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Show 1 LI W.s. n dej ii'liui':. I ol msg- the near SALTUKE EVENING CHRONICLE nifieent future, - and cl t propiirli'Uiv.f Iran-- , oiiutir.n 'i value. lhe ...T.'noVKMHKIU SATCItllAY fm-involving the Imilding m a railway wish the I ah the mines to LIBERAL TICKET. Southern road, is a mailer n: vi'al tu the eo cc-i. Jlwlion Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1884. Willi the marble piudir-imnthe profit mu-- t dH!ud nju ii :avo:sb!irates which mn.--t in turn be Mp.uid.v jnjti HKI.KbAl K Tl) T1IK FUIU itHin large and routinum:- - 'hi; o'- u i j. r ;j , j ' :TUii!Ai (TIIIOMI I,1! i.r. Nuv. J' 'lill j'i Vi-.- - ton. Id- i'll,! l,:" li'l c:.-- ; A I : I'd Well Complete White THE- -- $9.99. .' r botels. BAILEOADS. si.L'ziJ.AifSors. .'.I I ISHl. 1, 'J'i ii. Jlt.I.. ipie-tio- NOV JjJlBiUli o i.. . Vi'i-K- -- A. Podloch Hous & SANTA FE ROUTE .i'-- sidphin-mining- Co., Pr, , , j . , Main street, Salt - Lake - HANSFORD SMITH. wit no r.tin: as x i::nl Jil A U j.iiir. t: i :.t I r.O.V ti.i.l T . MOLIlo IH'IWT-II.V- 1 1 liATKS - lh- litre by the week. i.iih What heart will li ! ; i.;p iiiian are iallin,". the stricken family v. around the Invclr mrin : tmk -- nfw rut:ovrci.F-v- jxi: The Chjw.vicie commence? to Juy the third year ofsls life. Tu il friendt and patroni who have, at .uUcrlhtr.isnd advtr.iser, contributcil to its support, :iiul f1ic wor.lt of gon.1 i.hrrraihl npprvrlateO, kindly regard are jimpi-rlt ne year ago, we 'return hearty lliankt. llie incorKiratf'l company wliii'li now own and publUiet the f'urcoNtt j.k. assumed ila managernciil, enlarged it lu the pretent size and through the pa l lint ilopro-i- m ye.tr of unusual busine-it safely on ilt way to assured While boasting ha-- formed no uccem. the of Chboxictit's ret, part hostile majority and : grant a of iu.pite ti lew prett, it hai won an konoralde as an independent evening journal, true to the real interest of this Territory, and ill response its. efforts it lias found a hearty welcome at the Lands and in the homes of as good and intelligent citizens as rail he found in I 'tali. n at itniu; L'jion the vital a political and polygamic ohuirh aud this great republic, it has spoken with no uncertain voice, Lit without abuse of opponents or the tue of epithets. More and more it appreciate the urgent lit easily of puaitire meaaurea on the part of the national government to recall it abused delegated authority from disloyal i inertly hands, and demonstrate to lhi deceived people that national authority is supreme in I'tab, and that nearly half a century of defiant violation i f law liy priestly conxpiriloN, juatifies aud demands immediate and radical remedial on the part of Congress. Until this poUlieU'Ccidesiattical minims ia in some way removed, the material development of 1'tah must he retarded and her inexhaustible resource largely held in abeyanre. Labor and capital avoid priestly and olitii-a- l despotism. Christian parent do not rare to place their chihlreu within the polluted are, of Asiatic Imrlmrlsm, where harems take Ilia place of homes, and perjury in defense of the harem is cultivated