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Show (Communicated.) It ;Utah, ' -- ,- is getting serious, this raiding The ScenicLine of the World Tlia Gorlinski oonoait at ths Theater curse. Oa complaint of Marshal Ireland houses, serving subpoenas by the wholefc80a.ni. evening wu in every respect a most charging John Xicholsan with unlawful sale and undibg the heads of harems ml by Mipn. fcS0a.ni. gratifying , fcOOptm. the vocal part of it cohabiting, etc., said Nicholson was this the hundred to sudden fxile. And esniece, JfcS0a.ni. being periapt rather light, but tha nTo.K- fcS0a.m. jiao 1 morning brought be (bra Commissioner pecially the late inroad of your deputies fc46p.nL portiun fully atoniug for all McKay. Thapartiee with whom tha into Amelia Palace and Widow Barretts iSiCiw fcS0a.nL gjoop.n. tflO B. 7d0a.sk akortoomings. a -of tha offense is alleged to have been committed boudoir. Where is this Tha Ukaoii thing going to DENVER & RID 6RANDF fcS0a.nL HjSunty fcS0a.nL concert wu of course tha quarto selac-tio- u are Susanna Keith and Myra Cutlar. end? 4aop.n1. A'eue and Herald jgi-Uii- ih the. Though lfcao a. m. fcS0a.nL from Beethoven (Op. 10, in E. Nicholson was released on bail, Frauds have been calling a halt both long and n- fcl8p.m Flat, parts 1, 2,) and tha Sonata Fathet-iqu- Cope and John Bhasp Jr., becoming his loud, you do not seem to halt worth a T!-mounUIn lime. bondsmen in tha sum of (1,600. Nichol-aoMias Conklin is an exquisite incent. So I begin to fear that you do not IW a0 jJhs t. LYNCH, Postmaster. a Scotchman, came here as a convert terpreter and rsra performer of tha to Moraiouism about twonty years ago; rud thou saintly sheets, and, lienee, Shakes pear among musicians, as well aa been for sixteen years with the make this, uiy appeal, through the a perfect accompanist. Prof, Kaddiffa his ruBLUHsna MOTIOB. Deetret New in various capacities; wu Chboxiclk. And let me STILL TAKES THE LEAD. expostulate; avuteno renewed of his skill and ant on a church mission gave soma eight let me Publishing Company wU and warn you to consider and Mr. Wdhe, aa usual, urge potency, t, btlls villain-onnalsss delivered for any q a vile and Wa have introduced for Spring Trade two additional grades of BUGGIES' charmed arary ona with a soul (or tha years ago; little demagoguing lecture to a your culpable doing, and pauu in your basing manijar. fraction of a soul) for music who had tha mad career. crowd JOHN B. WILBON, la the Theatre on Tha Tengreat & happinosa to hoar him. Mr. Van Praag Opl ia Massacre and tha Utah ConFirst, think who and what these peoon tha oello won fresh lanrala. Mr. CpOSKU pesuaum i, about six months ago; hu a ey are whom saintly bosoms you are the central figure of tha evening, ark and lowering aspect; is lama of ona ple ora sai SSnltlew Hbipmsnti. was most . oordidly reedved and a- - qniited lag, and worm mulcted filling with fur and trembling from sraua, raaooaaL is in mind; perhimaelf vary creditably. A feature of f4,300j00 thus much, 8naka river to the Mexican border. Are tha aveninrs entertainment wu the pro-- haps 40, orfora little leas; and another Mormon they not a peculiar people, even the now, just Nicholson, -.gtJOOdO fusion of floral tributes to tha var! looest in hesrt, gathered from all lands, who have to learn "pervert that and may yet LXAD. each one a savior upon Mt. Zion? parforaiars. Listening to Mr. Gen. by his Scotia narrow native, .....13.70 McCooks caraftalli rendered dso from for exchanging Did you ever see a train-lo-ad arrive? m Tort, P 1 fraa America ha not after all maXsefa with Mr. Gorlinski, nooraii