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Show T HE WORLD. American Fork Schools. rii.jl'ht.ed Weekly. Cleanliness U next to (loJli ness Let the sohjolroom ba kept clean and in order aal a retlned tendency will bo the result. Our total enrollment is 640 with an average attendance of 505 for the last two week i. In the higher departments there ie a slight decrease in attendance but it is balanced by an increase u primary grades. With pleasure we announced the rttu our fellow teacher, Mias Nash, who h as been absent oa accouut of ill. HY SMITH 4 SMITH f HuUred tt 1 the pOHloffiet , American Fort .he mnit at r tranemmion throuyh ftisonii elan matter. Tear in. AJcanee tiixlfmtht Three ifontht On Mahara's Minstrels. ...... ..91.60 .. l. .. .50 Wnatsliyant uuKts at Chlpmar's I nerd one tint N he nUce to when buy. Cirpeta at Cliipimi; CUPIDENE" nse wai fills, 1 hut MANHOOD RESTORED, hM f ratal VrsoUMs the p'rfornunc of the turn of s ftaisui French iiliyslcUii, wl'l tjuickljr Iiaijfcrlliiepra0i4ip cum you of lII dw mhuartl troupe. or diMNiMs of ilis trutreuvn wkwis. uu-- u Lunin itulxiod. In Gkomi'.S. IVlu tbs Buck, Semins! Eiuunioim, hnry.iin iMjilltr. Mshara's minstrels are wltboi.t fimplra, ViJilnM to Marry, KsUaununs JLiraina, Va.lcsmls and doubt one of the finest that has ever appeared In our city." Those who atAFTER Ihsnrliiaryontaiiaol Ulliaaiui ' ri.l ri lorraainall wr ite oikuuk tend tonight are sure to witness a rare riTh rraaon i'S i, .g'h , i.'.i ,ivd by Imrinrw la O'ivuwi nlnsly Mut am troulilsil M I treat as they have a ebange of program. Guma-Wroaiatliia. Clin HFSfK rsnixlr In rirv wntiuuiaii tuu.Mil. a a A wriiwo wu.ir1 n i . .. g.vwr. aid i ", ..;.'fn m. citiarl a iaruiwiiiiluyi (liH, lies iwixi : r ri.ssctnruUraiiii Among tfca prominent features, we itwtinuHiULa lijw, ai fTf.ou. ,y.:. l. ' AUUimw MAVoMMKUlClJfM CO., i1. 0. Ei s ire, 8ia irancaco, CuL VrSuUlt ijiirlil mntlju of B.l.y Young. the saeet voiced tenor. Master Hlllaid , HiHiKllH BltOTUERS, AMERICAN FORK, Utah. Rrewsr, the wonderful contortonist, and Leroy Bland, the phenomei.il ma;e wll" ' IT p'anir The Dirktowo band MILES TL. O.ien 11 iug to wIlu.3 Ti-- kiji.-van- 1 i i ii go;d; nnd Hi- i. fc ' make on of their (ealebra'ed seua- -t he up price 15c Inual n.ivet parades at noon, Carson to 85c. Cell ness. jjer yard end see thru. The teachers, one exception spent iloroing Appeal. American Folk Open. Lehi House, 1 night only, Friday, Mario Lchl Home Drsnutic Co. will appiti last Friday iu visiting the In the lmericiu Fork Ojura House schools. No report has been mail lirand st. iet L'arada at noon. Ueservi at this writing, but we feel safe iu seat CO els. Now o i sa'e at Sbe'e In Tin red ay V arch S3 that all consider the day wel store. A nlca assortment of Ladies muslin saying Two eighthgrade students The hoard of directors of the uuderwear now on sale at Ctiipm&us, spent. the teachers. accompanied can Lehi than you nuke It. Cniaper Irrigation Co. went to the We meet on Monday and Thurof American Fork canyon aud month If you wish to sail sheep this spring sday of each week. leatalozzi and there the boards of American uict buys rs will he prrFem fvi-rday at lis methods are now being consid- Fork and Pleasant drove- - The eredThe subject of spelling wil Campbell and Kelley's corral. of the was to look at taken up at our next session object be ikely B." F. Rnfdcn's and Ka'e Tiinn's dam and see if repairs were need the Miss DeLong reports a pleasant ecliool have bred do.ed oti iiwouat of ed. After a examination day spent in the Spanish Fork it was decidedthorough the falling off, In -- lien.'aaee in a