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Show NORTHWEST NOTES. The remit bihiiv Morin throughout the northwest is the heaviest kuowu for some years. at Neveii, Colo., aay that this ia the most severe winter hail since 1872, Stockiuei1 are auflcriug a severe Old-time- rs loss. At Trini'lail nml many other points outh of lhnver, tin mercury fell 50 degrees in two hours on the night of the loth inst. The loss to the railroads throughout the northwest occasioned iiy the recent nowstorma will reach up into thousands of dollars. The blockade on the Denver & Rio Grande in Colorado has been raised, and through business is now being handled without delay. lake Klein, the well known capitalist of Carson, died in San Francisco Sunday night, Fehruury .1. lie leaves an estate valued at t?ixj,0ii0. The Nevada. California, & Oregon railway, north of Reno, will be extended to the Madeline plains in Lassen county, California, this year. Carey of Wyoming entertained the members of the state legislature on the htli. The reeeption was attended by upwards of 400 guests. The Miners' State bank, which failed at Cripple Creek in the spring of 1887, has paid 20 per cent dividend to stockholders. This is the first dividend and probably the last. C. Avernon of Cripple Creek, Cola, has been sentenced to fourteen years in the state penitentiary for a crime against his daughter. This is the maximum penalty. Chauncey M. Depew is not the only railroad man in the United States senate. W. A. Clark of Montana is presidentof the United Yerde & Pacific, of which U. G. II. Minty, late of Ogden, five-year-o- ld ia auditor. The Deremer theater, at Pueblo, Cola, was destroyed by fire, Sunday. Frozen water plugs interfered with the work of the firemen. It was 20 below zero when the fire was burning. The loss will reach 54,000. Consignments of medical supplies for the American soldiers and sailors at Manila were forwarded on the steamer Coptic, from San Francisco, which also carried thousands of letters to the men in the Philippines. One thousand miners, armed with picks and shovels, cleared the snow from the railroad tracks at Leadville so that the coal famine might lie ended. There is no further apprehension from a coal famine in that city now and the people are happy. All who were connected officially with the boxing match in Teutonia hall, San Francisco, on the night of February 10, when John Farrel was knocked out and seriously injured by a blow on the jaw from John O'Brien, are to be prosecuted for John Doyle, a section foreman at Fort Bragg, Cain., during a fit of delirium tremens, dropped a lighted lamp upon the floor of his cottage near town and burned to death his two grandsons, aged five and three years, respectively, who, with their mother, resided with him. Dli(lil(iit Mrs. Swelllngton Oh, he's such Mr. Swelllngton WHAT PRESIDENTS COST. a Uach Leas Than Those of Aay Other splendid preacher! Kailua. In what way? Mrs. Swelllngton Why, costs the people of the United It he always Bays something to make States 1114,865 a year for a chief exyou think of something else, so that ecutive. His Is and salary the sermons over before you know it. found," as our Western jU.OOO neighbors Detroit Free Press say. The president's finding is rather comprehensive, covering about every were Health fur Ten Cents. These extreme nervous Cascareta make bowels and kidneys set possible requirement of a family. His dissuccess wonderful with by private secretary, the clerks, doornniurslly, destroy uiiiTulie, of for Dr. Uliiuusuem and constipation. All druggists. keepers, messengers and Pale coverer Williams Pink Pills steward, and otter three other servants, cost us 823,865 a his People, previous Oar Social Distinction. Then there is a contingent fund year. ed This public generally. remedy is "Why do you hold that Miss Ferken-haof S, GOO a year which the president the only known in many is not your social equal? Her may use according to bis discretion. father is one of the wealthiest men in until recent were pronounced inIn furniture and repairs to the this part of the country, isn't he?" White House the sum of 816,000 more, curable. Here is tne proof; Yes, but my parents were married by to be used by the direction of