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Show RVOW HITT. YITYYL'RV 1Ulilj I TRY- - remained of the Snowhill household. Is 1890 Sister Zenobah. originally EU both Fryock, and Obed Snowberger (Brother Obed) were all that remained, and now the sole occupant of the Is a watchman and his family. Itullif '1 tiurllun Those familiar wliii -e of Florida are await- of i.u- tan that the rubber trim la luiliKriinua linv mi l gtvw la u:li uf a Hue uu IhiiIi ruaai Sreat prufualou weal friiin Niw Smyiii.i. Muuy large trees grow on tbe emit count, there being two one at llr. uiunuri-bplace, alMiut ala tulles auutb of ami another nit Will Laueliarl'a place at Lake Wurth. To the unlives number of Immense rtililicr trees are known, but, aa their usefulness has not yet developed here, they are very Utile noticed. Ua the west coast the trees are abundantly prominent, and are an oien hid fur Ihe people of our state to Investigate their value. At thia time, when the people are looking for new avenues In natural products of the soil to replace lbs orange culture, It would be reaenuahle to euppuee that they would utilise the wild rublier tree. In any of the keya along ilia coast one could find a rubber plantation or estate In aa advanced tage of growth. Florida Cltlsen. QUEER NAMES. Indians Woud of Tni-hlu- nomana to Their - Enltak Ctrp (). URY There Isn't a great deal of funny read, lng In the Blue Book, which tells all about what everybody gets who worki for Uncle Sam, be hla or her station A Cartons Community in Fannaylvnnla A MAN OP NERVE. s what It may, but there Is a little. of Vhleb tbo Lut M amber Ilad In seems li It than funnier it really Deads Him of Haffalo Kntltls ntlsnn November Property Sold to Ua on account bt Its environments, but it tm thu Championship. Worth Half a Million. does seem a trifle ridiculous to read Is A man with a chronicle of Where born, THE RECORD OF spectacles got on a car the other mornURINQ the last ing. He had a paper In his hand. He where appointed from, where employed the name of Grover Yellow week in November, took off his glasses and wiped them, salary," 1895, Obed SnowBoy." as all spectacled men have to do when This distinguished namesake of the berger, the last of going from a cold to a warmer atmosthe monks of the phere, and was Just taking his paper president Is drawing wages from Un-- . religious commun- out to read, when a man who was sit- cle Sam and has to sign the pay roll-- or The Hack of Gibraltar did last year at any rate along with la not steadier than a ity known as the ting near him reached over and said: liberated from THE DENVER TENT Gro- tbo aharklea of chills system Snow Hill Nunand fever, bilious reAND AWNING CO. Lend me that newspaper, will you? another Indian policeman named or mittent h dumb Ilostettere ague by PtOCIUT rATUT Itf UUI nery, near WaynesUlttera. a perfect antidote to malarial man appeared sur- ver Mountain Sheep. The 1T2 Lawrence st. Political names are not common, but polaon In air or water. It la alao an unexboro, Pa., died, and prised. Evidently he did not know the remedy for billoua, rheumatic or kidthe papers through- would-b- e borrower, and was a little they do get on the rolls. Witness, ampled ney complaints, dyspepsia and nervousness. It Imnrovea appetite and aleep and haatena MITER ELBE PBilTa. out the state taken aback by his nerve. He was equal Hoke Red Thunder. This is a direct convalescence. and nouneed that the property belonging to to the from bid for the great sympathy I KKKK GOLD Stork, klarve oue CKIPI'I-occasion, however. Dividend payers only; prospectus free. Vi the community, valued at more than profit; John Burne proposes to have a law pa "I was going to read It myself," be good secretary of the Interior.' Bursa iuv.Co. Bankers A llruiirt, KM ttith, Denver Most of the first names are by parllument maklng.lt compulsory for 1500,000, woud revert to the state of said, but as you seem to need to read to a domestic charservants ployera ACHIMlsr Bepelre ef MlKIiKk PRIXnNO give and they are to the true namei acter on dlainlasal. Lawa to that effect Pennsylvania, but it seems now that newspapers more than I do. Ill lend