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Show i TRANCE RET ON WARSHIPS FROM MISERY TO HEALTH. Society Leader and Club Woman of Thank Kansas City Wrltss t Doans Kidney Pill for a Quick Cure. Miss Nellie Davis, of 1211 Michigan Ave, Kansas City, Mo., society leader sad club wonan, "I can writes: not say too much of In praise Doane Kidney PUIb, for they effected n complete cure in a very short time when 1 was suffering from kidney troubles brought on by n cold. 1 bsd severe paint In the back and nick headaches, and felt miserable all over. A few boxes of Dona's Kidney Pills made we a well woman, without an acha or pain, and 1 feel compelled to recommend thin reliable remedy. NELLIE DAVIS. (Signed) A TRIAL FREE Address Foster-Mllbur- n Co., Buffa.o, N. Y. For sale by all dealera. Price 60cta. Excellent Opportunity to Arrange fee Yeur Reception at SL Louie, During the' Fair, Free. If you Intend going to the Louisians Purchase Exposition, SL Louis, Ml ourt, opened by President Roostvell April SOth, 1904, It will be very much to your advantage to correspond with Mr. F. H. Worsley. No. 411 Dooley block, 8alt City, Utab. Mr. Worsley has arranged to have aO hla partl-- s met at the St. Louis depot end escorted to tbclr lodgluge, which will be reserved In advance. Information relative to paaaengoi ticket limits, hotel ratee, ratea and all other necessary Inform tlon asked for will be cheerfully gives free of charge. This will especially be of benefit to thoee dealring to travel with Utah parties or In parties of foni or Sve. School teachers will also hear something to their intereata by writing above narty. This Will Keep Them Off. Throw a place of alum about the tee of a marble Into n bowl of water and wet the face and hands sad any exposed part lightly with It, -- says n writer In the Medical Times, and not a mosquito will approach you. Many Children Are Sleklyi Mother Gray's Sweet Powders fur Childro used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children Home, New York, euro Summer Complain PwaMIdraa teething, aaftana the gene, roiai 1 .imaallejiyeie tarn irlaf irtllii Meai Fishing Batter Than Farming, Aa acre of good Sshlug ground wtB yield more food In a week than as sore of the beat land will la a yea A Invention. Improved Telegraph 8rvic. Prof. Michael Pupin of Columbia university has Invented a process by which sixteen messages may bo sent simultaneously over a single wire. The system differs from the multiplex systems now used In that It employs an alternating Instead of a direct current. The system Is, according to the Inventor, one of tuning. The currents are sent In electrical waves of different lengths, and If the full sixteen messages are to be sent at once, sixteen different currents, all of different vibratory periods, are em--1 ployed. There Is apparently no limit to the number of messages which could be sent over one wire at one time, except that aet by the waves themselves, which begin to Interfere with one another if their periods are too similar. Sellers of Different Natlenalltlee Very In Their Likes. The privlleso of keeping pets la very muck appreciated by bluejackets, whe lavlab their aparo time and eaab am eome very strange animals. The British warship Centurion once had a monkey that used to eat with a spoon from a plate and drink from a glass, with a dinner napkin tucked under hla chin the while. The Caesar had a pet goose aome time back. CaU and dogs, of course, are common on board ship. The French warship Mir-eea- u had a bantam cock named Boulanger as pet. which crowed whenever the guns were Bred. The German Prlns Wilhelm had a grey stork, and the United BUtes Chicago bad a pig Doves, pigeons, blackbirds and peacocks are popular with Italian seamen, and the unfortunate Almlrants Oquendo of Spain had a pair of cassowaries as pets. Governments Protect Quail. Qualls are becoming so scarce that both France and Germany have absoy Not Unique. That there is anything mysterious or lutely prohibited their killing revolutionary in the recent discover Jes concerning radium is denied by Mllllkan of the urn- prot Robert -varsity of Chicago. Radium Is an tea is so daintily fine lwnnt greatly different from au the others, he said. "Its activity la that a man (or even a woman) Uo,,ted phenomenon, it au it down without