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Show AMERICAN FORK. The Ruuciml Scheme of Jipii tolsai Trooie Csumv Prompt Action. Sen Francisco. June 38 Thesteamet Gaielie brought the following udvleua from Honolulu, June 3(1: Since the Ihiladelphia has Wen li. port, weekly battalion drills have been held. On the 13th the men from both the Marion and the flagship were s landed. While on march to the order an an orderly brought and the battalion returned on board. This action was taken, it is understood, on account of a ruuiqr to the effect that the Naniwa would land a force of men to take charge of the Hawaiian custom house. The Japanese failed to act, and it is believed that Admiral lleardslee's prompt action caused the captain of the Naniwa to change his mind. g The people here believe that there was good foundation for the rumor, in spite of the denial made at the Japanese legation. There are all kinds of rumors float ing around," said Counselor Akiyama. One ridiculous one was that the Japanese sailors were to land and take charge pf the custom house. Another is to the effect that the Naniwa is tc leave on Wednesday next That rumor, as also the other, la without any foundation whatever. About two month will be here, hence another Is Naniwa and the likely to leave be- UTAH. UTAH NEWS. The Utah Freu association will not have an outing at Castilla July 4. The vent has been postponed. The charge is made that large numbers of trout are being killed by dynamite In Paradise creek, Box Elder drill-ground- county. ' Coal has been discovered in Box Slider county, about sixty miles from Terrace. There are said to be large deposits. Charles Telford of Bountiful has been named as cadet to the Military acade-m- y English-speakin- at West Point. Edeon W. Coale of Salt Lake is chosen alternate. Charles Stevens and Dick Thompson, charged with the robbery of the postofilae at Fort Bridger, Wya, were arrested at Vernal. Mrs. Andrew Nielson ef Fairview suffers considerable from internal injuries received by a fall from a ladder few days ago. She fell across a wash-tub. Governor Wells says that be has not sent any posse after the Robbers' Rooet outlaws Those who are chasing them have either been sent out by coha ties, or gone of their own volition. George W. Meeks of ' it Laks city, whs is a member of Lindsay's dramatic company, while playing at Kaysville, had a watch atelen. Bert Desliaxo confessed to having taken the watch and he was fined 939 by Justice-Beaser- . man-of-w- BURGLARS. They Employ Klertrlclty sad Carbon Point to Crock o Safe. The Rle Grande Western railway has purchased the Utah Central and is thus able to reap a share of Park City's iineaa. The price paid is said to be to an advance over that bid by Yorkers at the recent sale. This dispose of the proposed line from fl men are advocating an the week of the Jubilee r, that the thousands of vie ay be afforded an opportunity inctng themselves of the aplen-suitthat have been achieved great camp of gold. The attend-oulno doubt be large, ana rslon rate may be secured, t Sullfvan, an employ of the Wood-aidmine at Park City, fell eighty feel down an incline which has a dip of 69 One of hla feet degrees, recently. was badlyVrushed and he sustained a severe nervovf shock. His injuries were promptly attended to and, although he suffered considerable pain, be is doing well and will be all right la a few weeks. Elder Andrew Jensen, who has Just ex-urin- e d ing a two years' tour of the world for the purpose of securing historical records for the Church of Jesus Christ oi Latter-daSaints, gave an interesting review of his travels at the Salt Lake tabernacle Sunday last. He said he bad traveled 65,000 miles and had visited many missionary fields. A little Logan lad lost his enthusiasm for expert equestrienne perform- office. ance in a painful and positive manner. y - REQUISITIONS. Hiram Nielson, had been to the circus and attempted to reproduce Thompson and ming Authorities. hti-rcn- n to Wyo- Cheyenne. Wya, June 28. Requisl turns have bet-- issued by Governor upon the governor of Utah .hi- Iiii-lTlumipson and Ed Stevens, u.l-i!now i.i nt Vernal, Utah, with complicity In the hold-- u charged of Guild's sto.-- nt Fort Bridger, this tat,. , on June 15. The accused will to o i;;ht to Evanston for trial in the ter ter burglary, and will also lute ,ail tbej tris-in flic I'nited States court fc damnges as not e the full pr.-.for the goods, athaving V; om'.iif o.i the charge of robbiug a id also for damacer done the remains ier of the goods end ixMlolssce. damage done to ie Returns to Charged With ('urging the assignor site goods returned . 