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Show A REAL SICK HEADAGHE Positively HOBS" RACE. Country Fair the Placa to See It card by Its Beit) these Lilli Pills. at DU-(ra- old-tim- e flea-bitte- n Fac-Simi- le REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. gray beard and twinkling eye to his neighbor: "Last time John Martin had that plug out on the road 1 told him he had the old cripple overloaded with Them straps that waa cal'Iated to hoist up his knees must ha' pulled too tight and the critter was yanked clean off the ground. What John was gettln' ready for waa a race for livin' machines, not a hosa trot. From The Country Fair," by David Lansing, In Outing. TEN YEAR8 OF PAIN. Unable to Do Even Housework cause of Kidney Troubles. You must wear MAYER HONORBILT SHOES, to appreciate their inperiority over other make. They have the style and wearing qualities, and feel right from the Tint; wear long and well, and look good to the last. JW HONORBILT Foster-Mlllbu- SHOES FOR MEN MAYER HONORBILT SHOES. The kiss, site Bald, blushing faintly, "was unknown in Japan 50 years ago. Now, among the aristocracy, it Your dealer will supply you; if not. write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on. the sole. is becoming quite renowned. Yet It conies as a great shock at first. It is so different, you know, from anything in a Japanese girl's experience. I have known maidens who fainted at a first kiss that was perhaps too warmly tendered. Yet these very tpalda became afterward ardent advocates of the new "western embrace. "Frankly, I like the kiss myself. Its stimulus, and the feeling, as of red satin, when mouth touches mouth with a warm, soft shock yea, frankly, I like the kiss, and I And It extremely difficult to deny an eager young man so Innocent and sodellght-lightfan embrace. nfa ' Te also Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, Special Merit School Shoes. Shoe Company MILWAUKEE, W1S. BUKKffl HAIR BALSAM sad bwttifitf ths hah. a jvktimI bwQl .. Mia to SMtorw Chay t ul Pmaiiwh GIVING HIM A CHANCE. 8urely Time for Hubby to Do a PREPARE SIMPLE HOME-MADMIXTURE YOURSELF. Live-l- y Sidestep. Mrs. Wilson's husband was often obliged to go to New York on business, and frequently did not reach bis home until the arrival of the midnight train. Mrs. Wilson bad been In the habit of sleeping peacefully at these times without fear, but a number of burglaries in the neighborhood during one of her husband's trips to New York bad disturbed her calm. On the night of his return Mr. Wilson was stealing carefully up the front stairs, as was his wont on' such occasions, so that his wife would not be wakened, when be heard her voice, high and strained: I don't know whether you are my husband or a burglar," came the excited tones, "but I am going to be on the safe side and shoot, so if you are Henry you'd better get out of the way." Youth's Companion. Bush Over Buried Treasure. There is a tradition in Germany that it was customary in the Middle Ages to put an elderberry plant over hurled treasure. A farmer at Oels-dowhile plowing close to such a bush unearthed a vessel containing 2.300 silver coins of the eleventh cen- rf tury. Whleh goes the faster after being broken a thoroughbred colt or a $10 hill Man Whose Memory Was Bad. For more than an hour a witness for the defense had dodged questions. Hia faulty memory waa particularly exasperating for the counsel for the plaintiff, who was seeking to recall to the witness' recollection an event of four of five years previous. Eventually the man remembered "something about it Ah." coutliiued the lawyer for the plaintiff, "what dd you think of it at the time?" Really, said the witness, speaking before the lawyer for the defense had time to interpose objection, "it was so long ago I cant recall exactly what I thought of it Well," shouted the excitedly, "if you cant recall, tell us a hat you think now you thought then." Cats aa Plague Preventive. An Italian correspondent of the North China Daily News writes: "The newspapers have latterly been full of all sorts of suggestions for the stamping out of plague. Fur instance, never kill rats; if you de the fatal rat flea may be driven to feed on you. Alsu, compel each householder to keep cats. In fact, let the cult of the eat as it prevailed in ancient Egypt be revived in India. Plenty of cats, no rats. Lightning In Town and Country. Lightning is most destructive In level, open country. Cities, with their