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Show dltlona of labor art- - the poorest. seemed to have no other eftivt ujnm hie lulud aa ha than the one that trade-union-s, said In hie patronizing way, "They are all very (rood; but they could not be of substantial benefit to the laborer, anyhow." The truth or the matter la, that a number of men like the one referred to have given more attention and Hdhobiun to u particular school of philoaophv. a theory that apparently struggle for an end, without recugnla- ing that the struggle of labor Is on; that that struggle la the one of and that they who bund themselves together best to meet present conditions are those who benefit most by their combined efforts, and at the same time place themselves In a more advanced position to contend for the full right to which labor la entitled. These are lost sight of by men who are mentally blinded to our eoonomte and social environments, and who believe the better policy la to struggle for the shadow, even though the substance is lost. Ex. TIIE TOILER'S CORNER SOME TIMELY TOPICS OF INTEREST TO UNION LABOR. Beware of llaetjr Judgment - Triune and Corporations Are Different One Neede Crashing the Other Nrrdi H alclilug Baltlea and khtiu II tiles. ONT be too hasty to construe The Let to-da- y, motives of another. charity with mantle true Enfold your lowly brother. You cannot know what tenderness Within hia heart la bidden, Nor why at grief and sore distress His teen will flow unbidden. Fvldeutly Mistook Ills Calling. How the devils must have applauded; how the patriarchal old sinners who exploit the labor of others must have gurgled their approval; how wonder-ipgl- y the one or two workingmen, who had stayed in by accident, would gaxe at each other when one Timbcrlake, the pastor" of a church in Salem, Masa, belched forth the following from hia pulpit: "When It comes that the poor laboring class shall didate to the rich corporations and manufacturers of this country what they shall do and what wages they shall pay they ought to be shot down like dogs," What a wonderful conception of the rights of man this creature must have. What help and consolation he would give to the "weary and heavy laden' who might call upon him in their nce. What a perennial source of comfort he would be to the poor and lowly, and, ah how eloquently he could preach from the mandate of the founder of his pretended faith. "Call no man master! It is to be hoped, for trusting humanitys sake, that this man has been misquoted. R he did say so. and voiced the sentiments of the r he represents, struggling labor mpe for no assistance from that quarter. They ask for bread nnd are given a atone. Had a workingman only hinted the same thing against corporate power, what would he be called? Machinists Though rough hia hands and deeply lined of labor. With coarse trade-marBy these you may not gauge the mind Of him that Is your neighbor. His garb may be of common grade, Well patched and sadly faded Not by this scale should he be weighed, Nor by this standard graded. ' Not versed In classic lore of Greece, Not learned in ancient story. Nor ever heard of golden fleece," Or Alexander's glory; Yet he may have a kindly heart That beats for those that sorrow, A helping hand to do hia part, To belter some To glance at ocean deep and wide, When summer smiles enwreath It, Is not the way to gauge the tide, That swiftly runs beneath it; line A plummet and a deep-se- a Must be employed to sound it; By these we may the truth divine, Rejoicing when we've found it. The rugged rocks that hilltops crown May be devoid of beauty sent words to her sister to corns to Philadelphia. Mrs. Price accepted the WERE AFRAID OF LIFE Ilia Hulrn Mother Has found that her little ones are improved more y the phasaut Syrup of Figs, when in need uf the laxative effect of a senile remedy than by any other, and that It la mine acceptable to theui. Invitation, and, leaving New York on appar-entl- the Central avenue bridge at Roches ter, N- - Y. Several me a rushed after her to prevent a possible murder and suicide. But they were too late. There wae a splash in tbs rapidly moving water of the raceway twenty feet below ant the woman with the child clasped to her breast, sank beneath the surface. The woman floated rapidly down the stream. The men who had run to the bridge below bad secured a long rake and drew her out of the water with It. As the men