos. Lapish on ivnv o:i On so was rate tax $ water tlic of motion doing home discovered the fact : ! quite thrilling. They La Grippe, for Colds, Coughs, cave had bear enter the seen the I fixed cents at cash 30 for was at once notified the police. A po AND LUNG TROUBLES, of deputies inyuded the promise Ueiits labor pei lot, and 20 with her cubs and tbe men were i:;i i the Rio Grande depot but In ;;.;i o ::ls cash and 20 cents labor per determined to secure the prize. CHEBBY to r.or. Viill. J'rocuring a candle, Briggs crawlPECTORAL the culprits, seareli was ' in the cave on bauds and knees ed all (;; million Itissupppsod that t!: gang o and i io furnish '.v catching sight of the angry $250.00 ju'llcd tramps, stationed near t!i; Two yeara igp, X had the grippe, which was ready to attack brute, i the past fqw days, uro t.!lv ivfp x. K;i and it left me with a cough which gave took deliberate aim and fired, him, trators. Adjourned. me no rest night or day. My family the bear instantly. The hv sou. Robin killing Mayor physician prescribed fur me, changing alAmt two weeks old. cubs are the medicine as often as he found tlus Home Drama l it. Anyone wishing to secure one of things I had takeu were not helping On next Wcduosdav From a Hngffv. (he little fallows can do ho by Aonl 8th the A uoo ir ri i'.i i iiiidiT tin inffiiem-i io applying to the hero of this v. Home Dramatic Whittmoro and ,i ii.juur. Jon!. uio and paying a good price. hold the hoards a r t In- of lshi, drove into i RolK ut: in highly enlert.-iiiiiup i afternoon, and aft?r i.;.. able coined v entitled "Oiuv. . more drinks at one several ig is This piece hail a very suc-- i of oor Io mis. l!ie got into their weeks run at the Grand oiorai.i ig;iiid arled to take in the town, Salt Lake about two week- hi turning Cm bank corner to go and those who are f..rlin: i ,i,. ;:i .;w llaiTingfon street, the enough to see it will se; a j'i.i V o! lomgv .ri iipM-- and the two men T h e Burlington's u high moral thanuliT. ilii' v ily to the ground. iliro.Mi Vestibuled Flyer" Hometlmig of a new dep: II i were near in ., l b which leaves Denver : the part of onr Home .,.,,i jerkily caught the jj.,. every evening at 9.30 Im-Gi.-iimefo they have heretofore given k- ii' j, after arrival of COME th'-efforts entirely to their at- AND.SEE US. They n turned trains from all points . Mr.Rock-Our- s Dramas of a pathetic nature. it:i to the two in Utah is the fastest best We can pl'M-- you if low prices, is a comedy of a high v.,dl w up with a badly equipped nnd most comfortable of hia attendance, I got me, hut, in fair treatment and good goods order, containing good morals and no better. Finally, tuy liusband, readlrw.t but no other injury train to all points east. will do it. locked an interesting Yiris j;js together by - It ing nun day of a gentleman who had carries thro chair sleepers, strain which holds the aiuh'ene.. iu V bit more was picked up had the prtppo and vnaruroA by taking 03 and dining zara nnd offers a service tor fruiii of a expectiou pleasant spell Ayers Cherry Pectoral,. pwcured, !!!ii'oi:- - in:is iir.'l taken to the Mar to Omaha, Peoria, Chicago, St. IN DRY GOODS. the raising of the curtain on tin yilnoii. An examination was made me, a bottle of this medicine, and before Kansas and St. Louis X City GROCERIES I had taken half of it, I M cored. first act until the drop on tli iiioi i of Jus injuries and it was found Joseph, that is unrivalled. simply have used the Tectoral for y children HATS nnd CAPS, is well distributed .. The comedy j, s,;: received a bruised shoulder Get tickets from the locul nsent and In my family, whenever we have cast entire A the behind the ear. we have the best at lowest prices ,.VPr t. gie ;. of the R. G. W. Ky. needed it, and have found it a specific throughout each and room for member he him for j ample rl.l;,r,il or colila, coughs, and lung troubles. W. F. McMillan, Geu'l Agent borne. Medical aid was distinguish their respective role. Emilt Wood, North Bt., Elkfon, Md. Salt Lake City, This will no doubt he one of the summoned and the injured parts Walt Wild, one of onr young successful pieces ever at- - j,ir,.. ihenum himself made Ayers Cherry Pectoral most is the happy possessor of a home our sports company ai;d(.l,)lf0, rfll!e. tempted by bike. new Walt bought it lues-da- y to see who wish a Honors those World's at Fair, Highest good pluv We learn at this writing that & Co., and Merchant Street, Steele from the attend-iuand of g the actors and judge ability Joili is able to he out Bays it ftaasu thfi fyitta with Ayers Svsspsrflla. should not fail to see it. is a I . ; i : r- SISTERS, The Milliners. uppi-.ivcii- r ! . i- -t ! I ' ii-n. 'eij-iiiii- HOME INDUSTRY! j ; I 1 i pn-perl- Merchant Tailoring Establishment I '. . T f-'- .- ( ! . ons COME AND SEE H. THILL GO., IV.-u-- s ! t , .'-- : i tn) 1 ir I y.-u- s r n hi-ad- , ; . bii-in'os- .s j e nu-rit- . Tlu-m-pi- ll lv - ln-- S-.- m-V- i'reas-breakfa- st i e to-d.i- v. ! ficri-j.tej'icp'- $1-1.1- jen-Hil- t--r lii.-utl- tsti-el- . up-buildi- ng ap-mti- wr Bc-r.j- nn Co-o- p. er Adi-.inso- ; SPECIFIC - tted i f The Finest Line of ! AYERS A Fresh I e .i.:.-!-:ii!- ail-v-- mi-1- Tui-sda- v the train to take. It : i - l i I ; 1 -- Everyday. uilt-r-- - ut Groceries In town is Kept at Dunkleys. Fresh Bread i run-attention- ni'-n- pit-ke.- ) , L1 I 1 1 : j The Ounklsy Store to business, mrmr. w Am - daisy. American Fork I Utih |