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Show RDERED TO PANAMA. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. y of War Will Attempt to Whsn tha Back Achsa and Bladder Troubles Sat In, Get at tha Cause. pie Difference Between Two Don't Disks the mistake of believing Countriea. and bladder Ills to b local backache Becre-Instructed .no president ha Get at the cause and cur aliments. of War Taft to proceed, at an ths kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, with Ally date, to Panama to confer which bsv cured thousands. 'the president of that republic with n view to composing the difference! that Capt 8. D. Hunter, of Engine Na hare nriuen between the two coun14, Pittsburg, Fa, tries. Firs Department, j In n letter to Secretary Taft, the and residing at president says: After a conference 2729 Wylie Ava, with the secretary of atata and your says: "It was three self, I have concluded that It wlJ be of great advantage If you can visit the years ago that I used Doan's Kidisthmus of Panama in person and hold a conference with the president and ney Pills for an attack of kidney troubackache, and other governmental authorities of the ble that was mostly fine. Thera Is no ms fized up they author are republic of Panama. You mistake about that, and if 1 should bed in doing this to take with yon aver be troubled again, I would get such persons an you desire, familiar them flrat thing, as I know what they with tho conditions in the Isthmus, nr.' who may aid you with their counsel. For sals by all dealers. Pries 66 Cou, Buffalo, Tho earlier you are able to make this easts. Footer-MUburvisit tho bettor, Tho secretary of stats N. Y. will Instruct the United 8tntea minis But Nst Often. tar at Panama to render you every asOccasionally a mother meets a sistance in his power, and the gov- young womnn who Is almost good ernor of the canal strip. General Davis, enough to become tha wife of her son. will, of course, do the same thing. You will advise the president of the republic what the policy of this government Is to be, and assure him that We export millions on It Is not ths purpose of the United States to take advantage of ths rights millions of wheat and pork, conferred upon it by the treaty to interfere with the welfare and prosper in exchange a few tty of the state of Panama, or of ths and take will You Colon Panama. cities of and cargoes of tea. Are we make due report of your visit on your r V . -- v TEA losers? GERMANY WILL HELP RUSSIA. Cur Said to Have Entered Into Agreement A SL Petersburg dispatch says ths movement of troops on ths Russian western frontier and the preparations to farther reduce garrisons In this region revive talk of a complete under standing with Germany, under which the frontier will be protected so as to permit the dispatch to Manchuria of troops stationed In Poland. There are shout 600,000 soldiers In Poland, comprising some of the best troops in the empire. In the best informed diplomatic ties it is believed that nothing In ths shape of s treaty between Russia and Germany has been committed to writing, hut that there la simply a mutual personal understanding between the two sovereigns covering tAi point and, seme believe, going much fur ther. So far as the present war la concerned, there la no evidence that ths supposed agreement covers active such an agreement would renaid, e alder operative the liance. tt ( thought, however, In dip-'- ; Kaiser and u S . ' W'' dr Wonderful Remedy. and Have tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASAudit to baa certain cure, and givee comfort to ono suffering with sore, tender and swollen feet I will recommend ALLENS FOOT-EASto my friends, as it la osrtalsly a wonderful remedy. Mrs. N. H. Guilford. New Origans, La." Foot-Eas- 1,000. e Early Wednesday morning the continued to advance, driving the Russians before them, and capturing two guns and many rifles. The Russians attempted to recapture Lamuting, but were repulsed with heavy loss. The battle there Is over. The way to Mukden Is apparently open. The last remnant of the RusJap-anes- Yea-ta- l seven-alx-teenth- a fm Homes for Workers.' Dr. Uovkl KmumOj-- Vomits KtoMi Baton Mlad. " On. To oncourago working people to O. Stows, hiontua S. Y. homes of their own, Norway Water on Battleship, haa founded a bank for workmen It lends money at IVk and 4 per emit Eight thousand gallons of fredb water era used In a large battleehip and glvea the borrower forty-tw- o of thla 4a yearn in which to pay the loan. Tho dally. About total cost of the house must not ex- taken up by the bollera, end tho ro ceed 160, and the ares of tha land malnder Is used for drinking, wasb ! must not be more than five acres. Ing, etc. two-thir- -- TALK ON ADVERTISING Anglo-Japanea- By Co U The sunshine that makes a business ylant grow Is advertising. Growing a business nowadays is Will Maks New Disposition of Forces Ilka growing an apple-tree- . something and Resume Fighting. You may select good seed, plant it in There has been an end for the time good soil, water and work with it, but