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Show ANYTHING FOR FILTHY LUCRE Writer! Cynical Justification of Moan Ploco of Work. A certain sifted writer of whom It waa one aaid that ba wouldnt recog- nise bla wife If be met ber on tbe street wrote a charming lore story not ao long ago, and it waa printed In a popular magazine. Ilia friends and all those of the circle In which tbe author moved recognised the story as an exact and receut transcript from the life of the writer. Involving a very heaulirul young woman, also well known in the same a.t. One mnn, coming b.tobs the author, took him to task for It. "What lu the world did you write up that affair with MIus Blank fur?' he demanded. The author looked at him umvivcd and with the same exqulr.ite talm amt cloarw m that characterUad h!a wort, replied : I needed the money . BIG NEW 6H0E BUILDING. It Is Dedicated by the W. L. Douglas Co. at Brockton. The dedication a short tune ago of the new administration and Jobbing boii.se building erected by the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. aa a part of Its mammoth manufacturing plant at Uontcllo was marked by the thoroughness and attention to detail characteristic of the firm In all ltf undertakings. The dedicatory program Included open house from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. with concert by the Mace Gay orchestra and the presence of a Boston caterer to attend to the wishes of alL The building ltaelf afforded a feast for the eye, eaiieclally the offices, which are marvels In many ways, fifteen thousand Invitations were sent out, including over 11,000 to the retell deal ora In the United States who handle the W. L. Douglas Co. shoes, the others going to shoe manufacturers and all allied Industries in Brockton and vicinity. Mr. Dougina will he glad to have anybody who la Interested call and Inspect the new plant, and oya the latch string la always out" All departments of the plant were open for Inspection, the three factories as well aa the new building, and were received and escorted through the Industrial maze by Douglas, assisted by the heads of the various departments. Undor tho present system all show are manufactured to order, and customers sometimes lose sales waiting tor shoes to arrive. With the new Jobbing house they will be enabled to have their hurry orders shipped the aame day they are received. The new building la 2G0 feet long and GO feet wide and two stories In height The jobbing department will occupy the entire lower floor, while the offices will occupy the second floor. The Jobbing department will carry a complete stock of mens, boys', youths, misses and childrens shoes, slippers, rubbers and findings equal to any Jobbing house In the country. Buyers are especially Invited to come, here to trade, and every effort possible will be made to suit their convenience. There will be a finely appointed sample room on the second floor, with an office In which both telephone and telegraph will be installed, with operators, both Western Union and Postal Telegraph wires to be used. There will also be , 'STOngcments for the receipt and despatch of mall. vie-lto- rs v. Veterans Rapidly Patting Away. Veterans of the civil war are dying now at the rate of 100 a day, according to records of the United States pension office. The monthly reports for severs! months past have shown the death rate among the old soldiers to be In the neighborhood of 3,000 a month. Pension office officials who have watched the figures closely and know the tendency of tho death rate are of the opinion that the number of civil war pensioners haa reached the maximum and that hereafter each succeeding month will show a decrease. The University of Notre Dame. It peare, hue seme features that can notap. bo duplicated In any other srliool. it Is one of the old, with colleges, settled traditions reaching hack sixty-foyears, with a distinguished staff of professors and excellent library and lultora-tcr- y equipment. Its discipline Is of the natcrnal kind strong without being oppressive; and na it embraces in its scoe the grammar school, high school and college work, ils appeal Is as broad as It Is potent. Perhaps tho most remarkable feature of the famous Indiana Vnlcersity. however, is the fact that it lius arrived at Its present marvelous development absolutely without endowment. An announee-n- t of the courses provided at Notre Dame appears on another puga. ur Drawing the Line. Ws have followed the plow, wielded the hoe, served time on the public roada under an austere overseer, swept the backyard, worked the garden, churned the butter, washed the dishes, nursed the baby and performed other various and sundry dlsugrecable tasks In our times without a murmur, but when It comes to cleaning streets under three lady bosses excuse us, please. Three women to boss you. Just the Great Caesar's ghost! thoughts of such s catastrophe Is enough to give a man the "buck-ague.