as a fine art. Tn its devotion to the business intare-l- s of Utah, and especially to its leading iudnxlry, mining; the Cintoxtru: opposes whatever, either in rhnreli or slate, lends to retard the growth and prosperity of the Territory or prevent it from Inkin'' ila place in the sisterhood of Slates. The Ciironii'i.k is the organ of no sect or party, and is, therefore, nulrammeled and independent in the sense of the the moral word. It has a light l support and material pitronage of the independent citizens of this city and of i lie Territory, and will aim in return to in advancing the material, and iiinnil of the - jiii i i ill O'. h -- Hill-rane- K.ii-tio- t- - que-lio- lcgi-lati- ll U ediic-ti'u- int-rr-- Al n.i. il- .I i i iri I, grew woi c. inlluencR of mclii'ine. . .1 i.-- lo- j I : c ge c 1 . r ? to - in sv.wtur u- Tlir .iiv'li tin- srtnls ol - lh.- turn'. - a i;oaimi;stoi:x. i:uli.-.Wumnn AVIi I.ast Msslcsn ConsplrMtur. A llFMiitir.il l Air. John if. Maxwell, T the t ily of Mexits, an elderly genll'Uiiau wl.o has spent the lietter iarl of hi; life in licit TIot.- - a tery city, said yesterday: pretty little romance nunoiviel v. i the arrest of the lat lialch of Mexican conspirators. (lenernl Pozz-- i is the chief t f tho military diiarlinc:il. He is a splendid looking fellow and a nun of royal He spends hi- - iimucy like fortune. water, aud there is not a m. ro dashing rake in all Mexico. No iii.m'. wife i safe from liiin, ami he lias had more amours than any other man in ti.c Alnui ten year ago country. wi!h tiie ho hail an intrigue pretty wife of a Mexicr.u lauver named Malendex. Mnleiider. is un old man, of his rich ami proud, and the runn-rhim wild. wife's dishonor neatly div-vTheir house was outside il.c city, surtrees. An rounded by beautiful iropb-.ir ing orango grove suirotindi-- the of the linn.- when- Mrs. Malcndefs boudoir was situated. The old lawyer hid in thisgrore one nhjlit and his worst fears were realized, lie saw lVs enior his wife's room. IV a was ul the time imt do high in anlliorilv, an.l it to hare a row with him. So the cunning old lawyer shipped Ms erring wife oil to a convent next day, ai d I d, hit plans for revenge. Willi true Mexican perfidy Le dr.-He began In allay IVra'a pretended Inward him the warmest went by they friendship. As the became mure and more intimate. It began to he rommcnleil on. Then they were seen in cl. c nm-ii- It iiiiMi with the lcadeta f revolutionist the that party. Ii began to be m agaiu-- t tire- governthey of Aiig-!-- l lliere ment. AIhiiiI the was a inerting at Among iIiom-- pivsenl weio iem-ri- l e.'iiir.uiii.lcr (Icneral oflhc garrison at Vera I'm, ticncr.il Chanarrias and bi.- - son. Janioii, editor of , iMbin.-ls- . i an.l ):! Salcedo ami loalrigiie,-.- . a niimbcl' of arniv oiliceis aud liiivn- - of the city. Tlietc were -- nine ihinr or f.rly of them. Th.-rbill ia wj-- a ami .Ma'.endi mithe iMtivcr-aii.i- n I All ryes were oil hii.i. lie was known to be al the very bottom of " f hi words had weight. conspiracy, that In- i f'eil He began telling f hi- - wifi-- . to apologise for the She wa- - uw.iy an.l could not be wlu-.