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Show UTIH South Star and Titus fctAff. EVENING MAIL. IaII liAkl Clli mDaCi !! The Mall Printing and Publishing Co. will not bo Reipomlblo for any bill contraotod by any perion ed S. 8. JOHNSON, Manager. MAIL SACKS. The Tribune follows wont dino with judge White Last nigbta diipatchea will ba found our third page. . girai "Wick Thh fkreweU benefit; Millonial Star plouse a ' py. Thru feat of anow In Silvor City; Tic tin aa a general thing la not much of a mow country,. . Tttie waa tba coldeat morning In the memory of the lateat inhabitant. Tbr Theatre will open afternoon and evening; they hare a good hill. Tna. Shooting Cluba bare made no arrangemente fur a match tomorrow; they aspect to get turkeya at two bita apiece. JBorrow a gun; buy come ammunition, and then walk ' two milea over Jordan and get aome rabbit (tracks). Lanas fkmllioa attending tbe "Candy matinee, had better provide themaelvea with a basket, it will be 10 much han- . - ' dier1 "u-nao- w. ' ht New Year's For New Years. Flag Everybody will go snd got s gift at the New York Candy Store this evenSueh was the ing or for tho superior candies manufactured by Messrs. Stearns A Anglo that their heavy Chii.tinas stock was completely sold out, and the large assortment of chocolate and maple- - eerainnls, walnut, and fig and date creams, chocolate drops, humpty dumply, almond bar, cable end innumerable other choice varlotiiis, that now adorn their windows and dock their counters, have all been manufactured s' nee Christinas', and are consequently fresh snd aromatic. pule; also the amount of ore extracted, the manner in wh'ch it has been worked, and minute details regarding the mines Just fancy, ten experts! generally. and each to have a report, longer than tbe moral law stratifications, dips, spurs, variations, stopes, brea.tr, tunnels, winxos, long erpurionoa as a on minor tbo Pacific Coast, practical longitude, latitudu, horizontals, "relative oorrucl" maps; approximate value of ore extracted. Thnre cannot he hut one mine, ah I " there's tho rub. Who stole the ore? llow are you going to get your money back fur the ore taken T Pioneer witnesses and curb stone minors' to the frontl Hera is a show for you; you recollect tba notice that was sluok in the crotch of a tree ten years ago, of course you do; and you recollect outfit, what Talbot told tbe Flag-sta-ff too, don't you? But thon you sea it is an impoiaibility for an export to lie; they never dona it in their "long exOh! no, thny are more perience, honest than Georgs Washington; he vied to tell a lie and couldn't; they can toll a lie and won't. It will bo no trick stall fbr Judgo White to lake tbe maps and reports and come at once to a decision. AH he has to do is to take the maps and repoKs of one sido, throw the other into the waste baskot, and we in four minutes; guarantee a doci-io- n but as the case is' now in the hands of the court we will refrain from an intended notice, and give fair warning that when it is dec'ded we will be around and have in our little sa-- so woe bolide the follows what stole the ore. with thla Office, without an Ordar from tho underlined. on v. The court sent sn engineer with three assistants, bes'eia fivs mining experts on each aide to make ipss of tho underground working! of the property In di i con-naot- luauumi inomraiaB HWSI IliMHB ay ca li; JNO. ERIKSON, Clear allfornla All DrinltM ;1.,-- a 1 O 1 Cl o t"2 M and their friends call mound and sea O. Cu wer k Cu.i windows, boauti.ully ladon a ith Christinas l'rui 's, etc. It is really a foat lotaooreto wit.ie s such a une display ul confectioneries, 0 artistically arranged. Fixe Now York the ll.iiidavx a. C.B. fur Cux-- Qh 0 Yo"?. i wu ii d Vi J i. uni .i, iu x din-- C. It. Babbitt offetv the bert spoiled ilnck of Furniture and I)o' a ttoods ic tha city. i.r ii Ilo.