new to put school on Friday last. with or 10 inch aud Kelley expect shear C.inipb-l- l At a recent meeting a resolution, apron on the astimber as possII U. soon edge res plank about 50,000 sheep this season. They hat teachers remain in there .chi and American Fork ent will sberr atnut 3090 head per jective roerns daring all inlcrmis fiom the leb the of d stiut to canyon Results so far day. sions, was passed below Lehi to American are trustees (yes belcr.girg Fora and found the dl:eh in bad The finest line rf Spring Caps and andgood Teachers, should be we believe much repairing. This Jackets just iu ar. (Jblpmns. Dont one patrons) iu order that the greatest, gooi morningnrcdlcg the Lehi board went to the buy until yim have examined tbeir be At prescut we, mirth bench dam. A few days ago the accomplished line. an have advantage over board had a new dam put in the Jnnct erhaps, Lor-cnand some districts in Hone, aged 22, Charley always ha viu, Ion dlteh np tho creek. Banner, Peterson, agul 20) both of Lehi, one of the Sohool Hoard in our midst have been granted legal permission RHEUMATISM QUICKLY CUR RD Complaints come from some le s.i:.it--, - IS 7.257 LONC, t--1i Few people reall.e what a big railroad II Riuie D. runr It Is longer, employs mure men, thri ugh mure st ate-- , owns inirs englus epurates nioretriiiH, li is uu;n stations aud 3Ji,s mrre luoniv than auy if His trains coniiueutal Hues. Ouly two railruuts In tli world lave greatt r mllsaic. Nutote. NOEUSK, effor a Iwtter wrviee. (liunlis, Chlcac. Kansar. Pi:c, St. Louis ALL puinis east riLil nouth. viit Tickets and tlroc tables Ticket offices. u cua-ditlo- lartmenta that pupils are not furu ished with necessary text-loos, an One liinnle is ell the limsnncessary he following question is asked to deride from pcra'inel experience What would a father expect as that Cue Minnie Cure dow what Ite result of sending his son into the Thus. Steele & Co. name Implies. ield to plow without team or tools, or the mother from requircing her returned from a Edwin Wild lias to sweep the floor without three days v sit to Eureka wture hr daughter Doth are ambitiors an ' broom? has the flusters of visiting the Bullwell the requinaionts understand ' ion Buck and Mammoth mines. made of them, but can they coir. j ly While it is no uncommon thii ' Notice that Lady in Cblntnans Store, or our worthy Principal to gr ei dressed has Peterson Ctae. up that he eari nuke you look just as nice, If everyone with a pleasant smile, the mystery among ns for several days you will boy jour gords from him. What causes the Professor's nave yon seen ihew lorcly Novelty was, When callunusual pleasantness? Dress Goods at, CiilpDianV, they are im- ed to task fora violation of school mense and v.heu yon buy a Dress, you he cleared the mystery by sayrules, ewa the pit torn, co one else has one ing; when Mr. 11. has a new comer at .Ike it. his hous ve will allow him Mr .R Tcrturinc, Itching, realty skia erup- to go home for dinner. are sooihid at tions, burns uni i cce and promptly Limed ly Da Witt Shot. Witch Hazel SjIvi, the best known ciiizens The American of Fork 1 nos. STEELE & CO. ( uie fi r piles. were thrown into a tremor of excite, See the Firust Sjncaliy company ment Thursday afternoon by bearMonday ererirg. ing that Robert Walker, one of our worthy citizens had accidently shot Oid show a the Besidis yon will see face. work of rhi gnulpst Icyrntlcn it f the his sonRollie through the in accident The this happened way. age Monday evening. Mr. Walker took his 23 caliber Djui uegleat to go and see the Vito rifle to the door of his shop to shoot raph ilHOpei