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Show FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS CF INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS. m TO Hlata llw.1 Cnltln-Uanil Yield Thoraof llortlrallara, Vltlrultura and f'luii-Mlla-ta m Tp-la-d- of the Koll HERB haa been a (liffen-ncof opinion In reaped to tbe feeding value of white and yellow corn, but chemlatry haa come to our aid and ahowa ua the dlffcren c e, and numeroua feeding teata have aubatan-tlate- d tho chemlat writer In Jennlnga limes. The general membership book if the Ralatm Health Club of Wellington, D. C., given the following a an-Jya- la: Northern Southern Tarhonatea KI train yellow. fli Ill liioaphatra Here we learn that the Northern yol-ocorn has nearly double the amount if carbonates, which are the beat and fattening properties of the rain; that the Southern white corn lontalns more of the nitrates, which nakea It much the beat feed In warm father. The white corn has nearly hree tlmea more of the nitrates, which ) reduce muscle and growth, making It nnch tbe strongest grain to feed to working team and growing animals. The white Is also more than three tlmea is rich In phosphates, which aupply lourlshment to the nervous system. Inputting the brain. The yellow being nurb the richest In carbonates. will nake the moat fat and heat. In the el-ir- e me northern portion of this country aa find the yellow flint varieties Crown, while In tbe far South are raised mostly large white kinds, anti :hua we understand what la meant by Ihe yellow Northern aud white Southern varlctlea. As food for the table, We the authority Just quoted says: Lnd the grain of Southern corn with a large portion of muscle foud, plenty of brain food and leas of heating food. It la the typical nourishment of the brain worker who believes In exercise, or of those who work with their mua-l)e- s. Next to wheat It la the beat food for humanity. Northern or yellow corn la the reverse of thla, containing a large portion of heaters or carbonates, and the blood, aa buckwheat rakes do, causing pimples, sores and headaches. Let us understand that by wheat la meant the whole grain or graham flour; the white flour Is much more heating, and, like yellow corn and buckwheat, makes bad blood, In comparlsou with oats, white corn la found to be leas heating and a better nerve food. Does not this account In part for the fact that Southern people, who eat more corn than Nothern-er- a do, are freer from blood and akin diseases? Let ua appreciate what we have, and make use of It, rather than purchase so much of our breadstuff in the North.. w pro-luri- destroyed the raising of aheep for wool. It has Increased the demand for good sduttun, so that this production has been benefited. There Is a surety that aheep raising for tbe better quality of mutton will be profitable, and the sort that will bring the best results can be raised in small flocks on the farm at less cost aud trouble than snyg other farm animal. If, aa may be expected, wool production again becomes profitable, the farmer will have two gemd sources of Income instead of one; In the meanwhile having a supply of the beat of meat for family use. Every farmer should have a small flock of the best of mutton aheep. The raising of scrubs will not accomplish the desired results. The gold medal presented to Mr. Gee. McKerrow, 8uasex, Wls., for the best show records of Southdown sheep at fairs in 1895, was of pure gold, of new design and aa line and pretty a piece of the kind aa any exhibitor baa secured. Mr. McKerrow writes: "I bare a large number of medals, but tbs Southdown Association's puts the rwt all In the shade. Everybody that sees it pronounces it a beauty." Southdown breeders have In the way of selling breeding stork, done better than many of the other sheep breeders, and from number of animals aent for registry recently It may be considered that not only thla but breeders of other sheep are encouraged to believe that the aheep industry has reached the bottom of decline, and will now commence an era of prosperity. J. G. Springer. Old Apple Trees. theory Is quite The prevalent among many farmers that apple trees should be cut down when they cease to be productive in consequence of tbe deesy of the branches, writes E. M. Shaw In N. E. Farmer. Oftentimes, and In must