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Show BAli'l' liAKU javjjjaxjiG OHHONIOLE, EXIT UTUKE EVENING CHRONICLE at U Salt lLt City. PoririSce. Girt ri'iiy .TliCouii,.y MjS - fo ('trt 111 h tiurhim, fmtrJ. fid I -- Hetsver, rul CM a. in. :!:li p.lu, lV;:o.i a. m. 7:JJ a. in. j. m. iu. ,10 1 mia.u. iii- - Wa. in. CM n. in. i.m. Iron ngioa coA.lOiiO a. iu. m v.TO I. siandard mountain time. I &1-- Wa-- hi i:i the day fixed for iherenleme oi Joseph Kraus, convicted of bigamy in the District Court. .Vftcr an alien .bad been luliuillkd to citueusliiji, His Honor ordered thc)j insurer to stand up. After rethe proceedings where viewing ii imivictiou bad by been sctuicJ, the prisoner was asked if Lc hud anything to nuy wliy sentence should uM Uiiroiibuiimt. Kvaus remained silcut nml the court delivered the sentciwe which in 8uluiane was as follows: The law provide iu crime.; of this chainilerlhat tlie court fix u punish Ment of not more than fire nor list than two year, and a fine of not more than &4i.lla I'lU.IU. u. t. m. JOHN T. LYNC11, Fnotnmi'cr. is't. 1'iali, hcpt. is I CITY r.I.F.ANINfiV flu I lll.-- I Jdin-- Wrt-Tuo- smile t i.muu-ali- i. j ll.'l.ui.il.an : t was Dicksuu This pmseeuiiou brought under the old act, Your Honor, which requires an imprisonment not exceeding nve years, but no minimum is fixed. The court resumed: The ohjaUcf this punishment is to protect society against a recurrence of such crimes, ami such a punishment should be fixed as would de ter others from committing like y,enfW; You appear to be pretty - ii a,1T"nrfa in r .... TTn. by the Democrat-ak- a newspaper: and they grins to have it. I Uasking Th; iiur.tinn Moruioua will Lmwl Why sis months hence: rejoice over rjcTnlanils elec- iSht TL ll the tilhiuq' rt'onl as--tlisu lit high lie In this city of the Logan Temple were Mill tin; far Caine. A1 week there wore During t!ie f,f of ii'4 c,,Jr I iiijiri iliM, fourteen cirs of ore ami six cars. l.esJ.s inlal'nf seventy-twmill of Ft. Jackson, Douglas, lw. P.r. Kwnnrrnw at 1 1 a. nt al ilia eMi'b rtliadiit Chnrcli, ou llie subject of I.el there lie a Indian Marriage." lit rgt audience. irwngwiienU liavo Loon Made to in .it., the new encampment of the 1. U. F. on Monday evening at the I. O. F. hall. All who wish to join as char-'- r members should hand in their names I Mason, of the Inspector General eputment of the Platte arrived In this la examining and to-d(r yesterday, F-i- .. -- . office at Ft. Ife will inspect the troops on tough... oedar. Mmdd doesnt believe in That the the truth, the whole truth, is .fy shown by its report of the Demote committee meeting last night. It n't do "yah know," to publish such criticism of Caine na were ntlcrcd ere. At the Congregational Church to mow after the morning service a ing will be held to hear the report committee on pastor and to i the action upon it. A full attendance r of tlie church and society tadstrains of a native Chinese bud, and it was ton much the fcliabierrd in. It, tie beginning to ilawn upon the of some of the Mormons tliat they mot belong to both the People's and Democratic parties. In the lan ige of cue gentleman at tlie meeting ivcb "the Democrats don't want won't acknowledge them.'' John TV. Irons and Lizxie Eraiu were i.'ried at the Sisters' Hospital last rning. This was the only honorable .ne leit open to Mr. Irons. It is derttooil that when the case against n nines up for a hearing next Wcd-Is- y examination will lie waiveil , and t will probably crtil the matter. nlgl.1. a tud Morinan got on a box DM uight, winked at a giddy, i r, colored girl, pat up.his finger by his g re and said, Hurrah for Penrose re minutes liter that colored girl had sled his eyea black, broke two of his agars and tore his loll ear half oft, and rhsn she got through, the crowd stalled limin a wer. where he remained all V Urilllsnl Snocess in Isnr." il We have introduced f Grade" Work A IEAD. TAKJSTHE f r 'pring Trade twoaddiiimxl w BT.VOfE5, grsd.