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Show TIIE OGDEN POST The Ogden Post AND large amount of money in Its ram paign of caution to the traveler in the I national forests to do what is possible I to prevent forest fires. I THEATRE-GRAM- S Published each Friday by The Ogden Post Printing and Publishing rora puny, 2420 Kiesel avenue. Telephone STOP ADVERTISING consider the wonderful showing of scoutdom, there seems to be no question but what acoutdom has succeeded and is here to stay. Tha scout picture, "A Regular Scout," which will be shown at the Egyptian theatre for tha local Scouts When Men .Jvyrrencefyawthorne AND THEN DECAY SETS IN True liberty must come through education The freedom of an independent mind. When William Allen White, the 90. To legislate a democratic nation Kansas editor, said, in addressing the Will never loose the chains from humankind New York Advertising club last week, Editorial that if advertising should stop, slow The laws of men can only grant permission decay would follow and ultimately That ail may tread the path of life secure POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY the entire world would CQllapse, readFrom scourge, but each must better his condition ers might say White thought of it REDUCE DOMESTIC KATES Through knowledge, whose release alone is surd a mercenary point of view, be : The strides that electricity is he waa and newspaper man, auming in the operation of the home c,uw To be set free from physical oppression to bring about greater efficiency and I newspapers must have advertisements Gives meager promise of those better things reduction of expenses and labor has!10 No tnjWhich newspaper A constitute lifes only great possession: Utah Power Light prompted the can live without its ad The liberty that education bringa. company to establish a new rate ache-- 1 I or publication dule for domestic service, and thereby vwtising revenue. White knows it. ana Until men learn to heed the laws of nature, knows it. But, encourage a greater use of electricity. I every newspaper owner And school themselves to act In close accord Is the case, then This rate will give consumers lessl,Bum,n that this With God's design, no state or legislature I n can admit the to help than three rents per kilowatt-hou- r. U Can guarantee them freedoms rich reward.' The rates are to be effective Febru-- 1 Kansas editor spoke further truths when he said: ary 14, The company's announcement of the I "Could I control the advertising ftue freedom comes alone through education! reduced rates for electric power for the I Pites of this country, I would have When men begin to realize this truth ' control of the entire country. More several combinations are as follows: Then will they give profound consideration cn done by mass production, (a) Lighting, cooking and domes- how they best may spend the years of youth. To than all the Iplua advertising, tic appliances. legists That ever'enseted. The wide distribu day will see a renaissance of beauty, (b) Lighting, refrigeration and Ition of wealth in this country is di- And culture wilt again bring glad release meatic appliances. due to the efforts of advertis- From strife; refinement then will be a duty; (c) Lighting, refrigeration, cook-lfl- y men. All things that are the com and ling domestic ing appliances. And men will dwell in brotherhood and peace! (d) Lighting, cooking, water heat- mon lot of Americans are theirs be cause advertising has aroused their ing and domestic appliances. (e) Lighting, cooking, refrigera- desires to have new things." Saying that he was only secondarily tion, water heating and domestic apa writer, White aaid he waa first of all pliances. an advertising man. "taking part in The company notice says: The above rates are so constructed he great conspiracy to make the world that all current is furnished through happier." a single meter and under a single rate, "I am not afraid of the aoap box wt and all current in excess of the mini- red." he aaid. "It la the advertising mum bill is furnished at a very low men who have caused a revolution in kilowatt-hou- r coat, namely, 4 Ac in the I the country. Advertising columns are all the editorial for fuel and I more powerful than refrigeration rate, n the world " 2Ue for water heating. The mini-- 1 mum bill is based on the number of i principal rooms In the house, and in-- 1 WESTERN RAILROADMAN congregation were made up almos Today the council has 80 troops com eludes in all cases a quantity of cur-- 1 WHO BECAME GOVERNOR of Utah people. entirely prising 1,650 scouts. Since the scout rent which makes the highest net coat g movement was started here more than Balxar, born and raised In I Some of Utahs moat talented kilowitt-hnurt- n rnnii'rnpr I Frei Professor 5,000 boys and future citizens of this varnr the full quantity of current al- - Jjfrad-- . in, CaJKornia. nw.j;he third gW h ,n city and county have been benefitted y Republican Jrilantyne lowed under the minimum bill in Salt vernor the state has ever had. Ilia musical circles. Many by this training. The boya that have Lake City and Ogden approximately 6c and In outside territory approxi-??cce8- 8 t?me" derervwlly and through ofhera aremaking good in moving been benefitted by acoutdom are its his own hard efforts. He is a work-- 1 and dramatics. moat enthusiastic boosters and work 7c mately lattended ashow at the Major continually to add members to the Ogauch everBince ?nd ha "Under theae rates the coat of cur- - h wa8 bi enough to carry a pick and theatre on Wilshire boulevard, the pro- den council. rent to the avenge consumer using One of the valuable assets of the J.ide hLore or climb on a ceeda o which were kindly donated to lighting and cooking, or other has