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Show THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES Bf MEREDITH Ante ri THE HAIR MNEMR NICHOLSON CHAKCI. ZEL1A Etc. uvrtKU iwk hr hoMw mmtui c. CHAPTER Well ha exclaimed. thli haa been very pleasant, but I must run. I bare Just been over to see Morgan, the caretaker, at the resort, village. The poor fellow accidentally abot himself yesterday cleaning' bis gun or something of that sort, and be has an ngly bole in bis arm that will shut him up for a month or worse. He . gave me an errand to do for him. He's a conscientious fellow and wished me to wire for him to Mr. Pickering that he'd been hurt, but was attending to his duties. Pickering owns a house at the, farther end of the colony and Morgan has charge of it You know Pickering, of course? I looked my clerical neighbor straight in the eye, a trifle coldly, perhaps. I was wondering why Morgan, with whom I had enjoyed a duel In my own cellar only a few hours before, should be reporting his injury to Arthur Pickering. I think I hare seen Morgan about here," I said. Oh, yes! Hes a woodsman and a hunter our Nimrod of the lake. A good sort, very likely! I dare say. He has sometimes brought me ducks during the season. To be sure! They shoot ducks at night those Hoosler hunters so I hear! - ing a gentleman. Then, in my blind anger, 1 found what patient search had not disclosed. I threw the hammer from me in a fit cf temper and it struck one of the square blocks in the cement floor which gave forth a hollow sound. I was on my knees in an instant, my fingers searching the cracks, and drawing down close I could feel a current of air, slight but unmistakable, against my face. The cement square, though exactly like the others in the cellar floor, was evidently only an imitation, with an opening beneath. The block was fitted Into its place with a nicety that certified to the skill of the hand that had adjusted it. I broke a blade of my pocket-knif- e trying to pry it up, but, in a moment, 1 succeeded, and found it to be in reality a trap door, hinged to the substantia part of the floor. A current of cool, fresh air, the same that had surprised me to the night, gtruck my face as I lay flat and peered into the opening. The lower passage was as black as pitch, and I lighted a lantern I had brought with me, found that wooden steps gave safe conduct below and went down. I stood erect in the passage and had several inches to spare. It extended both ways, running back under the foundations of the house, and cut squarely under the park before the house and toward the school wall. The air grew steadily fresher, until, after I had gone about two hundred yards, reached a point where the wind seemed to beat down on me from above. I put up my hands and found two openings about three yards apart, through which the air sucked steadily. I moved out of the current with a chuckle in my throat and a grin on my face. I had passed under the gate in the school wall, and I knew now why the piers Salt other; now it was an august hr now a theme from Wagner, and flfcaBy Mendelssohn's spring song won cold, dark chapel to light and waraatb with Its exultant notes. She ceased suddenly with a little sigh and struck her hands together, l.ake City, Utah. October UNION ASSAY OFFICE. 3rd, - c Chemists and Aeeayera. J. V. Sadie. Haaaeer. wt H. T. RIPPETO, a w i ASSAYER. of the late John Assayer, will be continued by d. S. Samples by mail or express will Ms wife, his request, under the receive nanw of John McVIrker Assay Office prompt attention. IBS West Temple. . West South Temple St, Mr. Arthur Selby, P. 0. Bex 1446. Salt Lake City, Utah V 46 Richards St r three years at the Vnlon office, Salt lake City. Utah. U art as manager, which will be a Analytical Wsrk a Specialty. for the place was cold. As she reached ruuratiteo that all work done at the ofup to put out the lights I stepped for fice will be satisfactory. ward to the chancel steps. Mrs. McYlcker and Mr. Selby ask for me do that allow to "Please KICK FOR' that all old customers continue their you?" new from work solicit and patronage THIS She turned toward me, gathering a their friends. : GERMICIDE CD. DCNVRR- - SlT LASS cape about her. she asked, lookOh, it's you, is ing about quickly. I don't remember BITTLIS, MATH EX 44 CO, that you were Invited. I didn't know I was coming my- Aeay, Chemical and Metallurgical self, I remarked truthfully, lifting my ' Laheratery. hand to the lamp. US fiisi West Temple Street That is my opinion of you, that all Lata ONy. Utah. youre a rather unexpected, person. W. G. KING, MANAGER. But thank you, very much. She showed no disposition to prolong the interview, but hurried toward V. A. Beddee. F, SeMes.'! X, Heigee, the door, and reached the vestibule before I came up with her. You cant go any farther, Mr. Glen arm, she said, and waited as though Assayers Chemists to make sure I understood. Straight before us through the wood and be- 185 W. 2 S. SL. Salt Lake, City yond the school buildings the sunset faded sullenly. Night was following fast upon the gray twilight and already the bolder planets were aflame CRI8M0N A NICHOLS. In the sky. The path led straight ahead beneath the black boughs. Assayer and Chemist. 