-- s TOP BUGGIES, $160, $200, $250, $300, & $350. BON TON tsive ami Well Complete FOR $9.90 Oyster House Mi -- RESTAURANT. r joy. Altlmugh Amnricau know the Mon;;'. ns aic ciidi iiig it pit. alliisiuns to Hansford Kmitli, an d Democrat, and thoir vile abuse of Allen G. Campbell, an honest, square Democrat, is sufficient evidence of tlie depth of their Democratic love and profesMOu-.- . (lire them shako; that tlior are tun but aw apologiiU and tlelemier" of n treasonable, adulterous churrli is but the frorrn truth, and to admit them to a Democratic jollification would lw to hibit to the world a at liking example of the degeneracy of tlie politics or air times. Amkrioan Diaioonvr. hoii-oral- in a slave-inspire- or- - In exj ectini; any tnnro tciduficy foiu a Democratic than a KepuMicaii mlmin Htniion, ii nrrrriticlc j a mulling of I the liilter with the sweet M view the satisfaction with which the pirty view Clovelands triumph. A meeting was held at the Deseret Dank yesterday afternoon to make preliminary arrangements for a grand jollification tliis evening; This meeting was composed l)K MOUUOSS, Iiul Mosers, ilainberger Merritt and a few other straight Democrats were present. ( toinmiltees on arrangements and finance were appointed. The committee on arrangements held amcelin&ni. Dr. Benedict's office last night, which broke up in a row. the t might Democrats withdrawing. Mr. Williams, a member, of llie committee expressed his lielief that the gathering that hail appointed thia commit lee on arrangements hod been ' rather premature in its notion, as it was more properly the rigid and dnty of the Territorial and county lmneratii ratral romniittces to arrange for a mans meeting if any were held, and he had under--1 stood they were issuing a call for a meeting to make such arrangements. Mr. VftUiamsiiid not think the meeting in1 the afternoon was composed of Demo- orals, as it had been proposed there that John T.Caine be invited to take part in the demonstration and he didNOT ItWlAIUl t'AINi: AS A DEMOtittAT, At least the Democrats didnt acknowledge him and didn't srant him. Mr. 'William thought the matter of arranging for a demonstration should be left to the committees, where it properly belonged. Mr. Bamberger supported Mr. Williams position, and after some more acrimonious discussion, these two gentlemen withdrew. The committee soon aft.-- i adjourned, without accomplishing anything. Tlie committee held - A SECOND MEUTlXti This morning, and decided upon the details of the demonstration. It was decided to Invito Judge Rosho tough to preside, and the following speakers were selected to address the mooting: Judge R os borough, I). C. Dunbar, Judge Sutherland, Thomas Marshal nud J. Rawlins. A consisting of J. Rawlins and Judge Sutherland, was to present this programme the Central Committee this afternoon their approval. The meeting of the j v Judge Zauified and iiuahli- - t tenet of Miwiiinnikiu, - ti allusion cele-li- lilt- - No. 256 Main ruking some jitcLiiar fealorer of thU ili- -l tin- inij-.i-- Street, r H ii.e. ese-li- e EUROPEAN d. Au PLAN. AMUII. l'iilirut-otse-j ,l(lin l;. i'iilll.l'll, A r(;ll if (J, conuuiiie.1 sm uuprovi.Led uau'i r.pou $fi!i Ouieit, $tiriiiiT Chicken, Quail, T?tI Duck, Mo'ii-j;Josepli l.ipinan, a Tribune rcjiorter, in Trout. tills afternoon. The front of the The-ile- r Etc,, Etc. reporter was knocked down and liealen, but finally succeeded in getting away ul'W.N DAY AM NlGriT. RKL1GIOUS NOTICE. from Ills oarailant. Cannon was nibse. Aw I'titate Rooms Air LaJI anil Panics. arrested and released on $ Ml bail, 8v. Mark's C at h mu a i.. llaly quenllv asrnnlt communion at 7:..0 a. ni. Morning ser- lie will probably plead guilty ofbw paid vice with sermon. 