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Show "IV CHILDREN SECURE A GAME Conference Rates. Ily getting only two subscribers to For tin Annual Porfmr-e- L. 1). b. the Poultry Keeper, box BIS :iud "Atinun i Ponfsreiirs I. I). S., st 1'arkesburg, Pa., for six months at Sail Lax-- City, Apr ! l.n, V.s ,rd Cth, The ojKsra houw; Co, in having an 25 cents, or a little work. The following lutr itr- autli-oriselegant new prison ncene painted for leading Kultry authority of the d to Silt Luxe City and return; world. Every .poultry raiser needs it. the next play by the home troujKj Fare from i 1.23 THE WORLD. DeWitta Witch Hazel Salve Cura nid, Scalds, Burt. ; t!-- ic.-liHi- - j n J. (. Y.m. & Suro A tronaactiuu iunnaj wli.cli .vohi-uhi- i it lodtlsi ura tiling. liiln uh'iea.1, aKk fur- ml longue, lover, jiilo mid u inous ilj u liter Ills tre csuMd by cuuslipiiUuu uu i atuirgiuU liver. Caiesrou Gaudy CutUm-tV- , tlio won derful new liver stiinulaut and iutestlusl touio are by all druggist guaranteed to curs or money refunded. C. U. U. are a aura 10c., 25c., fit thing. Try a box ' Bco our big i bauipla aud book rt (roa. 1.5C Provo IPO. From all other stath ns mt uur. aUis n.'.e will te cue single fare ios ronud trij. mease to exivM ra i lhmpoiiiU-yoDd- . Tickets will he. su'd ou following Fin Ji OgAeii. Bingham, Spring villa Silver Ci:y and iuieritir dint points roai A?rll Sri to tlt'i, inelui lve tick el r limited tu April 12th, lf.97. , 1.35 Gem va d Mr. Sharp of Provo spent Mon- WyA and AnnijR. Jarks-oKprlag-iday iu our city on business. aged IS, ofLa hl, J. Houston went to Xophi over Stephen L. Chipman and Warren the Oregon Short bine Thursday to B. Smith will go to Timpan ogas as visit his brother, lie will return home missionaries tomorrow. Tuesday. L. L. Nunn, I'. N N unn and tower To accommodate those desiring to wife and Mr, Bailey of the Roberts return late in the evening from Salt Idant company are at the Conference the Kio lade during (1 ramie train No. 4, leaving Salt Several Provo Republicans who inJake at 7.40 pm. will stop at Amer- cline to the gold standard 'will Ite ican Fork on April 4th, 5th ai.d in attendance at Senator Browns nth oly receptiou. iT. 0. Merrill. M.nycase.of Gr'pj.o" hvs lately Mrs. Martha II. Cbipnun has been rjred by One M'nnte Cony lieen quite sick this week, owing to Cure. Tins preparation seems sspuelally the sickness she has given up her adapted to the curs of this disease. It The acts qalcaly thus preventing serious part in Lancashire Lass. Co. were all sorry r.ot to have her complications and bad effects in which continue with the part, but sickness this disease often leaves the patient. Thos. Stlulk&Co. prevents many things in the course of everyones life. Miss Mell McJudge E. A. Wilson and wife Neill takes her place in the play. have sold their home in Provo and , .. to-du-y; Auitricau Fork Lt-h- Sample copy free. lasut-License to wed h;n bn-to Cliorles M. Olon :ipd 27, ot Rock - i. u eeea mui.... MATCriETTES Tebacce AatUeto ru, '11 tnbm.u kkluuinKhiiura. i rl l'u.Uil fltu -. pur bum, iniush 1a MCD1ITI 1 1 f-- ilCFll MmTrintTTi-- drukV-'- -. DUSKirr mm, arduiaiy cm Wmxlrrral HaaiT.llli. h ly IU'TeHKTVS, Owe auu, lu VH. dat: rut- . JTrlra. ratilM. a 'i KiikIjlumll ur Aaiita until! I alul LAND. FINAL PK'XIF. KOTICK Foil FdUHCATlON. United Stales Luud oOlce, Suit Luke City. Ut. February 2. iwr. Notire h that Alfred W. Uur ytven hereby C IAS. P. GABLE. per, of FleuNuul gro ve. Utah couuty, Utah bu Die' nutiee of iuieniion to make priwf on km ATTORNEY at LAW ileKert-lunclaim No. S4W, fur the nwq Keh All kinds of coal and building Colle anil Coniuicrilul Law a spuriulty, and aw q ne Ste. 27. Tp. bS letnro ot I'oki Offli'P, Amrrlcun Fork lha KeifiKter and Receiver of the Ml; lmml EbkI Duor Onu material at J. E. Jensens at bed nfflcestSuli on , the Ijjike Utah, Tueuiluy t'ily, Utah. Slh day ot April, ISH7. rock priecs- lie imnien the folliiwlny witneiwes to the complete iiTiirutiiin und reelah'iitlon ofpr.ire aaid J F. NOV ES, 31 I. land: J uiiii-- Cobtiliy, Kr.ru F Wiler. (Jus tave Joliiiaou and Mars Downs, all ui Plaiuuiiiv l'llYSlClAS .t SURGLUX, Go tu J. E. Jsnsm (or coal and All Offl.a In Block norlh liruve, Utah. Chipman UiulilinR BYRON liltOO, lleRlnter. ktnls of building Jackaons Store Americas Fork, Utah. