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Show that the Inirmtiun upon his ground, by Miss ArnibtriUig, om of tin r students, has ruiiM-i- l Mr. Glcnuriii no an- The Kl.it T t that this noyance. will he infraction of ilidr overlooked, ami tli-- .v hssiiiv Mr. Glen-arrecur. that It will The note An unnecessary aimlngy! At I he best was of quality. patter the head of the paa St. Agatha's, Annandale was embossed In purple. One of the sisters 1 had seen beyond the wall iindoulitediy wrote it ssi-bly Sister Theresa herself. A clever woman, that! Thoroughly capable of plucking money front guileless old Ioor Olivia! horn for gentlemen! exfreedom, blit doomed to a iiit-uistence with lot of nuns! I resolved to send her s box of candy sometime Just to annoy her guardians. Then my own alfulrs claimed attention. "Hates, I asked, "do you know what Mr. Glenarm did with the plans for this house?'' lie started slightly. I should not have noticed it If 1 bad not been so keen for his answer. No, sir. 1 cuu't put my hand upon them, sir." "Thai's all very well, Hates, hut you didn't answer my question. On yoti I'll put my know where they are? hand on them if you will kindly tell lue where they're kept." "I fear very much, Mr. Glenarm. that they have been destroyed. I tried to find them before you came, to tell you the whole truth, sir; hut they must have been put out of the way. "That's very Intending. Hates. Will you kindly tell me whom you suspect of destroying them? The toast again, please. Ills hand shook as he passed the plate. I hardly like to say, sir, when It's onlv a suspicion. Of course I shouldn't ask you to Incriminate yourself, but I'll have to bi-:- dls'-iplin- nt THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND -si- CANDLES B y MEREDITH NICHOLSON tetter - . I ri THE HAIR CHANCE." MHEION, Etc. .. mnrf rigki p ZELDA bj SuMwJiinill M. CHAPTER Xr Continued. gathered up the fragments of MorIWa gan's lantern and went hack to the library. The lights In half the candlesticks had sputtered out. I extinguished the remainder and started to my room. Then, In the great dark hall, I heard a muflled tread as of some one following mo not on the broad staircase, nor In any place 1 could Identify yet unmistakably on steps of some sort beneath or above me. My nerves were already keyed to a breaking tread In the pitch, and the ghost-lik- e wall angered me. Morgan, or Ills ally. Hates, undoubtedly, O reflected, at some new trick. I ran Into my room, found a heavy walking stick and set off for Hates' room on the third floor. It was always easy to attribute any sort of mischief to the fellow, and undoubtedly he was crawling through the house somewhere on an errand that boded no good to me. It was now past two o'clock and he ahould have been asleep and out of the way long ago. I crept to his room and threw open the door without, I must say, tho slightest Idea of finding him there. Hut Hates, the enigma. Dates, the Incomparable cook, the per- -' feet servant, sat at a table, the light of several candles falling on a book Sver' which he was bent with thnt maddening gravity he had never yet In my presence thrown off. He rose at once, stood at attention, Inclining his head slightly. "Yes, Mr. Glenarm. "Yes, the devil! I roared at him, astonished at finding him sorry. I must say, that he was there! The stick fell from my hands. I did not doubt be knew perfectly well that I had some purpoae In breaking In upon him. I waa baffled and In my rage floundered for worda to explain my-ae- - V- - Tue neverend Haul Stoddard, sir.'' The chaplain of St. Agatha's was a big fellow, as I lial remarked on the of his Interview with Olivia Gladys Armstrong by the wall. HJs hi light brown hair was close-cu- t; smooth shaven face was bright with was a ihe ri'ishiiess of youth. Ilc-rsturdy young upusLle without frills, but with a vig&roua grip that left my hand tingling, ills voice was deep and musical a voice that suggested sincerity and Inspired confidence. "I'm afraid I haven't been nelgh-borly- , Mr. Glenarm. I was called away from home a few days ago after I heard of your arrival, and I have Just got back. I Mew In yesterday with the snow storm. He folded his arms easily and looked at mo with cheerful directness, as though jiolitely speculating as to what manner of jutin I might be. "It was a fine storm; I got a great An Indians day, out of It, I said. snow storm Is something I have never exiierlenced before." "This Is my second winter. I came out here because I wished to do some reading. and thought I'd rather do it alone In a uuiversltv. Studious habits are rather forced on one out here, I should aay. In my own rase my course of reading la all cut out for me. The Glenarm collection la famous Ihe best in the country, easily. Mr Glenarm, your grandfather waa certainly an enthusiast. I met him several times, though he was a trifle hard to meet!" and the clergyman smiled. My grandfather had his whims; hut he was a fine, generous-hearte- d old gentleman, I said. You haven't been on onr aide of the wall yet? Well, I promise not to