OCR Text |
Show A dyortise Your Wants 'Tholtem'' In THE AMERICAN independent In PolitlcsFair and Impartial to All. PUBLISHED WEEKLY VOL AMERICAN 2 .. .v- - f.i t gl-- .1 a t!i'. In-M- mi i I'll' i FORK. SATURDAY. Owii'g to the pifiag" ot some tyiw in-- non arrival of shipment oi p.ipr it 's wick The Itzh for the flrt time is coiiiielli-- to come out on a hair !l happen in the best sl.r'1. rcilenta r. ulds'eil families. soriEiY. Spring will mkhi ;atJ garden seeds. nd Get Handsome Returns . FEIUiTAUY here and y.'u DuukVy Iihs just Don't ly wf them, 18. , NO 2: i AH ! LOCAL AND 1'EliSONAI eir Annual ball b1 uic on next Monday, Fab. a (ha opi-i4. They bavs issued large bill aunnunc-in- i' the fact, and a general invilstiun is H kinds of legal blank i ti Hi, tli,- - tale BINKLEY'S. ts-i- Jim Akiiivpu! lor I)r. Merrilicw, dentist. Lehi. tin- w u this oitici-- . Jolirt goods )ii-- ChiMn-ii- Yir .vended to ail. Everybody ijui-piiisi n bad un pliutil i:. was lio lino aut ami patronize this occasion atil j k a, .in,. r Mini cluirgiil insure music for the coming year. J lalan w:l, A' aocial surprise was given .lum i:i in- - 'l:o o! $400 lb- mii nvi-Mou-hi- j cvenii-Aby in ir.iSit the tii" n of l l.i nairong on lni gisnd jujy. it v hi friends rieuty of rating, 1:, NW OllXV IllCOf : ini liaiu-inuvea lliaorder "Itln-1wc mini l.ouit h whs uw.iy into inicb s lor ltttli a Million fc Pile tlit. parly broke up. 1 i- Lull County Onyx, Muible Oiuaiiii-r.ta- l Stone Co., ii tlie name of llit-ncA grand Select Glaze party is on the emnpany juat incorparaded under on I ipse to come off at the oiera hnuie the law cl the Territory, and of which Some St. Valentine cvering, Feb. 14. Tub Item lire Lad considerable toiay artistic imitations are being issued for of late. Grant Simons in president and the occasion. It will he the grandest j', jj lltiian, secy, and treasurer of the The ladiei aro alr.ffair of the eeason. Two ot tkehulders pasted company. ready preparing their glaze ball dresses. through town yesterday and showed u a We pronounce ii some of their rock. Mr. Ales Thornton went to Milford the best yet seen. The company say Tln rsday morning to reside with her that they can produce seventeen different huiiliamt, who is engaged as station colon from ell their cleime. They a,i ut ol tin: U. P. at that place, will rnuine work and mean business, a a a upon some of the claims just so soon as People Hrr longing for the day when weather permits. The company has inHo Snnpi te tailrosd will have penetrated with 100,000 shares at 3 a corporated this city . Tin- pi ople thee look for coal bare. at $3 per ton, and Sniete coal at that, i 1 1 can ge your good the Our and liimUeyV. AndO!i!how Cheap and of late have had n iiicnkiy time aiili pnsoui-i- - s i I ! 1 Fm ii eeliry it Diiuklcv's ol the C The street in sii-through town are b ing repaired s Gay LeiBpard, who has been quite sick , at liic is uow up and around. Gi.-iat- . Tinner Bidi Earle of Lehi called Thursday. (ill Wednesds,), J. Y . Grant, of this on us city sin via the Union Pacific to of beef cattle. Chicago, nie - . a a Ilonn Dramatic Company little surprise was performed We haye in the pait advocated tlm orthe residence af Mr. Johnny Kelley, ganizing of a home dramatic company, con- A neat at in honor ot that gentleman and his sort. An enjoyable evening was spent by soma ot tlie fnlhaing who psrtici-p.ted- : Mr. ami Mis. F. D Caesitj ;Mr. end Mr. Thas Steele; Mr. T. A. Lea; Mr. and Sirs. Rnbi Lee Mr. and Mrs. Samue Drum wind; Mrs. Geo. Tsylor, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jtka Green-wiod- ; Alice li'rR UiemwiHid, . . 