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Show ' Learning Russian at HtM Swallow a whits seldllts powder, following It with a blue one. Then simultaneously swallow a big drink of water and Inhale some finely powdered cayenne pepper. Have a phonograph handy when the trouble starts, and you will have on record the city directory of SL Petersburg. Baltimore American. PlaeaCnre tor Consumption laaa lafaniMe medietas tar cough and eaUak N. W. Sauusi Oaesn Grove. N. J.Feb. IT. 1800. Unde Amerlcue' Prayer. Uncle Americua, an darky, commenced his prayer thua: "Oh, Lord, we thank thee that we are once more permitted to dissemble In the latitude of prayer." old-tim- e This Will Intersst Math sea. Mother Urey's Sweat Fender far Children, used by Mother Gray, a nnrse la Children' Home, Hew York, Cure Fever-tal- i nr Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regnlale the bowels and destroy Worn Sold by all Druggists, Sfto. Sample. FUSE. Address A. & Olmsted. LaBoyJt.T Russians Are Born Linguists. The marvelous memory and aptituds for learning possessed by Russians are shown by the rapidity with which they acquire languages. It Is said that a Russian will learn Chinese In sis months. As for English, they acquire It with ease in a few weeks. They think no more of acquiring n new language than an Englishman would of learning a recitation or a new gams of cards. AN OLD MANS TRIBUTE. I Vemlca Kill. A UNITED STATES SENATOR of Wardton, who waa In teUi tie of a novel means town For Dyspepsia With of destroying chicken hawke which la Used being employed there. In the feed Great Benefit prepared for forty or fifty chickens is tincof a mixed one half teaspoonful ture of nut vomica. This poison does nut aif.-c-t the chickens, no It la but lu turn docs kill tbs buwk which makes n meal uf oue. Such food carried by the parent bird to young hawke while still in the next also kills them. Hawks have been causing a great havoc among tbe young chickens in that neighborhood, but are now being materially thinned uut by this method. Ruseburg (Ore-gan- ) Review. Nun I- As Ohio Fruit Raiser, 7S Veers Old, Cured of a Terrible Case After Ten Vearo ef Suffering. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer of Shoot. te Rsady Mentor, ClarThs ether day 1 waa writes: ence was seen climbing through ths cured by Doan s bis with father's shotgun skylight Kidney Pilla of clutched In bis chubby fist severe case of a come "Clearance, hers, sir!" kidney trouble, shrieked the nurse. "Where are yoa of elrht or tea going with that gun?" years' standing. You leave me alone," amid the I suffered the stork that "I'm after youngster. most savers what brought tbs baby to Tommy backache and Brown's 'cause we don't want one sd other pains In the region of the kidthem bawling kids around bsrn neys These were especially severe Brooklyn Life. when stooping to lift anything and often I could hardly straighten my Obvious. back. Tbs aching was bad In the day time, but Just te bad at night, and I was always lame in the morning. I was bothered with vbeuinatic pains and dropsical swelling of the leet The urinary passages were painful and the secretions were discolored and eo free that often I had to rise at night 1 felt tired all day Half a box nerved to relieve me, and three boxes effected a permanent cure." A TRIAL KnEB Address Poeter-MUbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price 60c. seven-year-ol- Mr. Squirts Good ntlo, d morning, Mr. An Ambition. "So, remarked the sultan of Moroo-co- , "that bandit wanta to run the gov- ernment!" "Yea," was the answer. "Ho ssys he's tired of being dishonest. Besides, he thinks he can make graft pay better than brigandage." 