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Show WM-S1- WORLD. THE Kd even ion 1'uuklcy uni another tu gentleman, hose name I unknown to 7 iu. gu about p. us wore railed upon over to tt.er. I1.. Ry bridge at the tip hollow to nlrase a grrilliiuuu (ow from that place. nit apprars lliut tills mule number of tlie bovine sp 'fits at'.e null'd to cm Ilia bridge ly walking t'o ties but when about our third of the way over lie missed bis feaulng and fell in auch a waylhat had no: thnw genta come to thn reacua in time there would have been a eeilocs wreck oecui with the evening piNMUtfiT train, and In all pro1 babllly many Uvea would have tican lost Repahlic. It wasqui'.o ammlrg llis th r even-lu- g men to aea one of our bUNlnes kid" waa a inPtlillMonii1 monkeying" around the front of the and business man'aplacr of The anna himself In. very making youngster b gjnl ao for mercy that lie was dually allowed to paeans uninjiir-e- d inasmueiiu he promised never to be caught at such mcanm'se rgain. Thera for we supper lie will have just a mnehfun an ever in the future but lie and will not get will ba careful Last Tuctda Wither. Jos pur-m'ii- MARRY 1UIS GIRL, SOMEDODYl by In your psper women that and1 men several about have been very i'J?eesful selling flat irons and 1 concluded that I wou'ri see what a girl could da I have worked 12 days uni have sold 151 ai d hsva 21 H dollars after paying all with expe.'.rrs. Kverj body Is delighted the iron sod I sell one almost every place I fle-- It aa people tiling they can't afford to without me us they iav so much furl and t ine aud don't burn the clothe. 1 know I ean clear I hr. a bem resdluu aelf-li'-atl- jnri dollars a yeir. IIjw la A Guaduate. lHat for a girl. Sniendid, my girl splendid, you ara n ture American girl. Anyone can get complete Information about the self Iron by addressing J- - F. CASEY & Co, fit. Louis, Mo. it seems to ba a winner as everybody selling It writes In its praise. five Him g A DANDY WIND MILL. MAKE IT YOUR SKLF. nniiin caught" It i worth a dime tuqct a glimpse in thee unity jail now adaye as there I have a neighbor that m ide one of the People's Windmills, and 1 havo been watching It CiOely; it Is the host mill 1 have ever hr-1and anyone ean make one for less than flO. 1 am going in make two Immediately and dont aea why every farmer cannot have a wind mill when tie can make It lilmsalf for 0 little money. The mill Is durable, powerful and runs easily. Any person an got diagram 1 ami complete directtwo cent stamps to ions by stniiim; Francis Osey St. Louis, Mo, and any, icllvcman cun undoubtedly make mon--toy here puttin' these mlila np for oiheis. and 1 see no use of paying $50 or $G0 for mill w! an you cm make 0110 juft aa C(id for $10. A Bkotueb Faumeu. 1 Is within the conflucs i.f Its walla aud on exhibition. Occ ennyietad niurdei-e- r, one jrazy man, one man who bis been shot through tin legs with a ic volver, oue man who is confined breanse lio baa not t ha iieee ssary wherewith to putebase the iiirnCiirltH of life and last but uot least oue min Buffering f on liquor mania. A GREAT CHANCE TO MAKE HUNThat wrs a m 1a a t r.f Constable KY. Wren Wilkeuscf Irtvo in baring lib I want (n toll you of my wonderful arm and allow liq 50 pieces of ekin to Being a poor girl nnd needing bo taken therefrom to U planted on the lud v, I tii- - d the Dtahwasber money I r. Allen has the biisiiu-sssin- l ( rm of young Jolley. hsie cleared $200 every lonoruf Icing the physlrirn who Is reIt Is more tmu.i-- thau I evei had u:i 1 1 cant help tilling covering the Jolley toysarm. abu ut.Ufor j b.'lieve any parson cun do Absolutely pure, perfidy harmless, as wall