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Show CAPTAIN SUED THE HIMSELF if HAH GAINS PRESIDENT UTAH STATE SEWS MINES AND MINING NOT RESPONSIBLE Mizpdb is wild over tbe discovery of has intioductd wire a gold or; upon the Jumbo claim p. bill for LEFT WOMEN ID grunting boulevard through Fort Duugiue Mi- of T. F. Banigan and Phil Brady. The Roand Mountain, Nevada, stock litary reservation. was formally opened on the exchange less Tbe than issuance of not Does Not ,ueh Is th Conclusion Reached by event Survivors Tell Thrilling Talcs of tho Public lanes Committee the being followed by a big 9th, worth of bonds to erect three new j tho Superintendent of ths New Position on Agrec Witn His Wreck of the Steamer Larchmont. deLanqueL was school buildings in Sait Iake York State Hospital for tho Coal Lands Question. Grave Chargrs Against Two companies have been organized cided upon by tbe board of education Insane. Captain. at Springville, Utah, to uperale mines last week. A bill inn forming U Of the old folks present at the oid in the Lee district in the Bullfrog people control Bpriugiille n New York. Answering hypothetic folks' celebration in ML Pleasant last country. 'sD-of n incisure to ln Mdeiii KisMcvi-l- t i j Providence, It. I both companies. of deUil 13 every Hie 18 over 81) years, week, there were Cn ,cnl Question covering brini'ilit Iiitc by sumu rcduiiiiciidiiMiu) bu an Ifrriug The Chicago-l.tani lather that ('upper Mining testimony up to this rime in the over TO years. 2k over 7u years and Ml of the survivors of tin Mr:iini.-- l.ai'cb-moti- limns by th. g.ivi ii.isn Nimwhich owns Thaw Balt uf Mrs. Lake, cldcil Kvelyn .1. over including ot tfi!. company 6i iism Mile age. years i in Friday fillheir wjr which went to tin; bottom ii life of her narration the Thaw's bit in district, .Morgan mining claims on 0.11,11.11 ice puhllj Some of the farmers of Mourn Block Island sound Monday night, and by Mil- - li.msc filed artiDr. has G. Charles Utah, superiucounty, Wagner, Morgan ;tory, Pleasant are already engaged in plowsuuin of the passungerH assert Mint In the for incurioratfou. of slate the of cles hospital committee Me.ln.-Mlutbe women r. 111 jtem'ent ing, preparing for the spring crop the hour of peril lnlpvs at Binghamton, N. Y., The Black Dolly Fire Clay company Winter seems to have gone for good, were thrust aside by nu n who eared js.iieil bill winch was widely nt va jinaane on the witness bland on Balt I .like, which owua claims near w iMi the miki-- m unis made In the jClatred of uwu from indieutious. for their safety. present only K. his Thaw bat in t coal Harry opinion lands mi Green and proposes to esmade was Pleasant me, sage The charge of tower liee Tbe rejiort of the building inspector d nut know that his act waa wrong The i he Mime day. a tablish iioiTt ry lu Balt Lake City, Is an to yeaiold lad; c,i. eoi.gres by Fred lleirgesell, be shut and killed Stanford of Salt Lake City for the past year lias filed articles or incorporation. of Hrisiklyn, N. Y. He said that not mill,-.- , was unaware f me niesaagr . shows that there were 021 permits for Hie bill, and jWte. teM.lii-inew buildings issued, the estimated only weru women 'eft- to their fate,- mi'll after il Inn! They have now a four and Dr. a of hypothetiWagner's opinion vein of coal at tbe Uorcu mine ou but that Cupl iiii Mi Wy h rt the sinkcal question, the man tinder consideracost of which was y2.'112.!);!b. life first Iswl; tion very in the author which of the letters being lag ship Tbe Sweet Candy company of Salt Trapper creek, in Idaho, from which have been Introduced as emanating are taking a very good quality of that soims of the ship's now filled the from Harry Thaw during hla estrange-- . Lake, one of the largest manufactur- they boats to the exclusion of the passen One streak uf it is uf the very coal. ment with Evelyn No lilt after their ing concerns of its kind in the west, . was j agreement 1m; Mill hill oil aiu h & gers, and mill at least one boat muru fro(n Kuro,,,. ju furnished will within tin; coming year erect a best grade. a tho ihvhI1bl; N asiiii; without oars when It was put over tiia between Del-- modern day of IpknI Application for tbe appointment of factory in Salt Lake aiiifiuted of the defense, and hill Hiitlior- - phlu M. 'Jli Side. receiver a for the St. Joe Mining comCity. Mr. Jerome for the prosecution A careful complin! ion id figures in IZCH the piesi.lei.1 lo lease any owns claims In the West which Mr. Jerome i pany, blocked the The Utah JJght & Railway company this city early Wednesday shows lhat lauds wlili a loinltv of ml more than ; coinpletion for tin.