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Show V "I ITcJu iTJni v ljy- OL, salt lake city, - SALT UKE EVEKiNG CHRONICLE I KVI.KY rtJI.WlEl1 lm4v F.Vrv!NH. Hxr-ii- t TIIK NEW CHILIAN Tha Fa.ttkl Lo i.JT ! Ahum. Veel War New York Evgnlu Now Fort. rtel aet goin war Teasel afloat Tlie u ihe new Cl'.ilkin cruiser Kmuerahla, (hat recwntly olitaincil the mean speed uf Balt Lak City 21 W. Sstead SoutivJ knot r Lour eigiiieen and .Terms: n on a ca trial. ITie Hriliali cruiser Isis, ivryrtr. by nij'l ,fn hitherto tlie Jax'eat ha a Slxnumili. 4jyi ; Thiwmi.nilu." maximum speed uf eighteen knot per I!vi:irii(iriiilh,l,t0i lliccRy: , hour; she ia, however, unariuored end for week. id'uiiIi Per lightly armed. The comparatively .to not Who srKHlItIRKKH rsimnliiliit.wm of Iwdeaerilie'l as a casenialei Imv nr inav iwiviv. iiyv:iw .i ike hy iiuUfying Uuinmiilor with high freelaiHnl and every essential to make her aeawurthr for any mured m the Mi hake l ily I matter. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMFANY, i!!riiKi'i!Ti:r j Sra-Gu- ln CKUlxFIL man-of-wa- Itnig-rang- STbam5S5i Tiwt uta six-inc- h rn lulmr-aavin- m. REAPERS guar-aute- o J) M I Schuttler Farm and Freight Wagons AND AND Warranted of Beal (Quality anil to be SOLD HAY amks full and cmiplete stuck of AGUKTI.TUHAI, IMPJ.KMENTS. The Largest and Bet .Selected Stock of llardwixxl and Wagon Mnlerial in I'IhIi. 1 56 Main Street, Millinery and Hair GOODS m O. F. DUE, er-vi'--i. , E. NOTARY & W. H. Sells, SEBREE HOWARD &. CO., Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, portable steam engines, lkfkel turbine wheels SAW MILLS AND SHINGLE MILLS. Iiiipiirica answered promptly. FAS H ION ABLE TAILOR9 ....AND.... UA8 Shoshone, Mountain Home, Caldwell and Weiser City, Idaho. Carts Road the for Jl'rtr KKCKIVKI) Fall and Multitude. A I.AKGK AND KI.KCAXT ' STOCK OF Winter Goods! Consisting of the Very Best . 0 , Domestic and Imported JI1S. MAIN STREET i oil amilirattmi Suitings. P. O BOX H.-- tbi imuutry. tn all narta BROOM HOTEL, THE PERRY ROAD CART, la Ihe very first and only vehicle HORSE MOTION whatever. The find and as a buggy, as cumfiulable as a phaeton, and For ealiy has no equal, being ihaeton-ha- a termed luxurious. It has upholstered seat in leather or cloth. two-whe- OGDEN, UTAH. JOHN W. LOCATED made Dial hits POSITIVELY NO only carl made (hat rides a steady draws lighter than either. easy uf trees, and may properly he body, with a wide, deep and nicely FOR SALE IN THE BUSINESS CENTRE one-thir- d LOWELL HAVING LEASED AND REOPENED THIS New BY COMPANY, Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. and Well I AM Particular attention - Furnished Hotel READY TO ENTERTAIN ALL called to the fact that PEOPLE LEAVING OGDK.. ON ANY OF THE MORNING TRAINS, by coming un Afternoon or from Sait Lake and slaying in Ogden over night, GAIN ONE IIOL'K A F Eveni-.-Trai- ESTABLISHED THE 1876. LARGEST COMPLETE STOCK FINEST IMPORTED STYLE, Tlie Commercial Travelers interests will lie most respectfully Lirvnae required for commercial traveler in Ogden. AND DOMESTIC FIT Coach and Carriage Painters, ... ..AND WO R K MAN SHIP OVERCOATINGS Guaranteed. SUITINGS PRICES AND .TO Pantings Sample Fashion Pla - ATTENTION. We have the Finest Stock uf MASURY8 and other Colors Ground DEFY COMPETITION, & SON, BUCKLEand Woolen Drapers, Tailors P. O. BOX 682. in Oil brand of or Varnish ELEGANT LINE OF BRUSHES, TOOLS, ETC. O. F. CULMER UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. well-know- To be found in tlie world. and Rules fur Seif Measurement forwarded on application. SALT LAKE CITY. itteu, M. H. BEARDSLEY, Proprietor. FOR FALL AND Wl.XTLll IN TUX CITY. . 