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Show THOUGHT SHE WOULD DIE. Send No Money OMLT YOUB MAMS ADDUM Foe Somploa ClotJk. S. W. Marina, of Celorada Springs, Began to Faar tha Were. BROWN MEN ANXIOUS TO MOVE Dean's Kidney Pilla Saved Her. FORWARD. Mra. Barah Marine, of 421 SL Uraln Colorado Spring!, Colo, Proaldont It, Activity of the Japanese Outposts 1 of ibo Glen Eyrio Club, wrltea: "I Buffered for three year vlth leRegarded aa Intended to Screen ver backache. Movements of Their Armies .. The doctors told me my Official advices from the far east kidneys were out Wednesday morning given effected and n series of skirmishes on the prescribed medicine! tor southern front of General Kuropat-kin'- s me, but I found army, the only importance ol U was only n which lies In the fact that the Japanwait of time ese are n disposition to press showing and money to out the Russian feel forward and take them, and Mlstchenkoe General positions. fear to began In every case drove back the that I would never get welL opposing forces. A friend ad The activity of the Japanese out vised me to posts is doubtless Intended to scrcep try Donn'e Kidney Pills. Within a movements of their armies, and there week after I begun using them I was io much better that 1 decided to keep In re may be regarded aa precursor) np the treatment, and when I bad symptoms of final preparations for an need a little over two boxes I was advance, which probably will begiv entirely well. I have now enjoyed within n week. the bast of health for more than four A special messenger has brought te months, and words can but poorly ex- the emperor Genera! Kuropatkin's fut press my gratitude." For aale by all dealers. Price BO LOCATION CF FU PASS. cents. Foater-MliburCo, Buffalo Bto. iT $14.50" Hm Medal Tailors IMlPI Third it roxtlaad, mdIIm Ok Ihia papar. ADVANCE THOUSANDS Mr. AND . JAPS WILL Make the Beat Kind ef Mattrese Known. Every year Amsterdam receives nearly 1,000 poanda weight of a curious and interesting vegetable known One Battalion of Japanese Was in Java and In the trade ae kapok. It in Trenches Which They is a sort of yellow wadding which Refuted to Desert. nature usee aa a covering for the eeda of certain tree In the MalaA private letter received from Per. cca. Its fibers being very nonrealet-Ing- , Arthur, dated September 23, givea fur It has been found Impossible to ther details of the fighting from Sep spin or weave it, but it gives exceltember 19 to September 22. The at lent results for bedding, making n tack began with a heavy bombard mattress delightfully soft if it ! exmeat directed against nearly a.l thi posed to the sun before being used. It Is and buoyant, in Russian outposts and many of thi thiaexceedingly light respect greatly surpassing cork, main forts. The shelling of the re- ts it will support in the water thirty-fiv- e doubts protecting the water supply oI times its own weight The tree Night-fall- , whence It Is derived (Erlodendron) Port Arthur was tremendous. September 19, found the water grows rapidly, and in the second year is twelve to fifteen feet high, works redoubts reduced to mere heap but It does not fruit abundantly until of re the of debrla. The garrisons the fourth Like tue cotton plant doubts thereupon retreated lately tc It bestrews year. two gifts on man, the the main fotiflcnUons under the cover special wadding mentioned, which of darknesh. lines the husk, and the oil extracted At 4 o'clock the aame afternoon the from the seeds, which is used especiThe Japanese assault on "High hill" began ally in the Chinese markets. The Japmese plan of attack never threads of the soft fiber taken tram and the pods are light yellow, rather silky varied. First a bombardment and orly about an Inch In length. then an assault, and when repulsed They are made into an Inch In length. and then another a bombardment The desperate determination Sure Cure at Last of the Japanese to capture this post Montlcelio. Miss., Om 3 (Special) Lawrence County la almost dally In SITUATION AT PORT ARTHUR. receipt of fresh evidence that a sure euro for all Kidney Troubles has at last been found, and that cuie la Dodd's Kidney Pills. Among those who have reason to bless the Great American Kidney Remedy is Mrs. L. E. Baggett of this Mrs. Baggett bad Dropsy. place. Dodd'a