pulled her ou land she struggled for s moment to get away. She cried for her child and pleaded to be allowed to die. saying. My child! My child! Let me die! What have I done? Oh, where is my child?" The little one, however, was far out of reach. Its body has not yet been ed. The woman gave her name as Mr. Carrie Whalen, wife of Dankl In reply to Whalen, a shoemaker. questions, she said her husband could not afford to keep her and that she had determined to put an end to her own life and that of her baby. " reform, directed against abuses municipal or social. For the man who lets him. self be abused by a cough the cry should be modified to: Mend it, or it'll end you. Yon can mend any cough with Ayers Cherry Pectoral. be burned. Xt. I.uis Republic. prevent him from doing so she had him arrested. He wss tried In the poSTATE) OK OHIO. CITY OF TOLEDO, I.I'L'AS Olil NTV, ss. ll court and released upon payment J. Cheney nmkiHi us lb thst lie U of coats. As soon as he was liberated theFrank urn lor parnicr of the flmi of K. J. ciie-uehe repaired to his home, entering the ft Co., doing liiixinraa In I lie City of nnd Klule af.ircNnld. and back way, told hia wife be wanted to lulnlo. I Viuniy w111 '!. ,lrm Py diefur suiuwellof ONK pack hia trunk and would go away Ul'MJUl'Jj I (I il.l, AliS and of ralnrrh twee and never annoy her again. She con(hut cannot lx I use of bill's tin, by Cmarrli Cur. sented to this and did not speak to him FRANK J. CI1KNKY. l to before me and in again while he was packing up his be- niysworn tills Cili day uf When he had finished he A. ll.puma-ilelongings. lhUU. A. W. CI.KASUN, took the trunk down into the yard .iXwl) l'uldle. Ilall s Catarrh Cure In Notary laken Internally milne-rilm- a Slid Mots direetly on I 111 lAmil anil mucniia surfaces of the syaiein. Send fur free. K. J. CIIKXKY it CO., Toledo, O. Bold tiy limit id ion. 7.V. Denver Directory. IIAIM TiifHNaBi1 atramrthtHi rflUiai VMkMud f IMf I atriniongam. Ibomas ltU Amiwhif taimilin Work.- - OAc Albany HMi4 Hlocki ... VwlimhUMo ctffi Rjlibory Uaam Suicide. J. Bussey Long, a stockman of Plcas-antvHl- y. non-unio- ! 'n M fib io., ll.la lanraiMi la. MuT(y K U I Aft-- ml all kinds of Wl( rml Karor PQIIimilP Mall ardors rMlat allonUm UninUIIHl I .lodger Hr.,, Iiarlmni HuipHm, im Iurlmor St DENVeYbRUSH A iu.iiy auraiM hwd fr roulmruw P ERF ECT fItT N G SPECTACLES ujii 1'ri tHk. 1 turns Transit. Lrvi-ls- , sad Buppllaw . MIcrueropM C. E. BURLINGAME'S The Fasten! Traill In the West. Is the famous I'nluii 1a.lile Overland Limbed.' running every day In Hie yonr. leaving Iienw lllfii p. m arriving Oy.p.n 1:441 n, ni. In Colorado. UCI. Bomple by stall V am! Halt l.nki' t5 : ! p. m, fn)4ti Jug iIhj. anil Established cs press Bill recslvs prompt sod careful atteallow Kau I ram'lwu p. hi. mx'ihuI Huy nut of floorer. I'IiIh train nirrir thruiili luilinnii GOLD AND SILVER BULLION PhIjh? nIih'im'Px, I ii inn itliiiiitf enrg (nitwln 1a oam mill iln fnmiMm IninVi library ReSned, Miked ead Aeeeyed sr Pure hated. car. gultkii Him, lhnvir in rallfnrulM. ed I7U Uaraace 1L. KMVEL COLA lT orer nine li.nira. Ask iilnnit It at the tleket ofUce, U4L ITtli StM corner Curtis. THE COMPANY PAY YHE FREIGHT Tt Kni4i In their summon senof pulilli wrk oeanllwnsskln. WUf s t rock an Its! earn shift. Isiustuusalo oar ChHinH.ivI ili'pnr:iiiiut rHiiriiM of tin railway Rya , he yerlw. snrwbore a ll esa In teuM asssaeniinn rsa ai die eml of hi:. wliMi are so. he rue keele or jack cbttNint! n 4i kutftlm of Inn by rouuirifR M bleak. Ml mr cent. Is a follow: iSiTiiMUay. iHvupii the liri einwehl true aad atari sail will bead lhilrti; before breakup. Urer Ml fa ess. iniiihw mpkuf Kith om! with s25,i:k tiiUm; Uuia tlihM wlrii rtnua ran tune a years Btikeat esaMe maka horseSii.mise. 2U.225 milt, and (ir.iil Hiiuiu fonrih wiili ilk W XU fUE buuke at yrieaw 21,UU& uiika .SESS? ASSAY OFFICE 11 e, a. A Hall's Family Pills are the best. I hearil Tommy Jmnw wss sick Jimmy lime." Johnny-- 1 nearly all thniiigli wlisls worse, lie gm well Just Iu tlluu to (O to cllol." lnvtr. Btmlll fn hitW, TKNCIIA uik. re-co- ct I has been the rallying cry of , Iowa, took his life In the Oxford hotel, Denver, the other morning To guard some treasure deeply down because In some mysterious manner, May be their bounden duty. To And the jewel in the clay yet unknown to the police, he was robbed of $3,000. He registered at the There must be constant