as I have if they omy try. Dish and InTarlhiy reliable ara the qualities Wuehera sell on -- igtit; every lady want Dish W asher Co nf One Minnie Cougn Cura. It never one. The Muuud City St. Louia,Mu, will give y.m all neees falli In colds, croup aud lung troubles. ry instructions, so you can begin Children like It because It is pleasant w rk atonee. The Diet Washer docs to take and It helps them, Tiiou.Stkele spiendtd work yiu can wash aud dry Lhedishr iu two or three miuutoa & Co. without putting your hands In thn wat John Woolscy of Kaysyllle who haa eratatl. Try turn business auJ lit aa Luw you auceecd. been running the American Fcikcream know Euzabeth C. wro'ka returned Bry for the past tcu a he me, to Kay Mile Tfctday. THAT WONDERFUL CHURN! y Nin-res- y . y-- Agreatd-wlocomplaint la being made now adaye about petit ihlryery. A number of chlekene, turkeys etc. have disappeared. W.F.. Duncan went to Lower Crossing Mouday cvcnlog for a six mouths sojourn. lie will manege While & Sons iherpbuslncw. W. J. Mmton goes way on a mission lilt week Word roars from all quarters that mn-- t the urn trill ealisfacinry dye for coloring beard a trow nr blscK 11 for tlm Wb'skvrs. Buckingham's f M-- Ic 11 Xmas and New Year's excursion. . . The Union frclflc makes a rale for tie round trip in the sal cf exe union tickets at all polnte In Utah, Malm. Wyoming, Crtuiiu util llumiugluu Oregon to uny point within each nwpec live state and to any poiut on the Union Pacific within a radius of 250 rollra of selling poiut, alio on Sun Pete Valley railway, on account of Christ mas and Kew Year's Holidays. Final Limit of tickets Jan. 4 1897. I want to add my tMtlmnay to the used the Lighting ft. urn It does all that la claimed for it; vjucud churn easily in one minute aud get a large percentage mure batter than with the common chares. 1 never tome the ageney for anything before bat so rnauy of niy neighbors wanted churua that I ordered 30 and they are ah gone. 1 think in a year veiy fanner will have a Lightning Churn iu tact they cant afford to be without onsas they make si much more butter and a good llitlo bit of money can ba mode In every town hlp aallin g bese ehuros. liy writing J. F. Ciaej Co Bt. Mo, you can get circulars and full particulars abjut the list i f i.h ae that have churn. A BlAPEB. A BRIGHT BOY WANTED, An a:tlve, reliable tnylnyoar town ean make bg money each wick as agent for PENNSYLVANIA GRIT, the great family newspaper. Complete No risk, Papers ara not for sola upon commission. Unsold ccpiee, if any, ara returnable- - AH done on Satnrday. now. Write 4.000 agents basiling quick before somebody gets ahead of Pubusui.no Compast yon. Gut Yiluauspuut TA. ! ba iurreaseil The uumenua cures of rheumatism Its danger'. The inajorily by the uis'sf the old standard bio d- Of peoitla die from Jung trouble- - TbrR.; purifier, Ayers Sirsjparlila, show may he averted by promptly using One that it is an effective remedy, Minute Congh Lire. Time. Stiele k Co. if cut Indeed he npecille, fur this most V. j,-- . i mr.K. uerlei it ia notannsul palafuiand perslstense of inaladiae. - u your family plijalclon to , ba away What has cured o' lieri will also cure e you fioin Louie, Snrli was the experii-of Mr. J. Y. Srlieueli editor of the Cad-dInd. Trr,. bduner when his little of aga was thrcataiud Kealy eruptions on the head, girl, twoyi-e. with r Ita hands and lips, cuts, brufs-M- , atUrk of scalds, that 1 go r bu ns r re My wife last-:-- d quickly curkd by Da Wilts ilia drrlii .Lni an our family physician wdf-uro- : a bRlla Witch Jiaxt'l Kolve. It la at prevent town 1 purnhe-K-lU'!ii--lf Ci.s'oberlain wuleli the article mrst used fur plle, and it . rellvol her finmcillslely. I will not be alwHja cures Tuoe. Steele A Co. wHIui'it it in the future. 