molest your hidden treasure If you'll bo neighborly," and be laughed I bawled appeal to ths stalk of life and are essential Well-Inform- ed In every to permanent aiul creditable standing. Accor-iidy- , it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs sad Elixir of Senna ia the only remedy ef known value, but one of many reasons why it ia the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens ami relieves the internal organs on which it acta without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly aa a laxative, and iU component parte are known to and approved by nhysicians, aa it is free from all objection-U- e substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sals by all leading ucceae A quarterly dividend of one-hal- f of 1 per cent. Copper Is still being shifted to SALT LAKE CITY.. UTAH Europe In an attempt to lessen stocks here and stiffen the market, Write far bedklet.. but the effect does not meet with Bmoa saitS much success. lutrra'I NororrtM, TREES Wanted, ruts Af Ore shipments In pounds from Park City for the week ending January 1$, were as follows: Silver King, 331,000; At SUBSTITUTE FOR FOOTBALL. Daly Judge, 303,000; Daly West, Matches Writer That Era 300,-00- 0; total, 934,000. The Utah Copper mill and mine are running full blast. At the mill from seventeen to twenty cars a day are being used and at the mine from seventy-fiv- e to one hundred cars a day. An appeal has been issued to the Salt Lake valley farmers to accept the proposition of the Utah Consolidated company to pay $125,000 and stand for damages In order to run Its valley smelters another fourteen months. Ring Watches Popular. Swiss watchmakers are reported to Utah mine operators representing more than fifty producing mines and he busy filling English and American orders for finger ring watches. The practically all of the productive ring watch, though little seen. Is no camps, held a most enthusiastic meetnovelty. The manager of an old Loning in Salt Lake City last week and don watch-makin- g firm says that he organized the Utah Mine Operators saw them more than 14 years ago. association. Queen Victoria had three or four. It Is announced that the mining opThe simplest ones a plain gold ring erators of Montana have secured the with the watch Inserted cost about services of a prominent member of or other the American Mining congress, who is $100, but with diamonds tones, $5,000 to $10,000 may be paid. to organize a State Mine Operators association, such aa Is under formar Catarrh Cannot Ba Cured tion for Utah. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, m tbsv mum rsaefe To exploit and advertise the (Ml intbs ml of lbs dims. Cftlairb la . blood orenaiO-tulmidlsssM. ssd la order to ears It jus bum uks terests, Juab county, Utah, la to have la isro el remsdlM. Hall's Catarrh Cura la lakra Ina weekly newspaper devoted entirely ternal ly, and aeie directly os tbs blood Md aaesui orfecae. Hall's Catarrh Curs la nes a quack It waa prsaerlbedbruMOf lha baat phjraklaaa to these Intercets, known as the Juab County Oil Derrick. Experts have discovered a well defined oil belt four part ret miles long and 800 feet wide. bn. lasredlanu la what producea aueb woudarful r fraa. Mill ia curing catarrh. Send r Down on the lower levels of the F. J. CHEN1T CO.. Pnipa., Toledo, U old by DniinUati. price IK. mine at Goldfield, the manMohawk a Pill fur eonatlsaUoe. Taka Hall's Family feet agement has opened twenty-fou- r of ore which will not average below GENEALOGICAL. $250 to $300 per ton, and with prao-ticall-y no ground yet developed in proportion to ground available. It Is learned on reliable authority that a concerted effort Is being made by the mining companies of Nevada sl What differences that have existed between tie Miners' union and the Mine Owners association at Plocha in relation to the wage scale have been satisfactorily adjusted for the present at least As a result the Nevada-Utacorporation has very materially I snppoee this Is Increased its working force at the The Bell-PpDay mine. what they call a family tree. mechanics Last week thirty-fiv- e NO BLESSING FOR HER. were sent from Salt Lake City to Mo Gill, Nev, to work on the big milling Disappointed Youngster Discriminated and smelting works at that place. All In His Prayer. but a few of the men sent out were brickmasons, and the object it is said, For several weeks. little Ralph had la to rush construction work so the enjoyed the use of a Shetland pony, mill and smelter may begin operathe property of a horse dealer who tions by April. was a friend of the family. But much The directors of the Boston A Monto Ralph's sorrow, there came a day tana Consolidated Copper and Silver recently when the pony was sold, and Mining company, one of the constituthe delightful horseback rides came ent companies of the Amalgamated to a sudden end. The purchaser, as company, last week declared a quarRalph found out by Inquiry, was a terly dividend of $2 per share and $1 little girl of about his own mature extra. This compares with $2 a age of fire. Ever since his