labor; hotel In the morning, and after a visit Tls by a hasty glance we may to the stock yards returned to hia room, Misjudge a worthy neighbor. wrote two telegrams, and, placing a Journal. receiver In his mouth, sent a bullet Trusts suit Corporations. through his brain. Death was InstanLabor Its Own Frotertor. taneous. One of the telegrams was to During the campaign Just closed much has been said about trusts and Firm establishment Is being given Ir the National Bank of the Republic, the doctrine that all species of labex Chicago, stating that three drafts. Nos. corporations, and, aside from the extravagance into which the political are honorable labor of the hand as 42,740, 42,741 and 42,739, for $1,000 each, orator is pretty certain to plunge, well aa the head. It is only by labor payable to J. B. Long, from the Citithere can be nc doubt that this ques- of some kind that we are enabled to zens National bank of Pleasantvllle, tion Is one which should receive the live, says the Trades Unionist. Iowa, had been stolen from him, and Encareful and earnest attention of the lightenment and organization of the not to honor them. Ed Wright of American people. It accomplishes lit- masses f those who labor for the betPliasanlville, Iowa, was also notified of tle good, perhaps, to raise such an Issue terment of their present conditions is the theft. In a letter to Samuel Eclt-e- r he directed that hia remains be during the heat of a presidential cam- certainly as holy as the organization of paign, when the orator's only object Is a mass under a specified creed for a sent to Monroe, Iowa, for Interment, to make a hit with his audience. The reward of benefits on an uncertain in care of the Masonic lodge there. hereafter. We breathe because It is The manner in which Long was robbed subject deserves thoughtful consideration and Investigation such an in- a necessity. We are here, and use our la most mysterious. He was In the quiry as will enable us to distinguish natural facilities for maintaining life, city but n few hours and could scarceclearly between right and wrong, and from necessity. Single-hande- d none ly have had time to more than visit uch aa will lead to such action aa will of us could answer fully the demands tVi stock yards and return to his hotel result In the greatest good to the great- of necessity. Man Is a social creature. w he did. The letters and telegrams est number. were sent to the hotel ofllre by a hell Hud leans to his fellows for assistance -In discussing this uhject It should and to assist. boy. The clerk, on reading them, sumHis happiness dehe borne In mind that there is a vast pends largely upon mutuality of feelmoned an o Ulcer, who was hurrying difference between trusts and corporaing anil interest. Selfishness Is forced through the hall to Investigate, when tions. Trusts are illegal in Illinois; to give way, in a measure, to the selfthe report of a revolver was heard, and yet they abound as plentifully under ishness of his fellow, and sty ess In when the door of the room was broken the democratic administration of Illi- the struggle for the necessities Is only in n few moments later Long was a nois as they do under the re- obtained by concession and community corpse. Labor's warranty of sepublican administration of Ohio. The of action. trust is an uulawful and soulless com- curity lies not in individual effort-- in Killed Ileno f for Lavs. bination that has no respect for the selfish seclusion but in unity, harMrs. Amy Anna Price, widow of Billy of the the of exigencies law, majesty mony ami fraternity. Labor can find political parties or the rights of private no power of protection beyond the lim-ii- s Price, once manager of a theater at Los Angeles, committed suicide the citizens. The political ethics of the of its own coniines. The only help other night by shooting no herself are in a trust way managers cf within its reach is within itself. through the heart at the home of her complicated and consist simply of a sister, Mrs.' Carrie Clausen. Philadel-puidetermination to strengthen and iro-te(ieneral I.ulior anil I ml mortal. Mrs. Prices husband died five the trust at all hazards; ii matters Chattai'ooga hasn't an idle union or six years ago, but for some time belittle which political parly Is benefited fore his death the couple had not lived or Injured by the operation. The rights molder. Toledo city council has ordered all together. It