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Show THE LIONS WHELP A Story of Cromwoll'a Tim ? BY AMELIA E. BARR. Tha Bw of Onn Ribbon. "X. Thou and Tho Hold of Mol don (CopTriahl, 1901, by Dodd, Lorvo. Mood ft Company. CHAPTER There woi no tue prolonging a conversation ao hopeless. She was both angry and scornful, and aha sought out her mother and found her resting in her own room. UI get tired soon In the day, Jane," she aald. I think It Is the London air. and the strange life, and the constant fear of some change. No one seems to know what a day will bring forth. Did you see Stephen? Yes." It cant be, I suppose? You know It cant be, mother. She was hurt at the question. It was a wrong to Cluny, and she said with some temper, It could not be under any circumstances. The man Is mean, he has Just threatened me. If I had not been a woman I would have given him his threat back In his teeth. I would rather be Clunya wife. If Cluny had not a crown. The next day Cymlln went to Jev-er- y House and reported on his return, Ita forlorn emptiness. There were only two or three servants there, and they had no. Idea when the family would return. Auout a week after Matildas departure Cluny called early one evening and asked Jane to go with him to Mr. Miltons house In Petty France. They sauntered through SL James park, and soon lost sight of all humanity, and were conscious only of each other's presence. So much so, that they never noticed a figure which emerged from behind a clump of shrubs, and stood looking at them. It was the Lord General. His face was grave, but not unhappy, and when he saw Cluny and Jane he stood still a moment, and then quietly withdrew Into the shadow be had left. A smile was round his mouth, and his lips moved in words of blessing as he took another path to the gate he wished, and there was a feeling of pleasure yet In his heart when he entered the sombre apart- ed.) tho Othor One," Eta. All right iranrad.) thlngs which makes spring so delightful. Early In tbe morning Jane's friends called for her, and they went away together full of youth's enthusiasm and anticipation. They took the road to the river, and to the sound of music and the falling and dipping of the oars they reached Richmond and soon spread ths contents of their hampers upon the grass under some great oaks In the secluded park. After a happy, leisurely meal, they spent the rest of their holiday In wandering through the palace, until Its melancholy, monastic grandeur subdued them almost to 'silence. It was like passing from death unto life to come out of these caverns into the light and glory of the westering sun, to feel its warmth, and see Its brave colors, and hear the cuckoo, like a wandering voice among the trees. Soon they were at the river stairs, and as they passed through the city they were Instantly aware of great excitement It was Impossible not to feel that something of great moment had happened, or was going to happen; and when Jane entered the hall at Sandys and saw Doctor Veritys hat and cloak there, she expected that he had come with Information. The next moment Mrs. Swalfham came hurriedly forward. Mother, cried Jane, what is the matter? What has happened? And Mrs. Swaffham answered: The strangest thing that In England." Even while she spoke they heard Gen. Swaffham coming up the steps, the clatter of his arms emphasising He had his perturbed feelings. scarcely entered the door ere Doctor Verity came Into the hall crying: Is it true, Israel? Is It true? Quite true." And well done? I Well done. I am sure of 1L Men and women went into the par-lo- r j together, and a servant began to I stood at the door watching him H my men bing In the lobby. went to his usual seat, but In very great and majestic manner, ane for a little while he listened to the debate. Then he beckoned Majoi General Harrison and told him ht Judged It was high time to dissolvt And llzrrison tol this Parliament. me this afternoon, that he advise Cromwell to consider what he would do, for it was a work great and dan gerous, and who, he asked, Is sufll cient for it? And Cromwell answer ed. The Servant of the Ixjrd, he is sufficient,' yet he sat down again, looking at me as be did so, and I looked back straight luto his eyes that I and mine could be depended on. In a few minutes the question for passing the bill was put, and the man He could be restrained no longer. stood up, took off his hat, and looked around the House, and It quailed under his eyes, every man in it shift ed on his seat and was uneasy. He began to speak, and it was with a He reproached of flame. them for their