- '' Minden (La.) Signal. Laid Out Like Checker Board. The country In which the large la towns are moat nearly Holland. They are at an average distance of 20 miles from one another. equl-dlsta- Mexican Coffee Kaiser's Favorite. The German emperor is very fond of Mexican coffee, end now drinks none other. Mr. Porehllrlren Sammetlun WlnaloWi Southing Xjrrtip. I anfien ha gnraa, reduce, ftr kiiafa putt. ciiraa arlul eullu. ZjcnboMlo. were suppressed Puritans In 1031. Plays by the , Harden Metals by Air. The latest proposals for Intensifying the oxidizing action of air on metals la that of M. llarmet, and haa for Its object the treatment of cast Iron, producing n refined Iron or steel. Molten iron la caused to flow through a fine channel surrounded by an anwhlafa thus forms a nular turpere, driving the metal forward In a fins spray. This spray is collected and allowed to flow together again In a receiving chamber, from which the molten steel can bs tapped. air-blas- t, MAN OF SQUARE KILL UNFAIR PARTNER. RIGHT Authority Lays Down Rule and B t It with Good Argument ProsJ pector's Calling Admittedly m dJYjaaifata Asms It was in tbs camp of Bullfrog ml Mitchell, the big. brick-roman of Nevada, told his view of on tbe desert: If you are prospecting with an reasonable bog of a partner who w to eat three alicea of bacon and a loaf of bread for breakfast and the canteen gurgle down his thi while you get along with a strip bacon and Just moisten your l! when you take a drink, then you all right If you kill him. I'd kill If there wasn't anything else to It's a tough game and it's your or his when you're lost or your gr stake and water are giving out. j These observations were suggest by the arrival in camp two days fore of tbe bones of a prospector v; had died of thirst some 40 miles frfr Bullfrog during the previous sum? esri He had been a carpenter, wages of eight dollars a day In new camps during the boom," the gold fever led him sway this safe and profitable toil, picked up a partner, they loaded t burros and trailed off south ton i,1 the Death valley country to prospect In the Funeral range. Three weeks after the desert shallowed them up the partner wandc red Into a freighters' camp half era ed with thirst and exhaustion. He ras able to tell the freighters that the carpenter was somewhere ont beydo lost and without water, too help' to tnove. The partner was too l and fevered to go back with the cue party of freighters, so they him In camp. He directed them he well as he could, hut the search was bootless and Griffin, the carpenter of Bullfrog, was added to the long list of desert victims. Several months later a party of prospectors tumbled by chance across what was left of him. There was no traces of his outfit; he had thrown away his gun, his canteen and his hat One shoe was found 30 feet from his body and he had torn off and flung sway most of his clothing. These were the ghastly evidences of the last great fight he had made to struggle on. When they're dying for water, said Mitchell, who knew the "desert game, they throw away everything until all their clothes are gone and you generally find them without a stitch on. Outing. , d Handto-Han- d Fight With a Tiger. On Monday last a villager plucklly attacked a tiger that waa lying on ths railway line sear tbe Mosul station. It was a life and 'death struggle; the villager was only armed with s cudgel, with which he made a desperate attack on tbe tiger, but was eventually overpowered by tbe Infuriated brute, which tore and bit him all over and then retired. The unfortunate man has since succumbed to his Injuries at Arkonara. From the Hindu. Gila Monsters Increase. Since the Indians have been thinned out the glia (heels) monster Is overrunning the Southwestern territory. The only antidote known for the glia's poison, which Is fatal In about thirty minutes. Is a secret of the Huallpls Indians, In Mexico, who think It and never have divulged it, although government officials and scientists have lived among them for the purpose of discovering It god-give- n, Cuts Off English