1 o'clock. Sundae next Monday, nml the fine will school al 2:15 p. m. Evruing prayer and out of the tithing fund. Cannon was in a recent issue of the Tribune catechising, Evening iinver nnd charged with having entered polygamy, which he RESTAURANT. sermon, 7:30. pleads in justification. VOID il KFAL'K WAiEE INb Methodist i.'mliscii. -- Freachuig at i. the erwt of digging liy uviug our Din & j tu.i 11 oclock a. in. Iy Rev. Dr. Jackson of Tu Bullion and Ola Kblpipanti a C. Ft. Douglas. Sunday schorl at 2:30 p. m. Young Doopltf meeting at Crtm. Drive-W- ell Preaching at 7:30 p. m. by Rev. (i. M. Jeflrey. - All friends and visiting (Old fitted r.i.J. ittiN-y..- ' strangers made welcome. Keats free. IlK UESTALTlAXr Alt I'NtiLK Bapiistz Dr. 11. G. DeWiit, pastor, fji tupervblon of Jtmei Idnwomle)-- , an.TlIK I b Service at 11 a. rn. and 7:30 p. m. Young people' meeting at 0:30 p. m.; subject nt OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. THEY WORK LIKE A CHARM. A Revelation of Bighteous night, All are invited. Judgment." Shell and Can Oysters, Ni la the Um, to Niwlr tout Water-Hat- s lames B. McKean foal. Congregational Cnuacn. Services And everything in tcankii nt fill lux Prices. W make a specialty in this ljUe, at 11 oclock a. m. Sermon by Rev. D. Tlie regular meeting of tho post will , - All entire waiters. 1,. Inonaxd, acting pastor, on "Signs of be held Ail in Cistle Hall. Seals free the Highest Spiritual State. THE DEMUOHN SALOON coronuie.s are invited to Le presvisiting and all invited. Sunday school at 12:15, K. Sells, P. C. ent. Ii eounceted with the Restaurant, under the and prayer meeting Wednesday evening T. V. Lincoln, A. G. supen talon of James HcTemay.aiid fi stock at 7:30 o, clock. orLlquors, Winin and Cigar rannot ) Luat. HIIllnMrjr Opening. hesterday merning, on the State Boad, Mewiamcs Button & Bovin will open a satchel, containing a peddlers outfit. a new millinery establishment at 41 The finder will please leave at this Main street. (Hooper and Eldridge office, as the owner is a poor boy. block.; A large consignment of MillinREGULAR DINNER AT 3 P. M. AHUBEimm. ery goods feathers, etc., are now at tire PLUMBING AND GASFITTING, depot and express office, purchased by Mr. Button while in the Hut. Also a MERCHANTS LUNCH from 1? to S, STEAM HEATING AND fine line of feathers, wings ect., that ar26 CENTS. rived a few days before the fire and are VENTILATING. undamaged, will be taken to the new s. store. Everything will be new and BEST OYSTER STEW IN TOWN Mesdames Button & Boron aolicit Commanding Tuesday. Nov. 11th. No. 70 W. Second South Sh 25 CENTS. the patronage of ail their old friends The Eminent Comedian and Dnmatiw, and are confident they can suit tlie tastes Ail the Delicacies of the Seaton. F.O Roil. 7atciihoae Nn M, of ell new patrons who may favor them with orders. DELM.ONICO 1 woodsy McTemay 07 s. main" street, Puitifij AND POINTS! J. W. FARRELL - i. co., & Arcade Restaurant SANITARY DEPOT. Salt Lakejheatre. FIVE NIGHTS, first-clas- MILTON L. llii-- i iviiip.-vlu-ri- aii-- l .,d.i-i-- lbe.