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Show HAST TO GET MOSEY. These were all business n.ea, but of One of the angry trees was dug np snd thrown to one side. Immediately, upon being removed from the NO NEED FOR BUSINESS MEN TO a public man. a financier er capitalist. ground, the tree opened its leaves. Its CARRY CURRENCY. And as they bad no incentive for othtwigs lost their pigtails and for sometruth-telliner than their over an hour aud a half tha out exposition thing Banka Always Ready to Accommodate of the ease with which money may be raged branches showed their indigna Men Whom They Size Up as Being obtaired seemed aa as it tlon by a scries of quaklngs, which That was surprlhlrg. New inteietirg Right Some Experiences York Times grew weaker, as time passed, finally Pro tho Fact. rearing altogether, when the foliage TREE CUTS UP COD ANTICS. hnng limp and withered. The next Somebody happened to refer to the morning the tree was placed upright oipiMure of the "creeper" Idaho Acacia Is One of ths Wonders in the ground again, a little water of Western Plant Life. waa applied to the roots, and very game aa It waa recently conducted la ooa It resulted its normal condition Fifth avenue. One of the most singular trees on "And they got G00 from one man," the American continent la a species Freddie's Letter to God. remarked oca oi the group of speak- of acacia found in northwestern Idaho ers In an apartment bonaa a and observed closely by a party of Freddie was 4 years old, and bad aclentista recently cn a tour through been devoutly reared. He had bees Bight or two ago. "Well. Interrupted the that region. It growa to a height of struggling at dinner with an appla maa opposite, "all I can say la ba do- - about eight feet and, when full grown. baked with the akin on, and had mada no special prominence. No one of them would be recognized on sight as g d Misses' Collarless Jacket of Cloth Garnitures for tho Neck Calling Gowns and Negligees To Clean Jewels. Tan-Colore- A Soothing Drink. Inflammation of tho throat and ton-all- s la a common complaint at this Boston of the year. A southing drink for persona ao affected la made by boiling a teaspoonful of islnglaa in half a pint ef milk with half a dosen braised almonds and sweetened to taste. This drink has a marvelous effect In It la reducing the inflammation. widely used in England, but la not commonly known In this country. them on a gown which should have long lines la a puzsla to many a dressmaker. The skirt should first bo most carefully fitted and made, and then the flounces should be put cm In such a way (If the wearer of the gown be tall) aa to make them encircle the akirt at the same distance from one another. If the wearer be short sad font and wishes to be thought tall and slender, then the flounces must be arranged ao aa to be higher either in front or at the back whichever la more becoming. The flounces may be of the same material aa the gown, edged with lace and trimmed with rows of tucks and lace Insertions, or they may be made entirely of lace. Fashionable Neck Garnitures. No one of the many accessories of the season Is more attractive or adaptable than the fancy collars which taka such a variety of forms. The group Illustrated Includes several sorts, all of which are smart and any of which can be reproduced In a variety of materials. As shown, however, the colcorner Is lar in the upper lace edged with bandTucks of all widths are noted on made of ing. The round collar below Is made new dresses. Coarse laces trim the canvas fabof net with heavy silk applique and Is finished with a silk ruche. The collar rics to perfection. to the right is of quite a different Elaboration is the keynote of the sort. Including long stole ends, which season in dressdom. Nets printed in cloudy Dresden are eminently effective, and Is shown In Inserted tucking with a muslin frill effects are very attractive. as a finish. The fourth and last colShoulder trimmings droop In pseudo lar Is made with deep points, each of grandmama style. , Daisies and buttercups are reappearing aa millinery blossoms. A panel front makes round and round trimmings possible for the stout woman. The newest skirt tucklngs turn toward the front and taper to a point at the knee. Colors will be more of a feature In women's handkerchiefs than they have been In irfany Reasons. The red hat Is the correct thing to wear