- Old Year, Coot. Bya! K8t-uuei- !n 1 d, - in New York th:s after-n- uu-v- . mw n'i.A. j! Ula-- v cpvl'.iK stock of C'oekr acd oilier waro at C. ft. ! r OiJrrs u ii ). CL 1 thousand Tbi-tpe- p- tha-. Important toPjDii-id its K- b1 oi X - N H H 1 t g O - 0 M V rA u J ro si 1 !? 1 to E FISH, FISH, FISH ! .o roa voca :;i:s !E(Ja F rorej i Trout IsEW YEARS No. Mo r;si ruuiis i First IKS tntol-- i ! ntiicr Flcb, gs to ib::iss giawi !cn- -i TrCul, He ring, f opp:si.e 3iutiuU rtr-e- t, Nowk. lake Treat, I lints, Uulld. trj Trout, by tire ba--and retail, lie aells rheapur tlua L. A. AU ;LU. uy oce ese in to n. wbt-le-a- AT TIil i BULLS . of all i- i I is ou-lr- Knit 1 Lf i r uc-l- ii. IJy NEW YOR KCA5-D- Y L.TURE! HEAD KEflT ! MARKET, BUI - TH- CClfo UV Second South Strest, W,...vrn it ini u.t!. 'I.i;;. n i i. ft 31 PorU, Wa?) i!on, ru::K diUjAGX. 1'IS ESI ClllteS. UC.vD . a "..r HEVJ-YEA- GIFT HS ... tto N .ro bj'cu Si.ir'in; - 1 g a s, 'rcj.lt Veniion, elron autl at tba JMil picklml, sartH-l- , lilcaM n Way-Dow- ! th-- tha name il!--'a- fr.a ItiiiffiUn Em. ; ui it. to 1 IB LJM IS with every other variety of Meats, at tbo towcit figure. Golil Ilusl, Coin & IluIIicn. We are Determined to do Business TO wni.:h i tlot.avol. i.i. lit'. Tmlii Jiiv.'t, S.'l hLf a tad iu ti-- v i l.l efv, rs.-a- luadiii-- ; lu the Kti'e ut L--n Rlku y Travo ing I'a-ter- Ninth-l.'a-tar- Cxrhnngrs on all tho lrluclpi tltlea or I tie I'altnl Mirs autl a nrupe lv u 'o i Feel on a Prl cnUv s rviul J at rata ut i.xuii . lr d svtu mi d. ) of iwu ur. n 0 iiL! According to the Times. sd Vcikious liomt-- M de t'oua Nation 1 (iuli tank -- an CAtlDY, CAM! ra 11 V 020 PlitK JOSLIN & PARK, k M Lout 'Ji-- a .a Uuia a Kali na! Honk Jewelers! lIsnKfactiiring K. Wi Imey O aS.bi 1 C'k M. 7 , e lli.k rs.. wit u'ii JLftVIl JJaUN. U L' g. NnUTil-wrarr- . so :B, aa we Fraui-lic- -- i Aflmn-y- by tho Ami ask ott- - fr'cttds to ; iv.i us be etire to pte we y-- u ruimkTs. iwli Ag It uk l i Cu uierotsl It natal Lank B siitnnsv.ngs la. i. Wo sell Meals Stoaky Cut or Quarter, Mining Stocks Sought and Sold on . Commission. K,it Io ud of Our . tr-ha- ain-bur- Who Kins a : jc.-- e i.a-iid- in And Se-in- il-b- er - b -- We-t,o- Cb'u-ajo- Leo Hollander, tYutrhc, Jrwrlry, Kteniiig Kllvir.srd (NEW YEARS EVE) D1.S0US, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, Clock, Etc., Etc., Di Ul OKlM R 1IUU0., AKO MALT LAKH PLATED WARE. BEST SILVER (lrY, - . - ITtH Avd tbeyeuuo, Wycating. Yeai's A gran candy inatinret at which Cherry and Fair Star will b.igivon, with in, 0 0. qpp - oitiin by wliut ro.ito tbair dot iniat'-euitb t a lea I Im.ib'u, and irthor.-Sit v nr word reads aj.i ian hi rue.-1- m p! VAL. FAU3AL, ur s uieiice al 2 o ffllcst Market. and six dollars d. I'crforinauco m St Kyi TilE VRY PL VC 1 T have been received th!s weuk by Well, Fargo ds Co., principally from the Fiity-two- . Ontario mino, lhmiand thren hundred and sixty-fodollars so far this mouth from that dr ouiion. It -. liven' Bullion. ted-an- d d.iiintf.il 9C 8 ml J5 AJ Yu-- A lu-l- 12:110, 9 t2 re.