Novelists. The British Weekly, London, says: "Only a very few among ths foremost of our novelists can have their stories published In serial form In America. Eight or ten years ago the English novelist of standing could count on receiving more than half his Income from America, and now bs can count on practically no returns at slL Ambidextrous Society. the promotion of ambidexterity has been formed In London. That the left hands of ths majority of adults have grown up In a state of very limited usefulness and of compartlve weakness and awkwardness, while the motor centers of ths brain .supplying them have been left partially developed, must be admitted. A society for Long-Live- d Trio. There died lu Paris recently Count Emile de Keratry, who could boast that bis grandfather, born In 1098, was a page In the household of Louis XIV. The former page married his second wife at 70 years of sga and had a son, who was Emile's father. He was born In 1707 and lived till 1852. Three lives bridged 205 years. SORES ON HANDS. HOG NEARLY BURNED CITY Suffered for a Lang Tims Without Relief Doctor Was Afraid to Touch Them Cured by Cuticura. Set Ablaze by Falling Lamp, Animal Unconsciously Gets Eves with Xaa That Throw XL GOOD DESERT LA) 1 Shock for Love's Young Dream. The interesting young couple boarded the car. On the third finger of the' girl's left hand appeared an oM. Armor Piercing Shells, shell ously new gold band. The man was fuse in an armor-piercinapparently In the worst stags of the la so constructed that when the pn , armor-platethe disease. Oblivions to the hard, unJectlle strikes a ship's carried on an audelay In action Is Just enough to let It feeling world, they of the tootsy-wootsconversation dible Should the the plate. pass though man sitting stout The kind. alien strike a thin plate like the shell or strike a glancing opposite was clearly disgusted. He of a torpedo-boat- , blow It will always hurst within ten snorted his disapproval and endeavored to transfix, the lovers with a fefeet rocious stare. At last his feelings passed the stage when they could be Fire Gongs In London. expressed by a snort Turning to the The London fire department Is try- meek, washed-ou- t little woman who ing the experiment of having gongs sat beside him he inquired lu a voice on Its apparatus, but the eockneyt that sounded like the bellow of a find that these gongs have not the bull with a sore throat: electrical effect In clearing the streets And will my darling por;y-wopa- y which is produced by the firemens always have her dinner vocal III! hi! hi! ready for him when be comes home in the evening? The bride and bridegroom suddenNew Fuel for Autos. The discovery Is said to have been ly brought back to this most censor-olu- s made In England of a new spirit, unworld, came down from the celeslike either petrol or alcohol. and "not tial regions with a thud. Love's young unpleasant" In oilnr, which Is cheap dream had received another hard and will take the .place of petrol in knock. running automobiles. Belief In Wandering Elvee. AN OLD PAINTER'S IDEAS. Plskies, pixies, or'plgseys,. are a tribe of elves peculiar to old Cornwall, The autumn season Is coming more England, a territory once and more to he recognized as a most to the eastern ede of extending Dartmoor, suitable time for housepainting. There which Is at ill Included In the duchy. no wood make to is frost deep In the but In They are not elemental trouble for even tbe best job of paint- material lie were those spirits, of the Celtic of the and the ing, general seasoning tribes who refused to give up their summer has put the wood Into good ancient religion for Christianity, but condition in every way. The weather, otherwise lived blameless; hencq moreover, Is more likely to be settled their sympathy with humanity. Not for the necessary length of time to good enough for heaven, nor bad allow all the coats to thoroughly dry, a enough for hell, their wandering souls old An very Important precaution. were permitted to remain on earth, and successful painter said to tho their own familiar mooi haunting House owners writer the other day: lands, wooded coombes and waste would get more for their money if they sea beaches. would allow their painters to take more time, especially between coats. Danish English. Instead of allowing barely time for the The following amusing advertise surface to get dry enough not to be ment Is copied verbatim from a Dn: tacky, several days (weeks would ish paper: The hotels charmingly too