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Show ftrfNAM FADELESS DYTS color tiwao ns mtu-- as any other dye and jpu the saute. 10c per package. SURELY WINS THE PALM. HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. ff cow One Mean Man Who Outdoos Soma Others. Pe-ru-- na for Many stories have been told of mean men, such as hs who used a and he whose wart for a collar-buttobirthday gift to bis son consisted in washing the windows so that the lad might watch the cars go by. This man, however, eeems to have won the palm: There wae an extremely mean man In New Hampshire, who wae the proprietor of a hotel. By hie direction mien were posted in the hostelry forbidding almost every conceivable privilege to those not guesta of the place. There wae absolutely no chance for the casual loafer to get newspapers, pen, ink, stationery, etc. There were not even free neats in the office. One day. relates the Success Maga-lne- , he chanced to observe n chronic loafer gazing at the old clock that hung on the wail. The next day a sign was placed over the clock. It read: This clock is for the use of the guests of the hotel only. Catarrhs There goes one of the d men yon ever seen" remarked the suburban storekeeper to the hosiery drummer, as a shabbily dressed down passed the window, if I knew all he does about business Id be rich." He doesn't look to me as if he knew much," said the hosiery sales-maWhat's his liner Hosiery," replied the storekeeper. M He'a an exjiert on socks an' stock-In'lie can look em over an tell right away whether they'll ravel or run. What's more, he could tell me whether I ought to order from you or not an how big an order I ought to give you. He cau tell Just what the trades Ruin' to call for, too. There ain't nothin' about a sock or stockin' merino, lisle, wool, mixed or silk oi mercerised that he couldn't give points wuth rememberin' on; openwork, fancy or plain, heavy or re enforced don't matter what" Why didn't you call him In, then?" asked the drummer. I'd like to have him see these hose. If he knows anything about it he'll tell yon that they're the beat ever put on the mar ket and he wouldnt advise you to buy less than a couple o dozen boxes to try. Shall I go outside and holler Coughs, Colds, Grip. n. s, at Peruna is a household friend in t tin a million homes. This number is increasing every day. Peruna has become a household word ail over the English speaking world. It is an old tried remedy for all catarrhal diseases of the head, throat, more lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and female organs. Atk Your Druggist tor Free Peruaa Almanac for 1907. Woman Ic Adventurous. In proof of the assertion made by the German authorities that all is well well In Morocco, an officer of the recent German expedition to Fes tells howin the heart of Morocco, he had met an English woman touring alone. This fearless woman is Mrs. Frances V. Campbell. She is reported to have traveled all the way across Morocco on horseback, with no other escort than It. feWserv'tiiUL Kttpi Young by Outdoor Exercise. Although James Bryce, the new British ambassador to this country. Is 68 years old, he has not hy ang means exhausted his physical energies or his fondness for exercise in the open. His favorite recreation is mountain climbing, and he is president of the English Alpine club. el lltB Yellow Sores Grew Cu- -- Parents Discouraged tlcura Drove Sores Away. Covered Wore with M TO 14 MAWS. ri BIDiniuwt wean i aaae asy Suud. BimSius or rnHra&es fils ia m misused. We. Garfirld Tea (the Herb remedy which is Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law! .liould he taken to rrfnlste the Liver, Kidney, stomach and bsvrila, and to purify the blood. ' I poor man's chances for reaching ths ngs of three-scor- e and ten are far better than n rich man's, because the doctors waste less on him. A Hows This? Wa offtr Oat Hundred pollan Hewari far any taiarrh that coaaol bo enraS by Mill jan aC ton. laiaoh r. J. CHKXIT CO., ToMo. O. known V. J. L'boooy We tho nndmlgned. h for I b kM 11 toon, ud bollrto blm perfectly hew bualaoM tnuuaeUoaa ia and Saaartally a'l erabi alii p carry out any .ibllyaiiiiua aiado by bl. inu. I Woiiiiao. KiaaaH 4 Maana, Bara Not on your life, replied the storeI'd sooner take your word keeper. for it Where did he learn about the hosiery business?" asked the' drummer. Search me," answered the storeWhere did he learn about keeper. Fail River prints an Reddltch needles? Who gives him experience In window dressIn? How did he find out the way to arrange stock an advertise it? Who taught him what he knows about the principle of bargain Fridays an the kind o' notions it pays to keep