-nr- To-Nig- cpnn al Aa m r.ln-l'a- er-o- Saut-Xoue- lo w and 3o rti - Um flaur-couc- to make to order, and have on tana, for sale, every vsrtoty of brashes, e pial K not superior, to the tmimrted artlclo. Wu. Miua, 8uerintondent, No. IIT Main Street, a fl tw doors below the Walker House. Q u s15q r no IIAZZAKD MHS. ?f1 : icno, Ft II Al'e.i. .u.;!ii i l.ii'mi i r ilviin dn A 0 (I K ...I Ii. uiii-jiu ius.i, A i a ii u.hjin K ;:ea tulle-- 'uu.toa d to-d- 0 i J UI - 1 Pd 2 s ? W , s Hl Wio H Q 9 rt Vno-heirs- , par-ta;- Some of the boys, tuastmg their slii.is IS. the fire talked boastingly Late ofC. c.Jwjy, New York. of tbe amount of oie they hid shipped r, this its vea;s, and tho amount FASHIONABLE MILUHES. of money they received, wbiio that de mure lookmg individual in tbo corner, who Mej lo attract yur attention to the snow and chaws the end of his cignr so I. utleV Own 31 tori. I CoroViiJIv XtnUe vehemon'.iy, has little to say on that lp. iu ILs talcsi Mtyie. sJJe:. his mine fared to pan out. I -- u eon lioa.'s . a u Itv e c A & 0 k! 3 rt v rt : at 13. Difference. A coied Go a , A X th-i- ce etc.; only dont all -' UJ M H a. recks shall fly come al once. CO S- fa wi.-hi- d P jao, ys 'A a 01- - Pinthistcyourrmmory. u-- Ph h 02 x ta H 04 n PH . When indl!-oc-- l and for imin'.-diarclla:, call on Aiv.u R 3lca:'UY and oi llioir (icliLiou beverages, which never i's1 If .a .cn in tuie. ig t M re Finances. T And; air, JiiiK.-M.i- 'H ? o3 5-- k our journalistic eyp wo lcgvft sat this evening will be tho Wo hive already received several last oppnrtun'ty we sha:l e j iv of talk of tha 'Bi'.iy-d.i- " misrives, anl p rs.).i with our f iupds rad put o" through al notification from the fair sex in 'limcf iho Mail, duiing th Ibeco'umns ing us of d.:gn to politico upon us at And 1875. so, wi say t one and year an early dale, rfler Im ng in n all A happy, luppv New Year Luap-yeCome or.o, uume all tWe We take pieaiu.-in sta:i.ir, that th I'liii'tidi R Nunru Wi-sk ilii .wir i. Istheu'.det, snd mile Iho rhorte-- t, leiile Vetweea Omaha nndChi.-a.i. Within the urt tveyvui--liiread bed ba loeu int iu aduiiruble cei.dll u.i, mid a: mo t the entire WatJh MoeMnc Splendid Bargains. line baa I'cau refold niih leal rail. Two new Sewing Machines for sale clrap, A wati-- mottling will bo in tho The l)oiut ii Chive m is loc onaoeountof hard times. One resting $1.5 as their trams uro thirty-innte in ad- -' will bo sold for to. end nn IK machine for M. E. Chuich In trig lit, cnininoncing at nil other line, i'i.pu:;er4 ran ulwuv- Iirotln-rKo. 'J hose machines hve never been used 8 oclock and closing at 12. . n esare ! mm inj and no auk-- oppoi lenity will be ngnln afford-elruf. Clark Smith and U. M. rcirte all la.iiits n Nurths n andn,nnoi-ttDn- n Fur Apply to L. W.fttvsgsR Co., three doors wdl preach, and Kevi. Wayno Carver lows, you i hould imi ebaVe ticket via 3! il, below the Walker House. . i eder or Clinton. Ftar ail oli.ts and C. 1. Lyfrml will dulivor addresses in a be. Illinois nr Wi con. In. via Fulnor, cordial A invitation ia extended to all L. Coldberg A Co., ton; andifyua srosd.ig to hirau. or Fa-- t Under Wasatch Hotel, offer the laigast and who would foul it a privilege to thus you sbuald bv all w-n- s, your bast stock of Winter ( lei king, at pi leas that spend tha closing hours of tho departing by the (I'd l'loneer Hunt daiy competition in this tnaiket. Just Thu Ciiic too R a tot of Fins Ilroadutolh tiulU latest year. You will find oo all he trains Iullman sty las. Hoad-QuartaHloe.'-nr- , Restaurant. lie and indViiiiluent tjy IVia.