-- I. me being of the near Bingham, was dintrict Mountain of Salt an or Lake, last week placed are known In have iieeu 2 rents a uni end provides that the j testimony of Mrs. Krelyln Thaw by 12g live tiled in the Salt Lake Mill a lu made with factories lot eastern known laudx limy lx- wiihdiiiwn from entry insisting that before she should go der It lost in the disaster. ai'-e- l miles s i of 1 7 rails aud an courts last week. as further to eighty compeu-nthan that there with not less afier flic) are leased, but riot before. Thaw's uiihuiindiiesstestimony A few months agn D. S. Lauterback, uf mind should order with Uregoti linns lor on board. Of tb.it number only Tho amount to he leased to any one bo tried to carry tlea. New York swapped 42,000 shares given. Mr. uf acres. Is to hisl-lelimned Seventy-linnineteen sun Hiniscvi I: wanted all coil forward the young wife's story, but Juiubo Extension of President (of Goldfield, eight reinveied. thirty lieell buildhavo Samuel Doxey, architect and rrom entry Ht once, the district attorney was on his feet 1 here withdrawn lund fur an equul number of Atlanta Ideniilied. Xev.), Of tiiem having an with ion to and for with object associated every question. er, il lx; leased Or many years hu are reKUrdless uf wheih.-are still I"U passengers shares, losing, by present reckonings not, hut Hu; general withdrawal j A8KS JUSTICE FOR SQUAW MEN. the public school system of Ball Lake either missing or unidentified. hv wcsicru niemlien, la npiMiscd an strongly Instructor in manual train about $75.0111 m the trade. City as A thrilling story of the disnsier have to mure annot who willing any A correspondent writing from State-lin- e told by Hama Feldniuu. of New lurk, President's Message in Behalf of ing, dropiied dead in an epileptic tit reserves. Who with Ilia wile waa saved. After laud go lulu Koveniiiii-iisays that one of the richest strikes on Friday. Whites Who Married Cherokeee. dressing, IVIdmaii and his wife rati to In the history of Staleline or southMILLIONS FACE STARVATION. A great deal of the stock for the Roosevelt Washington. the hurricane neck. A wave struck has just been made In the ern Utah off mid rijs'd sent a special the top of the steamer to congresi erection of the new opera house at a huge pleco ot the superstructure Russian Leader Telia Awful Tale of Monday, urging the enactment of a Sprlngville haa been subscribed, and tunnel being driven on the Liberty His People's Condition. property by John Erickson of State-linupon which they and ninny otherwrec fbill, the draft uf which la included In the company will soon be Inoorpont were stnmllng Ah tho leudsr York Mladin, New sea many of the message, which grants white per- ed. The proposed building will cost eign slipped off Into the No other state ol the Union Is conof the IVhmiih piirt) In Russia, ar- sons who have intermarried with the puaseuger either fell backward 20,000. or Inmembers the nation Alludiu said of of Cherokee that the steamer, tributing more to the 'welfare and adrived hi re Friday. into the saloon of During the year 1906 a total of 237 vancement of Nevada's mining induswere thrown Into tins water. After he would nut lx wit prised if the new diana sixty nays in which to dispose of Improvements they hare placed on fires broke out within the limits ol the wreckage, which was In effect try than Utah, and especially In the Is never organized. lands lu the Cherokee nation which Salt Lake City, an Immense raft, had been away from doutna Involving property camps containing copper resources are It is now too late to stay the prop they have heretofore occupied. The valued at the ehlp a few momenta, Mr. Feld$2,223,840. The actual loss, Salt Lakers active to a most liberal la to sale of such be In he Husnu." said of his improvements reee man counted companions. lilteriy himself and hla wife there were "The liberal sentiment is so general made only to members uf the Chero- however, Is shown to amount to only extent. were kee natlou at an appraised price to be $60,293.60. on board, but they thirty-threProfessor Angbey, of the United will come to the front In spit fixed hy an official to be named by crowded bo badly that one by one that it The Commercial club of Lak Salt States geological survey, says: "1 the secretary uf the Interior. they began to drop off into the sea. of all the government opposition. o the of action City, boom in the a through board its The decision of (Nerecent the not expect Jumped have in Russia supreme cold, the crazed conditions The by Home, Daniel of lu tue Red Olh bird sourt a at drowned. were case, governors the last district the and held from the raft year. Thirty special meeting during coming vada) Improved during era, sitting