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Show V THE OGDEN POST Friday, February 1, 1929 A Ad Evening With the Spirits School Apportionments (Utah Taxpayer) Utah Legislature Urged to Provide for Feeble-Minde- d By RING LARDNER A few years ago one of the school districts in this state complained to that they were unable to 1ST governor eortinue their schools. The treasury public spirited vs empty. A few citizens in that school district had been obliged to go into their own funds for the conpockets to raise schools. of the. tinuation Wishing to know the facts, the empowered two well informed citizens to go into that' school district td study the situation. A hearing 1 ( l j and assessed valuation can be This survey shows that in Beaver county the average ratio between assessed valuation and actual valuation on real estate is 38.74r while in Salt Lake City it is 67.54 VI . If the Beaver county assessor should assess property on the same basis as is being done in Salt Lake City, and if the present levy in Beaver should be applied an entirely different story would be told. Instead of asking the other school districts to supply it with $2.G39 it would raise approximately $16,000 upon its own property. This would enable Beaver school district to meet all its requirements and leave a surplus of approximately $13,000. But since it is not contemplated that a school district shall have any reserve at the end of the school year, the school board could at once cut down its levy to a point that would just raise the required revenue. What is true of Beaver is true of several other school districts in the state. IIow is this to be corrected? it come voluntarily? Experiences of the past do not jus tify that hope. Students of this question are coming more and more to the conclusion that the solution lies in the increase of power to the State Board of Equalization in the entire field of assessments, individual as well as class. This will mean that if any school district, if any county or city should, studiously or otherwise, assess below the average of the state on any class of property, the State Board of Equalization would be empowered to order such assessment up to the general level. This would have an immediate effect upon the distribution of school funds. There then would be no reward, as is now the case, for low assessments. There would be no penalty upon the taxpayers in a senool district where the assessments are maintained at a high level As a matter of equity and fairness this power of readjustment should be placed with some body that is independent and free from local pressure, prejudice and persuasion. Then, the distribution of school funds would be made on an equitable basis, fair to those who receive and to those who contribute. gov-eip- or About thirty of the leading taxpayers in that district were called in and sworn. ' these two men sent ,it happened thatknew the manner in the governor by were made in that assessments wlich county. Accordingly one large cattle man was asked how many cattle he was 500. Then, hd. The answer the startling ques-Itiecame j is it, on wy that nd you are able to make a bank on 1,500 head of the at loin ty. to f cattle in i Boys, they've got us, was the sig-n- if Ms arranged. n, r leant retort .There was the answer to the dilemma. The manner of assessment in that county was the cause of the whole tor j difficulty. They had studiously evad-tee on ind . -- m ed anything like a full assessment ggl were now looking to the state, oi some other schol doistricts, to play I the role of Santa Claus. 