1 THIRTY M1N0T1CS FOR SLEEP IN TIIE MORNING. AND MOST & BROS. GEO. M SCOTT & CO. DEALER NEW TIME CARD, SEPT. 8, 1884. IN- - PUBLIC STAR J. PUMPS. niKtuntly in stock. ! ..TIIK com-jun- J. C. CONKLIN WIRE, Call and see us or aildreas PLANTS, ilis-iiut- es BALING JOS. BAUMGARTEN, IRON FIREPROOF RiNJFINO iathe Rest sn.i Clieaiet 50,000 BEDDING AND the Market. fcjrThe 1DRTER Kixihng in Floral Decorations MILLINERY All ('iirreNHideiii'e solicited. A TIES STEAM ly Meets PRICES: Implements BALING PRESSES, For all Mirpue. sal-mi- ni, - LOW Line of KNOWLES Moving on wheel that never fail. y Regular VERY AT A Full aud Till' BAIN WAGON, - suhse-qiienl- FIRST-CLAS- OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, DEDERICK Harvesters and Binders, V amused-themselve- I OF ALL KINDS, y ' . UEAI.KR IN TIIE CELEBRATED MOWERS, Agricultural AND CENTS SALT LAKE CITY AND OGDEN, UTAH. g - .nil--- George A. Lowe, S CHAMPION rV MUCELLAIBOUa. CITY - ri . rmCE, FIVE THE Vr. D LAKE SALT FW. J-- . Fine Buggies and Carriages -Mf -- iss-i- 1 Tlie MISCELLANEOUS. Dynamiter. 14. CM. The f.ur men sus(Quebec, ihe exphsion. st the pected of Parliament building Satunlay, ranged iu age from 40 to 21 yean. They all occupied tlie same nauu, in which were two double bed. Sladame Molin, laml-ladnot understanding English, cuuhi NO FI.Ai'F IN ni make snytliing out of their conver-sutiiTwo of the men seemed to have all the linen they had will them on their ntu-of KINK BUGGIES CAKKiAUKd, and the Hat such a w jirrsuns. They were in Ihe habit of jmv-m- g acknowledged Stnndjr.l ul Wagons, fur each meal as they partook of it, and also of jwying for llieir lied each BAIN. 'morning. Thursday last the jnmngest of (lit ixriy left, taking with him a heavy hut FIRST-CLASWORKMANSHIP, and sold al GREAT BA KG A INS. vulinf, and did noi afterwards return. Niahing and examine our Jeiarlnient of this Fine and ihiralde woik. The trade is All seemed well supplied with American (all growing lively, and we are turning mil birg,- quuuiiiy ol the inunev, which, it seems, they had some luflicultv in gelling exchanged for Canadian inniiey, lu ay for their board. Saturday aftermsin the guardian of Ihe i Juelwc Central deMit at lwia, staled lie hud on Friday heard men aieaking in reference In an intended exploiduu iu i'ioiiL of the alalion. and that lie at omai ciioiiiiuniiiated what he bad heard to the forte of Ijuehec and Iwia. Nhe carries voyage. JOHN 11. WHMV. HusiucitoMauaciT. hreeidi loading, vry luw and atern gnus that aweeii through more thmi NOTICES. BUSIN eighteen degree of horixon; pnMecled with steel shields, and capable of penetoof leave Notimtithe lrt trating twenty incliea of inm armor. city ali.iBt account ncaltii, of on South wy Huskies tliese she carries on each broadImt for the my .iu ,.i the eiwrt "1 nl nature of Nn. side litres hreechloadimr rifles, I arher ihun, the hut iwml In the city. Juhn capable of penetrating eleven incite of 2i Mdip Hiraet, it i lits nalii. Apply to armor. These Kwerful gun are Knapp. worked by the most perfect system of AT THK AND piitl.OIL H. U oil Store, 57 K Fit I south Street. Rough on Clovelontl. hydraulic machinery yet Koehler, proprie..' devised. The Esmeralda carries in addiAmong the slings and arrows uf cam-lig- n LITTLE DAS W1NMI a pawn tion to tlie above Hotchkiss revolving litcralure we find the following in ofl.llir So.im wtofth cannon, Uordner and (.ailing repeating ilie Han Francisco 1'ont : Welker Open Hn.uc. Money hmiiea oil Jewguns, mounted in every available place, .. elry aiul other col' When the chief of the Mormon heard ( masthead even in her to I, ail proBAZAR. 