near the edge, wen millions of iople in Russia are today which excrude all intermarried per- last week, has declared unequivocally spring and summer, as the mines will wept away, and etill others, frozen practically uxin the point of starva- son. from receiving an allotment of a railroad coinmisslop for the all be opeutm during that time, and to death, dropped Into the water. Aa tion, and during March, April and May the land or a share of the tribal funds against It is sale to any that there will be state of Utah. hour after the raft had been swept It la likely that a million people wlU ef the nation under tbe allotment act even more rich strikes recorded than Allen Forshue, aged 75, attempted there were at from the steamer there were but six- die. It la my desire to appeal to ths ef 1898, is the occasion for the enactRhyolite." ment tbe these of by suggested on and distressed only American people to help my teen persona president It, uldde in Balt Lake City while In s A number of parties have outfitted eight were alive. country, but whatever money may bs fit of despondency, taking a quantity at Idaho Falls recently for prospect raised here, 1 don't want it to fall Inttr (till Investigating Brownsville Sheet. of laudanum, but was picked up on WELL CAVES IN ON DIGGER. Russian the of hands governmei In the Birch Creek country. Not the Ing officials. The American relief comm the streets by a policeman and saved all are from Idaho Washington. The "shooting up" of Falls, a number Hours, tees should have their own represen Waa Burlsd For Twenty-Fou- r uy prompt medical attendance. atwaa in rownavlllo come an form train of and outfitted at the IilBi by having But Suffers Little injury. to distribute in Russia the tlvea William F. Rigby, aged 45, of Rlcb-mon- , Idaho Falls. There are many more dwi tack on tbe garrison at Fort Brown, the Russian "If government After Neb. South Ornaho, being Cache county, was struck by s who are delaying until spring in order not grant a constitutional form of goto the testimony given Monimprisoned at the bottom of a forty-foo- t vernment, the greHleat strike in th his- according over without the witch engine at Cache Junction and to look tbeof ground day by Mingo Sanders, former first I will snow. hindrance well, covered with tone of earth, tory of the world will follow. Twenty-fof Boof killed. tbe He waa sergeant Company on instantly standing hours and receiving be a greater strike than that of lJiM). for twenty-fou- r Should anyone doubt the mineralizaifth infantry, before the senate the track talking with other parties, on military affairs. San-dohie air supply through an Iron well oommlttee of the district of Stateline, that tion when HERO. he heurd the engine approachCONDUCTOR PROVES said that while running from hie Ideal section that can be claimed pipe, Hermun Frankboldt, a well digHe ing. stepped backward, thinking to Company B. barracks afger, waa dug out and found unin- Saves His Passengers in Time of quarters with equal right by both the states of ter being awakened by tbe firing upon it would pass In front of him, when jured. Frankholdt was digging a well Utah and Nevada, he would be conthe night of August 13, the shooting tbe engine struck him. Panic, But is Himself Injured. near South Omaha Monday morning. vinced in short order by gasing upon Sllvertou, Colo. Twenty ptnen-ger- was going on, and it came from the James W. I red ale, 35 years old, Monday night he fatlud to return was toward the hospital on town and a small chunk of ore from the Big In the homo. Including one woman. Tuesday a search was made tha military reservatiua. This ia the motorman, met Instant death in Salt Fourteen property, which plainly tor him. The well where he had been south-bounthe on train passenger the discharged (negro soldlens that Lake City by coming in contact with shows rich in gold and silver. Taps were Gladstone A Northern railroad, vert tho fire came from the town. working had caved in. a live wire which was lying across heard on the gasplpe Iron ladder The value of tbe recent ore strike in which he bad been using and a con- savpd from injury and possibly death the track. A spectator started to the Pot Wrestler mine of the Dolltr-hld- e ARE DISGUSTINQ. DITAILS versation was held through the hollow Friday through the bravery and presweep the wire from the track with Mining company at Hailey, Idaho, tube. Frankholdt waa protected when tence of mind of Conductor Clrt District Attorney Wants Nswspapsrs a broom, when Iredale pushed him to is shown by two assays made last the cave-l- occurred by the iron lad- Barnes. A mile from Ktlvcrton the Indicted for Cirouiation ef one side and grasped