0 much by way of introduction to a study of the tabulation in this issue the distribution of school funds. According to the present plan, twenty-fschool districts are beneficour Oil iaries at the expense of the other six- -. teen. What would happen if all the property in all these school districts were assessed at the same ratio of I it actual value ? If the ratio between the assessed valuation to the actual value of property were the same in ; Beaver school district as in Morgan or.in Washington or in Salt Lake City, twgat would it mean? The taxpayer i may ask, Is there a difference? f Yes. It ranges all the way from 1 88,71 to 67.54. How do we know? The Los Angeles and Salt Lake and the Oregon Short Line Railway systems have made it a point over a pefiod of years to study real estate transfers in all the counties traversed J iff their lines. Thousands of these transactions have been checked so that an average ratio between actual I APPORTIONMENT OF THE SCHOOL FUNDS 1928-192- 9 Amount Paid Into State District District School Difference Fund Cche Carbon Daggett Divis Duchesne Emery Garfield Grand Granite Iron Jordan Juab I Kane Millard Morgan I : 8,474 6,007 North Sanpete Nerth Summit 2,651 815 Pirk City Pitte 1,038 669 603 Kkh Sap Juan ., , ; 892 3,618 2,407 580 Setier , Sopth Sanpete t South Summit iTittic 1,391 Tooele iUifatah iWgsatch Washington Wayne Weber Salt Lake City Ogden Provo Logan Murray 39,863 Gain 2.659 Gain 51,626 Loss 74,794 32,763 187,519 112,841 126,001 2,750 86,168 26,214 32,498 12,064 24,642 185,221 45,925 823,990 33,689 9,258 71.325 30,807 137,500 33,694 33,554 38,185 8,825 14,879 10,340 51,911 31,638 20,000 29,723 86,739 31,451 48,533 16,501 5,093 90,285 896,743 190,108 45,414 31.326 22,224 $ Agri Beaver Bex Elder 2,526 3,040 1,772 2,406 755 3,710 12J275 6,410 274 9,800 39.493 18,908 21.494 12,183 2,197 1,161 192,963 6,338 7,316 7.659 13,324 925 26,379 15,025 14,586 6,385 1,170 9,940 30,347 23,087 6,814 1,902 29,308 37.666 8,245 38,201 12,072 5,935 141,044 59,237 49.667 39,246 13,062 by Governor Dern, Welfare Organizations Clubs, and Mental Hygiene Society. vWW-WWWWWWW'- Gain Loss Gain Gain Gain Gain Gain Loss Loss Gain Loss Loss Gain Gain Loss Loss Gain Loss Loss Gain Loss To tho The oilier 1'. M. they was u bunch of us up In Yonkers lalklng about wliat terrible spirits you tel urouud X. Y now days and 1 of the birds hi Hie party name Herb ruy lie knew where they was some beautiful spirits tun! we salt lead us (o it ami lie took u down lu .Vi st. and 5 live, und they was a doctor's name on the door und I said to myself this guy will probably gite us u piYscrlpth.il that will knock us for a goal. Hut the dc took us in a Inside room and Introduced us to a ludy whom they all cail Medic, witch 1 learn was short for Medium so you see the kind of spirits we got and tho kind we lliuuglit we was point; Pt wus 2 different kluds of spirits. Medio was a Medium rare blonde lady that could of lose lid or 40 pounds und still talk back to Gene Tuuney. Well, pretty soon Medic and the doc and our party went Into still another room yet where they was nhuul 2U other guests mostly female that looked like the end of a perfect wasli day. A alum mater of Obcrlin col logo nst me to look at a kind of a close line tlm' was stretched acrost the room aud on It was a bunch of toys such as dolls and cooties aud etc. witch Medic laid told her wus for the buby spirits to play with wlieu they got cross. We was all put around In a circle like Yale learning their signals In the 4th quarter. I set next to Juck aud his Mrs. from Yonkers and the rest of we skepiicnls was scattered around amidst the believers Is there somebody here name It says Medle so I says yes it was me. This 1s Edward says the spirit and Medie ast me If I had a brother Edward and I says yes. So Medle says This is your brother Edward that was killed in s accident a long wile ago wasn't he? So I says yes 3 yrs ago. Then Edward said Hello there und 1 said hello Edward how are you and be said hello there and I couldnt refute It so he left the field with the last word and give bis megaphone to a Irish comedian. 