with a black and white striped or checked gown. Her Boudoir Told in left-han- d all-ov- 4M T VL. ik,- - warm water and Into this aqueeis the sponge. Let It He a few minutes, then rinse It in clear water. Silk ribbons may be washed In ends made of lukewarm water and gcodj soap, but they must not be wrong or i I up-tow- n gray-haire- Wash they will be badly creased. In a second lot of suds and rinse In clear cold water. Then lay on a table or board and with rather a stiff nailbrush brush sideways till all the rreas-eare removed. Leave till thoroughly dry. OF FAMOUS STRUCTURES I1IGHT Asparagus Omelet. beads of astwenty-fiv- e paragus and cut the green enda when tender Into abort pieces. Mix with them four eggs, adding a little pepper and salt Melt an ounrs of butter (or perhaps rather more) In an omelet pan. pour In the mixture, stir till It thickens over the fire, fold It nicely over. Clarified butter may be served with It, into which a few drops of vinegar have bean poured. Boll about well-beate- n Ono of tha New Coats. Jackets made with perfectly flat finish at the neck are tha latest and V Ka. 1 t Nice For Toilet. towels are the latest vogue in towels for actual use where something specially nice Is desired. The embroidery la done on plain, fine huckaback or other fine which Is filled by a medallion of em- towel fabric taking the place of A deep broidery, the foundation material be- damask or other decoration. shown and will be mnch ing embroidered batiste, fine and hemstlched hem is the usual finish, smartest worn the season through In all light sheer. To make any collar for a womand one end only la embroidered an of medium size will be required Decorative towels, for decorative pun weight cloths. This ona allows a choice between mandolin and plain IM yards of material 18 or 21 Inches poses only, come with wide; for a girl of 14 years of age, fringes elaborate borders of drawn sleeves and Includes seama at hita 114 yards 18 or 21 Inches wide. work, medallions of old Venetian or front and back that extend to the ao giving a tapering effect other decorative laces. And Italian shoulder, to The model le made of the figure. macrame towels have deep fringes Calling Gowns and Negligees. cloth with trimming of moand artistically hair braid and An unusually chic calling gown of very elaborately is closed by meats of dark green taffeta showed the 1830 knotted. buttons and loops, bnt the finish can mode In its quaintest form; with puffbe one of many things and the dosings and insertions, long shoulder efing can be made Invisibly by means of fect and full sleeves, to say nothing a fly whenever preferred. To make of the full skirt and small waist, tho the jacket for a girl of 14 years of age ensemble was nil ono could desire. A will be required 34 yards of material toque of the green showed tiny wing 27. 2 yards 44 or 1 yards 62 laches and knots cf ribbon velvet of a paler wide. iha..o for contrast; th green paraTo keep paraffin lamps from smellsol was a most frting accompaniment Old whalebone which has become e. to this lEitienjr ing, as ihi-.- i M)iiitl!:ix.i will Co even brut and should be in A: y mruli.T of dal-.i- y matinees and when pciTcitly clean, put a hot water end then laid on a table mu-.iff salt into the oil. negiig'-e- s he considered In the to dry. In Ibis way it la ssrdght-er.e- il To clean sponges add a tablcspoon-fu- l tnnss'inu. fry a the lounging robe for out and may-ha- ve a new stage boudoir nro le tiie peignoir of regal cf strong ammonia to a pint of of usefulness before it. s of tho lines the and artisdrawing room, so A SMART DINNER VAIST. tic are they in .osi ;ii. Richly l.ar.d shn-k-emhroiJmd crepes in delicate Waists made of soft silks and sat- front only ns may be preferred. The make up handsomely, while accordion ins are exceedingly fashionable for box plaits In the rleeves are both novsilks with pn.f.isi tec Insertions posdinner and wenr afternoon aro el and effective and are extei ded over and sess a i articular attraction for the most effective combined with lace and tho shoulder seams to the reek edge, majority of wo.nen. their clinging ful- net. Thla very attractive ono Is made so giving the fashionable shoulder ness, with flowing sleeves, being real- of messaline satin with lice, and the closing is made Invisibly gray pearl ly very fascinating and decidedly 4 A-- if- - 4- - A- - d d table-spoonf- l hn.