selfeeeklng and theli hypocrisy and oppression, and as h, went on, there was the roar of a lion In his voice, and the members, being condemned of their own consciences, cowered before him. ever-happene- A MARINE DISASTER LOST NEWS SUMMARY. IN Boston school committeemen have Inaugurated a crusade against Boston teachers chewing gum. Aboard Albany. N. Y hackdrlvers have Every Woman and Child 8teamer Clallam Sacrificed to gone on s strike and much Inconvenihas Fierce Storm Which Caused ence, especially to undertakers, ensued. Vessel's Ruin. It Is announced that Great Britain arbiThe new steamer Clallam, of the has agreed to the down ear went tration treaty, which will be signed fleet, ly Saturday morning midway between In Rome. Smith leland and Dungenesa In the Charles Foster, former secretary of straite of Juan de Fuea, says a dis- the treasury and former governor of from Seattle, Washington. Ohio, la dead, from an attack of papatch were drqwned. ralysis. Fifty-fou- r persons aboard tbe child and woman Every The health officers of IJncoln, Neb., Clallam waa a sacrifice to the fierce Indignantly refute the story that there storm that raged In the straits. la leprosy in the Russian colony at Within three miles of tbe shore and that placet at a time when it appeared certain Three more deaths from typhoid the Clallam could not be saved, a fever at Butler, Pa., raises the total pertLte effort waa made to save the to ninety-eigh- t deaths since the m the life boats, women and ehl,dren t0 scourge started. 7 , , A roitous strike of 4,000 coolies for wli rh Captain Ia lfeRTf' the wages occurred on the Amerihigher to rence, a Yukon pilot, volunteered can at Balnam, Cbtaa. No railway manned was by i comm and, and which one was injured. deck hands. The Argentine senate has voted the against him? No one but Sir Peter Wentworth. Immediate abolition of another 6 per He said, My Lord General, this Par cent of the customs duty, making the Hament has done great things for total reduction 10 per cent England, and Cromwell answered, Aboard the In Panbaalnan province, Luzon, the later. minutes The spoke In the wheel that creaks waves saw rice sweep watchers lam crop will amount to three million does not bear the burden In the Then Sir Piter told Cromwell sengers from their hold on the seats cavans, sufficient to supply the dehis abuse of the Parliament was the and hurl them into the waters. mand of the entire archipelago. more horrid because it came from the was boat life righted the Though There are approximately 1,000 cases servant of tbe Parliament, the man later, still afloat, a diligent search ex- nf typhoid fever In Montreal, Canada, they had trusted aid obliged. hours has failed to tnd for twenty tending half dozen smaller munlclpal-fln- d At these words Dr. Verity laughed More passengers ltIeB vhch joJlx jt on the three sides, her. of trace loudly Cromwell, the servant of such a Parliament!" he cried. "Not and members of the crew were lost Russia Is negotiating with Turkey when a third life boat was swamped to he; what then, Israel?" permit her Black sea fleet, said to ' "He told Wentvorth to be quiet In an attempt to launch It consist of seven! ships, to pass He said he had beard enough of such Three passengers were picked up by of the DardaStraits through the talk, and putting on his hat, he took the steamer Bahata, who had fastened nelles. the floor of the House. I watched life preservers about their bodies it Is officially announced that peace him as he did so. He breathed InThey had died from exopsure and theli has been declared In Damaraland, ward, like one who has a business of were brought to Seattle Sun lire and death in band. I could see bodies German Southwest Africa, and that on his face that he was going to do day. the hostile Hottentots have surrenThe Clallam was a staunch, new the deed that bad been the secret of dered. i his breast for many days; and his passenger boat on the A record of loss by fire In the Unitwalk was that quick stride with run. She left Port Townsend for Vlo ed States and Canada for the year to meet an which he ever vent torio, facing a terrific southwest gale enemy. He stood In the middle of ' Within sight of her destination a hugi just closed compiled by the Journal the House, and began to accuse the sea overwhelmed the little steamer of Commerce, shows a total of floodlni members ' personally. His , words smashing in ber were swords. lie flung them at the ' ber hold with water, extinguishing the The Russian volunteer fleet cruiser men as If they were javelins; shot prderello Sebasto them In their facet as If from a