the wire in his week. One of the assays shows 475 der through which a supply of fresh in Thaw Trial. air reached him. He kept up a con- rear coach broke Iinwc and began to hand, being instantly killed. ounces of silver, 36 per cent of lend, tinual tapping on the Udder, hoping run hack down the steep grade. The and a couple of dollars of gold per New York. United States District While in chemisthe experimenting hi rushed After some one would hear him. eight passengers, panic stricken, ton; and the other 135 ounces of silMonon of this Stlmson city at Attorney the Conduthe hut try a of for laboratory body houre' digging the ntan waa released. platform, University and C per cent of lead per ton. ver, ctor Barnes restrained them and flitt- day served a notice upon the publishUlBh, Geo. Roberts, a member of tbe Lee district, in Nevada, is charThe ed them, one by one. to jump off the ers of all the principal newspaper! In freshman class, was FOUR KILLED BY GAS. severely burned acterized this dty that he Intends to bring be- on tbe arm rapidly moving car. by an immense bed of by a gas flame and on As BHrnes waa alanil to jump the fore tiia United Stales grand Jury for from north to south for apEmploye was Looking for Leek When quartzite car left the truck and rolled (lows in criminal prosecution all violations of the left side of his face by concenfourteen miles and from Explosion Occurred. proximately was badly the federal laws ngainst the circulaembankment. Barnes trated nitric acid. one to two miles in breadth. In color An explosion uf leak- crushed about the hips and body. Loa Angblea. tion of obscene matter la reporting Governor Cutler has received letters the Trial. Thaw in the heart the restaurant quartz Is from light brown to black a in gaa ing and telegrams from Japan which Inn. and its consistency runs from sugary Adama Jury Selected. of tho city, on Wednesday, killed four Hia cate that the Japs who are wanted In to compact. "Bands of light brown Wallace. Ida. A jury for the trial of King Alfonso Builds Chapsl for persons, mangled and seriously inMother-in-LaUtah for the embezzlement from their and yellowish sandstone occur In tbe vein and run parallel to it jured nearly a score and completely Steve Ailutns. ehnrged with I he BoMadrid. An Anglican chapel waa countrymen In Box Elder county of brick building in rder of Fred Tyler and implicated In wrecked a A strike and a stampede of the male d El their savings, are now in which was located four small business the murder of ex Governor Steunn-berg- , recently installed In the Palace of population of Lovelock, Nevada, to the waa completed Friday, hi fop Pardo, under ths direction of King Al- custody In Nippon. concerns. Tho explosion occurred In hills at 12 o'clock at night may result use uf Princess Henry lows: tlco. Wilson, milling man; A. R. fonso, for the Oliver C. Huntington, one of the the restaurant of B. Crssartl. Vicin of mother the founding of a rich new mining Queen of miner'' retired: Jncnh Ilsttenberg. Frank, oldest citizens of Sprlngville, died at district West Second street, shortly before south and east of Vernon and George II. furl is. employe or morning toria, when she is stay lug there. This his home last week noon. The restaurant WHp completeafter an Illness of the Seven Troughs mining dislricL Harrv Wilson mining dub? caused some comment among the paper: was tho also as wrecked tailoring lliik ly Twety-fou- r hours each day are deUngers, randy-man- ; John Pant roms fanatical officers of the court only a few hours. Air. Huntington establishment of H. U Yerger, aud a hotel It came to tho kings ears, came to Utah in 1848 and settled in voted to the work of installing the wb?n which I'eter proprietor: Doyle, severemploye mail Uundry office. Offices uf new machinery being received by the Heels mines; Frank J. Biding, bw. caused hla majesty to remark: "Well, Balt Ijtke al small concerns ou the second floor chant City. He was the first male Lower Mammoth Mining company at not like who It do need ; 11. K. Filers, those senort, J. dairyman: school toucher in Utah. were completely ruined. Tlntic. J. Yumlii weriter not go there." The him uus instantly Conners, retired; Retail lumber dealers in Salt understood. miner. Two years ago Albert S. Watson, Government's Right to Appeal. are making elaborate preparations for ot the Jumbo Extension, at Been president Haa Persia of Shah Washington. The senate has passed Mrs. Bradley Charged W th Murder. Power of th the snnual convention of the Western Goldfield, Nev., which is Incorporated Curtailed. the bill giving the government the The Retail Lumber Dealers association, at 1,250,000 shares, sold 100,000 shares ;m. Washington. P. l at 8 cents, and a little later another ; right to appeal to the supreme court of the District uf I'nluiulii.i Teheran. The simh on Monday and of the Western Lumbermen's-Mutua- l uracil 100,000 at 10 cento. He accepted $18,-00- 0 (or construction of tbe constitution- an Indictment on Piidny ugiimsi Anu night sent a menage to parliament society, to be held in Salt lor securities that are worth on crimIn a law Involved Inof r any M. Bradley for unmli-ality in ihe ri granting all the pointier demands, that City Feb. 14, 15 and 16. the market about $600,000 today. formal recognition the inal suit This measure has been un- degree for shooiing ex Si n.n.ir Authority has been granted the suAp.hr cluding The reason for the present extraorder consideratliHi for several days, Brown, of Suit l.al.i-- . :i; ih,. KalHrh Uie country is under count It utioual telepervising engineer of the Strawberry was This message s. price for copper is easily detergovernment. IVremhiT last. dinary hotel, Mr. ltrad was after and many passed only mined. The production of North Amertin. n irony's graphed to Tabriz, where the people Valley irrigation project, Utah, to obamendment had been adopted at the was directed held ! and closed the tain proposal from as many firms as ica In 19U6 was only 3.2 per cent In bad seized the arsenal suggestion of senators who have criti- Jury s( the inquest inin.!i-i!iAll Is now quiet. Tbe may be practicable for the machinery excess fit the production In 1905, while cized the provisions of the bill. It lowlug the death of I.ivwn. She Ms public offices. Increased at a considerconflict between the shah and the aswas explained ihnt the amendments since been in the iliMinri required for tbe power plant to be consumption sembly ie at an end for the time be- used rate, says the Engineerably greater did not In any Instance detract from without hnil to await tin- Ki'.uiil in excavating Strawberry tunnel. ing and Mining Journal action. ing, but not before the situation had the original purixwe of the bllL A revision ol the northern tariff of become threatening. Tha owners of the Myrtle mine at Juts Trust is Blamed. the Oregon Short Line just completed Interposition In Dominican Affaire UnLooses Trunks for Debt Idaho, are Jubilant over the Pearl, Princess a make reduction on third and fourth warranted. Philadelphia. ('otiitM'l for the of that property rapid development Balt Lake, Ogden, and the Paris. Princess Louise uf Belgium, class rates splendid showing of values. The new treaty with P. Dunlap Carixd company, li Twin Falls Washington linitio 7 and of to from the divorced wife of Prince rhillp of cents per hundred pounds. The reduc- At a depth of 55 feet values were the Dominican republic, which reached operates large mills in this ty found to be in an open letter tion went into effect per ton in a two-foo- t Snxe Coburg-Gothn- . no thai tuced the first of this ledge, and$12.50 the Friday the senate on Wednesday, was the subthe concentrates run ('miany In the Matin on Monday, month. published embarrassed, ii $102.30. ject of consideration by the senate complaint bitterly of tbe heartless A balx'us corpus action has been committee on foreign relations. Ow- ed that in round figures i;. fashion In whtrb her Briber, King The famous Ludwig mine Is being abandoned her, even al- started In Ihe ease of young Roy ing to Senator Bacon's opposition, no ties are fddd.Utfd. Tin t easutir 0f fog Leopold, baa under examination these days by the she which derived the train experts of the lowing the heritage progress was made toward securing a embarrassment are said to i prospective purchasers, mother to he wrecker at Peterson. In Ogden late queen the from canyon, favorable report. Mr. Bacon finds tbe failure of tentative subscriber was announced who was held fur murder in the sec- Walter Fitch ol Balt Uike, J. R. FinIt debt for seized new treaty objectionablo on the same company's stock to pay for te. In(1S 6. that the ond degree ns being responsible for lay, a noted mining geologist and exfrom Paris. February ground aa the old, because be consid- fact that James Dunlap, t l( Princes IsnitM had been the death of an ngineer as d result pert of New York, assisted by J. C. for trunks ers interposition in Dumluicsa affairs dent of the company, had "rmlT" Gorree. This property has been bondthe amount of a of the wreck. attached for unwarranted. ed for $l,000,uu0 cash. against the Jute trust." bill. jeweler's PARTIAL VICTORf DROWN WHEN ONI! KILLED HE WHITE Senator S'iHn-rlan.- right-ofwa- IL&ti.