-te-i- s 1 if . Frankfort cathedral I'harliillenhurg Park-ro- New building. Feet high. ,...141 ....SOS ....221 me-nots To Clean Jewels. while all brooches, little Every rings and such things that are In constant use should be brushed with a toothbrush that has been dipped in eau de cologne, if the setting is open it must be done from 'he hack, and care must ha taken not to loosen the stones. Then lay the things In a box of jewelers' sawdust which has been lightly heated beforehand, and leave for an hour, says the Ohio State Journal. Gold chains may he washed in warm soapsuds, drying them on a soft towel by pulling back and forward. They may also be dried in sawdust and the partlclcr blown or dusted out afterward. Re sure and get them dry, as they will lie apt i'o become worn between the links if any dampness lace and applique dyed to match, yoke ; beneath the first plait at the left side and cuffs of cream point d esprit held of the front and at the left shculder by fancy st'tches nrd frills cf net top seam. To make tho waist far a woman A Problem In Flounces, lace, the yoke being transparent. The cf mediant size will be requir'd 4 74 nounce and ruiflos are hemming plaits In hot!; fronts rnd back extend yards of material 21. 4 yards 27 or 24 nil the for full lei'sth and Hie waist can be yards 44 Inches wide, with 1 ire and more yard 1 le and Juri bow to arrange for tra !e to b!;iup all rout'd or at th inches vide for yoke arid cuffs. 1C 17 served to lose It No men has right to carry that much money sronnd in his clothes. "I agree with you, said his dollars Is as good "Twenty-fiv- e hundred. I find to me ss twenty-fiv- e that sum enough at all times. I never esrry more." "What would you do If you happened to need s bigger sum In sn emergency?" BRked ono of the party. "You might find yourself In a hole. "Not at sll. I can always draw check yes. and got it cashed, too. Several nf tho men present agreed with the rpriiiii r. It's the cari'-r- i thins in the world to get money, ' (nr!i::ihil the man who At least had l.troJitcd Hie inject. il o. And have I'vo p.!.v ie wl.t it I w:t ri found it n t y r I was In I nhroa.l. (!u!j ar.d ran i ho.! ef fends. Weil. 1 I I'i-iin-simply walke' i i t a b a asked them if they would r.-check for me. I .v:.'.' r- ferret! to IV ::!me president, in d l:r enou-- h when my curd was nrt le. When I tol-- hint I needed a ciilo of huedt-- i d do rs lie linmedhtclv agreed to t too nv" it. Rut lie said over to ( if he would like i at lie doubted It was all ri'.'t-fme, but Ju t us a inai'er ef form. I rot to told him if that wa-while. Wheremind, it wnr.'t wi-ifold M'o cavilupon he tool- my ch'-- t hade me a ler to plv-- ir.o t'-i dii. and the incident pleis-i-- t was closed. ro "You have an honest face, marked one of i!ii- - smoking-roogroup with a laugh. Yes. And t! ey must lie easy over there," vinichrnfed another. Oh, I don't know, put la a third "I had practically thp same experience In California a year nr two sen. A hanker there advanced me a hundred dollars on my rherk without any Identiflration whatsoever. personal These people evldertly get to he the keenest possible judges of hitman nature, that's all there Is to It" Several other members of the party then remembered similar experiences, and the general rnncluriria was that the original speaker was right In averring that no inan need carry a large sum of money in hla pocket 11 h S T ....... 44S ...31! BOS 212 32S 117 inuuuum, Turin., Feet high. Wilhelm church, llerlln. ,...374 Vienna ,...444 2& ,...4S Cathedra I, I, Ins ....SOS 3V l till Ibithlinus. Herlln Iff Antwerp cathedral ,...4a 24 Hlrahla tower. Seville at t'upifnl. WnahltiRtun .. SlieitiiMlii ....404 mil's. Isuirtun 21 Mechlin cathedral ....4 ....ST! cathedral, turret, Cologne ....m tower 14 Itutnhhaua, Vienna ....3 No. . elwr 248t. .40-- 81. IfM cloaca Its leaves together In colli each detailed Inquiries Into the reason why day at sunset and curls its twlga to apples had skins and who put them tho shape of pigtails. After the tree there. After dinner he announced has si tiled Itself thus for a night's that he wanted to write a letter on sleep, If touched, the whole thing will his father's typewriter. In a few minflutter as If agitated or Impatient at utes he produced a letter consisting, being disturbed. The oftencr the fo- chiefly of "q'a" and x's." Ha waa liage Is molested tho mure violent be- SRked whom be had written to, and comes the shaking of the branches, read hla letter as follows: and at length the tree emits a nau Dear God: Iloase come around seating odor, which, if Inhaled for a and see us some night I never saw few moments, causes a violent, dlzxy you yet, hut my papa says you are headache. very nice. I'lease God don't make any The angry tree, as It has been more linked apples with skins. "Freddie" named, was discover'd by travelers, v.'