pisarmament and her receive tol. He told them that the Lord had pool to done with then. He said they were all with haste to Port thence proceed no Parliament, and that he had been John M. Shockley Admits Murder o( Arthur. sent to put aa epd to their sitting Two Men In Salt Lake City. The commissioner of Internal revand their prating. M. Shockley, under arrest foi enue has decided tbat It Is permissiJohn 'And at these words Clnny Nemurdcr of Conductor Thomai ble for state prlsohs to manufacture vIlleTspoke to' tLo Sergeant,and "he ' man A mas a Old tobacco or cigars for their own Inopened the doors, and some musket-- , Brighton and Motor in Salt mates without paying license. ears entered the House. Then Sir son In the street car hold-uHarry Vane cried out. This Is not Lake City, has made a full confession The senate conuuUton on military honest, and Cromwell reminded him 0f having committed the terribl has Authorized Senator For-akaffairs of his own broken promise, and they crime, alone and unaldod. In making to report favorably the nominabegan to go out, at first slowly and hJ ronfosMon Shockley admitted to Taft of the PhilipGovernor tion of In then a hurry, treading on the heels the officers that he was In fear of punof each other pines to be secretary of war. "What of Lenthall? He has a stub-- : lament after death, and for this re State Rank Examiner Crnmmer has son he desired to make reparation, ai bom will. round only 91.800 cash In the wrecked as might be in his power, for ths He sat still In the Speaker's chair, far bank of He Highland. Kansas. The decommitted. awful deed be had until Cromwell ordered him to come stated that he was heir to quite a lit posits at the time the bank was down. For a moment he hesitated, tie property, which would come to closed amounted to more than 980,000. but Gen. Harrison said, I will lend him in a few years, and that ho do Apparatus for wireless telegraphy you my hand, sir;' and so he also sired to sign over this property, ot o! to families the has been Installed at Point Reyes. went out" his interest therein, victims. his forty miles north of San Francisco, on But was there no attempt to stay such dismissals? I am amazed, dumbthe coast line, and on the southeast Rebels Used Cannon. founded! said Doctor Verity. Far&llon Island, which works perAdvices from San Domingo under Alderman Allen, the Treasurer of fectly. the Army, as he went out said some- date of Wednesday, Ja.i. 6, say: There Several Japanese officials who have thing to Cromwell which angered him was firing last night around tbe city, been attending the cavalry school at very much; and he then and there the Insurgents using cannon. A shell Hanover bare received rable mescharged Allen with a shortage of one struck the city hall, doing consider hundred thousand pounds, and com- able damage. A shell exploded In sages from their government Instruct-tlnthem to return to Japan Immemitted him to the care of a musket of tho United States legation, eer for examination. I tell you, there front diately. was no gainsaying the Cromwell of hut did not result In Injury to ths It is reported that a volcano on this hour. He was more than mor- bulldlng. The political situation here Is un sugarloaf mountain In Rowan tal man; and Vane V" and the others changed, though sepral arrests of In- - . v mint-- alarming nropor- knew, If they had not known before, surgent sympathizers have been made. ns- why he was never defeated In batr Provisions are plentiful, and milk and Hon, nmoke pouring from the ruma deep tie. sures, accompanied by bling noise. After the Speaker had left, what United States Consul General Gow-d- y then?" In Paris has received Instructions His eye fell upon the Mace, and h from Secretary of State Hay to repsaid scornfully to some of the Ironresent Panama In all consular matters sides, Take that bauble away! Then he ordered the musketeers to clear late, and that China will certainly he an(J that the 8ccretary had notified the the House, he himself walking up to Involved, are causing great uneasl-- otw COI8u1s Europe to take like its Clerk and taking from under his ness. Many Chinese fear a repetition gCH0n arm the bill which had caused ths of the scenes of plllave and murder The war acare has caused a flurry trouble, and which was ready to which made the year 1900 memorable. rail- In the camphor market. Japan la the on the of the Numbers employees pass. He ordered the man to go between New Chwang and Shan source of almost all the worlds suphome, and he slipped away without road have deserted their posts, Halkwan there has been a question. Cromwell was