is said that Mrs. Price of the individual citizen are too trilling to be deserving of consideration. The municipal printing to bear the union was engaged to marry a business man of New York city, that her fiance died trusts are unquestionably the greatest ialicl. The Chicago Shirtmakers' union, recently, and that stricken with grief evil which confronts America - composed wholly of women, has adoptshe resolved to kill herself. Who her They threaten the liberties of the neoed a new label. lover was and where he lived in that -' subverdefiance and their through pie New Zealand government penThe have not been made known. Mrs. means city of the law. By great the of eion wealth at their command they are en- sions every worker who has arrived at Price was 29 years old and a beautiful C5 If he has worked twenty-on- e woman. She arrived in New York abled to purchase an immunity from the age of in the about live years colony. years ago and began doing which them places legal penalties Street car mail service went into newspaper . work. She had previously above and beyond the law. They arc in San Francisco a few days written for Chicago and Boston papers, virtually a law unto themselves, not- operaHod who obstruct the tracks and for a time she earned a good living. Teamsters ago. In no are way withstanding that they to a fine of $100. essential to the lawful unil healthful are subject The city charter of St. Louis Is being prosecution of commercial or industrial revised, end unionists demand that enterprises. clauses be inserted making seven hours On the other hand, so long as we dea legal work day and that only union pend upon private capital to build raillabor lie employed. so will the long roads or like works, The lookout that has existed at the corporation he a necessity to our comIlrfild cigar factory for several w ?ks All extensive life. enterprises i mercial been settled, and tomorrow the are made possible Ly an organization of has n hands will walk out and tlist and organization capitalists; out uuionMs walk In. locked the a of This corporation. takes the shape j The Ironniolilera' union of North Is a perfectly legitimate pruceedlns. America has increased iis membership like arc Individuals, But corporations, 7,000 since July, lS!i.. This gratifying prone to exceed the law in the endeavexhibit is credited to the adoption of or to acquire wealth and power. They a system of higher dues. and the pay-- 1 like but individuals watched should he ment of benefits. not crushed. E. people who sell newspapers In the streets of Moscow are compelled to ap-- ! Hatties unit Sham list llr peiir in uniform. MRS. AMY PRICE. Members of the Order of BrotherRecently, at a public gathering a Two lioroniotlve yean ago she boarded with a Mrs. Engineers, Brothman who, although a member o i his hood of at UH5 West Fortieth street. of Firemen Davis, erhood and knowllittle trade organization, having Mrs. Davis moved to BrookKail June of Last herliood reTrainmen Urol way trade-unio- n movement, and edge of the in and around Sudbury, Pa., lyn and Mrs. Price took apartments siding to either Ha proeiSichuicy ill less faith Mrs. the Mary M. Packer eiscwhere. About six months tect or advance the Interests of the have presented or that city with a $200 ambu-- : Price wrote to her sister In Philadelhospital as is he to a committed wageworker, in cash. phia that she had become engaged to school of economics which believes lance nnd $39.79 a young business man In New York. Is lie to or wage-earneffort mndo An likely the by that the condition Iu other letters she told Mrs. Clausen must become much wot sc before it can rieveland. O.. manufacturers and to discriminate against the that her (lance had furnished a flat that one of our St all Improve. muons was cheap IiiiiiNt products which have and made arrangements to take her foremost Internal Inna there as soon as they were married. backward because it refused to dcrlurc been shipped into the city during tin Several days ago Mrs. Clausen got a I'niim rewill mode of to hia peculiar cerpenicrs past years. Its allegiance Mrs. Price telling her that from letter fanfuse to bundle any goods unless they reasoning and his more fiance was 111. Mrs. Price seemed her iu ma'iiufaciured Clcvilain! were mlllc. to which trade the that fae: tasy. The mil ss Hie work was done despondent, nnd when, several days or, at he belongs is comparatively unorganago. Mrs. Clausen