1 Oh, doc. heres Tat O'Brien rays the lie is a funny Irishman that is with us every night, get his brogue. So then Tat told a Irish story that died even longer ago than Edward, but you dont feel like razzing the spirit so everybody laughed the right amount Before the darkness had fell 1 bad noticed a bird retting over to the left of me that was a countryman of Nora Holmer and now all of a sudden a spirit spoke to him In Norsk! and be answered back In the same strain and I never understood Norway before but as soon as these birds begin to talk 1 knew they was saying hello Knut hello there and etc. Pretty soon Medle turned to the live rkl Jumper and told him his mother waa going to die. She was all right the last time Well she Is seen her says EllerL die" Medle and to personly says going I think she waa right as Ellert was around 45 yrs. old and when a man gets that age their mother la seldom never trying oat for the Vsssar basket hall team. Here's a beautiful spirit, who does He says he want says Medle next dear boy. Lots of people call me that says Herb the guy that had broughten us Gain Gain Gain Loss Gain there at $2.00 a crack. Loss Yes It la your father and he says Gain Loss he was on the river once in a boat Gain when be was a little boy and was Gain saved from drowning and he says Loss something about a dog. Did a dog ever Loss swim out and save your father from Gain Gain drowning?" Well no says Herb after a terrible Gain Gain pause. But a dog barked and roused up the neighbors and they come to the Probate and (Guardianship Notices Consult County Cli-ior Respective Sinner for Further Information. Notice to Creditors Cniirl nf Kitnin! Judicial Vt;ih Is one of only three state in tin some ronSict wiih orcaiiled I fur (In-- ('iniily f WVtwr, Stilt in In lln miilti-uf tlunf I't.-iulate uf (iitii'e country which has not pro-- clot). Aiul the iariiciil.ir A. ll.iu k. (TmliUira Will a separate! Institution for the dividual coinvnu d is ln liln-- insane, to llir;t il, .uni mill viiui'ln ni i' Htliiiiiiimrairiv at the law care of its feebleminded, accord ini; deaf and dumb nor blind lie doc not tinI II. uf ii'r:iih Van yki, 00'J to a recent report of tho United States draw public inpathy. Thu mental 111 ill III tr. tiuili'ii, ll.ili, mi ur March bureau of eenaus on blindness which lmpcll him to taka li, It. m vuriiA Rirmi. In 6tato institutions. the wrong turning does not show. To isii.NMM Ailiiiiiii.-hiinf tha ratal of Amelia A. Hawk, minded Realizing the urgent need for such Ihe avorago citizen the II. VAN HVKK. au in.-- t it the Utah Society transgressor with the mental age of r. rown.i.. Atlniln-i. fur for Mental Hygiene is leading In a eight yeui's looks about like everyone l.ilr uf fiml January I. 1920. movement to urge upon the legisla- else. This fact makes It even more Hair uf Uni iitilication February I, !)!!. some scientific and ture! the necessity of inakiug un ap- imperative that bo provided Institution buildl for to a home this propriation class of un oiiunatc ami provide them for their care. In commenting on the fate of a tywith the training necessary to nmko In tin Ointrii-- I'.mrt uf the Km mo Judicial child under existpical them useful members of society. Dimricl in and fur I hr County uf Weber, Stale conditions, tlm society says: nf Hlah In the mailer uf Ihe ratal uf Tho seriousness of tha present sit- ing frrditura will laick of success in tho srhool room lluiinah Martinnmi, uation is shown by facts gathered unrlamia with voucher attached the mentally drfeetlvo child unnukes to ill admiiiietrutur at the law der the direction of tho society. They office uf Hurrah II. Van Dyke. 609 Kcclra happy, restless and frequently delinIVik n. Hlah. un or before March bring out very forrihly that tho neglect lllshome life may bo economi- 6,Pulldinu. quent. 1929. ot the results in criminJ. FRANCIS FOW1.KS, cally depressed. When he reaches the ISismd) Admlniatratur uf Ihe eatate of ality and degeneracy, all the more pit- limits of Ills capacity to learn in the liaiinnh Murtinaon. iful because It coulJ be prevented. (Pass room, and lias neither a Job nor HFKKAII II VAN HYKF, . Under proper care potential criminals Attorney fur adinniieti-atnrthe endurance to stay In school, the Hate nf fu.l iuldieHf ion January 4, 1929. could be made Into useful citizen. Hat of laat publication February 1, 1929. truant olllcors may do tho only thing According to a survey mado In Utah left for them to provide some caro by Dr. George L. Wallace director for the misfit tura him ovor