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Show JAPANS MISTAKE. CURRENT NOTES. DEBT THERMOMETER. The Republican machine and Repub- THE GOLD 8TANDARD IS VERY lican press of Michigan bitterly hate r, the sturdy, UNPOPULAR. Gov. Plngree, but they realize that A Severe Iadnstrlal Dtprauloa FrevmUs they must renominate him or suffer defeat. The Petoskey Record says: Nswspspcr Coin waiitu oa tba "The party will not recover from Its of tha Abanilouiuaut of deadly dose of Pingreelsm for years to la Japan. come. Better to go deliberately to defeat this year with an honorable, true The following letter, dated January republican at the head of the ticket 11, waa written from Kelo university, and Plngree at the head of an opposiTokyo, Japan, to the Boston Adver- tion ticket, than to betray principle, tiser: sacrifice loyalty and belle our manhood "Last summer, while visiting Boston, by nominating Plngree. free-silve- Ke-aul- ta noticed several very favorable comments In your paper on the adoption of the gold standard In Japan. Your paper also contained a letter from a subscriber who had recently returned from Japan, and during his brief sojourn In that empire had learned that Count Matsukata, the father of the gold standard, was a very wise man and had made a most brilliant speech In the parliament In defense of gold money. "Will you permit me to state that the almost universal feeling of the Japanese, as expressed In the newspapers, Is that the adoption of the gold standard was a great mistake. It Is a general custom In Japan for newspapers to give a review of the years events at the beginning of each new year. In these reviews that have JuBt appeared there la a general condemnation of the gold standard. It Is acknowledged that the financial situation In Japan Is very bad compared with that of a year ago. Public securities have fallen, railway and Industrial shares are very low. Many new undertakings have stopped for want of funds. But chief of all, the export of cotton yarns to China Is at an entire standstill. It Is generally confessed that this closing of the Chinese market to Japanese yarns Is due entirely to the new gold standard of Japan. "Not to occupy too much space of the Advertiser, I will quote two opinions. The first of these Is from the T1J1 Shimpo, probably on the whole the most Important paper in Japan. It says: " 'We can speak only in gloomy terms of the year Just past. Commercial affairs and political affairs reached their lowest depths of depression and mismanagement. The Introduction of the gold standard proved a complete failure. It was to have opened the door to an inflow of foreign capital, thus succoring the distress of the Industrial classes and producing an appreciation In the price of public securities. But foreign capital has not come In, neither have public securities apOn the contrary, we have preciated. ever a seen. Increasing preponderance on the side of imports, a corresponding outflow of specie, and a steady fall In the price of bondB. Nor Is this alL The effect of the demonetization of silver has been fatal to the most promising of all Japans Industrial enterIts chief prises cotton spinning. market has been closed against It, and the prosperity that distinguished it at the close of 1896 was replaced by adversity at the end of 1897 "My next quotation Is from Greater Japan, a periodical published In both the English and Japanese languages. It says: The adoption of the gold standard Is the worst mistake ever committed by the government In the long history of the thirty years that have passed since the present Melji Era began. The Mat- sukata ministry, however, must bear the full responsibility for It. The prospect which the country had of still further developing her Industries owing to the depreciation of silver compared with gold has now been ruthOur trade with lessly thrown away. silver-usin- g countries has already been greatly injured. In China, Korea and the Strait settlements, where at one time Japanese products found a good market, and were rapidly expelling foreign goods, Japan is now losing ground and la likely soon to have little footing left. Many of the factories In the western part of Japan are closing or only running on half time. "I do not affirm that the present depression in Japan is entirely owing to the Introduction of the gold standard. But It Is quite certain that the loss of the Chinese market to cotton yarns and other manufactured articles Is due to this change. This loss has produced a gloomy feeling In all financial and Industrial circles. X "Inquiring Jones of "Jingo Holpoints In general terms to "the low deadly parallel between Presidents Buchanan and McKinley. The former was largely responsible for the civil war because he so feared the politicians and of the south that he dared not use the power of the nation to crush them like an egg under a hammer, but permitted them to hatch. So McKinley, in his zeal for peace, In the Interests of European and American bondholders, has done all he could to bring the nation to the verge of war with Spain when a mere declaration of the fact that Cuba and Spain are at war would have settled things without the firing of a shot. If a Spanish official did blow up the Maine, It was because he was emboldened to do so by the policy of the Cleveland and McKinley administrations. slave-holde- rs The following table, made up from the figures contained In United States census bulletin No. 98, should be the subject of long and consecutive thought by the patient voter: Fopnlsilon by Famine. Per rent. ia Mllllonalrei Kirh Middle Clare 1.97 (own-la- s farms or homea without lncara- branee ts Lower Claia (owning H Incumbered homea Wealth. Millionaire Per rent. lUch SOI., Mf71 Middle Claaa SO' Lower Claia. orfarmt u Poor tenant uf farma or home othera Tout., owned by Poor .... .1(10 Total. .100 The war talk has called general attention entirely away from the trial of the deputy sheriffs who shot down so many peaceful strikers In eastern Pennsylvania during the great upheaval among the coal miners. The evidence la about all In and there can be no question as to the butchery and wholesale murders of which the officials were guilty. The men who are on trial endeavor to escape the consequences of their act by saying that they simply obeyed orders. But this sort of a defense, says the Twentieth Century, would enable pretty much all the murderers that ever killed to go scot free. We cannot say now what the outcome of the trial will be, but by the time this paper is in the hands of the readers the result may have been announced. Whatever that result may be, the effect of the trial will be largely lost through the concentration of public attention upon the war scares. The New York World says: If you do not believe the powers behind the throne at Washington are full of the milk of human kindness, go loot a bank and ask for a pardon. Then you will see It gush. McKinley has In ten months pardoned ninety-eigbank wreckers and bank swindlers, which is four times the total number of pardons granted by any one of his predecessors. ht The Oregonian deplores "the falling off in number of children, and says that a majority of the fashionable mothers prefer poodle dogs. So they do, but the unfashionable would-b- e mothers cannot even become wives, because so many thousands of men can hardly eke out an existence for themselves. The sewing girls of Cleveland. Ohio, work long hours in dirty rooms full of bugs and vermin, for the princely sum of 60 cents to $1 per week, according to the Cleveland Recorder, Isnt It nice to have the "factories open ? Do Ton Maka the Law. This Is your country, eh? How much of it do you own? Do you have any voice In making the laws? The majority of you great American voting kings have no more legal right In this country than you have In China or Government Ovnmhlp of Itillwifi. Russia. You have to pay rent to live By an overwhelming majority the here and you can live In those countries people of the Helvetian Republic have on the same Ignoble terms. Your sustained the measure passed in counIndeed! You ought, to feel country, cil last October for the purchase of the proud of your proprietorship. Appeal railway system by the state. to Reason. It is frequently remarked that Illraalns That Shull He. ownership of railways by the government is a monarchical Idea and does We are not mocked. It was not In derision. not comport with government by the God made our spirits free. people. The successful working of the plan In the French republic and Its The Prophets lightest dream Is but the dim prevision adoption by the Swiss republic, howOf blessings that shall tie. ever, are significant facts. Twentieth John G. n.ixe. Century. scale, and they fear they may never be able to accomplish It Johnny Please, sir, why dont the AS EXPLAINED TO JOHNNY BY people have the same scale they used when they made the debt? It eeema HIS TEACHER. to me that le the only proper way. Teacher You are right, Johnny. Hi If Von Chang tba Benia on tha Therthey were making a new themometer mometer It tioaa All Wrong To or a new debt. It would not matter Create a Debt on tho Bimetallic Seal what Beale they adopted, so the zero and Than Fore Payment on tha Gold point was right, and the same scale eala la Dishonest. adhered to. But having made the debt on one scale, to adopt another till the debt la paid is as dishonest and misTeacher Stand up, Johnny, and tell leading as It would be to apply a centhe claaa what la a thermometer. Index to a Fahrenheit thertigrade Johnny A thermometer is an In- mometer, or to move the zero point or strument for showing how hot it la. to stretch the scale. Teacher How la a thermometer WALLACE A. BARTLETT. usually made, and how does it oper- ate? Johnny There Is a glass tube with mercury In It, and a bulb at the bottom The bulb Is opening Into the tube. full of mercury. The tube is only partly full of mercury, and there le no air In the tube or bulb, both being closed. The tube le placed close to a scale or Index, marked with figures, the big figures at the top. When the weather Is hot mercury swells, and the mercury In the bulb and tube expands. As the tube Is closed the mercury has no other place to go, and as It ewella It muet rise in the tabs. So when It Is hot the top of the mercury Is opposite a big figure, and when it le cold the top of the mercury la opposite a small figure on the scale. Teacher Very well stated, Johnny. Now, suppose some one should slip the scale down without moving the tube; would the top of the mercury till indicate the temperature? Johnny I think the thermometer would be wrong, sir; but I dont quite understand how It would work. Will you pleaao explain It to us? Teacher I will do so, Johnny, for I wish the class to understand the necessity of ueing every instrument carefully, and to Bhow you how an Instrument may deceive you If It le out of order, or hae been tampered with. The standard thermometer le made very carefully, about as Johnny has described. The tube must be of exactly the same Internal diameter throughout Ite length. The tube Is carefully sealed when the mercury le put In and the air has been exhausted. The bulb la plunged In boiling water, and as boiling water la always 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the mercury rises In the