received a telegram mechanics in the receiving the union seal wage the by that prevailing ized; announcing the young mans death, she of conthe wages. trade are of tho lowest; that er or End it, y CHARLES JAENEKE. cleu-hs- . i Mend it UNFORTUNATES NOT BRAVE Friday afternoon, arrived In Philadelphia at 6 o'clock and went straight ENOUGH TO LIVE. to her sisters house. She retired to Children enjoy it and it them. her room, and an hour later Mrs. Ulau-se-n The true remedy. Syrup of Figs, is man(OKI SENSATIONAL MKTHES heard a pistol shot, and, running ufactured by tiie California Fig Syrup or LATE. up staini. found her sister dead. Mr. Company only. Price left a letter. In which she said ltalibiis Cause HipUiIierls. that she had nothing to lire for, now Tries Ilia With Her Delia la Wobu lmve caused aa epidemic of Rabbit I'hlltl Lost, Mather Waved - Died la that her lover was dead. " in the eastern part of tills diphtheria Is she wrote, My heart broken, Self county, that has spread id Hows, Iowa Spile Ilia Wife Kubkerj (iu "nnd I do not care to live uuy longer. Falls, Jewell Junction and Alih-n- . No Devlin stlua. less than a dozen deaths Lave lieeii reDIm to Spits Ills Wife. ported. For tiie last lire years diphWOMAN about 85 Charles Jueueke committed suicide In theria has broken out niiiiually iu the Immediate of Tybllura Luthyearn old, carrying SL Louis the other night by shooting eran ehurcli,vicinity which is used as a school an infant himself the heart In the from building. A large uuiiilmr of rabbits about 9 yard of through bis home at 1315 Dillon street. have been making their home In thut In old her months the day building for a long time, and the phyJaeneke wae arrested , arms, the other by Sergeant Burnes on during a charge of dis- sicians have reached the conclusion ii.it climbed morning turbing the peace of his wife. He that the little animals Lave planted the over the railing on threatened her with death and told her germs of the ilisonse which spread the north side of be Intended to commit suicide, and to among the eliildreii. The ehureh will s and went for a wagon, fn which the I will never trunk was removed. bother you again, he repeated, as be To thr I'acillr Cnant left about noon. That was the last Two through train, dully via the I'nlon she saw of him alive. That night at Pacific, lliroiigh Hlifperu. mill milk7:45 oclock, while she wae sewing In ing fromcurrying nix lo rflixdi Inniru iiuleki'Kt time Iu weutern prlnelpul seccnd-storpulnlu. y of room her hack the llluorsled Suit I like, llnlle. Helens, Ionluiiil, and mi up Head home, a single shot was heard. There Run Frunrtwn. guenillieiilo, eie. Auk shout WHIM CO.. UUCumsm.Usa-wIs an arc light almost in front of the them si Ml 17th Kl corner Curtlu. house, anil, glancing out of a front "Ttirro's no doubt In my niHid thut old wii dow Mrs. Jaeneke saw her husband ItmikHiiN'k Hiunds hi morial terror of hlu wife. Wlinl bus brought you to Hull lying dead on the little lawn, half way He employe s young man su bis betweca the house and the front fence. typewriter. llg-ile- Remorse Made Her Wlah to Dla. einralnr te THff w Tie Best Tateiwol Ctal- In tho WORLD I Did You Kerr Rea so Indian? t Expect nut, so ucudr s ulanip to the Ueneral lhuwciigi-- A gout Colorado Midland railroad, Denver, and he will ueiol full t Ana colored pleluro of one. iwo-ceu- Remorse caused Mrs. Jennie Jcnea, who conducts a rooming-hous- e in St. Louis, to take her life last week. She swallowed a quantity of morphine. She le a widow, her husband, John Jones, having been hanged at Murphys-hor111., last May for the murder of an A old woman at the fair grounds. dispute about some' wages led td the murder, Jones kicking her to death. 7i was arrested and while In J'il made hie escape. While Jones was in jail Mrs. Jones and her little girl removed to St. Louis. Jones, after hie escape, heard that his wife was living with another man and he went there to investigate and to secure his child. His wife informed the police who he was and as a result he was arrested, taken back to Anna anil hanged for his crime. Since then the woman has her bitterly regretted her treachery to 'Rehusband anil she took to drink. morse finally led her to attempt suicide. o, Knocked Nenaelcm h.T Falling Birds. Game killed In full flight hns a mo- mentum that rarrles it a long wry sometimes. The Igindnn Field relat-- e several Instancee where the birds