to the of the committee on mental hygiene juvenile court. Onesuch boy became In the United States, anil other reli- a ward of the court uudor the followIn Ihe Hulriel ('mirt of tho gerund Judicial able information available there are ing circumstances: I hut riel, in and for the county of Welier, In the matter of the eatat of IMnh about 500 children in "He waa a confirmed truant with Slate nf Laura nibble Mender, derraaed. Creditor this state In pressing need of custo- the nctuul age of eleven and the men- will iinwent their eliiiiiyt with vouchers tn the adininial rotor at dial care. Dr. Wallace's investigation tal ago of eight years. Ills mother tho trust of tha Hirilvn State shows that Utahs percentage of was a moron drug addict, and no Hank, 2.MI0 Waahiinclon Avenue, Onden, Utah, on nr lief, ire April fi, 1929. Is from one to one and matter liow much money hit indus(SltiNKH) one-hacent O. J. STILLWELL, per trious father enrned tha children nevTrual officer uf the Oyilen Slate The present haphazard manner of er had enough satisfying food. VarHank, administrator of the relate few who tho for someto ious persons attemptod of Laura Dibble llemler. do caring If. SKEEN. are given any attention these unfor- thing with the family, but they could Attorney fur edminialretor. I 'Ml nf firm puldiratiun, tunates, according to figures compiled not broak It up In time to salvage the February 1, 1929. Hale of laat publication, Marrh 1, 1929. by tha society, Is costing the taxpay- children. All tlm children stole wheners much more proportionately than ever hunger pressed them too savIf a central Institution were provided agely, and the older girls, with their for this purpose, mother's approval, entered into lives Tho per capita cost of providing for of shame. children In the Salt The boy already mentioned snd his Romantic India and Forbidden Lake City public schools for forty older brother became wards of the Juwns the subject of an Afghanstan of school six weeks hours venile court, both progressing through the year, lecture interesting a day, five days a week. Is $70. For the Detention Home, the Industrial noted lecturer and by Lowell Thomas, before the Instruction In the Twelfth school for school, the city and county jails to tho Ion 'Ijomoml club traveler, at their the same length of time the per cap- penitentiary. The younger boy Is a meeting at the Hotel Bigelow banquet Monday ita cost for the same amount of in- killer. Whenever ho Is hungry ho evening. The Hpeaker was Introduced struction Is $243. The cost to the holds up tho first person that crosses by F. U of Lhamp of Lognn, who was named state department public Instruction hie path. So far nothing but his toast master by President W. Rice s and for the thirty-fou- r from poor aim has saved him himbull. weeks of the elementary school year choosing whether ho would rather bo According to scientists, Mother for six hours a day, five days a week, shot or hanged. Ho has served two Lurth weighs 692 tons. And la $77, according to the findings of terms In the state prison and Is now we hoe that shequintillion doesnt get it into the society. at large. Although the boy hns been her heud that she wants to reduce. According to a report of tho director a ward of the state of Utah since he of education at tho State Industrial was eleven years old hq Is still unschool, twenty per cent of the inmates trained to cam bis living. When s and the per capita small boy he liked shop work and are cost of caring for them Is more than might, at one time, have been trained $394 a year. This Is not considered Into social and economical usefulness. The society believes that hundreds a fair per capita cost since It Includes Prescription Specialists many Items that cannot be fairly of human beings like this could be sal I'hone 288 2435 Wash. Ave. At the aged and not onl ysaved from down' charged to Individual ame time many counties are paying fall but made useful snd citizens through the training which $360 per capita for the care in private houses for their charges. a state institution for the would provide. None of the foregoing schools or InIt Is reasonable to believe the restitutions, tha society point out, is cent crlmo committed against June equipped to train the 16 bars Crystal White either In correct social habits or In Nelson could have .been prevented Soap should the offender received proper labor. 