tube to the place It will always reach at the boiling point of water, and the place le marked on the tube. The bulb le then plunged into a mixture of salt and Ice, which was once supposed to be the coldest thing in the world, and the mercury shrinks and goes down In the tube, so that its top Is at zero, and It will always go to this place when the bulb la In this mixture or In a place equally cold. Thus the two extremities are marked, to which the mercury will rise and fall. Having found the distance between the freezing and boiling points of water, this distance Is divided Into 212 equal parts according to the Fahrenheit scale or 100 parts according to the centigrade scale, and these distances or degrees are marked on a card or plate, which la carefully attached to the glass tube, so that the zero point on the tube and on the scale shall be exactly opposite. You can readily understand that If the scale moves up or down, bo that the zero on the scale le not at the proper zero on the tube, the thermometer will not tell the true temperature. So If you change the scale, by applying a centigrade scale instead of a Fahrenheit scale, while the zero may be the same, the degree of temperature indicated by the top of the mercury will be quite different on the two scales, or if the top figure corresponds the zero will be wrong. if the scale were printed on rubber or other elastic material, which can be stretched, by stretching the scale or Index the mercury In the tube can be made to appear to Indicate almost anything on the scale. Now, I wish the class to apply the same reasoning to another matter. ThlB country at one time incurred a great debt, called the national debt. The height of this debt was marked on a scale, indicating dollars, not degrees. These dollars were on what la called the bimetallic scale, and were each worth at that time less than one bushel of wheat, or less than five pounds of cotton. The highest point reached on the scale of debt was about (2,700,000,000. After tbe people of the United States had been working very hard to bring down this debt, it Is proposed to substitute a different scale or index, called a monometallic or scale. Some say thla change of standard has actually been made. The dollara or degrees on this scale are very different from the dollars or degrees on the bimetallic scale, being each worth about two bushels of wheat or ten pounds of cotton. This new Index shows the top of the debt to be at about the same mark as on the bimetallic scale, but Borne people are beginning to see that It will take twice as much work to bring down the debt to zero by the new srnle as by the old gold-standa- rd POINTS FROM THE PRESS. The price of iron and steel has advanced and the wages of the workers kave been reduced. This Is in strict accord with the supply and demand! Or le It the coBt of production regulating the price? Appeal to Reason. DO NOT DELAY. . Oiaca af Prevention Is Worth Pound of Care. Swanson Rheumatic Cura Co., Chicago. Dear Sirs: I used ona bottle of your "5 Drops, and It did me more than any medicine I ever good used. It did me more good than all the medicine 1 have taken from the doctors for two years, besides suffering the entire time. In three days after I commenced using the "5 Drops" my pains all disappeared. I recommend It to all sufferers of rheumatism. Very respectfully, R. L. Martin, Anguilla, Miss. Feb. 7, '9. Every family should have a bottle of "6 Drops" on hand, especially at this season of the year. Changes in the weather are so liable to cause rheumatism, la grippe and many other diseases that "5 Drops cures. For another thirty days you can secure a sample bottle of "6 Drops for have 25 cents. The manufacturers 100,000 sample bottles which they intend to distribute for this small An amount Writs today to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167 Dearborn street, Chicago, I1L Thla company la reliable and promptly fill every order. Bryan demanded a direct legislation plank in the Chicago platform. Minneapolis Representative. Dity aad Jay. The duty should open Into Joy, but it may fall of joy and etlll bo duty. If tho la not there, still hold tho duty, Joy We would advise the country to and bo aura that you have the real watch events closely during these ex- thing while you are holding that Be citing times Incident to the Maine dis- all tha more dutiful though It be In the aster. If there Is not a bond deal con- dark. Do righteousness and forget nected with it, we shall be greatly happlneaa, and so It le most likely that surprised. Silver happiness will come. Thla will help you to bo hopeful without impatience, The workingmen of Cleveland know and patient without despair. Phillips Mark Hanna of old. He may protest Brooks. that he la not a labor union crusher, NEW SLEEPING CARS and protest again and again; but they know that the bones of all the slaugh- To Denver, Omaha, St. Loala, Chicago and Boa ton, tered unions of Cleveland are piled up before his front door. A tardy denial Tha Denver A Rio Grande railroad now can have no effect, against their Scenic lino of tbe World announces new own memories and the newspaper re- and important additions to their already ports of the time when he made hie well arranged sleeping oar service. In the crusade. Even today Mark future, this popular line will run through Hanna cannot muster a corporal'! weekly Pullman Tourist sleepers to Omaguard of union workingmen In all the ha, Chicago, New York and Boston, also to establishments he owns In Cleveland. St. Louis without change. These care Hie organ, too, the Cleveland Leader, will start from Portland, Oregon, thus le known everywhere among printers