acquainthare regular and $4 per share extra ance with the pony began, Ralph had three months ago. included him In hie bedtime prayer, Just now, after two or three months and God bless the pony, was an of retrenchment in production and earnest nightly petition. The first the copper trade Is evening after the sale of the pony, assuming somewhat better atmosRalph hesitated when he reached his phere appearance. Prices show a fracpets place in the prayer. Then, after tional recovery, and with easier a moment's thought, he continued: money even the copper share market "Please, God, bleu the pony just is Improving, and the prices will probthe same; but, God, dont you bless ably soon hover around 15 cents. the little girl whats got the pony. For some time past there has been developing a tidal wave of discontent BANI8HED between the smaller mines and the American Smelting & Refining comCoffee Finally Had to Go, pany. as a result of the arbitrary manner In which ore treatment charges cofThe way some persons ding to fee even after they know It Is doing are regmated. As a result the small rethem harm. Is a puzzler. But it Is an producer Is talking of Independent even. at means as a fineries getting easy matter to give it up for good, A review of the metal market of when Postum Pood Coffee is properly 1907 shows some interesting features. nude and used Instead. A girl writes: "Mother had been It appears that the slump did not affect suffering with nervous headaches for all the metals to the same degree, seven weary years, but kept drinking says Mining Science. Silver, for incoffee. stance, lost only 23.7 per cent of Its "One day I asked her why she did high value; copper, on the other hand, not give up coffee as a eousln of mine slumped off 52 per cent. Tin, lead aud bad done who had taken to Postum. speller each lost from 40 per cent to Hut Mother was such a slave to coffee 41 per cent. she thought it would be terrible to Henry lxmls. In the Mining Science, calls attention to a matter that wli; give It up. Finally, one day, she made the prove of Interest to mining engine rs change to Postum, and quickly her and mining writers. He states that It One morning Is a headaches disappeared. fact that ore chutes in while she was drinking Postum so a mineral vein do not, as a rule, coinfreely and with such relish I asked for cide with the dip of the vein, but make a taste. an angle with it in the same way that "That started me on Postum and I lenticular masses often are oblique to now drink it more freely than I did the direction of maximum dip of the coffee, which never comes Into our jdace in which they lie. He suggests h p CHAPTER XI. "Damn Your Pardon, and Go On! I fear there's a big Joke involved In on Insist my question. It may have j Occurred to you, Hates, that In a sense the hidden treasure," I replied. "I'm In a sense, mind you Im the mas- so busy staying at home to guard It that I have no time for social recreater here. Well, I should say. If you press me tion." He looked at me quickly to see that I fear Mr. Glenarm, your grandfather, burned the plans when he left whether I was Joking. His eyes were here the Isst time. I hope you will steady and earnest. The Reverend pardon me. sir, for seeming to reflect Paul Stoddard Impressed me more and more agreeably. There was a suggesupon him. "Reflect upon the devil! What was tion of quiet strength alsiut him that i drew me to him. his Idea, do you suppose?" "I suppose every one about here "I think, sir. if you will pardon I snapped. thinks of nothing but that Im at "Don't 'lie so fussy! to earn my lnlieritanee. My resi"Damn your pardon, and go on!" "He wanted you to study out Ihe dence here must look pretty sordid place for yourself, sir. It was dear from the outside." Mr. Glenarm 's will Is a matter of to his heart, this house. He set his , record In the county, of coarse. Hut heart upon having you enjoy It " you are too hard on ymirxi-ir- . "I like the word go ahead." It's noAnd I suppose there are things body's business if your grandfather about it that he wished you to learn wished to visit his whims on you I should say. in my own on so, that I for yourself." "You know them, of course, and are don't consider It any of m.- - lm.dn-'sfor. I didn't mine watching me when I'm hut and cold, what you are when I'm hot and over to annoy you or to p:v into tur watching me to affairs. I get Iiui.dy now aid then cold, like kids at a child's game." The fellow turned and faced me mid thought I'd like tin s'ab.ish relations." across the table. "Thank von; I iipi "Mr. Glenarm. as I hem God may your comt he merciful to me in the last judg- ing very much," and m warmment, I don't know any more about It ed under the inanifot kimii.ess of ihe man. than you do." "You wen here with Mr. Glenarm "And I hupe"--h- e xnnhc for t!s. lirst ' all tin lime he was building the house, time with hois' but roil never saw walls built that will prevent your knowing weren't what Ihey appeared to lie. or Theresa and Misi Ivu-reuThey doors made that didn't lead any- are Interesting and Miami t.: -- ihe