56c I'ebeco Tooth l'l-35Many socially disastrous experlenc-- . medical and mental care. The public (f Individ should demand an institution that ea of neglected 56c 1'epsodent Tooth uals of the higher type axe related by woould provide carcand training for I social workers who often contact them oar most pctlful unfortunates. 56c Ipana Tooth Paste chosen this in the of partners many 56c Tooth Paste.-35o-t- ht 10,967 Stockholders Meeting ri ... 7b Stockholder of the Lackawanna Mining Company : hereby notified that n special meet-th- e atockholdera of the Lackawanna SJUalnc Company wiU be held at the Com-?.,- w 01 huaineH at STS 25th Street. County. State of Utah, on the fuuTj' 1 f February. 1929. at the hour of T for tho purpose of contiderinK otins upon the following proposition "d there to be suhreitted. Ta wnend Article III of tho Artielea of "fwporatfen as amended June II. 1928. to " lij i ""V k : foiiowe, to-wi- t: Ptal stock from 150.- and to increase tho a? " J?.rV 00.000.90 itsm ,tek ,rom M09,S90 to Z, 000,009 it ,Vnend follows, - tislJl the Articles of Ineorpora- - to-w- it: new Article to tho il1,'1 i"rporation permitting the ar-- as- capital stock of said accordance with tho Laws V, lh' Snto of Utah. the bwinJJI . transacting of such other aJS5Su of.in the bo- - ,0T rw?2er.. 1 ? 1919, th Boap4 of Directors, ASS. won. tub. ; Pubiicton f February 1. February 1. I. 1929 15. 22. Quicker and Better Relief With Famous Prescription - Don't suffer from the pain and sore' ness of sore throat gargles and salves are too slow they relieve onl; temporarily. But Thoxine, a famous physician's prescription, is guaranteed to give relief almost instantly. Thoxine has a double action relieves the soreness and goes direct to the internal cause. No chloroform, iron or other harmful drugs safe and pleasant for the whole family. Also wonderfully effective for relieving Quick relief guaranteed or coughs. your money back. 35c, 60c, and $1.00. Sold by CULLEY DRUG CO. and DEPOT DRUG CO. and all other good drug have got" got a Bore knee" 1 aaya Be serious aaya Bright Eyca Well they waa a lot more of them that give us all the latest newa from Over There like hello dear and hello there and hello mamma and finely Medle came to and tamed up the lights and we all shoved off to 68 at Did you have Well says Herb. a brother that got killed 3 yra ago? No I says "But 1 know a man that has a brother Edward that ought to o! been killed 3 yra. ago bnt what about that dog story? "Well he says "Part of It la true. We nee to have a dog once and be use to bark." Then Mrs. Jack from Yonkers balled Jack out and we all thanked Herb for taking ns to where they was nothing but beautiful spirits sod he says if you want the bad kind you can go to m Medle evil (A fer tn Bit eradicate, Inc.) Tell her 1 - pre-mi- iiiiiii'r-'ij-iii'i- :I uf-fn- l Kt-rl- e feeble-minde- d t. fri-hl- ilrt-run- Biliiiiiii-lralr- v I'lililii-iiliu- 1 well-manage- Notice to Creditors feeble-minde- t d thi-i- r d feeble-minde- d Notice to Creditors feeble-minde- d umli-nittne- feeble-minde- d lf feeble-minde- d Hen Isomond Club Hears Noted Lecturer feeble-minde- d three-tenth- feeble-minde- d, up-kee- g feeble-minde- d feeble-minde- d Drug Specials (or Friday and Saturday feeble-mindef- l, 35d self-supporti- feeble-minde- d ! 35d Romans Originated Sending Valentines Greasing Dont Gargle l altai-lim- l - 35 manner were permanently kept. As the custom of sending Valentines pro- it changed somewhat. As Jtressed, ar back as the eighteenth century gifts were sent to one's Valentine, am on Valentine's day of old the children used to try to catch people by being the first to cry, Good morning, Valentine, a present being thus exacted. While tho gaily colored Valentine still holds sway with the youth throughout the world, grownups have added a variety to the custom by sending flowers, candy, remembrance cards. Fcrsonal messages have also become popular with a special service offered by the telephone and telegraph companies. St Valentine's day comes on Thursday, February 14, this year. --- Sore Throat? of Special uii-- r Twenty-fourt- d. i .1 r Feeders Feb. .At at-jtea- lilt- - tin.