allowed should be not be much) surrounded of a nice garsituation, so that the coat might set through den the good cuisine, the kindly acand through. It is Inconvenient, of commodation with moderate charge one would suffer this and course, but. If with conveyances ocgood slight Inconvenience, it would add two casion for salmon and trout easy fishing, or three years to the life of the paint." the ascending of the surrounding All this is assuming, of course, that mountains has done this place well the paint used Is the very heat to known and praised of all travelers. be had. The purest of white lead and N. B. The Landlord Is spoken Engthe purest of linseed oil unmlxed with lish very good." any cheaper of the cheap mixtures, often known as White Lead," and oil A Special Cass. which has been doctored with fish oil, Mr. If Winslow calls mambenzine, corn oil or other of the ma. what shall I say? adulterants known to the trade are whatever your little heart used, all the precautions of the skilled tellsSay you to say, my dear. to useless are the prevent painter But this Isn't one of those cases, cracking and peeling which make mamma. There Is nothing to Mr houses unsightly in a year or so and. Winslow except his money. therefore, make painting bills too freHouse owner quent and costly. Not His Job. should have his painter bring the InYou'll have to fix this poem over to the separately, premises gredients I can buy It. said the editor. white lead of some well known relia- before. There appears to he something the ble brand and linseed oil of equal qual, matter with its feet. mix before and Just the appaint ity I would have you understand, sir, ex1L not need be Painting plying said the bard, with dignity, that I an pensive and unsatisfactory If the old a poet and not a chiropodist." era followed. painter's suggestions g y lovey-lovey- 's t, e Tho entire east ride of tows nar"For a long time I suffered with rowly escaped being burned at night sores on the hands which were itch- and nothing but prompt action upon I had tho part of thoso present averted it, ing, painful and disagreeable. three doctors, and derived no benefit says a dispatch from Dresden, Tenn. from any of them. One doctor said Data Perry, a rlerk at Tucks resha was afraid to touch my hands, so taurant, went to his room upstairs yoa must know how bad they were; over the restaurant about 11 o'clock another said I never could be cured; to retire. He lit a lamp, which caught and the third said the sores were fire within, and Pery promptly throw caused by the dipping of my hands It into the street. The lamp struck e In tne water in the where a town hog fairly in tho middle oi I work. I saw in the papers abont tho hack and exploded, covering the the wonderful cures of the Cuticura hog with burning oil. Tho squeals oi Remedies and procured some of the his hogshlp could have been heard Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. half a mile away as ha awoke to the In three days after tbe application situation and tried to get away. of the Cutlcnrs Ointment my ban'll The hog took a turn around a part began to peel and were better. Tbe of tho public square and returned to soreness disappeared, and they are whero he was first assaulted and ran now smooth and dean, and I am still under the restaurant from which the Mrs. A. E. lamp was thrown to get release from working in the Maurer, 2340 State St., Chicago, 111., the flames. The blaze by this time had Just begun to make extra good July 1, 1905. headway and soon set the floor and As a rule, a divorced woman acts as rubbish under the building afire. The alarm was raised and ths entire fire though she bad been born that way. force called out, but for some time All creameries use butter color. Whv eould neither get the bog out or they not do ae they do use JL.M3 TINT reach the fire. Finally the floor waa BUTTER COLOR. torn up and water poured through It may he true that all men are upon the hog, who took the relief offools, but they are not reminded of fered him without a grunt and the fire was finally put out All losses, It so often If they remain single. except the bogs, were covered by InIntoxicants In Vegetables. surance. Vegetables not only contain stimulants but are capable of producing an FOLLY OF LEGAL PHRASES. Intoxicating Influence on those who Senator Knox Points Out How Much depend on them exclusively for food, Ha cites Verbiage Could Be Cut from according to an Investigator. Documents. a com in which some young people of bin acquaintance