numerous projections and wires, are comparatively exempt. cross-examine- oo Hoc 99 Shouts the Spanked Baby The "Colic' of "Colliers- - treated by a Doctor of Divinity. Look for the "Boo Hoo article in this paper. There's a Reason" Braising is a combination of roasting and stewing small Juinta of meat In a shallow -- rotewpan, called a "bralaolra" or b raiser, which bat a close-fittinlid with a grooved edge round It, on which hot coals (charcoal! are placed, whereby the meat can be cooked with a fire above It aa well as under it. This ' process of cooking, it ia said, greatly decreases loss by evaporation. It ia a favorite method with the French, and is supposed to bring out an unusually line flavor and aroma. The pan in which a braise is to be made should always be lined with slices of bacon, carrot, onions and herbs, ujKm which the meat Is placed. It Is usually moistened with stock or stock and wine. The more delicate meats, such as sweetbreads, fillets, fowls and turkeys are sometimes covered with buttered paper; this is done to prevent the heat from the top of the pan scorching or I pi parting too much of a roas.t flavor to the meats whleh are to be braised. Occasional basting during the process of this method of cooking Is When done, the meat Is essential. taken up. the fat removed from the vegetables and gravy, which latter is then reduced, strained and blended with some kind of gravy or thin sauce. A well known authority on Rheumatism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following Deafness Cannot Be Cured valuable, yet simple and harmless ty Ium1 appllcait m rB'h lb ihi'jr 'iia-i1 Utr in miijr fu wr to brfmI piffiiutt uf itiF4r. prescription, which any oue can easily cur arRfiwflp.au! 1:11 iK i,tii;ltut,.t)til ItaftfiMis Bit intirurJ cotitllii u of itia Is rsuM preparc at home: Wliru ilU DiiMStfiis iluliiK ot ilii Kd'Ui'l nii Extract Dandelion, one-hal- f luiNMi luflanird yu bales ruiuii.lsi kitiitM r hii u wliru bcirlutf.Bud y ounce; compound Kargon, one ounce; perfect be cbrU ItM trwu;i.Biil uuir-- a :in Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three UkrooulBiul iIiIb tube msuml to lta normal c beartu Mill ta dcMincd frcvr; umr fbc ounce. out of ten tit rsttwtd ly itarrh. whk'b Is notlilntf but an inflamed c.till-- i oi Ik mueoua aurfacM, Mix by shaking well In a bottle, and W trill uiic Hundred IMlara for any cbm of take a IWafntRNi ftrauMd ly catarrh) that caunui ba cured each ntoal after Uaira fey Curt, xttnl for circular, frt. Caurrli and at bedtime. Y J.UUMKY AU.fTolBid,a He states that the Ingredients can pnld by lminelBtN. V Taka Uall'a Family Pitla fur cstlpailoai be obtained from any good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and. beWagner as a Curative Agent. ing a vegetable extraction, are harmVernon has mid somew here tbe to less take. of the marvelous effects uf Wrfg story Th.s pleasant mixture. If taken reg- ncr on a headache. One MADE FOR SERVICE does, after a ularly for a few days, Is said to over- time, succumb to what is a kind of IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER come almost any rase of Rheumatism. AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY hypnotism: the sound seems almost to The jain and swelling, if any, diminWATERPROOF' clear the or at least to lull one ishes w ith each dose, uutil permanent into a kindair, of dream tu whleh only tbe tOWEgji are obtained, and without inaenso of bearing exists. HWM the stomach. While there are juring Rheumatism remedies, many Important to Mothers. POMMEL patent medicines, etc., some of which EodIm cirrfally every bottle of (.'ASTORIA, 'SLICKERS do give relief, few really give permaa uf end eurs (or lufuite ami chUtlnw, nent results, and the above will, no aisl m tlul U 359 doubt, be greatly appreciated by many This trade mark Dcsmth sufferers here at this time. and the word Slgoslurs of Tower on Inquiry at the drug stores of even distil!-- : the small towns elicits the Information la VS Tor (Ivor so Yrnra, quish this high Xbs Kind Yaw Usvs Always Bought that these drugs are harmless and can 'grade shelter frog Ahe just as good' be bought separately, or the druggists Never look ujxmyour work as a refbranae i. to will mix the prescription if asked to. uge from thought, but express your work. Phillips in your QUALITIES OF WIT AND HUMOR. thought HOWARD E. BURTON,' llrooks. NpMlniMi iirlfHi; I)gi4, NIWar.Lffad.ll; UoM.HU Alike, Yet in Many Ways Fundamentvr.T6r: (soid.hfe; Xir.rur ('oppar.ll. Uyamdaaau. Etc. iialliiiAf RnraiipGuns, Decoys, and fell arniioBBimlUm-boTraps, Different ally I'sMiiriil anil I'mpJrd infflai wnrk auliriiBd. I mmih Lowest prices. Write for free on talc Coio. ItviwBuea UrtmiMa MauoabSuilb llllli X. W. Hide & Fur Co- - Minneapolis, - Wit and humor are such elemental .ffltf.rtwishj Thompson's Eye Water fundamental things that it has always Wherever we meet misery we owe been found difficult to analyze them, pity. Dry den. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 42, 1007. says a writer in The Atlantic. Upon some iwinta. however, those who have essayed this puzzling task agree, for they all hold that wit is an intellectual, humor an emotional, quality; that wit ia a iierceptlon of rcseiii-blanrand humor a perception of contrast, of diacrepancy, of incongruity. The incongruity la that which Are both symptoms of organic dearises between tbe ideal and the fact, rangement, and nature warning to between theory and practice, between wuiuen of a trouble which will sooner or later declare itaelf. promise and iierformance; and perHour often do we hear women sav, haps it might be added that it is alseems on though my back would It inmoral a or almost always ways Yet they continue to drag break." congruity. In the case both of wit and suffer with aches In the along and humor there la also a pleasurable small of the back , pain low dowu in the side, dragging st'iisationa, nervsurprise, a gentle shock, which acousness and no ambition. companies our perception of the hitherto unsuspected resemblance or InThey (lo not realize that tbe back Is the main-sprin- g of woman's organA New England farmer congruity. MISS LENA NAGEL ism and quickly indicates by selling was once describing in the presdiseased condiit ion of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches ence of a very humane person the and pains will continue until the cause is removed. great age and debility of a horse that You he formerly owned and used. ought to have killed him, interruptmade from native roots and herbs has been for many years the moat ed the humane person Indignantly. successful remedy in such cases. No other mvdicino has Such a record we farmer did drawled the "Well, of cures of feminine ills. almost. I was Miss Lena Nagel, of 117 Morgan SL, Buffalo, N. Y., writer worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration. My back completely BABY WASTED TO SKELETON. ached all the time. 1 liud dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and tired. In Tormento with Terrible Soree on Lydia K linkhanfs Vegetable Compound completely cured me." Face and Body Tore at Fleah Lydia E. Finkliams Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, such aa Hacknche. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases. Cured' by Cuticura. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and tones tlio Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates when little about a My son, year tiie whole feminine system. and a half old began to have sores Women Mrs. come out on his face. They began to Wmen suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to' come on his arms, then on other parts wrl Mrs Finkliaiu, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. of his body, and then one came on bis worse the others. At than the chest, end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie hlB hands In cloths at night to keep him thcwo'rlo from scratching the sores and tearing WJ38BHQE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF the flesh. He got to lie a mere skeleTHE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. ton and was hardly able to walk. 1 nt to the drug store and got a cake i f Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura TflR HKAMNW, I InibrIm vboea nfFw- irn lijr more Ointment, and at the end uf about two in ell walk of life tban any other makr, i IwM'atme of their months the sores were all well. He and auiriitr awihr qualitu. fa4Uut alyln. ttm leulher ami other matorniU for earli rt 7lui affliction of has never had any sores of any kind Cf the uli'iff, ami every detail of the making Ir looked aftr by s rince, and only for the Ciitirura tJi iinNt ('tiiiliitfffir)(juiiiuti4ii of MirfrlntiMl(nlF.firffin!iud in tba killtl Blioffiiiakfr. mho rwelvt the liiglM'i my precious child would have all- industry, ami whom wurkinaiijdiui run not lid from these teriilde sores. I used If I riMild ukfl Vi mi ini iii v Ivffc