1 TTQVfi nop, CPSA tsi) JAIAN nomination Jie said: tected with shields. steel These latter Ifn'Msv bond, nMmimrtcd Stock H lorwe When he Tei and Onffres: elro th hlnii RokWnuTeft, are mainly for defeniv against think hell do lo support. weapons BA per IS, China Water Uly, etc. New goods torjiedo boat.- The striking feature of heard of the Maria Hatpin aHair he said: 2B7 Main at. is a. man after my own heart, and dally. Irine reswishle. No. . . the Ksiueralda are her moderate size and weHewill P.0. Boa lOOIL support him with our coin, our (xtniimratively light armor and email AUCTION AND COMMISSION. lra.ft of water, her high spaed and her moral support nut being appreciated by ohl City Markrt BuildSavhie leased thostreet. to the bigoted and ignorant American peoI am Kiwerful armament. It is an pen seing, oil Wert Temp j t tlienio?t iireparwl rceeonable take good for stn.iuM she was 'designed with special ple of Utah. Hepti in ten per cent of all cret that eemrnmihlat to room rate. I hero amr'o reference to the powihility of trouble you have lor Cleveland: he cap feelfor lliousand of ton .if merrhamliee, and Tomvid Iwtwcen the United States and Chili and us, lie knows how women should be sattsfortlmi i all who may J. W . Mk Klbh. man In my charge. to tlie opportunity to raid our defenceless treated, anil he knows how many TOUR Ihritic ports. TS6OT AND HloK MAF.H-Q- icr the Ksneralda as should have that is, as many as he can Compare and site i with the for Cleveland! IM u t hoot and shucs repaird Chicago as she is prom- get. Hurrah rhenply.H tier the innrt Imrroyeilxul.style, next ised. etc. Smith Oh, Joseph pray. is But coniiiarison impossible. t Walker Bonn. north. John Wot Tlie Esmeralda could as easily whip tlie Itallroad Matters. Merrimac the did tlie old Chicago as PBrf88IOHAL I New Yohk, Oct. 14. The Texas Cumberland in the beginning of our late ' R. T. RA DC l.IP PR. TRACHKR OP war. By the way, how does the Chicago Pacific railroad had five writs of attachMiiflc, he removed In Flirt eoiith straet, progress? in the , ment issued against it Mark St. Clmreh. Ogden lecond door east of vlidted Wedneadaya and Saturday. United State courts here. The suits Hudson Ray KxpedlUsa. WHkVOTK. TShAPMAN ISfTOtw. Oct. 14. The steamer City are for the recovery of money for breach i Walker Opera ilouae. Halifax, Telephone in offln. of Mexico to day from St. John, X. F., of express contracts. An attachment W HVTiJCK, D. D. fh A. S. PWAPWAW. was also made upon the bonds and oppiciA brought among her passenger Lieuten- oilier proiierty lielonging TrT' C. KT(;HOTB. DENTIST. to tlie Texas rv.r Pealiuip P . oppoalte Wei:. Aneathit ant Gordr.n, who wailed from Halifax Pad 6c railway now on deimi.it with tlie iw Riven. itore. dm J hnaoni nearly three month ago on the Xeptune, Mercantile Trust cnintany. Telephone tn ofllre. f Chic ago, Oct. 14. The managers and RWVKR. .k Ixiund for Hndson Bay with men ami KNTTSTP lirrcntnCK freight agenls of the New Mexico, Utah Bitak. Salt T W. Hltcbonek, Waaeih appliances for establishing stations fur anil Colorado pool met here ' and Jake. W. R. Stover. Lotmn, Vt il'.- tliH proposed scientific observations. chose J. W. Midgley as comiuisaioner. so:i With Lieutenant Gordon there returned He and arbiter Tucker will formulate a uf operation. 1 r. K. UK Bell, V. W. Fox and C. R. Tuttle, plan .T HOCK .OUTj)lll0Wlt-SlTlia Panama llevolutloulats. secretary of the expedilion. Ihe last PKl CONVENTIONS KVE" to named was on account return obliged RF.0U1.AR (M. 14. A nuin'oer of revoPanama, Uu. I nion, at A, In hall of of ill health. An interesting account lutionists seized the British Walker Opera llmne. Sojournl n copipanion lug Merr,i of is are eurdial iy Invited to etlend. of tlie giren voyage ami uomiel!ijd the caitain to AllTIIUR L. THOMAS. Coraraanik-r- . night Itis vessel staled the the Xeptune. 