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Show HO. AWT K. CMC KINO A JOHN, 17 TORSEYS I and 4 Pro to, Uuk. Bmma I, mt LAW k Utrtlt Bicot Bwasey S, Ttre you Posted on tits WarT IU sf Cuba, West Indtoi, Canary Verde Islands Puerie RtfO.TorWoi Ho to oo oto,; la Ooluro. ms.i luoSaaien reverse map of the ofworld. ;ail thro l MMioou ldoio. wo iu ftMTT Stta.by Qoniaia to Qumo da and Hour? Devenpiirt Northrop) full mores UOpo,ODlfin.ly Illustrated; oloih II to, Bool pvo i pa id ob roeoipt of prise. Dio m A wanted. dj crtpttTO olroiitoro firm. Ag.nts areas Farliamout rah. Oe., Qulaejr Bldfl Baal for Ibl Cape Wool, 6 U Colo- - beaver, WARNER & HODTZ, iTTO&XITS at LIT Booma U. 14, and 16, Union Block UTAH, PROVO, OREGON SHORT LINE RY, Local Tirr Cabo Ib affect Mir 8, 1887. Going Nortt Bond up Cslag ssuth BMddoon Balt Lnko Clip TSOaa :IOaa I: loam LeM June! 6.0pa b:30v-- I.Unta Americas Pork Pleasant Grove l.'Wam PrOTO FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. l:Mpa :03pn 4:4Sp Tralno aouth of Juab run datij except Sunday D. K. BUBLBY B . W. KCCLBS, O. P. k T. A Son. Traf. Ur-A. McDOUQALL, H. BANCROFT Local AgsM v.p.ao.ic BENJ. BATES, American Fork Wagon Wors SOME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS. Tanoo Canary TynllM tho Story of Latin or Houma. Every lay a Loooon ay Ho Moalo Telescoping Throo Tho band Mao. 1 .earned at flora The Sand Man. The Sand Man drops In every nlgbt. The Sand Man with bin sand; To sprinkle grains in little eyes With unseen, unfelt hand. He conies about the hour when all The baby work Is done; When toys lie scattered round the room, Abandoned one by one. A hobby horse once rocked with vim Stands quiet in his stall A consecrated space between The trundle bed and wall. A Jumping-jacan iron hank, A painted rubber ball, A rattle with a whistle on, A bruised and battered doll. k, A dosen little glittering things So dear to babyland; But now the Sand Man comes around, The Sand Man with his sand. Two chubby little fists are forced a two small sleepy eyes. To rub away the sand which sifts Across some tired sighs. And now the Sand Man yields his place To a fairy with a rod. Who beckons toward that mystic shrine. The babyland of Nod. Buggies and Wag ons of all kinds is paired In first class urdsr al prices to sail tbs times. iUBHIKOtomSt. The Sand Alan drops In every night. The Sand Man with bis sand; To Bprlnkle grains in little eyes. AMS RICAN FORK With unseen, unfelt hand. Times-Heral- d. M. AMBSIISH. YOknUHIAL ARTIST and WATCH MUIR. I.ynlo A Tam Canary. Listen, children, I am going to tell you a true story about a tame canary bird. This little bird llveB In a hospital and was given by a grateful patient to one of his nurses as a ChristUS mas gift, and It was named Lynie. inter! mb Pori ufliftM It, It was just like any other young canary at first; Bang Its song, ate Its seed and slept on one leg with Its little head tucked away under Its wing. His cage hung In one of the waiting rooms of the hospital, quite near a large winSale Sta- dow which was filled with plants Livery! Feed growing In a box. Tho yonng woman bles. who cared for the plants used to take the bottom off the cage, and put It down on the earth to let him hop about on it, and sometimes his seed would take root and sprout so that he got a bit of green now and then with wrww St Harrington his food. There were often visitors waiting In this hall and they would speak to the SILVER THE ISSUE IX 1900. little birdie and he would answer, then when they left him alone he would call and call till some one else came to Money tbs Pricing listrnmsnL C speak to him. After a while his ownI1 er, who often talked softly to him, ChlDzifloi and Pragma Hm Rapt would put a few seeds on her lips and Slap With Mobij Sapplj la Ail Agaa. hold her finger Inside the cage, he l would hop on it and eat the