one. Where will you find their purs for in. wdl as terially increased hiahu for celeschanou .....41 Ml Miss BossaHs NEW ELEPHANT CORNER. downright worth of every son? They songs, we wished tha audi- tial glory via uplawful inhabiting, etc. IK fork-IP- torium about half tha sixe. Mrs. Lavi- ate defenders of liberty.They it is who have made this desert to bud and GLBUimS. berg might have mada singing bar DEALERS IN-THE STREET CAB COMPANY. She seems entirely at horns on Without them the Book of for being too drunk, wu tha stage, and hu a charming voice and Mormon would speedily be forgotten and ketch nf the Origin and Progress the name of We thought Mr. Gorlinski Joseph Smith wool rot! of Oar Prase at I This is bad enough, but so long a more little attention to hia Car Byste you soldier of Company might pay a Clancsy, ftsnai bravura passages with ad van tags. Bat bxtwhx peeterad and punned only the tfcaak. not being in the least a musical critic and la the yur 1872, the present of the rank Hardware and Builders' Materials, Mining Supplies, Etc. arrived from Ogden last will quit before saying toomnch about street car system wu organised and file it wu tolerable, and I held my tyL Infills, this highly acceptable performance. into an Incorporation of alock holders. peace. Bat when you make a profane assault upon the chiefs, the elite of Israel, WE ABE JO EMM FOR OlAKT POWDBB, BOOMK FV MEM CHOKE MCA LEO B11- IOne He Morgan Smelter is shipping A Ughtalag Change. year later Mr. O. P. Arnold, the if I dont cry out tbs sagebrush will. AXD CBEMCEM KXTBA MTBBL. fglsOmana. The Tribune of this morning mentions present superintendent, took charge of You have not been here long, and so do drunk and disorderly, a Bhangs in the not know owgrot and good thou men Osage Smith, management of tha the company's affairs, sadhu perfected spite of their looks' and behavior). skuas haaring. Western Union Telegraph Company at the running of thia great convenience for Bei (in it known to you that you are waking SALT LAKE, GUNNISON A ill Easter cards, tif some bun has Salt Lake. In asking the reasons for the public until the track, cars, stock and to knock together the kneu of the Dsyer 15 cents adorn. but are SALT LAKE CITV. af W P, 0. BOX 353. all pel tain ing, compares very favorably modern and Utah edition of the Elijahs, uch a movement, we learn that are working I trench ment in wages at this office wu with the lina In other cities. Atpreunt Isaiahs, Daniel and John the Baptists I fht Grand Jury and Is not King John the prophet, sear, Graham.. IhicssmofFralt begun about two moo Ilia ago, and Mr. the system embracu 12 mile of track, and translator, etc., of the Church I PIONEER LUMBER YARD. Judge Kirkpatrick, hu returned from Giless salary wu reduced to (100 per reaching to all parts of the city, the Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints This wu no inducement for ks Saeonilmtfict Court, at Buver. stretch from the throughout North and South America, being him to remain ia the position of manager, longest Asia, Africa, Australia and the Bnboald hu received the You Warm to Liberty Park. Springs held he for which here the hu past lands? He it ia who fought and Jetnud and the Popular now used and 8ixteen care are his He three and family years. , and ran and hid in Ohio, Miwouri hr April- California ahortly, where better two new ones are on the road from and Illinois, and lied in France and many jsdgt Emersons time expired at tagts are presented. For twenty years New York, where all uaed here have other lands. Through him flows the pure it of the 16th last, fiiai tlhAUE Mr. Gila hu been with the Wi in The two new care will re- spirit of inspiration and revelation, like for. Union people and on tha but of terms. place the onu leaving the Eagle Em-l- u water through the hose of a fire engine. 