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Show Hear This Know all mt presents That, Wallpaper Adds Cheer To- Every Home paint-u- p Suppose your Taxes were More Than Doubled A PAPER FOR EVERY ROOM Come in and see our big collection of new and lovely patterns. Here you will-finjust the paper for every room in your home. And you will find, too, that the prices are remarkably low. furthering pride, and ' Now, therefi been perfected paint-u- p 16, 1928; ti real campaign a effort in r It is paint that will 1 - weather-wear-and-tc- LONG-LIF- E Car NU-ENAM- : Quick Drying g : No Brush Marks One coat covers wood or metal. It stands the test in any climate We also paint autos. Far Bala at Sill Grant Avrnu, J Waat. llth St Self-bakin- r 411 Washington Amw Lack of Paint Causes Greater Loss Than Fire PAINT A While It Lasts-Cas- h FIRST QUALITY REG. $4.15, FEU GAL.. PACKAGE REGULAR 70c, NOW TWENTIETH CENTURY FAINT A GOOD HOUSE FAINT, FER GAL $3.19 456 $2.49 5-L- B. To Introduce - High quality paint is far cheaper in the long run than cheap low quality goods. PAINTS It is not the first cost of paint that the buyer should consider, but the surface that is covered, the long wearing quality, and the constant luster that counts. We will give absolutely free to the first ten customers entering our store each morning of the week, APRIL 12TII to 19TH, inclusive, and purchasing $1.25 or more paints, their choice of ONE PINT OF ROGERS SANITARY ENAMEL STAINFLOOR FINISH OR HIGH-GRAD- E VARNISH. meet em with a sunny smile, An treat em like they was worthwhile. An let em see right in my face. That they was WELCOME in place. Nor would I act the hypocrite, Jest for their money-ro- ll to Id try to sec em as good git, folks, An' not as easy-marer Jokes; Whod come into my store to git A rotten deal, before they I'd do my best to make em quit; spe That they could put their TRUST in ks me. Nor would I hire a grouchy clerk, Who had no love fer folks er work Whod greet my trade with fishy eye, As if they'd come to beg not buy; An turn on em a scrowiin face, Like they had no right in the place Id oust such critters off the floor If I was owner of a store! VARNISHES LACQUERS Clean, Painted Houses Will Rent Quicker Cash Specials for One Week Only April 12th to 19th To Remove Rogers Sanitary Enamel, Reg. Price $1.50; (1J CTfV BOTH 60c Value FOR Brush, Reg. Enameling tpJLoDl One Quart Rogers Stainfloor Finish, Reg. Price $1.50; One Varnish Brush, Best Quality, Reg. Value 60e BOTH FOR.... q)JLDc rft-- f One Quart Rogers Floor Enamel, Reg. Price $1.10; A Grade One BOTH Value 60e FOR. Brush, Reg. High 1 One Quart Rogers Detro Floor Varnish, Reg. Price $1.55; One Varnish Brush, Reg. Value GOe BOTH FOR 2-in- 2-in- ch rA i ch ch ch Wheelwright Lumber Co. 2131.59 QUINCY AVE. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED For Rent Signs p. carry a full i stock Up Supplies such as Spc Paper Cleaner, Fun Ski joor Kalsofl 40c p tl The Building Material Store PHONE 156. PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE EB9I DID YOU EVER FULLERGLO which are for rent should be without tenants, because in most cases such houses are unpainted, the steps are rickety and the porches not in repair. The number of vacant houses in any city is largely due to the negligence of the landlord himself. I recently took two ladies out, to find for them a desirable six trying or seven-roohouse to rent I was unable to find anything to suit them, either on my own list or on the lists of other real estate firms, and these ladies were not exacting in their wants. They were shown a few houses of the desired size, but the houses were not in good condition. It is true that some of the landlords say they are willing to make certain repairs for a good tenant, but it has been my experience after years in the business, that it is best to put your house in attractive shape first and you will quickly yet a tenant. Houses that are kept repaired and painted not only rent better, but they greatly improve the looks of the city. NITROKOTE m (-- 2-in- w. By E. T. TOBEY Pmldmt KmI Eatat Banal Littl Hock. Ark. It is not surprising that houses One Quart 2-in- Collar public-spirite- m