0 a a t Tin- SMictly Mnriiud Peoples ball took place Isa night at Chipman'a hall. It was certainly a select crowd. About iiomben were sold, and the f.irty-fl- ve well waa affair arranged under the fallowMr. and Mrs. A. committee: Sti-ele- , - uud ere now pleased to state to the pub- Last night lic that it lias uiateralized. about twelve young ladies and gentlemen ot our city met and organized a corny auy. They will at once commence learning a very popular drama, and we are satisfied that with the talent that is represented, will lie a grand success, and will be by far a superior company than many traveling companies that have plnytd in this city. Next week we will give the m ine of (ho drams, also thine who tike pait. Tub Item upholds them in the move and wishes them succtxs, and we are satisfied the public will agree with us in tliis statement. SPANISH FORK GLEANINGS, ing atrnng The Basket hall comes of Cbipman; Mr. aud J. B. Roberts; Mr. I. Rockhill drew the fine cutter that and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mra. A. Dunaley; was rallied of at the Rockhill saloon this Mr. and Mrs. A. A. week. W. Mra. W. II. Grant, and Mr. Green, Sr; Rnht Sterling has purchased a half interest with Wm. Rockhill in the meat and Mrs. Bessie Freston. husineu. a a Horses in this neck of the woods are A pleasnnt and enjoyable surprise A so rheap that those owning herds conp ,rty was given at the residence ot A. killing them for their skins. Green, in honor of Mrs. Malinda Rolphs template The building formeily occupied by tl.e daughter of Mrs. Green, on Tuesday Johnson, the baker, ha been removed to evening. About twenty couples wrert the lower part ot town. and spent the evening in the I us. ni Business seems to be getting brisk; Slock men are many Hninsementa of the season, and also money a little easier. The doiug well, Hfid people are gaining more in devouring an excellent spread. broke up near midnight with confidei ce in the financial outlook . I arty Few contracts are being made with pleasant good nights," end wishing Mrs. Rslpha many campliuents of the season. the farmers tor bests for the coming season, owing to the refusul of the factory to receive those already raised and now Closing Oat. The T. F, Trane stock of general in the ground merchandise at Lehi must be closed out Andrew Pnor seems to be the only at once. Everything away below cost. man living here, judging from the aira Clime and get the bargains. he is patting on. The fact of it is, this week his wife presented him with a fine ALPINE CHUNCKS. baby. All concerned doing well, includthe father, who says he has already ing Very little lick Bess now. done well. The schools are all in good running Recently a couple of jewelry sharks struck here and disposed off of aliont order, $500 woi k of watches and chains. They Tuesday of last week Mn. Tlios. Whit obtained money (nr part pay and the b. y presented her husband with a fine balance in promissory note, which they The All doing wall, sad Tom has placed in the bank for collection. baby. bren whistling Yankee Doodle" ever watches were sold for from $10 to $35 when thay were really worth bat $5.75, eiuce. and different bloods about town are D. II. Robinson, principal ot the schoolimourning their leu. John Miller and Squash" McMillan of Pleasant Grove, gave a very instruc. tive lecture here Wednesday night on left for the north this morning in a cut-tirwaa blowing the same The wind the Mutual Improvement association. way, and nnlesa the gale lets up no ti Min' Hie citizens of this burg held a mass where they'll end. Mr. Editor, if the mi ling on Tuesday e vening in the City wind hasn't subsided by a per- stretch a sain across the eiunty road at Hal, for the purpose of There desyou place and