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Show T tin dial niMUiii rln h for tht cl i Unix of llli hlch with Guard. tSTORYj A last act of ureal is gnthi-riu- g (llaiif-iKtu- fmm g Pirradilly. It has brau drawn together to do honor to a man who haa achieved a triumph in engineering Aa he atepa from the plataeience. form to go he U greeted by a fun! lade of lie bows calmly and kindk hall in thix-ra- . MARCH OF THE He is a man of vigorous yet reserved UHpeet; be has a rare individuality. He receives with a quiet cordiality the pci'Minal cungrutula lions of his friends. He remains for some time In conversation with a royal Huke, who takes his arm and with him passes into the street. The fluke is a member of this great man's rlub. and offers him a seat In his brougham. Amid the choc-r- s of the they drive away together. Liable the club there are fresh congratulations, and it Is prowsfd to arrange an impromptu dinner, at which the Duke will preside. Hut with modesty and honest thanks the great man declines, lln pleads an engagement. He had pleaded this engagement the day before to a society. After his health is proiiosed he makes his adieus, and leaving the club, walks away toward a West-ensquare. In one of Its streets he pauses and enter a building called "Providence His servant hands him a Chambers. cablegram. He passes to his library, and standing before the fire, opens it. It reads: My wife and 1 send con gratulations to the great man." Jaspar Hume stands for a moment looking at the fire, and then says simply, I wish my poor old Jacques were here." He then sits down and writes ly. WHITE ; j GUARD made the sign of tbe dine back from Saint mid that's next to the Hook If he's alive he'll with a Iupint. L Carsculli-- in- - SIR GILBERT PARKER ioiri t ut, ujr a. r. ruum a ob. CHAPTER X Continued. Jasiiar llunie looked Mtoailily into the eyes of the man who had wronged him: "Itcmciulier. Varre, you begin the world again. I am going now. By and the memory of old days, good-by,- " he held out his hand. Varre Lepage took it and ruse tremblingly to Ida feet, and said. "You are a good man, Jasiwr Hume. Uuod-by!r turned at the door. The "It It will please you, tell your wife that I saved you. Borne one will tell her; perhaps 1 would rather at least it would be more natural, if you did )t'' He imaged out into the heat of aunsblne that at roamed into the room and fell across the figure of Varre who aat and said dreamily, "And begin the world agBln." Before Jasimr llume mounted, almost Immediately after, to Join the White Ouard now ready for the Journey back, Jacques sprang upon him and pushed his nose against his master's heart. And once again, and for the last time that we shall hear It, Jaspar Hume- said, "It's all right, Jacques. And then they started for the north again. As they were doing no a shadow fell across the sunlight that He streamed upon Varre Ipage. looked up. There was a startled cry of Joy, an answering exclamation of love, and Rose Ixpage was locked In her husband's arms. A few moments after and the aweet-facewoman said: "Who was the man who rode away to the north as I came up, Varre? He reminded me of some one, but I can't think who it Is. "That was the leader of the White Guard, the man who saved me, my wife." He paused a moment and then solemnly said, That man was Jaspar Hume! ) Bub-facto- Le-pag- &ssX i Madam Snyder. .'affMafifififittmiA s Cloud-In-the-Sk- y Cloud-in-the-Sit- Onor About October First from Our Present HOURS FOR SLEEP AND DREAMS. Method of Living to Be Wrong. General We Will Move Location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt Lake City. Declared There certainly Is good reason to siirjiect that our entire general method of living, so far as differentiation of waking and sleeping hours Is ranp1 cerni'd. Is wrong, hut It does not seiu as yet to have occurred to the learned men to make the simple requisite to the acquirement of exact knowledge, says the Xorth American Review. Any one. of course, can do it to his own satisfaction, but the Individual result o( test would be far front" an uiiHcU-ntiilconclusive. An effort by any of our own societies to determine whether there may not be In this simple revolution of hours a panacea for Amari-canerves, would seem to be in order. this letter: We would not, of course, anticipate "My Dear Friends: Your cablegram haa made me glad. The day Is any immediate effrat, whatever the reover. My last idea was more success- sult of such experimentation, because ful than I even dared to hoie; and the human nature Is obstinate and long well-know- d - wife. . I am sure he is a good man," ahe added. Perhaps Varre' lpage had borrowed some strength from Jaspar Hume, for he said almost sternly, He is a great man.'' His wife looked up half startled at the tone ar.d s.iid, Yes, dear; he la a good man and a great