1)1 BUT OONtiaO LUMBER. T. G. MOORING, He hu bean a thorough, enterprising m comer for the Utah Central Unexcelled In the Went. must pass by the dignity and worth of At which tatter points Iks Fstiaace company will draw acrTION.ai made with llna Sir and Liberty Park and the Denver his counsel Ion, the twelve A poet lea, etc. from here to their pe- r- man in Salt Lake. The district nuasen-ge- r id ysoag men T Bio, Grand Depot. Mulm are prin Them, or such es they, wind you, are the system wu instituted and pushed to Lath, Rustic Siding, isos in its preteat working .through hu efforts, ci pally used and have proved to be more onlv vice gerenta of the LOni this side WINUOWV, IjOOKR, RIjNDS BTU. and when he leavu this city a host of durable than horses. About one hun- - of Kotebl Tksadipaa of the sun following drad head of mutes and horses are used npon the exodus of the muchly-0- d friends will miss him. the confusion and chaoa KANSAS CITY, OMAHA reull Nut, FIRST SOUTH STREET, polygA ia ominous indeed. with the line. Soma of them small mute you are working. Do you realise that From tho Celelmtcd (Inus freak Mines. Conflrauitloas bj Governor Murray. have bun pulling rare through each one of these high and mighty elders turns d for the is trembly responsible Main strut lor the past twelve yun and is rudely ravished from five homes and CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION. Opposite FimrUx'nlh Ward Meeting House, And 11 Principal Points in th Untied Htate appearance of the Democrat ' how no signs of dying. e Certificate were issued by upwards. Say there 600 whose and mechanically. Pineda. end Sait Lake City.' Since the fare wu reduced from ten by the U. G. B. K. and profollowia the cam in most cities, lumber of the sons of good old Ire--ri Governor Eli II. Murray to the to fire cuts, loved we absence left 2JKX) nged mourn, with the ing persons: cere celebrating a great many people, who uaed to walk, parents to weep and wail, and not tew m above the stars and atnpes. . Jama E. Steele, George Cunningham, now take the street car. Mr. Arnold than 10,000 iioys and girls without rTHATeaoM in the taternal ancestors to look alter them. fmral asuya of the new mine 00 the aldermen, and Oscar F. Hunter, mayor, leavu for Chicago Mined and shipped ly tho On and After Oct 12, 1884, interests of the business, and when he Ite Rappelling, tin little short of i Sk bench of thia city have, LORILLARDS CLIMAX Utah. yet, of American Fork, returns will probably construct many famous ! Thai, loo, the expense. Tine, no startling show of metal. inElijah Davis, constable for Walls-burgmore tracks throughout the city and era used to going without puree or EXPKD8 TBAIX.COX- Wltk Rad Tin Tse Maes Lmf Kina Cut fa. Charlu quite exasperated Judge png ATLANTIC troduce some valuable changa in the i. e. begging or beating their way. of the Celebrated BoObt end Sleep- COAL DEPT U. P. amt litack, W. Barnette poedetao & Jesse CO. Chawing: Taylor, Henry pstao, by her repeated appearance ftw the costa of travel by the ing Csn, Caechcs and management of the system. The idea of state VtisKlsss cant By. Ktagent Brown and Yellow itau are Ilia be.1 and and JohnJ. McClellan, aldermen, and extending a line of track of eome deleave wilt and wu given 20 days. Cgdcu Cam, Meeptug But round them route. of most Kulgrent chcapcet, parity mi wlerg at 930 a. m. ton arrival of train Jama