couth them. son for a postmaster, R. E. Booth re Mac. is a fairly short long is: cription Our irii-nd- , Mayor Ephraim built man; full. heavy beard close-shav-en signed. face; nut brown black hair; grey Hush waa the choice ot the peoplo, and old bunion on right a coat; e light recommended consequently will be on both feet; walks like an font; limps Mr, Booth's purour next postmaster. Ezgiirh cardinal , heirs the distinction ot is that Id office the for iimn raised on Nebraska corn: a statesresigning pose man in ways and manners; wound to the is at Highland, and the inron poems, and wouldn't pay him to hold the Berth pole with Ingersoll's has all the ways in the world of having the that chnrge it one tin.e of shaving been a Kansas oiliie. It ia thought will take place about April 1. We lost the description of Mr. he is a plain ordinary man, hut Miller, foot his Henry Beck accidently cut who would walk a mile to prevent meet tl,i.: week quite badly, while cunir.L' u.g a young lnily. All we can say. he is lie- will belaid up for. n wi-- .i. in had company, hut unlesa the niinitling limn, we Lope you will be able to breaks eib strong RrolLers arc putting up ice. rescue t least the boy who waa so J R. e"d Dayid McDaniel went to kidnapped by the elder mem Fcrk this morning. ber ef this episode. It. m To the wife ef Samuel Strong, Spanish Fork. Feb. 1, 1895. (I.'.,, week, a fine girl. All doing nicely . WANTED, Tlio Old Folks party came ofi at the iswli-ncof Bishop Marsh. A splendid Persons to Board and Room at $1 2 per turn- was had by the dear old while hair, month, in private family. Inquire at till hit long to be remembered. office. Alpine, Feb, 2, Km-irfel'e- seli-ctin- rivi-lcnc- - y An.i-nca- - 1 he Grant linli--l Is doing a good huf nets. Attend the haii.l buys hall Monday ITEM li'tiUhtfg i,uh Land - r,.rk .. & Rod McKenzie is yet in town. lie till holds that he won the second prize as the best judge of good pie at tlie Old Folks patty. CO --XK- Any Place oil uj.puq j, ind Oftct. Minieg Attorbey luh M, LhiuL, nlitnrof the lb; Lamar Sou ImIcm City, Sujtfitt, got on a rampage the other day, uiirlung his gun and umk the camp, YCOX GKOO When he Mibtrcil duwo and got hia V. 8. LAXD llEUlSTEn Si use lie find hiinsrlt fifty dollars and Salt Lake City, r.Jk costs, lie bring u high inogui justice of! Whi-i- i ho Hind Inmsi-lthe he able to put the culprit in tohl jad if tin- fine w..s not paid, Tlie editor ami juslici! of ilii! peace had to go the Piiivo Citv. uainp jail. Hi wifemaied likealionras rVR. O. II. IMKiUK, nd voweil she would burn the jail down Physician and Suryton, if her precious consort waa not liberated Office at Jlnidtuet , American Fan instantly. The newspaper man and jusSHIPLEY tice of the peace who stood behind the A TON 80 RIAL ARTIST ice-t- old sous act of his bars as a ib-li- R f A W. KENWAB1B Attorbey At Law f 1 - - tl-- 1: A.ri,.,. Lodge (51 out.,) A" t hlta, spreads him- self in the follow ihg flowing language of a Mi'iilHiia ; . lr --X- ce ii Ladies, SHOES, hi M'NKI.EY'S. ' Sent Lamb Ghh Evon tin JUs Mewijre Delinquent Sultscribf r. M. Selby Eli Dillard, editor of the Bed ! a in - --MX- . i i ribband boys gif- - nESKKET TKI.K; II I'll NEWSPAPER EPISODE. A Salmon at Fri-rl- mid bt- SI. 25 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. - " Katii Iutuam is coming, and will plsy nt he Provo opera house on Feb. 7. Prudfr't Ink lays ; Local papers are right just llair Cutting in any Style. the constable to staud firm aud exe- good adyeitiiiug for local merchants. utisfaction I cute and Guaranteed . order Ynu the of the court. to an can't talk about reaped many people A. K Thornton is selling port for 35c ffParlors