suffered from parSenator Knox in his picturesque tial Intoxication aa the result of a mansion at Valley Forge was recently meaL purely vegetable aeked what ho thought of the movement in Franco toward ths simplificaForeign Born Men of Fame. Of the 800,000 Canadians engaged tion of legal French ths simplificain business or following professional tion of the wording of wills, deeds, pursuits in the United States many mortgages, etc. hold prominent posts. "Whos Who I deem this movement Is a wise in America mentions 245 Canadians. one," said the senator. "I think that h of those born in in English, also, many documents Allowing Great Britain but brought up in and would bs the better for simplification. therefore rightly to he credited to Much of our :ogal phraseology Is uselessly prolix and redundant Why, if Canada, the number of Canadians 270, or 2.3 for every 10,000 you want to deed a man an automoCanadians in the United Staten With bile Instead of writing simply I give this may be compared the British rats you this automobile it Is necessary to per 10,000 of 2.2, that of 2.1 for ths write something like this: give you all and singular, my Dutch, that of .5 for Swedes, and that of .9 for native Americans (black estate and interest, right title and and white), or 1.9 for native whits claim, ths advantage of and in that power automobile, with all its Americans. tonneau, tires, engines, cylinders, Convenient English. cushions, direct drive, sliding gear "We become accustomed to a transmission, three speeds and reverse, phrase, observed an educator at a and all rights and advantages therein, teachers convention, but when we with full power to drive, speed, race or Introduce a new one along exactly rent the same automobile or give the the same lines. It startles the hearer. aame sway, with or without its said A number of ladles were seated in engines, cylinders, tires, cushions, slida hotel parlor, and one of them, coming gear transmission, anything herementing on a woman who was stand-lu-g tofore or hereinafter, or in any other in tho hallway, said: deed oi deeds. Instrument or instruMrs. Loralne seems unusually hap ments, of what kind or nature soever py this morning. to the contrary in any wise notwith"Yes, answered a companion, standing.' knowingly, the ladles of Newark gave Deep Question. a tea in her honor yesterday. But Ths man with the deep set eyes doesnt her husband look gloomy and heaves a sfgh. uncrosses his legs, Aejected? them the other way and again "That Is true, admitted the first buries his chin in his hand. speaker. T presume the gentlemen "What are you studying about? of Newark gave a beer in his honor asks the man with the opal scarfpln . last night and the trusting face. Chamois Skin of Commerce. "I cant decide It, replies the other. Charles C. Druedling, of PhiladelIve been trying to figure out which To meet phia, had written an article for the is ths most embarrassing: American Journal of Pharmacy on the some one you have forgotten and to subject of chamois skins. What Is pretend that you remember him, or to known In the market as chamois skins, meet some one you remember and try sheep to pretend that you have forgotten he says. Is really an or lamb skin lining. The supply of him. "In such a case," replies ths man skins from the chamois animal Is very with ths opal scarfpln, I should ga limited enough could not be obtained in a year to supply the United States across ths street for more than a single day. He made Macaroni Mads In America. special inquiry on a recent visit to American macaroni most often Switzerland about the annual crop of Imitates the forms of the Genovese. that ascertained and skin chamois the An expert In macaroni says that the from 5.000 to 6,000 skins would he a best in this country is made in Texas fair average yearly crop. This skin Is from Nebraska winter wheat There or of the skin the sheep heavier than the scores and perhaps hundreds of Iamb, also much coarser. For strength small macaroni factories in the Italian and durability the chamois skin Is preof American quartern and there cities, use and apferable, hut for ordinary ire besides a few large factories where skin the sheep pearance macaroni Is made commercially on a lining would, in most instances, be large scale. preferred. dye-hous- 1906 NEW CROP TEAS Natural Japan, Young Hyson, English Brookfant, Ceylon, Oolong. Bold only la tall weight, eight ounce, red end gold cartons Select the one yon like beet. Har Modest Bequest A gallant motorist