seeds one by one. Soon she tried letting him Tho Mmr Question discussed In tho C out In her room, but he was such a light of experience end hietory. frightened little thing he used to fly to all sorts of places where he could not secure a footing and so fall off. He caught a bad cold and then seemed to have such difficulty to The Leading Bimetallic Taper of America. breathe they feared he might die, so V. S. Senator W. M. STBWART, Bdltor. be was taken to a sewing room where there were no draughts and many A comet account of tho dolngn of helves all round the room. Here he Congrew given each week. had company nearly all the time, for A family paper for the heme and All the Important happnalnga of the young lady who took care of him the week, condensed. in newaeotarana. did all the mending there. She petted A large circulation in every State aad him a great deal and gave him so Territory. many dainties, such as chlckweed, fig, d eggs and red pepSnbeerlptlon Prloo, II Poe Tear. apple, Send formal pit; agents wanted. per, that soon he got better. He had a rusty nail In his drinking water, too, Published weekly by the for tonic, and by and by his voice S Silver Knight Publishing Co., came back. Meantime he had grown A so tame that he was A WASHINGTON, S. C. let out of the cage every day, and when he got used to It, would fly from shelf to shelf, or CURB on any ones shoulder that came In,light exmans. once He a too venturecept got LOCI ST. To DENVER, OMAliA, some and while examining the sewing CHICAGO AND BOSTON. machine to find where the noise came The Drove r A Rio Grinds Rillrem from, he lit on the foot lever, which Beenlo Lins of tbs World snnonnoM being quite loose, slipped round, catchnow nod Important additions tu tboli ing his poor little toe and breaking it. slrsndy well arranged aleeplog oaf Then he had to have a nurse. One terries. In tho futurs, this popular came and put some tiny strips of plaslino will ran through weakly Pullman ter on, binding his toe Into good posiTourist Sleepers to Omshs, Chloago, he was not a good patient, but tion, Louis St. also to New York and Boston, and kept pulling at the bandage till he without change. These ears will atari from Portland, Oregon, tbna airing got things all out of place. So they debenefit of through Berries on Oregon cided there must be an amputation. Short Lint, aa well as all Utah points. Every one felt sorry for the poor little The tzcoraiona are personally conduct- fellow, but fortunately he didnt seem ed and furnish all the eonrooleneea o to mind it at all, and was soon regular pullman sltopara at lta than able to hop about aa lively very as ever. half tho coat. The 8l. Louis ear will Now this birdie was sometimes loneWare 0. B. L. Station erery Thursday and Ogdon rla Klu Grande Woo tern some, with none of his own kind to The speak to, so he would fly out of the Ry.. trory Friday morning. Omaha, Chlrago, New fork and Boston linen closet Into the hall, where a hat Sleeper will le.art 0. S. I Stations rack atood with a looking glass In It, every Wecneedsy and Sail Lake every but Instead of being glad to see anThursday evening, thus affording the other bird this one was so real to him Inoatlmablo privilege ot a twelve houi he used to get angry and try to lay over at Salt Lake Cltv. For rates and all details, write to B. F. Nerins fight with U. I am sure he waa Jealous Gen. Agent, or H. U. Cashing T. P. A. and afraid Borne of the petting ho got P. A R. 0. Ry., Salt Lake City, ur say would bo lavished on this bird 1& the Oregon Short Line or Rio Grand Western Ticket Agent. Hair Cut tin Henry Lee, and runs hacks all trains. to $ VkWWVWwV'W Ml I fire-Id- e. hard-boile- NEW SLEEPING glass. So after a minutes fighting he would fly back into tbe linen room and make a great time, aa much as to say, 1 beat him! He was I beat him! very fond of