- t the old man Kvervlx'ily wa driing al. IIeconl:iiiK-- l ,i in;; wbi-that the time had he at la- -l exid-iiI i ti.e r. had leu him. Tlioie hcKiute as pale as p the story of Id- llial led lx proud name He concluded by kept silent thus far t! to the liiin -- ( the w verge. The mau wli of iny lit'iise - here now . in fortune ami in naan plclcly at my iimiey. now cucirelcd by u its," aud with livid f.i finger the old woi.l- - we The his mouth before a dcta.liincn' ifI pohiiere tiled iu nud e.ipliuvd tbci-' The Ic.ider.s are now Ivi-.- ; in : s l et t - SllltAS XT IM'l KtT. MaJ-udea'- s Io-'a- . forn-.rrl- J.-- tv.-.- i e- e - ai-i- lie-lo- re - ab-en- ce -- ..trit.-'iii- in i le dyga-ui-t- - !i!: t i.l-- . ul ...p vi .it ('ninei U'".il. iu him. Mi-M'l.'yar.l Jil.iinc and Jamis (J. tin- partv. At Llaiiii . Jr., arc al eever-i.:.'iii!- - ab.us the rnr.L-- , where the train faiade iis regular '.rciij-. ,.vht-galhcrt arnuii.l and car lookin'.: :htoi!gli tinlie hut lliaini. they until the train did n,.t appear in i rcaehcil Hartford. On the ws y a mi'id-vrei.i o I. ad JIattfurd gt iiiimi.-ntome to meet him, v.-r- prcsctdc l. t Jen. lia"!t-boapled thftlriiiii at llridgep-.-r- l . was At NJ vv I lavi-- the i: s:ij:1 awaited made. A ccosidciaMc the arrival of the train and greeted Jilainc, who appeared fur n moment on the rear plalfuiui, un-.- l was Nov. 1. Hanford was a in reached nl r.oun. As the train came tu r. lop, there was a cannon salute and I.laino and L'rcmoid, nrconv cheering. paiiicd by- Senator Hawley, catered a carriagi! and wen- - driven lo a stand in around front of the courthouse, which several thousand people were All along the route were waiting. mid tber clubs. l'liimcd Knight (Icncral Hawley introduced liiaiuc. who wa loudly i Leered, lire poke ti.s Tho people ( f llial plendid follow: section of the Slate of Ohio which wa anciently a colony of Connection, commissioned me by their vote in Oclolicr to iu mother to hear the State, I now the whose eapilal stand, assurance of their loyally to 'few Hug-lau-d leaeliings an.l to New hlngiand . jinneipl.-sCI:err.j I am here today to receive u wurances that :!i-- j to prove mother Slate herself ii her fidelity to her own hi .'. arc acl her If own example. IKenewed f "heev- there bo any Si ate in the UnU'-; nn-.intere-u- d in the finaneh:. induct rial i f the Unilcd Sie.le a ; thou- systruis csit t.i.nncotirut " indir tiics f'.ate. for her r hiiill up the influence have of n p'dlccti"-- laiill. ui..l her iinmii-ia- l which I'.'ai miter, : exiciv-iv-e inir.eiui:-radiate lh.' with l.a; revived Union, in full messiiie tho heneiil and g of i he gr.Mt fionncial system which the party has given to thi.i counThe natinual canva-try. iflici-sIn the now o near its cluu-- , it involves, every cf the wide man, v. : !"vn ::nd child hi tho land. There i' mi industry tiinl will not ha nllcetcd: there is not a paper dollar whoso will not In: changed bv a wrong division. The induv.rlal and iiiiainiul syateii; under which great been achieved national progress ha e yearn uro during the last twenty-thretho work nf the Itepuldicau lartT. for at every stoji In their were resisted by euactiiicnt they the the purlv. Have to of Cnnnpfliciil void- stopjied re iU c! v. li t would be the imhici-.ebkutc if tiicic wa ruch a upon elimigc iu t tic t:rijf ns the iJeiu.stralic tariii- - within pc.r:y i:i Congre of cll- i ting l winter f Have to llic voters ol (.'onneriicui atopu-i- i think wlu.t would be the e'.lett of of the present curreriry an which w..!i'd i f llie I'r.iiPil y. r "cs if ilm IVuircratic parly i "Me ini') pc.vcr? 