giving benefit of through service on Oreaa a "rat office. Cleveland Recorder. gon Short Line, as well as from all Utah points. The excursions are personally oonducted and furnish all the conveniences Then you do not think Mr. Reed le Pullman sleepers at less than aa bad as he appears? Of course not pf regular half tha oost, The St. Louis car will leave He le simply part of a machinery to O. S. L. stations every Thursday and Ogbreak up and destroy our representa- den via Rio Grande Western railway, tive system, and he le so Involved In every morning. The Omaha, ChiFriday of gold rascality that he cago, New York end Boston the sleeper will hae to move with the machinery or be leave O. S. L. stations every Wednesday Silver and Salt Lake eyery Thursday evening, ground to atoms. thus affording tha Inestimable privilege of r a twelve-hou- r in Balt Lake City. In these days when public officials For rates and all details, write to B. F. to aggregated Nevlns, General Agent, or IL M. Cushing, are bo subservient as represented In the great T.P. A.,D. AR.G. Railway, Salt Lake wealth, corporations, it le positively refreshing City, or any Oregon Short Line or Rio to become aware of such a man as Grande Western ticket agent. Commissioner of Insurance McNall of FAST TIME TO CHICAQO the state of Kansas. This competent and brave public servant has Just bela Kl Grand Western BnUwny. gun a new campaign against the corCommencing February 8, the new time ruption of the great life Insurance card of the Rio Grande Western goes into companies, and the indications are effect. The Atlantic Express leaves Salt that before these octopl are through Lake City at a. m., arriving at Denver with him they will know how to do at 9:80 a. m. the following morning and their duty to the people. The latest Chicago at S;15 p. m. the third day; makaction of Mr. McNall, taken last week, ing connectlona with limited trains from was to require from the corporations Chicago to New York. The evening train ofthls state a statement of the sums leaves at 7:40 p. m., arrives at Denver at which may have been expended by 9:15 p. m. the following night and Chicago them for political purposes. Mr. Mc- at 8 a. m. the third day, making close conNall has learned that at least two of nections with the fast morning trains for the corporations have made plana to New York end Boston. Both of these purchase legislation in the state of through trains are splendidly equipped Kansas, and he proposes to find out with all latest appliances and conveniences Twentieth and earry Pullman Palace and Pullman all about the business. Tourist Bleeping cere as wall as free ReCentury. clining Choir Cars. Ticket oOoe, No. 108 West Second South street. (Postoffice Why Not? comer.) Sets financiers whom If the eminent Ufa aad Death. retary Lyman J. Gage has Invited to suggest a currency plan that will make What Is Ufa? Tie loving God their business prosperous cannot agree And loving man. And serving both, with spirit true. upon some plan it would be remarkable. So It le altogether likely that in As host we ean. a short time we will have a plan that What la death? It la to take will make at least one business prosThe dear Lord's perous. Now why would It not be a And let him lead uehand, out of Night good idea to ask parties engaged in Land. To Morning! of laws business what other lines they Emma C. Dowd. would like to have enacted that would New Konte to Health. make their business prosperous? For Little, tablets in a fragrant, who men palatable been have instance, engaged in tbe business of raising horses have dainty enameled metal box, just right for not been very prosperous for several the vest pocket or the lady's purse. On tha Then again other business tablets are stamped the letters "C. C. C. years. men who have been engaged In the Cascaret, Candy Cathartic. Eat one like and the little tablet at once purifici business of stealing horses have not candy and disease germs in the mouth destroys had as good laws for the protection of and stops throat, souring of undigested their business as some other lines of food in the stirs up the liver tone stomach, In fact, some of the laws business. and strengthens the bowels, muking-thepassed have actually discriminated act healthy and naturally. They aro well against their interests. Men engaged and widely advertised in the prose, but the In the raising of poultry could without best advertisement for Cascarets is their doubt suggest laws that would make wonderful mild yet positive action, which their business more profitable. Gen- makes a Cascaret convert of who tlemen engaged in the busfhesi of tries them. We recommend everyone them to oil stealing chickens could make sugges-tio- our readers In regard to laws that would It Is easier to cut down a hill than it la have a tendency to Increase their to drive over it 10,000 times. profits. Men engaged In the business of wrecking trains could have their A Cheap Trick. business as well protected by law as To manufacture a cheap knlsomlne the business of wrecking railroads has In short, all of the different stuck on the well with glue, been. claiming lines of business could be made pros- If to be the "same thing, or just perous by laws for their benefit. Pro- good as the durable Alabaatine, or to vided. the laws were so framed that buy and sell such on such reprewhat was brneflelaJ. to one Industry sentations would goods seem a cheap trick. did not conflict with the prosperity of to It To be safe, buy AlSome resort other Industries.!?. L. Pptlth. alia tine only in packages and property labeled. - Knight-Watchma- anti-uni- n. on cog-whee- ls Knight-Watchma- n. lay-ove- m ns u |