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Show ft THE OGDEN POST The Ogden Post AUTO PARKING Ogden, like many other cities, is faced with the profile m of providing larking space for automobiles in the 2420 Kirstl Avrnue, Phone 690 usiness section.' Many solutions Jennie Lind was a native of Sweden Grorff Mitrhley, Kditor have been offered, such as shortening and was born in the Published Koch Friday year 1820. She of the parking time, etc., and many in the began singing opera when she been ordinances have suggested along these lines. Right at this time of the was seventeen yeartf of age. EDITORIAL year when shopping is at its height the parking problem is a hard one to INSURANCE She created a Mentation in Dresden could be done to but one solve, Insurance companies who take your aleviate mattersthing would in 1844. that and some, money for automobile liability are be to eliminate some of the space renaturally expected to give you pro- served by the merchants along WashThen she came to the U. S. and tection in the event of accidents. ington avenue for their business cars , You naturally do not rare to be or in Boston and other big cities sang trucks. pulled into court when you have paid A good many of them rould arrange where the same great demonstration your protection. Therefore it is well to have their merchandise delivem that you give a little thought to the to the back door, as well as load their of public admiration took place. matter of finding out which companies trucks in the same way, ant meet their claims promptly, and in a delivery mater a of fact, it wouldn't be a as Queen Victoria went again and business-lik- e manner. some of the again to hear her and on one c to open big up very job One insurance agent recently said and arrange permanent de- casion to another, I see you people are alleys, and loading presented her with a bouquet facilities instead of livery being sued again! It seems that near- taking up half of the valuable space of flowers. This was the only time ly every one of your claims has to be on the street, depriving their own the queen had responded in such settled in the courts. Yes, said the customers of parking space. manner to a prima donna. other, but you know we pay our attorney's fees by the year, so it doesnt cost us anything extra for attorney's OUR SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT Jennie Lind'a great triumph never Every man knows that he himself is fees. state went to her head. of the government, city, part Just what kind of a company would well as as bounded and duty nation, by you call that? to devote part of his There are a number of automobile y She wrote Professor Blackie: My to it. He may .ime and thought liability insurance companies presented here who have established a rep- neglect his duty, but he admits it to increasing prayer is that what I may give to my fellows may continue to utation of being honest, fair and e his duty. Public opinion ahold be respected, live throughout the ages, and that the prompt in their adjustments. Such and it should carry a powerful ia-- : giver of the people deserve your patronage. gift and not the creature A company which holds back and luence. whom he to lent it, may be praised be a of more should There disposimakes everyone fight in the courts to of on the citizen, not tion and every part acknowledged. for his just dues to recover his claims should not remain in business very uho his influence, in bringing about the needl'd change for the relief of long, and will not when the people burdensome Decorations and honors were taxation, and for fair and find it out. equitable appraisement of property showered upon her by the monarchs values. of Europe. WHEN SWEARING IN PAPERS self-intere- AINT SWEARIN " Sometimes it is rare that the head-writupon a newspaper has the opportunity to express in words his own personal view upon a dry subject, even though it touches upon a reclamation project. Wednesday's dis- from regarding the Satch of theWashington, n amendment to the Boulder canyon dam bill, was published under the head, Amendment to Dam Hill Lost. Recently Governor Dem was in California in connection with the Boulder canyon project conference. The Los Angeles newspaper said: Gov Dem Here On Dam Business. er Swing-Johnso- MOTOR BUS TRAVEL With the inauguration of the new 'Bamberger bus line between Ogden and Salt Lake, a new and important step has been taken in Motor bus Motor bus travel is transportation. not confined to short trips, but it is now possible to cross the entire United States. The railroads are no doubt realizing serious inroads made in their annual business by the motor bus, so it is no wonder that a great many of the roads are inaugurating bus service to meet this competition. The new bus line will no doubt meet with immediate approval, in view of the fact that the new busses are comfortable winter or summer. I st "I know that fi! & Ijovely as was her wonderful voice, her life was lovlier still. a position in the public She won esteem such as no other linger has ever attained. A wise man once said that if he were allowed to make all the songs he would not care who made all the laws of the nation. He meant by that, of course, that people like to have fine thought! and high ambitions In songs which they can sing. Therefore, if we had all the people singing fine songs, it would make them all better men and women. Old Clothes in the Cellar What have you packed away in trunks and boxes in the cellar that you probably will never use again? Wouldn't it be indeed a charitable act to supply the needy and lend a littlq help which could be done with very little personal sacrifice by being mindful of those who could most certainly appreciate assistance