in stock? I'll never tell you." Maybe hes been in the same line o' business you're In. Not him," said the storekeeper. No more'n he'a been in the drag business or the hardware or the furniture or the butcher business. I never heard tell of his practicin law or drlvin a team or runnln' n newspaper or servin' In congress,, but he can tell you about any o' them." Kind of an man, isn't he?" commented the drummer. He's all around all right, said the That's the only thing storekeeper. that saves my life. Sometimes he's around to the butcher shop tellln Gurby how to cut meat an' then he'll mosey over to Root's drug store an' tell Mm how he might make his ever-lastifortune puttin' up snakeroot bitters after a recipe his grandmother had wrote down from another recipe Kiowa squaw had given her when she was a young gal an which shed Improved on hy 60 years experiment- The Kind You Have Always Bought Avertable IYrparaiioaror As similating fee Food and Brf Ufa ting the Sfcunds and Dowels of Bears the IImAnT sV('HinKf n! Signature of Promotes DigrelionJChrerful-nes- s and Rc si .Contains neither OpiumXofphine nor Mineral. KotKahcotic. juty, a'oujrsiMi XLrraaar I And JtmtUUUO-jfmmS- W Maul Prune l.u. Toledo. O. Catarrh Can la lakaa Internally, acting ilia blout and Bueoua aurracea of lb SlneSy oaeta per ay wen- - Tnxluioolaia mbi lie. Price Hold kettle by all llrutglat. SaM Ueii'a r'auiiur Pill fur eoaitlpatloa. md - ' Life of Horses and Dogs. The statement haa been made that Our little girl, one year and a horses average from 20 to 30 years of A half old, was taken with eczema or life, and dogs from 12 to 14 years. horse French credits ths encyclopedist called doctor waa what the it that 20 We called in the family doctor, and with 30 to 40 years, the dog with he gave some tablets and said ahe to 24. There is a sufficient range of would be all right In n few days. uncertainly in these figures to cause The eczema grew worse and we doubt whether detailed study has been called In doctor No. 2. He said ahe made of the subject. waa teething, as soon as the teeth Thoroughly Reliable. were through she would be all right ever there was a reliable and safe If But she still grew worse; Doctor it is that old and famous porNo. S ssld it was eczema. By this remedy ous plaster Allcock's. It has been in wee a time she yellow, use for nothing but sixty years, and Is as popular greenish sore. Welt he said he could aa ever, and we doubt if there we him so about It let try help her, la a civilized community on the face a week. One morning we discovered of the globe where thlz wonderful pain a little yellow pimple on one of reliever cannot be found. In the selecwe for course her eyes.. Of 'phoned of the ingredients and In their tion doctor No. S. He came over and manufacture the greatest care Is taken looked her over, and said that he to each plaster up to the highest keep could not do anything more for standard of excellence, and so pure her, that we had better take her and simple are the Ingredients that was since to some eye specialist, it even a child can use them. sn nicer So we went to Oswego to Allcock's are the original and gendoctor No. 4, and he said the eye- uine porous plasters and are sold by sight wss gone, but that he could Druggists all over the world. help It We thought we would try doctor No. 5. Well, that proved the Japanese Hot Baths. same, only he charged 8 10 more than In Japan hot hatha are used at a doctor No. 4. We were nearly dis- temperature of 104 degress. FahrenI aaw one of the Cutl-cur- a heit Immediately they leave this couraged. advertisements In the paper and ths bathers plunge into perfectly cold thought we would, try the Cuticura water. A European doctor who has Treatment so I went and purchased spent many years in Toklo declares a set of Cuticura Remedies, which that, after a bath of thia heat and the cost me 1, and In three days our ubaequent douche, he used to feel daughter, who bad been sick about warm all day In the coldest winter eight months, showed great improve weather, while In summer the bath ment and In one week all sores had had tto exactly contrary effect, and Of course it could not was most cooling and refreshing. disappeared. restore the eyesight, but If we had nsed Cuticura In time I am oonfident Washington a Shingle State. that it would have saved the eye. We The state of Washington produced for so no think there is good remedy 10.500.000.- 000 shingles in 1906 fiscal any akin trouble or Impurity of the year, or GSV4 per cent of the total outblood as Cuticura. Mr. and Mrs. Frank put of the United States. Washington Abbott. R. F. D. No. 9, Fulton. Os- has 459 mills, with a dally output of wego Go., N. Y., August 17, 1906." 