Into the orderly scheme of acientlBc i may gobble 11114 kBOwled wppiemenu esub- - eaipecting listed theories, but does not destroy 1 shooting os particles from radium is correlated with other phenomena of physics. It Is analogous to the exploding of stellsr systems, which istronomers tell us constantly We are not a Is occurring. The rate of the breakon of one out ing up of the atoms people; we should be steadier, hundred billion a second Is no greater relatively than that of the dlalnte-- if we wera gratlon of atari. Calculations show that radium cannot last longer than 1,000,000 years a brief period In geological time. In that time all the radium on the earth will have passed away. Thera are two theories as to Tea thoughts are like dream the origin of raijium; one that It la derived from uranium; the other, that thoughts, not tied to our It la built up from simpler elements. The latter Is without substantiation cares and sorrows. In chemistry." Chicago inorganic Tribunal Radio-Activit- . distressing case of Fibroid Tumor. m ! the skill of Boston doctors. wnicn battled, . . r Mrs. Hayes, of Boston. Mass., in .1 the following letter. . tells . how she was s cured, alter everything else failed, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I 1 m . - , I I I Mra.Hyesf First Letter Appealing to Mrs. PtnUmm for Helps Dux Mu. Plum: I have been under Boston doctors treat ttent for a long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid I cannot sit down without greet pain, and the sorenese extends npmy spine. I have bearing-dow-n pain both back and front, domen is swollen, and I hare had flowing spells for throe petite is not good. I cannot walk or he on my foet for any The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your li euratelv describe my ease, so I write to you for advioe." X. F. IIatm, 252 Dudley St, (Roxbury) Boston, Mass. Note the result of Mrs. Pinkhams advice although she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to take her medicine which she knew would help her her letter contained a mass of additional instructions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring about the happy result Dxab Mbs. Pixkhax : Sometime ego I wrote to you deserfb. ing my symptoms and asked your advice, iou replied, and I followed all your directions carefully, and y I am a well woman. to-da- jgdMth. tmnor .ad I can rtreapWl ay whol. ralk -- Pinkhama Vegetable Compound is worth five doladvise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial." (Signed) kfL Lydia lars a drop. XL X, F. 253 Hath, I Dudley St, (Roxbury) Boston, kfass. Mountains of gold coni d not purchase such testimony or take the place of the health and happiness which Lydia E. xinkham's Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs. llayes. Such testimony should he accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women; all ovarian troubles; tumors; inflammations; uloeration, falling and displacements of the womb; backache; irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation. Surely the volume and character of the testimonial letters we are doily printing in the newspapers, can leave no room for doubt. Mrs. Hayes at her above address wifi gladly answer any letters which sick women may write for fuller information about her illness. Iler gratitude to Mrs. Finkham and Lydia XL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble is too gieatfor her to take in return for her health and happiness. Truly is it said that it is Lydia XL Pinkham's Vegetable Corn" pound that is curing so many women, and no other medicine ; dont forget this when some druggist wants to sell you something else. $5000 FORFEIT if cunotforthwith prodne tha original MUn and Oak will proTt their absolute genulneiipe. IgSla . Ftaktoa Madteia Ca. Igaa, --MAtuuslnoar" Tvsrslls, Biado by Z. C. it. I. Boot, Shoo and Overall factory, Boaama ALL tha rood q all-il- uuke-a- p neenxary for tha aa-io bo d la eouniry. mill atand ttao hardest Iboy to which such pementa trta ara pat la aU atari for men, boys and girl. by Utah labor. In a factory which U a nodal of oral ai and oleaulinesa. Whoa Western people cm obtain the vary beat Overall! nade uuvwhere. at the mol rraeonable prices, wo think tha Industry" , sit loo is entitled to eoui What think yoaf ntioa -llonntaineor" O