illoiiSd Mmutay even some birds in front of ihp building ing. Tiisis ill' most wonderful In- Just as he pulled the triger to lire vention of llib ag roil you will never ont of the door, his son passed withregret the money It costs tc see it. Us in rane of shot and the bullet po nuUni prices of admission. de through his right check knocking a tooth and ou through the midont John Iiudinsky of In-- . It Lake ha the tongue loosening another dle formed a partnership n ith Tailor J too of from the left side, and lodg th W. llrown of tLs place and they in the left check making a very ing may bo found up ttairs in Jaoksou's on hole the inside. l)r. Noyes uyly building where they are prepared to was aud suoii the pieces called of do all kinds of cleaning and repairlead were in extracted. Roll Young ing. Suits made to order ami fit Walker, the unfortunate, is lO year-old- , guaranteed. and well known here aud has he of our citizens. nymrpathy be the lunus allow L impaired lJjiit a of continuous irritation cough by the Amusements. It :s easier to p: event cnnsnmptIo:i tliau to euro it. One Minute Cough Cure The Forost Specialty Co., who tuLeii early will waid off any fatal come to the Opera Ifonee Monday luoa. Steele & Co. evening the 22nd promise a new anil lung tumble, k sa-ild- s ncldently of Amrricaii Fork and Alonzo Wilcox of L'hi were united in the holy hends of matrimony Wednesday, Miss WaysaT is one of oiir brtgbiest and (test yoneg ladies and the hss wedded r young man I c lives their That beppy and fn'l m.')7 of sonehlnc is the wish of their many Mls Ada wHl-tcd- o fitiudi. R. F. NF.SI.IX, Trav.l'ars. After having baan coahucdto the house for eleven days and pxylng out 1 23 In doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank D'jlson of Sault Sle. Marie, Midi,, was of Chamberlains sured by one Pain Bilui costing 25 cents aud has not since basu troubled with that coiw plaint For sale by Thom is Steele A III They are so small that the moat aen t!tlvri persons iakt them, they are so effictive that tin most obstinate rases of cunsllj atim, headache xnd torbld liver yield to them. That is wliy De-Yii- '.s Little Early Rlseis are known We HARRINGTON W - Ucncral Agfnt Ub Oal and see ui are here to Please STREET, - - - AM ERIC AN FORK.DTAK SALOON Adamson, Wild & Go. Proors, Wines,' Liquors and Cigars Fine Billiard and Pool Room in connection, Steele C. CRIPFLP CREEK. FROM G- Walker Block, Fall Lake All kinds of fresh and salt meats, pills. Thqs. 11 R. yuE CITY MEAT AftRKET Co. little Freight Agt. u j LLgiut p e the famous A all n, a to wed. V. F. McMIl.I.W t' After, the big fire In Cripple Creek, I ook a Tcjyssvsre cold a d tried many MWRCHAKT inuricanPil STREET nvnadlee wtihnut help, the cold only b'C'uning raoro eetiljd. After using iliresimal bottles of ChambarLi and mgL Remedy, boli the cough culd l.'ft m. ltd In tMslLh altitude C U takes a to do any cough Rxiuerty Hvadirsun id. tor Dally Advertiser. For eal by Thus, iteeie & Co. euod-- R. G. Cure Gcnsumption,' Slocum. M. C , the Great Cheii 1st and Scientist, ovk.s to bento T. A . AKKMCTKD, TO THE THREE B'.TTLES OF Ilia NEWLY DlKJiVKREI) REMEDIES TO CUB'S COS' SUMPTION AND ALL LUM VSEE. HVLTSIO JSCFOE.ITJIvd: ALL KIVD3 IN Gita VT A i ecu V PI JTURK3,1B00I3, ALBUMS, EIC. LF8 N. Slocum, M . C., of of T. Fir.n "treot, New York City. t'.i: fitlotiii that he lias di 'C t cred than the off i . Nothing could be LIrer. more pidlau lirop.c.orcHvry morn joy In itf wake iiS vir Fine Stock of Toys silverware Glassware, ckinaware and crockeryware UIIirKi, TROUB A . fmi All Kinds or musical instruments in sr t:k. en ' ala.iiute cure