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Show v ! CLEANLINESS GODLINESS: S 4 Js C-- A Cl l.DSa : TO at 2 be godly by bathing It t the lime you can win that 25 by riding tho barrel WM Na extra charge for BATHS 0 X tbs oooi. I (ryiai. J5 52.54 Veal Third ' A Wlaa Hen. Wanted Hla Assistance. f Rooster Dont you know youre Toting Man "1 have exited, df to p' request your daughters hand In sitting on u litter of gluea eggaT Hen 8h! Dont mention it Aa riase. ( Has aft as the hired man takes me for a Parent Huh! Stern long 3 fool hell trtng me my meala aad I daughter contented to marry yea?1 wont have to grab for a living. Young Man Of coarse not. If aba 3 S Turkish Bathi Our Specially j Swath Street, had wouldn't be wasting any on you." 1 1 He Failed to Scare. Between Acta. Him Will you share my lot? Her Not me; 1 dont like the crop She The program raya It "taken from the German." you will gather from it Him Crop of what? He Humph! I guess they Her Wild oatx. glad enough to get rid of IL Tiirc Table I SALT LAKE IL R. CO. DKPAKT. rt I i ParPma, hrLahl.Prove, Jaab, Aantai hrk, Milford. Prlueo, AMBITS. Provo, AHarlaaa Pork, floe LckL, Juab, Milford, Priam, ,d arm Provo, Lobl, Ul llearb 9i35 a m C.1C P E. Stmt. L. MOORE, DIM. Paau. Amt Oval Hum. Aren., ing." "Yea. replied Mrs. Groucherly, "and so do all the neighbors; they think It becoming very ancient and decrepit Hla Little Joke. Jokeley Of course you are Inter ested In the cat show that la lo ha held next month? Rimer (the poet) I? Why should I be? Jokeley Why, Ite got up expressly for people who cultivate the me "What waa your first step In crime that ted up to this daring forgery?" aaked the Judge. "1 began by changing the dates of my wife's letters uefore I finally mailed them, answered the victim of red-nose- T would step-ladd- Never Do. "The Rev. Mr. Pondrous haa flopped over, and cqine, out .for . your pact V Why don't you get him to apeak at BECAUSE wa guarantee enr work. your rally?" "He might forget himself end All Right for Nettle. BECAUSE you know la Advance a sermon. We want the peopreach Fred I how wonder Nettie got Jane Just what your work will coat to awake at our rally." ple keep to to her? She certainly isn't BECAUSE we are graduates of Ike a propose b:t attractive. Unacquainted. heat eastern colleges. Gertrude No, but ebe baa such Muggins I understand your wife to her He know. asked tact, you wa have BECAUSE the beet la financially Interested lu your busilunch u little while ago; it waa only equipped office In the State and every out of politeness, you understand. But ness. Gabbleton Ye i new method. In giving the orders she managed to Muggins Silent partner, eh? liked order Just the things that Fred e BECAUSE we have Introduced Gabbleton Huh! You evidently beaL Naturally, ha fell In love with don't know my wife. prices and are doing the beat at her on the epoL work at tesa coat thaa the Theae Dear Glrla. Feeling Him. Grace 8o Tom la engaged to Ethel, IMS run set of teeth Mrs. Aacum Have you bought la he? B.M Gold crowns, your huabanda birthday present yet? Dora Yes, poor fellow! I anppoaa and I think It hell cerer know It now. Gold Ullage lff ep Mrs. Newliwed of Yea, me too. I bought waa real clever Grace Never know what? .Silver Ullege a big cigar for 10 cents. Dora That he could have had you Mrs. Aacum That looks rather for the asking. 