-- I)t.'ri.-- l 1 The custom of sending Valentines had its origin in the time of the Romans when the youths of that day on 4,182 the feast of Fcbruata Juno used to 3,104 draw the names of girls to whom they 1,552 were to devote themselves during the fc j rescue." coming year. The Christian priests $3,293,335 $3,293,335 Total 144,852 There that's evidential says the did not take kindly to the custom and There is not a just man upon the doc and several female voices says endeavored to substitute the names of School earth saints on the slips of paper and advoDairy that doeth good and sinneth not. wonderful cated the serving of these holv per26-Ma- r. 2 A. C. Shlsh Bays Medle is there tome sons instead, but without much sucCHURCHES one here that lost their wife?" cess. ihe . A. C. is holding a dairy 1 did says Jack from Yonkers. Through the centuries the custom GOOD THE CHURCH OF EPISCOPAL feeders1 school at the college from of survived. drawing Valentines John W. Hyslop, rector, corSHEPHERD Hello sweetheart says the spirit was often done only in fun street and Grant aveh February 26 to March 2 inclusive. The ner of it Though "Hello Kate" says Jack. .courses of study will include feeding nue. opposite the past office and was considered just a pleasantry, Scxayesiina Sunday February 2. "Hello sweetheart" says the spirit ie animals, dairy cattle diseases, The Church School meets at 1:10 a n. dairy herd improvement and will end Holy communion and sermon at 11 a. m. "She mast of forgot my name says at 7 :J0 Jack in my ear. The Young People Fellowship prith a Holstein sale. room. The school is fostered by the dairy p. m. in theTheGuild She la a beautiful spirit says Blue Bird. Monday, is C. and U. of A. the department Tuesday, the choir. Medle. Wednesday, The Guild. (open to everyone who desires to A long about this time I got rest Friday, the Boy Scouts. the Camp Fire Girls, A thorough grease job on your car is as essential Saturday, leas for a smoko and begin rattling a 1 in winter as in summer. Are you using the right cigarette paper and a new spirit I The greatest carrier of news and with on me knee the Servcap whanged U. S. is Postal knowledge the grade of lubricant for winter driving, or does your ice megaphone and aaya what have you car steer hard and the gears work stiff? The I got there. springs, too, should be well lubricated this wet That's Bright Byw talking says Notice weather. Medle. She wants to know what you 33,238 In CHANGE THE OIL! Changing the oil at regular intervals is really more important in cold weather than in the summer. When your engine is cold and stiff, it needs life and body to the oil. Drive In to the Big Indoor Service Station! Orphus 56c Iodent Tooth Paste.n.5c 56c Jergen's Hand Ixition 56c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 35 Bella Derma 35 5Cc Mavis Talcum d 35d - I,owdr 56c Kleenex 35& 354 , 45c Mod css, 3 for $1.66. Each 45c Kotex, 3 354 for $1.66. Lach .... m . . . 56c Ovaltine 15c Toilet Tissue, 3 for.... 50c Horlickg Malted 51 ilk 354 354 (MMMMi(eeMMMeie 50c Liftterine 56c Mentholatum 354 354 ... ... 56c Stearns White Pine and Tar 56c Lysol 15c Climax Wall -- Paper Cleaner, 3 for.... 56c Lucky Tiger Hair 354 354 35c 354 354 354 Tonic 56e Tooth Brushes .. Blagie Erasine Super Geaning Fluid, full pint 56c Squibb's Cod Liver Zonite, z. 304 SPECIAL OFFER FOR TIIE ENTIRE MONTH OF FEBRUARY I)r. West's Tooth Brush.... Myrrol Tooth Paste..........504 504 Garage 19 Years of 2441 Kiesel stores. At. 21 - IIour Avenue Service Phone 604 $1.00 With each purchase of these we will give away free S5c Child's Tooth Brush, a child's size of Myrrol Tooth Paste and a Tooth Brush Holder FREE. |