where." only women uIhhii hi re of our I summoned all ir.y Irony and social status." for this arraignment. He lifted My liking for him abated siichtjy. his hand ns though making oath. He might he a dotivine, rcpii .ant"As God sees me. that Is all true. I ing the alternative for ail I Knw was here to rare for the dead mnster's and possibly Sister Theresa uu a comfort and not to spy on him, sir. parly to the conspiracy to drive me "And Morgan, yjur friend, what away. about him?" In time, no donut. In time, I shall "1 wish I knew, sir." know them," I ansum-- evasively. "I wish to the devil you did. and I "Oh. quite as you. like!" and he flung out of the room and into the li- changed the subject. We tallied of brary. many things of i"iiioor sport, wiih At 11 o'clock 1 heard a pounding which he showed gn-a- t familiarity, of nt the great front door and Hates came universities, of tiavel and adventure. to announce a caller, who was now Columbia wan his anna mater, but t tamping the snow from his shoes had spent two tears at Oxford. TO UE CONTINUED.) audibly in the outer hall. I ! ; ttl-ar- s ln-r- st I o-- con-lem- : lu-i- house-cleanin- g, well-know- n house now. MA girl friend of mine, one day, saw me drinking Postum and asked if It was coffee. I told her It wu Postum nd gave her some to take home, but forgot to tell her how to make It. "The nezt day she said she did not see how I could drink Postum. I found he had made It like oritynary coffee. So I told her how to make it right and gave her a cupful I made, after She said boiling it fifteen minutes. coffee that drank tasted never any she U good, and now coffee Is banished frdm both our homes." Name given by Postum Co., Hattie Creek, Michigan. Read the little book The Road t Wellvllle In pkgs. There's a Reason. sup regular prices per cent was declared by the Amalgamated Copper company on the 16th. The previous quarterly dividend was 1 liver. 4 siim-IHi- Quality The directors of the Utah mine met last week. In regular monthly session, and posted the usual dividend of 3 cents per share, or $3,000 in alL and other western states to create a greater demand for silver, and in tnat manner influence the government ta Increase its purchase of the inetaL The plan Is to pay off the employes in half at him, apK-&liii- IT giscmint aalus elsewhere. Our goads ere His finest grades enly, sad abaelutaly guaranteed. fi-- and went down to my room and slammed the door In rage and chagrin. , I Receive a Call. Going to bed at three o'clock on a winter morning in a house whose ways are disquieting, arter a duel In which you escaped whole only by aheer good luck, does not fit one for Bleep. When I finally drew the covers over me It was to lie and speculate upon the events of the night In connection with the history of the few weeks I had spent at Glenarm. Larry had suggested In New York that Pickering waa playing some deep game, and I, myself, could not accept Pickering's statement that my grandfather's large fortune had proved to be a myth. If Pickering had not stolen or dissipated It. where was It concealed? Morgan was undoubtedly looking for something of value or he would not risk his life In the business; and It was quite poralble that he waa employed by Pickering to search for hidden property. This Idea took strong hold of me. the more readily, I fear, since I had alwaye been axious to see evil in Pickering. There was, to lie sure, the unknown alternative heir, but. neither she nor Sister Theresa was, I imagined, n person capable of hiring an assassin to kill me. On reflection I dismissed the idea to the county authorities, of and 1 never regretted that resolution. Hie seat of Wabana county was 20 miles away, the processes of law were unfamiliar, and I wished to avoid publicity. Morgan might, of course, have been easily disposed of by an appeal to the Anntandale constable, but now that I suspected Pickering of treachery the caretakers importance dwindled. I had wanted nil my life for a chance at Arthur ldckerlng. and In this affair I hoped to draw him Into the open and settle with him. I slept presently but woke at my usual hour, and after a tub felt ready for another day. Hates served me. as usual, a breakfa.it that gave a fair aspect to the mornim:. I was alert for any sign of perturbation In him; hut I hud already decided that 1 might aa well look for emotion In n stone wall as In this placid, colorless serving man. I had no reason to him of complicity in the night's affair, but I had no faith In him, and merely waited until ho should show bis hand. Hy my plate ncx morning 1 found this note, written lu a clear, bold, woman's hand: "The Sisters of St. Agatha trust And out MIKES AND MINING You can easily are set Iswur thsw madl-Ma- "I thought I heard some one in the house. I don't want you prowling about In the night, do you hear? , "Certainly not, air, he replied In a grieved tone. I glanced at the book he had been reading. 