7 "'7 . east--er- old-time- -- cheap. Mr found pasted Boston Peotil Pulors toeob DM Main Or. none w km' On In TMLBPMORB 1400 a. VJf HEN yav mm bars vltb YOUR TOOTS TKOI Ui.KS,ri bam as mr (orvteo lha MOST PKUrthT MOtKMN APi ohms at OKI LLP rUASO.H. bPUtATOKS. i n .HhihmI Jt 10 i I ManiSar. Prater la Fumltur and f all Kinds. Ilea nuuriKfS I'arealua. Wa m if amnia f..r oa emnm anlun. A r hires of IS per reus f limited! othrrw a A roniiiilsama 10 per cent. of S por esnt lavariaolr If no di or rechirei-moved before sold. Uomi-n- Ki-- 145 South Vest Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, PAUL: SMITH tEPlItlM nillBO DTEKQ : ProosS Off ClMnhj, LudaS' Mfste a hfacoily. I alt late ONy, Utsk ?4 E Thtad I It n or BARTLSNGS New York Gash Store S ' New " Cns on tho Parson. Minister Deacon, 1 stand that you do under- Gents' suits made to order from home - made cloths, all wool hew styles )ust received rot believe men are sufficiently punished here on earth for their misdeeds." The Deacon Well, parson, I didn't believe It until after I heard you Mill brown nnd grey In tha Book Store. Kremey Haven't you Moore's mixtures poema? Clerk Yes, Mias; I' 11 get em for you. By the way, here'a a aptendld story called "Juat One Kiss." .Mias Kremley (coldly) I want Moore. THE MASON. - t from the mills in preach. c 3 I c 3 if ..21.00-- . suits in and fancy worsteds. High grade work with Gents ready-mad- e cas-sime- rs patent shoulders c On Thing Needful. Miserly, the chemist, claims to hsve discovered an elixir that will make old men young. Brown He Is on the wrong track. Green How's that? Brown He sliould proceed to earn the everlasting gratitude of a public by dlscoverlrg an elixir that will make some young mu older. look dressy and wear well ..SI O.OO.. All kinds of wool and cotton underwear and hosiery at bed rack prices. Knitted garments in all grades. CUTLER BROS. CO. Green ridl C. W. BOVrON, 0 fluffl W Sol M fluid Crow", 2h Mllllvaaea aeeaeee sees IAN orlbe DESERET COMMISSION QL FVR.NITVKE C0. 91-0- ' : night." Yon Jack "Serves you righL ought to go slow about such things" Tom "I did. That's why I got caughL" IptMtyk Tvv'b FitractvA .o4 MJ l of rnalpaw or silver Filling..,. 0100 IMW Sold hilling oeeaee Teeth Cleaned I 92.00 IN KT Little Too 8low. "Old Elffklns caught ma In the act of kissing hla daughter last Really a Captivating Title. Senior Partner What title shall we give our new beauty hook? Junior partner How would "How to Become Beautiful" do? Senior partner Don't believe that asamlna fer taa aad mwia4 would make e hit with most women. Mv: tbaia la as Junior partner Then well call It "How to Continue Beautiful." 8en!or partner Ah, thats the I $?.. op Tom "I don't know. What are you going to take?" "1 think m take a pale ate. "All righL aald the other, "give me a pall, too." Uppincoit' Gan, Brifci ai ItlainaliTNk 0 hla own wile The Quantity He Wanted. An Irishman, meeting another one holiday, Invited him to tba nearest saloon to have a drink. "Whatll ye have, Jim?" said tba J. B. Kifsor's Dutil Officii. !ml Ilia ft. 1M Yea, but wait, I Newliwed a pricetag marked $2.50 end I that on- IL Philadelphia Press. i . s. a. a aae a. 94-3- Beginning of IL r. ttt -- What'a Ague. Mrs. Dixon 8he transferred all her property to her husband ao that her relatives couldn't get It Mrs. Hlxon Yes, and now the and her relatives are In the same fifx. Probably Saw IL An animal bad escaped from a menagerie, and the keeper waa In search of IL Have you seen a stray giraffe?" he asked of the group on the platform at the suburban railway station. "Now, that you mention IL srid the loafer sitting on the baggage truck, 1 saw a tall walkin' up the road past my house tee sight, but 1 didn't pay no. lent Ion, to IL I thought I had em again." J. W. GILLETT, lici-ls- Invalid. Cot back at Him. exclaimed "What! Groucherly. "You want a new bonnet? Why, I think the one you have la very becom- ALL TRAINS DAILY, Dally Pullman Buffet