11111 to-da- Pe-ru-- na Famous Trees Diminishing. Our historic oaks are, with every great storm, diminishing lu number. Dumnrey's oak, in Dorsetshire, 3,000 years old, disappeared from this ranee In 1703. Wallace's oak, at Kllcrslle, was years old when It was blown We have atlll, however, the Cowlhorpe oak, near Wetherby, In Yorkshire, estimated to be over 1,000 yesre old, and William the Conquercr'e oak. in Windsor Great Park, has attained the ripe age of Is 200 years. Perbape the finest oaks of great antiquity in tbe laud are to be found in the dukerlea. About halt a mile from Welbeck abbey la Cretan-dal-e oak, credited with 1,600 summers, and now n mere ruin sustained by props. Through Its hollow Interior a coach and four has been driven- London Daily Chronicle. 700 down same fifty years ago. Lion and Unicorn. The lion Is the emblem of Eng land and the unicorn of Scotland. On the union of Scotland and England In 1603, one of the Ilona waa removed from the British coat of asms, and the unicorn substituted. Potts. Will 'ea corns sad 'svs drink? Mr. Potts Well hie ssh s murrsr fac I've hie ed one already. - c. Marry Unseen Bridea. HON. M. C. BUTLER, the Bedoulna of norths el Stela Bvnstor VTwm laatb Africa tbe seclusion la equally rigid. CstoIIds. tats or Oslo. Citt or Tolxdo, II .. On tbe evening of the wedding tb tccu (Xirin. raih that ho I seator bride Is to the groom by bet brought nrtn Tam ofJ.tliI'aim Snn of K. J. Cssx ir A Co.. Suios knm girl friends. She is led to tbe tenl EX-U- . 8. Senator M. CL Butler from kiutMM Is IM Clip nf ToIron. Cunnljr and Klara m uf while tbe merry-makinld Smi will pay th South Carolina, waa Senator from la going oa afnmald, sad Hut and rvrrr OSK HliKllltKl) HOI.1.AIM fur m-that state for two terms. In a recent jim of Catah itial cAiuwt bs curwl by lbs sa of outside. When the wedding la ovet letter from Washington, D. CL, he saysi Hsu's Cataskm Cuss. FRANK rllKXKT. her husband may enter the tent and J. "I can recommend Perunn for dye lu uiy pres-sveil. Her girl friends wait out lift the Ivon to before si and aubarrlhrd and alomach trouble. I bare of IXermbrr. A. H. ink. aide anxiously to nee If abe meets with peptla . . A. W. ULXASOX, atbUdlbdAy been uelng your medicine for a abort Ma approval. If he Is satisfied he aa XOTABT rvSLIO. period mod I feel very much relieved. RairTcsunb Cur It takes Internally sod sen Bounces It by shrill cries of delight It la Indeed n wonderful medicine ta-aurlnt-cuf Uia tlraellyia lbs bkaid aiid muea To tbe Arabs this shout of triumphant aldea a good tonic."- - M. C. Butler. free. tynaai. band fur trulni'inlalB. K. J.l HKNfcY ACO., Tolada.O. satisfaction la one of the most Inter leruna is not simply a remedy fot Bold by all Pnpslaia. Tar- dyspepsia, reruns is a catarrh remedy. Taka llall'i Kaiully Cilia fbroosHIpatloa. eating sounds that can be uttered. Penns cures dyspepsia because it is Wanted a Change, generally dependent upon catarrh of England's Uncultivated Zone. A little boy whose mother had for the stomach. Dartmoor, which occupies one-fiftIf you do not derive prompt and aatln-of the area of the country of Devon. bidden him to do something that ha from the use of reruns, wanted very mnch to do walked quiet- factory results Is the largeat tract of nnculttvated Dr. Hartman, riving a . write at um e to momenta In few a room. ly out of the land in England. of your case and he will -statement full i i nave he returned and remarked: be nleased to give you his valuable Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothin Syvnp. to ask raps to marry another Torrlilldrea taatblne, auflrsa lha uma, red urea la- iMiika. NteftlwUlftb woman." Woman's Home Com pan IlftlHltift. gllBji yglfi, (Uima Dr. Hartman, President of Ion. The llartman Sanitarium, Colnmbna, Ol CARLYLE AO A CRITIC. Among g a Mrs. Hughson, of Chicago, whose letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compounds suffered for several yean with general weakness and bearing-dow- n pains, caused bv womb trouble, lly appetite was fitful, and! would lie awake for noun, and could not sleep, until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After I Ttais Mrs. Pinkhax: baidpjf building up my general health, it drove all diseasea and poison out of my body, and