being of the fighting on a large scale the tree will not produce fruit until which began when, on October 9, Gen- another and most powerful, energisg element Is brought eral Kuropatkln announced to hli ing and must to have sunshine and You' bear. army that the time had arrived for an lots of It Can you expect to ripen advance against the Japanese. Heavy In ths dark? Can you expect rains and consequent bad roads have apples to grow a profitable business plant made military operations on either nowadays without the sunshine of pubside extremely difficult If not Impos- lic favor produced by advertising? sible. The Interruption, according to This Post urn plant is a good illusadvices received at St. Petersburg, la tration of that law. It seems but a being utilised by both the Russian and short time I put a few men when ago Japanese commanders In making rew at work In the carriage house of the dispositions of forces and new objecwhere we tive points are likely to develop when ham you have seen active operations are resumed. A To-kl-o began making Postum coffee. The seed then planted, less than 9 dispatch states that the Japanese government will seek to make repre- years ago, was a new kind of apple sentations to St. Petersburg through seed and It was not altogether certain ths American embassy against tho al- how the people would like the apples. leged use of Chinese uniforms by Rus- We did our work thoroughly and sian troops, In violation of the usages of It We knew we had a good of war. Russia Is hastening the organ- plenty ization of the Second Manchurian army. to-da- hue-ban- Will Punish Lynchers. i i : ' - Penny Martin, Benjamin Martin, Adgcr Butler, S. C. Eaden and J. II. Palmer, all citizens of Eutawvllle. S. C., the lost two being pence officers, have been arrested and lodged in the penitentiary at Columbia, S. C., under suspicion of complicity In the lynchThe ing of Kitt Bokliard, a negro. killing took place some weeks ago. Bokhard was taken from the Jail at Eutawvllle, where he was serving a short sentence for a trivial offense, and after mutilation was thrown into the 8antes river. Children Perish In Blazing Hema. As the result of a fire at the Middles-worchildren's home, at Shelbyville, Ills., two children were burned to death.. There were thirty-on- e children sleeping in the upper room of the frame home, which was a three-stor-y and brick building. Flames and smoke cut off escape, hy the hallways and several children renebod the ground by leaping fniMk the upper windows to the roof of an extension to the building. The two Peterson children were overcome by llie smoko in their beds. . k V H ' :jp V-- . - i . i d the Philippine. One Letter Makes Difference. There Is one letter In the marriage ceremony the substituting of which by another would Induce thousands to marry who ara now single, and would give a license for unfaithfulness to thousands who are married. Which Is the letter? The letter "V. If you could substitute the letter "K" you alter So long as ye both shall live" Into "So lone ns ye hnth shall like." la Any Time of Trouble Is Grape-NutFood to rebuild tbe strength and must be selected that is At this when one la convalescent. time there Is nothing so valuable as Grape-Nutfor the reason that this food Is all nourishment and Is also all digestible nourishment A woman who used It says: "Some time ago I was very 111 with typhoid fever, so 111 everyone thought I would die, even myself. It left me so weak I could not properly digest food of any kind and I also had much bowel trouble which left me s weak, helpless wreck. "I needed nourishment as badly as anyone could, but none of the tonics helped me until I finally tried Grape-Nut-s food morning and evening. This not only supplied food that I thought delicious as could be, but It also made me perfectly well and strong again so I can do all my housework, sleep well, can cat anything without any trace of bowel trouble and for that food Is worth reason alone Grape-NutName given by Its weight In gold. Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Typhoid fever, like some other diseases, atteks the bowels and frequently sets up bleeding and makes them for months Incapable of digesting tha starches and therefore n Is Invaluable for the Grape-Nut- s reason that in Grape-Nut- s all the starches have been transformed Into grape sugar. This means that the first stage of digestion has been mechanically accomplished In Grape-Nut- s food at tbn factories aim therefore anyone, no matter how weak the stomach. can handle it and grow -- tron for there. all the nourishment I There's a sound reason dud 1C- Jays' trial proves. s. s, Food Factories that Maks Postum and apple tree of fine quality but how to develop our work and turn the apple (roe into a productive and profitable tree was another question. It necrioJ sunshine and the kind of sunshine that is spread by the newspapers and magazines. It Is an absolute certainty that without the publicity thus g.ven in other words, tho turshire the business never would have developed. You have seen factory buildings thirteen or fourteen In number covering many acres of ground, employing hundred of workpeople, producing food and drink In an aggregate of four million packages per month, which goes to every civilized country on ths globe, and yet the entire enterprise is less than 9 years old. We have found It necessary. Inasmuch as the tree has grown and the apples matured by hard work and sunshine, to continue the work aud the sunshine day in and day out. nionih in and month out, the sunshine aupropriaiion amounting to approxiuiiili!.'