sitting on one of the helves, near the edge, and If any one would run his finger along he would run after it, at such a rate he sometimes slid right off and had to fly to ave himself a fall. Then he would scold and chatter. One day th ilmng lady, who treated him so kindly, laid her spectacles down on the shelf and Lynie caught hla reflection In it, so he sat right down flat on the shelf and made love to that birdie and sang one beautiful song after another. He would stand up to rest and being taller than tbe glasses waa unable to see himself. This seemed to puzzle him and he seemed to say, Thats queer. Ill have to Investigate, ao he hopped all round the glasses to see, with hla head first on this side then on that, till he got hack to where he first saw the reflection; ' then down he sat and sang again another long aweet song. Wasnt that cute of him? But the cutest was this? At Christmas the nurses always give each other some funny thing, taking off their Individual aversion or diversion so that breakfast waa always very happy and lively that day. The birdies friend waa given a tiny wool chicken, made like two balls, size of marbles. Its beak waa open and lta eyes made of beads, looked very black. She took it to the aewlng room and after letting Lynie out, left the chicken for company, and went off to church. When she came back she found her new pet, the wool chicken, had been in a fight with Lynie and had got much the worst of It, for there he lay on the floor, under the shelf, and what do you think, he was blind; for Lynie In bla rage had picked out both hla black bead eyes! M. H. in Family Herald. ONE 01VES RELIEF. Dont Spend a Dollar for Medicine until you have tried , You can buy them in the paper Ten Tabules for Five Cents. PS mt to jmt op MMtr to SWMy Ml If you don't liv- hr ply Cobs to TexuLone Is waving the flag of tho frst rtie Star Huritn Than a rlke for Texu If men you would ha No idlers ara wanted, the thrifty and wtsa, To wealth and high station ean equally rlM. fanKt, Where 5orn, oats one 00 1 ton; the rluheet ot loam fill! Which yields to ths settlers provisions and Ike Liu li ltro - Ui Hultn Fart home. Trees of every description arise on eaoh hand, Prom alluvial soil to tho rich Uhls land. Hero springs are oxhaustless aad streams -- Crtyli Creek Ihm fiiti InMlj m leiCutlj tiiil Jeictj Silt Uti ni never dry, to autumns bright In the season from winter wide panorama of prairie is seen; Hr greases of all kinds perennially green Hero millions of nettle, sheep, horses and gnat Grow (at as If stall fed or fattened oa oate. No poverty la found Is ths mighty domain, Vo uu man who exerts either finger or brain. are homes for the millions, ths rich aad A H-.- re the poor. While Texas opens wide her hospitable door, She has thouundsof auras yes mlUloas--te sell. tin Yet ean point without cost to where pnsv dwell. Her terms will ho easy with thoss whom she deals, Piiiau Slnpli On u( lalliii fflolorctiro Ckilr Cin ptManb Unifl Iniu Cntnl Ilea 1 AND While seuunty, all, la their title ean feeL the fiaest sclent, Buy land while tis cheap, Twill, young men, prove a lortuns when least you expect. Old man, for your children, buy, file It away; A God Bund twill prove on soma rainy day. Fur a handsome book free, fully deseriblsg this wonderful country, address K. P, Tuan-aa- , General Passenger an Ticket Agent Texes and Parlfls Railway, Dalles, Texas 11 ftailroafr tJurrtt Both CO. iv. r. bailky, w. mimriNK. .r. BmcItii. Fvs Ar Colorado ANDREW ADAMSON Texas County Surveyor, Mexico and (J.