made me feel as spry and active as young girL Mrs. Pinkhams medicines are certainly all they am claimed to be. Miul ML E. Iluonsoir, 347 East Ohio St, Chicago, 11L Mrs. Pinkluun Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. Apparently trifling incidents in woman's daily life frequently produce displacements of the womb. A slip on the stairs, lifting during menstruation, or attending to the most standing at a eounter, running a sewing machine, of serious evils is started. a train and in result displacement, may Ordinary The first indication of such trouble should be the signal for quick action. Dont let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. More than a million women have regained health by the nee of Ljrals Vegetable Compound. i If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand a few write to Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, MBit, for her advice, and This thing to do. right timely words from her will snow you thelife or happiness or both. advice costs you nothing, but it may mean Mrs. Lelah StowelL, 177 Wellington Ont writes: St, Kingston, You am indeed Mbs. Pivxhav: "Dias ft godsend to women, and if they all knew what you could do for them, there would be no need of their dragging out miserable lives in agopy. mins, I suffered for years with bearing-dow-n womb trouble, nervousness, and excruciating head- Pinkham's ache, but a few bottles of Lydia life look Vegetable Compound made new and promising to me. I am lightand happy, and I do not know what sickness of health. . is, and I now enjoy the 1 Pinkbam's E. Vegetable Lydia be relied upon to restore Compound can always for health to women who thus Buffer. It is na sovereign cureweak bearing-dowfeeling, the worst forms of female complaints, that ana falling and displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, ths nil troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors tofrom canceruterus In ths early stage of development, and checks any tendency ous humors. It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tone vp tba entire female system. Its record of should be relied upon with confidence- - Would Show No Mercy. Hogan (calling on next door neighbor) I suppose ye've heard th 11U gant, classical music that's bin Imy-satifirom me rlsldence for th pasht wake or so? We got wan av thim mi on thrila. chanlc&l planny-player- a Clancy (fiercely) On thrile. It la? Glory he! I only wlsht 1 wor the Judge! Puck. n 8auce. Disgracing Heraelf. Mrs. Smarts mercys sake, dont let me heir yon talk about book In society shaln! ma! "Dear Cultured Daughter Why not?" will Smartset "Strangers Mrs. think you Lave teen a cash girl In N tw York Weekly. n book store. etFor Ne Children Permitted. She wax tired and vexed. She had been wandering about all the morning looking for an apartment suite. "I know why they turned Adam and Eve out of Eden, she said. Why?" "Because they had a rule that barred out children and doga." I. h- u $5000 Swwwftanelsls, lftras d aanaol forthwith prsdaos ths origtnsl Isttars sad vhUh will pmva thslr absolnta gsnslsro. Lyee. Waaa, Lydia K. riakham Msdialna U. WE TBEBI m CORE , sand BmrlXaaass8wBroachla. snS Lana BmHll Ur.r ID Kid, Tmibi. Anita. BISdr Timb M CATS naH HssfsM. sad Throat Tras-M- s. Kima Lhl DHn of Wii.ii Hmit IHmM. Asrvoa l)imi. Ckoras. Mwun.Chrosis Coa-laiai- Tmtnnt firs. Writ far fto uaifitom llat If yoa ciBnoicmlL UbibIUUub Krr. Men Weak fma aar am s-- w. saoaea, When Cured Pay wnim udMfi ut mm id ft HBASOMAULB W Brat of the weakneMa R fee Hirer S sarad. Vo es r snataa-- I flic wh.s yos bjr Issuranrs, SImissiisp nmd our bars word lSoriS Ibnuuud. sf WAIT ystlsot. rsusox VI osTuU AH TUX vast MlW. WS WANT TO L'KB roll wllfe tfe a aaiWniaiSlBi lAal ws will ot dsuuad Mr kill Is earing CHROMIC Maa-kuovolustsrr is.il- - . fKK salll w tii pnu. Thl. spyllM to Law V'srt-eua:- tf.a. Simum by psblltbiBi tb Orpmule Wr.krara, Sprniorrbis. . ! eslil. tnim bou st Hi I'mairsi Ii'.sbS. I'BBStwrsI u. bui Ptfs ass l.o.. Hum n ws caxt prm.ixH BimS eaiMs. I k ihkab a. II riiur mmntw. "HIT! omen HOCSS: sad atldram. BftirftF lo provftftitr fifclli In thli olftra BftflftQBt ODIraciaS IHaurSsra. 