-ry- , al dismi-re- mysti- 1 NOBLES, Opening of tho Oya ter Season nt Walker L. Opera Howe Orator, Lunch anil CoflfceBoonu. Shell oysters and those delicious New York Counts will be used and cooked in every style known to the art. Splendid ooflro and chocolate, homemade pies and rakes, and other refreshCENTRAL OOWJirtTKB i ments. Wan called to order at one oclock thia A full line or choice confectionery Jighc afternoon at the law office of Marshall & manufactured fresh 1'. Van every day. Jlufen, the fashionable tailor were Royle. The following gentlemen The celebrated Circle brand oyster, so 3, ssmed ail connection with James resent: John well Rosborongli, Judge known for the past six and farorablv S rice and can now be Sound at 821 Main larahal, Thomas A. Marshal. Parley sold by the can or case; lie will years, the door !nt, opposite post office, one Williams, P. H. Lannan, 8. II. Lewis, of all to be the best oysters Mli of McKlmuun'a this city, and R. A. Waddell, of Park acknowledged bymarket. livery stable, lie to this u just received a lot of most beautiful Hi City. Messrs. Sutherland and Rawlins, shipped All the above goods and wfoeskments spies, the like of which cannot be tho appointed by the in- will lie found at 120 Main street, as usual. nd anywhere else in this city. Call dependent movement, were also present, H. O. Stearns. Mr Van Hnfen if von wi.h a good fit arid laid their programme before the ? miit made in the nighnt stylo of the IB E. Strut Ha nib M. Tha "OeeMnatal, meeting. CoouileraLle discussion ensued in a We the undcraigiied, by reason of (he general way on t he question to whether goods dispensed by us, hereby IOINTS. the regular i. Democratic, orgnnictlioa proclaim to the world that we are ever harids r: Cali-nra-u should join with the - Wild, formerly city editor of ready to sell at low prices the best i'KOVUfi PAETY 1 tXMOOKAT- and imported wines ' and the t nnw defunct Ogden cnine down km the .function In honor of Cleveland's election. Tho choioert of liquors and cigar. Families City was recognised that there were many who are preparing for private parties fact B. Eddy, Pacific oeast ugenl of men in Utah who were ready to should not forcet to give u a call. young 1. & R. (i., passed through this city throw oft church dictation in politic!, Arm & Mtophy, Proprirforo. I his ny east this morning. sod tlie Democratic party alionla not reNoble. Wood A Co.. pel such as come honestly seeking adf ? U Flyuu, general agent of the A. exclusive hatters, wlio have the The only Rut the to in mission in this tveetving called to been party. L city, has and welcoming these young converts, it latest and correct style in the celebrated atul left this morning. It is be the would not do for the party to swerve one Youman Hat, oeknowiedgeil to be is called hack to receive a leader in New York and all cities East d heretofore 'tootirei. the from jot principles ft finest and in its Territorial platfornu, es- and West. We also carry the stock of Stetsons and all other focal largest to in relation the 'ION Ojrstar question. Itmiii pecially the Uvu I The qucstiSn, as Judge Rosborough put leading manufacturers. Dont forget Second west the of Tribune, address, tail Lake constables and law- to mountain Not Considered a Newspaper. go it, was, shall the shyster South street, on the corner opposite the ts can t clow it Tlie charge against Ed. Butterfield, Mahomet, or Mahomet go to tlie moun Biuk. up. Although the Rk and fixtures were unlawfully re-- who was arrested Thursday night for lain ? Shall the Democracy of Utah go red, kind friends have replaced them to Young Utah, or shall Young Utah Fntoeo Groeory Wore. we open out for Blaine, was dismissal yes- come to Inc party?, again with ail the del- - rheering ities of the season, this Saturday eve- - terday; ; A policeman last