on Merchant 8taet..p can in The woman fainted, and, by tliia time as in six months your gonds you a quart. Trj it. one day in your home paper. . the community waa aroused from renter Amsrlosn Fork, Itali to there was and circviufrrnca Duuk-li-y'- s. limbcrger out ol winter A. at goods Closing CHRISTENSEN., DRMrs T. S. Hawkins, of Chattanoga cheese on the moon aud a graveyard exTenn, says. .s'Aitais Vitalirer SAVJCD d pression on (lie fare of a throng of MY LI KM. I (untidtr it the brat J. B Roberts is having pnt up about edji for tdebilitiited system errr usrd. people, The mob made a mad rush For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble lor the bastile and in their frenzy twisted seventy five tons ol ice, it excels. Price 75 eti, the door off of ite hinges and requested OOice at Bromley House. of those who are so in- or the heni-fic Mr. Lamb to walk out. He refused American Fork. Utab ieitive, we will state that Dr. Brant is There u a firm in this city who has fine ani costa were psid. The mob a ingle man, lieen selling coil oil 5 cents cheaper ier wanted to know what the fine and coat. m,U1LW AllAMhU.Y, than any of ita competitors. Either would bel He teok a good look at the j The Chipman Mer. Co. have ordered gallon oil is no good or they are ashamed to infuriated mob and told them $225. the A and will aoon arrive, ana of the largest advertise it. paper waa circulated anil the monej and most complete stock of clothing D.S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR was raised in a jiffy and they handed ever came lo American Fork. Look out and arfellow who was Alex Carrina, the tlie finance to tlie eccentric justice of the for tliei.- - arrival. -- mXOTAUY iTBLIC.- Krested at tlie Burn party lait week and (icacr and paradoxical acrilie. Me paid sentenced - Utah to seven days in the city jail, the constable $10 lor hia fees, and gave American Folk, Dibd At Lehi, January 3", 1893, term. is tils out still five for hia the to and seiving $10 lodging jailor George Birmingham, aged 25. of JJiil! hsvi the j :1 f he do-.- n paired. COURT LAKESIDE In Lake. Deceast-- was a member ot the slier two the ii.tantunu tlm hem i.t 1 , i i JtwelrrJ. F. Ancient Ordir of Fon stirs, under the ipisode tSi. 8I2S.) i to be prai-n- t hu next direction ot mler his funeral look werka visit a the tdr.tatiiJ ineliopolls, told thu returned home lie is now n m every rmug at hu temple of justice. At place yisti-- day nt Lehi, deck and ready tor business again . Monday availing at 9 o'clorx a. in. the Judge and bland Ed8 00 p. m. Visiting itor opened court. The fiiat thing he T, M. Allman and Gee. A. Dusenberry, Invited. Just think ot it, but two merchants in did waa to remit hu own fine of two members of the newly incorrated fifty American Fork ara represented in the dollars. The Fork. Utah. onyx company, who own valuable journalist and peace officer claims in Utah county, dropped in on columni of Tux Item, These two firms then informed the audience that he had Tux Item Thursday frem'Proyo. They are firm believers of advertising and two hundred dollars In cash that had then busiaestca are faally coming to the been given fev Ida frsednui and from I left yesterday morning for one of PRECINCT JUSTICE, tront. Let ethers follow. durance yile on the previous day. claims, sitnati-- rest ot the city. lie AND NCTAUT-PUJI- l ask as a favor that every individual who I All kinds ot .. Legal Work transacted with It ii sn Insulting custom some news had puegled up a cent towarue hia libMiaa Alice Houston, no Wednesday, promptueas. Marriage Licenses men their have of duning and anything pertaining in eration from prison to come forward and accidentally slipped