cases, such trees can be restored to gf vigorous growth and healthy condition by cutting away the old decayed portion and allowing new branches to take their places. Thla will nearlyalwaye follow when trees are well cared for and a liberal supply of potash be given them. I saw an apple tree recently on Orchard hill in tbe town of Kensington, In this state that was the remaining tree of an orchard set out ninety years ago. All of the other trees were cut down thirty-liv- e years ago. This one, bearing a favorite apple, by the pleadings of a large family of children, was allowed to remain. Of late yeara the ground around 4t has been cultivated, and It Is a constant bearer. It Is now covered with a dense green foliage, and the limbs have made a growth this year of over a foot ltd condition shows the folly of cutting down trees aa soon aa they cease to grow and bear fruit Plow around them,' or where thla cannot be done use a spring tooth harrow. Mulch them well and put on a good supply of muriate of potash, cut off the old, decaying, branches, grow out, a new top of smooth wood and you will have the pleasure of seeing large, smooth fruit growing, where once were only small, Inferior apples. Age has but little to do wflh causing a tree to decay. One of the apple trees set out by the ArcaJIana more than 150 yeara ago, la still standing near their old home at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia, and In 1894 waa loaded Trait Cullera. To have a perfect cellar It must be with fruit. absolutely frost-proo- f; therefore, dig Some Commercial Fertilizers. GypIn the ground eight feet deep, and wall sum (land plaster) has the power of with brick, aaya Michigan Krult Growammonia and preventing Its er. If rock la more convenient, use It, holding must,. however, be moist In orIt loea and plaster well, as a smooth surface "effective. The best way to be to der la quite essential In keeping the germs use gypsum la to sprinkle it on tbe down, that would otherwise find lodgmoist dung or urine. Stablea In which ing places in the crevices of the wall. the excrements are properly treated Vj Have a sand floor. Cover by building means are noticeably free fivfcr over it a "coopers shop" or any other this odora, as a rule. Kalnlt offensive building you may be in need of. lie manure tends to check upon sprinkled sure to cell overhead. Have a stairand also to attract and fermentation way from upper room, and have door moisture. One should at bottom, to keep hot and cold air out holdobserved In the precaution use of kalnlt; It be when you enter. The importwt thing be kept rrom under the teet of Thla you get with should since la ventilation. injury may result to the animala, teenty-lnc- h tiling, placed In each cor- feet of animala treading on It It It, ner. Have bottom of tiling level with therefore, beat applied to fresh manuie floor of cellar; build wall rlose around and covered with litter. Add phostiling, cementing same. Run tiling phate contains a considerable proporout some eight feet, then up to one tion of gypsum, and, to thla extent. Its or two feet above ground. Place wire action Is like that of gypsum. The netting between last two Joints to keep soluble phosphate In the acid phosanything from entering the cellar. This phate tends to unite with ammonia and will also hold the old carpet which will prevent Its loss and also to check ferkeep out frost and act as a damper. mentation. Ex. Now put a 24x36 flue from celling to cellar up through the building, that Fine Soil. Within certain limits, the will carry off all Impurities and draw finer the soil is the more available befresh air down through your tiling comes the plant food it contains. In flues. Thla flue should have a damper the case of stiff clny soils, Professor In It, to enable you to shut off draft Corbett holds that the state of division at will If the temperature does not of soil particles ran be rarrled too fa?. get down to 40 degrees before you want To pulverize it into dust makes It lo store your apples, place a large piece pack, and If rain occurs It becomes af Ice at the mouth of each tiling in adhesive and upon drying loses its friThe able the cellar and open all drafts. rotudatenry. In general, however, wooden flue will soon carry off all hot the does not lie in too much danger air, and the cellar will be filled with