fiiiMnnr- - at Mris'ktiiii.MiiM., and vliir ym how carefully W.I- inwle, you j1;a only one cake of Soap and about three w'l.iid then iimb'Mand why they ImM ih.r fI.uimi, tit Mu'-longtboxes of Ointment. Mrs. Kvlw-r- t Shel-d'-and are of froiUer valnr liiun unv ufhr itniii. R. F. D. No. 1, Wmshillo, Conn., My $4 .00 and $8.00 Bltt Edom Sho cannot bo oouollod at any artoo. CAUTION! J LfFiiuitift Iibih V, I,. Jmhj. m ti.t'im uml. rnu) RiaHiMd cm Taka If he cauii'd eupply you, fcbd April 22, 1905." Mihwiitiife Ak your denier lr V. L, 1ihiI:i- l rmii'-Lc- IT-i'- lc-n'r- , . ret-alt- s d ' THE WORK EASY. MAKES Fictitious Impression. cannot help thinking of the wonderful thought displayed la your' daughter's commencement essay last June." "Yes." answered Mr. Cumroz, judging from that essay, you would think ahe was at much interested la The Subservience of Individual Ambition to Eternal Destiny.' as she 1 In ice cream soda. Hut sho isn't" 1 ed, hie vocabulary included one or two choice words picked up from his father. Of course, he looked like a perfect Utile cherub on the eventful day, with bis w Ide blue eyes and shining culls and mother bad got him up In great shape for the eerentony. At the moat imprest.. v point Tom turned to his father ami exclaimed in aggravated tones: "Why, damn It, he wet my head!" Buy the Ingredients from Any Druggist in Your Town and Shake Them In a Bottle to Mix This. g How One Clever Womsn Minimized Her Labor. One woman who does her own housework, from preference, ends the day with less fatigue than many housewives who have an assistant. She has a kitchen cabinet, a coal range, and a gas stove, and a stool just high enough to allow her to- sit comfortably before tbe Ironing table. Her house is as neat as any woman I can call to mind. Her husband has never ceased to marvel at her and her achievements, but system and thought are responsible for it all. It cannot he very comfortable for a man to go home from a hard day's work to And disorder, a tired woman and pickell-umeals. leftovers can be disguised, you know, and dainty table appointments and an air of serenity will cover ninny shortcomings or the larder. The majority of men dislike the bustle of home dressmaking and should be spared that ordeal and a few others. Montreal Herald. p She was a Japanese college student, little and thin, but very graceful in her Paris gown. through and style, quality and comioit in buying 0c.Rpdj1-ft- N. Y. One Western Idea That Is Popular with Eastern Maidens. They are heaest through. You get & Co., Buffalo, THE KIS8 IN JAPAN. arc made with great care, of the highest grade material, by skilled F. Mayer Boot Be- - Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clinton SL Napoleon. O., says: For fifteen years 1 was a great sufferer from kidney troubles. My back pained me terribly. Every turn or move ranged abarp, shooting pains. My eyesight was poor, dark spots appeared before me. and I had dizzy spells. For ten years I could not do housework, and for two years did nut get out of the house. The Kidney secretions were Irregular, and doctors were not helping me. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me quick relief, and finally cured me. They 6aved my life." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. BUILT on HONOR workmen. Advantages In French Method of Cooking. Many A Break In ths Ceremony, Little Tom was two years old and talking before bis proud pureutetouk him to be christened . Tbough limit- RHEUMATISM RECIPE E If you would see a horse strapfMwt DyspciMis, I ped. booted, braced and geared to OlgaMVin sad Too Hearty the limit, you must seek such a Bating. A parlsct rr track as you see at the Ay 1 IMuIbsm, Ki fair. wi DrowSswi, Bad Here comes an awkTaut ia Iks Mouth, Coat country gray which never d Tooifue, Pals la tbs ward went under 2:50 in his life. lie Is TORPID LIVER Sid, They regulais tbs Bowels. Purely Vegetable. hobbled and checked and goggled, and hitched up sidewise, lengthwise and SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. crosswise until there is more harGenuine Must Bear ness than horse. You wonder how his driver him into this rigever got Signature ging, and how be will get him out again without cutting him free with A farmer with a a Jackknife. They alss rsllsts MEAT THE BEST. BRAIBED Laundry Notes. To make any clothing extra stiff when laundering, it is best to dry the first, then run through garments starch and dry the second time. Flour starch