'i'brl c';rr.-n-: the as h ;.t.ir.!i I r.'o.i.uk-.- ic in the mo-history of l be world. A greenback t in ulalluii i f .a i i; a.id :Vur Icandie 1 mil- - inlf - d cr.-oi- -- -- jTC;-are- man-c!.'Uun-h- t t,i-ea- . In-- r , lliu-:a- in ibiiinii-- lrt - e; ucli THEY Tanam-i- . f-- r A. GREENWALO, Pumps When You Go East WORK LIKE N.. (ho lUiii? I. Iw miiio a The SANITARY rid'MIIINi. AN RAILROAD etiXNECTINii ha lli-ti- J tor the paitinii of liailroa.l trallie msn'igrr of the Atlantic .k Pacific, I; takes effort Hccemhcr 31st. The us'icinth.'.'i inei-iin rtnver, T'eeembrr will be I'jth, wh.cn dj'oimcd. 'i'be t l.i! . eiiiug was mainly cciaiiiie.l in i!is: of the merits of fair trade v. froe trade, lu the it was stated ti:al ei'.mplainl had b.n made that rents were diminishing everywhere and eapilal leaving England for piwni investment in protective" countries. liisuit-K-ie- u & f W , I u TAiu.Ki-i- PULLMAN fi.S'uxv- .It l.-i- la HU s i Insuring Swcd, LADIES' P.J.FLYKX. TAILOR-MAD- GOATS. E lnn !. Lcftvi., Ailivci.i 'icrau-ui- s lxiiuTi".Mium .. vive UartlcM Arrive h.i -- e't l.nhc 1 ii. I Caildrcr. 1 (' : l;ick licci ft) rent-- , I.. sv-ie- I ctw.sni i .a: a ! . , 1. VKVT-uNA tv i. lien. S V. r. oi: . ui i;!i Xu. H: I'ki s.: r ..i-'.. a Oognu . I . Vuviug ri. r. ..urpnns Kiui.I.urc S;i"! Is'.ty. Itavo ll'.- feot (..ar-.khc"-- . t IV.IIli' - V l l.'c.i. ,; lli'i t civ: Am !! i v.. i I i y T. :. J. n I lull .".t.T. i ; BROWN, OAK HALL, nU M:u;a uln-- o'ii Prtivrtcnr. SALT Philadsl'shiu Salt Lake Academy .. S.U.IS HALL! n -- SECOND SOUTH SD1 llim. it non east of Beehsat: -- Y AT- E LIASON H: :! f S'-ci- GUNNISON LAKE, 142 Al O.joosile Walker House KANSAS CITY, OMAHA which litter points bltKGT CONS am inslu nlili trstiis And nit I'rlnctiiat TAILORING. Main VIS1 ,'OL'CAN I went of Atirxr, Lake CiLv, Utalb 0 :':c Strati! UK TMK and Sil watche !u the Vnitcl siidns and fhmndn. JEWELRY OF ALL Oa ami Alter Ocl. 12, I8B4, AT1.ABTI1' i 1884 . r.K'- Fall and y ! f ijwris'tor. l.!l "(ic J. pod id t wn, utijp Winter 1885 Win'sii Ll lHVI'H'il "!ih l'l i:rjr!,-- in i v i n i'tr il'f iii'I'An . to - . ilKNNI.t:. I'ltU'. ili.iri-nnl I ilt.li.- - lu il,i:i. W':. OAILEY & BRO.. i i Tin: I'acifk; Kir; I :iUJ ki I'li- , . t u - has o.l i.el-s- I' - - i V L.iiKi Alio lit-:sk::t limit! tl:u in i'l ' hiu t p. r. ;..s 5i ttdlK '.'li'io riiiiii f.it iuf imfttlon, rad Mrn All cnrnvii-nnjc- i AM "S.0 p. M MUCHA NT TA Na. 21C Cppcillc Mam th-- j I !.(), Sheet, up stairs, Fuet..eelbHli Lake City. ! tt- - ui. E. m. Full Hetiirnliig, LrriylnKftthnrliiEvllloi..-.;ip.ii- 1 t 6:.ui James Price, PIONEER LUMBER n- - strive in Lake, dsiljr at p. m, anil Ogden ftfi 'Greet tniiuwt Ion witii lUcth-ir- rains rr- hnu tho ILTUAJNA . T ri!,i:nv u:-., i.ji..i..'