night underPeople in need of staple and fonoy .Tho opinion preyailed that tho belter course tho Democratic party of Groceries, Frails, Vegetables and every1884. Come and see us. took to (t t V. Not. Ktli explain to aCiinoxicu reporter and only N Utah could pursue wato receive all who thing pertaining to Family Groceries, if its. IssuKi.r.A Dgkrui, arrested. was Butterfield eras that it why should call at Lucass old stand. Everys were willing to Proprietress. He said the mayor hail instructed the thing new, neat and dean. No. 52 E. a ui:h(k uatic ai'Mixmtia-TIOf mtoout J . L. Llvab, First South street. HrtnprV Kiehup. city marshal to allow the crowds to cheer Manager. i Hardy & Kendall'a. No. fid W. to their heart's content ami make'all the ill the enforcement of the law in I'tah rt Pottih street, for New York buck-rl1,- noise they pleased, so long as they re- a well as elsewhere. offices. Tcleimpb Bullet ioa. A full line of groceries, vege-:,le-s, mained in front of the newspaper Tho programme airuuged at the meetTlie Occidental" will bo in consent iruiirf, ura;n and bay, wholesale A Mr. Butterfield was arrested in front this morning was then adopted, with receipt of telegraph bulletin of the hi retail. of tlie Xm office, lmt two inferences ing tlie exception that llie name of presidential election. are admbsablc, the police either dislluiiliumlN llrolliers. AtKR M rain r, ii. r. vrMiAii it as iiigj,.-k- i obeyed tlie instructions of Use mayor or Now . Proprietor. More, new goods, a full line of thev did not consider the 2wrt Ntiet a from the list of speaker, and those of Jones fruiU and vegetable, grain and . newspaper, xna ihiict lmuminH-(i. Campbell, K- - N. Baskin ami Varlcy Full nml Winter Boats. m0M eharitable and also the most Williams substituted. JJKenLi for BaU Uke City for lf Coil ou J. B. Stephens, lie will make improved new Chicago I reaona1ilc. Mr. Dunbar's name was dropped for Main street, opposite Clift 1 louse. you desire in A No. 1 style.1 the reason tliat his lfemocracy was con- you anything " sidered of rather a doubtful quality, and A good fit guaranteed East. it was thought best to invite none to ad- South and First dress Mich a meeting wlioe fealty to the Oyster flrotta. partv was so questionable. at Ice cream all winter in any ui.a.-tlil-r Tfic rest of the programme, including Grotto. or the music, Oyster lands etc., tiring ofrannon, and as thus modified, was Blankets purchased at the tile (thickens, Turkeys ami Ducks. A full was approved, other element, who repudiathe a sent to and Groceries, of line sales in New York City, tor i'e auction Staple Fancy Oyster (irmln, what found Call ami see me. ted it entirely when lliejr rv Jhjse celebrated fresh and Java Codecs. Auerbachs. at cheap llie to .list. nysier speakers find been added in every atvln. A London dispatch say : The Right is the condition of aflair; - i Honorable Henrv Fawcett, l'crtmastur This Fine Yarmmith Bloater at 11. as the CiiRuNici.R goes to press, and Unit Uks Vluegar Cu. it wall j 10 Market Bow. Fyson's. Maxlielil & an; ilcnionst ration is given the manufacturers i llamill, orer supposed Mormon be Rcautiftil Wrap for Ladies and Chila jubilee ilrf ! Yinwsr, 107 First East, be. downfall of Got. Murray nnd other at F. Auerbach A Bins. Iteiuoval. en dren, and Socond South. of the government who have TheCiiRONicLKPublisliing Guniany At Goldberg's yon can find the later Mormoni hr rke brat shoes at lowed at have removed their office to 117 S. Main nocurml tha enmity oi'tbe foil prim etyfoeof 3 exWhs. doing their duty. street. -- STILL w.-n!