-- .v Valley Houea. (jailers faliH.n. Mr. .lull tbo lie t S. no 'i'lir nd Clau. Cur our A. realert We wot id call the attention of knows how to mu a r rtcurmil in if un any road in the 1'mted Ftater. i.o c to the Valley House, 'ihli hotel is one of lirst-- ass St to. wa gave John a call, and Iaitfoular Inluriaaliun, wifi ina., tiiue the best the city- It la ceutraily luuated. rscOiiiiuand tne inu-f- a tliliuis eplcu. nut to I blot, oil., ui y bo had al any of tho Thtuu!,-for resort become tai.o bur Hurd, but call and see for thorn- end has the favorite r id Hilives in the TV. uain r ianonal ires. IU rot vs- - up meals In the mining friends; tho charges are reasonable, J. II Muoyrua, dri- ltod U'tjliea iun to and al) tbo comforts of a houia are given bv and hia table are suprlidd w.th Uvatarn Ttavellnj Agent, Omaha, Neb., or 111 enterprising ; roprlitors, Messrs, Lab I ths best tbe market afiirik Peinember tbe to ' W. A. Smun, . Borenscn. liuse,iu rear of lleuil ijuartuisitoioon. lia (leneral ia sensor Agent, I guarantee,, M K New Tomb. Uen.r3I. Goveinmer.ta d'lli Imon 71, money ::; stw-Ldull; 'la-re17,.; raciiir. ai'.j: Walls Fsro Hi; XV f'anJral. 1IU7H: E ie. 13i: lanaina. 12,; U iinn Iuu fln, i: ; tame, buuds lu,, j , M o & O 0 Quten.-ilvc- r Lyes. E M r M With tears SsfL-ioii- Now rt, y. W s e Home-mnc- r. Lea-Yea- n Read Thla. Hum. 02 W Tne manufacture of tha alkalies, tato Cad :al bond.-- luc- wlch Mr. Clare ce Bi. rell has ro cently entc td, is deserving of publio eu HOTEL ARRIVALS. We trust Mr. B. will couragement. find his comme.idable ezerl'ons in this Townzw Born. direction ampy backed up by ell tbe J U MiTelvi-foAFciPio bo JO Veithveir, "d , i' o. i.o 8r a R w . Uv.tn material aid requisite to make the enter. JII lari. Kv-i- n , riiuwell il liuA-a-. 0 Tiiuo P'ise, i i all its branches, a final and ti' U J n LLbu., .availt a he t, N Y.ik success. F. complete vn.r.Kv ncisv. Everybody Fanv-Saui-- ; O rt otl.-ii-i- t, ... C'lOMatCI' Oji and Ph CO ' .. t1"1 reanulkctured brushes of arery A superior article made to order. Ceutw. 1 lea, Porier, Wlma, Br ndiea, a th-c- well-fu'nii-- t Firet Bomb (treat, 29 (A. 31. 8HITH'8 OLD BfAXD.) 2!i-- ss . Wins Depot! H- -t a la-g- Hoin tha We-lerbas a display of flue beef, tel building, pork, mutton, veal, etc. Ilia sirloins are pronounced most luscious. TASKOS. 1 s Val. Fauyal, 'URT- :.7-- ut Tha fabled phenix Firing from iU match, ten birds each, this morning, at aslu-- t is more than le.iilz-o- l in Tag-s- .l tho Warm Springs. Sweepstakes follow. & Son's drug eriabli.hment. It went C Brigham, and a bevy of his chosen, down in the cor.flagralio.i of Malthii-sons block; it hai appeared in vigor goon a free ride lo Provo dino with Mayor Smoot, and return in and beauty in Sharp's new block, ad' tho evening. Their now joining tho Deserot Bank. I Our tnanager Is now happy; Dr. store is 8 fool dorp, 21 foot front and 18 o Two Hamilton changed tho prescription, lie fm-- t from floor to cei'.'rg. windows, HU fret by 5, uyi ho " couldnt take it very easy," plate-glaadmit tne su.'shWie by day and at night (not over four ounces at a swallow). Thkrr are now no turkeya in the illumine the dn knees with their varied Doctor has a large and tithing yard, they have all been gob lights. The office fur private cae, bled up, in tbo rerr of hia store. immediately Thr Herald not publishing We Invite attention to the cx:d of' this will give the "independent" men Arm in cur advertising enterprising an opportunity to wash his under columns. clothing. The Ladies Journal, Waverly, LesStevens & Co. First door north of theFedoal Couit lie, Harper, Ledger, and all the lea ling weeklies, comics, magazines of fashion House," hare on hand a splendid nssir