.li: !i fur wtri-m- l : i u:i-A- t ,j -- !. h I. tinilii-culiu'c lait'l papt rs. Wriiu lu tlicrn eiu. fxrr.--i tkais litPlnc iiuHst, wl.'! r ' VERY LOWEST - m,d Kiiith x r : o Ji.j I1 A Mivt-cln- Fimu-hicn- - j., lu tWH And l'.V'ryllilu;( Noedi-- JlXl'UKiW TIIAI.V, (iGJf. Bulfot and 8li-in- g ie toeclio and IhnigRiiil Hlcctdug Cain, will leave Ogdcu dally M .t.o h, in. (uu arrival of tntia t fhun gnu and Mil Ijike (iliy ' A1eking direct h. th'iivur willi tinlni for tho lii-- i ' bnrtli GOODS. ! j : lii.-l- l B California 6rewe:l Pueblo and Denver, Gold JOHN PAVJIiS, HAMMOND I t ill hour. iTyuenaerr: At LGADV1LLE, ATuil line of card siajita- - of ,n ifOod: dtock pl w.!l Lc tourrj with w Vi. HC TIGS CHEAVEsT iUTfilJ llveied on the bortt nuij your orden nt the store of the OGDEN, viii lur imj- CHOP . a'oHy. Bint v.":w Connected with the Hecr HiUlrf BOTTLED ROUTE EXPRESS Sri-- PraprJ WAGENEF -- Continental Hi! i rr.-.-:l & JONES, hand bcdweisiei Reef okBeer. DENVER & RIO GRANDF 'J . J J ORONER Tk Agt Meal at Supt. .vi. dt HA INipeka Kan VIENNA Trans fint-cb-- 1 Gcnt Kin. BEER W. EITEl STAR EXPRESS Milwauk ji. u., - r W. F. WHITE. LAKE CITY fill The New, Popular, ;j a. ' . l.uxmy. RAILWAY. ot a:;c i . r. Uomfort, Any, Kvery Saiiiplc .Vow. 1 mi--.i-i a r.nj icta'ii I:..,-;- ' ri.c.-.- ul.. Xu UeU:'u v. . " No Old Slock. jx ns. !:, n.m. 7:40 j., m. B.4 p. n. THE IN The ScenicLine of theWorld Merchant Tailor. ! HOUSES Balfbkertliaii. Of,lt-.W- (p-.i- 1' EATING Gon'l Agent. P VAN HOPEN, 1(44 a. in. 11:14 a. m 11:1' h. in. BEEE tiie Case, Keg or Cirlu Onion will be promptly altteft delivery made to any part of th Country orden solicited. By fob ....-A- .ka.n. ii-- j ;.'kc esuk Having eecesti.y and Malting earnm now prepared to fliriil&h our hror COUNTRY. 1. ut.-:;ie- 1 RAILROAD Uo Hisare to lutunaitic 1 Adie that lie nuu tenth-men'- s Clothing, TIME MATTHEW CCLI.EN;... II. W. MORSE... Viet! JAOOB MORITZ SecivUry lidt SALT BEST K -i GARS, . Samples of Goods la Choose from Two wholesale Chicago Firms. litli'AV. ,ll:KH cicili Cuiupinr' STANDAKI5 MOUNTAIN siljc-jlr- l j SLEEPING Elegant Day Coaches, Steel Rails, l'JT AMI ft BREWING Splendidly Equipped with S.V.DEEhAH, . WHlti AlllelqfcJ SALT LAKE WITH THiC, This New Line 224 MAIN STREET, Railway. U For domestic and meiiclnit ywuMil ere sold at reasonable rales. to MORITZ ft (TI.!: Ha.-- "HMEST ata NEVADA AND promptly attended to. Denver & Rio Grande fRv. sin tin. i. ?! (if CiitCMij. Such lovely Velvets and rick Brocade a F. Auerbach & lira., exhibit were never hofnro wn in thi rity. MiSCSbLAjEOns. UTAH .? O. -- St South Merchant Tailor, e-- t.-- i DEPOT AT PUEBLO P. VAN HOFEN, s la-- ! UNION' A WINES BROWN & AM the i i IS STREET, Q HAVXKU JiKX KilCENTLY now beeuwt: inoct popular rraort In tho city, h to the excellent quality of bar nt found at the Capitol, the propritSk spcclnlly of PURE VKNTii.ATINti. l BROWN 159 MAIN ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE ab-cn- f. lol'L or UenvtrJ RoIM TWUWWftHft. THE CAPIT I No. 70 W. Boeoatl HO SALOONS AND BREWE8IEJ.I DEPOT. STKAM r -- IWLAC'F VIA Tfuq ine. co., & e I'm-iue- . t FOR YOl'it i.'jtfir