- a million lor exdollars a year for perience teaches that if sou mature the tree under stmrg sunshine, ami bring It up to a thrifty anil he:ilhfu! stsie wbee ft prnd-.-ecprofiL'Iilo tipwithdraw tlm ples. yon uea will aradmlly die. claa It will b merit s iui: e i s. found to possess exceptional In ancient days newspaper publish- ers considered an advertisement an evil but a necessary evil, and that It to-da- y aifet-rtlhin- Craps-Nut- j should be hidden away as carefully as possible, so that no one mould discover that the paper was trying to make a little mocey by Inserting public arnouncement. A paper run that way to day woula fall. Tho most successful exponent of the new plan of doing business with Ink and paper are using every pout b!e means to make the announcements attractive and sought after hy the readers. It Is safe to say that thousands of women read the newspaper- - not the telegraphic page, but the pages containing announcement of bargains In stockings, skirts, hats, gloves, pianos, furniture, food for the table, etc. You have been Invited to visit Hat-li- e Creek for the purpose of viewing one of the most unique advertising luti'iiing in the world, also to loou over a largo husii oss built np. sue-iniruil. nourished and kept active by suusliine. and. at the same time, have nil oi pt irt nixit v in one of the most 1 th ifiy. ae'ive ntul prnperuus (own .u its size in Me built lip large-- . !y by the miih kind of sunshine. -- wiu-ld- . The location of Kuroki's army as places It between Per.nsihu and Bentslaputze. Thla Indicates that atnee the capture oi Ta Puss, on Sept. 29. the Japanese have accomplished a northward movement of about twelve miles. To tho south of Mukden. Nodxu's army Is still near tho Yental hills, while ae to Oku'e command the dispatches merely ssy that It Is "west cf tha railway. determin'd by Russian scouts Railway Casualties Increase. A report Issued by the Inter-etat- e Commerce Commission shows that the s util number of cssnaltlee to tbc on railroads In the United States during the tlucal year ending June 3t, 3.787 1904, was sri.MO. comprising killed and lil.lHS injured. This shows a large Increase. The total number of collisions and derailments was 11.271, lu damage to enrs. Involving engines and roadway. This la an of eollisstous and per-lon- Nor Spot Clothes mmotiom s d FOR USES around in the Water At all Long Lives. A contemporary has discovered ao person who ever deliberately that set years accomplished the feaL What of It? A great many mea aud women who have deliberately set out to live honorable and aa fnl Uvea have lived ten centuries la point of usefulness to the world- .- If in- sea polls Times. out to live 100 TEA Our Our Our Our dealing a challenge dealing a challenge dealing a challenge dealing a challenge Definition of Coquette. you nothing, and to To give u make-yo- expect everything; to dawdle ob the threshold of love while the door are closed this Is all tha science of" a coquette. T. Bernard. World's Fair Visitors. Persons attending the treat Exposition at 8t. Louie should secure room closeHo-to the Fair nnd In a safe brick building. tel Ep worth hae all tho conveniences of a modern hotel, within four minutes walk of Convention and Administra tion entrmno. Rates S1.0S per day and up Meals at reasonable price. union Station, go to Olive street.. From Ijrn. t.w TVlmar Garden ear going west to tot Our boys meet all cars. Arnt-cla- Gulls In United Kingdom. Before the Belfast Natural History society Mr. J. Brown gave reasons for concluding that there are 2,000,006-gullIn ths United Kingdom, and that during ths herring season each bird destroyed 200 fry a day. or 12.000 during tbe two months of ths season. These, If they had corns to maturity,, would have been worth 24,u00,000 London Feathered Life. s TEA The English and Irish old woman lives in a gaiTSJUJP tea, and dies in a garret on teak ; and how did she get to ' be old? On tea. Ohio's Mining Products. Ohio has second place In the value-omining products, of which the pro net of coni mines forms nearly on half. TEA We want no money for unsatisfactory tea. Don't be shy I 6fillixs SAFEST FOOD Pur Wont Freeze, Spill, Break wall-know- n TREASURER POCKETED CASH. Custodian of Funds of Bleeding Kansas is In Trouble. State Auditor Rowlett, In a report to Governor Bailey, of Kansas, covering an Investigation of certain missing sou pons amounting to fl.502, ssys that the coupons were collected by State Treasurer Kelly personally but that the money had not been turned