25 and 50 '.t ni Unties for sals by Thus. Steels A NONE BUT AYER'S AT THE W0LRD.8 Co. FAIR, O. Is. TfnkfcsM ifr. ju etnas where dandruff scalp disnsa-e- s Aver Rarsaparllla the extrafalling ?.nd grayncas of Iba hair ap- ordinary disiine.tiiiii ofenjoys having been the not anglcet them, but apply only blood purifier allowed di pear, on exhibit ABlrtsd ms-- in foot I UilLk ao ons oh a proper rsmsdy and tonle Ilka Hall's at (he Worlds Fair, Chicago, Manufacmore trn-- Impure blood. Entry nlmfls or turers of other KarnupariHan sought by mHlkliii Sores lonintln-sHair Renewer, drslcli would .r-iud- liar. s of Kmir s Urn every means to obtain a showing of blood and un lisvs Oiorougiily purittsd That soft, rich, flossy sheen, ao mnch their goods but they were alt tnrned a- - mi lnUut's. I nsver fill mt skin is sn admired li hair ean be sminrad by the away under tns appllnatinn of a rule bstlsr. L. U Tihshsm, .Newlitll, CsUlurnU. 'he entry of patent medi-due- s use Of Ayer's Hair Vigor. All the as- - forbidding and i ostrums. Tlia ded iou of Istanca that nature requires to make the lYoilii's fair auilioriiim in favor of hair sirong, beauiifnl. and abun-tun- t It Ayera Sarsaparilla was in uff.;rt a the Hoods Pills arw prompt sad effidsu Is supplied by this excellent pro1 follows. Ayers Sarsaparilla Is uot a patent mediirino. It does uot belong to MAKl1 YOUR OWN LANTKKN, pargtion. tin: list of nostrums. It ia here on its Your home is insompleta without lf. merlti and tlie pries is within reach nf all. I ordered one for my own nscsud it was an handy and convenient I went to Arnica taking orders forfbem and wld 51 In It one day making' over f5 dear. It gives to go right the rest galyi in the world for ui be able white light rlilim -- va neve r a through from itauvor to Cuts, Bruifoa, Sores, Ulcers. Sal t break fnini ii.edt.lt Isnlwavseii'drand Omaiia CU'cugo, Kansas Rheum, Fever Tetter, Chapped ready. Kranc.ls Casey St Lsula, Mn SL lauita to eat w lieu City 13 two Chilblain will Benin asrnidu for Ilsnds, pent ;md all Skin to when ', wish sleep you smuke Eruptions, anl piMitiveiy eurci Piles, stamps write lor one. I got my start youfeel like il-l- o from him. strikes or rrj pay when ths notion Ills guaranteed GEOUiE It. rou to live as comfvrtably to uT ct s itlifa nlo i or money d give md fare aa aump'nously as if you were Iu ths finest ho cefuaded, Pilco 25 cents par box. tel ou the continent. fob sale nr Thomas Steele A. ,Co. Yet these are J wt-- tH ChemtheGbeat T.A. Slocum. V. thing! ths BnrlingtonWe Ohki-- s to send ist anp Scientist, tibu'ed Flyer offer. AKKLUTEI). TO TIIK i'HXK. Leaves Denver 9.50 p. m. Roitliu or nw new-- l three Arrives Omaiia 4.00 p. m. v iiibcoyyRKD remedArri.es Chicago8.20 a. m CON' TO CURS ies Arrives Kanaaa City 8X0 SUMPTION and p. m . alt. m;n; Arrives SI. Louis 7,19 r.. TliOUB m. ; jis. Tickets ai d timetables You leave Nothing conld he fairer, ir-moret on Triplication to any tickj)dcn nr wake r tliropl-'.urnrrv moTB juv Salt Lake Iu the evening et agent. M. t.ffr of T. A. t'imnii, C.,of than the and after break fast iug to l'lr.e itrei-t- , New York Uity. In the Miimptuuu-- i diulne W. F. McMillax, Genital Agent, 8alt Two ConCdenithiit he haa discovcnd an ears nf ths SANTA FE Lake. City, II Walker I dock. alsnlnte enre for consumption and all ROUTE, on the third ai d to make its pulmonary coipj-Ialntmorning, you arrive in MARRY THIS GIRL QUICK. Days great mer ta known, he will fei d. free, Chicago or St. Louia of new Slocum system three bottles (the in mason to attend to 13 