and fell from the paper through llieir pspes. This is sit give hie name and the amount lie had Jgal matters, at her home, quite badly In back Utah Amkhicar Fohk, Every subscriber knows Ins in subscribed. wrong. one 8he also Just hundred received anil juring her, internally. and let him call and settle debtedness, twelve men and a small several sprains. We are glad lo state, arose and If he don't mil, quietly present his bill innyet towards hi lienor. boyIt was a case however, that the young lady impmv not of American ForkCit , Utah. This is our through the paper. where eaeli n an had put up two dollar ing. method snd it has proven a success. Mayor Thomas II. Barker, After apiece and the hoy one dollar. James II. Clark, Robert Councilors Our pwpular photographer, C. I). Turl cmisideiHhle book keeping and figuring was on Sunday morning, January B. V- - Gn.cn wood, Henry It Proctor, don is now quite busy visiting the neigh on Ids hooka lie vocifrrsted in a baritone Miller, James W. Preston. 20, 1995, when Dentist E. O. Mrrriliew voice tar the one hundrrd aud twelve boring towns. Hia flash ligkt camera ia of Recorder George F. 8hcl!ey. Lehi, felt tlie happiest snd proudest men Treasurer Tlio in as E. Steele. aud boy to march up lo front of the certainly one ot the inventions of tbs of man in this climate, or in nil Ini Collector Isaac Abel. The man ot judicial ermine It is werth the price of a dozen bornany age. He had cause to fcsl to. for railing. Marsha- l- Wm. Kins. days. Pee his card In and a Napalian Bonapart eye tor cute photos to see it work. Justice of Hie Penee Jusepli J. Jackson. on that day was the occasion his consort tli is issue. WaleriiiHKti-r-JohM. Miller. journalism, stood before hie friends aud presented him with a sen Hie first hnru trenihl-- d r K. D. Cassity. Road with mate emotion fur awhile waa the deepest joy and happiness to Three young bloods cauie oyer trom It tkxton Charles Wldliker. He then heaved a loye-sicsigh and their cosy littls household, and I)c feels Lehi on Thursday, and after getting Pouuilkevper E, 11 Boley. handed eaeli a two duller receipt fur detar anything. the d meets fourth Matiirdav in each Council May , usttno well loaded with bug juice returned. little tellow grow robust and become the linquent subscription to bii newspaper nmntn. When croesing the track opposite tlie on the spot Everything wae man nt ability with the fmiip asishii right there residence of John Peters, the sleigh was so still in the court room while this was Closing ot Mai ir. darn old pa. Compliments of the occathe and upset completely occnpauta sion ooiari moktii . going on. that the aizslng bum ct a little haven' yet arrived at Tux Itxm. W 12:00 a: m. G. R. landed on their heads in tlisuow. Howroaster nut have sounded like wiuld pea U Pa... 4. 45 p. m, ever, none were hurt, other that a scratch the intonation of Veruviua thundering Prof. A. B. Tomson, editor oi the R. G. 4:lo p, m or so, but the sleigh was partly demolwhen belching lorth its red hot Isvs. Yoke, will addteu the Ladiea Resoutu axii uoiua kast. ished. 8 :.ii s. m publican Club ot this city, Wednesday This is the only instance in the history U . P. a w rid where a newspaper rman R.G, W. 8:45 s. m. 7, 1895, on the Sub- -, of the February evening, was a red letter day last Monday at It .. J.'IO p. m . ect of 8cx and Citizenship." During made one hundred and ninety dollnra by R. G. W the auction sale of tlie household goods STAR OCR it. hOliTk. the evening, a number of v jeal and in- finding of Dr. Doggr. The rale tank up nearly For Alpine: strumental selections will lie icndered by For . al Clicap, tlie entire day. The principal article Mondays. Wednesdays