Kidney P.lla cured her. "I was troubled with my kidneys," Mrs. Baggett says In recommending Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends, my urine would hnrdly pass. The doctors said I had Dropsy. I have taken Dodd'a Kidney Pills as directed and am now n well woman." Dodd'a Kidney Pilla cure the kld-ns. Cured Kidneys strain nil the Impurities out of the blood. That means pure blood and a sound energetic body. Dodd'a Kidney Pills are the greatest toule the world has ever known. Anm-hilate- N.T. Benefit of Panama Canal. DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS Band il drawl-iwith dasariptioa. f ' By Cape Horn the distance between New York and San Francisco la about 14.140 miles. The Panama canal will at shots, 11 Jst ewiKca'JfflSh lor a pauau PH tv fora reduce this to something less than rf nearly 10,000 miles. applylne 1.000, n difference ilwZlartw. CJ. A. and All braackaa of rorslrn Palaata. A taken through ourojfaadotr-liu- d for toll at amr tjrfrmM, N WORMS am faltntt ml I RU. WORMEUE A VAN MATER, ntt Calswhla Cast-righ- A t TEA Is y man j good for a it makes him forget his busi nets. ML Ca.hsc, WASW6rWtB.C too-bus- , wIMHIiiamMIMMMi ata me I UNIQUE II ENJOYABLE! asst Mineral aat heeled HEALTHFUL! I --JE- TS within raaak at an at ms . . .- SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium Baths OaoiMaa baalth and yliaaara by visiting Ibaaa baiha wbaa la Ml laka Opaa lay vtee aal atcbt t Through Service N stTlouis AND THE ' east VIA Missouri Pacific TELLS WHY INDIANS Apache blood-smeare- It peeled off. RAILWAY "Where the claws of the lion scraped It off there were marks that turned browu In the sun. and where the blood stayed on it was lighter. Now all tnen relnt their facea that way with blood and acrape it off In streaks when they hunt or go to war." THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO UNSASttisSODRI CAN DRINK TROUBLE. PULLMAN BLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, Electric Fans. Recunino Chair cans. laaara ran).. COACMKS. hr lertks. Tickets, FMirt, PAINT. P.elates Legend Which Am ceunts for His Peoples Custom. Once an old Apacba Indian, when eked tbs question why bis people painted their fAcee, told this little legend: Thug ago, when men were week ltd animate were big and strong, n thief of the red men who lived In these mountains went out to get n leer, for hie people were hungry. "After walking all day ho saw a leer and shot at ft, but the arrow was turned aside and wounded n mountain lion, which was alio after the deer. When the Hen felt tha atlng f the arrow he jumped up and bounded after the man, who ran for hie life. "He wee nlmoet exhausted and. when ho felt hie strength giving way, he fell to the ground, calling on the big bear, who, you know, la the grand- of bis, o- save him. JMlhw big bear Iieard the call and law that to lave the man he bed to ct quickly, so he scratched bis foot and sprinkled hie blood over the man. "Now. you must know that no animal will eat of the bear or taste of his blood. Bo when the lion reached the man he emclled the blood and turned away, but as he did so hie foot scraped the face of the xan, leaving the marks cf bis claws on the face. "When the man found that he was nlnjured he woe so thankful that he left the blood Jry on hie nice and never washed it at all. hut left It until t, iidrra That's one way to get It. Although they won! admit It many people who autUr from sick headache and other alls get them straight from the coffee they drink and It Is easily proved if they'e not afraid to leave It to a test At in the case of a lady In Concellsvtlle. I had bten a sufferer from elck Headaches fur tweniy-Uvyears and anyone who has ever had a Mil sick headache knows what 1 b ..derail. Sometimes three days in the week I ould have to rtmain In bed, at other times 1 couldn't lie down the pain would be so gn at. My life was a tor cure and If I went away from home fur a day I always came back mure dead than alive. "One day I was telling a woman my troubles and she told me she knt-chat It was probably coffee caused it She said she had been cured by stopping coffee and using Postum Food Coffee and urged me to try thia food drink. ''That's how I came to send out end get some Postum end from that time I've never been withe ut It for It auita my taste and has entirely cured all of my old troubles. All 1 did was to leave off the coffee and tea and drink Postum in its place. This change has done me more good than everything else put together. "Our house was like a drug (tore for my husband bought everything be beard of to help me without doing any good, but when 1 began on the Postum my headaches ceased and the other troubles quickly disappeared. I have friend who bad an experience just like mine and Postum cured her just as it did me. "Postum not only cured the headache!, but my general health has been Improved, and 1 am much stronger than before. 