One Apleiltinl Lack of paint causes a greater annual loss through deterioration than the aggregate Kansas fire loss for tfelve months. Yea, there is much more reason for a real Clean Up and Faint Up campaign than the average layman would at first recognize. Paint, as has often been said, serves more than the mere purpose of decoration. Its principal value lies in the fact that it prolongs the life of the surfaces painted. Wood and iron, on exposure to the air, undergo a slow process of oxidation, which just as surely destroys them as though they were set on fire, the difference being the speed at which the reaction occurs. ' We take out insurance to cover loss by fire and should just as sure, ly put on paint to cover loss by decay. It takes very little calculation to discover the apparently astounding fact that the loss through lack of painting is greater in Kansas than the loss by fire. When the property owner comes to a full realization of the true reason for painting there will be no need d for people to back up a National campaign for such a Only McMURTRY MIXED FAINTS McMURTRY KALSOMINE - Js ' Iff B r PROF. H. H. KING Kanui Stat Closing Out McMurtry Paints, Varnish, Kalsomine for price. Id R. A. M0YI City Re Phone 514 2372 Washington Avenue EL Self-leveli- paint for quality rather than IF I WAS OWNER OF A STORE By James Edward llungerford If I was owner of a store, Id treat the trade-folk- s at my door, An make em fell an know that I Was glad theyd come to look or buy; Attest: Minnoch Glass&Paint Co. and Save the Difference! ar Save the surface and you save all," and save it with good paint from reliable local dealers. Dated thisn Paint Your Own PAINT POINTERS The cost of paint per gallon and the cost of square yards on the building are two very different things. Buy thrifty, safe and Paints. It is not unusual at all for a film of McMURTRY Faint to still be bright and sound after years of service. This is because long life has been built into them by the use of a higher percentage of white lead and p correct amount of zinc oxide. And, of course, thirty-fou- r years ex perience In paint making. Phone 530 protect as well as beautify! You have five, ten, fifteen or twenty thousand dollars invested in your property! Perhaps more. It is subjected day and night to ceaseless forces of nature depreciating its value. Moisture and fungus enter ten thousand small cracks and crevices. Rot and decay begin their work! by temperature extremes pry with ir-Expansion and contraction caused restible force! Oxidation the weathering process which is in actually a slow form of burning never ceases. The hot ' sun sets in motion the shrinking, working action! Unless your property is protected against these destructive agencies, there is fast physical depreciation. The only protection is paint good ' paint! Paint takes the not the building. Isnt the per year cost of good paint a very reasonable cost for protecting a five, ten or twenty thousand dollar investment? Actually, it is not a cost at all, but an exceedingly profitable investment, paying far bigger dividends in the saving of repair bills and conservation of property value, than many times that sum would pay from in- vestment in good banks ! But it must be quality paint for quality paint only gives maximum protection at minimum cost! ing, planting, re tion and beautif of Ogden City, part to make . McMurty Mixed Paints GRIFFIN PAINT CO. cleaniE In this worti We Also Sell are campa April up-ke- ep The Right Materials at the Right Prices! fire; in m tiful; If your tax notice this year showed taxes to be more than doubled, what would you do? Find out why, of course. But do you realize that every time your house is repainted you face a probable tax two or three times as great as it should be unless you select a long-lif- e paint? Paint, Varnish, Kalsomine ft in safeguarding - pNARK ROOMS become bright, sombre rooms become gay, ugly rooms become beautiful, when charming wall papers come to the rescue. What Is Quality Paint? campal to community - 2310 Washington Avenue Whe 1 Mt NITROKOTE U ENJ tun DECORET VAR tup VARNISHES 'Pi of GLASS MIRRORS Eureka $2.65 2430 Washington Avenue |