a railroader in I the U D. S. congregation, by Mr. R. Ogden council ia Camp Kiesel, equipbination aervicea, wil) be under 4c per raln' 'that state for sixteen years, and then Major, promotor of the Major ped for the handling of 60 a for 18 years he has been a member echool of acting and Little theatre, week. The camp has one of theboya moat of the state legislature. We do notUn this school are also a number of picturesque settings ever found in any know of better qualificationa to fit atudents from Utah, among them camp. The camp is in the north fork man for the state's executive. , I Miss Gillette, of Salt Lake City, an pf the south fork of the Ogden river in 'a"t Nevada, we had lUe Mias Maxine Spencer, of Og- - at the base of towering cliffs arising of rates by one of the state's princi-- 1 o I1" P,eai,ure meeting the present I den- - The latter, I am informed, ia more than one thousand feet above. pal public utilities corporations and then a candidate. It hap- - making rapid progress toward tar-b- e Nearby, giant springs furnish pure In to will a benefit ove?r the resulting public to be the time the Nevada dom in spoken drama. I thought I cold water. These springs supply the at pened appreciated 8tate "ewr saw a child of six years quite stream which makes up almost naif of their holding was for used first Electricity light5,kaw"? 80 versatile. n the total volume of the South Fork Some Best ofthe ing purposes. Then it waa used forp0nv?n,V is river at what is called "The Narver he of frm everywhere spoken Sagebrush uses Its LJMoraia other for power purposes. of The environments found at for as there this row." and ,Ute and landscape occasion, purposes in the home as well as the industrial world have almost doubled I manyf the important proMema werethelandof flowers and sunshine. Of the camp go to make up an ideal camp. ot bloom outdoors The Ogden Rotary club has sponeach year. Now electricity is found conldered Wefound that Balzar was I ln u?.,0er8,.d winter, but that ia not sored work of the Boy Scout organ-izatioin the home for lirhtinr cookinr a man whose judgment sought n, Prohlem,. IIe was a gym we do not have as much of and has taken up the raising water heating, refrigeration and ali UP" f of funds through yearly drives. TTic domestic appliances. The advantage wjl-a?n of the west, well met, kf),de.n atate-oI For knew can his knew and their people, business houses, various fraternal and the proposed new rates from the wants. He was a typical westerner moTe tru bewty other organizations of the city and power company will be that they will who has 'everlasting hills county aa well as the general be charged through the one meter. It always been "Fred" to his P4r public when the setting sun garbs in veils of have will result in the still greater use of friends alike, whether they are to responded the call cheerfully in railroading, cowpnnching or gossamer in colors of purple and for funds. electrical appliances in the home. , Every cent raised for the mauve and white cones and rose, of he will be. mining, great always organization ia spent upon the organ-TheBalzar knows the needs of Nevada, ailent grandeur and loveliness our NATIONAL FOREST RESOURCES are not high salaried He knowa the road situation, live- mountains! They inspire ua. Wrf officials, the work is volunteer OF UTAH , work. look stock and mining in ad- -. worship them, up to them. Only actual expenses of the organizaUtah nets from the United States dition development C. R. J. to ali the other big problems. rt tion are paid for. government more than a half million He will make good. We congratulate I den. January 18, 1927. The Ogden Gateway area council dollars a year from the national for- our sister atate on the selection. ests. This state has 7,481,573 acrea C. A. (Gus) Wright, recently of forest lands, and for which the president; S. Dilworth Young ia the BOY SCOUT STOCK PKOMOTORS HAVE scout executive; George Bergstron is atate la benefitted seven and field executive and has direct cents for each acre. Theae are ANOTHER GOOD STORY TO OBSERVED the of all the activitiea; Herman the figures riven out by District charge In 1903 the slater of Senator James 6-- 12 ia a deputy scout comForester R. II. Rutledge. Last year Couzens, O.. Koldewyn FEB. of Detroit, invested $100 in waa a light year in the records of the These missioner. men are working Henry Ford's company. She testified forest service, which expended diligently to bring about the success from Page 1) in court a few days ago that the $100 (Continued of the Boy Scout movement here, in Utah administering the fedher $507,000 in dividends, and when one stops for a moment and eral work in connection with the for- brought and, the stock for $260,000. Will pedal work were the following: 5, 21, est service. These expenditures con- she soldwas in Detroit that day to call 22, 25, and 26. sisted of the building of roads and Rogers Ford and pay his respects. News upon the scout week program at trails, fire fighting, fire prevention paper men and attorneys besieged him theDuring Egyptian theatre there will be a and sanitation in national forests (the at the court house and asked him about I big display of the handiwork of the peoples playgrounds), grazing the case. Rogers answered that he couts, also some photographs of the and general assistance to the felt he could trust Ford with $100 and winter activities and sports at the traveling public through the forests waa going to tell him ao. I Camp Kiesel scout camp, 25 milea east during the summer months. The The story of the woman's returns of Ogden through South Fork can-fgovernment's receipts were, after the $100 ia far the yon. Then too, the various troops will deducting of $38,198.62 which was