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyoi and NOTAEY PUBLIC. American Fork, Utah. ab&RICAN FOES Orleans Tailoring New Establishment. James R. Via TTnsrxoisr Dolmer, jPjldoczpia Telescoping Three Meale In One, If the world owea every man a ing tramn must be the collectors. tor a Send live Cents to Tkx Ripans Chtutcal Company, No. to Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or is cartons will bo mailed for 48 cents. Tht chances are ten to one that Ripans Tabulss are the very medicine yon need. real?" half-starv- ed li 6 find this sort of twelve-year-o- ld An old miser owning a farm found It impossible to do his work without assistance, and offered any man food for performing the labor. A man, hearing of the terms, readily accepted them. Before going into the fields in the morning he Invited hla aervant to breakfast; after finishing the morning meal, the old skinflint thought it would he a saving of time If they should place the dinner upon the table after the breakfast. This was readily agreed to by the unsatisfied stranger, and the dinner waa soon dispatched. aald the frugal Suppose now, farmer, we take supper; It will save time and trouble, you know. "Just as you like, said the eager eater, and at It they went Now we will go to work, said the delighted employer. Thank you, said the laborer politely; 1 never work after supper. rtwl pr Ripans Tabules At the Druggists Latin or JtomaaT "Charley, asked little Lotty, the other day, when her brother was studying his Latin lesson, did anybody ever speak Latin for "To be sure they did, returned Charley, grandly; It was the language of ancient Rome. Oh! said Lotty, much Impressed. Soon she looked up from her dolly again. Charley,' I should think they should a spoken Roman In Rome. Why didnt they? Because they didnt want to, answered Charley, not exactly knowing what else to aay. Oh. But Charley!" Well, what la It?" "Where waa Lat? Where waa Lat. you little chatterbox? Why, Lat, where they talked Latin, you know. "Oh, go. down stairs, and dont bother me!" exclaimed the puzzled young gentleman. "Dont you see Im trying to study my lesson? Run down and play with Jenny. Lotty went, like a dutiful little slater. But that evening Master Charles, who had had a talk with the teacher after ar' ol, took the child on hia lap, and asked her If she remembered what she had asked him In the morning. I asked you for candy, answered Lotty, quickly. Yes, I know you did. But what else? Dont you remember, you wanted to know where the Latin language came from? Oh, yea; ao I did. Well, Lotty, It was originally spoken by the Latina, a people of ancient Latlum, in Italy, and afterwards Introduced Into the Roman empire. Lotty nodded brightly, and ran off to kiss papa for good night Noble Charles! Well, both of them had learned something that day, ao there was no harm done; but the teacher did not know it was Lotty's inquiring young mind he was admiring when he patted Master Charleys head. Joel Stacy Is St Nicholas. cartons 5-c- ent XDejjtvek First cites Amxrican Q-tjxjP- 1 Eaii.'wa.t. Sherman Gen'l Hoyt Proprietor Complete IIda of latest atylssU ported sod domestic cioths. work Fort. and fit gusrsaUid, Utar. JOSEPH EL8M0RE, Agt, Contractor Salt Lake City. Utah. lar and Builder. Parsons wishing to build wlU So wall to gs bis prices , Scroll sawing, lusnlng, nooperteg, raaor and scissor grinding a specialty. Oaa block south Americas Perk Co-op. BUCKLERS ARNICA SALVE. Tbs Bmt 8s Its to the world for Cota Rrulsei, Boies, Ulcert, Sail KhsQdB. Fiver fores, Tetter, Chapped Hands QhllbUlaa, Corps, sad all tiklu Erupt loos, sad OBitlvelj cures Piles, or ao pay required. It is guaraaiesd to giro or nnoey refolded! perfect sailsfsetloo Price per box 2B coots. FOR SALE Bq Thos Stools DrajgUt. 1 kateh sad dmarlptloa Map oplntna ft whslhsr sa flilcklf aaesruln oar Mlantibla. CMnnunlm. HHtlw ) proft.blr Ilona strUKlj oarBdanUaL Hud book oa PilMti Vfrial ku tfroS5hNrAl ensrss. In the , "HhouI Scientific Jftncrican. A osr losd of ths test barb wire la lbs world lately rseslvsd at J. K. Jen HU lumberyard. Lows prices. Do Witt's Colic ft Cholera Car PUeseal, aalsk rsswlta. sale a |