Sleepier Cbr ServlM belweaa Salt laka, Milford. Modena and fall eolluii (or all ailalBS anie. Hired mage SlMrteu la aoutbera Utah aad Nevada. City Ticket Offioa, 201 Vain Teleh mt 250. All linen of liidics' sluice (relclirntcd Utx ft Diiiin'e make), Ii:i i..I turned, (ioodrcnr , well, concave, military and jialcnt or, stock tijia. All vuluca 93.30 to a iuir matter for mi 'Why sooner?" aaked the doctor of a patient who waa almost due at the Jumping-of- f place. "Well, gasped the Invalid, time to mako up me a "It to do anything my 605 pm PMrfetd, Clip, Mawmoth. Mlockum, Touala aad It. u 7 ii 3 $ 1.29 Against Cdd didn't you send "T.wUa 535 p m Silver atm Burvka, OarOald ' m 91-7- your trouble? Klrt! Imalld Same thing. Second Invalid Good! I eta go over tex that aaloon on the corner and hake Ipr the drink 7,1ft lJw I in laaalai OMU lYT and sllrer Lily (eta Ha coi-of-f) llisaiV linngiiln nnd box enlf, Lin nnd Imt-tua mi 92.00 values sluice, regular moat Fhsmefn'.ly. ' Two cf a Kind. Invalid What's the fprlnd ut hr $1.95 Lets to Da. with 111. Lohl, PslrSakt 3.0U, 93.23 nud 93.30 teref FlA-- t Marcur, eoanaoUne m Ni-pfor Monti and lateraeiliaie po an oa S.npeU Vsiloy K.. GarfloM Brorh, Taoala, Ktocktoo, Mawatoth. Eureka Dure t liken nil our Indies' oxfords (including tin relclirntcd I'tx & luun model), vuluefl only n newspaper Jole." "Well, pop, why do you turn up your trousers at the bottom everv morning when you go down thlil Lis duty Sale on Ladies9 Shoes 'STAMP The youngster kad heard a facet mi orence to the fcolklller and he was colons. ,1oes the foclklller have to work awlil hard?" he aaked. Co; he doesn't have to my sor. hutlhe ought to." wa t"e reply. "He'' hail' no time for sleep If he didn t l!rELES i5D LOS A Three Days9 Looked Suspicious. "la It so. rop. that there la an much water down In Wa.I atreet?" asked the broker's little boy. "Why ro, my son," said the man ot atocka and bonds, laughingly; that U1 TOO BAD. AJ PEDRO, tSMJ Mme 2 SANITARIUM 5 jMm a ad pcrhipi . ; B NEXT j 3t Bill SHE SILT Lilt CIT1. g Jones Your cousin d'dht stay long. Mrs. Smith No. She eeked tc to treat her like one of the fomlly and when we did, she got angry anJ lj Mi The Handicap of Marriage. Wife You'll miss half the fun of your life If you don't take ms with What Hs Used. Juat a Way They Have. a waa case of assault and battery. It asked the Inqu! conductor, Say, the altercation, Itlve passenger, In speaking of t! "During queried you. the police msgirtrate, "did the aclime which la proper, a quarter Husband (preparing for a little trip six' cused. use an expletive?" or a 'quarter of alx.1 " to Paris) rerhap but I'll miss ilia railroad; "No, your honor," replied the prosethe replied "Neither," other half If I do. London Tattler " cuting witness, "he cnly used bis flsr." man. "1 always say fl Sex Questions. "There Is a sex In question" "How ao?" "Why, Will ahe have; him? Is essentially masculine, while 'Can she get him? la the feminine of IL" In Satisfactory In Every Way-Ne- ll Y'ou seem perfectly satisfied with your new gown. Belle Yes; It has been approved conby lha maa I Ilka heat and most! 1 woman hate demned by the i motnJU&s Special until July 13.60 15. Two of Kind. IMd rfflWBIollltl HUH llS(MMMSM.B3'kl - "I dont believe 1 ever could learn I.IHI OlHl Of diltlll PlUllIK. (aaossoeoeoeefesii to love a mar," said the giddy girl. IX l All lllhH Mlllnil "Our Ideis seem tn shoot the same II foot gonrsDiro. Twill rsirartad wltsooi pots. Lody lo aueiulMMi chute." rejoined the ssrcsstle youth. "1 sin positive 1 couldn't either," Dr. Zimmerman 1 1 - Opsa Dolly Till t p. n, Dr. Ned Hcwcttt mi "MEnS.2""u 168 S. Main TELEPinTB 111 U tl |