man." The sunlight still came In through the open door. .The Saskatchewan flowed swiftly between its verdant banks, an eagle went floating away to the west, roliins made vocal a solitary treo a few yards away, troopers moved back and forward across the square, and a hen and her chickens came fluttering to the threshold. The wife looked at the yellow brood drawing close to their mother, and her eyes grew wistful. She thought of their one haby asleep In an English grave. Hut thinking of the words of the captain of the White Guard. Varre Lepage said. "We will begin the world again, my wife." She smiled ami rose to kiss his forehead ns the hen nud chickens hastened away from the door, and a clear bugle call sounded in the square. Yes, dear," she said, "we will begin the world again." i . We do a General Banking, Savings d Bank Trust Business. We act as Executor, Administrator Guardian, Receiver, Etc. c n We Furnish Surety Bonds for Contracts Other Purposes. We Make Abstracts' Insure Titles. A We are the LEADING TRUST PANY of UTAH. Call COM- See Our SPLENDID NEW BANKING ROOM. We Want Your Business. d ' you! Jaspar Hume! oh, Varra!" lie saved me, Rose!" Her eyes were wet "And he would not stay and let me thank him! Poor fellow; poor Jaspar Hume! Haa he then been up here these ten years?" He face woe flushed and pain was straggling with the Joy she felt in seeing her husband again. Yea, he has been up here all that time." He has not succeeded In life, Varre!" and her thoughts 'went back to the days when, blind and 111, Jaspar Hume went away for healths sake, and she remembered how sorry then she felt for him, and how grieved she was that when he came back strong and well, he did not come near her or her husband, and offered no congratulations. She had not deliberately wronged him. She did not know he wished her to be his wife. She knew he cared for her; but so did Varre LeA promise hod been given to page. neither when Jaspar Hume went away; and after that she grew to love the successful, genius who bram her husbaud. Even In this happiness of hers, sitting onee again at her husband's feet, she thought with a tender and glowing kindness of the man who had cared for her eleven years ago; and who had but now saved her husband. lie has not succeeded in life," she reiientcd softly. Iaxiklng down at her, his brow burning with a white brat, Varre Lepage said, "He is a great man,' my Mrs. H. Fontijn, A NICHOLS. (Tuuil-in-lhe-Ss- y e By a&jMMs The gifted Palmist, Psychic and Card Reader, gives advice on all afICRISMON and ChemlsU. fairs of life. Diagnoses all Diseases TRANCE MEDIUM. Tells how to draw nnto yourself all READING DAILY come.' Office and. Laboratory, 229 8. W.J things for good through Thought TEST MEETINGS Sunday and Thura Perhaps he will," Carscallen. And ' Force. Consultation free. Call and. Temple Street, 7 days at 8 Oclock. see her. , the1-I in and conies lie's still sni HoAdmission 10 Cents. LAKE SALT CITY. Room Sanitarium 16, . Upstairs, smokes with .1 if lld- - and me, as be tel, Salt Lake City. W. S. 267 Temple St, used o iio nidi you, air; but he Independent Phone 2402. as bo did obey (i ir oi'ib-rthose of ili Ciiptuin of tlte White Guard. Il said to me when I left, You sec .Snoiia hurk, tell hiui good Indian he never forget. How!' Jaspar Huino raised his glass wltb To smiling and thoughtful eyes: and all who never forget!" he said. TUB END. iiiuiectcd cross tbs' the liriiT lilxtory of the White fiabiMclii--: fit Send for Booklet Banking by Mail. Trust Company, Utah Savings No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. .. . The Bank tht Pays 4 per cent. Tum Dimes Into Dollars. Phenominal Success of He 8aved Youl He Saved You! world has been kind. 1 went down to sec your boy. Jaspar, at Clifton last week. It was the 13th, his birthday, you know, ten years old, and a clever, strong-mindelittle fellow, lie Is As he is my godquite contented. child I again claimed the right of putting a thousand dollars to his credit in the bank I have to speak of dollars to you people living In Canada which I have dune on bis every birthday. When he is twenty-onhe will have twenty-on- e thousand dollars quite enough fur a atari lu life. We get along well together, and 1 think he will develop a line faculty for science. In the summer, as 1 said, 1 will bring him over to you. There Is nothing more to say except that I am as always, Your faithful friend, "JASPAR HlME." A moment after the letter was finished the servant entered and announced "Mr. Imtu Carscullen." With a smile and hearty greeting the great man and this niemlter of the White Uuurd meet. It was to entertain his old Arctic comrade that Jaspar Hume hud declined to be entertained by or club. A little while after, seated at the table, the You found your brother well. said: Carwallen?" The jaws moved slowly as of old. Ay, that, utul