that have ever beengreatestin earnings a court I Rive a short demonstration of fire by put divided between the atate school fund record. a story waa pub- - friction, respiration, archery, rope and atate roads, $114,595.87. Un- lished a Although, few years ago that $100 in-- making, and the various other stunts cle Sam gets back about h of vested in Standard Oil had brought the I that will ahow what the scouts are the amount of money he spends in and hia estate more than a compliahing. Utah. million dollars. The neat credit due the various The Federal government through These fabulous returns of wealth troops for their successful work is due the forest service ia conducting some are similar to the story we heard re- - the various , scout masters who give of the best known problems of confrom a salesman with a first their time to their work without pay. cently servation that are possible. The late class oil stock. He said that hia stock Th scoutmasters and assistants and Theodore Roosevelt, when president, would make Aladdin and hia wonder-- 1 other volunteer workers give their foresaw the needs of conservation. He ful look like pikers when his ime foe the advancement of the scouts, lamp reached it, fought for it and finally Offden Gateway area council start-aeein. It does not ad bills passed which are bringing company's ship came cd in 1919 with six troops of scouts. but we would probable, to like about the great conservation of the see the west, especially Utah, develop Nations resources the lumber and an industry that would pay as big as livestock industries through the for- the Ford Motor or the Standard Oil. est service. The grazing problems Who can tell but what Utaha oil fields that are handled by the forest serv- will rival and surpass lYtinsylvania ice make it possible for the farmer to fields at that, run livestock upon the public domains selLs more COAL. as well as it does for the herds of THAN ANYTHING WE the cattle baron and the herds of the COMMUNICATIONS aubaidaries of the packing industries of the central states. The conservation of the forests Editor Ogden Fost: BROS.-ROBERTOn my return from a short trip! practically means the conserving of S the water. Wherever there is heavy to California, I found in my front-yar- d foilage, shrubbery and trees there is several of The Tost. Not an abundance of moisture. The bar- aware of thecopies great improvement, I ren hill aide does not hold the moisture was delighted to peruse a sizable and from the melting snows or the heavy very interesting newspaper devoted to deluge of a summer's rain. The soil Utah and Ogden interests. I admire baked hard, and the water runs your enterprise. Long may The Post down the hillside to the valleys live and thrive. The floods at Willard and FarmIt is surprising the number of Utah ington happened three years ago on people who live in California, and not AND bare hillsides. Eleven lives were lost, so surprising either when one comand the property loss was very heavy pares California's wonderful rlimate in these two floods. THAT IS WHY with our winter snows. its In the summer the people learn the weather is the golden state's That atmost WISE COAL BUYERS value of the forests and apprcci-at- e tractive asset is When you to he seen. Yet them especially when on camping, as for myself, I plain 1 prefer Utah. love DEMAND hunting or fishing trips. The people a cold crisp morning, a pinch of frost, are directed to the best camp grounds a dash of snow. It exone gives with relation to water and sanitation. hilaration and the BURN BRIGHT Boxes. spirit of good cheer. The only thing Uncle Sam asks of his While in California, I attended people when leaving their ramps is to church meetings, shows and bathing COAL leave them in good condition, and be beauty contests mainly. I visited Los ure the camp fires are out. Angeles. Venice. Ocean day The main work of the forest serv- Tark, SantaHollywood, Monica, Sants Barbara, In the western states during the rasadena, Glendale, Beverly Hills, ice. summer months, is protecting the for- Eule.r 'ty and evry'bcre 1 met Co. ests from destruction by fires. Utah a pleasant people. 1 it has been found is responvery much Sunday serv. sible for 58 per cent of the fires, other iw enjoyed at the beautiful L. D. S. meetinir , Phone 666 f U"ed by hou on 27th street, where it would Hfhtnjng. seem 0gden Each year the forest service the choir as well as the entire spends and the public of Ogden, is one of the best features to be shown here. The star is Fred Thompson, a horseman and star who was selected from more than 200 screen star for the role in the picture endorsed by the Boy Scout organization of America. 88-1- "" . do-ti- . on Why Not Get - 2c FLORSHEIM SHOES , citi-Sin- f com-fho.v- el I. 1 Jte W f" m Inw-covep- ed en-gag- ed re Now is the time to economize on shoes while Florsheims are on sale at this low prices Get these reliable shoes that you know have the quality for long endurance t-- that will look good and feel right every day you wear them. This is an opportunity for real eamomy a saving that you know is a saving. 1 ed one-quart- WEEK er BE HERE $669,-212.- 64 1 recon-naiaan- ce or Have you a Piano in your Home ? Do Not Neglect Your Childrens Musical Future! one-fift- With Pianos of good quality now selling from $295 to $400 . THERES NO REASON FOR m QUALITY Its Easy With Our GLEN be-lo- w. WAITING LONGER. i BUY A PIANO NOW! Easy Payment Plan PIANO CO. 7 It's Happy YouTl Be know that all of your valuable papers are safe in one of our Safe Deposit The cost, by the year, is so very little, that you cannot afford to go anoth- er Care-lesane- sa i Ellis Fuel without this guaranteed protection. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Utah |