- - 9 INC I Milton Nobles opens his engagement in tills city on Tuesday- night at the Thrater. ."Love and Taw will be. presented Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The fojlowing from the New York Clipper shows liow this play was received in Hint city: Lore and J.aw," by Milton Nobles, was seen in this city for the first. time on April 21t, at the Fourteenth Street Theater. There is no need to waste words upon it. Indeed, it would not le It iuay Le said that it easy to do o. deserves all nnd the last that without extravagance can be written of it. It proved unmistakeably a success. The audience was large, reoeptivo and reciprocal, the cast was of special .strength, the oompanr were welt balanced, the acting was of a uniform excellence seldom seen throughout a first representation, "and the piece, commending itself by lack of unduo pretension, gave token of merit all the more cognizable Iwcause unobtrusive. Every character having been so well handled in the New York production, it seems nlmo--t like making . invidious distinctions to single out any particular person. In the concluding act, Nobles' imitation of the Italian was so perfect tliat, although it had continued for ton min-utcit was not su spooled by the audience until Conti, returning to theatage amaxed at the sight of his "uoublo, it Was seen s. that there had been two Not even than could jthe audience - tell which was the original, and tho" identity of the Irishman, OPift, was not for a moment coupled with ' that of tho false Conti, until Nobles threw . off .liis disguise. ' The disclosure had an .electric effect upon the spectators, whose applause and virtually unaniwas mous. In further approval of this and other incidents of the play, Mr. Nobles wna summoned before the curtain at the end of the play, a rarity in this city. It may be added that the close of every other act was accorded one or twocncores. Dollie Noblofc' normal sweetness' of disposition illumined the . simple part of Rilia, and her Italian dialect had a charm about it tliat was eqjoyed the more by her hearers when she sang, the ballad, Somo Day, honoring tho encore 'Tie But a Tattle Faded by giving Flower." Three Chinamen fainted Ja..t night lher heard the lit, aid land. They jfit for the lime being they were i in the Floweiy kingdom, listening ! I MTL.TOX NOUX.RS. Ills Our Standard - ... t,e Adjutant! l'i.-lr'u--t Jjeq-.'.en'.Iy fifty-eig- once. tiai.r Lake Cm, Nor. 8,lSSi. Yuiiaii Alt rm-Aksutaul Kii. Cmtoxn t.i:. I imtieed in this that tlie lw. this morning reipic-te-.- l luoruiugs Herald a call to jubilate orer cases of the I'nilcJ Stale v. The ilffiilar Urmorniy Arrange a.i0i. the IVemocralic victury, (me thing in it lie disniisscd. Mr. Yiiii:ui ninled lh- -t Iflratlou amt (lie Jack Munmuis beiug very ciatspiaious, (list the call is to i: wa iUeAul Iteimdlata the lrocrumiuv. a large extent sigued ty iftsloyal Mor- the ehsigo alleged that icterviui ws.-- a ivlyuaiiii-t- . mons. l'etersim was lib d Ih'I Maiuh un-- l Ifio li.ut ihe cXi'ileuiL'Ut iu .r.i'u l.uku 1 enter Now, a. a lfeiiuK-rjl-, lay proCiiy nver tlie lreiiJuuliai cicctiim bus test against a meeting leiug held under jury failcil to agree, ll had lTn leanird luce the prokermhui wa brought diet been intense fur the past few days it is such auspiet. No Mormon in I'tah is the alleged -- reend niarrisgi- was nut t ne r.ut in state. The Muriumis joyous because of the Democratic iocmi, kuuwn to the law. A widow, wlm was wltn ha vo been howling against the persethe principal witness fortha pri'secution, except that it means (he removal of Govcutions of the dominant party fir the ernor Murray and after her hnband s death to Judge Zane, beyond desired, tlie celMiial