In a AY I that siw year yenr crld (paper The medici res) Iu uny reader of bns'nejHor eormmt with Lost Via who. la suffering from cheat, thro t and oil boy made $1.25 the first hour ha nil fent truii.s for the Eosl. Soma nun Ph sail lung troubles nr Perfection Metal worked the Ha Invitee tlios desirous of obiaim recent I v t hat the :raek f Fe Santa L mrdered a I wick. sample nip the ATCHISON, TOPEKA !ng the remedies simply aand him Tip A SANTA FE railroad was their express and post) fiice addrtss, and went to wotk aud the firs, week I ar.d receive 1: iituru the tl rec free but1 cleared $10 the seumd week 1 cleared in such perfect condition ties. that the long distance rnn $15. lexpedr. to runup to $25 a week course of the Flyci1 Already this "new scientific on the cured in the near.fotnre, aa the Perfection To of melctna" haa permanently New York Central conld of appnreatiy tbonaands ba equaled if not exceed hopeless Metal Tip Lampwlek makes each a CMPSa beautiful white light and does away fd, by its 'magnificent He considers it his religious duty a with smokej ehlmneys and bad cdor Chicago trains. doty winch he owes in humanity to and saves J. 1). KENW0RTI1Y, oil, Jt ia easy to at 11: If yon donate ins Infallible cure. General Agent.' 13 cent two send wish luharaufi to stamps Offered freely, apart from ita C- - F. WARRBN.Trav. Fat. try it and to Miss A. M, FriUt 8tatlon A. Bt Look and Psea. Agt. Boom 411 strength, la enough to commend it, more so la tba perfect couudenca of the Mo, and ace will send you outDooly Block, mmpla St- - Louis great chemist making the offer. Sait Luke City. Ha haa proved consumption to be a fit this, is dfeeok way to maaa motley arnnnd home. curable disease beyond any doubt. There will ba no mistake In sending MissTinaW. the mistake will lain overlooking the Doctors' gencrona Invitation, l'a has DR. A. CHtHSTENSKN, ou file in hla American and Euiopean the Llppar Sjvad.tlia'.Farm laboratoriea thousands uf testimonials of ex perlenee from those cured, in all Father was aick and tbe nnrtzage on the farm was coming due, 1 saw in the parts of the world. Delays are dangcrona: mail yonr ad- Christian Ad vacate,Where Mias A. M. American Utah, Fork, dress to T. A. Slocum. M. C, 98 Pins Fritcof Kunlun 'A. St. Lnnls, Mo., a sample fompinatlon diprtreet, New York, and when writing would apna ths Doctor, please mention reading per for 18 two cent stunpa, and I or thla article in the American Fork (tared one. 1 saw t,'iu dipper conld be usd as a FOR GOOD PRINiNG World. jar filler; a plain dipper; a fl'.DN pt miner; a fuiinei; a strainer CALL AT The New Rock Spots Free To All. fannel, a airk room warming pan und a dlffereni These pint mra8ur. eight WORLD I read In the Christian StandMd that us s in Jit'S the dipper such a necaesary Miss A. M. Frits, .Station A, tit. Louis article iliat 1 went to work with It and Mo, would give an elegant plated hook It sells at very neat every huuEe. And spoon to anyone sending her ten ' two in four months 1 payoff the mortage, 1 ANDREW ADAMSON cent atsmpa. I sent for one and found think lean clear as mnch as $200 a showed Jt to my month. it is nserul that I If you need work yon can do friends, and made $13.00 In two hoars, well by gltlnq hU'.a trial. Miss A. M. taking orders for the spaon. The hook Frill, Station A. St Louis, Mo.; will ' S. Mineral spoon is a household nece.slty. It can-ou- t aand yon a sample fox 18gtwo cent U. Deputy vessel or dish the Ino cooking Le slip Btaiupsr-wrlat once. being held in the place by a hook on John G. N. Surveyor. the bank. The apeon la something and that housekeepers have beedt-- eveg since spoons were first Inrenitd. Anyr