had rescued la beauty in distress from a dog-caa ditch, where a scared horse had' landed it, says Motor Illustrated, when the lady lisped, sweetly, "Thank you ao much. Would you mind doing It again? We do so want our horse to get used to those horrid things. rt Wo Make Travel Easy. dye-hous- Five trains dally via the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe, Colorado to Kan- sas City, St. Joe, Chicago, Galveston, Ask me El Paso, City of Mexico. abont reduced rates. C. F. Warren, G. A., A. T. A 8. F. Ry., 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. Utah. Glaaa Eye an Old Invention. Glass eyes were invented about the year 1579, and were crude productions of inferior workmanship, the iris and pupil being hand painted In a far from llkellke manner. Shakespeare mentions glass eyes In "King Lear, where the King advises the blinded traitor Gloucester to Get thee glass eyes, and seem to see." , No man too poor to uao one-eight- s "I 60-ho- A WINNING A Bain Wagons No man wealthy enough to buy better. Your grandfather was familiar with (he good qualities of The Bain, end your grandchildren will be. Don't be mitledi there is only one Best in farm wagons, and experts cnee proclaims Bain, always Bain. When needing Implements, Vehicles or Stoves, write us. We save you money, give you good goods and good treatment. Leading Implement Dealers Vtak and Idaho Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company CEO. T. ODELL, Gen. Mgr. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan, Idaho Falls and Montpelier Wl CLOSE 1 P. M. You Ought to Think Of JoWolry and Watches yonr- - Costs Is and set this tine of ths posted on what you'll need later on. St Union Assay Office M. Is HANAUMe de Ve BADLBN. U4I P. Oe BOX BALT LAKB OITY. UTAH All Hallows Nerve Force for tho Day. College Everything goes wrong if the breakfast lies in your stomach like a mud pie. What you eat does harm If you cant digest It it turns to poison. A bright lady teacher found this to be true, even of an ordinary light breakfast of eggs and toasL She says: Two years ago I contracted a very Grape-Nut- holds first rank at our table." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Theres a reawn" Read the little o Welhlilr," la hooV "The RoaJ pkga. t SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 8TART. annoying form of indigestion. My stomach was In such a condition that a simple breakfast of fruit, toast and egg gave me great distress. I was slow to believe that trouble could come from such a simple diet hut finally bad to give it up. and of found a great change upon a hot Postum and Grap&Nuts with cream, for my morning meal. For more than a year I have held to this coarse and have not suffered except when Injudiciously varying my diet "I have been a teacher for several years and find that my easily digested breakfast means a saving of nervous force for the entire day. My gain of ten pounds in weight also causes me to want to testify to the value of , 170 IAIN Perfectly Digested Breakfast Makes "Grape-Nut- s SATURDAYS AT Salt Lake City Under the Direction of the Marist Fathers, aided by Expert Lay Professors. Boarding and Day School for Boys. It as an levnl, igjoyi nnaurpnaMd ellmata. Building modern. siaam heated and olaetrte lighted. Hut and euld baiha. The lnaUtaUoa elalma to fire thorough courage la elaaaleal. boieutltle and Commercial Bnuelma, conferring degrvee Is ths Inspection of Chemical and phyaleal laburatoriea Invited. A Bsc Muaenmand Mineralogy department. Separate eareof lltile hya bjr a mmpetent muter, Urmnaatnm of the beet Indoor gamee during winter eeeena. Comimiaory military drill under tbe direction of a, army oUeer. Mu Us of everv kind taeght. I he band and tbe orrheatra being eperial feature, of tbe relieve. Private training for de-- I fable emdenta outalde of regular arhool hour, Is Higher Mathamatioa, Uhemlitir, Mineralogy Aaaarlsf. ete., and aleo la Commercial aubjoct. Tense moderate. stile above Apply for fall Tear Book and other particulars am uu. to Ths Bar. Fraaldent. Thirty Cords Per Day A Faiibanki-Mon- e 6 H. P. Portable Saw Outfit w31 avenge about lour conk of wood per hour. Figure it up ead ace whit it Besides you can me die enghe to run eon ah redder end Quaker, feed grinder or wherever power is PUfJBeJ. Engine it ample and easy to opentca No mechanical uLill required. Coal of gamins saw rig will aoon pay (or itaeli. vcrymalL A F-Sand lor Dmtramd Cataloeua No. M 865 M Fairbanks, Morse & Company Sett Lake City, Utah |