1 now enjoy delirious Postum m Te than I ever did coffee. Name glv.n by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Midi. "There's n reason" and its worth Hading ou Chinese Bank In New York. , Fa Pus, which tans become the oh Ject of attack by the Japanese, la Indicated In the map. It Is located about fifteen miles almcst directly east of Mukden, and Is but a short distance from the tombs of the Cblneeo emperors. Tiling (not to be confound- ed with Tlellng. north of Mukden) and Sanlunku, whence the Japanese drove the Russians, also are shown. They are about sixty miles northeast of Lloxyang. , The opnitlon thr-dlca- te a sweeping northeastward tunr Ing movement on the part of the Jap aucse. report of the battle of Liao Tang. The messenger, who submitted to an In tervlew, declares that the main army concentrated at Tie pass, and that It la not likely General Kuropatkln will make n determined stand at Muir den. There were recurrent rumor of thi fall of Port Arthur, but they have not the slightest foundation. Mukden reports that the days nr fine and warm, but that the nlghti are growing bitterly cold. Snow bar fallen at King Chang. An official report from Toklo giving an account of a skirmish contains the announcement that the stale of affairs at the front of cur army remains unchanged." Ib URGES CONTRACT MARRIAGES. well-mad- is And the Pacific Coast and Hostess Territory. Oonnsetlons at these terminals Mr Me MAST, SOUTH, WEST AND N01T2E, Feat and Handaomely Equipped Steam Heated Trains Dining Cern-- a Pallet-Librar- y Care Slssplng Carp tee Reclining Chair Cara Aak ticket agents for tickets via CbR ILLINOIS CENTRAL RA1LRQAXL Ct Mpl te . - W. md J. . A. POINT. Be. St.. Salt Lake CM j 'Scale l LiAun&wi TcUsslvo UJSuhmbsb I MOat t o oeeouDrZnssim tlon amounted to fanaticism, their efforts never ceasing during four days. One battalion of Japanese, having retreated Into a valley were exposed to the Russian shrapnol Ore and were almost annihilated. the Eventually Japanese succeeded in placing one Held gun and two machine guns In position behind hastily made barriers. rffelr tenure of the position, owing to the fire of the Innsr forts, was very lnseure, aid when Lieutenant and the volunteers charged the tide turned nealnst tl.em. One battalion. ccmpcsed cf the remnants of in two rompsnles, was annihilated trenches which they refused to dedriven sert. Another attachment was wh-rInto ih- RusI'n pntsng eme-1- . Captain Syehaff's forre was waiting and completed Its rout. Two other attempts made by th Japanese to retake the positions ial ed. - People Are Becoming Sick of Bloodshed and Slaughter. The KovostI, of St. Petersburg, has the following pertinent paragraph: "The present war is a terrible object lesson to the people of the world end It beln? though nothi-- g enn prev-of all nafought to n finish, the and tions are sick rf h cod shed slnu-ht- er, end doubtless hereafter any n country will think long before draw-lof suggestion the Any peoe therefore, ought to be atwelnc comed. and perhnns the nations distant future wll he avl' to realise, throueh the instrumentalty of The Ha "Tie. that universal disarmament motive in aswhich wi the rmp-rr- rs sembling th- - tribunal." nt motorman being unable to control his crowded cnr. owing, ss he claims to defective brakes. These wh" lost ttelr lives were Frederick Fcndsen aud Harry Curran. Feurteen persora are suffering from Injures, but no further deaths are expected. George Meredith, who believes that contract marr ages for limited periods are a possibility of the near future, la a celebrated English litterateur. His mother was Irish, his father Welsh, and he received hie education