Finlayson, mayor, for Payson. scription to Cmup Douglas ia brewing and aust he sojourning in hostile Babylon dally Ban and Balt lake trily baJou hu a street car driver who ia quite likely some such means of where board coat et least (1.00 a day, at 1036 a. yrauctaeo) INCORPORATION. OP CERTIFICATE it connection direct m., making we over lour children end a dog in -Hence et the lowest estimate you have at PnSblo and Denver with Indns for the Kant, inmed a cer- travel to and from the fort will be inaugATSecretary Thom as ifcy. Ha had to pay for the dog. Korth and South. tificate of incorporation to the Utah urated. I3JS00, a week to something like (200.000 ftomlfcu-ver- , TRAIN EXPRESS PACIFIC THS U. C. on the VALLEY PLEASANT Station "Morgan fund stand a will Tha la Eastern Pueblo fa arrive cant and year. Valley Iron, Mining 4 Manufacturing points tithing Jisglea. thb drain, and apacially now that so Balt Lake drily at 430 p. m. and (Mini fclf iriUi (harmed shortly to Ilaqauer, Go. The incorporators are all residents l making direct coniiectioa with the kkwf Mr. A. Ilanauer of this city. of Provo, Utah county. Amu D. Hold-awa- y Thera's a house in Salt Lake called the much b needed in Washington to io- p. bl,Padae Trains Ibr Bun Yreaslsco and the Mined by the Utah Central Railway Company, Uanlo! to walk in the way dine the is president and J. S. Page Ooart. nettle Democracy instru-5- 0 with his photo JWUunaoa, LOCAL TRAINS leavu gprlnrrllle 7:45 a. no But where in the world is King John, of tha Lord. to .The y company views took propose than more ant tab (NO b. Hemming, lave tall Oh? Still ftartha, you may break up tha Balt work some iron claims in Tintic, Juab f lake fci5BAk, arriving atHpringvlllo fc23p.ni. A. istsrssting pants about Salt Lake GUNNELL, AGENT, 142 Main Street, A bold deputy marshal, Lave SUtUkedolly fteBtngbam and Alta April Conference, which sines 1830 hu county. arrive at Bolt Lake With a writ for a panel. Hemming, never failed to sustain all the old lot of at Td5 fctOn.m-an- d leave Ogdcs, Bobcrts of I Found the doors of that house quite homo, and to vote unanimously on all 4:15fcio enm Wasatch Building. Dealt Hunting.. . Treasurer 736 p. ic. at p. arriving at Mt lake atlemwmi I Oh CAN FIND TUI LAEGK8T Albefore fixed bsrred, revalatten. ma, Lswis sad Clark county, Mon-- 1 Dow asks Sait the by questions question, "Enquirer doily (exapt Sundays) at 64)0 a. i , is said to be short (37,000 in bis not the law prohibit the shooting of There's a street little girl of Salt Lake, ready you have scared them away 100 4d at Janetioa mat BMSnt Valley ila to Logan, and if you dispatch returning, leayaPlenuitValley Ju'Mfc ducks after the 15lh of March of this Who down at the Kink tried to skate, at Halt Lake at GX0 Ihitha s dmuttec, they gs. t M0 Mr. W. A. Wetmore, agent at this But she struck on ths floor, AND answered and wishw it for side of this the through mnt stop Yaquii. I mt for the Colorado Coal and Iron Co., yur? Wont skate any more, one, rofnc to take the dirafol consen rsmored his office to Boom 22, first the columns of the Chronicle. By re- Because she hu ruptured her pate I B. W. EOCI.EP, quences, if no change is given, to prorat W .H. BAKCROIT, ferring to the law, it will be seen that hr, Wasatch building. Pass, ft Figt. AgL n foil report of the churchs financial "whoever, between the fifteenth day of rmv. alt Laxa PERSONAL rOINTS. Fisa our window we cannot but doings, to whoop up tho tithing, to eftrse B. K. UOOPKk. Gan. V dT.Axt-Saaw- r' April and the fifteenth day of September, the . fraa. schools, tad generally to rapid work being done