Into the state treasury. The report has been referred to Attorney General Coleman. WASH BLUE. CoitJ 10 cents and equal! so cent worth of any other kind of fclulnr u su Some thoughtful men might say that if what you manufacture has merit, once you get a trade established people will continue to purchase, even if the advertising is stopped, but to act on that conclusion would be a fatal mistake, for there are always bright men on the lookout to steal your apples, and if you give them the chance they will come in and take the fruit, ure. Right here let us drive a sail, not a shingle nail but a forty penny pike. Your article must have merit, far and away beyond the ordinary thing. It should be the very best that human intelligence and ingenuity can produce. Then you have a foundation to build upon that will not slip out from under when the building grows heavy. Thera are pep sons Ignorant enough to believe that a poor article can be advertised Into a success. It cannot and any one who tries the experiment will pay heavily for h!s experience. Critically examine any well known and advertised article that has been years on tha market and llfo-glvln- Klnaule'e Earle Had Privilege of Bo Ing Covered Before King. Paris has caught ths habit of going hsRess and many stories connected with hats and their history are recalled. It was one counted n privilege to walk, not bareheaded, but covered, before a king. The earls of Kinesis had this dubious distinction service. reward for an old-tlSeven centuries ago Philip of Franc summoned that cheerful hero, England's King John, to mortal combat John thought bs would rather not, but offered De Courcey, earl of Kintals, freedom from the dungeon where he lay if he would take In hand the commission. De Courcey, spoiling for n fight agreed, and John and Philip eat together to sea somebodys head cracked. The French champion cried off on seeing the else of the Englishman, whereupon the untried conqueror playfully stuck his helmet upon a poet of oak and drove his sword through it and so deep Into the wood that nous save himself could withdraw It H had purchased his freedom and his raward he heard from hla magnanimous sovereign's Ups: "Thou art n pleasant companion and heaven hasp thee In good beavers. Never unveil thy bonnet again before king or subject" e W. Post to Publishers at Banquet at Battle Creeks BOTH ARMIES EXHAUSTED. FOR GOOD SERVICE. Could Get No Rest Freeborn, Minn., October 17 (Special) Mr. R. E. (toward, a man here la rejoicing In the relief he haa obtained from Buffering through using Dodd's Kidney Hla experience Is weU worth repeating as It should point the road to health to many toother In a similar condition. "I had an aggravating case of Kidney Trouble," nays Mr. Goward, "that gave ma no rest day or night but using a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills put new life In me and I feel Uke a new man. "I am happy to state I have received great and wonderful benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pills. I would heartily recommend all sufferers from Kidney Trouble to give Dodds Kidney Pills n fair trial as I have every reason to believe It would never be regretted." Dodds Kidney Pills make you feel llko a new man or woman becausa they cure the kidneys. Cut ad kidneys mean pure blood and purs blood means bounding health and energy In There Is jubilation throughout the every part of the body. city of 8L Petersburg over the news that General Kuropatkln has resumed WOMEN WHO WERE WARRIORSL the offensive, and. the holiday which Records f Amazons In ths Annals of with little heart closed began Most Countries. brighter. There is scarcely a country withCorrespondents at the front the out its women warriors, who for lova hours had been hintpast forty-eigh- t of man or love of country have dising that the Russian army was on the eve of another advance, but It was guised their sex and fought aide by thought in SL Petersburg that the aide with men. England la proud of WeaSfoopifi were, too exhausted br, more the name and record an a week of gigantic struggle to sel, to whom n monument maa lately gage In an Immediate advance been erected at Brighton. movement Therefore the news of the Christian Cavenagh was another definite resumption of the advan-- o famous female warrior, whose calculated to arouse the greater toss kidnaped and carried satisfaction, but the, realization of the away to Holland, where he had to newa the of permeates Fignlflcanco enlist as a' soldier. The wife masses more slowly than In American followed himprivate aa man, and, disguised cities. fought and was wounded, and was taken prisoner st the battle of LinKUROKI'S ARMY MAKES GAINS. den. America has a long list of Amazons, beginning wltb Mrs. 8eelye. wbo served throughout the civil war as a common soldier, field nurse and spy, fighting nil day and nursing at night, penetrating the enemy'! lines no less than eleven times, to Mrs. 8totsenbnrg, who fought side by aids with her husband In the trenches of to-da- E u thing InThe nature of a pledge on the part of the