relaticn with her into enter lust twenty years have hcen watching which their liowhi of tend, deceased joy do not llie it being one husband, 1 the result with the keenest anxiety, and whilst I want to celebrate, do not t.'kureli Mormon beliefs of the peculiar in a defiand (JentiiH, actuated by entirely difler-en- t want to do so with that Hfie could, ihnuigh prosy, ant, disloyal church, and organised vioimpulse, evinced r.n less interest. lators of United Stain law. For gooJ, enter inlu such relation. Her son When it rarac to be regaoleJ as a settled acted us a proxy for his lather and loyal Democrats to be called and dicuteJ Fetenon went througli fait yesterday afternoon that Cleveland to sheet whose best editorials are a hy with the was victorious, the despondency of but diseased raporings, is a little too some kinJ of a ceremony look widow, after her presented nn amusing rontnst much. Iret us rejoice, follow Democrats, by which he underiook to underto the exuberance of Democrat--- . hut do so with clean, honest Democrats, material welfare, but with the be followed by MOltMON FNrillSMSM and not with a horde of Endowment robe standing that it ws not to cohabitation or any other of the marital Was uuhoumled. There mar in- those wearer. This latter ceremony was Their treatment of Csvdily, of Nevada, relations. who are unable to understand wli v they therefore not one that was known to the a In should so rejoice, lnt this is their brntal law. Mr. Yarian confessed his good, pure man, ex- inability plained. "If Clcvelaml is darted, " oneof nnd degraded editorinl of yesterday to umiontand tlie exact nature of the sufficient i evidence to Itemorrats them was overheard to ay verirnlay, ceremony, but was convinced it was not lie will issue u luMclaitiatir.n declaring to what urea they propose to put the such under a marriage Utah a Slate.1 'j j,.,! their Democratic party ; their sillv school boy the lew. Op- n your second marriage. You have done her a great wrong. You have done her a wrong you can never alono for. You have also done your family and children a wrong. It may l tlmt' you did this under Hie supei-M.i- t ion that you were doing right: I do not know anything about tliat. .Society mint W protected, and 1 cannot treat this class of crimes lightly. ( shall fix your sentence at imprisonment for three years ami six months in llie penitentiarv and a line of ?S00. , Mr. Rawlins then asked that defendant be admitted to boil pending any appeal that might be taken in the rase, lie stated that defendant was years of age, and his family wns entirely It dependent upon Lira for support. would be a great hardship to them if defendant was committed pending an appeal; The court denied this request; slating he would adhere to the opinion laid down in the Clawson esse unless some were shown extraordinary why lie should not becommitted. . The prisoner was then ordered into the custody of the United States Mondial and was taken to the Pen tills afternoon. Clawson will now find his punishment easier to bcai-- since he has a ' fellow martyr" to console him. o Studebaker Branch House Kl - I !lr- - The evidence 'shows 'that vou mu-- t have known that your first wile opposed y Attempt to Mix tfie posing Elements. HOI. 8TU0EBAKEI I fie Eiiilnaiun Id Eiliu Crlr-illit III Cuiu-- I ami Tliror) la I'flfrann Mr. Yurlmi niHi-rsar- 500. Mulil mi, the iiMffi owing aapilly , An lhi w8 ;;rt' in in. bvip.in. UAa.in. - Jlar. MAILS '&! H. Ula a. m. lla. m. IWm Miforiiiaaud Wot .luga mid North. , li.ti, End a, Utah n of departures and iR'vALS 8, 1884. I'Ll 1 1.IAlt IUMTION. HEtElWOVS tin CAST miUAtU. AisOttl Jinocrat Uvfniiti fit Join tluncti with Munua Ufmorrmi OIL AND WATER! JilmuiiKt Itetlrrstu l'eucrfut Upliiml I'ruitrutiarjr ...NOYKNllLIt :.iri:DAV 1 AimiIIu-i- - SATU11DAY, NOVfSJtJtEK FOR Vt. TICKETS MKA1. TWEKTt-ON- SALOONS AND BREWERIES. CU BROWN GET YOUR MEALS to for THE CAPITOL AT 159 MAIN STREET, -- H VINO BKEK RECENTLY KSTIRKLf reamnged, haa now become oua of the most popular rcaorM in the city, la addition to the excellent quality of bar good, to l found at the Caplfol, the proprivtnn mice a GRIFFITHS RESTAURANT i : . 