by Jen-i- 4 in each yur, wilfully takw,kills3atroys, Tom Mullqy, lava to morrow ova Boos in the construction of their or offers .for ale of strengthen the faith and fire the any kind of wild duck, the D. A K. lOr. 2d South and West Temole street. G. for Chicago. for r beilding on Main street. tease, loc etc. etc., shall be guilty of a mis- art! to wars, cholera, Arnold hqnakes, eclipses, Supt. O. P. goa Chicago k party of little girls tried their skill SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, worms and dul-e- r rrasshoppos, apple-tre- e ova the narrow guaga. I hs Armory with the renter practice editorials Heme than MANUFACTURERS OF era. OnMUtreet Agency. Tire one of 10 Iliad them, aged years, hit John Free, departs in tha morning One plea fortha nod I am done. I Mr. Samuel Coliter hu been appointed htelh-eytan consecutive tin ova the Bio. Grands for n trip to confess that just here my pen quaka TUB Furnace, Mining and Milling And Xvmythlnf Needed In that Una, at the Merehantitel Bradstreets for Chicago like an aspen, and my ink torus pale. h ths esse of tha People vs. James chief agent now the is in He this at MACHINERY, ' point. hqnald, charged with assault and Agepcy you may hatha death of Mr. J. H. PatterSon, tho handsome CS11 a halt, texr. Justice Spiers decided a fine of city accompanied by Mr. 8. H. Findlay, well led travel lag man, is doing the crimtlal marriage. . Ia otha wads, you Slag-Po- te Mining Cars and VERT LOWEST PRICER Bad costs. Aa appeal was taken. the son of General Manager 8. N. Find- hardware men of tub city. may buret polygamy, heaven's best gift to for Pana and Buri Milk, west for Sampling tha Was of bitter not for a man. mot located the thb pill territory Ik young and old of the Eighteenth lay, Mr. B. A. N. Harvey, author of tho virgin coub of Joseph end Brigham Missouri river, at Denver, OoL Mr. laid a most eqoyable reunion in travel around tha world Twelve swallow? Cast and Wrought Iron Lake for etc to and a in remain and will yean fait Heba Orson, Findlay hid Adi last evening. Buppa, read-q- t weak or so until Mr. Coliter is fairly left for southern Utah yesterday. And did it not begin from sod Ire an iseitatioos and dancing formed the command and revelation from the started. Mr Alex. Topeace, goa to Omaha snisii pleasure. Almighty? And did not they swallow soaate. Mr. T. i muchly tha ova And all kieds of BUILDERS IRONWORK, It is sxpsctsd that than will ha a big (FINE) AT Edward Pika yesterday assumed in the tend improvement scheme thb decoction of wormwood and gall Including tampsda to tha little Bocktee this atCorrinue. simply and solely becaoa they did not hMsgraph editorship ofthe Democrat. to returned have who Psrttes went to bo damned? It appears that mCnoNiCLX knows that full justice spring. ORNAMENTAL COLUMNS W. T. Hopkins, proprietor of the July 12th, 1843, wu the notsl day of report tha deep AND fa department of the papa may bo Maiden from the socamp is far worked, are Hopkins House, Lagan, in Zion, pur- new regime. For 6,847 years since the For bant and interior innport, I.INTZLB, ground digging!, Nsd at his hands. foe 8TEF8, GKATINfl, ETC. first wedding in Eden the bights rtf glory chasing a few cm loads of provender showing np satisfactorily is some Mr. Davis two Hue receivsd y could he scaled with bat one wife to high as one dollar to the pen. the hungry during Conference. dirOrdcre promptly Hill'd and nil, tact Ion Jmn bicyclm from the East. One, n Cheap guaranteed. CAN ARM! CANARIES I . 