Machinery, eta Pipe threading and outing, K such is not the case. The Seventh Day It to of the Indians as a plug hat upon have long been In force la France and Gerilitilm Berk A liani-1-. Ult-l- l U.i ik you." many. ! to Thrice Dismounts Belvldere. whom the community at eod Working MarhlnrT (aaeand Baptists, The borrower took It without even Apollo MINING and of all kini.alotigbt and Mild. & land)IfoSlawreuee. Snow Hill belongs, are particularly a story Market B. faaciituei Ca saying Thank you. The spectacled one mans name. That tells Btorkmsn's laddies end Harness, the strong In northern Kentucky, southern man leaned back with an expression of how when a little boy came Into fe Hmlla Manufactured by tbe old, reaponelblo firm ef Mum PIANOS AND ORGANS E'lntch A Bach. Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania. of amused world, and with the first thin, sharp disgust, HERMANN II. IIEISER. Arapahna Catalufue fro. Anight Mimic LAi., newthe he uttered Quite a number of members belond to getting squall 1528 and 80 Blake Street, Denver, Cola Say," he said; would you like to Cfllra, more Abany the society at Snow Hill, and a move- have that paper sent to you regularly? found air out of hla lungs to get Are unsurpassed In quality. Parties In need STATE ORE Denver. Porkat mailed Ink ment has begun ' looking toward a re- If you would, Ill step Into the office in, and so keep up this process by day of 8addleo trainable to am and Ilarness goods, will find the above firm prompt and reliable In every reFuneral Dealgua, Deeore-- I organization of the monastery, a branch and pay for a year's subscription for and night until the world ended for spect. Prices are tbe lowest In the state, tinea, etc. Ci rrrapoad-neteof the once famous monastery at Eph-rat- you.' him, the father stepped out of the , quality of goods considered. Bend for their i I'lnrint, oa tan m. in. an new Catalogue. horen off his a man saw and he Pa. The idea la to draw recruits get pee said the are A Material. Tie Hoof kind, very Why, you Friends of Fltabugh Lee, tbe new from all the existing societies by means other. Painted and keimlri I usually borrow it, but I wo"d three times. One wonders what was to declare that be com- lie ur y Liner Ate., Aiaiehoe Bk Telt of religious revivals, to be begun not object to having It given to me.1 up. Was he thrown off? What was he pounded theCuba, first real mint Julep that Preswent ident STENCILS, was what ever Cleveland That drank. 'I thought not, said the spectacled about. Anyhow? shortly. The original community was lien. Kuv'ty lie Into of man's fathrr. mind ML the P. this U. Bo A In wftw MM 1795. ork Mfg. Co.. Catherine Snow- man. By the way, have you any tickets organized Hull's Cara Catarrh wondered at It and bo named the child berger bought the tract of land In 17G3. for the theater tonight? TRUSSES- - CRUTCHESKWK near Is taken Internally. Price, 75c. It had then a farmhouse and contained I seldom go for the first thing he saw. 'No, was the reply. LaUblirbed 1K74 k Janie. IMS Cum tln-eon hov to tack all But It 130 acres. cheapens The whole valley was In- to theaters. Mountaineer. Yon won't csA-- an. habited by Baptists, most of them of the I was sure of It. Ill step In and before tbe name the handle William. In that bmnk; there arc , Huh there. PAPER BOXES 14th and Arapahoe Seventh "bay branchTto "which wet buy aVoupTe of 'orchestra Kata for you Henry Look for Horses Is another such iVrWddenrll,TtlC PU P Envelops and lioa Mfg. Co., 1b So Comes name. Out, Ivan Star Catharine belonged. Thirty-tw- o DENVER MUSIC CO. Muein tuf Memcal years If you like. - All Fit stopped Itfprehy jrj K line Oml Oooda. Where got he that Ivan? So is Jar.ios Nerve " f ITSllnliiitr. later Peter Lehman, a German Baptist tiatauiue f ee. CliRinp Mtreek Why, Im sure after the Umuay-- ax, ha TnalMinil Itiqal Mllvlm hM ti Oh, dont mention It. And while Clinches and John Crazy Dog. But Barvrlmikc-umpreacher, came to the southern part of ilttiMi. bend to Dr. Kliue.KilArtikM., Flout, SECOND HAND MACHINERY Km Franklin county, held a revival meet- I think of it, cant I order a couple of what Is William Walks Under