01 k WOftlB aaataarws f. Tbiii but piss: DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert T S'rinur. St.. sad all WBAgMSSSKS at m. Brsalsga m. w I to I: SanSara. IS s. m. is II. tsuth Mils Strask Specialists, 249 SaH La I CII. Disk "Yes'm, I wus drove away from home when a mere child by tbe heartless cruelty cf me stepmother. "Poor fellow! What did she do?" "She Insisted on givln' me a bath very Saturday night." Kewpop of me. Nelchbors "Oh, nf course." Kewpop "Fact. Why. the little beggar sleeps all day while I am downtown and stays awake all night for the sole purpose of enjoying my society. In a Peck ef Trouble. Paterson Pete I dreamt last night dat I had a million dollars. Stacked Oates Did yer enjoy It! Paterson Pert Nit! I wnx sued fer breach uv promise, operated on for appendicitis an' mentioned fer de vice . presidency 'fore Id even got It count-adJudge. The Mosquito Do you see that tired looking ham on the front steps? Well, I heard him ray he was hungry, . IlNMNIsVl H 1) 1, 1 HI. Bears the Nl Signature of Promotes and Rest .Contains neither Digcalion-Chperlul-nes- i s norlineraL Opium .Morpliine Rot Rah c otic. j ikuytifBidBrsiMaLmcm j SmfmSmd' j Jtx.tmM uuusde-mSmvJj M In to Cm lUnf. Semi (XnW.SMNP rknw. -- The hong of a Summer Stream. A few months aci I was singing through thr snow; But now ths blrp.nl min.hlna Is Oiling all ths In ml. And ths memnrlss nr hint Of the wlntsr an! frost. In the prsssni' of th munnisr with her full mill glowing hand. Now tho woodlark rnnws to drink brink. At my cool and And the lady frrn I. ijsndlug to kle foam: rainbow ray And the wild rnashuds sntwlns d bramble vino. With tho And tho conturlsd auk lo green aroued d bright-eyethe oqulrrori heme. mom. Aperiecl Iteniedy forfonstipA-tio- ness Facsimile Signature of CtLftff&L ZsT Thirty Years NEW YOIIK. EXACT COPY j e -h- Care of the Hair. Is now u.'riitl thnt many of th sbsiuiiotis in us'i- ur- - injurm'is to 1nal'ii-:i- l The t ii frii - lVn.h brushing nml slemluro the hair in a lather of Ivory .si .ip soi!-- . ai.n rinse thoroughly, 'a.-la-- t lhi aritrr la: tool as it I'lohO the puri-- of II;.- sit'll Mill For Over Loss of Sleep. nml WORM srg Though the Imp i''nd long deferred Era tho south wind whlnpsr heard if th Gave a promt pasamg of th weary winter rivs. Tat the bleeuing ws seriira. was sure. For ths suminer-timWhen the lonely anr.r are gathered of pi aim in a mlghtv 'rnni-la Ridley lUvsrgsl. Use n , Sour Stomnrh, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- Oh. ths full snd glad control I hlnnt That my little With th mingling of tho ehnrlstrr around I no longer alng a Inn Through a chill. p.i vailing innsn, For tho vrv air la trembling with Its wealth of summer sound. It Always Bought ,4, L.M - jRv XVCelaUe Prcparaiionfor Assimilating IhcFiiodandRctfuIa-linglh- e Stomachs and Bowels of Or WRAPPER. Another Breakfast Food. Seaweed, though not the diet of an epicure, Ik, when dry. rieher than ont-- ; meal or Indian corn lu nitrogenous ccnftit uerts and takes mnk among the mot till fit iotH Of vegetable foods. - YOU SEND FOR OUR CATALOCUE YOU CO FRSHINC , I : I s before CDCET lIYtt FOB EVERY SPORT IN EVERT SEASON BROWNING BROS. CO. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL KI.KAN'ni: run A lifsl - revents eolil. STUDIES MICROTINE. fr fti raturiii eoM Itj Special attention to li. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE. MOUNTAIN TEA MEDICINE Aftk Your DruKKiSt for If. IMIIKKK. Bamboo a Vegetable. One variety of liamlioo Is cultivated as n vegetable and the young shoots eaten like asparagus, or they may be alted, pickled or preserved. Hebrew and bvrlo - Chalilalc, C0.f jm'i- - (:; Im e ! I n. nil a u- F'tiLip burti. eh - lf- A III- f .a t "iB-i- t ! ft Do Your Fret Ache and Burn? 'w-- dupart-menla- cii': tSIef !.'