the a minister. Hers were Joined by a. president. Is Jamra Crockrt, a sturdy old Scotchman living In Detroit, Mich, at 88 Momi-ulprovided by the nation, Si., u currtl of l.ucoinolor Aiasia by these pills, bur many JuBtice of the peare. and Is always expended. For fuel yi'Hiu hr has lieen a chief engineer of one of those big putsrngrr palace slrumci. plying upou the great lakes. This is a position of great alone 83,000 is allowed, and for necesmid the anxiety csum-- a great nervous si rain. M r. Crocket says : llrnniua lurrnila (Iran I l or fillet n wars 1 watched the big engines and boilers without a single Its the greatest griura on earth Balcer sary repairs to the greenhouse there ccnlrnt, iiml only nuticed that I was getting nervous. Rixhiculy without says so. This grass yiclils 4 lo 7 tons is 84.000. wsrniii;:! wsstakru sick, and was prostrated. I had the host of physibetter hay than timothy In dry, rainless cians but grew gradually worse. At council of doctors, they said i hud Altogether the presidential finding countries; yields even mure than that in nervniift pruir.it ion, and had destroyed my whole nervous system snd Ohio. Ind.Alich.. Wii.. Iowa. III., Mo., annually amounts to the snug sum of would never recover. For three years I was unable to move from my bed. Kans., Mont., yes in every state 864.865, The doctor an id 1 hud locomotor ataxia, and would never be able to walk of the Union! tbilzer warrants this! Ponearly 815,000 a your more again. tatoes, 31.20 a Illil. his two than The "The pains and suffering I experienced during those years are almost salary. aggregate Rend this notice to JOHN A. SALZET! IndestnlKible. The lriruda that came to see me bid me when This is an imposing aggreBKED Cl).. 1,A CROSSE. WIS and 10 8114.865. th-toft me und was given up. The doctors said nothing more could be rents postage and receive their great Seed gate, but it Is small compared with done. My wne kept reading to me, articles about Ir. Wilburns Pink Pills Catalogue and sample of this grr.ss seed other for Pole People. V.'e finally decided to try them. The first bos gave me presidents. The president of the and bins other farm seed Handles relief. I Continued to use them tor about two years before 1 cuulil get Lw.n.J French Republic receives freei as salary strength enough to walk. 1 am nearly seventy-fivyrnrs old snd thrre is not a man in this city that can kick higher or walk further than Iran 8120,000 a year, 832,480 for contingent I ml owe Hr. Pink Pills fur Williams' to my present good health It Wasn't I.lks How and a handsome house rent Pale People lor I hey saved my life." JJttrnl Anw. purposes, Husband Whats that you are read- fiee. So we get our president rather ing? Wife Its a letter from mother. cheaply after all. The Husband And what does she say? 50 cents Cheerful People, Wife Oh, not much of anything. HusGenuine per box Do not say that cheerful people have band You are trying to deceive me. &t &1I are sold trouble of their own, or that they Its a cold day when your mother no have no depth of feeling and their druggists only in hasn't anything much to say. troubles do not hurt as much as yours. P&ih&cies or sent TO CURE A COLIl IN ONE DAT heart knoweth its own Every Like direct Taka Laxative Rromn Quinine Tablets, All THE GVt M.K.T and the deepest natures do not refund the mouey If it falls to cure, druggists Thu k&u. by m&ilu The genuine has L. U. Q, on each tablet. carry their heart on their sleeves, or entertain visiters with tales of woe Defined. Address the tttoiciNt Company, Schenectady, HYjj about first person singular. It Is Bobby Popper, what is a respectable fortune? Mr. Ferry One big heroic to hide grief under a guise of and such people are beneenough to make its owner's opinions cheerfulness, fellow-me- n to factors no less their WANTED Case of had health that on any subject entitled to respect discovery; will nut benefit. Send 5 rents to Klpans Chain leal man fences in a disfigurwho than the and cure wont I quick relief Cincinnati Enquirer. CuNaw York. for samples snd lJMM testimonials Buuk of te.tlnionlal and 1 0 days' treat cases. a and or vacant lot plants ing garden Ito H.H.IIMkltKIBOM.BMS, Atlanta, Ua. uantX'ras. The wise man never boasts of his