Ground? ENGINES, llOILEKtf. IlOlriTKKS. STAMP einAbt er eald wlf came riih A How mole? "Ef by arglflc Chips Geoffrye min, 7" idea of tons for coal and started the you which had ing, 1'UMI'M. KTfl MILLS. HUNTINGTONS, EImmi, "you done git de wait ob It, on Carle man eastern MACHINERY DENVER MINING his first name? And vhat been so successful at Ephrata. Two Im about out " If yoh argiee wlf er foul you done wee'e T1IB 1723 WAZKE DENVER. STREET. CO., aa else time of will unthink yoh chips anything years later four women, all Snowberg-er- s, Exactly. Your grocery bill la took the vows, and when others paid, too, isn't It? I'll go around and than what an ax would cut from a piece If the Baby le Catting Teeth, E. E. BURLINGAMES of wood. Plainsmen will smile a little Be ui and nee that old and Joined from time to time the society settle it for you tonight. remedy. WmsLOW' ChULnn muuthimo Krnur for Teething. at that notion. I really don't understand, air became flourishing. ASSAY OFFICE Until 1825 the I a of tells Thunder! Poor Brian That Do won't course But Crluieunbenk know of dont. No, 1'urkerton, the Established In Colorado, IMS. Sample by mall oi you you property was owned by Catharine Yeant lee, he llvoii within receive prompt end careful alteotloa In that year it you accompany me to the tailors and storm muttering In the west when this Snowberger's heirs. of ne. "Well, you luuat be a fright- fipre will ? was the and father me thought fully bud ebot. born, boy was sold to five trustees by Andrew let buy you a new suit of clothes GOLD AND SILVER BULLION By this time the sponger began to the rumble a tame affair. There are Refined, Melted end Auayed er Purrhued. .Snowberger, Catharines nephew, and I believe my prompt nee of IMao'i Cure aee the drift of the conversation. plenty of men named Ltghtfoot, and prevented qiift-state the chartered The Seventh Day Mr. Lucy Addra. I7M and 1738 Lawrmc 8U DENVER, COUk cuuaiiniptlnn. "You're trying to guy me, he said, one man calls himself James C. Light- Wallace, Marquette, Kan., Dec. 12, 181)3. Baptiste' Monastical Society of Snow a feeble attempt at a smile. with ning. FOR Hill, which then began a vigorous Yonng Duff I never talk about thing Some off If don't die all man. I not "Not said do at day they the ' understand, all, thit spectacled sexes life. Both were admitted, and the J? p,an-iw',s7.l- e must be mi it retlci uuul UISII Ml ADUellhCllslfi, IdliUidltlPlilDtV, Pfifil farmhouse being found insufficient for I belong to a philanthropic society, these names once fixed will be as hon- you the city. Umiimi r Rail 1ML UOnAMtOg Phlla the growing numbers, the original and am trying to live up to Its leading orable as that of the man who once kept hogs and whose descendants now building was from time to time en- principle. are rhther proud that their name la la What its leading principle? ae new were Industries Then, larged. to get down to cases all In should Howard, or dead heats That begun, shops were erected all over the New York bonea of the the themto be thing. rope given enough hang For many years the average place. Press. If to I'm selves, beginning possible. , nun-of at number the persona living though, whether It's possible, in nery was fifty, the men seldom exceed- doubt,case. ABYSSINIA. your' ing tbe weaker eex In number. Any The sponge threw down the paper Fact A boat tho Country In Which the Seven Day Baptist In good standing was and retired to the cold comer of the Italian FdL or was he she eligible, provided willing The chief exports are gold. Ivory, to come out from the world and be sep- car nearest the door. Buffalo Express. slaves, coffee, butter, honey and wax. arate; to give up all wordly goods to A NEW MAN. Abyssinia Is a very mountainous the society, and to live a life of celibThe vows were not necessarily Unfortunately He Doe Not Seem to Be country. Many of the peaks are always acy. covered with snow. for life, but very few of those who ena Changed Han. The literature of Abyssinia amounts tered ever returned to the world. No Here Is a yarn that MaJ. Kelfer, of SL, to little. What, there Is deals with one having a husband or wife living Paul, Indulged