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Show 2D Lakeside Review, Wednesday, December 14, 1988 ter- ,4 i ' - i"8" v, - Cheerleaders qualify for finals 5 v 4S H'--r- t &3v, iffei ?V t .' ; jfty '? A sy '? p4. - UnJ&. ;?:, LAYTON HIGH SCHOOL student body officers for the 88-8- 9 school year are, (from left) Candace Nalder, vice president; Mary Jane Stevenson, president; Tobie Her- bert, secretary. j .Jr SYRACUSE Two have been named Students of the Month at Syracuse Junior High School, Amy Aurich and Todd Stoker. Amy, daughter of Jerry and Sandy Aurich, 1208 W. 1625 S., was described in her letter of nomination as being a very dedicated student. Being an officer, she dedicates many, many hours in building school spirit and traditions. Many mornings she ar- ft - M r && AX,,. v 'fe Vi" ;. a-.ftV- -- V V Vn 'i u'! V, U V early jfor SYRACUSE Syracuse Junior High School has announced honor rolls for first term: Seventh-grad- e high honor roll: Aaron Beddes, Anita Christiansen, Jamie Cox, Shara Finlin-so- n, Staci Hamblin, Scott Hellewell, Melodee Hunt, Danielle King, Heidi Kuck, Steven Moffit, Andrea Sandry, Amy Sedgwick, Julie Taylor, Jennifer Techmeyer, Jill Waite, Natalie 1 r, J. ' 1 !vf' f fi:! Yearsley. HIGH SCHOOL senior class officers for the school year are, (clockwise from top right) Kathy Bundy, president; Brooke Cahoon, vice president; Angi Peterson, secretary. LAYTON 88-8- 9 honor roll: Melissa Bair, Jamianne Barker, Kelly Barrett, Spence Cornia, Cami Davis, Nicole Davis, Jake Draper, Heather Flint, Jill Flint, Melinda Gailey, Adrianne Gra Seventh-grad- e School menus potatoes wgravy, mixed vegeta- ble, cornmeal roll, peaches, Elementary lunch menus for Davis County are: Thursday, Dec. 15: CHRISTMAS DINNER Roast turkey, whipped potatoes wgravy, parslied carrots, whole wheat rolls, red & green jcllo jew: els wbanana piece, Christmas brownie, milk. Junior High - Pizzans. Tuesday, Dec. 20: Potato bar wassorted toppings (cheese sauce, broccoli, meat sauce, onions, chili), bowknot rolls, sliced apples, autumn spice cookie, milk. milk. Junior High Kindergarten Snack: Christmas treat. Friday, Dec. 16: Pizza, green beans, tossed salad, chilled peaches, milk. Kindergarten Snack: Graham Wednesday, crackers, milk. Monday, Dec. 19: Chicken fried steak, whipped potatoes wgravy, green beans, roll wpeanut butter cup, blackberry turnover, milk. Kindergarten Snack: Bread stick, milk. Tuesday, Dec. 20: French dip wAujus, french fries, garden salad, orange slice, peanut butter finger, milk. Kindergarten Snack: Peanut .butter finger, milk. Wednesday, Dec. 21: Homemade burritos wshred-de- d lettuce, grated cheese & salsa sauce, broccoli, pears, oatmeal cookie, milk. Kindergarten Snack: Cookie, milk. Thursday, Dec. 22: Vegetable soup, baked cheese sandwich, slice apples, cookie choice, milk. Kindergarten Snack: Cheese & crackers, milk. Friday, Dec. 23: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Secondary lunch menus for Davis County are: Thursday, Dec. 15: CHRISTMAS MENU Roast turkey, whipped potatoes wgravy, green beans, whole wheat rolls, banana, jello jewels wtopping, Christmas cookie, milk. Junior High - Com dog & roll. Friday, Dec. 16: Pizzans, tossed salad ing, choice of fruit, white cake wchocolate icing, milk. Junior High - Hot ham & cheese sandwich. Monday, Dec. 19: Chicken fried steak, whipped CATCH ALL THE SPORTS IN YOUR FREE 1 Lakeside Review Every Wednesday : funds. . The Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) will televise the championship smiling, and willing to do anything you ask of her. You can count on her to get the job done, the letter concluded. Todd is the son of Don and Joseph Stoker. He is currently residing with the Ben Sisneros family at 1521 S. 1100 W. Todds hobbies are