26 W. Tint South St. a, A spatially of PURE . WINES AND UQU1RS ' organ-grinder- u first-cla- ss d . N. f - b- - to' X Anitted br the young and sifted Voealbt and and Comodlcnae, DOLL1KNOBI.E9, supported by a powwftd Lealll-mat- e company. , IT nun ... Uth ana 12th, will breunt for bo firm tlma In entitled Yotk snreess, New this city his Ideal A Comedy Tnuun, iu four act, by Milton eun-lin- g Noble. c ThrilUng Dramatic (.Timaxesi Min-cKrtieets: ftoi-ni- (ti jinsl Clit. Tcllx O IOiT, Attorney at fi&nf KllU.an Italian street ringer l . IN'YKRViKWS 1'ilCL h iX li...".MAN OF THE FKOFLK MATTNFE SATL'BDAT at 2 p. m. 1. t' Mn-eli- t I ll 'BREWING liCO., SHELDONS MlifMSra to XHi.IT?. A ( ri.S MA'CTHKW ITI.I.KN fl. W. UOIMF Dancing Academy. 8Hy1N0T. Box Offirn open Monday, Nor. 10, at 10 a. m, No extra charge for reamed seats. Doras open at 739 ; curtain rises at S. SOIREE EVEKY SATURDAY DIVISION, RANK. UNIFORM Knightsjrf Pythias StKIIId UN UOMAY Ihrenlug at 'AK LADIES' and JUVENILE CIA: oaTucs.tay and Tnureday afternoons at OrS. (ireud Matlueo Erery RaturJay at 3 p. iu. Private Lemons to suit apidlranw. Beat Dancing Rail In the city to rout for CLASS Of tVssK'h Diilsirai, Uniform Itank, Knights of Pythias, at the i 2 EACH.' William nJlork Oracrort T C .Umtlton,' lg W Gardner Arthnr Wild Y in F'nnan John DcnhalU r Cuhiue tienrecltartmi Juun liorilck 1 Rooeptlon Committee. FPrereott FWCar.ln.'t Henry Duhnuy TCAiaitreng UeoTga Barton Floor Committee. John Denholm John liorilck CO Kln WUUam Firman lAKt CITY BREWING CO. -- .L V.r.'r V.T " ORONER & JONES, Proprietors. A-- San Pete Valley AND A11KR NoVi-.MKKi'- . wilt leave .telly M fo' excepted): ON Iavf Uorotl tirp.-- r fouutaln Flea-a- nt UoIIowhv Arrive at Ncpiil - i ). till! Beer. VIENNA CHOP HOUSE. Meahitt tllhoitre. oysters in erviy styia tA.fi CITY BAKERY a ... I M'd.. ..... NVpIii floUuMHjr Ilcasiitl lli!l li.-J- ) pin pm p Artlre at Moroni ....! mrTdtarfor1 ON HAND BTDWEKKR AND SALT Connected with the Beer Hall is the RAILROAD. Committee on Invitation. V i r Milwaukee RUU1 11 'icorge Barton laiur-t.- MISCELLANEOUS. UoinmUtwe on Arrangements, - ittr BEER HALL .ON TICKETS, e BEER ':'?? ' ballaand partlw. WALKER OPERA HOUSE, THANKSGIVING EVE. NOVEMBER 20, 1 ihe Cate, Keg or Carloa-- i Loti, Ordon will ire prompcly ouendnl t. nod drtlvai r made rare of the city. hA Ik 'Country oolent rob cited. EVENING GENTS Wednesday FOURTH ANNUM. GRAND BALL prepareu to iurnluh By . WASATCH Preoldcat an.1 . 1884. OF SEASON N. KfiifiMI.V hM.AHi.KD OUS .AVi.i 1. hreuiiiK and Baltnia wjtre MKS. MiFI.lHLN. IS 1 iiv I'rcdcnl JACOB M'jKITy 1 ASSISTED 1, I ih-- Thursday, Nov. 1, Fridar. Nor. H -- , LAKE' CITY 1 mo.lctaie and sattafocllMi giuraiileMt It. J. UKIFFITH3, Frh-m- i pt-- i BROWN A WHIM NO. - Telephone cell No. )!. Aillcicphonaonlra , piomjtly allcudctl to. f.lV, ETC. N'utijes DolUe Kotuor 1 X IGE CREAM, SODA WATER, ETC. Love & Law enun-ciate- 114 For domestic and mcitulual are sold at MtaoDaola rater i Lftktw. SI Cmmi's and fitOpui f,,r ra',,r"u FrtvM tnitni atul spring wagona can be j CONFECTIONERY Alwaysonhaad. Yu::r airoiipilaKdUiltefi. GEO.UKBHAKDT, Proprietor, |