The Chicago, iMilwackea k 6k Pol By. NOTARY, PUBLIC. one ran get a sample spoon hr sending Many people nuacqaalnted with the ten 2 eent stamps to Miss Frits, ' Thin Utah. Anreicau Fork, is a way to make money around home. geography of tbe west Imagine that Mil wankee 8k and Chicago, 8, Very truly Panrare names need in the corporate D. Lewis titleof the railway owning the Short Lns between G Lingo and Omaha, tuey must go via tlie cltiaa of Mil wiinkee and St- - Pant to reach their Office hours, 2 to 5 P. M. deetioatlun lf it be Cbleago or east thereof, Thla is a mistaken IJoa. On American ForL Utah. a map the line running dlreetty east and west wou'il look like this. Omaha STEPHEN .WOODS. Chicago. V The further down hill the There la rothing more simple than sled goes the faster it speeds. that, anl it la lass than 500 mites beIf there is danger ahead stop tween Omaha and Chicago, Two 1 uy itylA mtuhetin tarKt(i. Ih at once, or soon you cannot. through trains daily In each direction SilcittlEg m m KwAait SL UTAH AMERICAN FORK. Young girls often lose flesh, with thr best Sleeping Car and Dinbecome very pale and weak; ing Car Service, and all tegular travelmerits of GO and can hardly continue their ers know und Hppreriata the SOUTH, HALF RATES. tbe Chisago, Mil waukre 4k St. Fan! school work. Then is the Rail wavs Short Line between the East via the T L i instil of life m .y a P P PH oa eh-ipg- t'-u- uii yr, (5 P 8 Boils at 99 w a s - S rtf b EASTI - Only 1 s on. : Route and DENTIST THE OFFICE County Surveyor Scotts Cwl-IU- o-.i . clg-lsml- b-- wayb help year U. Alvah s cq B o P c iH Uh 1 tl r ' Minute Cotih Cure, cures. t- One That l what I: war 'r. ma- The .Through Cure Consumption, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and ed 02 Hoods e3" Cures Salve. tJP 3 n Bucklen'e 1a c Once Think what means O B sof-Itrs- d l. B O y tLi-m- 1 fre-que- oa --1 f-- Jinliti traw-llngnir- op Pd cn-up- Ammunition ata Steel Dr. Msrilhfew, lVutint. Ii jou are in need of drutal work, call on me aud The wlfa of Mr. D. Robinson a promget my prices before goiug n where, inent lumberman of liartwick, . Y., and 1 will tave yonr teeth and save you wadelrk with thenmatism for firs money. Remember the place; Burton nicntL. In rtiakiiipfflt, HoMnsnn ioln Balm la the block, Fiist Finer, Main strei:', Lehl. says: ChamberJalaa her any rest from only thiug that gave In iiieiitionlng the names of the rab- pain. Fur the relief of pi ia it cannot oe best. Msny very bad cases ef bit bunteis lust week nur printer In rheumatism liuve been cured by It. For vome waycniilted ilienrme at Aiforxo side at 50 rents per bottle by Thus. ChlpniHD. He wes the chief mogul ol Steele & Co. the party and (lifer ves fa havo lisa Tie old lady was right when she bis name in big red letters. lie killed said ebild the might die If they waited 1 rabbits If our memory serves for the doctor, bhe saved the little us a rrcctly. ones life with a few dosses of Oue Min A marnrge liei use has been granted nt Cough Cure. She haa uaed It for to Jolia Oler of tbls pluee and croup before. Tncs. Strele A . Misa.Uliuora Meyer of IlctcrClty. Major C T. Plcton Is managrr of the F. J Noyes from Fioro has been State Hotel, at Deoiaon, Taxas, which a le one of the best In town ssrerul duys attending some of the hotels in the section. In speaking of bis special patient. Chamberlala Clie, uieiera aud Dla rrboes Remedy Major ltcton says: 1 Baker the photographer w id be back have used it myself and In my family to check downward Ibis week. lor erer-t- l years and take pleasurar In time saying that 1 nonstrisrit an infallible speed. A number or hnrsfs have been run cure fur diarrli-.ieand dysentery. 