in Gcr many. He was born in 1878, and published his first volume of poems in 1881. Though he has written several books. It Is practically within twenty years that Meredith has become famous. Critics have complained severely of his llterry style. Senator Laid to Rest The last services over the body of United States Senator George Frlsblv Hoar were held Tuesday in Concord Mass., the place or his birth, and sev eral hundred of the senator's former townsmen followed the body to the place of Us bnrinl In Sleepy Hollow eemetery. In tin first parish church service wns conducted by the pastor. II. McDonald. Rev. Iiiin-The pastor siKiko no words of eulogy, reading Instead James Russell poem on Channing. At the grave brief services if burial were held. There are a number of prosperous Chinese bankers In different cities In the United States, but they have always located In the Chlcese colonies. Within a month several of these Mongolian financiers have commenced to spread out In several sections of the New York financial district. Now one of them has opened up a banking establishment In Wall street itself. A few days ago a brass sign covered with hieroglyphics was bung up at 1 Wall street It is the first algn of a Chinese banking firm to appear In Wall street. TEA Pog-gers- Three Killed in Street Car Accident Three more names have been added to the list of people who were injured In the street car d'saster that took place Sunday at Eighth avenue and Clement street, San Francisco, the e SUFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAST TERRI I TOUT By through service to end frem the following rifles: Omaha, Neb. Chicago, X1L St. Paul, Minn. EL Louis, Mm Minneapolis, Minn Peoria, X1L Kansas City, Mo. Evansville, In 4. Nashville. Team Memphis, Tens. Cincinnati, Ohlm Atlanta, Oa. villa, Ky. Jacksonville FU Maw Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Klsa Weekly through service between Ckh eago and between Cincinnati d ae-aul- n TRADEMARKS JAVANESE WEED OF VALUE. Its Fibers CARNAGE DURING HORRIBLE SIEGE OF PORT ARTHUR. cos-sack- s CVMDE KILLED Floods in Oklahoma. A Guthria. Oklahoma, special says the South Canadian river Is higher than in forty years, and in many places wagon and railroad bridges have been swept away. The river began rialng Saturday and Sunday was re out of its hanks at many paints. Th-OklaIn have been no excessive rains homa for week, and the r'se is due to floods in Colorado. It is feared 'hat the loss to cotton and corn crops bridges and other properties ainn- the two territories the river throughout will be enormous. Man Hunt In Connecticut. is on in East Glnstoti bury. Conn. The state police force headed by Chief Egan, and many ol the residents heavily armed are searching for John C. Whipple, who. two weeks ago, shot and seriously wonnded a neighbor. James Starmer. and last week shot State Policeman IiOiikes. who was si tempting to arrest him for the crime. It is suspected also that Whipple has burned two harna and all barns are being guarded night and day lur armed farm hands. A man-hun- t Tasting tea is a whoe oc- cupation ; coffee another. T.ie taster picks-oyour tea and puts the price on it. ut vr I' W.iH Sl parinci of Schilling's Bai Tift b : iieiw I UJtf CoimI la. Monterey's State Prison. Monterey's state prison at Cotting Is the prlnc.pal square of the city. The prisoners, merely deprived of weapons, roam about the square at will during the day. At night they are shut up in a spacious rcom in the town hall. They do not think of trying to escape. $100 Reward, $100. Wfle WASH BLUE, Costs io cents and equals aoreents worth of any other kind of blulnf.' Won't Freeze, Spill, Break Nor Spot Clothes USES' DIRECTIONS FOR around in the Ivoter The Big Piano and Organ Sale Continued. STILL A FEW MORE LEFT We want to thank our many vnl able friends and purchasers who took advantage of our great sale. Especial y are we grateful to readers of this paper. Their response to our ada. were marvelous In the e treme. To show onr generosity for thelv liberal patronage in the past, we are going to make another excellent proposition. Cut out thia coupon and send Is with your reply and we will still give yoa the advantage of our sale pricea. I I Clayton Music Ca : ii Sale Coupon 9 I Good until OcL 10, 1904. : i Must