cultivation, but from the contrary aide. told, damp air. If your cellar should With sandy, gravelly and loamy soils, prove to be dry, keep a baain of water the more thorough the cultivation the In it, or your apples will shrivel; but more available food will be utilized by lo not allow the water to become stag- the The primary requirements plant nant. Before cooling cellar, whitewash for success are deep plowing followed walla and celling; add sulphur and cara thorough barrowing as a preparaDo by bolic acid freely to whitewash. tion for a suitable seed bed. Ex. Sot keep vegetables In the apple cellar, and store away none but choice apples The Dandelion. The dandelion la an After cold Old World flower, not native In Ameripf good keeping varieties. weather comes, ventilate to keep tern- - ca, save far to the north and on some ae near S3 degrees as possible. of the highest of our western mounFwture with the same success othtains. Ilut somehow it was brought er havo, you will have fresh, ripe apkero, perhaps from England In old ples every day In the year, and be able colonial times. Now we see its golden an to sell In May and June at advance heads and feathery balls at every aver present prices at least grassy roadside, the clocks the boys and girls blow to tell the hour. A few Sheep le Illinois. years ago farmers In the northwest In the report of the State Board of found a new weed, a vile prickly weed. fqualicatloa the number of sheep re- In their wheat fields. In a very short ported aaseased In 1896 In Illinois la time thla weed, the Russian thistle, haa are valued at apread over wide acres of the beat farm B 6,816, and these the supposed actual land In that part of the country, and ralue. From 1893, when the sheep haa dona great Injury to the crops In this state was In reasonably Ex. i good condition, to 1896, there has been a lose of 403,869 sheep of the value of some In degree Only by combining While this great decline In can the producers of fruit protect their 12,177,844. ihe sheep Industry has for a time almost rights. over-heati- to-d- mom-cover- ed lie THE JOKER'S CORNER Woles. John redelty, writing In Rural Ufa, ?: It Is time the surplus honey was removed, the eoi ranees closed up smaller and the covers glued down tight ready to put the bees In the cellar or winter quarters, or If you are going to winter outside (not the-beway in this cold country) they should he packed up by now. Beekeejiera In Iowa aa a rule can report the best crop of honey for many years, not so good, though, as some of tho buyers try to make ua think. Tbe price la reasonable compared with other things, and will not get better when the small farmer beekeepers has marketed his product for what he can get WIT Igiioi-ain-a- . "Thai teacher of ours don't know putty," claimed Tommy with a fine look of acorn. "Whats tbe matter wild my little AND WISDOM. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED- - boy now?. "When I told her that I tackled JimHe Least, d Illiuarlf Kirk -- The Keg to mie Trotter so bard that be had to put 'a Jeeloiuy Ike Com blaal orter be When Ibe Watrrmaloea Klprn Mho on a substertute,1 she said I ashamed of meself." Id All Won View tbe Llue Hold. It lon-Jnh- uar st In I'll) fill SAW the smile groceriea reads, and smile By the bookstore shelf. Till long I wished I might enjoy A pinch of wit myself. I j Taking All tha Klaka. "Now, mother, said the Boston boy, "before you get down to business, let us reason together. You only spoil your slippers, and do me not any good. "Ill take the risks on this proceed- ing, George, my son, said the wise Boston mother, aa she took a firm grip on the slipper. I y Comb honey after coming off tbe hive should be put where it wont freeze, The more and when sold taken out and scraped watched the secor cleaned up. The partly filled he more tions can be used at home, fed Hhck to laughed. the bees or extracted, as you prefer. Till tears rolled down hla cheeks; Don't neglect your neighbors and the He seemed quite full enough of fun home market They like honey and To last him forty weeks. will pay a good price for It I would sell at home If I could do aa well aa by When, weak with mirth, he laid the book ending it to the large cltlea. If not Back on the shelf again, grade it, crate it up good and ship. Dont let your grocery man have it all And