1U 28. Gertrude June Lansing, Mich., IVth fh"illLh enough to Allen, who figured conspicuously here returned a verdlJ cla,,M- The for plaintiff for a few years ago in a sensational forg4, TOO. ery case, was arrested on a fugitive ' A wreck occurrp on the hill aide warrant as the result of an indictment north of Helper at Denver, for forging election returns Western. The en the Rio Grande at the April municipal election while used had all eer hie air and could as one of the judges. Shi officiating on liold trala the the grade. Half- -' innocence. She gave bail declares her down the hill the train broke in to when wanted and notified appear pieces, while going at terrifie s she would retort authorities that the After three miles race the rear 'own She holde the poher at expense. crashed into the front train and iollahed three sition of ordinance clerk in the city are. None of the t clerk's office in Denver, and ia at her o nen were d, though a brake In Michigan on leave of absence jumped home from the train broxt until September 1. ff- s L - t e ; f Klm-tlo- n ' kill-wh- land-grabber- s. THE HARRIS RESOLUTION. gdvlalng tioTrriioicntal Forerloaur Ulna Miirtie. of ths Washington, June 37. The Senate committee on Pacific Railroads have agreed to report favorably the resolution introduced by Senator Harris oi Kansas, expressing the sense of the senate that the United States should redeem the Union Pacific railway from prior liens end take steps to foreclose the Government mortgage. The resolution was amended by the addition oi of a provision, at the instance of Senator Morgan, requesting the president to suspend proceedings to carry into effect the agreement alleged to have been made to sell the interests of the United States in the Uuion Pacific railroad and in the sinking fund until further action of Congress ia bad in reference thereto. In presenting the resolution to the senate, Mr. Harris will introduce a report, which, while it is not authorized aa a committee report, gives the Kansas sc nu tor's views and indicates the reasons of the committee for the action taken. This report stales that it was the intention of congress that the Pacific railroads should constitete a continuous National highway. MURDER MYSTERY. Murder Como Promisee to be Cleared Cp et Last. Pocatello, Idaho, June 27. The Scanlon murder mystery promises to be unraveled at last. Officer Jackson ia now in Boise armed with a warrant for the arrest of George Musser, charging him with harboring the murderer for several days after the crime was committed. Musser was et the time of the murder a resident of Pocatello, and n he ia very here. He went to Boise about a year ago and is now supposed to be mining in the Willow Creek district. James Scanlon was stabbed to death at 3 o'clock in the morning of April 4, 1896,' by an unknown' tramp. The murder was witnessed by several people, but an instant afterward the murderer had disappeared. lie was traced to a barn where lie evidently stayed until morning. Since then no trace of him has burn found. Officer Jackson has been working on a clew for several months. He now thinks that he has positive evidence that Musser hid the murderer aad helped him to escape. . TwsntyBve Armed Disciple Guarding ths City of the Dead. Leadville, Cola, June 28. The Catholic cemetery here is surrounded by s guard of heavily armed men, placed there for the purpose of keeping claim jumpers at a distance. Some time ago the pastor of the Catholic church applied for a patent for the cemetery ground ea a placer, but owing to some defect the papers were returned, and as the matter now stands the land ia open to location. It was rumored that a scheme was on foot to relocate the ground, so Father Brown, .the pastor, of secured the services of twenty-fiv- e his flock sud they have camped at the cemetery day. and night since, and will hold the cemetery against all claim jumpers until a reapplication for pat ent can be secured through the luud returned to Salt Lake city, after mak- nf lias anti-Britis- HOLDING THE CEMETERY e f lew tVrjIar Make published an interview with Dr. Chauneey M. Depew, in which he is quoted as expressing the belief that the arbitration treaty lietween the United States and Great Britain will be a law before the end of tbe present McKinley administration. h feeling Regarding the in the I'nited States he remarked: Americans have deep distrust of the methods of the British government and regard the British as I admit tha when the British grab they give the people better government, but Americans fear they will not be content with grabbing the land of the Old World. Anything of that kind done in our hemisphere we want to do ourselves. This suspicion of the foreign policy is the reason for the failure of the treaty, though Irish opinion may have helped some, for America has a deep sympathy for Ireland and home rule, as it seems to be the natural developeuieut of the federal idea. A permanent tribunal for Great Britain and America must come. President McKinley and the most thoughtful Americana are in favoi ef it." Cleveland, O., June 28. Burglars re. sorted to a novel scheme to open a bank safe at Chagrin Fells, this county. They entered the bank of Rogers & Son some time early in the evening. They had previously attached a wire to the trolley line of the electrle railway. This wire wee run through an alley, over a transom and to the eefe. Another wire attached to the rail of the street car track was brought into the bank. At the end of these were carbon points. With these carbons an attempt was made with the ere light thus formed to melt the knob of the