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. XiwSpr?g Millinery will be on That It what it waa mV r. liinda by the last of the month at (be THURMAN & WEDGEWOOD, 17 KTTOR ME Eiits Millinery parlors oae door north Rooms 3 and 7, First National Hank Building, ot m-tcii- al. YS-at-L- A Dankleys, Dja't forg.t to eall at Elite the Millinery parlors for your new fcprlug hats we will have a nice line of new goods by the last of this month. The THE & Rio Denver Through Oar' i i- Railway. E. H. pMcy & Company bare removLine removed to Salt Lake, where Mr. Another divorce case from k PICT 01 new buildipg with a fall Scenic Into ed their World the of Line law'. Wilson will Fork is now iu the district practice line of groceries confectioneries and Forx at Local Time Card In effect Ang. 18, 1893 Train No. 2 leaves court, the plaintiff to which is Elizaand are preptiel to inset prleee been of have suits whole A meats, string a in, nt 0:10 at PucOlo a l.U2 beth Whitaker, Who asks that the id, arrive Going Nona Colag 3311th in Justice Booths court with the luwest. Uorne made lard 10c. Colorado commenced 7 :51 a 10:30 Dcum m, dmriugs lll'ii'J dovr r ia up marriage ties existing lietweeu her by John B. Milner the defendents Prolate taken, 0 Creek :50 a m, Cripple h m. -- ull Lake and John Whitaker lie severed ou ac1.15am S..i0iira Main e;0Ujm City Train No. 4 leave American Fork to which are parties ow ing the Disfc:25nm l Wm. Grant suggest' tbtl it wonlJ be K:Tam count of desertion and failure to Junci. H:(3ain 7:(Ria arrive at (stops on signal) at 8:35 p which is now defunct, sums Fork S:2Sum 5:iHpn a novel schema for several rum of onr Pueblo 5 :27 p m, Colorado Springs 0 ;53 J:5uuin 7: luiun support. She also asks that her patch, of m lUusantti7uve HrSlani 5::..piu $10. 7 the neighborhood ich :inn lie a maiden name gramophone p m, Denver 0:25 p ni given hack to city to pat money into 8 :00am :!tim 0:3Juin 7:Upm lrovo ' Connections unde nt Pueblo, Colorado was Elizabeth Nichols. Ills surprising what "wee bit of a to eutert&ia their respective families, . Pat) anl Ticket Auent and Denver with all linea east. K. I.. I1MAX. thin ran accomplish. Sick headache, each man being allowed to have the Springs Uvu. Mgr., Uiuuku, NeUraaka K DlUvlNON, and The public school board of this Constipation, dyspepsia, solifr stomach lnstrament a tim9 eccordinu to Elegant day coaches, rlutir cars, except Sumlay Pullman Sleeper on ull trains. Take Trami- H.nith ot Juab run iluuy has novel now of its a. idea, rouKli Pullidau Palace Simmer lo Ct ):is place dlzxinesa, are quickly banished by De amount of mmejr he pays n. tbe D. & It. U and have a comfortable Tou.hi 81 boul Improved change. own. In .Miss iSwensens school, Witt's Little Early Risers . Small Fill enacbL chair car. and enjoy tbe fincit scenery on the a trip the child in ever sien have If car Her vies. you The only line operating Dining the primary department, one half Said continent. Fill Beet ALL ASU TJ USB HHOliTBST THX rtarUV Fill, agony of croup, yon ean'appreciate the Train leaving A me rice n Fork at 9.02 roisra sasx of the children come to school in & Co. STIKU Thoj. , D. K. BUKLRY, Agent Pahscnger Dept gratitude of the mothers who know a m arrive at Cripple Creek next morn-nthe fore noon and the other kalf in Tlcki-- i ontce. All Main Hi., Salt Lake City City relieves Cure One Minute at 9:50. Cough the afternoon from 1 to 3 oclock Today the county board instructed that u- II. .11. Claiik S. K. Hooper, quickly aa It Is ad A. 8. Hugh he, Oi.ivkh w Mihk. Tlis is & good idea as a half days the clerk to draw a warrant in favor their little ones as bum K. KI.I.UHT AMUKII.' .N, G. P. A T. A Traffic In this ministered. 