'It waa a volume of Shakespeares comedies, open at the first scene of the Isst act of "Winter's Tale. "Quite a pretty bit of work that, I ahould aay, he remarked. It was one of my late master'a favorites. "Go to the devil! Truth and be utilized In describing the angle of the ore chute. At the regular annual meeting or the Utah Copper comjiany, January 24, the stockholders will be requested to act upon an amendment of the certificates of Incorporation Increasing the capital stock from the present authorized capital of Ifi.nuo.Ofiu to aa authorized capital of $7,5l'0,0(i0. In Montana there is a rumor that the Amalgamated Copper company, controlling the Washoe smelter, is to ward off the legal assaults of the embattled farmers of the Der lanlgu valley by making a settlement, whlcA contemplates nothing more or less than the purchase of all ths farms. that the word "pitch Plowing Suggests Would Be Advisable. A plowing match will help to lntsi est boys In farming, and perhaps be quits as profitable la the end as a football match. A plowing match la managed by measuring off equal tracts to be plowed by etch contestant, the time being noted at the start and a limited time allowed for finishing the track. The contest is to be Judged by the straightness of the furrows, the evenness of the furrows both as to depth and width, and the amount of land plowed within the time limit, after which suitable prizes are awarded. Stock Judging contests, butter making contests and butter scoring contests will all add Interest and a desire to excel on the part of. the puplL If a boy is of a mechanical turn, give him an introduction to farm mechanics. Experiments showing the influence of grade on the draft of a farm wagon, may he made with a simple apparatus the boy could construct himself. It can also be easily shown how draft Is influenced by the width of tire as well as hy the slxe of the wagon wheel, also the direction of line of draft and Its influence on the draft of the wagon. Let a boy with a mechanical head make an apparatus fog demonstrating the principles of even-er- a, or let him make a working model of a farm pump. Thus In various ways it is possible to show the boy who thinks he known It all' that be still has something to learn, and to show ths plodding boy that there is much beside drudgery oa the farm if he will but open his Workman. eyes-Southe- rn Plant Like a Camel The nearest thing to a camel among plants Is a curious specimen of the encumber family which bears the name of the Ibervilles sonorae. This plant, like the camel, is a native of the desert and it has to go without water longer than the animat As the rainy season In the desert cemee only once a year nature provides the L S. with a reservoir t tore np enough moisture to last It betwsea times. .. The organ .fa which the water ! stored Is located at the base ef the stem. It Is covered with a sort of mackintosh envelope through which the water can neither escape nor evaporate This water holder rests on the sand the entire period ef throughout drought, but when tho rain crates Ik springs Into activity. ; -- Earliest Known Trousers. The head of the ancient Babylonian was carefully protected from the sun by various wrappings; It was sufficient for the rest of the body to wear a thin woolen or linen garment brand at the hips with a girdle or shawl, over which sometimes another garment was picturesquely draped. Ia Babylonia, and Assyria also, head sad foot coverings were subject to fashion, but the long, close-fittingarment fortunately never went rat of style Trousers the unaesthetlcal Invention of the Medes are first found on tho Parthian stele of shout the first century, B. C., which was excavated ia Assyria. It Will Come, Unasked. Demand a right, create an opportunity, but never ask a favor. Folger g y. Dorothys View of 8havlng. Dorothy is a tiny maid of frai whose father always gets shaved at the barber's. When on a visit recently he found an uncle who shaved himself. She watched this performance with Intense but silent astonishment for two or three mornings but finally broke out with: "What makes you do that. Uncle Will? My papa doesn't wash his face with a little broom aud wipe it with a knife. First Day of Various Months. October always begins on the same flay of the week as January, April as July, September as December. February, March and November begin on the same days. May, Juna and August always begin on different days from each other and every other tuonth In the year. The first and last days of the year are always the same. These rules do not apply to leap year. Mole Needs MuC Food. The mole Is one of the greediest of the animal kingdom. It will die of starvation If deprived of food for 14 hours. French Married Life. The high average of reasonably happy marriages la France, where Is marriage mostly a family arrange mont, ia not so Inexplicable as we might think. One thing, we suppose the foreigner will never be able to explain. and that is how the French girl pnssi's from her obscure and untried existence before marriage to the wisof the young French married woman, who seems to wield the experience of all the ages. be adaptability of French women Is beyond praise, it fo beyond dom and r |