combination. The experiment worked all right, and the knob had been nearly melted away when the current was shut off shortly after midnight The burglars then gave up the task. The job was planned scientifically. The thieves had even gone to the trouble of placing a little pile of Band under the knob for the molten lead to fall on, and thus avoid setting fire to the floor. There is no clue to the burg- SCANLON lars. The Idaho The store ef Owen Lewis at Spanish Fork was entered by tramps on night last week, and a lot oi dry goods taken. No clue to the thieves baa yet been obtained. Deputy Sherifi Wilkins is operating on the case in Salt Lake. some of the feats of the bareback rider with the disastrious result of a broken arm. It would appear that the circn surgeons were in cahoots, cs tlii rcond broken arm caused by inspired by the lire us. against Sheriff Sulli van, as tried at Neplii. showed that. he. had' sold about S.I.CIK) worth o! , Depew Predict that It will Become Coder HcKlolry. 37. The Echo June London, MORE TROOPS WANTED. ar fore then. TE COMINO. ARBITRATION AND JAPAN. HAWAII American Fork World well-know- Demand on Kpuln for ditional Troop. Ad- m well-know- n . cool-head- ed citizens. Owing to the promi- thieves. nence of the family and condition of JAPAN'S POSITION. old man Nun, the matter has been refuse sad as the Considers Sh Was Unfairly' Dealt Tfltl hushed up ' done been to has prosecute nothing Aaent KawalL Nun. with Washington, June 37. The Japanese Old and Young Elope. position on the annexation of Hawaii made States has been United the by Butte, Mont, June 28 Lizzie Mooi The known from a very high source. ey, aged 14, and Louis Vogt, aged 43, Japanese base their opposition to an- eloped from Butte and were afterward nexation almost entirely upon the arrested at Great Falls. The girl ran ground that it is an interference with away from her home at Red Rock and the treaty rights of Japan, and com- met Vogt in this city. The gir's father plain especially that the treaty was ne- will prosecute Vogt for abduction. gotiated in the face of the most friendflenste-llooBaseball Contact. ly protestations from Japan and at a time when the Japanese authorities Washington, June 28. Senator Clark had been led to believe that no such of Wyoming is arranging a senate-hous- e baseball contest, to be played treaty would be undertaken. when the tariff bill is in conference, the proceeds to be given to the charitKilled Instantly. West Superior, Wis., June 28. Jim able institutions of Washington. Smith, a barber at Iron River, Wis., Hudson Hanged. wax shot through the head by a woman June 27. Terrel HudGa., Atlanta, early in the morning and died instantwho was to have been a son, negro, ly. Smith and a man named Alston two weeks ago for murder was went to the home of Mrs. Langley hanged at Decatur. Hudson killed executed end tried to gain an entrance. She another negro, in a Seaborn Malcom, came to the door and fired several about a dog. quarrel feshots, one of which hit Smith with tal results. INDIA SHAWLS. O'l-eary- Tor A Song on th Fayetteville, Gallows. W Va., June 27. Clark Lewis has just been hanged here. He Lewie was sing on the scaffold. hanged for the murder of Charles Gibson, whose death appeared to be desired by Mrs. Gibson to enable her to continue her carousals with Lewis and one or two others who were jointly convicted with Lewis. - 1 Hewer SL Louis, June Cave-I- 27. n. Patrick Patti-- , d, Uncom-pahgr- fire-proofi- r, anil Killed. This city special to the Chicago, June 38. Key West, Fla., June 37. of a hands in the Chronicle from Jacksonville, Fla., has virtually been killwas man while white et Cienfuegoe, negro mob, and a says: Weyler, made a request for 30,000 more colonial ed by the mob. Silvanua Johnson, volunteers, with tbe intention of starr- charged with assault on a white woconing an active campaign. man, Mrs. Margaret Atwell, was heara He has also demanded from Spain ducted to the courthouse for wae crowded, 40,000 additional troops to reach Cnbi ing. The court-roocitwill season 1. The rainy and C. U. Pendleton, a by September end there Are close this to at be drawing a time, izen, rose end asked: this goes to prove the assertion that enough white men present to hang the he will make the effort of hie life tc negro?" conquer the insurgents. There was a' chdrns of Yea," and The announcement that Gomel the crowd closed in on the prisoner. would begin operetiona has been veriThe sheriff and his deputies drew fied. their revolvers and held the crowd at It is stated that a Spanish column bay, while Johnson was at once hurhas had an engagement with rebels ried back to jaiL near Jaguey Grande, province of Mat A big mob gathered in front of the anzas. The insurgents are alleged tfl building, and one of tbe negroes cried have been dispersed with the loss of out to lynch Pendleton, and a rush fifteen killed and one wounded. The was made for him. Through the efSpanish had a corporal wounded. Itia forts of himself and friends, Pendleton known that the engagement was made his escape in a carriage. simply an attack made by the troops The negro mob then