8. W.Eoctes and W. H. Bancroft of boat, bat from that day on, with lam whal, for Walter Jennings, the Francis Cop than three, there were no kingdom and and the D.ABO.W. fas wheel for Stationa Pern-t- e A fine lot of singers just received. Abo ofthe Utah Central, take the . Denver throna to ha bad. Now, I pot it to you, Clser the track. OF ALL KINDS (FINE), BOUQUETS a large assortment 01 Brass end Japan and Bio. Grand in the morning for Mr. Dickson, after they are disfranchised MANUFACTURER OF here, will you doom the holy priesthood Vsaadentandthe publishing bourn Cages at AiflTs. Denva. O. F. DUES. AT to be nobodia forever? Far be it from Jjsdte 4 Adams, New Yak, ere ne-f- or you! the purchaa of n dram of NARGI8SUS AND (HYACINTHS The best paying business in Salt Lake TfceOesiJenrel," U B. Ylret tootfe 04. Therefore, I suggest, give those bsr-rb- d tIed uBrought to UtW' Wo the undersigned, by reason of tha rtablished and will bo sold jfajUb of which Loo, rest. distracted a and VUU Bteom, at In la F. DUTR. Pots, polygamist is a resident of this bargain. CSpUal required, (3,000. finbetea goods dispensed by to, hereby Coll off the marehab ana bid the Grand I Address Businme. him 044. wo are world that era proclaim to ths rash Flower Preserved Cheap & Perfect Jury adjourn line die. Or, if that b too Haw and most exceltaatly eonriruclad and Cli-onMi. Chu, Auer ready to aril at low pnea the best them a trace for lipped and et lout - ; give much, o. f. Dura. and the and imported wina it b 8t. Patrick's day. Thn so. Let them come homo and or prtng Millinery fleets. dgys Families and of cigars. liquors bonnets. need and a make garden. They clan collar, ?? jri stripe art oat to add to tha New spring styla of hits GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS who an preparing for private parties thoir socks are out at the heel, and llisir Sill11 of groan ribbon Trawhela 4 Childrens school hats ia great varietv Should AT F. DUXS. call. a. us to not forget give Issue a ritahod to tho boys who have just received at Mesdama Button 4 supply of valley ten seems low Aum Proprietors. 4 Mubfiiy, to F. DUE'S. proclamation and give a BOUQUET GREEITAT Boyan, 41 Main street, (Hooper 4 mrrwxEN Logan and return, for it b hinted thnt a The Uepe ef the Nation. Iridgs block.) Old' T4M AT WILLIAM McGQaKD . Ublogth portrait of Mr. G sorgo revelation b incubating in tho breast of and Baskets Everlasting Bouquet with the old favorite setter, Children, slow in development, punr Bough on Congha. Health King John, and if ml let him delivu Wells use" and bis fat, is to be delicate, AT O. F. Dl'E'R, 32 E. Second South ecrawny at tha Ask for Bough on Coughs, for coughs himself. I appal to you s a fund huswork vas dune by I be colds, sors throat, lmarssures. Troches Benswa. -band, end the father of a happy family. Three liiiixlred kimb of Chrycontha. Weggeland and Take down your copy of the Bard of 15q liquid; 25m A KRW DEAL. munnand young plante cheap at Portia's to and pleadtun I still continue to make gentle Ber. Goods sold oa the installnu-n- l plan at Avon Mr read ami how are a lawyer, ing. You (Ml W. Seam1 IBTHK Dr. Foots Institute, 1 12 W. 1st South. HinlyA Kendalls, No. The quality ol merry I not strained. street. A full line of choice Ihim dew os the It iliuppeth gentle haven, NOi 240 W. THIRD SOUTH STREET, Cull Ceelt groceries, provisions, poultry, fruit, yege It ta an attribute to God himself," wss (0 have taken place bottom pnet. at ste SU JEoefcs Wart of OIM Hmma, coal hsy. there no groin, of And same b table, sort. th tuors much And For cooking ntirpoca but fur some unaoomintable OHDKB. TO it. the rale not IhaFleasant of to the Valley. Try "fa me match did ndl eome off. play, I prey you, equal moody Jew, but rather of tha judge so mao, No. 145 8 Main street. Tele- and of need fumy in staple News shall People and Kmrted that Iho Theatre the wise ami humane. 