1 might perhaps walk to the dormiifflee and Laboratory, 226 8. W. tory, or whatever you call it, I said. I'm late and Thank you, no! Temple Street, havent time to bother with you. It's SALT LAKE CITY. against the rules, you know, for us to receive visitors. She stepped out upon the path. Western Engineering and ConstrucBut I'm not a caller; I'm Just tion Co., Chemists and Engineers. neighbor! And I owe you several calls, anyhow. She laughed but did not pause and I Experts In testing Oils and Minerals. treatment ot We also design mining. Irrigation and DENVER MUD is used extensively and succesiully in Uie followed a pace behind her. Inflamsd Breasts, Erysipelas, Pleurisy, We finance and propower plants. mote all kinds of legitimate Appendicitis, entei Asthma, Sprains, Frost Bites, Ecxema, Sell all kinds of machinery, Tumors, prises. Pneumonl Cancer. Let us know your sranA. Bruises, Sunburn, Bolls, Felons, Commercial Club Bldg., Bronchltlfc Croup, Burns, Salt Lake City, Utah. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The business r. 144-14- 6 SkmvciJfad LABEL ltr W.A.Hodges H Sons ft 261-26- 2 , He laughed as be shook himself into his greatcoat. Thats possible, ' though unsportsmanlike. But we dont have to look a gift mallard in the eye. 'We laughed together. It was easy to laugh with him. .By the way, I forgot to get Pick---e ring's address tfom Morgan. If you happen to have it 'With pleasure," I said. Alexis pullding, Broadway, New York. Good! That's easy to remember, he said, smiling and turning up his coat collar. Don't forget me; I'm quartered in a hermits cell back of the chapel, and I believe we can find many matters of interest to talk ' tout." I'm confident of it," I said, glad of the sympathy and cheer that seemed to emanate from his stalwart figure. I threw on my overcoat and walked to the gate with him and saw him hurry toward the village with long AND EVENIN.G SCHOOL. ' SAlt LaKe City: ' Ind. Phone 1482. ( Commercial Club Building. For ftirther information write to J. C. HENAGER, President; strides. CHAPTER XII, I Turn Dimes Explore a Passage. Bates!" I found him busy replenishing the candlesticks in the library, ' it seemed to me that he was always poking about with an armful of canthere are a good many queer dles, things In this world, but I guess you're one of the queerest I don't mind telling you that there are times when I think you a thoroughly bad lot and then again I question my Judgment and dont give you credit for being Oh Yes, I'm Terribly Wicked, Squire Glenarm.", much more than a doddering fool. He was standing under a ladder be- that held it had been built so I high, you don't think for a mo. neath the great crystal chandelier and they were hollow an& were the means ment hope I chased a rabbit on your that looked down upon me with that pa- of side of the fence In the hope of meet sending fresh air into the tunnel. tient inquiry that A so appealing in a When I had traveled about twenty Ing you, do you, Mr. Glenarm V dog in, say, the eyes of an Irish set- yards more I felt a slight vibration acBe It far from me! I'm glad I came, ter, when you accidentally step on his companied by a muffled roar, and al- though, tor I liked your music lm tail. most immediately came to a rough mensely. I'm In earnest; I think it Yes, Mr. Glenarm," he replied hum- wooden stair that marked the end of quite wonderful. Miss Armstrong. bly. the passage. I had no means of JudgShe paid no heed to me. Now, I want you to grasp this Idea ing directions, but I assumed that I And I hope I may promise mysell that I'm going to dig into thA old shell was well within the school park. the pleasure of hearing you often. "You are very kind about my poor top and bottom; Im going to blow it I climbed the steps and in a moment up with dynamite, if I please; and If stood blinking, my lantern In hand, In music, Mr. Glenarm; but as I'm going I catch you spying on me or reporting a small, floored room. Overhead the away " I felt my heart sink a trifle. She my doings to my enemies, or engaging tumult and thunder of an organ exIn any questionable performances plained the tremor and roar I had was the only amusing person I had whatever. Ill hang you between tho heard below. I was in the crypt of St met at Glenarm, and the thought ol posts out there in the school wall do Agatha's chapel. The inside of the losing her gave a darker note to the so that the sweet door by which I had entered was a bleak landscape. you understand? Sisters of 8L Agatha and the dear lit part of the wainscoting of the room, Thats really too bad! And Just tie school girls and the chaplain and and the opening was wholly covered when we were getting acquainted! all the rest will shudder through all with a map of the Holy Land. And I was coming to church Sunday to It was all very strange and interest hear you play and to pray for snow, their lives at the very thought of you. and his ing. I looked at my watch and found so youd come over often to chasu Certainly, Mr. Glenarm, tone was the same ho would have used that It was five o'clock, but I resolved rabbits! if I had asked .him to pass me the to go into the chapel before going This, I thought, softened her heart matches7 and under my breath I con home. At any rate her tone changed. The way up was clear enough, and I don't play for services; they're signed him to the hardest tortures of I was soon in the vestibule. I opened