fur ronsumpdiu. and all pnluiouary romplaluts ai d to make ita treat nurlts known, lie will vend, free, three bottles (the Slocum new system of medlc'nes) tu ar.y reBilorof The World a bo Israffencg from chest, ihruat aud ;um tioubloor cinHiurptlnn . B.Wc do not. select one day in tho year to give away - We give prizes from our prizes. ters every day. 1000 Prizes Given -- 23 and 53 Cent Uour- A.way This Year TUB K.STAR SlLOOInT uhtaini invites him pleasing and departure l'roin the !ut the remedies to simply send address, aud ) iliflr express deep rut of the amusement line. acd r. calve la return the three f.cs bat' The Yitograph Edison's latest and Mpr mo3t wonderful invention, shows Already this new scientific course cumI with thii company. This machine of melclne has permanently uopsleiw of apparent'? an-it workings cannot he explain- thoussiils ed. hufTico to say, it produces pic- Cigp IIccensidT It hierollglous dntj- -a tures absolntely true to life; every nty wbiab nc own lo htiuianity to FAMILY OltUEBS A SPECIALTY FINE LINE OF BE INDIES ALWAYS ON HAND. feature and movement of the differ- d'jhHtehleLifaUU-lreiijfrom ltf Innereiit Offered fr apsrt cly. livlie shows to ent figures appear coinmd It, and SPECIALTY CIGAUS "TUtK SILVER CLUB" AND TIJE LA FLURETTE. e'rength. er.a,ii tosoufiluce of tbs ing, breathing objects. Though the mors sj Is the perfect G)DD .J3T Wi.,:i 1uit FAMHjY I'JE, T.YENTY FlTB CENTS PER QUART company only showu one night here BToatcjemlst making tlis i.ffer. c to will coniumptloi be has safe imi lie to it is nay they greeted cur&bl pr Billiard and Pool 100111 ir. conuecLion. Tcvond any doubt. to a crowded and pleased Them will Iw nu r.lstate in "udlng AMERICAN YORE the mli take will Lvln nvcrlOMking the has n. lie tnviuiDoctors' v per Europcen ou flip in his Amcrlein 'u-TTho was tnat unfortunate Individtrtimonials ui tli labnratn Ip" ST , ual who when hs received the news at from these cured, in all the sugar factory that Corbitt waa get-tl- ofMperieuee world. of the parte anvianaerone:M-mall vonr ad the b'stof Fitzsimmons, killed? I G.. i8Plae a. Slocum. two liors to get to America rkj rltlnf and bet tw i to cue ou Corbett, tf.en Hot Yvork. piosse meiithm readliug Fork All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper heard the nows In a few minutes that h art.c!o Ji the Amerlnu Fiv,9lmmons was tbs winning mao. World Mine, work a specialty . Fep&iilng air Furnace. V.sh. Flng f.yje It wasnt him. The fas think Fiin r Buu.a almplB Idea wins l patmlF poor fellow needs the sympathy of AH, Vantsd-- Rn done on short notice brtic 7a wMllfe. ' nems what bis he. matter no may .. K'nt AJ writ? iz mi rnw r IB'S He 'HHnHHTnK. e5&aoOi-'- . Wines Liiquors r..uivj vep. Cigars Ee.- - . 1 birthday Feb. 22 hV :illi pistons of this pin MlssL'zxle On w..s Wabhinatens oia..i.d !) Frspk E. Wulk.r oi Is well Colo. The young woman lllco, and favorable known here and her hna benlls connected wih tr train service of th Denver and R'o drand railway The lllco pepfr spsskn very highly of him. BROS. rg cunmcuce Kelley will f li;cp slir' irln,; on or aucut April 5!h. They are In want or 50 hliarers fur about fony ilava. Any one willing sqcI) employment write then nt once Auy sheep Addicss, Amerlc.au Fork. man wishing to shear wi'.U th',Tr apply Corrsl about two miles west at from Luhi. Pries sen av l.at, year Wool sacks and shv ir fur sa's a. CairpslI - &, jJvlAKTUP'XTR.ER.S s - OF S.;,,, f)c Witts Witch Hazel Stive CurmPlIm. Scaldn. Rrf. B r V. hlntoi l. T, (ai.imiB .' Mill lu '.rt.lliwwl ;JW DMd. Riser. OeVitt's LittleIKtlEarly nlll. . . 1 Americ n Fork. I TJtak. In |