tueut whole ale nia large stock of and literary and icientifiu publical'on snd retail, lens, nk, etc., end duly toiuto-lil'u- n of the day, for the New Year, present lor quality and prices. Their shelves are saw attractions; and can be had at lillod vrlih books, bUudard wor'us" of the be t authors, and every Tariety of reading Baybouid's. maiter, light and h avy, lo suit everybody Go to Arsenal Hill at 10 Pictures in great variety, ladies work boxes, oclock. Sea tha boys pay two bits to Aa, in foot the best buare in town to soleet a "plug away" at a turkeys head and Holiday prarenL Every perrond who vi.it Slovens k Co.' store w'll be plea-eto see the perhaps get it. variety of Mild and splocdld goods they hove Bin. Tasker and Bill Hickman to offer, at the very lowe-- t prices. Cull and roe for jruui. elves. walked up tbe street together this mornnotaare of Utahs too ing. .They Saturday Night. bles and a healthy pair to "d.-ato. As will bo evoi hy ruference to the At tha Leap Year Bawl in the 11. Ii Managers announcomusit i.i our col tha ladles will escort tha umns this evening, Cherry and hair ward choose their partners, paying Star will be gents and for lilts lu- -l liin s fbr the tickets and treating to oy.-liright. In addition to that if they have any. charming piece, Mr. 11a. ris hits itvpurcd thu tliiilii.ig Three will be a Fireman's Bail to for tha iniiiti O'ca-iu- i nautical drama, Thu Lo-- t Ship, thus night in Ogden. Great p:epa: aliens A' being made, con.tituimg a giand doubie tu'i for t:n! tho cluaing of opening ni.Jtl CvL. tinirnx, of Biogham, will cal'.e s a foot of snow Happy New Year's day. to tba cont:ary notwithstanding. . - :i, 1 1 Rl . oruxixn xxd fLos vn. genuine. across the Sir Vea.vliSco, Deo. 31, 1873. Our friend Louis n su sna ; way, not umr'ndful of .ho lalwr and 7tr, .hi r, .u ; liil 1 ..ir.P 31 a new HI.', I'iC sorrow of bringing lito t io wor-lbo: JO.'a Stti :i) ; tu zi j, "a 1. A ii ..a , o Firstclass Family Restaurant. luminary in tho galaxy of j iurnali.m, 47Isisei a a 21 il'j J.1 : 21,' il bi lilJh inead of congrat11x1.7,51(11 si a Men of dallrete taste and tho families tendered his courteous I'o riti7'. H i SJl.'i i association ,1eaa.it a)d refined, ulation in tha aubstantials abounding at M.JsAct who wlj-l'lj.i I .'111ln;XHi 111 while imrtaklnx of tholr regular inoali. can-nliu;sril UijtI H tba Milwaukee Hall. Kent ek "1. li do boiler in tbe e'ty than to prosur Kin nil' I u' ifi 2 A nd now is our joy complete. A colbo .:d t Slru. Mary ftfovltinan'i Ilo taur.-n- t Al 21 a.:; 3 sn Uetciier 4,2;. 31 blO 33 lation from tha Saddle Rock that would o,i. c to tba Tow.trend Hove. Kreritimg I omHe f ca'di . " flr'L j'asa, ard prices reasonable. Fu.i-idiohave given gusto to epicures; an oyster .id unfinished rooms to be hud. stesr from Undo Vmcnnt, of tha Ante but here ends our space. lopo, and Married. 01 rie To be continued next year. aicheih. 0;itho32d inst., at Bloomington, III., Kii ova. aijii r J i'r. Ic- - 7 '.T ; . 27 Ul MissSalUe Worthington Divi, the . u H. .. n kki l.i.ion ; j RECEPTION j b: daughter of Justice David y I: yen 5 5;,' u 01 X1, 3.4 fatO la di. 1 receives ave Gov. Ilis lire t) Emory Excellency )avis, of the Supremo Court of the LH'i Julia 17 id IIP,' l.iJi 730 La uduois ii.i 21 Jnited States, and Mr. lluny Sluart friunds at tho Executive Rooms, Walkbeon New er Years Day, lloue, Swayne, of Toledo, 0., son of Just'ce tween the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p.m. Street Quotations. Swaync, also of the United States Six pBAxrmro, D.;.d, IS7X 