emperor of Germany to protect Russia's western frontier. - TEA Tngidlce of Love and Llfs. Tbs end of love is a tragedy. Just Uks ths end of life. Both are tacts In nature, and must be accepted in the same spirit A person la no mors to ho blamed when hie love dies than whsn hla body dies. New York Times. Allens are from- 20,000 to 25,000. Tha Japanese report their casualties at about sian forces on the plain north of are being driven out of their position by a heavy shell fire. The Russians appear to have been utterly defeated, at least on the right flank. They are retiring hastily, and it la Ancient Civilisation. hardly likely that they will make anIn ths Etruscan museum at Roma other stand south of Mukden, unless In the Villa Papa Giulia, among tha along ths Hub river. objects found at Falerll belonging to LOSSES DURING BATTLE. the sixth century before Christ. 1 a skull which has the gold mountisg of several falsa, teeth , fixed in Its Never Less Than 2JOOO Per Day in Ten Days Fight upper Jaw, very similar to the mouit-lng- s used by dentists of owe own day. The fighting of October 17 was conCremation is as old as ths days of fined to the Russian center at 8hakhe Romulus and Remus. If Romulus did not cremate Remus his contemporar-le- s river and was mostly artillery fire, the excertainly cremated their dead, as Japanese using big guns and high is shown by the graves of this epoch plosive shells. During the nine days recently discovered in ths Roman of continuous fighting the losses were forum. never lese than 2,000 per day. The hospitals are hardly able to handle the wounded. Nevertheless they have Which do your family performed wonders. The Chinese have deserted all the think most of, tea or coffee villages and the troops are using the woodwork of their houses for fuel. Tmt groar nun ywr marry If ywi df Eh The country south is desolated. The Lai. Japanese still seem to be exerting themselves to force the Russians out Human Foot Grows Smaller. of Mukden. A battle Is assured In the It Is asserted by a sculptor that tha positions surrounding the town. uman foot Is becoming smaller. Ths It becomes more and more evident nasculine foot of twenty centuries that the resources of the country canseaigo was shout twelve Inches long not support a large army. Thla The average man's foot of la son's crops are spoiled. csrlly fitted with a No. 8 Vi shoe, which BELIEVE TIDE HA8 TURNED. la not more than ten and in inches length. Citizens of St- - Petersburg Expect T Wont Hobo to fll Grsra Ti uebta. Great Things From Kuropatkln. n return. REWARD Gcnaral Oku Reports That Hla Man Are Forcing Ruealane Backward. A dispatch received from General Okus left army says that since Sunday last the Japanese left army has burled 4.100 Russian dead. It Is estimated that the Russian casualties Astronomer Have Another Question Over Which They Can Dispute. Everybody who bss seen a chart of the moon as drawn by astronomers knows of the curious. Irregular, rigged ring! which have been called moon craters' for many years. Now astronomers have raised the question whether or not they really era tha craters of extinct volcanoes, as has been supposed for so loss. One of them sake: "How would tbs ocean bottoms of ths earth appear to a man in the moon if all our aeaa were to disappear?" "Exactly as the moon craters look to na," is ths answer. So now soma of ths astronomers are interested in the attempts to prove that the muons curious surface Is not at all volcanic, and that ths "craters" are nothing mors or lass than coral reefs and tbs remains of structures which have other eoral-llk- e been left high and dry by the evaporation of lunar oceans. y f WAY TO MUKDEN IS OPEN. ARE MOON CRATERS CORAL! llwMDs IM Had Bulge on Dentist A Cincinnati man recently went to sleep in s dental chair whlls tbs dentist was repairing his teeth. They were false teeth. TEA Our tea is sound; our ad vice is sound. Our advice is as sound as our tea. Year IfwMb pace me but- - Big Price for Orchid. For an orchid, an Odontoglessum Crispum Cooksonlae, $3,260 wag recently paid. Many Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray'sSweel Powders forChlldron, used by Mother Gray, s nurse la Children' Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint, Feverishness, Headmcbetomsch Troubles, Teething Disorders sod Destroy Worms. AS all Druggists', 25c. Sample mailed FREEL Address Allan S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. Says the Misanthrope. If girls cultivated their dispositions they do their com ti assiduously aswould be fewer olA plexlons there bachelors. TEA Tea is almost nothing; how much weight do you think there is in the fast of it? Weight for teal is no measure well-know- Japanese Superstition, Tbe Japanese have a plant called the otoma, which is considered by many to be s type of the marriage state. When a young couple of ''believers" marry they will take a specimen of the olmna with them, plant It and carefolly tend It and be fully persuaded that their .conjugal felicity la assured as long as It lives and flour lilies. , ' |