iaitf y In 11! J. W. FARRELL An tniiisally fatal outbreak of clndera lias ucear red at Madras, and is aggravated the didieiihy of procuring provision, us the leri.w xtiic-kevillagers refnreto to the rity the supplies. u bf.ieinl of the Kalmbhish Arab uii-nates that (icn. tlerdon recently repulsed an at lack by Mahdi's troops oil the Amderman, opposite Khartoum. This telegram dispels the uneasiness of news from arising from the Khartoum. e 1 ProprieJ NEW MARKHAM CM e, train-- J TRY THE CHARM. A AK l'.st-oiliis- f mi ii.-:-r ;j MAIN STREET. AND POINTS. t ic.-- l .u-c- -( ! w hanged in lleorgu iiiil county, t ieorgia, ye tuihiy, for the murder oi' Wm. I'.ryuut by chopping ills head M- - own house. nil' at a parly given lli.i giund jury Jrslerday Itiiru-sidfound an indictment against the lalcdislnirsin;; uihci-rr-l'eparlmetit, ihartrip.--; him with miiierlingj-'- i 1,000. iti-- l twenty-fuurvi'l'-- A Drive-W- ell 'ri'-i'-dv h!e.--.in- , R ST.. JAME WATEB AND DAVE .r illeglnglyiwiiix our patent If VI l .. perotis perished pii'.ccb:'ae (icorpi- - ifa. AJ"Thc Leading Kmily Botclla Oty. New Hotel and Fnrninuv. i'lin.iiua ealiy id sl.irt next. The Secrotaj-- nf the fa (i.'nipriuy ridicules tli? idea 1 Jaiitre, fot .t hot lunch will be served aur . biinu-.- l siu, in the ii.int-- : and iniiire.! isi-- Biuu-- oiti-u-.- r.l A li.u-- , - laiipiv-.- . TYe-t-.-- li h... f'(i l has u:c r.f for lhr deliiUje of her the I'rcni.i; iina'ion. The j -- I Missouri River. . I"-.- i i - IJ . ; l hc.-ilat-e - fjllt.'i i; IJiiea tlan of gnesls. ' t , li.-pr- : uL rale is inpi-)l iff S.otlai l. hail!, York 'i n.ivv J.oM .11,J-- 'l i huvi . ibe banl-reii'iirru.enU. in exi.-.si- .f i.- 1 . 1 1. ioa-- -- puni-liab- I.Hoid, all wlecurn - sr.iimi. ir m-il- 1 pw-- J 1. tagf.ii Ibi : The polygam-piicsih.nd oi I'lati e cannot afford i endure many ui w:n gained yerderday in the iiirning hsise of a bigmui-t- i lro'her, In .Ichii Cntiiii-lly- . the jury lo liud u vt rlicl i 'i ii. I guilty upon a tirm .liiiLe Zji.c epro--e-d and abiding conviction that the uvl or justice had Itee-- i delra'.tsl in that ea-- o by i'.i!mi swojring, such :i lie had never wuiirwd nh.l never again to ee in any couri ofjiwiei. With the example el by John Tailor and other a .'!! te and dignitaries of the we i.ur that if Judge aue continue' le sit i u ilic bench in ('tali, he will obliged to take lugniance rf aa often as actual and of polygamy are brought .i-- e forward r trio!. Some veins ago we learne-- l in i!.e tlr.m.l Jury room that perjury for tiie purpose of screenfioin piiiiifiurn!, was ing p ei.iritsl to by I. liter duy Saints under the iudu-iu- e The l'!awen and I'oiiueliy polygamy ci?es, in the witnesse- - of high and iwnons low ilegiee, have setiied the jued:on to this extent, that eo lung as a witrra is in full tvinicmiion with the church of J. 1. S.; he or hr vi ill iirt of . ImW br?lt .l'iW;. to vi..l,ile judicial oaths lo protecl three Vi:v Yof.u.tM. 31. -- t'erlrai J';u bu , who are .iving their religion" i:t the Hurliii. tcii av, 17 ; 3T'j: (1ium-,olart',c. nl' o'.ygamy. I Vcrtl-.