know- erects a handsome INSTITUTE" building thereon. THEKEELEY Drunkenness. who man ia but ihu thinks he wise ledge, 1ocalua, Cigarette and Tobaeeo habits. does nothing else. It Is a good thing to make one person Opium, Only kselsy Insiltuis in Iks state. W. W. Brown I Washington, D. Cm (hay BICkroKli, Lock Box UO. Msdlsal Director and Masaser. I I will rwoelvs quick replica. B. 5th N.ELVols happy and contented, for a day even, if it Addressall eurreepnndpncw. The Keely Institute,!? to raise is It requires something unusual tuff BOikOorpa Prosccutioi Claims sloes 1178 Grape street, first north. Bait Lake City Utah. only yourself. the hair on a bald man's head. curelu-HiIacb- that, j , m renpon-Bitiili-iv s Ni-lir.- , good-by- e to-du-v sor-ro- w, Dr-Willia- nonDCVvrw UfkVr Q 111 PENSION ir.'ia,K,I?,.,?J r Mrs. 000l Inalow's Soothing Byrap forehlldren teething. softs tilths gums, rsduees allays pain, cursa wind colls. It coals aboitls. It was after their expulsion from Eden: "Adam, there was a man called at the flat and offered me today a beautiful piano on the very littlcst installments you ever "Beware Eve, interrupted the man, sharply, "it's the same old serpent in a new skin game. geSSGSGGOQOSOOOOC I save their tin tags for you Natural Leaf For Lung and chest diseases, Plsos Cure the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have FREE I Write your name and address plainly and send every tag yon can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted as follows : Is The people of theUnited States use more coffee than all the rest of the world combined. TAGS TAG 19 Alarm Clock, nickel, warranted . . 200 1 Match Box, quaint design, im95 20 Carvers, buck horn handle, good ported from Japan steel 200 Uf 9 Knife, one blade, gjod steel 21 Si' Rogers Teaspoons, best quaL 225 imod steel 8 SasMirs, (iq-incbucksix Knives 22 and Fork, each, 4 Chillis Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon horn handles 230 I Salt and Pepper, one each, quad23 Thermom racial .... while nn Clock, Calendar, ruple pate 600 6 Raiur, hollow ground, fine English eter, liaiutncter 24 Stove, W ilw n Healer, i:ze No. 90 reel. No. or 40 600 best T Butter Knife, triple plate, qua). 25 Tool Set, not plat tilings, but real 8 Sugar ShHl, triple plate, best quality tools 050 9 Stamp Hox, tieriing silver 20 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, 10 Knife, " Keen Kutter, two bladrs h:md-nie 800 Keen Kutter, 11 Buicher Knife, very blade IS 27 Watch, solid silver, full jeweled . 1UU0 28 Sewing Ma.liine, fitsi dais, with Keen Kuller, 11 Shears 1.100 all attachments 75 nickel 1MI0 best quality 18 Vut Set, Cracker and 6 Picks, silver SO 29 Revolv-- r, fi 80 Rifle, Winchester, 14 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst hammer. 81 double 100 Shot Unrel, Oun, set, 15 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame less, -- tub twist v .2000 100 82 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in thyst Kt, niothr-nf-arl laid with 2000 10 Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame100 83 Bicycle, standard nuke, ladies or thyst set, 2500 Hall, Association, heat qual. 100 17 cents BOOKS 30 choice selectlbns sama IS Watch, stem wind and act, guaranaa last y ears list, 40 tags each. 200 teed good tuna keeper THIS IS IT., Know by the sign OIL ST. JACOBS CURES Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, FARM SEEDS' lalani j,,. If NtklM I lout srsJVTTsilr4 to W fWits. ' DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Louis, ln an "A " mill. Mr.. iflarlltn inline .l blaml unr Far , B4 CaUtere. anlli-nil asm nmlpisf tab yon nrb, ft., Me. yannrr. itnttfimv w-$1. M yM ft ' hhln-WntFeUleei k emrt.lUO.0O0 alpl.Vlt ant nyahM. f- It akn nrlh-- refit. T&fTb, tlienfll adv. aloog. Catalog alonaBe, So. w.n.u. TkU Sigantare SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. DR. C. VV. SHORES EXPERT SPECIALIST IN ALL DI$EASE8 OF MEN. ITRICTLT RRLIABIE. 4 m o "PAY ME WHEN Mo. HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH. APOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR le on every HOUSE-CLEANIN- G lix of Lmatlve Dreine Qalme Tnklets. Accept bo nMIUIs YOU dASE CURED. a.: (0 bL tilw'l an Pi - Q lists. p.lii 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10o. Ssdi.Bmsser Sbt-Mpkit.frart Iknii MMa.SbIl V ur nun." Snrdlns Bwlry, l Ihu time fan. " Bl pcraaruMSry Srsna, lawmlf ' irHIitTsu buy uar aiamwMft . sand this o ao o o This offer expires Kovember 30, 1899. Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to .. hmiI-- M X. Trar. lit. nrMl by irt,lH(:.4 ftii.lirla Big Four O.U ; J. T. 1 gllbMMI, Wli.. ITS btuh. birlr- -. sih! H. , S'JJ Wlas. Miss., kv per am. Ifyos Amhi. wit: thru. SsvtahMgsis mu m4 m Mai butt.ua cimmn, Lilft-- r, - ATHEfcVMI Not One Dollar Required In Advance. IP YOU 8UFFER FROM lls Bruises, Sprains, Stiffness. Soreness, CURE YOURSELF! Im llii 44 for unnatural diacharsaa, ludsuniations, or nice ration! of uinoona mam bran aa and not aalrim Painless, CmEMIOuCO. Sent or poiaoaoua. I SaMbyllrenJala, or sent ia plain wrappar, by exprewt, prepaid, fis It .nn, r 2 hoftlaa, 92.75. Circular aval ea raunaaA I will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. much loss paddle them. HER Pralaad by thonaands of aatlaflsd toilim as aafa, ah waya rellabla and without an equal. Auk drugirlat for Dr. Barter Preach Famsla Pill la metal box with French Flag on top la Blua. White and Red. Inalut aa having tha genulna, lor Woman, mailed K REE In plain aeaiad teatlmoutala and particular. Addreaa (Rslisf 0RUS CO., 381 ud883 Psarl SL. fiiv. The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, J. T., Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond Lots of men are unablo to ait in their own canoes Relief at Last 1 Cura yourself naturally and surely without cosh Tor Infallible method wnd 1U cents tenln) to John U. Iiatehclor, U W. Ulb at., New York City. The woman had evidently for help, was frozen. Traffic is so heavy on the Central Pacific that three extra dispatchers have been ordered out at Carlin. They will handle the old II umboldt division tracks from W'incinucca to Wells. Ogden dispatchers will handle the district betweens Wells and Ogden, and the Wadsworth boys will look out for all the trains between Winnemucca and Truckee. A plot to blow up the new Florence hotel at Butte, was discovered one day last week in time to prevent its execution. There were between 800 and 400 guests sleeping in the hotel, when the watchman discovered a box containing fifty pounds of dynamite in the basement, which had been placed there with the intention of blowing up the hotel. The statement lias been made that the state of Nevada lias lieen transferred from the Episcopal jurisdiction of Bishop Leonard. This was not entirely true. The state has been divided into two districts, one of which is under Bishop Leonard and the other under the bishop of Sacramenta The counties of Elko, Eureka, Lander, White Tine, Nye and Lincoln are under Bishop Leonard. e 1 a miner, on started out during the night and hod slipped and fallen, stunning herself. and being unable to move or cal discovery being diseases specific years. I j the to to the m to his home in Meaderville, the eastern suburb of Butte, found his wife lying at the bottom of the steps, frozen to death. disorders treated prize-fightin- g. Sam Bundle, Locomotor Ataxias Paralysis Can be Cured. LOST HOOD, Seminal Waaknea, Varleorela, Hydrooala Syphilis, Gonorrheas, Stricture, small os Shrunken organa, prematura eld ag and nil olhar private dlaeaaeB, whelharcauaed by Ignorance excess or eontagion.no matter how severe, yon can ton suit Dr. G. W. Saonu.tha physician who has given hla life to ourlng chronic dlaosao, and bo examined, advlaed, treated and cured without paying him one dollar until the ourc to affected. The docknureae'.vea the right, however, to refuse any lncurabla rase If be caa'i cure you he don't want your mouey. Su-- h an offer was never before made by a rerponsibla physician, and Dr. G. W. Shores to only able to make It beoauae be positively enrea these dla. aaea. Don't waste another cent on questionable doctors, but consult the Old Doctor and' bo cured. BUSINESS SACREDLY CONFIDENTIAL. al RIO Call Harmon Mock 8 bores' OUee) WHITE Ihcm O DR. G. W. SHORED, Lock Box 15S5, ALT LAKH C1TT. UTAH reyreseeted to be The BEST REMEDY for GRIP! (Dm. or 'Jet a pot" Druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. PRICE 25 CENTS. |