ha-- e bit the sportsmen. In one case Geore Mouners was shooting in tho woods of Long Island, when a grouse, driven by beaters, rame flying along fast and high up. He shot at it, anil then, with the other barrel, fired at another bir 1. Just as he was about lowering his guh, after the second shot, he received a Mow on the head that knocked him senseless.. The grouse first hit had tumbled against Jils head. The Badminton volume on shooting was tells how the late Charles knocked out of the buttery by a grouse he had shot. A strong hat probably saved him from seriuus injury. American hunters have had similar experiences. A man was riding along iu a wagon some time ago, according to Forest and Stream, when snuii-thinbit him on tho head with force enough to make him dizzy. An uuwuuuded partridge flying through tho woods hud hit him fair. Why tho bird (id nut turn aside, is us much a mystery aa tne fact that partridges sometimes lly against lieuse sides and are ki'led iu so doing. A Thrilling Experience. Four l'hiiadi-lphiriggers ruuvully Tiu-bad a thrilling exper.cucu. were at work on a new standpipe at t'.u Bristol waterworks, when the scaffold gave way. leaving them imprisoned ou the top of tho pipe, one hundred and forty feet in the air. One of the riggers, incrn daring than bis companion', slid down a small rope and reached tL-ground in safety, but the oilier threa There they were afraid to venture. When dinner lime sAt for hours. enme, tl.eir pails were sent up to them by meun.' in' u pulley ntiachcd to the had rope by which their romp-unioami they iiiude a meal under circumstances which would tako awxy tno appetite of an ordinary mortal. It was not until nearly dark that a blork and tackle could In Httachcil to the rim cf the pipe, and then the worktner their perilous wet" lowered fronr Tho Qnlrkeel Train lo I nllfornla. Tiie fmiunie Inlon ln'-ltlliver In ml Limited. Tiie IliieHt, fiiHlenl. and i nniiiicd I train on of Deliver, currying lliroiigh sleeper. dining i ur. nmi the elegiintly unpointed buffet library and cure, all lighted i with I'lntKcn light, anil by eieimi. Cull at t'lilon I'Heine ticket oillee, 1H1 17lll St., corner Curtlu, fur information, rule, Urns la Idea, etc. Mm-kln- tn-i- (! - The FISH lill ND Sl.ll.'Ztlt la warrentrd watsr-isxxiand will krrp yoe dry Iu (lie hantrst slurm. SLI XEK Iaaprr1rrtrMHicoi)at.and overs ilw emirs ssdilU). Uewsrsuf Hellslluii. Dnal kisli HrsniV Is nut ea ll. I Do Ora-lo- t Isur a mat If II I'aMheiiir five. A. 1. TIlWKS. Brahm. Mura. PIT stopped free nnd prrmenenlly rurml. u . . fier ilri day's us of lr. KIlHee UrMi ''Hiiulwnil. I llihik Mr. iVuule I very lleatnrer. and irrsiifc-- . Krr fl trial much In lore wiili our Clara. oeiul u Uu. Kusu, ail Arab ei.. J'lubulrlpaia, Vo. Ilaa he her be .Vo, but stole her lo pnHMd photograph liken at throe weeks out of FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICIL the family album." or Don't Feol .me I dust LIVER "WSSP Thins lo ass. are Mva. Winslow's Rooming hyrap Porelulilreu (asthma softens I line inns, red ur.-- inflain nation, allays psiu. cur win.) roije. Zkrenisa hoiilr, ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Mind this. . esc. el Drusauns Salopian oiaileE fro. Beiinka Med. C. I'Ula. i'o. Ihe Acme Lamp Store I know thut my life w:i riivih by Ilao' Curs for ConKimiptloii. John A. Miller, Au Kulde. Mlclilgiiu, April 21. IMIS. MfVIY(tU PILLS Ilia One What do you liileud In git your IiiikIiuiuI I can't ni.ike up for u Hlirhiliim glftt" lo give him lai-- e curl.-thi-, my mind wla-lhe- r or s drawing a ilhiner m-- l, new rouui clock.. VWIi do yon worry no alnuit rnlnniitJe Tiisl's list 'ler all may never Imppeii?' l.rnfk; If I worry ' alnoil them they are hiipiHU. Wall," a IsJV room at a coal of 3 cents per day and not ailed the light. Delivered ea receipt sf 41, ACME COHPANY Till warm your . Boston, Mass 33 Ventlell St. awiM It makes no diffncnce, Chronic, Acute, or Inflammatory of the Muscles, Joints, nnd Bones is cured by IRHEIMTISM Important Notice 1 Thu only giMiuinc Bakers Chocolate, a de- - ; celebrated for more than a century bever- licious, nutritious, and and Yel;ie, is put up in Blue Wrappers low Labels, lie sure that the Yellow 2 are on eve. 4 Label and our Trade-Mar- k 2 package. as llesh-fbrm- J ! in j V-- WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd ..Dorchester, Mass. ' A AJkdLf J it.. ei.A. IkAA A - f-- j par ok. & |