u grand minister, Captain. lie wanted you to stay in Scotland. d e I SttpXWC." "Ay, that, but there's no place for me like Fori Providence." Jaspar Hume! Oh, Varre! evenings by the fireside are notorious One effect, generally ly agreeable. considered highly desirable, we suspect, would be certain. Almost surely sucb sleep would be less dreamful and, consequently, according to both the learned men and experience, more restful physically and more recuperative mentally. Ilut here again practice w ill encounter tbe serious obstacle of disinclination. Dreaming either by day or by night ia one of tbe great est luxuries. It ia not, of course, a physical necessity, since we all know many persons who never dream at all and yet continue to be exasiorat-litgl- y healthful. But observation teaches us that such persons Invariably are most uninteresting. They ntay and often do iiossess In a notable degree sweetness of diiosilion, but they are so devoid or imagination as to be ot of touch with the fantasies of existence. Congratulations. Male Friend My heartiest congrat ulations, Frauleln Meier. 1 read in the paier the announcement of jeur betrothal to Inspector Mueller. Frauleln That wasn't 1, but another Frauleln Meier. Friend Oh. I'm sorry, but, between ourselves, you ran be glad t:iat y.iu didn't get such a fool as Mueller Figaro. It Might Work. don't see niui h hope," said the prisoners counsel. Oil, I dunno," replied the pridor-T- . "I'm a member of a labor union, vi.q know." "Well?" "Well, I thought njelibo we might get the Jury to go out on a sympathetic strike." Philadelphia Press. I Try this pheasant. And you arc r now, Carsrullen!" There's two of us Jeff Hyde und myself. Mr. Field is old. and can't do much work, and trade is heavy now. Yes: 1 hear from the Factor now More Practical. and then. And Gaspe TouJjnira?" difference between talWhat's the He went away three years ago, but he said he'd eotue back, lie never ent and genius?" CHAPTER XI. "Talent makes money oftener than Eleven years have oue since that did though. Jeff Hyde believes he seen was enacted at Edmonton, and will. He says to me a hundred times: genius docs?" Detroit Free Press. Sub-facto- Sub-factor- s The St. Patrick Mining & Milling COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated). Our company is capitalized at 250,000 shares, Over 15,000 already bought by eager Inof which 100,000 shared are set aside for working we now offer ths 35,000 vestors aiid shares remaining of its first dlocK capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock of treasury stock placed upon the market at the is pooled until at least or more of its treas-nulow price of ten cents per share. The proceeds of stock is sold. Bear in mind that this stock is unassessable. and the sale will be judiciously expended to the further in is loctaed which the of property, Big that private property of stockholders is not liable dcvckvpnunt one-ha- lf Cottonwood Mining District, Salt Lake County, Utah, and consists of six promising mining claims. Over fifteen hundred dollars have already been expended in development work since date of incorporation, February, 1906, consisting of over 500 feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals already found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead and Iron. We arc now driving the tunnel ahead to cut the mineral vein which is believed to be an extension of the well known Maxficld mine, that has already produced hundred of thousands of dollars. The property is equipped with hoisting and pumping engines, ore cars and steel rails in tunnel. ry for corporation indebtedness. The Board of Directors are A. J. Smith, PresiB. A. M. dent; Hans II. Petbrson, Froiseth, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Leona F. Smith and David A. Buck. The latter is also superintendent. Vice-Preside- nt; THIS REALLY is $1 SECURITY for 10 cts. Remember Good mines from good prospects grow. Thus we harvest as we sow. Dont delay, buy now, and got in on the ground floor. CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL NOW. lown and $5.00 monthly for four months B. A. M. Froiseth, Sccty., buys 250 shares. months St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., four for and 10.00down $10.00 monthly $ Salt I.akc City, Utah. shares. 500 buys I subscribe hereby for shares of $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months and stock, fully paid of the "St. buys 1000 sliarcs. Patrick Alining fir AfiUing Co. at the price of Ten $ 30.00 di't.-- and $30.00 monthly for four months Cents a share, for which I enclose $i I tys 1500 shares. as first payment, balance to be paid in four equal $ 40.00 down and $40.00 monthly for four months monthly installments. buys 2000 shares. Name $ 5.00 - $100.00 down and $100.00 monthly for four months buys 5000 shares. Address Date. |