.- li'TIliPTi III Hill i If i l histiri Iift' bft! nsili Iip Physical Culture. Military Students are prepared for West Point. Annapolis and all tho Civil Service. A complete corps of able and experienced i fitessori. A limited number of private rooms, for which application should be made early. For further particulars, call on. or write to tho Very Rev. Pres.u.'nl. D-l- ll. 272 Ninth Street, San Francisco. Cal. - .i Science, Mathnmatu,, Music and Commercial branches. Courses In i.oii. ufI,,i RESUMED SEPTEMBER 7th Minim, Primary, Acailnmtc, College and University deportments. Ii"uilu4iic uuil fin v , of lin'-lTP t.r 41. Mlll FWn I1 Shake into your slum-.- . Alien'-- - Fool-Easf n a powder for III feet. It Pl.lln'S fft hn h ftfp r'-- ft iu r !!K!i.int lit'fiiiri. , w Shoe-' Kfiii-ry New feel K.isy. i. r' - 'Hi,n ln l li iiiiv and so I went over and gave him a tight Or Mifth Ttr orilfurjr fir ;.4- haj' 'f rifi Swollen. Hot. Sivra' lug I eel I orn- - :i:i' MlM'in. li rii'ft! n, bite. Bunions. At all Drugglets ml The Jtine Rue And I heard him Stores, 2Kc. Siimple Kindly Mention This Paper. Ao went. F l!KF. ASH.W i o. over went I so and was When Answering Advertisement be dresa Allen S. )!;us(..l, l.el.'oy, N. A (Old, Yfi i say tblrsty .rfl Ant vo ik( and gave him a nip. it lit llii i ii'tn-MS. IPO. W. N. U.. Salt Laky-N- o. h Oldest Woman In World. U. ii ste (is igeii .1 I'.uo r jiul '(!' oM-fi Madrid to claim have i.o I T'J. Arsip.ihoi 1. Unavoldanle Inference. 11 N 1IJ 01.0 "Poor Jim! l!e dissent call his woman In the world Mnrla Nh-tmfMM&LLSBSL - I V ftff.l'Uwho has lived in thnn eeniuri'S. l:av If Ckni MrtlMC ILL USE IrUkL I,:; Thompson's Eye Water soul his own any more! MILi,. I'lftftt. ( fturreyes lift !; rip. T.iiles in 1 1781. been horn twief was She didn't know that poof Ing In I'nif s!i1 "Whnt? New York Bun. married kid had nineteen children, al! i When Answering Advertisements ni l .Tiro -i- m.Tied I of whom abe survives. Kmdly Mention This Paper I i fj'tl ! . mhi-u'p- s iff j 11 . . I f i EVERYTHING Hallows College SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH lln-hai- . RF All gi'iu-r.ill- le-- They Were Kind to Him. YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER TRIP T dsrk-lsavc- Usual Way. Our baby is awfully fond Horn MAJ.IIORII. ForjkntondCLJdr The Kirn) You Have prly i. of the Howell. 11 Id Fl.tala idC Rcdal TmDb ci. Uutiis tor bis wki. fllood liticucc, Worn. Ha, raver. Hfllcdi. Xpll-p- ir. TM Intoouil. lie, aaS all Kano a4 cantata UImswi. vary Tennyson taxi of the powerfuleet smokers I ever worked along with In that departs! eat." Ruikln, though "n bottle of beautiful eoda water," wan very pleasant company now and then. Macaulay he considered "really a good art of soul. Jhe lecture to Browning, whom he strongly advised to try prose for a time. Is rather amusing. "Unless I very greatly mistahe, you seem to pocsess a rare spiritual gtft. by poetical, pictorial, intellectual, whatever name we may prefer to call it; to unfold which into articulate eloarness Is naturally the problem of all problems for you. This noble endowment, It seems to me, further, you are not at present on the best way of ' unfolding and if tbe world had loud- ly called itself content with these two poems, my surmise Is, the world could have rendered you no fataler dlaserv lee than that same! Believe me I speak with sincerity, and If I had not loved you well I would not have spok- an nt nil." fg a. Kloliia rtptsai Tmti vilh' Umi. IWnam Sciatica aS BkauwMIia. i Hi. Ski ad-be- "The impudence of that young brother of mine!" exclaimed Mrs. Nugget "He Just told me I waa ne Had Pronounced Views ne to chicken when I married you. Leading Literary Men. "Well," replied her unsympathetic his In recently published letters husband, "that's true enough. You hie views as to various glvee Carlyle were werent a chicken, you?" of his time. He call an of letters No, 1 was a goose." clever man" and "n i - h 1C ' i i ' w- |