left the place In very truth his own way. Tho happiest of men, Tbe beekeepers who answer quesBeing myself a trifle blue, t tions in the American Bee Journal and I paid my last poor dollar those at the Lincoln convention seemed And bore the volume aafely home. to be down on the Idea of importing (at Prepared to scream and holler. the governments expense) the "Apis Dorsata or giant lieea of India. They I read It through. Alas, no smile think the money can be used better for In all that book I found the beekeepers In other lines, thinking At first amazed, then quite enraged, these bees are not much good for this With oaths my teeth I ground. "Who waa the fool who laughed so country. 1 read of a hard handy arrangement a while ago to help move bees In the celWhen reading that? Thla slur lar and honey Into the house or move Cast at the bookman. "Oh, said he, anything heavy. Stretch a plain wire ' "That was the author, sir! from the apiary to tbe house. On thla suspend a car (strong box) by a door , An' l)a Watahmeloa'a Hlpaa. hanger with two little wheels to run Now heah dat noisy katydid on the wire. Put on the load and it sill up a tree, run easily and without Jolting. An de watahmeion's ripen all Beekeeping Is a knowledge of small aroun'. Items without which only ordinary reHe orter be like de honey sults are obtained. One of the imporbee. tant things is the selection of the hive. Wen de watnhmelon's ripen all Lang-itot- h The fact that the dove-tailaroun. hive Is used the most by practi- I heah de lonesome whistle ob de cal beekeepers shows Its utility, and let whippoorwill, of Its It go to show the De big, roun moon's down Inventor, the lamented Rev. L. L. ahind de hill, makeand size Its general Ungstroth, And de hoot owls on de ol' up has not been altered any by tbe lsler cane mill; bee men since It came out An de watahmelon's ripen all aroun'. Plowing fur Sugar Hnrti. A possum an' a raccoon on From the Nebraska station, waurs a rail, the sugar beet Industry Is receiving speAn de 'slmmona am all cial attention, comes a bulletin in which aroun. Acfall plowing is urged for this crop. De raccoon pow'ful haughty cause he cording to this bulletin, the aooner the got a han'some tall, stubble and weeds are plowed under, An de 'slmmona am all if only to a depth of three Inches, the aroun. to a harrow followed by spike better, Den de possum clim de 'slmmon, trap make a loose layer of soil on top to his tall aroun a 11m!, been shown has It prevent avaporatlon. An shout he down to de raccoon, still d lost that land so prepared only up at him, aa much wrter by evaporation as land having a firmly packed surface. "Wen you want ter shake a slmmon tree I'm yo' Jim; Unless the land Is very rich spread well An de 'slmmona am all ro'ted manure after the shallow pisw-Inaroun. add to ami will the which yield L nrobably something to the sugar De win ain't mo 'an whlspln in de Subsoil and surface plow In the ahadder ob de hill. (all, or If that cannot be done plow as An' de blue grapes all extreme The as drypossible. deeply aroun'. In most soil and sections ness of air Dabs a plggah wld a milk can where sugar beets are grown makes It roun de still, manure should well be that important For de on de liquah am to follow corn, rotted. If the beets are groun, hear off the stalks and harrow thorDe mohnin sta am. shinin fo de oughly. In the fall the plow can be brakin ob de day. run 12 or 15 Inches deep, while if ot Good mlatah red fox, yo aint mohnin, is sate it to until hardly done spring to stay, got long much soil below the aver.urn up the Dahs a muffle-foote- d nlggah gwln ter of four previous plowing age depth chase de fox away, Inches. to six Fer de chickens am all -- i She Draw tha Lina. Mrs. Richeaae (proudly) My daugh- "Well, Hayseed, bow did your crops turn out? ter, I think It advisable that you enter "Why, to tell you the truth, sir, they the matrimonial state. I have there- didnt turn out aa good as I thaart they fore chosen that you should marry was to; and I never thaart as Adolphus Frederick de Pissps, Mar- ow they would. Picture and Joke quis of Hlgby, Count de Mlllson, etc. from "Saint Paul's"; Joke originally Daughter Good heavens, mother! from Truth. Would you have your daughter a bigamist three times over? Only Our CollrfR Unulutflh Of the philanthropists who have Banning to