1 m Emulsion of Cod-liv- er Into the American Fork and Pleasant ilwsyn it, aud have ly ;i(luiinihteied it to my guests Grove Ksti ay poiibils during the past Oil, with Hypophos-phlte- s, in ths hotel, an t in every rasa it has week. proven iitclf worthy of unqualified acts as a brake to deFur sale by Ibus. btrtle & It takes Jee. Wild to hunt up the Co. clining life. The downward uwnes of lost animals. course ceases, and the climb Sobscrile for the World. The foilow'.ug amounts were expendupwards begins. At the top Excufc me" otMi-fkeihe man in ed by the chairman of tlie (oliMcwl parawaits a new lease of life. ties In thla county in the la;e ram epectatles, "but 1 am a vurgeon, and action brings prompt Prompt Is pilgn. Chalrmn Graham nf the re that nr t where t he liver Is." Never results. mlud where Vs is. liver retorts you publican party received rs5A0 and . f ivr 1 nna wii mamw 1 $585.59. Chairman Gash nf tlie the other. "If it was la hie bg toe o', in medical profmkin for twenty re. dwtor.l ' bxcaaee Ityetu al itf-LIUlhic Ie I Ea.l II Is Democratic parly received fli SI and hi left car D B alwai e unlfwiti alwa- - con Klatabla 0.1 aaa r it for hin. piMfllitMi Narwe;le:i expanded on o'd accounts, 4334 51 Ju ara wou'd reacii it . Ua tb t t can it P" : you ti ji br campaign of HO, $f54.75. p " no cri .,nd ai.i - i'mi. JL "A? ." 1 no- - SrnuAfo- I Ij cura or lr. zri in Oar Line PlCTOW Local Time Card In affect Ang. 18, 1895 Going North Bead up doing south Rinddown n CKpm Balt Lake City gJOpm Lehl JuneL 8:S8um 5:Bpm K:(3am T:Ulpm 8:Mniu 7:llpm Auierlcnn Fork g:Shiu S'.lSpin N:Uun T:irpiu PIcuKuut Orore 8:9un 5:IApin 8:(IOam 4:Sfipm IC'Juuui 7:(0pm Provo E. L. IXJMAX.Ataa. Pjm anil Ticket A tnt E. D1CKINON, Ui'iL Mgr , Omaha, Nebraaku Train nouth of Juab run dau: except Sunday Through Pullman Palace Slrepera lo Chiuairu without change. Improved Tour hi glee pern Eree reclining chair car. Elegant day eoachca The only Hue operating Dicing ear nervtee. amo i.isn tu ali. ths HHoarsKT ruiKra BAa-D. E. HURLEY, Oen, Agent Drill City Ticket Office, 2J1 Main bt., Sa-- t Lake Lilly t?. H. H. CimHK . oi.Lv-uw Mink, E. Ei.i.rhv anubsson, W Doans, I'ilEURlCK H. CONDIKT Keccivers rsr.,r Pa-ni- gcr u MRRTIN H AUBROSE, T0N80RIAL ARTIST and MAKER- WATCH - Hair Cuttinp' ti uxmmue Aanitu Itntagtalb rrt,7:ii Henry Lee Livery. Feed and Sale bles, Sta- Runs hacks to all trains- IIabbinqton Sr un Amkk BENJ. Fori: BATE?, American Fbri Wagon W9rks of all kinds Biggies and rep tired tu first class urder at prispstoaui the times. Wai-'on- s IliBBINcTOX ST, FORK AMERICAN Physician and Surgeon; Tonsorlal artist a-i- iba West. EAILKOAD. WAD AS II hUURh TIME irflCT east. IN No.2, ; DAiin. APRIL 20t1 1S90. WERT. 11:28 a. ii 4:19 p.n I 8:47 n, m. No. 6, 211 p. ni. No. 8, 5Ati p. .m. For maps, time tables and infer H0E13EEHE33 ESJ&IONS: Tickets D. C. Dodge, sf malign generally, call on or address Alex sold Noy..i7Ji. Dec. 1st. and Gen add' mgb with one round $2.00 the far trip I ( i : I, i mercial Agent, Sait Lak ed. At ONK WAY SETTLE R3 TICKETS: LccaL agent. grvutlv rmluced rates on aula ths first and I till'd Tuok'Uv of earli mo'i th.. WINTER TOl'UIST TICKETS: To ell tlie winter reeurte, i"w un sale, returning until June tat. 1897. For rites, Tima, rabies, ur further Imforniaitau call on INo.ol. No.i5, No. 7, 9X)2 a.n 8. II. Babcock, TBAmc.MG' F. A.Wadleic Gen pass ai lth. James Newton izent I Practical nenf writs O. N. Ctaytou X. B G-u- P. W. v ite, AND A. H. P.. No: Horse-sho- er r. . Hlaolksmitn. UTAh AMKRICANFORK. DeWittVs TN Little Harly Risers. fim-Hi- " III' pllli. 0c- nil. 1 w7 y f i ,'w I .f . i I . : 4 V |