-i'.ui-.lNorthern st f.l'lll'K l lmsrt.CTS. -- i lireferrcl, I"; t'liicag--So;: Sew York Cci'!i.1.. I' tail iiJia'cly iLe largest and Mail, fill; .' lYiunui, miiet lr.vliec.iii' i rode sulphur in the San 1'raiiL-iM.l:T-' world. Thry arc halted in the southern Union iaei lie, I x- Well ltVi; IJu uu i iiri'-.-- n pre-- s, part i.f the Territory, about twenty-fiv- e .. V :t dr V ': Mik". rum lie .V. r. It estimated that & Vavigal: m, j.' ' road 1 with liud . ex, Ti'h - measuienients 1' ' : tiorcriiineiit.---- :' disclose iuic nii'.ii 77. " Iffi: Ilicilii- o( claim', have lieeu made, of ' ll' 7ft which are a'liady With Nkw Yukk Nuv. I.- Xew Jerk processes diwurere I a d m.t. Ynery inu in i: . min i. vented and pslentv bv 1'. Iiickert, M. t.liii-:.-.; rite- - l "l;b.M. K., who is a controlling uwucr in these Broken me l. tu ket- - ' The C i4 sulphur mines, the nude sulphur is We-- Shuier. alia exj. ii.d lo r 'v melted by r uup:e; cl ilo.uu aud the pure article thrt wn into t: mpai-- t ruaMies i ;'A,h,i or converted into do r N: u York V"V. 1. which, l in Int It I'nrius, il.iue a 'srae end inl ubbi i luughi " in . i i 'ft j t'l creasing market, lailii- - land ready to tho Hank if I'.ritiyli l'l' .Ur!' l'l ll .1, ..,:b invest large suii.s Fti'O.CttO to l'lock & ( ii. mid i li.: ird cl the o llcrl-ii money in these t bir,i i. Ii, Yelivlhtii-.i-mine and in machiuei y i handle and frar.rs In llcjiU-llia- ' i". mini) d.iys ne i ul Vfviy : t .i' : ilnt i vlina their product- The iilplinr inof llic bo. light 'b'l'bOi i !'. dustry of Utah promi,. u hexane, Jo O.tubvr, Scnrr.r. vic-ioi- l.n'.ivn v.c-i- l r. i i v i. KS. 'III'., : ' u.iiii o to a pr.ti.ii- -- I..S-1-Wr- l. rn i.i-u- , hiI left Nr.v Y.u-- ibi- nuHnii!!: in n eat- ii'.iinio'd i die ri '.ub.i- ir-.l- MV n i I ; - VtrrtMSt Til rfu : :t.v.-c- 1 1 -t .1 . ' I tli.-i- ppii u :.l 1 ; ..! .i.gti..; ic.i.ic. Ihi i .Hu ; !.i.: , her friends wairlirJ. :.u-- l .'. Aia-- I seeiuod favorable for I a a ink it;;. there carue a a all and aiiliin day. It sudden death, I ainle-- - pa'-aibe was a brier and giavc through ili"i,.,i-- nf tin- l.cail. : rr.ii is. Iriu.i ttliicb None but i oil mn roll ar.n Uoasoaicd ia sia-As adorn s (lie liionlli .n ic And nwaet word.--, llial Willi their ( i li i i.pl while i ivlhing - .hi u' - ..o'luug i . i I ;.. uiruiii, .'.c. ar.d iiooc n i' niidi-- - id : i cn by ih Ifni uo i'u SI., ! M I'. Aiid.us 1..-- t. I if . BEMOVXD Ottil kopt Out cluoi J BAR IS rpuKsouth, and i. THE QUICKEST TIME . Mi-'.'- l l! ia, an Mrs. W. the enluituinin,iii her wn age in Ipera J loii.c. K. lined of fat fern arms and T,c-i-. ..ri-.;l- i.4 the home of unfading On l ' l Thnrsilay nipl.t Ir. and lie jiv-J- y , i . daughter ar.l ihl. i. and Alin uikedaily fur Vt' .'"."'OT. arrtvn at Salt l.nlrc i1u p. in., anil Iwo Ogdci in., arriving at will take at J:i, il m An AUX)M.M01AT10K THAIK Will Lake dallv (exrept humlaj-a- ) at Imvon fcoon.in Jnm thin Vallvy at 'WjS'd Valley June thmal el ilt l.akcatUVj .s.nuarrltlnq IMii. ' ,r''jY)rT- " - 6. E. UOOI'LK, Gen, ' IV. KCC1.KH, INua A Figt. Agt. T.ftgi. Beaver. ; ; & W. H. nr. A Utile LUMBER, T. & I G. G' LjIIi, Rt'Siic Sitlitie. NYINI'OWK, DOOJW, W-J- First SreUiSW Opposite 14th ward Salt Lak CM, l - |