sml members ot tlie club, among winch will sold was a large range, Sam Taylor of Saturdays 3:.80p. in. Iarg (Vokiiii- Stove with Reserynir be anngs by Mias Martha Boley and Miss 3:00 p. m, Lehi being the purchaser, for $42 50. aa new, at than half Arrives good practically Brunnie McNiel, snd a resitatiou by Miss OKFICK IIOI'K. Other thinga went cheap while some ran coat. Cash or produce in payment. Cora Bromley. The public cordially The general delivery, stamp and regJ. A. Livimaiton Smith. higher than they wcie really worth, windows open st 8 .03 s. m. and istry Over 200 bandied people attended the loses st 5:30 p. m. sale, many from Lehi, Alpine and Pleai-a- nt On Sunpsys the geuersl delivery and A rumor haa been in circulation to Study At Home. Grove. windows are open from 8:00 s. m. stamp Hie effect that the school trustees hare Auy yi.iiiig man desirous oi studying till 10:00 a. m. and from 4:00 (ill 0:0n law at home can learn ot something to p. in. Timothy McCarty. Postmaster. The sixth sermon in tl.i series o with mslicc, ordered night schools to he his advantage by writing to John James. for tlitf purpose of injuring conducted Christian vs. Mormon Ilnctiiiic," cu Clerk Police Court, Suit Lake, Utah, Clmrcli Service. An Item scribe next Kabbatl, evenings t the Presbyterian private institutions. Sublwtl: pRXBYTKKIAil . 10:30 S. 111. called upon Trustee J. T. Clark fur inCbuich, will oe on ; the subject : Bap Bchool. T was informed by that in formation, and tism lor the Dead. RmitV-OiText: I Vot. 15-11:30 u. m., I'rsyi r Conference; 4 j c itiof casing The analysis of the aermen a as tallows: dividual that there was no iruth to the : b:n been ilia- Junior C. E. Society; 6:45 p 1 The doctrine is unscriptursl. 2 The rumor; hut instead, the trusteei had cove i p. m., Hcnior C. E. Sciety ; 7 :D0 p. . doctrine is unressonable . Jn'r.'S doc- agreed to furnish light and fuel it tlio tlv horse cars ni,. Preaching. trine is anti Christian. All are cordially various trachem would teach All I have to Wk5Eviiay.-7:- 30 dont It gratie. p. ni., Prayer invited. to c:im is to was eatistactorily agreed upen and the 3Ie!liug, 1 i h uiulirclln my Bible study. Benefits of Hanking. 0 teachers' service haye been no psv. Tlie signni tlmt i .mt i on Ijo ir l. Texas Fhipay. J . A. Liiimtin Smith, George I ray, Jack, change me X purpose of this move, principally, wia to Biflings. lu: tor five, won't you? 1J:-- . K'in. Latteii-DaSaixts Sunduv School : Jack I haven't more thnn ennnrrh for enable tboie who were unable, nr didn't MeetFact wiih to attend the day school. We deem Mrs. IV 10 s. m. in Hie Meeting lunch and cur faro in i.iv my new bonnet. i in my it great benefit to the public, lor which Isn't it ii i: ly twenty-eigh- t p in. Is, I don't carry nv'n-- y ing st 2 anil 7 :3 o'cli-cpockets any mom. f put it in the bank the trustees deserve credit Then- - is no dullars! Mr. IV Fine (in-.-i- t snnhea! You said anil pay by check. business courses or FIIILfHI'SCURE is Mlil on icing bonnets guarid I U- - Iwight at from three I don't care to bother with clicckt. antee. It cures Incipb-n- t Consumption. y these at schools, taught night I always carry money ia my pockcU, dollars up. Duly on we drem it not an injury In a Yea. dear. This iaono . is tlie best Cough Cure. Mrs. IK- and I never miss a . rt a dose. and $1.00. Sold Y- -e 3 . K. of the a. but you are not married." ups." Weekly. eperable institution. Steels Drug Store. -- N. Y, Weekly. , . . tru-lih-- i DENTIST. t un-th- . 1 , a wh-rl- Tui-sday- . s In-I- i Aini-rii-.iii- i jr pro-cu'K- tl, sub-rcrib- ert CITY OPFICEES . 8uN-rvlso- k pr-u- Box-eld- ...... . - c The - 1 1 . book-keepin- g 1 conse-hnenti- |