afraid to let me for fear I'd run comic , the fiery pit the door, expecting to find a service opera tunes ihto the Te Deum!" Now, as to Morgan in progress; but the little church was Yes, sir. How shocking! What possible business do you sup- empty save where, at the right of the Do you know, Mr. Glenarm," her pose he has with Mr. Pickering? I de- chancel, an organist was filling the tone became confidential and her pare church with the notes of an exultant slackened, manded. we call you the squire, at Why, sir, that's clear enough. Mr. march. Cap In hand I stole forward, 8t. Agatha's, and the lord of the and sank down in one of the pews. Pickering owns a house up the lake, manor, and names like that! All the he got it through your grandfather. A lamp over the organ keyboard girls are perfectly crazy about you. Morgan has the care, of it, sir. gave the only light in the chapel, and They'd be wild If they thought I talked and I made an aureole about her head, Very plausible. Indeed! with you, clandestinely, is that the sent him off to liA work. about the uncovered head of Olivia way you pronounce It? After luncheon I went to the end of Gladys Armstrong! I smiled as I you say and any way you the corridor, and began to sound the her and smiled, too, as I re- say"Anything It satisfies me," 1 replied. walla They were as solid as rock, membered her name. But the Joy she "That's ever so nice of you, she and responded dully to the strokes of brought to the music, the happiness In said, mockingly again. the hammer. I sounded them on both her face as she raised it in the minor I felt foolish and guilty. She would sides, retracing my steps to the stair- harmonies, her isolation, marked by probably get roundly scolded If the way, becoming more and more Impa- the little isle of light against the dark grave sisters learned of her talks with or stupidity. There background of the choir, these things tient at my and very likely I should win their was every reason why I should know touched and moved me, and I bent for- me, contempL But I did not turn hearty my own house, and yet a stranger and ward, my arms upon the pew in front back. an outlaw ran through it with amazing of me, watching and listening with a "I hope the reason you're leaving kind of awed wonder. daring. " I hesitated. Isn't After an hour's idle search I reThere was no pause in the outpour Ill conduct? Oh, yes; I'm terribly of the She turned to the end of the corridor, rek Into Dollars. Vii i Phenomenal Success of The St Patrick Mining & Milling COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated). CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL NOW. Utah, and consists of six promising mining claims. B. A. M. Froiscth, Sccty., St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. shares of of the "57. at the price of Ten I subscribe hereby for stock, fully paid and Patrick Mining & Miiling Co Cents a share, for which I enclose $ as first payment, balance to be paid in four equal monthly installments. Name Address Date. Over 15,000 already bought by eager In- vestors and we now offer the 35,000 shares remaining of its first blocK of treasury low price of th sale will development D! tonwood stock placet! upon the market at the ten cents per share. The proceeds of be judiciously expended to the further of the property, which is loetaed in Big County, Mining District, Salt The Board of Directors are A. J. Smith, PresiB. A. M. dent; Hans H. Peterson, Leona F. Mrs. and Treasurer; Froiscth, Secretary also is super-in- tSmith and David A. Buck. The latter ndent. Vice-Preside- THIS REALLY is $1 SECURITY for 10 cts. Remember Good mines from good prospects grow, Thus we harvest as we sow. Dont" delay, buy now, and get in on the ground melody. changed stops wicked. Squire Glenarm! Ag They're floor. peated all my previous soundings, and, j and manuals with swift fingers and sending me off. I fear, Indulged In language unbecom- - passed from one composition to ah- (TO BE CONTINUED.) Over fifteen hundred dollars have already been expended in development work since date of incorporation, February, 1906, consisting of over 500 feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals already found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead and Iron. We arc now driving the tunnel ahead to cut the mineral vein which is believed to be an extension of the well known Maxficld mine, that has already produced hundred of thousands of dollars. The property is equipped with hoisting and pumping engines, ore cars and steel rails in tunnel. Our company is capitalized at 250,000 shares, of which 100,000 shares are set aside for working capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock lf is pooled until at least or more of its treasury stock is sold. Bear in mind that this stock is unassemble , and that private property of stockholders is not liable for corporation indebtedness. one-ha- 5.00 down and $5.00 monthly for four months buys 250 shares. $ 10.00 down and $10.00 monthly for four months buys 500 shares. $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months buys 1000 shares. $ 30.00 don and $30.00 monthly for four months I tjs 1500 shares. $ 40.00 down and $40.00 monthly for four months buys 2000 shares. $100.00 down and $100.00 monthly buvs 5000 shares. for four months |