's mgr., city Many John W Doanb, school Is almdst as good for the lit- of Alexander Bros, for the sum of Colo Denver, Denver, Colo., t'UZUUlUK li. CnXDESr are never without it. whole tle fellows as a , ltecuver . day. $350. This firm has the contract B. F, Nztihi. H, M. Ccsdino, Thos. Stkxle&Co. Provo in for the Pass. bridge Trav, building Agt GeU.l.Agt., The Lehi Home Dramatic Co Ok TnurSday evening a number of Bait Laze City, Utah. canyon. Thurshouse the at M. opera appeared the friends of Mr. and Ilf.' W. day evening where they presented The Kalamazoo mine will commence congregated at the borne of these TONSUKIAL AIITLST and WATCH MAKER. My Partner in first class style. operations at once. 4 and gave them aosuspscilng pwgle WEARS SO For some reason they played to a EXPlMKKCe. There were fcbo . Sowing and planting Is now the order genuine surprise party: Very small hoaRt hut those linrT some predent they at. persons Is thirty the it. diy, everybody were present eu jo) ed the evenings of made the eurpfiee decidedly complete intert linment very much and those Over 2o00 eyes gaze at the AmerUan In There were many amusements that remained at 'home certainly Fork World each week. Try an ad. In until a late lionr and ?. nost Aairieu rsrt.Vui BuriiraSt, dnlg? missed seeing a good play and one aid was about served delicious has The prize, repast bought " great fight, that was well put on. TRADE MARKS, night. Fin illy all departed 'for lume many Btrangera to town this week. DCSICNS, COPYRICHTS Ac. On Wednesday evening at the J. J. Bolin shipped two cars of balled wishing that the time will be uot far . aiwl daouiiiaion may Anynna aandlnn a akotrh distant when they may again be enter aaieklraMartain, l home of his parents a very pleasant lucern fraa, whtkr an hay to Salt Lake this week. CouiniunluaUniia notantxbla. lannlr probahl, talued by Ur. and Mrs. Grant, uuthlantlal. oidmi auaui-patama surprise party was given William Livery Fcctl and SalebU-ble- s. Waahlmtoii iifllca. Lehi m Amanoo. Wa haa of the public The eighth grade Palanu lakn tbniuuh Sluaa A to. rarnlra Jackin in honor of his 21th birth schools visited onr American Fork The Uaharas Minstrels appeared here ipaaial uutiaa iu tha day. About 25 couple were present schools. and about noon tha people SCIENTIFIC Friday AMERICAN, were all and at half past twelve they drrulatloa of were all out to hear the Uinatrp! hmutlfullf lllinl rated, rea year, aclantifle of ha a liouiitcous , invited to partake jnumal. weekly, tarm-.it Enoch Cavenoughot Salt Lake and sec the pirade. Crowds of uumlba. Sperlmen eupia, and llAUB band l4laiz xtith om old eeut is Addreia free. Uuoa been in town several days visiting rT!rra always accepted1, past which children were gathered on tne corners MUNN & CO., pleasure to the inner man. it was friends. are There and following tte bard. 301 Hrecilwav. Kew York. after midnight when the crowd 5 or more of the colored is now able to be atnut about Whitaktr Chss Am sr :ax Fork cinogStd from the gay palors and HarringtonSt serious sick- minstrels and they are certainly wel Everybody Says So. lotnid themselves eeparnting antOng again after a long and wonmoat tbe on danced the and Catliurtlc, Casearcts Candy trained, they rani; the dark quiet streets lcat itfg for ness. of tlie aite, plew-ato the hearts delight of derful medical diacoXery walks side to tbe taste, act gently DeWitts Colic ft Cholera Cure. and The floating gang of the Oregon their different homes, each oiue sinand of every one who and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, children school Pleasant, quick result, sal tu usu. dispel colds, cerely wishing Mr. Jackson many Short Line has been patting in a few wentoot to see them. At half pist cleansing the entire system, cure headaolie, fever, habitual constipation more birthdays ns happy as tine last daya at American Fork. a box even they gave a fine concert to and biliousness. Pleaao buy and try BENJ. BATES one. 25. 