gathered about on the defenseless the pacificos upon the jail building to prevent the lynchranch, and that the fifteen persons re- ing of Johnson and open threats were ported to have been killed in battle made by them to kill any white man were brutally massacreed. that might come to the jail. William Gardiner, a white man, while sitting Anlmportant Capture. in front of the courthouse, the negro Cheyenne, Wya, June 27. Sheriff mob approached him and ordered him Shaver of this county made an impor- to move, lie arose to obey, and a tant capture of a box car thief, and it eoon as hie back was turned there rang is believed he has broken up an organ- out the crack of a number of rifles, and ized band that has been operating Gardiner received a mortal wound, here for many months. from which he died two hours later. Florie Rollman pilfered a box ear In the Union Pacific yards of a box of A Ms of 70 Attempt to Rpo Child. Cheyenne, Wya. June 27 John Nun, merchandise, valued at 9300, billed to 70 Ward. from years of age, attempted to rape an Ogden Montgomery Rollman wae detected selling the daughter of Jerry O'Leary, a goods, end his house was'searched, un- resident of the South Side, of this city. der which an important and valuable The child was rescued by its father becache was found. For some time mer- fore tbe old man, who is childish and chandize has been pilfered between partially demented, accomplished his here and Salt Lake, but until now the design. For a time lynching was officers were unable to detect the feared, but was prevented by A gan and Edward Weinberger were fatally injured and John Jamieson seriously injured by the caving in of a Detective Tough I.nt-k-. sewer. The men were ordered to jump Bombay, June 27. A detective who into a twenty-foo- t excavation and has been detailed to investigate the wall it up, in spite of their fatal shooting of Lieut. Ayerst, a commissariat, and the wounding of Commissioner Rand, who were fired upon Captain Berk, tha New Indian Agent. by a native while they were leaving Fort Duchesne, Utah, Jnne 28. Cap the Governor's reception at Ganesli-kin- tain Beck, the recently appointed Ine Tuesday evening last, has been dian agent for the Uintah and found insensible at the bottom of a Indians will arrive soon and quarry hole near the scene of the out- relieve Colonel Randlett, recently rerage. He was suffering from several tired. wounds in the head and is in a critical Troop F, Ninth cavalry, under com. condition. mend of Captain Wright, will go to Salt Lake on a practice march and will Th Brooklyn Criticised. remain in Salt Lake for two weeks. London, June 37. Keir Clowes, th navel exueit in an article in this Beruring Keermta for Delia (Colony. morning's Daily Mail on tha Spithead Buffalo, N. Y., June 27 A. D. Adams review, highly praises the American of Great Falls, Mont; Joseph Edmunds use of electricity for various purposes of Helena, MonL;lI. W. Clinton of San in and declares that in this 8. Glynn, claiming matter England ia behind the United Francisca and J. to be from the Pacific coast are workStates. He predicts, however, that the men in this decke of the Brooklyn will not stand ing among the railroad secure recruits for to Eugene V. city the wear and tear of half the ordinary Deb's Social Democracy. The delecommission, because the process of claim to be making good proha made the wood soft gatee and say they expeet to get 5,ono gress and epongy. respectable working men to leave meu-of-wa- IN THE HANDS OF A MOB. Threat of Lynching A White We Shot Good Imitation s' Ar Made I Franco. Since the introduction of the Tibet Scat into France the cashmere shawl has been Imitated with such wonderful exactness that it is hard to detect the imitation from the original, gays the Chautxuquan. Expert say, however, that the genuine India shawl can be detected from Its having a leu evenly woven web and aleo from its brighter colors. It is likewise aald that the border of the real India eashmere hawl la Invariably woven In emqlt pieces, which are eewed together the whole border le afterward sewed onto the center. It is a mistake to think that the shawls are manufactured In India in the form in which they are sold here. Generally the borders and centers come out separately and are put together in sizes and often in pattern! to suit the customers. A number of shawls sold m "real India' are actually manufactured In Franco. Personi familiar with both articles say that the original Is softer than the imitation and that this softness s rises from the way the thread is open and partly also becaiiae the Tibet goat deteriorates when removed from Its native hills. ad Johnal Exonerated, Chxffle is musical, much She disgust of the neighbors pounds n plane by the hour. A few days ago, while going through Johnnies clothes, Mrs. Chxffle unearthed n dime, which she suspected ho had atolen from her, all of which Johnnie r denied emphatically. "Then tell mo where you got that dime," aha said earnestly. "The neighbor! gave it to ma, and am to get a quarter more." "What did you do for ltf "Nothin' yet. but I am to lock aad give them the key." Jennie to-th-e t |