11 a, u. Supremo Court, wore united in wedlock For Sale. I) b r5IS b the ltev. Samuel B. Tagga t, pastor by liiCMbs Two hundred acres of Swamp Land Cals M b of the First Presbyterian church of that 1SR It .nd 3 b be can on which gov any placed Scrip, assisted Me tbe John iu, b Kjv. city, by '. b ernuient land surveyed or unsuryeyed. .etn. Lrjrs.n Tab J.Uo Chippewa scrip, which can be il Al l 2 b H R .i 4)'i b Fob Sam. An on I'leef'.Ciita! placed on surveyed land in or out of Chullar Ilk! b ean be hail at L. J. Ili vers k Co.'s, 8 .er ir a tbe market. doors south of the Walker Uoue, fa two HR .tlbCO.'fs office of tho Mining at the Enquire Sara?,a U) b Ono, now, cost tllj, will Sewing CalaTi r.o be sold for jT3; one, new. ro t i?", fur t.;3, Gazelle one, door north of the Post Con YaiiM b To be .o.d on an r oo.--r . Office. Palatial Stare. A d M Morning Report. 1 Louis 0ESVER and P, Swan, of the Was etch shooting club, have a private ud - J. htMl Ca in Waihar...- 1 GUARANTEED. an 'I Bt pairing pr mptly stimsied to. ci'Kxl vrurk daiw at very tuw prirtw. tfonier Unumnesal tirst Mouth SAN FRANCISCO STOCK MARKET 11 FIT It Humidity iiiruction of Wind MiIm psr Hour eof GOOD r.ennrina si.id oinetar ls TbariiiO'iwtor S.-t- 0A 'on J Tl .na of obse-va- 1 ni rg IUMliloimblo Tiillop Wa have received from Sargsant the folluw'ng n'port from the War Di'pertnrent Signal Service, United Slates Army: Wencknowlndge from Messrs Slmirna & Angnl.of the N-York Card vSioro, of sam-pia "hosp of g.iodivs, of their fresh and delicious confections. Mr. Georga Moan, of Walker Bro'i & Co.'s Una liquor establishments, has our tlinnka for those cheering cordials, Trat Bordeaux was as sublime aa it was co.i-i-t'- CARL J. CANNCN, WEATHER REPORT. Oui Mends have placnd os under renewed obligations for lli.-i- r kind rommn-branof us aga' 1, at New Yrar's, Peak, this morning, at 6:80, tho thermometer waa 11s below aero. This is tha coldest reported on For Dscembar. thla range of latitude tbe present winter, Hoad-Quarta- is Tiia Educational Jorr.wl tor tha aloon. ' Ora own braaa monkey nearly had hia 'I h Is saloon has been remodel led and til tel last month in 1875 comas lad-- with in the latest lalsse itrio, where every comfor the teacher and scholar. toaa frozen this morning coldest of tho fort will be exteudei to customer! and pabulum Th'a number aeaaon hero but clear aa a bell. tor-on friends. Cy IV completes tha first half is the Host. and ha dofie in ard the brands of Prof. Ll.iuors volume, competition Coyner fuels enconr Job Hall, adopted aon of Bishop ha offers to hia eurioineri. tat everybody it with future aged pnnpeuls. It is tho L. D. Young, while harnessing a buna aire him a call duriug the holiday. Johnny flr-- t wa believe, and, kick'od only educational was in the stomach. fisher holds forth iu tha reiir dealing out yesterday, in mrnal the published Territories, and la substantial tha inner not man in for will man the It good shape, likely young deserves liberal encouragement. with everything clean and nieo. survive. At Pikaa Com?ilment. r "v ll.iu to com Happy iMe'V Pianittuil Yaar. Sfilin 4- Tho way lit ha happy is to livo well and have a clear conscience, the living part, cull at thu Valley Uucso and you will ba satisfied. Pr - 8 Jjirmlly, 0 Wstehrs and Jewelry UK' Alltlll) iN I Lit. to. Ordera pnnupily LIAS du2V tw slt ii A Ml W.L-i- i To Morrow (NEW YEAR'S DAY Vd to. HOLLAS 111 U. Waaatch UuUil llulldlug. Fine fiaiire (iolil Jcrccty -- Of Kvary Ourorplluc, or UtPAXBINa carefully tvaited to. I ' ' aaj promptly at |