vet alia ara for aale In moat every general Mora - in tka whole west. If yon- dealer can't supply you, write M KG ILL Salt Luo City, Utah. ad Weak Men ar Fra. Pay When Cured WaaurayaaSmaadtteaufca BEASOXAELB EE whea roa ara eyroe. Tea eaa aapead apae aar WAET WE word. thouaaadiAf patleats have lainieaS VEET FBtWOE THE AKg BOW, WE WAFT To CUKE TOU with Ite fO TALK TO. CHBOHIC tlaea aadsmaadlas that wo will not ad a ear Wa skill la key eating proven ' mess by paMleklag tte maey volaatair leeil-ela- la FSB aatll we aero yea. This applies to la Mao-hee- d. a. from koaro paepla. glylng namae, Orgaald Spafaiatrhedd. IX f U I'rortrai titaad. Uaamarol Caatneiad iHaorden. I'rtatar. et.. On-lagl- as lum. WE CAMT PTBL1BB Om CCS! Blaod Felaea, aad all WEAKBESSBS te miVATE UIBKASXE name It irexie satroy eealdenea. Eve la grove esrsklU la this Siam of Hcakim la OFFICE HOUBB: tAm.Wtp.wkl TWIi Siadaya nay. TWa la aar plaai Slrosl SHORES & SHORES, Expnt 249 teeth Male Salt lake C DM g-a- aoatag-CaTO- a O ten to Weak. IBS. Spidalists, fr.-j-P Th. !u S w - IOSM OODII ASSAY CO. JJ.JJ mfc Any two.. sue Aay throe MS Sawplee hr aiall roealvd pmatauanUn. riaeer Uold, lyuni aad HlsS Oroe Soxgkk DKNVEX. COLO A rap ho St. till kianll Whan Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U Balt Lako-N- o. 87. 1 004. Thompson's Eye Water When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. look through beyond, bttt irccer to irongh your pooor, to you. S if that cannot Snd something eminent ly becoming In the current modes Crown are higher in the newer mod els, and ostrich plumes are draped la many and fantaatlc forma. Brims too, are growing somewhat wider, and are curved and undulated until they will ault almost any face. Vet vet la especially conspicuous as a trimming, and It la expected that the early days of autumn will bring back the chic little velvet toque. if yea toot 1 Archery the Sport of Kings. was a pastime beloved of Arche many kings and queens of old. Mary Queen of Scots was noted for her skill with the how, and a story has been shortly after toUgalBst her that Darnley'e murder ahe was shooting at the Tranent butte with Bothwell for partner. Henry V1U was an "archer and among other Royal exbold, Keep Books Clean. perts with how and arrow ware EdWho has not seen the book abneer ward VI and Charles L with the dirty habit of moistening the Sngers and applying them to page . after page of a book to turn the leaves more easily? It la done so conFine tea brings-o- nt often that It has become a habit with some and possibly they are not aware versation if anything will; it of the act, but someone else, turning leisure. . to little a the pages afterward, Is sure to Snd compels the linger marks left on the white surface. This marring of the book can be easily avoided by turning the leaves by contact of the Snger with the cut edge, but lack of patience on the part of some readers causes them One lingers long over tea, to apply their dampened Sngers to the surface of the page Instead. An if the tea is fine. is a Inventor has Just designed a neat TEA It I TEA This is a better country we are in it-- taa country. And that isnt alL because m Wrtta tor oar Knowledge nook. Oompatr. Saa Frawliwo. Method Need Agriculture Is so bad la Russia the average yield of wheat per acre k the avers little more than one-Sftyield from English aolL Positive, Comparative, Superlative kite I have used one of yeur Fish Slickers for flv years and new wm a new one, also one for a friend. I would net be without ona for twlao the cast. They are Just aa far ahead of a common coat ae a eommou owe la ahaad of nothing." (aaei on arrucanoal So aura you don't got one of tha mon kind this la the ,gUg of exeat lane, I J. TOWER SOfTON, ItSA. TOWCH i OO LIMITCB OANADIAN film tf PM Putter OMWcf ate Pali BUSINESS COMBINED COLLECES Making the Face Expressive. Generally speaking, what may bt termed the mechanism of the face la the same In all of ua, and the facial mnsclea are aa susceptible of training aa the mnsclea of the arme and legs. We can edneata them to a considerable extent as actors commonly do, without thinking of the problem from an anatomical standpoint and thus may render our faces mors expressive and proportionately mors Interestlne. 