the last that they country traversed ply, although lately of the thinking to soul gum In the leave tbe Chamber, and aa by the railroad will surely be the a little manufacture he went out of It be locked tbe door scene of the fighting. chemical process, usUnited States by and put tbe key In his pocket Ho ing coal tar as a base. Shot at Polly Pry. then walked quietly back to hit Mother Jones, known as the Joan rooms In the Cockpit T. Anthony, a newspaper of Arc of the United Mine 'Workers, R. Mrs. He will need God on his right woman, well known in many parts of Is 111 with pneumonia at her hotel at hand and on his left said Doctor the country under the name of Polly and under the conColo., Trinidad, Verity. "More than we can tell will Pry. was shot at twice at her home a of care stant physician, who say come of this Implacable hostility, an unknown man. The her condition Is critical. Mother rancorous jealousy, everlasting envy In Denver by bullets went wide of the mark. Mrs. Jones Is 64 years of age. and spite. The members Anthony answered a ring at ber door Mrs. Victoria Ferston, keeper of a "The members, Interrupted Gen. bell about 9:30 Sunday night and as Swaffham, "have tied themselves, soon as the door was opened a man, baby farm and hospital for cats and hands and feet, with cords of their fired two shots at from a pistol dogs. In San Francisco, became enown spinning, and Oliver Cromwell and then fled. It h thought the man raged at her bahy grandson and holds the ends of them. They will became Incensed at something Mrs. placed the Infant on a stove In Anthony had published In her weakly which a flrn had been lighted, the litnot dare to open their mouths." paper. (To be continued.) tle one being seriously burned. FIFTY-FOU- R LIVES STRAITS OF JUAN DE FUCA. Anglo-Italla- Seattle-Victorl- n a ! dee-tong- ! j I j , Clal-mo- ' st pas-cart- !' ' ! : I I Seattle-Vlctori- ; ! 9166,-196,7- dead-light- 0. s, -- I p j er - j j ; I ! that bauble away I sent where Israel Swaffham, with a remove the Generals cavalry boots Tsk guard of soldiers, was In attendance. He then entered a lofty, royally furnlehed room, where the council were waiting hie arrival officers of the army, and members of Parllar ment Cromwell opened the discussion by reminding the members that he had already held more than a dozen meetings, In order to Induce Parliament to issue an Act for the election of a new Parliament, and then discharge Itself. This is what the people want In very corner of the nation," he said, "and they are laying at our doors of this duty and the of their wishes. Hazelrig reminded him that Parilar ment had determined to dissolve on the Sd of the ensuing November, after calling for a new election. It is now only the 19th of April, Give answered Cromwell, sharply. me leave to tell you that the Sd of November will not da Such a far-opromise Is hut words for children. I win better IL I will say This speech had a marked effect The Parliamentary members agreed to let the bill for perpetuating themselves live over until after another conference to be held the following day, and with this understanding, the members of the Council separated. ff CHAPTER IX. Cromwell Interferes. Daylight came with tbat soft of sunshine over fresh green I told you, Doctor, this and spufs. morning, that a settlement of some kind must come When I reached Whitehall I found the Lord General waiting for Sir Harry Vane and the members who bad promised to come and continue tbe conference relating to the bill early In the day. The General was occupying himself with a book, but as tbe hours went by he .grew restless and laid it down. Then he turned to me and said. Truly these men are long in coming; are you ready, General? and before I could answer be asked again ready and willing? I told him a word would move my troop as one man, if that word came from himself, and he waited silently a little longer. Then Lord Cluny Neville came in very hastily, and said a few words, I know not what they were, and he had scarce gone when Col. Ingoldsby entered. and there was no secrecy then. My lord! be cried, Parliament is sitting at this moment, and Sir Harry Vane, Sidney and Henry Marten are urging the immediate passage of tbe bill so hateful to tbe whole nation. "Then Cromwell roused himself like' an angry lion. His passion at this perfidious conduct leaped Into flame, he shouted to Lambert and bis own troop of Ironsides. He gave me the signal I understood, and we went quickly to the Parliament house. But what then?" asked Doctor Verity, bis face burning with the eacar soul behind It to-da- g 5 1 hr o; |