In the other day: was admitted, but widows and widow-erI had a friend named Rudolph," said religious matter. The country Is so situated that the might become members. All new the major. He was as clever a fellow comers were obliged to serve a novitiate as ever lived, but he was too fond of climate Is one of the most salubrious of one year, after which, if satisfactory, the flowing bowl, which made him do on the face of the globe. The area of the country is about 200,-0they were admitted to full membership many indiscreet things and undername. Those a new square miles. Its Inhabitants numwho, received and mine his usefulness as a good cltlsen. at the close of their probationary peri I used to expostulate with Rudolph. ber a little over 4,000,000. Adowa, where the Italians met deod or even having been for years mem Ah, me, nobody knows the impressive is the second city In Abyssinia, to desired feat, of the community, bers language I poured Into Rudolph's ears, about 7,000 Inhabitants. were more the of or Bee having world, marry but it passed In at one ear and, not & CO., Limited, Dorchester, Mass. The people are mostly agriculturists. free to leave and carry with them meeting with any serious obstruction, iron but cloth, parchment, Cotton, leather, everything they had brought In, it passed out of the other. and brass are manufactured. nothing they had acquired while memYet, one day I had hopes. Dear me, The majority of the Inhabitants of bers of the order, The sisters occupied I thought I had made an Impression on themselves with spinning, cooking, Rudolph's flighty heart, and converted Abyssinia are of the Caucasian race and Secondary or Tertiary Bloofi Primary, Polaon permanently rured In IS l W weaving, dairy work, and the gathering him from a too partial regard for the are well formed and handsome. You can be treated at borne for the Kama The language of the religion and literkayo. under of herbs for their own use, while the nectar to a sober contemplation of his tame guarauly. If you pnti-- r to prfoa which is the of Gcez, the ature to stock raising, utter uselessness. Yes, he promised country brothers attended coma here we will contract to pay railroad tare and hotel bill, A SPECIALT and no charge. It we fall to cure. If you hare taken mercury, For variety's to make a new man of himself and belongs to the Ethloplc class of farming and milling. and patna, and hva IB lodiddpotaali, 13 aXIIOIflon V mouth.of More sake, it was the custom to change off. cease from troubling the tap room with fflueoaa Patches fn Throat, the body. Hair or nny part Spoia, I'leera Plmpiee, Copper Colored According to the Abysslnians the That Is, the sisters who cooked one his presence. oat, it la thla II LOO D 101 hON that we and guarantee to falling Kyebrowa of Sheba was their ruler and raaee week made butter the next, and likequeen moat ure. We nolicit tho challenge RV a was rejolce-fstill with I Th'n dleaa glowing D w I a ITlCrure. for are ran world Ih from her son Menelek their kings wise the millers of one seven days ISMMXM capital moat hma eminent Rutho baflled of eltlll of for the alwayo phyelelaua. thanksgiving spirit descended. Idleness behind our unconditional guaranty. A bool u to proola aent ended on application. tended sheep the following. when, chancing to which came from the Addreaa COOK RE3IHDY INK, Galla The race, was not permitted, neither was over dolph's reformation, enter this same tap room, there I beCOOK REMEDY SOT Xlaaonl Temple, CHICAGO, ILL. constitutes a large part of the work, and wholesome food In abund- held sack with as south, his gorging Rudolph, turbufierce and are ance made the life of the monastics anymuch gusto as of old, the same unre- soldiery. They THE COMPANY PAYS THI FRCICHT The whole solent thing but a burden. now ate! ben vhln. Will convlTlal Bacchus-pledge- d On thalr eommoiMm generate, Is from derived word one In The ate meals Abyssinia their rock1MJfMMehliirt boMHtoniof dining ciety Iiut af Whatl to before know used I my the Arabic woru Habesch, meaning eadiaUablaaaiMina it caa b MArwhra that can Ke'eoa room, the male members by themselves toper whMipx I was sad, I was