in the way of wearing apparel? men never have enough neckwear a. their tie racks may look full, but youll find that half of the scarfs are worn men hate to throw out Hinchcliff Confident of Messiah Success those old favorites away. here youll find plenty of THE EASY WAY TO SHOP: VIA That the oratorio, The Messiah, She married Otto Goldschmidt, a T1IK IOST which will be presented here New With only six more days in which to musician, and retired from public en- Years morn by the Ogden tabernacle do your Christmas shopping, may we gagements after the short career of choir, will undoubtedly be a success is being evidenced by the large atsuggest a simple solution for a dif- only five years. ficult problem? Instead of spending endless hours exposing yourself to the treacheries of the elements, try the following method, and you will realize how easy your shopping can really lie. Gather yourself and family comfortably around the fireside; then take this issue of The Ogden Post, and read over the advertisements, marking the items which will fill your requirements. All that is left to do then is to visit the stores you have chosen for your buying, and the deed is done. Each advertiser represented in these columns is thoroughly reliable, and will stand behind every item advertised, so you can shop with these merchants with the greatest con- fidence. The following merchants new favorites that 1 o o k more expensive than the prices. tendance of choir members, and hearty response given the sale of tickets, She went to Alfred Tennysons home states Mr. Lester Hinchcliff, director on the isle of Wight, and sang for tile of the choir. great poet. At Lord Tennysons re- be The presentation of the oratorio wjll materially assisted by the presence quest she rendered Auld Lang Syne of Mr. Herbert Gould, of Chicago, and Auld Robin Gray. who will sing one of the leading parts. ' Tickets for the occasion may be from choir members. purchased In later years she occasionally sang for her guests at her country heme. 1 and up Patti tells how, one after-- a party she was complemented Battery B, 222 Field Artillery closed a most discriminating way by a the regular drills for the holiday seamodest old lady, whom, to her amazeson, Tuesday night, with a smoker ment she afterward found to be Jen- and athletic bouts. A number of inter-in- g events was given in the ring and nie Lind. Adelina ht on the mat. Between boxing and wrestling bouts an orchestra rendered a musical program. Refreshments were seryed. The drills will be resumed January 11. Dolls 3 off rts shop, Boyle on Furniture Colonial theatre, Lyceum theatre, W. Earl Read, toys and leather goods; Bramwclls Book store, Ogden Sporting Goods company. TljISSliMMlllIIIMIMISinHIIMVllllHIMSIlVmtUIMMliwiliimiHmMM'llMSMIIIMMaSSWMriltlMmMSIlIIIWiittfltH The Jewelry Store of Give a Radiola for Ghriftmas Nothing else means so much to so many .. Gifts That Last Shop in the Old Reliable J. S. LEWIS & CO. JEWELRY STORE Where merchandise is worth what you pay for it Always. Wise buyers Take a Look before deciding Nuf ced. for All Kinds, Including ' FREE Christmas Christmas and an RCA Radiola one suggest the oilier. . No otbei gilt bring quite as much of the joy of KsMrion. No other gift leaves quite as much of the joy of giving. . Girls' Wrist Watches $10.00 $6.50 Gents White Gold Ruby Rings 14-- k $10.00 ALL FULLY GUARANTEED H. F. UPP 2476 Grant Avenue ht All Toys Reduced All Electric Goods Reduced Bridge and Floor Lamps $6.50 and up Fixtures, Appliances, Radios Prices Slaughtered FREE POPCORN TO CHILDREN Surprise Gift Packages With Purchases HARTLEY ELECTRIC Phone 2309 Washington Read: s Ogden Electric Co. 2556 Washington Ave. Small Cedar Chests Electric Trains Doll Beds Scooters Christmas Specials Books, Stationery, Fountain Pens, Leather Goods, Mottoes, and Many Other Worth While Presents. Great Reductions On Many Items Dolls All at Clean Out Prices BramwelFs Washington Avenue 450--W The Posts Advertisers Get Results imm 2362 . Double Socket FREE with every eight-ligChristinas ' Tree Set. Lowest prices in town on Tree Ornaments and Decorations. : Boys Strap Watches Bye-L- o Baby and Mamma. . a Thousand 50c up A Watch mm company, Woifers, The Lighthouse. Ogden Fish, and Poultry company, Upp Jewelry store, Ogden Electric company, J. S. Lewis, jeweler; Egyptian theatre, theatre, Ogden theatre, Orpheum Christmas Presents . Battery B Closes for Xmas With Smoker are interested and instrumental in giving Jennie Lind gave away a large poryou a weekly .paper that every member of the family will enjoy reading: tion of her savings to hospitals of Western Sporting Goods company, Sweden. comMalan Mortuary, Taylor-Wrigpany, Kammeyer Sporting Goods comShe passed away in November 1887 pany, Shewells, Fred M. Nye, Jones Music company, rests in the great Malvern and GarPiano company, age, Miller Furniture company, Utah Macaroni company, Hartley Electric, National Bank of Commerce, Jensen The words she had sung in such Distributing company, Paine and a way as to thrill thousands, are in- Hurst, Orpheum Candy company, Pacific Coffee storo, Bon Garr Barber Mack-Robins- CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Although styles and habits are constantly changing there are some things which remain the same. One of these habits is Christmas shopping and the exchange of good will, through the medium of gifts. Ogden, like all other towns, is in the midst of Its Christmas shopping activities now, and the stores are loaded with all manner of suitable gifts. Rich and poor people make sacrifices at this time of the year to remember their children or friends with gifts, which send out that feeling of good fellowship . scribed on her tomb: my Redeemer Lives. 334 24th Street |