8. II. SKliiar., Clerk. Htriick sunken rock twice while trying take them to Gwtu Rica. Tlie steamer UTAH LODGE NO. 1, 1.0.0. F. tn make a landing on Resolution Island. Alajueta was also captured by the Revolutionist. The tug Merro was TKET KVKUV THURSDAY AT 7:30 P. H, At Diggs's Island the party J.YL In Odd Fellow' Hall, Union Block, Fall I released. The steamer Algjuela Polar three of chasing tears, ere In Fellow Odd Lake ihty. (paid rtandiug which were shot and their skins are in is well armed. Tlie local government invited to attend. nude do resistance to the rebels. N.C. SPRINGER, N.C. (lie maaehion of Dr. Bell. An ordinary J. J. Thom, Secretary. murine compass was found of no use to Onlwred tv Le Place where stations fur the iarty. SALT LAKE LODGE NO. 2, 1. 0. 0. F. Buenos Ayres, Oct. 14. After receivEVERY FRIDAY KVKKIXR AT scicnliGc oWrvations were placed altoiinii MK.KT3 In Odd Fellow1 Hall, Union liUica. in iniNit kind of game, including wild ing a threatening and offensive letter Odii Fellow iu good Uanditi arc invited to geese and duck and reindeer, and in some fr iiu a Papal delegate, the government UIX). A. I.UKE, N. tl. attend. pltiees the water teems with limit, J.M.Darmxo, Secretary. ordered him to leave the country within cod and other fisli. F. hum. The Clerical party twenty-fouJORDAN LODGE No. 3, 1. 0. 0. at every Monday evening promse to give him an ovation on hi The Congo Union New Oild Country. Hall, Fellow' In departure. The Liberals are preiaring Block. Odd Follow lu good xtandlii': are IjOXDOn, Oct. 14. Tlie Congo Yellow a counter demonstration. Public opinion to etlend. Hook cofffirms tlie information relative ia with the government. JOHN T. BUCKLE. N. G. Luun Hyas, Sccroury. to tlie Congo country already published. MISCELLANEOUS. RIDGELY LODGE No. 9, i.'o.'o. F. r Bismarck, writing to the French Amlies-aailo- r ATKET8 EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING el Berlin on the SOlh of S.ptemlier, VLatJHAiclock.ln Odd Fellowif Hall.Union ALL KINDS OF Block. Yialtliic brothenmadu welcome. coiihiiiers it expedient to wane invitation Pllll.. KI.1IJILK, N.G. W. X. Claak, Seerelaiy. foithwitli to the six nation interested in CALENTHE LODGE No.' 5, K, OF P. ihe Congo country, including the United everyWilke; Sistea, and that other isiwera, including conventions at Ci'rth111, Scandinavia, will lie admitted to ahan- - in Opera llonae, at 7SS0 n. m. Viaiilur Knight MADE Til ORDER the delih?ra:iii and sccLie general asPHIL. KI.I1TLE. C.C. made walivnne. Johk F. Ta rjia. K. Ilf It. A S. sent. This evidence, which' France is Of live Flowers or Everlastings. disposed to submit to tlie view of MISCELLANEOUS. Germany, produce in Paris bail imand feary are expressed that pressions, t, (iermaiiy is duping France. The of Paris, rears tlie Yellow Book will necentaate the antagonism of France KSTABLmilMKXT. ami England. The demand of Granville in his letter to Bismarck, qualifying the acceptance CHEAP. of the invitation to the (kmgo conference, MRS. J. E. GREGORY STRONG TOMATO PLANTS 20,000 the of conference the limiting programme to the regulation of commerce in (he out entire the bought HOUSE PLANTS IN GREAT VARIETY. Having MRS. RARNUM In the Millinery Congo country not to trench upon a to the territory of West Africa, bualneaa. GARDEN 3KKDS. lias received the adhesion of Holland, No. Portugal and Italy. Until this matter is settled, the holding of a conference is FLOWER SEEDS, 300 KINDS, in douU. Will reopen with a Bill and complete AssortHANGING BASKETS.