should not be used for dainty waists, since it gives s yellow tinge to them. A mixture of -- lump and gloss starch will be best and such articles should be wrapped in damp towels instead of being sprinkled before ironing. First iron the sleeves, then the front, lastly the back and collar and place the waist to dry on a hanger made from a rolled newspaper tied in the middle with a string. This keeps the waist from creasing by being hung with other clothes on the rack. Small starched articles like cuffs and collars should be dried before the kitchen fire or they absorb any dampness in the room and become limp. To Make Flowers Stand Upon Bowl. Lay a large platter upside down on a good sized piece of white mosquito net. Then cut the net two inches around the outline of the platter. Overcast the material, taking stitches Inch deep. Next run a shout one-hadrawstring white twine all around the inside of the stitrhing; fit over the platter, draw tight, and tie the twine. Fill the platter with water; stick through the net short stemmed flowers, preferably sweet peas, palsies, nr violets, and lean small ferns against the outside of the pluttcr to hide the mosquito netting. lf .jv-wrv- n. AND BACKACHE c, DESPONDENCY Lydia 0. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Finkhams Standing Invitation to snvwsmnassiaMMBHHBHRl W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES $25,000 Reward sirsrn:witu s-- f, Iteni-o'He- m Apples Baked with Almonds. leel and core six or eight tart apples, and let (hem simmer In a cupful each of sugar and water, boiled together for a few .ninnies until nearly tender. Turn tin apples frequently to avoid breaking. A little lemon juice added to the syrup will improve the flavor. Flit the apples into an agate into tlum almonds, pan ami pret-blanched and split in halves. Ilredg-- ; with powdcicd sugar, and hmwn in the oven. S- rve hot with whipa-cream or Jelly, and the told ayntp in were conk-d- . which tiie appl'-s - d German Pickles. One peck of gteen tomatoes and eight largi! onions. Slice and mix with a cupful of salt I. el Maud five or six hours, drain and add one rp:;t!i of vin gar and two quart of water. Again ilium and add two pound of sugar and thicc quarts of vinegar: also two tnldesponfiils each of cloves cinnamon, ginger, iilipiec and iihm-tarand a oo ii finely chopped gwei, i again from ore to two peppers. hours, and soul in gia.su or o;ij-- i Pm jars. D-- in-- . kiiiR-R- Names for Colts. A hostler from the liiuu Grass has just found employment lu one of the stables of a New York man. His da:ky dialect is so quaint and bis si i 'ries of "Ole Kiilrit cell" so unique no member of The lm'isrlmM misses an opportunity to speak to 1:1m and hae him say a woi j. His employer s.tid t. bict a few da; s ago: "I suppose your mau ler down sec hici a good many ho: sea ?"' ' Dat we did. si.h, d.it hi- - !.'!! And had 'em bit name niy ole masP-Hllle names. Fai'li. Hu;. and ( bar-Ity- . Hut-tiStays an. I Ciitmliae, waa all one Bprlng'a' coils:'' Bible i hey ran lie ttausferred In new no: without much trouble, (l.q enough lKibinette or liruses net for the new i nrtalns. cut the desired length, allowing for hems, and put into eurtain stretchers. Haste the Imrder of Irish point onto the net, then the medal on by the iiuchine. lions, and stlt-. Mime rent uvcr aiii'iu What's i Behind the Dough! BAK8I 25 dough , for being !i;is I t(i:t t again. Fut i,s si.o pound, aiid is a good fij.liiiT, it too : nearly all M.i nsr-iviuicr i. gi-llll In the wagon." Then the who FC:t her to 'all ought to In1 siri'csi'd, too." urrc-iiti'd- failures. cannot i TlU 25 cents with A absolute certainty. No cake made with K. C fall. We insist UKn refunding your money if a trial docs not so?'" Hal. ,POWI ounces for A real power that raises and sustains the Jsd 3 u Vhy liitr Power fant'ini .'ddn't he commit b!g Amy?" re American. Brocktoa, Mbi free, The in a Name? lid Amy, you know, vim by muii. fFian r d To Repair Irish Point. If the edge find ni(l,T.;u;ix of old Irish point cur Inins are In pood condition, though the net Is much broken, direct lo luciory. convince you. MARA1 'IliOte ills which fain determines, jmi: must bear. Theocritus. Jaqne Mfg. Co. Chicago PUTNAM FADELESS DYES cHart ill CXv MNiaoOtMahtar and tutor estaralhas sin e.ttsr Svs. On 10c tack Wsh an Mix LHitansMlwiUwat Rosins wait. Will ha Ira aUt-Ht- Di, Hkr. Clr. The On In eM iratvr bettor ttiananr othw drs. Voa4)S MOttHOE DRUB CO.. Ootnoy, inimofm |