be used before October 10th. 1904. Think of It, a brand new 1350.00 piano for 3187. A $400.00 piano for $217.00. A $500.00 piano for 1338.00. A new $125.00 organ for (59.00. And other prices accordingly. You should not miss this chance. II is limited untli Oct. 10th, 1904. We sold 150 instruments at our sale and will sell 50 more In order to make room for our new Fall stock. Dont wait until OcL 9th before writing, but write today. Have first choice. Our stock embraces Steinway, Knahe, Steck, Mason A Hamlin. Estey, Kimball, Heller, Smith ft Barnes, Conover and many other pianos. Estey, Mason ft Hamlin, Kimball and Seybold organa. Some used pianos 'and organa from 90.00 up. Biggest opportunity for you ever offered. Never have another rack chance In your life. CLAYTON MUSIC CO. Leading Music Co. 109 Main St.. Salt Lake City. Joseph J. Daynes, Jr., Manager. Reform in Ice Cream Making. Londoners find satisfaction In the assurance of thoir health officer that Italian sellers of ice cream no longer make the dcl cacy in their bedrooms TEA Wasnt it dreadful I" Yes. Did she know it?" "IroL-ab!not." y Tbo vcadFr f thU juper III bo pleated to team (bill there i u leasi tine drpitpd dkM dut arleiee b been ante io cure la ail It auuea, and ibai la Catarrh. Hal ' Caurrti Cure a the cure Utw kuown to tht medical fraternity. plilve Caiarrh belli c'iiatUuiloiiiil dUea-e- . ri'Hre a rcnaiUm Ui4)l ireaimeot. Hails Catarrh Cure la teken ln lerueliy. eriJnj: directly upon Hie hlot-- ami mucous surfaces vi ihs svmsiii, thereby desimylnn tha tiRindailun cf tha iUessa. aud giving tba psflenl ftvea ih by bulitlloK up tlie cwntltuilm ind al-- u tag naure In dlng It work. Tha proprietor beta so much faith la Its rural ve powers that tliey offer Una lluo lied Dollars fur say raa ibatUlalisM curt bead for list of teatlmun'aU. Address F. J. CHKSKY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by alt Dnmuiaia. TV. Taka Dell's Family Fills fur eonsUpadon. Ricking Her Winter Hat la always trying to get woman A the stock her husband to plaj UP merket. which she got from tba piano tuner. New York Pres. Trout Swallowed Young Rata. Caught iu an English river, a mod trout wai found to have erate-slze- d two young rota. swallowed recently TEA There's plenty of money to smooth the little difficulties that happen; they do happen. Yjnr ffnrm rww ymu mmmf fc.iu I fom 4mtt SB. Few Manuscript! Are Printed. Great Flight of Pigeons. A German publisher says that while SO.Ouu takwere Recently pigeons en in several trains from Lancashire the rumher of new books Issued every manand Yorkshire, England, to half a dox-e- n year is enormous, only about one uscript of 300 submitted gate Into distant points to be released. print TEA Give thought to the tea you buy. Yaar frame mams your SUsmIm'i Ua hmay Ifyaidml lb Preached From tngine Footplate. Hundreds of audiences have been addressed from railway trucks; but Dr. Parker once had the unique experience of preaching a sermon from the footplate of an engine. Nearly two thousand men were gathered around him, and he hae been heard to ny that that wai the most Inter eating episode in hi life. TEA Both wine and tea malco talk, but not both make vti3-do- utl TEA Isnt it queer that Solomoa didn't know teal Hard Task for Children. East Indian schools mental arithmetic Is a vastly more eerious matter than it Is In the schools of this country. Pupils of ten yean are taught to remember the mulUpllcatkm table up to forty tlmee forty. In Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syren. teethlw, snftras ihs suns, rMsess Issi.nsuun.susjspula. corns wise cony, asesssiiio n Fastest Train in Europe. The fastest train on the European continent ia one from Parle to Saint Queutin, which averages a little more mllea an hour. than fifty-nin- e si.i to srli our rustnuitM- Knr IrrOk No Hurry to Learn. "I ain't in no hurry ter leave die It's world," says Brother Williams. mighty hot in de summer time; but den, de nex' wo:T might blaze in win ter!" Atlanta Constitution. stf-n- is. both ImmuI flul -t- uddr-s- . u-h irmtlrm-- n sinn-uv-upl- a end ladles, roods W day up to tba holidays Photo Art Co. Salt Lake, Utah Feeding Bottles for Needy Babas. The Ulrntinqlinr.i health department furnishes feeding bottles for the chil dren of Impoverished patients. |