50-CEN- ca tosonto, eseaM Tha Marti-- a gyp Ttamcdy Ca CWeeg. mi Xf Buuk Ira. U rli item about juar ayaa i Over an student.) Hookkeenlng tha . shorthand tha most tot in id. Typewiliinir ita moatIenma-ahlpartaai, ii Telegraphy the muel aueuraie, Each enurae a tha muni Foaltloai pnilawtiuu. qulexly arquliwi. wrurad (or gradual. Ilualnnaa mra look to ua lor their employes la oOeo work. A part mem dollghthil, teaching (on-equipment prrfeet, Boat lUbla prugrexa rrrtulu. Coma and sea or write for catalog. Silt LakaCII), Utah e CATALOGUE T cost'von NOTHINQ I rent's ay return aigl. peelpeia, M leraast kanaeeaiest, anetcempieU an Be ter ta tenet prices gsaerel aMrckenaieae. r sateless Haver esters SI.SS. lew' aaM tar laaa than SSasata. Starts Cat tkla ad. oat sail sand tea oroe a oaatartb asking. Hl "SEND ME YOUN BID Ha I Id CaTAUMU . : nr A trifle of tea in a dainty cap has in it a world of rest or of stimnlant what is the time Feverlahneae, Headache, Stomach Trouble Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. Al all Druggists', 8S& Sample mailed FREX Address Allan S. Olmsted, La Roy, 2L e TEA Prevents 8olling the Pages, little thumb attachment which win make it easy to turn the pages without soiling. It consists of a spring clamp for attachment to the thnmb near the end, while from one aide it the clamp projects a thin Sat plate which la designed to be Inserted between the leaves of the book. In the Illustration th'v device Is shown In Artistic Gam Cheaply BoughL What appears to be a genuine pain Ing by Constable waa purchased In a Margate auction mart for $3.60. The picture has been examined by an ow part and valued at $3,000. h The Father of American Self. Robert Lockhart, a New York linen merchant, who died recently In hie native Scotland, may well be spoken of with reverence and gratitude on every links in this country, for ho was golfs missionary to the United States. He arrived In New York when he waa 20 years old. Ha waa devoted to tennis. In 1U brief term of favor, and when that wanted bo brought back from a trip to Scotland two seta of golf clubs, from Tom Morris, called "the grand old man of Scottish golf He brought hla neighbors together under an apple tree in Yonkero, Instructed them In the game, exhibited Its points In action, and the "Apple-tregang soon formed tha SL Andrews Golf dub, the Brat 'In this country. And American golfers will go out of their way, when visiting tha other side, to see the tomb of Robert Lockhart In Dunfermline abbey. good time and place to linger. ITW1LL so to you ar ketunn bail free, ENORMOUS SIZE. postpaid. BIBBER THAN EVER.L5, ate targer tarn avm " Kawaadtawarpftaappi iklagaanlad aad paid la Ite targastater la tka enrML llalte la laialipaephiteTpryell Eekaaagiian yilmlart mi ttak, laadlas Sapartmaate telly ropraaaaiad, " oday! WHIT BELOHBS TO haa aa ar If you avards tay aaythlag teem aa,tkaa mmstalas taMdi TEA It la all nplaiasd af tka aid Baa. TklgpartalMiaMdkaaa taaHpaniawtloa nat DURBi Tka awat Ilkaral aUararar hsard at. Itiouka. The indulgence in tea is 16 so very slight, that the pleas- PI3ESSH PIGES-YO- UR ItfiaiGi, lowjoaoumiiORMij winy fcf mmn tOtts. A NitlimMiifAMlorB. ITBURico$HFnitoGmt4 mUri mb$ nit for Bfifyiiw. TN jfiiUMl iffor N N 88FB Al fh Aj I KlHlAiiMinNy ure escapes attention, unless in, Gf lUNMfttl Ammr. tkMMrUir A M carry Ifl HbcI CGRlGHtlf II fcUHR Rt one waits a bit uttrtliiMlN In emwiiile hr greeter mw eH oMer HieWerger Write tor our Kaowlodm Kook, A. SeMlUatn Company, Saa Fraoclacai hwioa mmMmB eng we Reve tMlortta eng wareReeMe for ImiettilrTr AleortlwIfL NorlK. Meat eng Veai w roe ship thee eej mtf fcgme. Iff yool mKh qgrtir oigcr lo or. eo Minor wbrro yog llfi, yog win . j ie pg g few gay, ereeliy low Aai eei MIT I .KekoetogotgeegefroRi oteor romboa cod pe e yiwl many foude ftm order frooi m yoo ottl bm tom 88$ Jl Bfcwxf hrtf f rT OURS IS THE UNREST MAIL ORDER HOUSE IN THE WORLD. WaaaRaadalHpRur araar Saaaaa la ta teadatSaaaE atkarRuE United lxd Statu aoteparodUhteraHaTwyaapaalylntewhaw Back ersalar valaas ara pro aa all klada at abaadlss lhaa aayntkar koRas,ae alter Ball ate dar Seiiaa wnakl aver .gala git aroaadailmdi THE ORLY MAIL ORDER HOUSE Mas lacatad aartk. asath, aaat aad wart. Rte ated aa tea wa roa ship laaajr goads trate sap fartory ar muatearo TUSii x txxunxxtntiit ra paepla Nartesra taatarla aad Know Nature of Explosives, tioned. r One of the causes of Jtpaa's sue-eip- s mreMWURspEA wmu tafr8MgsA(UrtMwife Charles A. Evans of Haverhill, RlQ$i Hfihglu III lito)s8l sfoy -I- w ! lu war la her thorough knowledge fctemMiryee, w --MAhij Awe tin Mass., Is the designer. c nl8 fifku eo rma lewoi et explosives and their behavior n- OUR FREE BIG No. 114 RMiaa lawar. aaimy wntask aigaA wkyaenaartraatery raeneur a Mg ote a Lanof conditions. The ayaklag ppparteaHy. variety Back Boston? 