50 cents, bold and John Wootton Informs us that hie large aisembly in front of the opera of C.C. a to euro 10, t by all druggists. guaranteed In At 8 p. m. the people were a bonse. The members of the UomeDram-ati- c company has j net finished putting Co. have most all their parts some machinery at Mercnr, crowding Into the opara house, and by went up the he!se DR. A. CHRISTENSEN, committed to memory for tlie 1 LaThe Dream Mining Co. of American time the curtain pro ncashire Lass and held their first, re Fork will commence work on the was full to overflowing. The gram was highly appreciated. hears 1 at the opera huuo Wcdi Dream mine at Mercur Monday. to we glad-;which kre evening Jim Corbett will appear Buggies and Waj on of nil kind CUli say was u success. Another rehear- with a hig company at tha Salt Lake Amorlcin Fork, rcpilred tu first Has urder at and after sal will be evenbrides tu sil tbe tfinas. and theatre Thursday Wedncrday this they expect to get down to ha rd ings. AMERICAN FORX HirrixctonSt. work and hope to lie able to place it F0RG00DPRINT1NG I rumored that E. D. Bolcy will It wccdcs befoMhe people before many CALL AT Tim n.ur.r-- of tha idayers are es fol- bulla himself a fine brick residence WORLD OFFGE lows; M . A. Wild. W. E. Smith, this summer. lie will i rder 1,1s brick Frank Turner, C. P. Gable, Walter from Bountiful. Wild, Joe Ingersoll, John Thornton, The Capllal Mining Co. of this place A. B. Hill. L. Burk, Lena. Green-co- has fod all its mining interests to the ANDREW ADAMSON One satisfaction in giving; Mell McNeill, Eva Beach Morgan Syndicate of d, Philkde'phla, Snitn uid others. over at Scotts Emulsion to children is Everything will be turned County Surveyor Mice. S. U. they never object to it. The Deputy Minera Dr. Noyes rt moved a very suspicThe Academy S tor fact is, they soon become fond Surveyor. ions looking growth fiom the side of Since tho officers have begun to t he nose of F. Feetherstone this week. of it. Another satisfaction is AND Jiakc in vcsligal ions relative to the 1 1 was caused by an injury indneed by because will CilREFa make them it NOTARY PUBLIC. scandal at the B. Y. Academy soci- the horn of an infurztfd tovme and his IX AKFECT JAX. 18th 1897. plump, and give them growth ety alxiut that teiuj of learning raight Lave developed into a cancer. Amiricxn Fork, .. Utsfi. nee evidi wh.it Frr,.u all in aflutter. WKRT. EAST. and prosperity. It should be that E. K Tamer of Com p on, Up., writes Nt. 1. 11:28 a.m No. 2, 8:17 n. m. can be gathered, it appear No. 0, 111 p. ni. No. 6, 4:19 p.m given to ail children who are those two in discreet persons, .Mr. ue that after suffering from piles for A. M. D. No. 7, 9K)2 a. m No. 8, 5:5 ii p. in. cured he eewevteen , completely years, Miss were ami too does too It or Thorn Nelson, thin, pale. Joseph found to have diverted themselves t hem by nslng three boxen of Is Wltn's net make them over-fa- t, 3. n. Babcock, but Dodge, It cures tez.-mSurqcon D. C.Gen rvtinid Witch llszel Salve. of their outer Traffic mss muR and severe skin diseases. plump. in the same coach, niter havings, M. OiUcc 5 2 to P. F. U.G. Merrill. A.Wadlkigh, hours, Tuos. Stcels A Co. a wedding. They streimoush v It strengthens the digestive Gex pass art Local agent. n deny that here has hoen any criminAmerican Utah Fork Lighl-afUa LcLi furThsoti.ir and the nerves, and organs al intimacy between them, but say lied passlorotely klseed his best nishes material for rich blood. to 1o they are old lovers and exp 15 times in succession, be panned married soon. Both the officers and girlcsitch li's breath sod to WOODS STEPHEN (enlcriy luquir-the faculty of the academy thing the We have a book telling you more on Pi cctical Hoiifi-fl.c- .r she loved him, Yonng msu, sabi td if be should married,, s the subject Sent free for the asking. young jieoplo as she rolled her gnui into a wad AND Tonsoria which will no doubt lie the result. unJt-iced aallefactDiu i.aran the & It to SCOTT any York. Nrw atlt. reiiaralorv BOWXE, Huircuttlng sticking Mr. Th.ri;e i a bright young raaiY p Parle tn un Mr reban t Si, do you ililuk I'ui luJunug bie, (a f rr.who a vd j.;o'd fa'tilr, AM Ell 1C AN FORK Rubier UTAH AMERICAN FORK I ' !I1. )t( for ray health Lehi I a:Amcr-ici- n Ann-ricn- n lx-b- 111 Auu-rica- her-wh- ii)-n- - - . r G)-n- g - AMfiflnsH. .. Hair Cu.ttinp UiTisratyu Henry Lee Invi-Mu- r fur-uur- inir Runs hacks to la-r- ) all trains nt refn-ahini- r to-da- American '-- DENTIST ay ie-(l- n Forr Wagon Wc s held-tonigh- t Thin, Pale s Children . THE LHEAIi TIME . -- Lewis rjhsiciaiL and a - 1 oun-ma- r James Newton, , artist 11 r : Blaeksm-itu. |