47.940.000, or 18 per cent more than In 1905. In no other other state does Developing the 8udan. There Is talk In England of the pro- the yearly output approximate posed development of the natural resources of the Sudan through scienImmense forests tific exploration. line the banks of the Blue Nile along Its upper reaches, extending to the Abyssinian frontier. The ebony tree Is met with along that river and also near the Sobat. Along the White Nile the India rubber creeiier, a valuable source of rubber, abounds. There are large forests In the province and gold has been mined In some of the mountains. Search will be made for fuel. himr For Infants and Children. mo There ie no cure for the indlgeetlea cessed by being compelled to eat your own words. i AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA. HOySmd- - Aperfed Remedy forConsUps-Ilon- , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Feverishness find Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of Ctmfrfff&ti.Gt NEW YORK. to-da- y d ' riLES raJOiKTiuf.vr n beat-poste- nu act silly If yon want to see n np one who is Jealous. hsst n in. Lirvinveixi Fr CougK Cold .Croup, Sore Throat, Stiff N Rheumatism and Neuralgia At all Dealers Price 25c 50c 6 1.00 Sent Free rSloanrs Book on Horses Cattle, Hogs & Poultry . Address Dr. Earl 5. Sloan 615 Albany Sfc Boston.Mass. man sure, llea He's an around Williams' real estate office the best part o the mornin's readin' Williams papers an inakln' plana for puttin' the Standard Oil company out o business. Williams lets him stay around because he gets lonesome In the office waitin' for the boom that's a cold m oxe bay Take LAXATIVB HUOMU quinine Tablets. Drag-ti- i cornin' when they extend the electric a refund nuuav It It ralia lu curs. X. Yf line out here. Yes, sir. Im glad he'a ttHOVlV aignnturi la on Muta box. tto, an man, because when he's Yss cm always depend sa tto wearing around them other places he aint Every time a man accepts a around here. gift it costs him a dollar. Mayer wsrfc shoes for all utes and in all I ' asked the What's his business? weather. Mrs. Winslows Roothlnir Syrup. Or has he got any? drummer. Tor children teotbln, soften III. gurus, reduce wind colhi. BeelwtUs. cere Built eelid, of (elected and eeeaoned leather, sHypln, Aint I tellln' you? said the storebusiness Hla is .they ere by far the beat work ahoee for Finaen my business, Love your enemies but not John keeper. Miners, Ft aspect sn, Lea herwee. Mechanics, and an anybody's business. Its givln Demijohn. to wear. valuable points. Mind you, he don't Then They Went Off. pretend that he knows all about dry Mayer" Work Shoe like all Mayer ahoee "It strike! me that you are loaded, goods or groceries or law or posthole honor ill weir Dke hu. Get them from as double-barre- l said lie to the tidies. the What or knittln' pistol diggin' shotgun. dealer, but be soft the Mayer trade-mar- k claims is that there's fundamental your appeara F: Oh, not quite," rejoined the latter. sole. principles at the bottom of all of em RHEUMATISM I'm only half-shoand that them principles ia principles AND For a "dicM-u- p ahoe wear theHonorbHt common sense. He's got an idee Whereupon they both exploded with Water n men. Eye kfor Thompson's News. JSSiSSl la ua around here spread-Imoat of laughter. Chicago Daily that NEURALGIA termatter catsup on roofin maF. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co., terial, I guess, an' thats what keeps Mm busy correctin us. Milwaukee, WIs. There's lots like him, said the boxes and in how women silence suffer many drummer. "Weil, Many drift along from bad to worse, knoware yon going to take? Say three ing well that they ought to Lave dozen, just to start with. iiumeilisto assistance. storeWell, there It is." said the How many women do yon know was I overstocked I told you keeper. wlio are jierfectly well and strong? seem now an it didn't good on hosiery NO MORI: MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. The cause may he easily traced to THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL business policy to me to order any some feminine derangement which I me to need of order in tell itself manifests but depression you more, spirits, reluctance to go anywhere three dozen boxes more. What am I or do anything, backache, dragging goin' to do? I put it to you now, as sensations, flatulency, nervousness, a reasonable man. I'm doin a pretty and sleeplessness. :: fair business, makin money an' think-iThese symptoms are bn t warnings EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT of enlargin my store an' hirin a that there is danger ahead, and unA OU1CK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRless heeded, a life of suffering or a couple more clerks thin fall. I've done I Sc. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-- AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR serious operation Is the inevitable It by actin on my own Judgment But BY MAIL ON RECEIPY OF ISe. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT MISS JULIE FLORENCE WALSH all for best EP The COMES-KEbeen I've result remedy A TUBE HANDY. TILL THE PAIN speakin here's this feller The Proved Remedy these eynptoma is A aubitltute for and auperlor to muatard or any other plaster, and will not use I don't me that enough of tellln' For Over 50 Years. blister the most delicate akin. The and curative qualities of common sense, an' you're Insistin' the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Price 33c end 30c that I'm away off when I think I dont Headache and Sciatica. Wa recommend It the best and safest external made from native roots and herbs. No other medicine in the country has want your darned hosiery an " counter-irritan- t known, also aa an external remedy for pains In the cheat medireceived No such other and endorsement widespread unqualified to need darn these You don't and stomach and ell Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial cine has such a record of cures of female Ilia will prove what we claim for It, and It will be found to be Invaluable In the hose, said the drummer, closing his Miss J. F. Walsh, of 828 W. 86th St, New Yorlx City, writes: Lydia household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many sample case. Til call op you some E. rinkhama Vegetable Compound has been of Inestimable value in people aay "It la the best of all your preparations. Accept no prepare lion other lime. Keep me in mind, that's caused which health, Illness suffered fenale I from restoring my of vaseline unless the aamo carries our label, otherwise it Is not genuine. in dreadful all." but headaches, your dizziness, and dull pains my back, Poeitlvelf enrrdby ADDRESS MAIL AND WILL SEND YOUR OUR VASB-LINWE built soon medicine brought about a change in ay general condition, theee XAttle Mis. WHICH INTEREST YOU. PAMPHLET WILL me up and made me perfectly welL They also relieve w Prince of Wales a Sailor. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, trass from Dyepepria, CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. such as Backache, Falling and Displacements. Inflammation and ulceraThe prince of Wales, who is to comand Too BSaity 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CITY child-birt- h in and Is for Is diseases. Invaluable remIt tion, preparing Dreadnought. the organic mand battleship v.Hny a perfect and cures the of Life. Headache, Nervous Prostration, It Senses. a Change word of during the practical In every sense edy ftr Dbdneea General Debility, and invigorates the whole system. Drowelneea Bed Teste sailor. At the ago of 13 he became a Cbeted midHOWARD E. BURTON, cmYmib?.,,, la the Month. as served and Women later Mrs. naval cadet, Toagua Pain In the Bideb shipman and made a three years' voylllUuM. 80-to weakness Specimen prim: Ugri. Silver, invited Women are from form of any suffering Imnupm LIVES. They rer.fta: MoM.Nr;ZnoarUnpiar.tl Jyaaid Mala. The world. advice ia free. n Mrs. the Mass. around write prince at Her and fall Pat pn.-Pinkham, Mailing aavelupv annioe applied-ioage Lynn, date the Bowels. Purely VOgetahlSb rnnirul and I'miMrn wort mil in lad. Lead' READERS J. SfUBT never shirked his work, taking his villa. Colo. H far. non. UarnuiuuaNauoaal ttiinf advertised m tmiLPwcE. turn at all duties In all weathers. He Its column should inti it upon haunt what they ask tor, raiusinf ell substiworked his way lip. becoming in turn tutes sr imitations. Gmuins Must Bear lieutenant and cap HOMEY a BTtfLBBEI 9 I limit Illustrated traalutaa RECTUM; MI3Z-a- e life lasting Signature his whole tain, ! eumd r PttEASn OF WOMEN. W the ttienaenda el riint OlTTlE over 20 years. Ills present rank Is NONE PAID a GENT TILL their name and letter iu uelwitim. Til I pilDCn lflVER Kanoaw Oak Mo., and I ILL toil City, lima St., that of iRUH, aeae Olltm Street. St. Louie. Mn IS llQRIIII W. N. U San Lake City. No. 4, 1907 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. to eras 10-ce- Work Shoes Bahr-el-Ghaz- ' t. WOMEN SUFFER COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM JACOBS VASELINE n' OIL I JCE Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound pain-allayi- u 1GK HEADACHE H u E nmuc Pinkham's Standing Invitation to n. in hu. mm must Fac-Sim-ila $, T. 99 sea-goin- g CURED-weta- Tice-admlr- I miih |