basketball and football. His interests include hunting and fishing. He would like to become a professional School; third place - Viewmont High School; fourth place Roy fifth place West High School; High School. til v'n i 17 v : 0- - iv'i football player. , His letter of nomination stressed his likeable personality and his ease in making friends. . He has a wide range of talents onor rollSyracuse " -- school Amy is very capable, always J V t at rs assemblies, student contests, and student activities. . i "V W'-f- tfhL y ?n ' ' AVS rtunniif iiifin j 44 ft N 5 A . - - V" ' ; ft,.. - V? V o Other winning squads were: first place - Bountiful High School; second place - Alta High Amy Aurich and works hard at them. He is very athletic and sports minded S i rl . fy V rives s '& V' gI World. ifudents of Month - Av n- nationwide. Winning squads will receive more than $17,000 in scholarship All-Gi- rl ninth-grade- s' tional High School Cheerleading Championship finals at Sea X d! 5 SUNSET The Roy High tournaments being conducted na- - ' School varsity cheerleaders have tionwide by Universal Cheerleadqualified to compete in the finals ers Association. of the National High School By winning fourth place in the Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Fla. division the Varsity The squad won the honor at a cheerleaders are now entitled to competition at Taylorsville High travel to Orlando in February to School one of the 24 regional compete in the 10th annual Na- - - Hamburger. Dec. 21: Enchiladas, wshredded lettuce, corn, hot rolls, chilled pears, choice of cookie, milk. Junior High - Steak & Swiss. Thursday, Dec. 22: Baked ham, hash browns, scrambled eggs, cinnamon roll, orange slice or apple juice, milk, Junior High - Chicken sand-cooki- e, wich. Friday, Dec. 23: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY VanKomen, Keltort Wilcox. Eighth-grad- e honor roll: Lori Bassett, Amber Bennett, Michelle l, Brown, Tanya Child, Joseph Donna Doyle, Britnee Dyer, David Garritson, Charity Glade, April Holley, Mandy Keime, Michelle Kneedy, Lyndi Layton. Douglas Lemmons, Heidi Samuel Moffit, Nathan Nance, Brenda Olsen, Ann Over-dieHeather Paskett, Janece PerSeth Porter, Bryce Ray. ry, Sharia Roe, Greg Stuart, Bryce Thurgood, Kelby VanBeekum, Alicia Willis, Robin Wilmot, . Da-be- ham, Pamela Grundvig, Holly Hanson, Annmarie Hastie, Cory Hatch, Christine Jolley, Michael Mathis, Aimee Nuss-bauNathan Packham, Calista Phelps, Rick Porter, Natalie Skidmore, Robin Snyder, Tamra Spencer, Treesa Steel, Elizabeth VanKomen, Shelby Williams, Kara Wood, Michelle Zaugg. Eighth-grad- e high honor roll: Kelly Bennett, Emily Billmire, David Bouy, Kristie Cook, Bran-de- n Day, McKell Edwards, Melanie Glauser, James Hansen, Jamie Hipwell, Tyler Jensen. Shamra Kelley, Cherlyn Kos-te- r, Cheryl Packham, Jeffery Sanders, Brittany Valdez, Rachel f Me-cha- k, An-janet- te Wright, Laura Young. high honor Dean Anderson, Bryan Austad, Bryan Caldwell, Michelle Caldwell, Ktrinalyn Carver, Kami Chatterton, Bryan Cox, Meredith Flint, Buffey Gailey, Barbara Ninth-grad- e roll: Todd Stoker but also a great office aide as well. Hastie, Carl Hellewell. Jed Hewitt, Brandon Jensen, Marci Knight, Matthew McBride, Jennifer Merkley, Matthew Merrill, Lisa Miller, Debra Reading, Carolyn Rose, Rebecca Techmeyer, Branda Tomason, Jill Zaugg. ' e honor roll: Jennifer Anhorn, Shande Arnold, David Burrell, Tyler Cook, Angelique DAmico, Holly Dawson, Amy Ellis, Monica Fisher, Julie Gotschall, Tandra Graham, Brian Hansen, Jeff Hauser, Jason Ninth-grad- Hipwell. Lindie Hunting, Anya Kenley, Christopher Nussbaum, Brian Pollock, Brian Pratt, Holly Price, Michelle Roderick, David Sisner-sStacy Stamm, Jill Thurgood, Thaddeus Wendt, Daniel Jennifer Youngberg. o, Yar-dle- y, |