-uO- Commanding General of the Russian Army Explains Causes of Defeat s e h r A MrciiM Criticism of tho Men and Measure That Carried on Losing Contest. Were Totally Unprepared to Cope With Japanese. f, - bin-luni- de-aii- W St. Ixerthiirg. (Sen. Kuropalklna war, history of the whlrh was ciiufiwsii-- by the Russian government, has at last become despite the most eat rente precautions to prevent this palling official Imiletuieiii from reaching the public. The work is remarksble for Its historic value as the dosing chap-te- r of the ear from the pen of the eomiiianiler-lii'dilef- , ami for the merciless criticism of tho men and measures which. In Kuropat kln estimate, wept Russia ami Its army to defeat. The work eonrisia of three bulky devoted to the volumes, resK-rllvelbattle of IJao Vang, of the Sha river aad of Mukden. The voluminous genera) orders, statin' irs, reports and tout I or, with trfher documentary constitute most the "conclllNious,', amazing revelations of disorganization and fnen parity, and even of of specific urgent orders by rertain general officers entrusted with high commands In the field, notably (teneral Kaulbars, against whom a formidable Indictment la framed, saddling upon him the entire responsibility fur the defeat ai Mukden. Kuropatkiu's reasons for the failure of the war are based chiefly on a comparison of the wurilke spirit of the Japanese, their preparedness and valor, which, he says, had never been seen In any previous war, and their ability to maintain the numerical superiority necessary to aaaumo the with the disadvantage of Russia, owing to the Inadequacy of the single-tracrailwuy irom Kurope, with commanding oflliwi disobeying orders and In a hopeless state of confualon and crons purposes, with a low state ef morale and confidence among the troops, and continuous newt from home of Internal trouble and of Insults and reproaches against the army. The general pathetically conclude! that If Kuaaia had been united and ready to make the sacrifices necessary to safeguard her dignity and integ-iRusso-Japanes- e d o k wreiwu have striven till the foe was subdued." 01 "ismiuhmsis DEATH STOPS THAW TRIAL. Wife ef One of the Jurors Dies and Trial May be Delayed Soma Tim. New York. Another tragic chapter in the history of the Thaw-Whit- e episode waa written Thursday, vhen death stepped lu to halt the famous trial. The wife of Juror Joseph D. Bolton died Thursday afternoon soon after her husband had reached her bedside. He had been summoned from the courtroom, where the trial had been In progress for lees than fifteen minutes. The formal announcement of Mrs. Iiolton'a death waa made In court shortly after 2 p. m., the hours set for the afternoon session, e and Justice Fitzgerald Immediately tn adjournment of the case until aezt Monday morning. The court also ordered, with tho consent of counsel, that the other eleven Jurymen be given their liberty, and no longer be held together, lie admonished the Jurors to be guided by their honesty and their oath, and not to rend the newspapers or dlscuaa the Thaw case with anybody. BIG STRIKE IN BUTTE. Ceass Publication and Newspapers Telephone Girls Walk Out. Butte, Mont. The greatest conceited strike In the history ot tho city, affecting a number ot industries and completely closing the newspapers of Butte and Anacouda, began Wednesday, when the pressmen of the newspaper and Job rooms went out on a demand for an advance In wages, and ths telephone girl operators In the employ of the Rocky Mountain ncll Telephone company went out fur more pay. On Thursday linemen employed In telephone and telegraph work went out, whether In sympathy with the telephone girls or because their own demands for higher pay are pending, cannot be learned at this hour. The strike in Its entirety affects about 400 people and may spread. Butte and Anaconda newjXTs havo ceased publication. apparently, fur the next thirty nr sixty days at least, and a grim struggle Is now on tietween the Butte Miner, the Ilutte Evening News, the Butte and the Anaconda Standard on one side, and the Allied Printing crafts on the other. Inter-Mountai- Carriers Will Quit Butte, Mont. The mall rarrlera of Butte will quit work In a body March 1, advices having been received from Washington that the Increase in tries asked by the carriers is Impossible to conrcde, end their resignations accepted. The Butte carriers two weeks ago tendered their resignations to Postmaster George Irvin, stst-In-g they desired to resign March 1. unless the government saw fit to raise their pay, ae under the prescut wages they were untMi :o mk living. Mall til . l ; it , ripm-riu- five-stor- i j j j j sr-aon- 101,-Uu- a lv-- a d pci-so- lii-e- r i - t Pr.-iide- uieae a e. Ab-xt- s Be-aid- e Lee-Ech- ri n two-stor- y hard-earne- 114-11- 6 j. tf - |