8o KBLAIBING A SPECIALTY. phonaNa. 211. Railway clBi Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and every-thta- g Herald bless you, and hosts of faints OfthaUrcatTiauMHiUneMlKl Bki.ls, Bunion 4 Co. Srewn nwn IMa discriminating and It taka the right of tlui uolumn in the In Groceries, ..DIALER IN.. Ksqjily pertaining trout rank, and mtutes the wreeretan lieopla corns forth front their holes. Mamouc employ- cl Help Wanted Pemnlee. should call at Lucass old stand. Evere-thin- g tha sraodly Mighty Wart with th bancdl !M!rJled Public PatrniMce Kxpodtulatuk Wo budding. I An arc Wanted intelligent, energotic and PBOsnamr. s,mL. glaum nsex, Oood-wil-l mw, Mtt 11 clean, ao. 68 E. liR been dona I 71S Uon, BoudUng tha patronageof everybody, ir fa si tbrnL y of good address and soma business First South street. J. L. Lucas, MISCELLANEOUS. n wtlar of irauspuriallon of pereons and ) j, C0nnctad with this impulsr I riiiUtT. to introduce to the trade and noue shall co aw Manager. erty,wa sasara all UuU fMl?"lmen) bare ben employed II hbos of Ihb county, Mndanw Deans dlaiottaflsd, and tori sre can and wlu ploi PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS, Jssra and are likely to remain. totobnUed Spinal Supporting Corset, In them portlcotar. avery ItalaeR Tuanel nun trains daily recoin-- I ngaaad mlvalbed and, highly now Main street, b between Council Binflk irvt land slidm OR tha sdcndidly - California and Utah Tu Wiidre ljqtior ami between Belknap and MINING KNfiTNKEK bo will paidFish and Cams ia Season a Specialty. M hmaA We invite ALEX. MITCIIEIX. Jr-- Agent. by. driving twn piHa --AV 4 Knbaw, Props. -- AXD. P. U Jlox 743, B.L. Oily. t exposed pointa and Uooda delivered to any part of the ettf M k prevent tha 8. R. MERRILL, General ransgev. bTI3 THR CAR U)AD CAN HX OBTAINED QlvamaarriL J.T.CLAUK, Uenl Dun Inteudenu loil hom I Balt C. Works Cova Creea near laka the Vloagsr Hnlphur rnharih. far (Nr IswiNfSKi A.V.II. CARPRNTK Utah. MaiMd A Uea'I Psasqaerani Agent. No. FERDINAND DICKRRT, MagBiinaaml periodical alC. H.Pm UKU. U. UKAFFORD, ROOM ? ILDRIDU RUKIK 4 (TOOPU TELEPHONE NO. ISO. BaM lofcaONp Ow AtYt ties. Piss. Agent. H urird Bow. HoR lake (Mv P Ran L 1 lt SSiiorti... - acw"" Studebaker Branch House . bock-buc- ...' e. T. n, RAILWAY. Our Standard A Grade Work con-wi- The New, Popular, TOP BUGGIES, $150, $200, $250, $300 Qor-linsk- i.t .. Trans Continental w Cunnington & $350. Go., u HEJi-Lon- doe.. cry ROUTE pro-ftmo-n. jS' I Staple and u Fancy Groceries, en woe-bego- UkaGM I ttr . iahi OGDEN CUNNINGTON CO., y rev-elat- or CO A L! LEADVILLE, hi Pueblo and Denver, E. ROCK SPRING & W. Sells H. u ' 4 WEBER, di-ri- fy im-yn- ly to-d- ay disap-learanc- RED CANYON u y, Do You Know u PLUG TOBACCO mi LaOH nr ' ELIASONS. Ccu-tia- l J. aim-Ogd- iwing i Ci cm EAGLE FOUNDRY d CO MACHINE COMPY. 73, 75. 77 and 79, ad-it- 14 CQUtt' To the Public. ml I Gold and Silver WATCHES, . e a CH IC AGO - NHMa ls, PAMPAS PLUMES m Milwaukee FENCING, OF. DUES u u Jk 1. ST. PAUL h Railway Comoanv, 0. " Funeral T.G.M. SMITH, Tents, a Awnings, ta Short Line Jn: .b at Minins Hose, Bonanza Link: j1" Boots & Shoes O. F. Dues, T. E. HARPER, 1 con-fti- htj a Street and Milwaukee, I a TO ORDER. Council Bluffs, Chicago 1 Designs AT O. F. DUES. WOOL GROWERS. Fancy Groceries, l 1 fafatnS?0" irrfl 1 WSlfa L!So"S,Ncvk. I3E Refined and Ground l5Mte,75rrS2: I llSf U. S. SURVEYOR SULPHUR gT Fruits, 75 Sjacond South St( mm |