.i'i, upon limbing h rump for tin) Americans in Prussia. oik end of il eauvru night, f lbFlPsiliVL IH (I- (.III An Ami licun inulrli factory In Badil for h .'iippi.rt. en practic-illijr.'i'ic! i i, doiiiiiiiiVs that branch lb rn :nd western nf liiiI'Miry in ine l.- ..in to.Ji-iii.-- ; J be Motion br'i.rliiv. Tlio l.mfir glass (brntaiiy. . c.ruv. n:, rw.ii.'-- , unconi i.iu-'d- . vid AMici'iciiii radifli rs nr, made hero til lit ki t tii- rickiT.ing odor which by I'VMiirl) v.orks 1 the home coin pait gave nut m'ii'-- tii'1 llr-.- ciniipi rv il, ov, and an American factory at Ilan-pvo- r In a nioru location. Curio; i'y, rnpilio.v pneumatic brakes for c.f cnurn-- , I'rusv-mi iiivisllgalio.i. ,n the rail way system. pl.-rc- - :- 1 . K. rim cathedral Si National 1 ! ort-do- j.a l c.ilhi-ilrn- Peler'e. llbine Bt. 15 vls-s-vi- s. ! llerlln 144 a44 I'uloRiiu culhcUr.il li M'uhiiiiigmn monument ., :- i- New Old Boiilh churcli .., ,...4W f Cheops pyramid ....KCi I Cremona cathedral ....SIM Herlln liouw. Parliament ,...S31 cathedral 81. U Fortreaa church. Peterebuig ,...4i3 j - - l frb-ndl- ti-- - r-- l 1 i ot (,' i The Milliner'a Blue Rose. One of the. astonishing millinery fancies of the year is the bine rose. Such a flower never sprouted on the earth's surface, but built In shaded velvet, crimpy silk or even cleverly tinted musHr, it is bewitching on the summer hat of lace or maiine. The girl who likes to wear blue and of ragged robin and forget-la greets the blue rose wlttf enthusiasm and uses It In profusion. Another blue blossom which has made Its appearance is the hyacinth, but It must be used with discretion. An imported hat in a peculiar shade, bordering on navy blue, le trimmed with these hyacinths and ribbon which matches the bloom. In a pertain light, the entire confection shades to blue; turn it toward the aun and it shows violet tints. minster c:ty liall..., 14 Hirnaburg cnlhcdral 1381. Ueurgc'a, licrlin York... ,...S-- hill monument Feet hlrh. No. IS Freiburg ,...3'S liathhaus, llrusscla cathedral -- Milan d deep-knotte- d - v en-am- GREAT AUTOMOBILE PLAN vr One of lin most vivid descriptions on as dividing line, when, even at of aictlr: scenery ever penned Is given short distance away, nn-and i, by Harry Do Wimit in ills book, "Paris fbds resembled flics crawling up o Now York by Land." In il be gives while curtain. Rut on clear days, umorturate I he following picture of .the Arctic tho blue sky was Medilcrranea rare, sea; anil at such times the bergs out "Place a piece of coal sprinkled sea would flash like Jewels In t with salt mi a while tablecloth, a few full blaze of the sunshine, whl noun II off inches acaticr lump sugar, blocks of dark green ice, half btirli and it will give you iu miniature a very In snow under shallow of the clif fair presentment of tho scenery. The would appear for all the world 11 coal Is the bleak coast line, continu- "caliochon" emeralds dropped Into . ally swept clear of snow by furious mass of whipped Bnt the i gales; the sugar, sea ice, and tho cloth verse of this picture waa depressii frozen beaelt over which we journeypd In the extreme. EYir on cloudy da The dreary outlook the snow would assume a dull leadi for lffl miles. never changed; occasionally the cliffs appearance, and the sea Ice become vanished and our way would He across slate gray, with dense banks of wo tho tundras marshy plains which in ly. white fog encircling the dlsm summer encircle the Polar sea with scene. Fair and foul weather in tl a belt of verdure and wild flowers, Arctic reminded me of some beaut!! hut which In winter lime aro merged woman, bejewcled and radiant am with the fmxcii ocean In one boundlimits and laughter, and tho same i less. bewildering, wilderness of white. vinlty landing disheveled, ai In hazy weather land and sky formed soaslck from the deck of apale chans one impenetrable veil, with no horiz steamer." RUN ft . j ajjvijcz. y' |