disappointed, KJ par ctnk'U OWTErb. jm and refers to the mixed charat one long table and the females at an- lecture. wraaont iron and udtilwilliahmd of the spirit of my dis- mixture, and something naa Uvar bafore braakin. other, while an old grandfathers clock without on rnnnin I was reflected In my voice acter of the people. a appointment most ancient make of dollar1 Inbona one Is the axpaaaa Abyssinia guarded against waste of time and 1 hewi at as I qald to him: (rio IA Ml MO IC1 world. Until recentin the too much haste. monarchies from digestion me I you told Rudolph, thought Ilavrn't yon heard nlmut ly. however, the king was generally Prayers were attended twlc.e a day, at you had become a new man. tbe low rate to Clilcagu, x 5 in the morning and at sunset, In a afraid of his chiefs. St. Lou!. Buffalo, N. Y.. So I did, said the wild, willful, unThe prevailing religion of Abyssinia Washington, I. O., and n chapel about the center of the chief Rudolph. 'So I did, major; Is a very corrupted form of Christianother hundred eastern building. The only ornaments visible Iregenerate reformed and made a new man of myon ip. Band foraa lllrntmtod elrrnUr to THR cities offered by the nur is professed by the majority and It In the chapel are some rnde Illustrations ity. Curila 81. Deuw. Cola. WHIM CO.. and here he winked at me of the Ungton? people and by the reigning prinof Scripture texts on parchment. One self. But, full of man new the Cetter write to ns about an with levity, Wattr. eye ces. Gercame from these ITbompscnsEyi of the largest of of a drunkard as the them. much as Is JuRt many, and represents the baptism of old one.' Ferhapo after you've got "Washington Post. Hint. Never RUBBERS I Christ by John. There is another our letter you'll ebanga OMAHA LINDSEY The stomach of an ostrich that died , your mind and go east afchapel on the place, but In It the mem Egyptian Medical Receipt. a few days ago In the menagerie In Cen- - i ter alL bers of the local church, and not the On tbe Burlington'e The many imitations of Georg Ebers, the Egyptologist, has tral Park, New York, was found to j monks and nuns, worshipped. A brook OF 'Yentlbulcd Flyer two of the wooden a that contain pieces queer clothespin, many converts discovered of runs by it, where hundreds Rootbeer simply COURSE. a have been baptized. Since the war, the medical receipts found In old English of glass, a mouth harmonica, piece of to its excellence the G. W. VALLEKY, General Agent, Denver. decline of the society has been continu- and German books came from the an- umbrella handle four Inches long, a point ous. Old age and disease have filled cient Egyptians. They were not known metal skate key, a brass door key, a genuine article proves da Ml, k. Tk Ckarlr X. Hire Ca. It.IM.Ipkla. the graveyard in the meadow, and the to the Greeks, hut were spread from silk handkerchief, a horn comb, two M.idWaaaiilia Srtd wByvkwa PATENTS, TRADEMARKS admissions by the council were of rare Salerno, the great medical school of the pieces of coal, and three pebbles and a die not did ostrich of Yet tile muBt to have hatchet. which sisters five Middle No' ltaaialaatloa and Advice M to Patentability of InnV llV Denver. they VoL A11L Ages, f occurrence. Ten years ago tuberculosis. vention. Band for Inventor' Ouldsi or How to Uet a that but an Arabic the ay to come above Dally all Indigestion, When ailvcrtlaer. Coptic pleoa through writing and three brothers, nearly Patna, f ATH1UE OTAMUCLL, Waaklagtoa, I), a In this P7r. aaw advertisement tha yon fend-te- n Lyre. line, were all that latlons. corn-uni- ty t gold-bow- ng Witt-fleld- 's OF liitck-letlg- Per-hap- mlld-lookl- . well-kuuw- ed dry-as-du- st CURES Ayers Sarsaparilla. Denver Directory. Htora-ac- mlld-lookl- ng JBffiRg Anglo-Saxo- n, Vk orA lHJb-1-0 nrnit-nUu-i- a. , WW rf-hlu-r, in-- consul-gener- I al fC5rtlSS I a V - well-trie- d KISSES? eoriR-ilx- gun-tl- SURE CURE PILES ftitoe Hog-War- d, Hie test f 115 years proves the pi of Walter Baker k ;a and Chocolate. Cos 00 - lan-guag- ea IIT ylllWlVI! TUP b;:'::..cuRED ul GO. Not going iiu-- tl east this summer? yn -- Tone-ha- d : HIRES it I BI trans-three-sco- J re |