EztramM. given at leant a million dollars to tha Marylin Everything nowadays Is cause of higher education In thla counEven the clubmen are try It Is an Interesting fact tliat Presisyndicated. dent Seth Low Is the only one who Is a employing syndicated valets. Girard, Belle Gracious! First thing ws college graduate. Rockefeller, Rich. Iack-ne- r, know society will actually stoop to Peabody, Cornell. Cooer, Hopkins, Clark, Hrexel, Vandersyndicated family skeletons. bilt, He I'riiw, Lick and all the rest were men, who made their money In biwiness. aud owed Evarjthlng Handy. Flyrig I have one weakness corn. their succeed In life to their native When I die I am going to have some shrewdness and industry rather tbau to the colleges upnii which they beburied with me. ears of sweet-cor- n stowed tlielr bounty. Flydlg You had better make It popcorn. It will be so easy for you t6 "Walter linker A of Dnrcheater, I'. R. A., have Riven years of atuily to POP It Ms.. the skillful repn rut lull of imua aud chocoln . , self-edncnt- Kay to tha and ay late, auil have ilcvixcil I cma peculiar In tlielr met Inula of treatment, whereby the purity. nuliituMllty and hlxheat nutrient characterlatlea are retained. Tlielr are known the world over and preparations Imre received the lilglii Indoraeuienta from the medical practitioner, the nurse and the IntelllRent hoiiekccier and enterer. There la lianliy any fund pwinirt which may be no extensively used In the household In combination with other ficala ae cocoa and chocolate; but here aimln we urge the importance of purity aud nutrient value, and these ImiMirtant points, we feel sure, may be relied upon In linker's Cocoa and Chocolate." Dietetic and Hygienic (Jaxette. Combination. ed oue-thlr- g, edn-ten- en I think children should lie permitted to believe In Kunta flails aa long ae possible. Yes, so do 1: then If they are nnt pleased with their Rifts, they can t fliul fault tlielr fathers and moth era. TO Cl'KB A COLD IN ONR DAT. Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If It faila to cure. 850 Teacher Where are Joy, health happiness to be found? Tommy In the dictionary. A M armor from Moscow. Yes, that French cooking" It's all fully to regulate your life by the Iriis of the sihIIhc." What la yonr plan? 1 always ru hy the way my wife and daughters look at me." They play liane hall with a cannon now." "fiiMid idea. In what tuning do they uiually and hoot the umpire? , i The Csor of all the Russian gava None One Dollar 1 true only of ITuod'e Pimps 111 It la economy to gi t Hood when vex tugovitch at hla heardaky. bocitut "waa too much for me. I must seed blood purifier and mto He toyed now with hie toothplckaky. try light diet for awhHe. Drawing the platter of tallow can dies toward him, he nibbled delicately at these favorite Russian dainties. j The Fainter cow with the milk- on the front of an Organ. That is the quickest way to tell whether it is a good organ or not. Write for III unrated Catalogue with price, to Kaicy Organ Company, Ural tic boro, Vl 7 Them has new been time when 'enahirald guard againat failure with laura Thera ha never been attmawhea an. Arry'v IMi w era move aaavntial. Tbrrara , ml way the bent. Ynr aal hy I dial dealeva avarywhata. Insiatan having them. FERRYS SEED ANNUAL "be- Have you heard the lateat from Johnny Mr. Llghthead, my sister treats you better than she does me. Brooklyn? Mr. Llghthead Why do you think "No; what is it? so, Johnny? They are putting fenders on the Johnny I heard her tell ma, she baby carriages. gives you lots of taffy, but she never i nfl to fall of -Manttoto. tafnmatioo for a better Um Thf will npvr hiwdmMi hanmwtnaaa4f"rthf Wmlitioo. Krooe D. M. Forty A Co., Detroit. Mich. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Eiamliiattoo aart Advice m to I'otentohlllty of la Mffiil for (lnvoHtiffi' Outdo, r How to Go! a ftuoufc" (TV AttkEU. A BON. WaaLlOfftoa, D, FvnihMi. No Mora Danger. gives me sny. a rAHTKtt oFnTrnroMk AY'S MAN I tUd if fpoorttfc-- y HI ST Bar K ATTI.K. iMhaiNtalna, te it Damme far Planter an walla. of aam aunvmi.tb Wafer Prawr nbcalhlna Write t 4 N Mab-tlm- An Exchange of Compliment. fnraampl bft cheap fnf he market. He You may be engaged, but I can thaYAV XiMLLiJtOOKlMil'O AXULjl.kJ. never conceive of your being In love. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK She And you may be In love, but I or just Don't Reel Wall," ennever conceive of Natural Mistake. "My good man, you shouldnt be your being sleeping out doors like this, said tho ran LIVER PILLS belated citizen. gaged. Detroit Free Press. nrathaOna Thing to ana. Nona o' yer clatter now, or I'll ONLY ONE FOR A DOS I. ViLX wvV SSo. M orusaiat Sample maiM take you in. Serenade. Mfrae. Baaaeka Med. Co. lliila. l'a. "Beg your pardon. I had no idea that Oh, Ethel dear, the dawn le here were a sea policeman." you Aurora tints the Arise, arlae, oh! ope yonr eyei All It Woald Haiti. And throw me down the key. AVat LOUith tjnift, fMl6 (Wn, tto Miss Coldeal Have you a picture t linw hv tiny Lcf I ; Yoa Can Never Tell. your fiancee, Mr. Churapleigh? I carry her I Mrs. lien ham Io you think ha Cholly Chumplelgh N would marry that girl? portrait In my head. V. N. U. liLNVb- H- Nrt. Miss Coldeal Oh! A. miniature, I Renham I don't know; I man lad I t i nu presume. i T"" tin in if luvcrilwuirut lu thla paper. "MA . 1 !, ; I t le, He murmured, of hla sainted. "Why should you? asked hie pal, cause She la already painted. Adieu signifies, "To God you I commend;" goc&by means God be with you; fkreweu "May you fare or travel in safety. not curry the P" ESTEY Dream. "Id love to paint her ea ahe rt-iri- Do Look for the name arm around hla blushing companion. "If youll look at thla here dockament youll see that me and Marchya Jea) been made one. Hears Vp the Illaeloo. May Does you father allow you to la tha Wholesale Line. turn down the gas when George cornea Distinguished Chinese Guest How to see you? many times have you been married? Agatha No; hut we get the heat ol Average American Woman Three him all the same. times. May How so? . D. C. G. And how many times have Agatha We wear dark glasses after 10 p. m. you been engaged to be married? A. A. W. Oh. thirty or more, I guess. He Had Wheels. D. C. Q. Ah! And how many times "My head haa been bothering me for ere you born? some time. I guess I had better go see a doctor." A doctor for your head? Why not Johnny's Jealousy. see a machinist? y. fact the One True Blood Pmtilw. euro Liver Ills; eaiy t take, eey to operate. Ba In Hood'S Pills ner Last Chance. Leap Year Maid Reggy, if I should propose to you, would you marry me? Reggy (absently) Oh, I always leave all those dleagweeable things to mi man, don't you know. A trickling of blood Sheep Bot-Flfrom the nose Indicates the presence of the grubs of the sheep bot-fl- y in the nasal sinuses. These grubs have now found their way to these places where they take up their quarters until next spring or summer, when they escape and fall to the ground where they take on their final form as a fly, and Immediately lay their eggs on the sheep's nose, and so the new round beglna It Is possible to eject these grubs at their present stage by blowing tobacco smoke Into the nostrils of the sheep, and immediately afterwards to blow up a pinch of fine snuff, the sneezing then ejecting the grubs. This remedy la that used by the Scotch shepherds. Ex. ing stooL tha Wadding Trip. "Yon cant both ride on a tingle ticket, sold the conductor aharply. O, I guess we kin, answered Josh, with perfect confidence, aa he threw hla On aroun. Fall Manuring. Depleting the Soil. Our soils contain all the necessary elements of in varying quantities, plant-foo- d A growing crop takes up of this food a greater or less amount, conditioned upon the kind or quality of crop. If tha crop Is removed. It la evident that the soil has lost Just so much of its fertility as Is contained in the crop. This removal, if repeated year by year, ta in depletion. Sarsaparilla r the beet in There is much less waste by fall manuring than Is commonly supposed. If fresh manure from tables la drawn out aa made, and spread over the surface, the winter snows and rains leach through it, and whatever soluble fertility It contains slowly soaka Into the soil Unless the surface Is frozen, or the land is flooded from running water coming from there is never any washing of ihe surface soil to carry off Us fertility. On the contrary, the manure is much better mixed with the soil than it could be if left until spring, when. If plowed under, the rains seldom come heavy enough to thoroughly soak the manure In the soil. Ex. oods try" 2.-1t,- ti7. Nilrrll-n,r.'!e.nil- -- |