8ea Is the Pushing SEND FOR OUR FREE NO. 114 CATAL0DUE. J. R. Freeman, of the Metropolitan cet declare! that tha Japanese chemWater Board of Massachusetts, la tha ist unites the power of originality of the English chemist with the practiauthority for the statement that Bos- cal Intuition Preo for IN -- MM. eothhig. of the German. At the Wrfle ford logay. DoNmw. Iff p ton Is sinking into the see. He asr..it$i INeoaeeHiioofitoyogMellfi. oM eaiefi otar No. ill geeg for 4 omi yoo hoo oog oho Prtoeg tMeABI CetalogMg, j serts that tha present datum plane, University of Toklo practical study la Nttor or or 4h twfffeiBigoord rlw m the ohm N ho giriy lo orligwjNR lewieg oor ogToffloiegoe, Aiinm. much facilities and favored, splendid to which all elevations ar referred for work are provided In the laboraby the engineering department of the tories and workshops. commonand which la of Boston, city ly known aa Boston base, probably Important to Moth era. 8 coincided almost exactly In the year Bilim carefuHy ovary bottle of CA8TOR1A, 1882 with the mean low water at the aaafeate ears for infants ate chUdroa, YOU Charlestown navy yard. after aad roe that it tmii4j a lapse of ieveiy-tw- o the years, Bean tha rame datnm plane, aa defined by IF YOU SEND FOR OUR OATALOCUI numerous bench marks on solid ilgmsro of BEFORE YOU QO FISHING I I I I I to the SO availbeat Over Taam ground, according ,hllMNr Tha Kind Toa Have Always BosghL able determination la 0.79 foot below mean low water. This comparison EVERYTHIN8 FOR EVERY BF0RY IN EVERY REASON Where Man la Handicapped. shows that the land now stands about cheese-mlt- e A a foot lower relatively to the sea quarter of an Inch long can Jump out of a vessel six than it did about seventy-tw- o yean Inches oqu?a!L11 deep. To equal this feat a man ago, and shows that the land In Boston and vicinity is sinking at the rate would havo to Jump out of a well 144 c r.h'iiil nne foot per hundred years. feet deep. i . TaigMi?ixjrsgc o--gle 1 1 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.v Chicago, To-da- Wd. Stiver. Copper TEA Artistic Millinery. Since the picturesque la the correct phase In frocks, the artistic prevails X am sura IMao's Curs for Consumption saved Tuoa. Boaatag. my life three yean Ko-ll- iia Maple Street. Norwich. S. Y.. Fehi IT, MS s, CmUGUEEv: Writ far ttwm fina If yew raaael ealL ymptan CoaaultaUua of tte wsakaamss Srowtotoaatr earned te lgaraaea,eiHlBxtlaB or TEA conjunction ...h an Index, for which ft is especially adapted, enabling a bookkeeper to Snd In an Instant any name he la looking for without subjecting the book to the same treatment as the class of persons men- Traabioa. AithM. iMBtak, Urar sad Kldaay Meaaeea. Bladder Tranblca. VOaialo Con-plaint- s. Chroalo DUmn of Woaoaaad Ckl.d-ro- a. Heart UUaaae, Mamma Dtava.ee, Cfcerea, (Si. VIM' Daarai. Hiatal. Hplaal Trout!, ai Skin Ditaaaas. Saiatico and BoaumaUia. of tk Bowels. Him. Pittala sod Hsotal . Troahls. Ucitra lor Mg aaok). Blood 1H Tap Worm. Hay Favar, Hr atari. Epllapaf. all Karoos and Ckrooio fneoioala, ate A..swsnss. tea-drinld- Leavened Broad Nat Widely Used. From Roma the art of asaklas leav-sna- d broad was (lowly latrodueod amoag tha northern nations, and evsn at the present time, la upper Nor way and Sweden, In Finland, Iceland and Siberia, fermented breed la but seldom nsed except among tbs higher classes. In many parts of Sweden rye cakea as bard aa wood are baked twice a year and form the common bread of the poorer classes. la Boob land, up to a recent period, barley bannock and .oaten cakes ware the ordinary bread of the people. of Ovvr.ll WE TBEBT BUD 6BBE CATASSH Itaefnaae. Iw and Tbrsai Troa Met. Era and Mar tHroeaei. BraMkiaiaod Uw Bum Tnatwnl Hat TEA tea STAND THE STRAIN! tha TEA it tumor. , L -- stop-over- III. WILL HAVE A BETTER TRIP CDEE TREE BROWNING BROS. CO. |