- ment of Married a Lord. 1 .oxuon, Oct. 1 1. The marriage of FRESH FLOWERS PRESERVED id'i Theresa Foote, daughter of Captain Cheap and Perfect. Foote of the United States Xavy, and I,nrd Montague Paulct, son of the Marqiiia On MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER lat of Winchester, took place at St. George's United States Minister She would lw pirated tn meet all her old t'linroh .CUfttimUTH. NO 240 W. THIRD SOUTH STREET, y Lowell and a large and fashionable 3V After were RlnrksWeat of am llnuae ,the wedding present. P. O. Hors. J. 0. Cohxlik. breakfast at Kensington palace the new& CO. ly married couple started for Nice. Tlie PIONEER LUMBER YARD, wedding present were, numerous and Victoria an sent IJiieen antique cosily. and gold breakfast 'JJTAH ORE SAMPLING MILL diamondThebracelet Prince and Princess of Wales "i vent a diamond necklace and an Indian shawl. The beauty of the bride was DKAliERA 111 Ores and Bullion Carefully Sampled? much remarked. Her trosseau, of Ameradcommanded ican nianufstcurs, miration. T. & 6. FLOORING, LUMBER, GIVEN TO THE SPECIAL ATTENTION Ok and Rnlllim. Mill, South A Great Oil Wall. Temde street, between riah A Nevada and Lath, Rustic Siding, Mould! m, Utah Central Railroad Depot. Offlce otoi Xkw York, Oct. 14. A Bradford, London Bank of Utah (front ronml. Penn , siecial says : The Christie awell KTC. WINDOWS, IKKJRH,' BLlNI-in Bullet county, situated near the great EDWARD MICHAEI.IS, First SesthStrasi, Philliis Gusher, commenced producing Opponila ltth ward meeting bnuee. yesterday at the rate of 1,200 barrels Salt I aka Cltv. l,h per duy. Christio, its owner, insisted the well had nut been drilled into the EXPRESS ri'cular sand formation and caused drill- EXPRESS ing to be resumed with the above extraSALT LAKE CITY. UVAH. ordinary results. At 5 oclock this evening the well was doing over 200 barrels XFFICR, NO. 14t MAIN BTKEET. FII iwr hour. Later acuounts sav ihe well KJ door north oi Barrett Bro. Telephi 14'A No. D. la producing at the rate of 6,000 barrels Parkue, Tnuiefrr and Xxcnndun Wagone a day. This ntalilialies tha record as always In naulliieea. Moving Ilanoa, Organa the largest producing well ever known. and runilluro a Kir laity. attcrney-at-la- w Have Uut tlncat wagon that is very The feeling in nil circle wee ever bmnght to this country. Cnrlwlime sales are already lumiekv. Mnba. An prepared lor No. 64 W. Seoond South Strieet, rep. ir leil at 67 cent, 2 cents below closTourlaU will do well to rail on the Star , ing ipiotaliuna, with the prospect of a Kxiirme. Order by Telephone receive prompt atten-tlomuch heavier break Ryman Block, Salt Lake City. J. U. EtJUKKLY, Bale Proprietor. 23-to- aved.nesuav, octoislk ir. . LOMAX, fmir-m-ha- t Hardware, Iron, Steel, PA88KXGER TRAIN'S LEAVE SALT LAKE DAILY AS KOLIA) WS: GOING NORTH. I aL.....u..l... 43)0 p. m. at. 733) a. m. Atlantic Kzprcis l'm-JllExpress FROM GOING SOUTH. Milford Eximii al Juab Express at Stovesrare, 4:10 p, m. 7:40 a. m. ...... Trains arrive dally In Halt lake City as folloVa:. NORTH Itu'llk KxpieMHt-.u...u.u.- .,. Atisiille Kxpnssi at FROM u10:40 a. m. 73U p. m. SOUTH. Jiuib Kaiwvaaat. SMOpm. Jillluttl Express si IMNSItlMININiMItMN likl0a.ni. MILL FINDINGS, MINERS AND BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, ETC. any-eiar- d Krelght Trains leave Salt laike daily, except Hundays, for XotUi IbrSiaitn at H3J5a. m. and 13D p. ui. n. F I tenoral FHAMC'M tXJl'R, Fralghi and Pamensar A gen' . a. ui. and 4315 p. JOHN SHARP, u.: (tenoral Superintendent 144', 146 and 146 Main Street, Salt Lake City. VwS1 - - |